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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Balanga City


School Year 2021-2022
Week/Date Learning Modality TOPIC Assessment
Covered Competencies Written Tasks Performance Tasks
Week 1 EN9WC-Ia-8 Online TEXT TYPES: Read “Different Text Types.” Performance Output 1: Construct informative
Identify the Printed INFORMATIVE; (LAS pages 1-5) text type (paragraph) that involves DIRECT
different text types Digital JOURNALISTIC; AND Do ‘Let’s Try This’ LINEAR VARIATION given the following
(journalistic, LITERARY TEXT (LAS pages 2-3) categories.
literary, and Do ‘What’s the Text?’ 1.) Elements found in vitamins
informative). (LAS pages 4-5) 2.) Electric bill
3.) Price of gadgets
4.) Price of insecticides
5.) Nutrients obtained in infant milk

Subject Integration:
SCIENCE- Week 1 (Electronic structure of
MATH- Week 1 (Direct Linear Variation )
ENGLISH- Week 1 (Informative text type)
Week 2 EN9RC-IIa-3.2.7 Online COMPARING AND Read “Comparison and
Compare and Printed CONTRASTING Contrast.”
contrast similar Digital (LAS page 5)
information Do ‘Warm-Up Activity’
presented in (LAS pages 5-6)
different texts. SIGNAL WORDS USED IN Read “Signal Words for
COMPARING AND Comparison and Contrast.”
Do ‘Let’s Do This’
(LAS page 7)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Balanga City


School Year 2021-2022
Week/Date Learning Modality TOPIC Assessment
Covered Competencies Written Tasks Performance Tasks
Week 3 EN9RC-Iva-2.18 Online TEXT TYPES: Read “Text type: Text to Self; Performance Output 2:
Make connections Printed TEXT TO SELF Text to Text; and Text to Make a short story about real life situations
between texts to Digital TEXT TO TEXT World.” that involves INVERSE VARIATION, use
particular social TEXT TO WORLD (LAS page 8) organic compound and social issues.
issues, concerns, or Do ‘Exploring your own
dispositions in real experience’ Subject Integration:
life. (LAS page 8-10) MATH-Week 1 (Direct Variation)
ENGLISH Week 3 (Make connections
between text to particular social issues)
SCIENCE-Week 7(Carbon compounds)
Week 4 ENPLT-IIa-15 Online EXAMINING THE Read: Examining the Performance Output 3: Write about Me.
Analyze literature Printed LITERATURE AS MEANS OF literature as means of valuing A math magazine is looking for a new and
as means of valuing Digital VALUING OTHER PEOPLE other people and other original article. Write an article showing
other people and AND OTHER VARIOUS various circumstances in life. concepts learned on Zero, Negative, and
other various CIRCUMSTANCES IN LIFE. (LAS page 10) Rational Exponent and Different Types of
circumstances in Do TASK 1: Overcoming Compounds using different Signaling words
life. Challenges used in comparing and contrasting.
(LAS page 10-12)
Subject Integration:
MATH- Week 5 (Zero, Negative integral
ENGLISH- Week 2 (Signal words used in
comparing and contrasting)
SCIENCE- Week 5 (Chemical bonding)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Balanga City


School Year 2021-2022
Week/Date Learning Modality TOPIC Assessment
Covered Competencies Written Tasks Performance Tasks
Week 5 EN9LT-Iva-17 Online UNDERSTANDING Read: Understanding Performance Output 4: (Photo
Analyze literature Printed UNCHANING VALUES IN unchanging values in the world Collage/Drawing) Make a photo collage or
as means of Digital THE WORLD THROUGH through literature. drawing that show different situation that
understanding LITERATURE (LAS page 12) illustrate different kinds of variations and
unchanging values Read the story by Hans describe the energies and positions of the
in the VUCA Christian Anderson, “The electron. Then, identify the kind of variation and
(volatile, uncertain, Emperor’s New Clothes.” explain how this photo collage will help people
complex, Do Activities A and B become open-minded and understanding to the
ambiguous) world. (LAS pages 12-13) concept presented.
Do ‘Match It!’ and ‘Work on
this!’ Example:
(LAS page 13-14) As the price of vitamins becomes higher, the
consumption becomes lesser. (INVERSE

