Deploying Fog Computing in Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2855198, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Deploying Fog Computing in Industrial Internet of

Things and Industry 4.0
Mohammad Aazam, Senior Member, IEEE, Sherali Zeadally, Khaled A. Harras, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Rapid technological advances have revolutionized

the industrial sector. These advances range from automation of
industrial processes to autonomous industrial processes, where
human input is not required. Internet of Things (IoT), which has
emerged a few years ago, has been embraced by industry, result-
ing in what is known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).
IIoT refers to making industrial processes and entities part of
the Internet. Restricting the definition of IIoT to manufacturing
yields another subset of IoT, known as Industry 4.0. IIoT and
Industry 4.0 will consist of sensor networks, actuators, robots,
machines, appliances, business processes, and personnel. Hence,
a lot of data of diverse nature would be generated. The industrial
process requires most of the tasks to be performed locally because
of delay and security requirements, and structured data to be Fig. 1. IoT, IIoT, and Industry 4.0.
communicated over the Internet to web services and the cloud.
To achieve this task, middleware support is required between
the industrial environment and the cloud/web-services. In this the access and control of the data and the devices generating
context, fog is a potential middleware that can be very useful for
different industrial scenarios. Fog can provide local processing it is enabled through the Internet, then such a scenario is
support with acceptable latency to actuators and robots in a called Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). While the Internet
manufacturing industry. Additionally, as industrial big data is of Things (IoT) is providing Internet access to any ’thing’, the
often unstructured, it can be trimmed and refined by the fog IIoT restricts the ’things’ to the scenario of industry. Similar
locally, before sending it to the cloud. We present an architectural to the concept of IIoT, Industry 4.0 refers to the current
overview of IIoT and Industry 4.0. We discuss how fog can
provide local computing support in the IIoT environment and fourth generation of industry focusing on the manufacturing
the core elements and building blocks of IIoT. We also present a industry scenario only which is a subset of IIoT. Figure 1
few interesting prospective use cases of IIoT. Finally, we discuss shows the concept of IIoT and Industry 4.0 within IoT.
some emerging research challenges related to IIoT. IIoT and Industry 4.0 are two terms that are often used
Index Terms—cloud of things (CoT), fog computing; Industrial interchangeably, however, there is a slight difference between
Internet of Things (IIoT); Industry 4.0; middleware. them. Industry 4.0 is the term coined in 2011 and is an
initiative of the German government. It refers to the fourth
I. I NTRODUCTION generation of industry - the current one. Industry 4.0 mainly
focuses on the manufacturing industry. In other words, Indus-

W IRELESS sensor networking technologies have

evolved significantly, and industrial sector is one
of the beneficiaries. Communication technologies such as
try 4.0 is the computerization of manufacturing [2]. IIoT was
first introduced in 2012 by GE as an industrial Internet which
entails the adoption of the IoT in the perspective of industry
Zigbee, Bluetooth low energy (BLE), Internet Protocol in general (both manufacturing and non-manufacturing). This
version 6 (IPv6) over low-power wireless personal area definition is backed by the Industrial Internet Consortium
network (6LoWPAN) have also helped wireless sensor (IIC), which was formed in 2014 with the support of Cisco,
networking technologies to be adopted in the industrial IBM, GE, Intel, and AT&T. The primary actors in Industry 4.0
environment [1]. The deployment and use of wireless sensor are academic institutions. In contrast, IIoT is more business-
networks (WSNs) and wireless sensor actuator/actor networks oriented with mostly private companies and some academic
(WSANs) in industries make it possible to optimize the institutions - hence, broader in applications [3].
production line with better quality management, energy IIoT mainly focuses on the transfer and control of mis-
efficiency, fault prediction, product planning, and resource sion critical information and responses, and relies heavily on
prediction. When data is collected from different sensors, machine-to-machine (M2M) communications [4]. IIoT encap-
actuators, and machines within an industrial environment and sulates cyber physical systems (CPS), extreme automation,
M. Aazam and K. A. Harras are with Department of Computer Science,
smart factory, industrial robots and actuators, so on. Both IIoT
Carnegie Mellon University, Doha, 24866, Qatar. e-mails:, and Industry 4.0 are working towards making system robust, faster, and more importantly, secure.
S. Zeadally is with University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 40506-0224,
USA. email: The full potential of IIoT is yet to be realized because
several research challenges are still being addressed by the

