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"Fast food" this term was recognized in dictionary by Merriam-Webster in

year 1951 mostly we need small capital requirements to start a fast-food

restaurant; small individually-owned fast-food restaurants have become common

throughout the world. Franchises are the part of restaurants chains which

operations is to provide standardize food stuffs to the different locations for

example Jollibee, McDonalds, Mang Inasal, Chic-boy and many others. For

starting any fast food business the capital requirements are relatively low than

any other business. That is the reason all over the world individually owned fast

food restaurants are increasing. The term fast food is use for the food which can

be prepared and served quickly than any other meal, minimum preparation time

is considered for fast food, and generally this term refers to food sale in

restaurants and stores with low time preparation and served to customers in form

of packaged for take away/takeout.

Customer is the key role in any business, without any customer it is

difficult to do business, and that’s the fact. It is necessary to work closely with

your customer, because customer can also create your business. Customer is

the major part of business and also in the market. Market where buyers and

sellers meat. Business runs through customer, without the customer there is no


Satisfaction is an individual feeling of pleasure or the disappointment, if

their expectation level meats, their level of satisfaction also increasing but if

notthen disappointment comes. Customer satisfaction is very important for every

organization; either they are service sector or the privet sector. It is not every

time to satisfy your customers. Since there are so many customers using

products. And every customer uses it differently, take it differently, and speak it

differently. The most dangerous International Journal of Management and

Strategy part for any organization is word of mouth. You cannot stop every

person’s mouth, even if you give your best of best, they still argue on your

products which are not good for some time. Some customer likes your products

and after use they speak good words for the product. But some use your product,

And speak wrong word of mouth for the product.

Background of the Study

This study is an attempt to understand the concept of consumer brand

preferences from the point of view of the fast food consumers, the end users of

the products and services provided by fast food operations. How consumers

patronize and demonstrate loyalty to one establishment in favor of the other

establishment remains a big question. Likewise, a possible relationship between

consumer’s decision to partake of these products and services offered in the fast

food, the quality characteristics as perceived by consumers were looked into.

The fast change in the global market and increase competition, quality of a

brand has become important. Building of strong brand quality is the top most

priority of many fast food restaurants, but attaining this objective is not always an

easy task due to the fact that the products and services of many fast food

restaurants are similar and their means of distributions are alike.

There are factors that is considered in choosing a fast food brand of a

consumer, such factors affects their brand preferences: price, product,

promotion, place and services greatly affect the way the consumer choose.

Price in the form of discount and brand equity is the only possible means

by which customers can differentiate one brand from another. Indeed, price

promotion has been one of the most important marketing strategy relied upon by

most fast food restaurant firms and this has lead to constant war price that have

reduced revenue and weaken customers loyalty.

Statement of the Problem

Based on the foregoing discussion, the study sought to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the overall demographic profile of the respondents?

1.1. Age;

1.2. Gender; and

1.3. Job Status

2. What are the different factors that consumers considered in choosing fast-

food chains in terms of:

2.1. Products/Services

2.2. Price

2.3. Place

2.4. Promotion

3. How do respondents assess the different factors that consumers

considered in choosing fast-food chains?

4. Is there any significant relationship among four variables?

5. Based on the findings, what do the researchers recommend to come up

with an effective brand management?

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will provide useful data and information to the


Companies.It serves as their guidelines for their management process

and will provide a frame for their strategy, tactics and methods. They will also

develop a working Strategy that will enable the company to differentiate from its

competitors, gain market, share, generate more revenue and enable future

growth and new opportunities. It builds also name recognition for the

product/company; Influence the consumer’s buying decision and build trust and

emotional attachment to a firm’s product/service.

Consumer.It helps to increased perceived qualities, inferred attributes

and eventually leads to loyalty which is not easy to evaluate except before

purchase and it provide multiple sensory stimuli to enhance customer


Investor.Is the one who benefit with this research because they can have

the assurance that the company they are going to invest will gain profit.

Competitors. It will give them the idea about the strength of their

competitors, so that they can make improvement and make it more competitive.

Other Researchers. It serves as their guide for their future study.

Scope and Limitations

This thesis focuses on the perception of customers in choosing fast food

chains. It provides a general overview of what influences the consumer in terms

of patronizing a fast food? How they are important and how they are measured

and managed.

We are going to conduct interview and survey among the top two chicken

inasal houses. Namely: Mang inasal and Chic-boy, located at Tomas Morato

Avenue, Quezon City. We are targeting to interview 50 respondents where 25 of

them are boys and the rest are female with the age of 18 and above because we

believe that they have the idea of what brand are for.


Conceptual Framework

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presented the gather related literature and studies foreign

literature. It discusses the idea and knowledge of each author in relation to the

researcher’s study.

Related Literature

This section presents the writing of different personalities conducted by

the proponents during their research, which have relevant to the present study. It

involves quotation of the author of the books and reference materials that may

serve as the basis for sorting out and solving some problems that may be

encountered in the development of the proposed study.

