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What are the new What are the What are the What are the DIFFICULT TO

ideas I learned INTERESTING ideas I FAMILIAR ideas in UNDERSTAND

from the topic? learned from this topic? this topic? IDEAS/CONCEPTS in this
I learned about The problem we are The topic is similar to The quality of education in our
the Sociological facing or experiencing Albert bandura’s country is low. The data shows
Imagination, right now is not just model. The person is that elementary is much better
allows us to your problem. There are us Filipinos, Behavior than highschool.
comprehend numerous factors reperesents the
history and surrounding us that judgement that we
biography, as well have something to do make and
as the relationship with the problem. Environment would
between the two be the Filipino youth
within society. and children.
There are historical
forces shaping and
interacting with
our individual
The concept of The kaleidoscope is It is important to Most unemployed in our
millenial youth is similar to the Filipino study so that we can country are the youth.
western. youth and children, form our opinions
However, the which represent and conclusion with
concept of diversity In. Everyone basis that will result
millenial youth has must understand one to relying on humor
diffiferent concept anotherr in order to look and not on sound
depending on the beyond things and judgement.
country. without passing
judgment on others.

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