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2855198, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

research community. These challenges include standardization, •Data structuring and filtering to avoid sending unneces-
interoperability, scalability, usability, privacy, and security. sary data to the core and the cloud.
With tele-robotics and semi-autonomous machines that can We summarize the main contributions of this work as
be controlled remotely through virtual interfaces, precision follows:
and timely responses are required. A small error or delay • We present the fundamental concepts of IIoT and Industry
beyond the acceptable limit might result in some catastrophe 4.0 and their relationship scope.
for various applications such as high tension power-line main- • We describe the core components of IIoT.
tenance, inspecting underwater pipelines, manufacturing and • We describe the role and architecture of fog as a middle-
monitoring jet aircrafts, mining, giant crane operation, so on. ware for IIoT, along with several use-case scenarios that
A middleware capable of processing the local tasks quickly can leverage fog in IIoT.
according to the context would be mandatory in IIoT and • We discuss some of the emerging challenges related to
Industry 4.0. In this context, fog computing can provide the IIoT.
required support as a middleware technology that is capable
of processing urgent and complex tasks locally in a timely II. C OMPONENTS OF I NDUSTRIAL I NTERNET OF T HINGS
way. In addition to traditional standard tasks such as the
The realization of the IIoT depends on incorporating some
delivery of fast response and computation offloading, fog
important building blocks. This section provides a list of key
will be responsible for information transparency, decentralized
elements that are required by an IIoT.
decision-making, technical assistance between humans and
machines, interoperability, information security, and data ana-
lytics. Key advantages that fog can bring include: minimizing A. Localization of WSNs and WSANs
human error, low risk to human health, improved operational An IIoT environment would be incomplete without WSNs
efficiency, reduced cost, better productivity, and higher quality and WSANs, and a middleware that can control them. Several
maintenance and customer satisfaction. heterogeneous sensors would be deployed in an industrial en-
In an IIoT environment, the data obtained from the machines vironment. For example, sensors for monitoring environment,
and sensors is analyzed to generate valuable information for reading temperature, gauging pressure, proximity, location,
factory operations as well as control of the devices. Extensive smoke, humidity, chemical reaction, gas, and so on. These
analysis of the industrial big data is typically done at the sensors are networked in order to create a connected and
cloud. However, these sensors and machines generate different controllable environment. To be able to interface with hetero-
types of data ”continuously”. Such data may contain sensitive geneous sensors and receive unstructured data, a sophisticated
information and may be time-sensitive as well. Thus, the gateway is required. This gateway can be part of the fog
information needs to be processed locally for immediate middleware architecture. Since the data would be unstructured
tasks and operations. Machines require quick response and and its frequency has to be controlled, the fog’s presence
at times, undesired delays may result even in a catastrophic would be very important. Fog can filter the captured data
situation. Hence, the placement of an intermediary node that and send the structured data over the Internet to the service
is able to perform tasks efficiently and more intelligently depending on those sensors. Similarly, energy consumption
(which is not possible with standalone sensors and machines) would be a great concern in a smart industrial environment.
is an inevitable requirement of IIoT. Fog can be such an Efficient energy consumption according to the requirements
intermediary node because of its location and its ability to along with adapting to alternate power sources, such as solar
perform specific tasks at the premise of an industry or smart and thermal, would require more intelligence and real-time
factory in a timely manner. Several IIoT projects have been responses and actions. Hence, an enriched fog would be
deployed in various industries such as food processing and required in an IIoT.
agriculture [4]. Five main sectors of the industry including Similarly, in the case of WSANs, on many occasions,
healthcare, education, transportation, manufacturing, and retail various actions are performed based on the sensed data that
are already generating 76% of the total RFID market demand require high quality and reliable data. An actuator converts
[5]. The strategic deployment of fog ensures rapid feedback electrical signal into some physical action. An actor acts on
based on the incoming data. In general, fog will be responsible the environment through one or more actuators. Besides, an
for the following tasks: actor also works as a network entity that performs networking
tasks such as receive, process, transmit, and relay the data.
• Real-time industrial big data mining for high perfor- In an IIoT, WSANs are managed over the Internet through
mance. a remote application, requiring quick response and security
• Concurrent data collection from multiple types of sensors, measures. Compared to sensors, actors generally have more
robots, and machines. resources available to them, with a higher data transmission
• Fast processing of the sensed data to generate instructions power and longer battery life. However, by the time an action
for the actuators and robots within some acceptable is initiated, the sensed data on the basis of which the actions
latency. is being taken must still be valid. The actors can even be un-
• Interfacing incompatible sensors and machines through manned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or commonly called drones. In
necessary protocol translation and mapping. other words, WSANs may be highly delay-sensitive at times.
• Managing system power management. Additionally, the sensor and actor environment may even be