Local Literature

Dela Cruz (2001), states thatthere are five important factors considered in

a fast-food chain for consumer preferences: food quality, menuvariety, price,

atmosphere and convenience. Food quality was found to be the most important

attributeinfluencing customers’ selection of a restaurant.

Panlilio (2002), states that consumers most often choose fast food brands

based on their products, taste, quality, recommendation of friends and family,

endorsed by a celebrity or just want to try something new.

Companies should not disregard the production of quality because it is still

the primary attribute considered when making purchases, the experience of the

consumer with the good would still be important. If the consumer had a good

experience with the brand or satisfied with them then more often than not the

consumer would be recommending the brand to others. Ramos (2003)

Customer’s perceptions in restaurants and the way that they select a

particular eating place. Food type and quality were the most frequently cited

variables, regardless of the occasion for dining out, but image and atmosphere or

style were critical in the final choice between restaurants serving a similar quality

and type of food. (Cruz) 2002.

Bermudez (2004), states that the taste and preferences of the consumers

change with changing times, age has a major role in the preference for fast food

items. Since youngsters have started giving more importance to satisfying their

taste buds, the choice becomes obvious for fast food items.People above 31

years of age and above are more conscious about their health aspects as they

carry more responsibilities than youngsters. They occasionally prefer to dine with

family members and friends, preferably at full-service restaurants.

Lopez (2005) determined that the food quality must be the most important

variable in restaurant choice. The quality of food and types of food were the key

determinants of restaurant choice/customer loyalty in this study. In general, then,

evidence from all these studies suggests that the more concrete factors play the

most important role in the consumer’s choice of a dining-out unit.

Besides of the factors related to the dining-out unit it, those related to the

customer’s socio-cultural background are also influential in their dining-out

behavior. Rodriguez (2005), For example, attitudes, social values, family

influences, group influences, social class and cultural background are also

important in determining choice

Pascual (2006), states that on the basis of their evidence that food quality

and value appear to be themost significant restaurant attributes.

Flores (2006), states that management services mostly affects the

consumer brand preferences in choosing fast-food restaurants.

According to Zairi (2007) the feeling of pleasure and expectation fulfillment

is known as Satisfaction.

If the product will not satisfied customer feelings they will be dissatisfied,

and if product satisfied them after the use customer will be satisfied and become

loyal to that product or brand. In other words customer satisfaction is goods or

services which fulfill the customer expectation in terms of quality and service for

which he paid. If Customer satisfaction develops they will become loyal to that

product or brand and their loyalty will be good for the company in sense as a

Profit. Customer satisfaction is the part of marketing and play important role in

the market. In any organization satisfaction of customer is more important,

because if your customer is satisfied with your services or products, your position

will be good in the market.

Oliver (2008) describes in his study that customer satisfaction is the part

of marketing and play important role in the market. In any organization

satisfaction of customer is more important, because if your customer is satisfied

with your services or products, your position will be good in the market. In old

times customer satisfaction was not too much important and people were not

focused on quality. But now a day’s competition is taught and customer is aware

of all the products and companies due to education and learning environment

and this is the reason that every business is concern to fulfill properly customers

need and wants.

Foreign Literature

Singh (2001), states that consumers preferences are considered

exogenous and fixed under neo-classical general equilibrium models.

There aresix strategies for building relationship between the fast-food

chains and the consumers: linking the brand to a particular need; associating it

with a pleasant mood; appealing to subconscious motives; conditioning buyers to

prefer the brand through reward; penetrating perceptual and cognitive barriers to

create preference; and providing attractive models for buyers to

emulate.Reynolds (2001).

Huang (2002), states that the classical theory of consumer demand

assumes that choices for a good are based on preferences subject to constraints

such as income and price.

A consumer's standard of living and his purchase pattern can also be

determined by his income, education, occupation and family background.

Kennedy (2003).

Smith (2003), states that social classes also affects the consumer

brandpreferences of an individual because to sustain in the noticeable position in

the society.

Craig (2004),states that the notion that called globalization has guided

many organizations to operate on a global level which as a result has changed

the consumer brand preferences of consumers and an increase in his knowledge

regarding global fast food brands.

Love (2004), states that the location is a key factor in successful fast food

operations. Without a good location, expert management andquality products are

for nought, Moreover, site locationbecomes more critical as markets become

more saturated. It is impossible to over-stress the import ante oflocation in fast

food operations.

Eleanor and Colton (2005), states that it has now been examined that low-

priceproducts of a fast food brand are consumed more on frequent bases in

contrast to local ones.

Schiffman (2004), states that endogenous factors such as the consumers

own past experience or personal history of consumption, production, exchange

and strategic interaction with others, preferences of peers as well as the social

context facing the individuals or the communities they live in influence their


Alreck (2006), states that social interactions influenced consumer

preferences either positively or negatively.

Cohen (2007), states that consumer perception of a brand is greatly

affected by brand equity defined as the customer subjective and intangible

assessment of a brand.

Related Studies

This part relates the summary method, findings and conclusion of studies

like dissertation, unpublished thesis and other studies viewed. The studies with

the current issues and problems compromise of collected research study.