Subject Integration:
SCIENCE-Week 2 (Electronic structure of
MATH-Week 2 (Combined Variation)
ENGLISH-Week 5 (Understanding
unchanging values)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Balanga City

Performance Output 1: Rubric

5 3 1
GRAMMAR There is no grammatical error. There are 1-2 grammatical errors. There are 3 or more grammatical
MECHANICS There is no mechanical error There are 1-2 mechanical errors such There are 3 or more mechanical
such as punctuation, spelling, as punctuation, spelling, errors such as punctuation,
capitalization, etc. capitalization, etc. spelling, capitalization, etc.
It follows the correct structure It follows the correct structure but It does not follow the correct
of the paragraph-informative some required structures of the structure of the paragraph-
text type. paragraph-informative text type is informative text type.
CONTENT The content includes all of The content is missing some of the The content is missing all pieces of
the required information in required information. the required information
an exceptional manner.

Performance Output 2: Rubric

5 3 1
GRAMMAR There is no grammatical error. There are 1-2 grammatical errors. There are 3 or more grammatical
SETTING Many vivid, descriptive Some vivid, descriptive The reader can figure out
words are used to tell words are used to tell the when and where the
when and where the audience when and story took place, but the
story took place. where the story took author didn't supply
place. much detail.
CHARACTER The main characters are The main characters are named and The main characters are
named and clearly described. Most readers would have named. The reader
described. Most readers some idea of what the characters knows very little about
could describe the looked like. the characters.
characters accurately
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Balanga City

CREATIVITY The story contains The story contains a few The story contains a few
many creative details creative details and/or creative details and/or
and/or descriptions that descriptions that descriptions, but they
contribute to the contribute to the reader's distract from the story.
reader's enjoyment. The enjoyment. The author The author has tried to
author has really used has used his/her use his/her imagination.
his/her imagination. imagination.
MECHANICS The story contains a few The story contains few The story contains many
creative details and/or minor errors in grammar, and/or serious errors in
descriptions, but they usage, or mechanics. grammar, usage, or
distract from the story. mechanics; may interfere
The author has tried to with reading.
use his/her imagination.

Performance Output 3: Rubric

5 3 1
GRAMMAR There is no grammatical error. There are 1-2 grammatical errors. There are 3 or more grammatical
MECHANICS There is no mechanical error There are 1-2 mechanical errors such There are 3 or more mechanical
such as punctuation, spelling, as punctuation, spelling, errors such as punctuation,
capitalization, etc. capitalization, etc. spelling, capitalization, etc.
It follows the correct structure It follows the correct structure but It does not follow the correct
of an essay. some required structures of an essay structure of an essay.
are missing.
CONTENT The content includes all of The content is missing some of the The content is missing all pieces of
the required information in required information. the required information
an exceptional manner.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Balanga City

Performance Output 4: Rubric

5 3 1
COMPOSITION The drawing/photocollage is The drawing/photocollage is The drawing/photocollage shows
planned carefully; planned carefully; understanding of little evidence of understanding
understanding of all concepts most concepts and instructions is the concepts and instructions.
and instructions is clearly demonstrated.
CREATIVITY The drawing/photocollage The drawing/photocollage The drawing/photocollage
demonstrates a challenging demonstrates a satisfactory level of demonstrates a basic level of
level of production and production and creativity attention to production, creativity
CONTENT The content of the The content of the The content of the
drawing/photocollage drawing/photocollage is missing drawing/photocollage is missing
includes all of the required some of the required information. all pieces of the required
information in an information
exceptional manner.

Prepared by:
English: Noralyn G. Agbay, English I
Allied Subjects:
Mathematics: Jocelyn B. Asuncion, MT I
Science: Elsa B. Cruz, MT II

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