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2855198, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

additional business models can be created through a CPS.

Moreover, a CPS can help manage weather changes and the
requirements of products that are being manufactured in the
factory. A CPS has a control unit that is responsible for
controlling machines, devices, sensors, and actuators. All these
entities within a CPS interact with the real world, collect data,
and process it to contribute to the industrial process. The CPS
nodes/entities require a communication interface in order to be
able to exchange data with other embedded systems, over-the-
Internet applications, and the cloud. The data exchange is the
most vital attribute of a CPS because the acquired data may be
processed centrally. As CPS interacts with machines, devices,
and actuators, and is highly relevant in the manufacturing
processes and therefore within the scope of the concept of
Industry 4.0. Smart manufacturing, smart grid, robotic surgery,
automobile manufacturing especially autonomous cars, are all
good examples of a CPS-enabled industrial environment. With
the recent developments in artificial intelligence and machine
learning, manufacturing can be made more intelligent, dy-
namic, flexible, and scalable, by creating a networked and
remotely accessible system of the industrial machinery [7].
Computer vision can be applied to robots and visual sensor
networks to recognize the environment and control the target

C. Industrial big data analytics

When an industrial environment is automated and to a
certain extent, made autonomous, multitude of data will be
involved. With the deployment of WSNs, WSANs, virtual
sensor networks (VSNs), robots, connected machines and
appliances, a lot of data would be continuously generated.
The data provide a means to create tailored services if the
Fig. 2. CPS architecture. required data analytics are applied [8]. An IIoT would be
incomplete without extensive data analytics on the sensed data.
Data analytics help in: predictive maintenance, diagnostics,
complex and hierarchical with a master and slave nodes’ layout
better fault tolerance, failure avoidance, cost-efficiency, and
[6]. A rich middleware, such as a fog micro-datacenter, can be
so on.
a viable anchor node. Fog can take local actions more quickly,
and help to achieve a seamless interface of heterogeneous D. Virtual sensing and virtual sensor networking
actors and sensors with the remote application. Moreover,
A smart factory will require many sensors in order to
since WSANs open up privacy and security issues, appropriate
sense the environment and products according to the changing
solutions are needed for a fog-like middleware in a robust IIoT
requirements of the factory. Physical sensor deployment would
be too costly in this case. Thus, virtual sensors (VSes) would
be a viable solution that a nearby fog can easily provide. Sens-
B. Controlling and managing CPS ing devices and customizing virtual sensing devices according
A cyber-physical system (CPS) enables the networking of to the requirements help to create VSNs. For example, VSes
traditional embedded systems and devices with the cyber- for different products, industrial environments, and in different
world. A CPS is a subset of IoT in which machines and scenarios such as during manufacturing, post-manufacturing,
devices are interfaced directly or with an application that has and so on, can be configured and machine learning techniques
Internet access. A CPS enables remote access and control of can be applied in the cloud. Later, feedback can be provided
the embedded system and devices and hence, supports several to the application running on the user’s mobile device. In an
flexible services (such as turning on the cooling/heating system agricultural environment, different sensors may be required
remotely [2]) that can be vital to an industrial environment. to sense the growth of different plants in different crops in
Figure 2 shows the overall layered architecture of CPS. different climates or even different times of the day. Virtual
A CPS enables communications between machines, prod- sensing capabilities through fog can satisfy the requirements
ucts, and humans alike. In an industrial process, a CPS of customizable and flexible sensor networking. In this way,
can play its role in automation system, control, diagnostics, cost savings can be made, and more tailored services can be
maintenance, assistance, in a cost-effective way. Likewise, provisioned.