Local studies

Castro (2001), conclude that customer’s will more likely to become loyal to

a brand when the particular brand is perceived to provide the level of quality that

can meet customers’ expectations. The same goes to perceived quality and

brand loyalty as well because customers’ perception of quality towards a product

or services may enhance their loyalty towards a brand.

Galan (2002), conclude that consumer choices are made: (1) based on

memory information meaning no information from the outside is processed during

the choice process, (2) based on external information meaning these are choices

made on the basis of the evaluation of attributes and choices based on its

popularity and as a result, the choice is primarily determined by the frequency

and consciousness with which a brand is perceived in the surroundings, wherein

the consumer tends to conform to the perceived behavior of others.

Dela Cruz and Toledo (2002), conclude that certainly most people would

like as many benefits as possible. However, the relative importance they attach

to an individual benefits can differ significantly and thus be used as an effective

technique in choosing a fast food brand.

Rosario (2003), conclude in his research that brand loyal consumers are

more willing to pay more for a brand because they perceive some unique value in

the brand that other brand cannot provide.

Del Rosario (2003), conclude that in the case of prestige effects wherein

consumers derived more utility from consuming a more heavily advertised brand

or from advertisement that feature images or personalities as endorsers. This

prestige or image effects of advertising can change demand for a brand but still

be consistent with rational consumers and utility maximization.

Razon (2003), conclude that the reasons why consumers purchase fast

food brand include a desire to try and learn more about different brands in the

category; changing needs or situations; variety seeking; and changes in the

available alternatives due to new products or improvements to existing products.

Ong (2003), conclude that if a brand has been carefully developed and

marketed, this creates a powerful competitive advantage in the market place that

should be able to sustain a premium price, support a stable or growing market

share and enable the brand owner to achieve economies of scale in marketing


San Diego (2004), conclude that it is believed that customers often look

upon on additional services provided that comes together with the product or

service rather than looking on the price factor.

Abelardo (2004), conclude that evolution of preferences in new markets

and develops a model of how category experience influences the evolution of


Siena (2005), conclude that “consumer preferences for brands are not

nearly as entrenched as might be expected.” Their research shows that

promotional activities such as feature ads, displays, and price cuts can have a

significant effect on whether or not buyers follow through with their preferences.

Foreign Studies

Mainville (2000), conclude that the response of diverse small fast-food to

the rise of large fast-food chains as major players in the fresh produce markets.

Shifts in fast-foods competitive strategies led to changes in the structure of the

market, particular the emergent, as well as high returns, a risk and entry


According to Lee (2000), food type and food quality are the main reasons

for consumers to choose a particular restaurant. The study also highlighted that

restaurant style and atmosphere also attract the customers. The three segments

considered for the study—students and middle-aged and older people with

moderate income—prefer restaurants based on their style of living. Mona et al.,

(1998) studied the same grounds and found that the type of food and the quality

are the key factors in determining consumer loyalty towards a particular

restaurant. The study also highlighted that the meal experience is enhanced by

tangible things in the restaurant

Elliot (2001), conclude that consumer preferences of a brand has

interdisciplinary roots. There were early theories concerning consumer

preferences of a brand based on economic theory on the notion that individuals

act rationale to maximize their benefits or satisfaction in the purchase of goods

and services.

Yabes (2001), conclude that the consumers are just as lightly to purchase

impulsively, and be influenced not only the family friends, by advertisers and role

models, but also by mood, situations and emotion. All of these factors combined

to form a comprehensive model of consumer behavior that reflects the cognitive

and emotional aspect of consumer decision-making.

Carey (2002), conclude that the choices made by consumers new to

market are driven by two competing forces: consumer’s desire to collect

information about alternative(s) and their version to try risky ones.

Mcgregor (2002), conclude that shows that consumers who dwell in

developed countries give more preferences to fast food brands, particularly from

the west, not only because of the perceived quality but also of social status.

Huang-Tsi (2003), conclude that customer satisfaction is one of the factors

that could help the company to assess their product quality in the market to

enable them to set future targets. In fast food industry, there are several

measurements of satisfaction and quality and reliability is the most major factor

that determines the consumer's choice of food.

Hawkins (2003), conclude that the highly successful fast food consider low

prices followed by services rendered as the most important success factors that

win more customers for them.

Vaughn (2003), conclude that firms will engage in advertising competition

to coordinate consumer expectations only as long as they produce goods

Neven (2004), conclude that consumers were exhibiting diversified

references and predictable purchase behavior.

Hogg (2004), conclude that a place is one of the important factor in

choosing fast-food brands. The more it is accessible to them, the more they will

patronize it.

Research Paradigm

A. Observation

Respondent’s B.Conducting Consumer

Profile: Survey Preference

 Age C. Analyzing and On

 Gender interpreting the Fast-Food Chains
 Job Status
survey data
D.Stating the
findings and

Research Hypothesis

The researcher was guided by the hypothesis that: there is no

significant relationship among variables.

Operational Definition of Variables

The following terms are defined operationally to provide a common frame

of reference:

Brand. It refers to a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination

of them. It is intended to identify the goods or services of one of seller or group of

sellers and to differentiate them from those of the competitors.

