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Introduction to Animal Science

Assignment 1: Animal Science and the Animal Industry

Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1.What is the difference between animal science and animal production?

2. What is the biggest issue facing the livestock and poultry industry today?

3.What are the current problems encountered by the livestock and poultry
industry in the Philippines?

Please cite your sources.

1. Animal Science is a branch of Agriculture that is concerned with rearing

and production of livestock. Animal Science is therefore the art and
science of rearing domestic livestock and poultry species for human
consumption and the by-products for animal consumption and for agro
based industries while Animal Production is the technology applied to the
keeping of animals for profit. This includes; feeding, breeding, housing and
marketing. The most important aspect is making the financial
arrangements necessary for the successful carrying out of each enterprise
in the light of the market conditions for the sale of the end products.

2. The future growth of the poultry business will be hampered by a number of

problems, including poultry immunity, health, and productivity. The current
position and the industry's strategic future will continue to face substantial
problems in terms of consumer confidence, product quality and safety,
product types, and the development and re-emergence of diseases. Poultry
is inextricably related to foodborne and zoonotic diseases. The poultry
business faces a significant problem in eradicating, eliminating, and/or
controlling foodborne and zoonotic infections. In addition, the dangers of
eating foods with high antibiotic residues will continue to be a major
concern for the population.

3. Imports put pressure on the local economy, forcing a number of

businesses to close. The Philippines' poultry farmers are facing
competition from what they call dumped imports, and several plants have
been forced to close as the increase of chicken meat production slows.


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