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2855198, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

E. Web of things for industry

When sensors and actuators are meshed up with the ser-
vices and data available on the web, it is known as web of
things (WoT) - a refinement of IoT. In the IIoT scenario,
several services would be provisioned over the web. Moreover,
integration of sensors, robots, and devices would require
integration with third party web-services. For example, a recy-
cling company’s data is integrated with a waste management
company’s sensors and devices to create flexible and enhanced
services. Hence, WoT would be a key element in IIoT.


In this section, we describe potential opportunities with the
current IIoT and how IIoT can be enhanced to reach its true
potential with the support of fog computing.
The full potential of IIoT can be achieved with a mid-
dleware, such as fog, that can handle the resources and
communication of underlying nodes, and provide the required
local processing. An IIoT solution may have different varieties
of ’things’, such as sensors, actuators, and devices, workers,
so on. Many of the devices and sensors would be small in
size and constrained in resources. For example, a pressure
sensor on a product packing conveyer belt or a door sensor
mounted on the door. Due to their small size, the devices
cannot be enhanced to perform significant computational tasks
such as data analytics and context-awareness. Similarly, due
to their small size, sensors would be battery powered, making
energy conservation another issue. To perform significant data
processing and management tasks, a middleware entity such
as a fog would be beneficial. Figure 3 depicts an overall fog-
based architecture for IIoT.
From a broader perspective, depending on the requirements
within an industry, fog can be a cloudlet, an edge device, Fig. 3. Fog computing in Industrial IoT.
a micro-datacenter, or even a nano-datacenter (NaDa/nDC).
Fog will be able to offload the sensors and perform complex With IIoT, robots will have a significant impact on the
tasks on their behalf. In the same way, fog can monitor the automation of complex processes and actions. Consequently,
energy consumption of each sensor and adapt the frequency a robot middleware system has to be flexible and powerful
of data generation accordingly. Furthermore, fog can explore enough to manage robots, particularly in a multi-robotic
and manage other energy sources, such as solar, thermal, and collaborative environment such as IIoT. The Robot Operating
so on. System (ROS) is an example of one such middleware [10].
Different IoT service providers have their own proprietary Fog computing can play an important role in almost all the
systems, requiring better interoperability measures. Fog, with sectors of the industry. The industry is broadly categorized in
necessary interoperability functions, multi-protocol translation, three sectors: primary - related to extraction, such as mining;
and application programming interfaces (APIs) can address secondary - related to manufacturing, such as automobiles; and
interoperability issues. Bridging short range protocols will be tertiary - related to services, such as transportation. Different
another vital task a fog middleware can perform in the IIoT industries have different potential in becoming part of the IoT
environment. For example, a sensor operating on Bluetooth or the IIoT vision. We present some of the interesting areas
or Zigbee may require a relay to communicate to a long of industry where IoT can be applied, with the help of fog, to
distance IIoT node. The publish/subscribe approach can be achieve the goals of future smart industries.
very useful in IIoT environment. In the publish/subscribe
paradigm, information producers are known as publishers A. Mining
and information receivers are called subscribers. Publish-
Mining is one of the most popular primary industries,
ers/subscribers (pub/sub), is an efficient way of anonymously
requiring data analytics. With a growing population, the mag-
disseminating information among producers and consumers
nitude of mining increases as well. Mining involves a lot
[9]. In an industrial environment, the middleware can play
risks and it is also expensive. According to IBM1 , currently,
the vital role of brokerage and pub/sub service provisioning
thereby creating ways for enhancing business processes. 1