Brand Preference.Measure of brand loyalty in which a consumer will

choose a particular brand in presence of competing brands, but will

accept substitutes if that brand is not available.

Brand Loyalty. It refers to the attachment that a customer has to a

brand”. It can also be seen as consumer’s preference to purchase a particular

brand in a product class and this could be as a result of the consumer awareness

about that particular brand.

Competitors. These refer to any person or entity which is a rival against

another. In business, a company in the same industry or a similar industry

which offers a similar product or service.

Consumer. An end user, and not necessarily a purchaser, in

the distribution chain of a good or service.

Fast-food chain. It refers to the term given to food that can be prepared

and served very quickly. While any meal with low preparation time can be

considered to be fast food, typically the term refers to food sold in a restaurant or

store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a

packaged form for take-out/take-away.

Place. In marketing mix, location of the market and means of distribution

used in reaching it.

Pricing. Method adopted by a firm to set its selling price. It usually

depends on the firm's average costs, and on the customer's perceived value of

the product in comparison to his or her perceived value of the competing

products. Different pricing methods place varying degree of emphasis on

selection, estimation, and evaluation of costs, comparative analysis, and market


Promotion. The advancement of a product, idea, or point of view through

publicity and advertising.



This chapter shows the distribution of respondents according to their

demographic profile.

Population and Sample

The respondents of the study include the customers wherein the

proponents prepare a set of carefully prepared and logically ordered questions.

Table 1
Distribution of Respondents according to Gender
Gender F %
Male 22 44
Female 28 56
Total 50 100

It can be gleaned from this table that 44% of our respondents are Male

and 56% of them are Female.

It shows that females are the ones often eat in fast food chains than the


Table 2
Distribution of respondents according to Age

Male Female Total

F % F % F %
18-20 6 27 18 64 24 48
21-30 6 27 3 11 9 18
31-40 7 32 3 11 10 20
41-50 3 14 4 14 7 14
Total 22 100 28 100 50 100

It can be gleaned from the table that 48% of our respondents are 18-20

years old, 18% are 21-30 years old, 20% are 31-40 years old and the rest 14%

are 41-50 years old.

Table 3
Distribution of Respondents according to their Job Status

  Male Female Total

F % F % F %
Student 6 27 18 64 24 48
Employed 16 73 9 32 25 50
Unemployed 0 0 1 4 1 2
Total 22 100 28 100 50 100

It can be gleaned in the table that 48% of our respondents are student,

half of our respondents or 50% are employed and 2% are unemployed.

Date Gathering Procedures

The proponents have used the Descriptive Research method wherein the

study is focused on present situations. It involves the recording, description,

analysis and the presentation of the present system, composition or process of


Under the Descriptive Research Method, the technique used is the Survey

Method which is otherwise known as normative survey.

Primary data was collected by Survey Method through a structured

questionnaire. Customers in different occupations and different age groups were

contacted directly to get first-hand information.

Statistical Analysis of Data

The collected data have been analyzed using different statistical methods.

The statistical techniques used include descriptive analysis and factor analysis,


Results and Discussions

This chapter presents the results and discussion of the methods outlined

in the previous chapter. Chapter sections include first the original research

questions that were posed in the introduction to this thesis.

Sub-problem no. 1:

What is the overall demographic profile of the respondents?

1.1. Age;

1.2. Gender;

What are the different factors that consumers considered in choosing fast-

food chains in terms of?

1.1. Products/Services

1.2 Price

1.3 Place

1.4 Promotion

Table 4
Different Factors In Choosing Fast-Food chain
in terms of Product – Mang Inasal

Weighted Verbal
  mean Interpretation
A. The food is served hot and fresh 4.52 Very Adopted 1
B. The menu have a good variety 4.32 Adopted 2
C. The quality of food is excellent 4.12 Least Adopted 4
D. The food is tasty and Flavorful 4.16 Slightly Adopted 3
Overall weighted mean 4.28

As shown in the table, the factors that ranked first is the food is served

hot and fresh; the menu has a good variety ranked at second; the food is tasty

and flavorful ranked at third; and the quality of food is excellent ranked at fourth.

In support of Cruz (2002) statement that the Food type and quality were

the most frequently cited variables, regardless of the occasion for dining out, but

image and atmosphere or style were critical in the final choice between

restaurants serving a similar quality and type of food.

The table shows that the excellent quality of a food is least adopted

while the customers most choose if the food that they serve is hot and fresh.

B. Chic-Boy
Weighted Verbal
  mean Interpretation
A. The food is served hot and fresh 4.52 2
B. The menu have a good variety 4.72 1
C.. the quality of food is excellent 3.92 4
D. The food is tasty and Flavorful 4.28 3
Overall weighted mean

As shown in the table, the customers of Chic-boy ranked the menu

have a good variety at first; the food is served hot and fresh ranked at second;

the food is tasty and flavorful ranked at third; and the quality of food is excellent

ranked at fourth.

In contrast of Dela Cruz (2001) statement that there are five important

factors considered in a fast-food chain for consumer preferences: food quality,

menuvariety, price, atmosphere and convenience that the food quality was found

to be the most important attributeinfluencing customers’ selection of a restaurant.