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2855198, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

each person requires around 3.11 million pounds of fuel, Not only the data management becomes an issue, but with
metals, and minerals in his/her lifetime. The use of sensors and the convergence of smart grid applications and advanced
sensor-related technologies will help improve the productivity, technologies, a huge amount of data will be generated. This
avoiding unnecessary costs and wastes. Machine failures and data needs to be processed for control and smart pricing.
operational costs can be predicted in a better way as well. Data Hence, it is very critical for the service providers to have
collected before the actual digging process starts saves cost well-defined communication requirements and infrastructure.
and time. Similarly, autonomous digging or drilling system, Through efficient communications between the power utilities
driverless vehicles, can be a few examples of modernizing and customers, power outages can be minimized and made
mining industry by using the standards of IIoT. The mining predictable as well, if not completely avoided. This is vital
industry is also one of the most adventurous types of industry in the case of industries because many of them face heavy
involving several risks. For instance, in the case of coal and losses due to unscheduled power outages. Different types
mineral mining, rock sliding, suffocation, and other similar of consumer premises have different data communication
types of risks are a commonplace. Some mining processes requirements. A smart home would be less communicative
involve hazardous gas emission and chemical reactions. Hence, than a smart building, while a smart factory would require
the use of sensor networks to pick up the data and inform more frequent data communication exchanges. In this way,
the personnel beforehand can be very useful. Additionally, sophisticated data communication and data flow management
accuracy can also be improved with sensor networking and in technologies have to be developed and adopted. Different
particular through fog computing, since extensive processing topological settings would require different flows especially
can be applied on the data through co-located fog. Main- in the case of the industrial environment. For example, as
tenance and energy efficiency are also important concerns illustrated in Figure 4, one flow would be between the sensors,
for the mining industry because it involves huge machinery appliances, and machines to the smart meters. The other flow
and a lot of time is required to perform the whole mining would be between the smart meters and the utility datacenter.
and collection process. Better management of machinery and Furthermore, with each kind of smart meter (such as gas,
energy-efficiency can be achieved in mining with IIoT. electric, water), the number of flows will increase accordingly.
One such methodology of flow management is software-
defined-network (SDN) and network function virtualization
B. Smart grid and power industry
(NFV) [13]. With the power system becoming more and more
The smart grid is a new electric grid that has gained decentralized today, the role of computation at decentralized
importance over the last decade. Smart grid involves renewable locations would be enhanced and middleware technologies,
energy resources, energy efficient resources, smart meters [11], such as the fog micro-datacenter - equipped with SDN and
and smart appliances. In the traditional electric grid system, NFV functionalities, will be playing a key role in the man-
consumers are provided with electricity resource and billed agement of the data. In this way, a centralized datacenter will
once a month [12]. However, with the growth in automation be able to manage decentralized micro-grids.
and autonomous lifestyle, the availability of numerous electric
appliances and machines, the demands are very dynamic. C. Transportation
Hence, we need two-way communication between a consumer
Transportation is an important industry and constitutes the
and electric supplier which is actually the fundamental concept
backbone of any country. Commercial buses, metro trains and
behind the smart grid.
subways, cargos, public transport, and private vehicles are all
In a smart grid, the power resource is distributed to local
parts of transportation industry. Intelligent transportation sys-
distribution companies (LDCs) that act as a micro-grid and
tems (ITS) is the subset of IoT that deals with transportation.
provide electricity to the end-users [13]. As the whole concept
A road side unit (RSU) can be equipped with a fog to enable
of smart grid is not restricted to electric suppliers only, telecom
ITS. For example, fog can enable Internet of Vehicles (IoV),
operators would also be involved to realize the smart grid.
support in-vehicle entertainment, provide context-aware and
Telecom operators are signing agreements with the local elec-
location-aware services, smart parking, and smart traffic lights
tric utilities to provide two-way communications through the
where signals which are controlled according to the traffic load
advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) between the service
and emergency situations. Providing necessary updates to the
providers and smart meters [14].
commuters and drivers regarding road conditions, traffic load,
Through AMIs, the electricity consumption is updated at
detours, are all examples of fog computing based IoT-enabled
the service provider in real-time. In return, the service provider
provides feedback and suggestions on the electricity consump-
tion according to the requirements of the users as well as
home appliances and the electricity cost at that time of the D. Waste management industry
day to the home area network (HAN), industrial area network Automating the waste management process is one of the
(IAN), building area network (BAN), smart building, or smart goals of the waste management industry [15]. The timely
factory. AMI is composed of advanced sensors, smart meters, management of waste prevents the development of different
communication infrastructure (which may be through a third diseases. It also helps in speeding up the recycling of the
party), computational infrastructure, and applications & data waste. Waste collection and disposal can be linked to the
management system. recycling industry, so that proper resources are allocated well

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2855198, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

central location. In the same way, at shopping malls and

hypermarts, advertising can be made more customized for
every customer. For example, a customer who always does
his/her grocery from a certain hypermart (say Walmart) has
a registered account with them to receive promotions and
updates. When the customer enters into the store, a fog
node located within the mall/hypermart communicates with
the store’s Wifi through a previously registered account of
the customer. Based on that information, the fog tracks the
interests of the customer by assessing the kind of grocery items
the customer purchases. Similarly, through location-tracking,
the fog-based smart advertisement system analyzes how much
time a certain customer spends in a particular aisle. There can
be digital screens placed strategically at relevant aisles and
the customer can see promotions and suggestions according
to their past purchase history and current traces.

H. Third party delivery

Other than the regular smartphone application-based taxi
services, such as Uber and Careem, various delivery services
are also becoming increasingly popular. A few examples of
food delivery services in different countries are: UberEATS,
Talabat, FoodPanda, Couch Potato. Similarly, in Pakistan,
TCS Hazir and TCS HazirSubKuch are popular services
to outsource shopping, delivery of goods, and mail pickup.
Similarly, to deliver something urgent to a friend or a family
member, to do grocery, or to get some medicines from a
Fig. 4. Fog enabled smart grid. pharmacy, TCS HazirSubKuch is very common in Pakistan for
example. Various services may require more detailed data and
in time according to the type and quantity of a certain kind context-awareness information. For example, an alternate of a
of waste (such as glass, paper, steel, organic) [16]. Similarly, requested medicine that is not available, or allergy information
waste-to-energy (WtE) and other similar industries will be con- while purchasing a medicine, or location-awareness when the
nected to the waste management industry and better planning delivery destination is mobile (such as a person on the move in
can be achieved. More details on this topic are provided in a car). A tailored fog for such instances can be very useful in
[17]. performing tasks locally. In addition to the above-mentioned
applications, IIoT can help in receiving the packages as well
when the recipient is not at the destined location. For example,
E. Food industry automatically opening the door with the cell phone when the
Food packaging, frozen food, food analysis from organic delivery person arrives at the door in customers absence. The
waste are all part of the food industry. IoT-enabled food indus- delivery person rings the bell that gives an alert on the users
try coupled with data analytics gives birth to the urbane food phone. With a press of a button on the phone, the door opens
industry where food quality can be controlled and wastage can and the delivery person can put the package inside of the door.
be minimized. A camera positioned to capture the door shows the event in
real-time on the users phone. The door once closed, locks
automatically and the lock gives a confirmation message to
F. Agriculture
the users phone. Such kind of a service will be very useful
Understandably, sensor networks will be playing a key role where family members work and have problems in receiving
in agriculture and more importantly, VSes would be even their packages and posts since delivery is also made during
more important in certain scenarios where multiple sensors are work-hours.
required for varying conditions and states. Fog-assisted drones
can be used for seeding, crop monitoring, and spraying.
I. Smart parking
In some countries, parking is outsourced by the city gov-
G. Advertisement industry ernment to third parties which operate as an industry. Other
Different countries have different trends and laws regarding than smart parking proposed by [18], in which vehicles get to
advertising, accordingly, advertisement can be made smart. At know about vacant parking slots in real-time, parking can be
some places, large billboards are allowed. These billboards enhanced in many ways. Suggestions can be made according
can be a giant digital screen that can be updated from a to the parking rush trends and it can be more context-aware