Therefore the above table shows that nowadays customers choose fast

food that offer good variety of menu.

Table 5
Different Factors that consumer considered in choosing Fast-Food chain in
terms of Price

A. Mang Inasal
Weighted Verbal
  mean Interpretation
a. The food is a good value for the
4.52 Very Adopted 1
b. The price are competitive 4.32 Adopted 2
Overall weighted mean 4.42

As shown in the table, the food is a good value for the money rank at

first while the price is competitive ranked at second.

In support of Eleanor and Colton (2005) statement that it has now been

examined that low-price products of a fast food brand are consumed more on

frequent bases in contrast to local ones.

The table shows that customers mostly choose fast food chains whom

they know that the food is a good value for their money while they least adopted

if the price is competitive.

B. Chic-Boy
Weighted Verbal
  mean Interpretation
a. The food is a good value for
4.28 Very Adopted 1
the money
b. The price are competitive 4.04 Adopted 2
Overall weighted mean

As shown in the table, the food is a good value for the money rank at first

while the price is competitive ranked at second.

In support of Eleanor and Colton (2005) statement that it has now been

examined that low-price products of a fast food brand are consumed more on

frequent bases in contrast to local ones.

The table also shows that customers mostly choose fast food chains

whom they know that the food is a good value for their money while they least

adopted if the price is competitive.

Table 6
Different Factors that Consumer considered in choosing Fast-Food chain
in terms of Place.

A. Mang Inasal
Weighted Verbal
mean Interpretation
a. The store is accessible with the
4.52 Very Adopted 1
presence of PUV
b. The store is nearby and
4.20 Adopted 2
closeness to the area
Overall weighted mean 4.36

As shown in the table, the Store is accessible with the presence of

PUV ranked at first and the store is nearby and closeness to the area ranked at


In support of Hogg (2004) statement that place is one of the important

factors in choosing fast-food brands. The more it is accessible to them, the more

they will patronize it.

The above table shows that place is an essential factor for the fast

food chain with the presence of public utility vehicles.

B. Chic-Boy
Verbal Rank
a. The store is accessible with the
4.60 Very Adopted 1
presence of PUV
b. The store is nearby and
4.12 Adopted 2
closeness to the area
Overall weighted mean

As shown in the table, the Store is accessible with the presence of PUV

ranked at first and the store is nearby and closeness to the area ranked at


In support of Love (2004) statement that location is the key factor in

successful fast food operations. Without a good location, expert management

and quality products are for nought, Moreover, site locationbecomes more critical

as markets become more saturated, it is impossible to over-stress the import

ante oflocation in fast food operations.

The table above shows that the store accessibility is one of the essential

factors that consumers consider in choosing fast food chain.

Table 7
Different Factors that consumer considered in choosing Fast-Food chain in
terms of Promotion

A. Mang Inasal
Weighted Verbal
mean Interpretation Rank
a. The Flyers are easy to read 4.48 Very Adopted 1
b. The Billboards are attractive 4.04 Adopted 2
Overall weighted mean 4.26

A shown in the table, the flyers are easy to read ranked at first and the

billboards are attractive ranked at second.

In support of Kurniawan (2010) promotion of product or service helps in

the best way to builds relationship with customers, because everyone is looking

for the best suitable deal for them. Also, Huang (2011) promotions is different

form of activities for attracting and getting attention of customer to purchase the

product or service through personal selling, public relations, sales promotions

and advertising.

Therefore, the above table shows that promotion such as flyers and

billboards helps to stimuli the awareness of customers to patronize the products

and service that fast foods offer.

B. Chic-Boy
Weighted Verbal
mean Interpretation Rank
a. The Flyers are easy to read 4.60 Very Adopted 1
b. The Billboards are attractive 4.24 Adopted 2
Overall weighted mean 4.42

A shown in the table, the flyers are easy to read ranked at first and the

billboards are attractive ranked at second.

In support of Athanassopoulos (2000) describe that customers want to see

for what they are looking for. Myers(2008) promotion is for reducing the feeling of

guilt which is associated with the use of different products or service which result

to customer satisfaction. Schefter (2000) another common factor which is helpful

to derives customer satisfaction is website. Website is the advanced ways use

for the promotion, to aware the consumer and to satisfy them with offering vast

array of function and features. Before making choice of product offering, potential

customer has an opportunity through website to make a detailed comparison

Khatibi (2007). When information like discounted products and other special

offers on different products travels in the public, could increase the level of

customer satisfaction Kandampully (2002).

Therefore, the above table also shows that promotion can help a certain

fast food chain to get the customers attention and can be one of their prospect


Sub-problem no.2:

How do respondents assess the different factors that consumers

considered in choosing fast-food chains?

Table 8
Summary of Factors that Consumer considered in choosing Fast-Food
a. Mang Inasal
Weighted Verbal
  mean Interpretation
1. the food order was correct and
4.44 Very Effective 1.5
2. the employees are patient when
4.36 2
taking orders
3. served promptly 4.24 4
4. availability of sauce, utensils,
4.44 Very Effective 1.5
napkins, etc. was good
5. the menu board was easy to read 4.20 5
6. employees are friendly and
4.16 6
7. value for price paid 3.96 8
8. quality of food 4.04 7
9. quality of beverage 3.72 9
10. cleanliness of the area 4.32 3

Overall weighted mean 4.19

It can be gleaned from the table that the food order was correct and

complete and availability of sauce, utensils, napkins, etc. was good were ranked

at first, the employees are patient when taking orders ranked second, cleanliness

of the area ranked third, served promptly ranked fourth, the menu board was

easy to read ranked fifth, employees are friendly and courteous ranked sixth,

quality of food ranked seventh, value for price paid ranked eighth and lastly the

quality of beverages ranked ninth.

Huang-Tsi (2003), conclude that customer satisfaction is one of the factors

that could help the company to assess their product quality in the market to

enable them to set future targets. In fast food industry, there are several

measurements of satisfaction and quality and reliability is the most major factor

that determines the consumer's choice of food.

It shows that customers nowadays, want to patronize fast food chains that

serve correct and complete because customers eat in rush so that they want a

service that will fit to their hectic schedule.

B. Chic-boy
Weighte Interpretati
  d mean on Rank
1. the food order was correct
and complete 4.64 1
2. the employees are patient
when taking orders 4.12 4.5
3. served promptly 4.20 2
4. availability of sauce,
utensils, napkins, etc. was
good 4.16 3
5. the menu board was easy
to read 4.08 5
6. employees are friendly and
courteous 3.92 8
7. value for price paid 4.00 7
8. quality of food 4.12 4.5
9. quality of beverage 4.04 6
10. cleanliness of the area 4.08 5
Overall weighted mean 4.17

The food order was correct and complete was ranked first, served

promptly was ranked second, availability of sauce, utensils, napkins, etc. was

good ranked third, the employees and quality of food ranked fourth, the menu

board was easy to read ranked fifth, quality of beverage ranked sixth and value

for price paid ranked seventh.

In support to Ramos (2003) statement that the companies should not disregard

the production of quality because it is still the primary attribute considered when

making purchases, the experience of the consumer with the good would still be

important. If the consumer had a good experience with the brand or satisfied with
them then more often than not the consumer would be recommending the brand

to others.

Therefore, customers satisfaction should be maintain by fast food chains,

because customer satisfaction can be one of the factors to make their customers

loyal to them.

Table 9
Summary of Factors Considered in Choosing Fast Food Chains

Critical Level of T-test
Marketing Mix of Decision
Value significance Value
1. Product 0.01 6 3.143 0.4113941 Accepted

2. Price 0.01 4 6.965 2.5248120 Accepted

3. Place 0.01 4 6.965 0 Accepted

4. Promotion 0.01 4 6.965 1.1257561 Accepted

Table 9 reflects the result of the t-test of marketing mix on both fast-food

restaurants (Mang Inasal and Chic-Boy).

As to Product. The tabular results of t- test and the critical value indicates

that there is no significant difference on the perception of customers of Mang

inasal and Chic-boy. The computed t-value was 0.4113941 at 6 degree of

freedom and 0.01 critical values with level of significant of 3.143 are much lesser.

Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted.

As to Price. The tabular results of t- test and the critical value indicates

that there is no significant difference on the perception of customers of Mang

inasal and Chic-boy. The computed t-value was 2.5248120 at 4 degree of

freedom and 0.01 critical value with level of significant of 6.965 is much lesser.

Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted.

As to Place. The tabular results of t- test and the critical value indicates

that there is no significant difference on the perception of customers of Mang

inasal and Chic-boy. The computed t-value was 0 at 4 degree of freedom and

0.01critical value with level of significant of 6.965 is much lesser. Thus, the null

hypothesis is accepted.

As to Promotion. The tabular results of t- test and the critical value

indicates that there is no significant difference on the perception of customers of

Mang inasal and Chic-boy. The computed t-value was -1.1257561 at 4 degree of

freedom and 0.01critical value with level of significant of 6.965 is much lesser.

Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted.


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

The following is a summary of the various salient findings as gleaned from

the previous chapter. It answers the three main objectives of this study, namely:

1. What are the demographic characteristics of the respondents?

This study determined that the Filipino Fast food consumers in the

segment under survey are the young adults and teenagers, mostly are students

and employed.

Our respondents consists of 22 male and 28 female where 24 of them are

18-20 years old, 9 of them are 21-30 years old,10 of them are 31-40 years old

and 7 of them are 41-50 years old. Majority of them are employed, 24 of them

are students and 1 of them is unemployed.

b. What are the different factors that consumers considered in choosing fast-

food chains in terms of product, price, promotion and place?

In terms of Product respondents of Chic-boy rank the good variety of

menu first; the food is served hot and fresh rank at second; the food is tasty and

flavorful rank at third and the quality of food is excellent rank at last. While the

respondents of Mang inasal rank first the food is served hot and fresh; the good

variety of menu rank at second; the tasty and flavorful rank at third; and the

quality of food is excellent rank at third.