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2855198, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

according to season, weather, local events, such as sale at a measurable - so that the acquired service can be compared with
certain store, and so on. the agreed upon service; controllable - such that the factors that
determine service satisfaction can be modified to achieve the
IV. R ESEARCH C HALLENGES required service; affordable - the SLA must be cost-effective
To realize the true potential of IIoT, we need to address for the involved services; and acceptable that is the involved
several challenges. We discuss some of these challenges below. parties need to mutually agree on the SLA, rather than one
dictating it to the other [20].
A. Energy consumption and management
D. Security and privacy of data and workers
Industries are the largest consumers of power in any country,
thus, require dynamic power management. Depending on the IIoT would be vulnerable to attacks that can affect the
type of the industry, energy consumption varies, which may availability, confidentiality, and integrity of transmitted or
even be different according to seasons particularly in the stored data. With increased connectivity, more data is gener-
case of the food and textile industries. Energy consumption ated which may be susceptible to theft and misuse because
affects the network lifetime and is therefore an important factor several industrial deployments would be outdoor, such as
in IIoT. In IIoT, not only sensors but actuators and robotic construction and mining. When multiple nodes and systems
devices are also involved. Therefore, many data packets are communicate with each other, data communication and storage
continuously being exchanged resulting in a higher energy are more prone to intrusion and theft. The data can be misused
consumption. Since energy is a valuable resource, it affects and may even result in manufacturing malfunctions, which
time synchronization as well. Algorithms that are able to deal can have drastic effects on production, factory premises, and
with time synchronization and energy consumption tradeoff, personnel working there. Moreover, interoperability features
are more suitable for an effective and scalable IIoT environ- might increase security and privacy vulnerabilities in the IIoT
ment. Dynamically managing power is an essential element environment, resulting in not only attacks but information
of IIoT. Systematic mechanisms are required to adapt to the misuse as well. Since different systems will be combining their
changing demand of an industry, during different times of resources in an interoperable IIoT scenario, there is increased
the day, according to different prices and grid load. Some likelihood that the data, information, and commands could be
industries may even be run at night to cope with the power tampered with.
E. Context and semantics-aware service provisioning
B. Interoperability of devices Given the dynamic environment in industry, the ability to
In IIoT, multiple subsystems and external systems would discover web-services on the go to create an extended and
work together, causing interoperability issues [19]. For exam- flexible business process is much needed. An example of a
ple, a smart industry is connected to an external smart grid, a context-aware service in a smart factory environment can be
production plant is connected to WoT service, and a production different temperature settings according to different products
system of a factory is connected to storage system of the in a factory. In the case of IIoT, context-awareness can be
same factory, and so on. Several sensors and systems would primary [5], such as gathering context without any existing
be heterogeneous. Therefore, system and sensor integration contextual information; or secondary, such as gathering context
as well as interoperability mechanisms become more of a from an existing contextual information. Both types have
challenge. Since many of the tasks (such as in a manufacturing different complexities and outcomes, and hence require more
environment where actuators are tasked to take actions) would intelligence and efficiency. The same data can be used to derive
be delay-sensitive, therefore, the integration and interoperabil- different insights for different scenarios or even domains
ity has to be not only seamless, but deliver high performance. commonly known as sensing as a service. For example, data
on different temperature settings for different products can be
C. Service level agreement and interoperability of services used in the transportation or cargo industry when designing the
cargo compartment and cooling equipment. In the case of the
Along the same line of interoperability of nodes, services’ medical domain, food stabilizers can be developed according
interoperability will be a challenge as well, especially in the to the related contextual information such as products ingre-
case of a service level agreement (SLA). Resource federa- dients, age, life, and required temperature settings. Moreover,
tion of different IIoTs, SLA matching, SLA monitoring and developing semantic web-based services can be very important
violation, are important factors that need to be considered in the industrial scenario. Services are annotated on the basis
for scalable IIoT and for enabling inter-IIoTs communication. of shared ontologies, which help in the discovery of web
When relying on third party cloud-IoT services, the key services, according to the semantics [21].
concern is the performance delivered to the customer. Many of
the IIoT applications (such as autonomous vehicles, vehicle-
to-vehicle communications, robotic communications in manu- F. Fault detection and reconfiguration
facturing and so on) would be sensitive to security and delay As the IIoT system becomes increasingly automated and
requirements. SLAs must have some of the following essential heterogeneous entities are involved, the chances of failure
attributes: meaningful - that is relevant to the involved parties; increase. Device malfunction, delayed communication, and