As to price, the factors that consumer consider in choosing fast food are the

affordability of their products.

As to promotion, they consider if their promotional materials are easy to

read and understand by the customer.

As to place, accessibility and presence of public utility vehicles are

considered by the customers in choosing fast food chains.

c. How do respondents assess the different factors that consumers considered

in choosing fast-food chains?

The respondents assess that serving correct and complete is the most

factor that they consider in choosing fast food chains thus, the consumer

perceptions are generated from the consumer’s actual experience of the

fast food, and through the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of his or her needs.

Consumers perceived the fast food establishments as similar and without

almost any distinction, except for the flavor and taste of the food, therefore,

imbibing in the consumers mind to switch from one food establishments to


Considering this scenario of switching, the consumers will use

eventually the transcendent need of flavor and taste, as a discriminant

factor. This only means that the consumer eventually will settle with one or

two establishments to patronize, because these appeal most to their


In effect, this also posed a window of opportunity for the various

competing establishments in the industry to use the concept of acquiring

consumer loyalty by way of flavor and taste as a discriminant factor. This

opportunity involves the enhancement and development of the products.

Pricing could be another one factor of costumer’s loyalty

That the following quality characteristics that consumers looking in fast

food chain and their respective ranking.

In terms of Product respondents of Chic-boy rank the good variety of

menu first; the food is served hot and fresh rank at second; the food is tasty

and flavorful rank at third and the quality of food is excellent rank at last.

While the respondents of Mang inasal rank first the food is served hot and

fresh; the good variety of menu rank at second; the tasty and flavorful rank

at third; and the quality of food is excellent rank at third.


1. We conclude that the quality or taste of products can affect the loyalty of

customers in choosing fast food chains.

2. We conclude that the two fast food chains has no difference in terms of

price of the products but different in service.

3. We conclude that the place of the fast food chains can affect its demand.

4. We conclude that the promotion is a significant factor that must maintain

by a fast food chain to get the attention of the customers.


Realizing that consistently satisfying all the expectations of the consumers

brings in loyalty to any business, the challenge now for the fast food is to

constantly tune in to the consumers voice echoed all throughout in this paper and

act on it through:

1. As to product.

It needs to pay close attention to the aspects of flavor and taste and

consistency in the production processes of the food.

Consistency in what is being done well and continuing improvement!

2. As to Price.

Competitive but affordable price of the products must be maintained.

3. As to Promotion.

Maintain the attention catching promotional materials to attract


All out effort to design loyalty programs accentuating and enhancing

the quality characteristics. This rewards provided to the consumers

through this program must be long term in its aspirations and selective of

consumers because not all consumers must be treated equal. Rewards

must be for those who have been with the establishment through thick and

thin. Although, question will surface as to how will establishments know

about consumers being with the former through thick and thin? This could

be addressed through special promotions programs like asking the

consumers to bring the oldest receipt they could provide and in return it

will offer a discounts or free items as rewards.

4. As to Place.

Make sure that your location is always accessible and has the

presence of the Public Utility Vehicles.


A. Books

Schiffman, Leon G. and Kanuk, leslie lazar, Consumer Behavior, New Jersey:
Prentice Hall International Inc. 2000.

B. Journals/Periodicals

Elliot, Matthew, “Determinants of consumer’s demands for private label food

products”, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.24, June 2005: 105-17.

Yabes, Paula L., “Mood States and Consumer Behavior: A critical Review”,
Journal consumer Research, (2003):34

Farhan, Nadia, “Exploring Consumer Behavior in the Context of Fast-Food

industry, Vol. 1. no. 1, March 2011: 107-124

Love, Harold G. Fast Food Store Location Factors: AComparison with Grocery
StoreLocation Factors (2004):40-41

C. Thesis/ Dissertations

Huang, Yen-Ching.Consumer Behavior and Preferences. Centro Escolar

Pascual, Anthony. Optimization studies, Consumer preference and quality
Cruz, Danilo R. Quality Perceptions of Filipino Fast-Food Consumer.
Chavadi, Chandan A. Consumer Expectation and Perception of fast-food
outlets: An empirical study in Davangere

D. Online Sources


Mang Inasal vs. Chic-Boy


Step 2:

n1 = 4, n2 = 4


df =n1 +n2−2


df = 4+4-2

df = 6

at 0.01= 3.143

Step 3:

∑ ❑( x t = x t ¿2
n−1 1=1
1 ❑

2 1
s1 = ¿ ) + (4.32-4.28) + (4.12-4.28) + (4.16-4.28 ¿ ] ²

s21 = ¿²

2 1
s1 = ¿

2 0.0986
s1 =

s1 = 0.0328666

∑ ❑( x t = x t ¿2
n−1 1=1
1 ❑

2 1
s2 = ¿²

2 1
s2 = ¿²

2 1
s2 = ¿

2 0.3552
s2 =

s2 = 0.1184

Step 4:

Where: s21 = 0.032866, s22 = 0.1184


2 (n¿¿ 2−1) s 2
s = (n1 −1)s +
p 1 ¿
n1 +n 2−2


s p = (4-1) (0.03286) + (4-1) (0.1184)