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2855198, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

connectivity failures are some common examples. A complete of Qatar Foundation. The statements made herein are solely
IIoT system must be robust and be capable of not only the responsibility of the authors. We thank the anonymous
detecting and withstanding common faults but also be capable reviewers for their valuable comments which helped us to
of detecting faults in time. Advanced fault detection algorithms improve the content and presentation of this paper.
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This publication was made possible by NPRP grant # 8-
1645-1-289 from the Qatar National Research Fund, a member

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2855198, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Mohammad Aazam (S’11, M’15, SM’16) is cur-

rently working as a postdoc research associate at
Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar since July
2017 and a part-time postdoctoral fellow at Ryerson
University, Canada since March 2017. Previously,
he has been a sessional faculty and postdoc fellow
with Carleton University, Canada from July 2015-
2017. He is also working as a postdoc collaborator
with University of Kentucky, USA and University
of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Canada.
He completed his Ph.D. Computer Engineering from
Kyung Hee University, Korea, in 2015. In addition to that, he has completed
a course on Data Science with R from Harvard University, USA in 2017, in
which he topped the course securing 100% score. He also completed a course
on Internet of Things (IoT) from King’s College London, UK, in 2016. He
has around 100 publications, including 3 patents. He is also a recipient of
IEEE AIYEHUM 2016 award. For additional details:

Sherali Zeadally is an associate professor in the

College of Communication and Information at the
University of Kentucky. He received his bachelor
and doctorate degrees in computer science from the
University of Cambridge, England, and the Univer-
sity of Buckingham, England, respectively. He is
a Fellow of the British Computer Society and the
Institution of Engineering Technology, England.

Khaled A. Harras (S’05, M’09, SM’16) (khar- is an associate professor at
Carnegie Melon University Qatar (CMUQ), and Di-
rector of the Computer Science program there. Dr.
Harras is the founder and director of the Networking
Systems Lab (NSL) at CMUQ. He has more than
100 refereed publications and 4 US patents. Along
with his research group in the past few years, he
has won the best national computing research award
twice, received two best paper awards, and his work
has been featured online various venues like MIT
Tech Review and Tech the Future. To date, he has been involved in or
managing research grants that amount to more than 3 Million USD, and has
supervised over 30 different personnel including undergraduate and graduate
students, postdoctoral researchers, and research engineers.

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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