2 0.09858+0.3552
s p=

2 0.45378
s p=

s p =0.07563

Step 5:

Where: x 1= 4.28, x 2 = 4.36

n1 = 4, n2 = 4


x 1−x 2
t= 2 1 1
√ s p ( n 1 + n2 )


t= 1 1
√ 0. 07563( + )
4 4

√ 1
0.07563( )

√ 0.037815


t= 0.4113941

Mang Inasal vs. Chic-Boy


Step 2:

n1 = 2, n2 = 2


df =n1 +n2−2


df = 2+2-2

df= 4

at 0.01= 6.965

Step 3:

1 ∑
n−1 1=1
❑( x t = x t ¿2
1 ❑

s21 = ¿ ) + (4.32-4.42 ¿ ] ²

s21 = ¿²

s21 = ¿

s21 =
s1 = 0.02

2 ∑
n−1 1=1
❑( x t = x t ¿2
1 ❑

2 1
s2 = ¿²

2 1
s2 = ¿²

2 1
s2 = ¿

2 0.00041472
s2 =

s2 = 0.00041472

Step 4:

2 2
Where: s1 = 0.02, s2 = 0.00041472


2 (n¿¿ 2−1) s 22
s2p = (n1 −1)s 1 + ¿
n1 +n 2−2


s p = (2-1) (0.02) + (2-1) (0.00041472)


s2p =

s2p =
s p =0.01020736

Step 5:

Where: x 1= 4.42, x 2 = 4.16

n1 = 2, n2 = 2


x 1−x 2
t= 2 1 1
√ s p ( n 1 + n2 )


t= 1 1
√ 0. 01020736( + )
2 2

√ 1
0.07563( )

√ 0.0189075


t= 2.5248120

Mang Inasal vs. Chic-Boy


Step 2:

n1 = 2, n2 = 2


df =n1 +n2−2


df = 2+2-2

df= 4

at 0.01= 6.965

Step 3:

1 ∑
n−1 1=1
❑( x t = x t ¿2
1 ❑

s21 = ¿ ) + (4.20-4.36 ¿ ] ²

2 1
s1 = ¿²

s21 = ¿

s21 =

s21 = 0.0512

1 ∑
n−1 1=1
❑( x t = x t ¿2
1 ❑

2 1
s1 = ¿ ) + (4.12-4.36 ¿ ] ²

2 1
s1 = ¿²

2 1
s1 = ¿

2 0.0066355
s1 =

s1 = 0.0066355

Step 4:

2 2
Where: s1 = 0.0512, s2 = 0.0066355


2 (n¿¿ 2−1) s 2
s = (n1 −1)s +
p 1 ¿
n1 +n 2−2


s p = (2-1) (0.0512) + (2-1) (0.0066355)


0.0512+ 0.0066355
s2p =

s2p =

s2p =0.0161177

Step 5:

Where: x 1= 4.36, x 2 = 4.36

n1 = 2, n2 = 2

x 1−x 2
t= 2 1 1
√ s p ( n 1 + n2 )

t= 1 1
√ 0. 0161177( + )
2 2

√ 1
0.0161177( )

√ 0.0040294


t= 0

Mang Inasal vs. Chic-Boy


Step 2:

n1 = 2, n2 = 2


df =n1 +n2−2


df = 2+2-2

df= 4

at 0.01= 6.965

Step 3:

1 ∑
n−1 1=1
❑( x t = x t ¿2
1 ❑

2 1
s1= ¿²

2 1
s1 = ¿²

2 1
s1= ¿

2 0.0968

s1= 0.0968

s= 2
2 ∑
n−1 1=1
❑( x t = x t ¿2
1 ❑

2 1
s2 = ¿²

s22 = ¿²

2 1
s2 = ¿

2 0.0648
s2 =

s2 = 0.0648

Step 4:

2 2
Where: s1 = 0.0968, s2 = 0.0648


2 (n¿¿ 2−1) s 22
s = (n1 −1)s +
p 1 ¿
n1 +n 2−2


s p = (2-1) (0.0968) + (2-1) (0.0648)


s2p =

2 0.1616
s p=

s2p =0.0808

Step 5:

Where: x 1= 4.26, x 2 = 4.42

n1 = 2, n2 = 2

x 1−x 2
t= 2 1 1
√ s p ( n 1 + n2 )
t= 1 1
√ 0. 0808( + )
2 2

√ 1
0.0808( )

√ 0.0202


t= 1.1257561

Survey Questionnaire

Direction: Please fill-up the following, by checking your answer.

Name (Optional) _____________________________________

____18-20years old ____21-30years old ____31-40 years old
____41-50 year’s old ____ if others please specify

_____ Female
_____ Male
Job Status:
_____ Student
_____ Employed
If Employed: State the position held:
_____ Rank & File
_____ Supervisor
_____ Manager
_____ Others: _____
_____ Unemployed
Monthly Salary:
_____ 10,000 – Below
_____ 10,001 – 20,000
_____20,001 – 30,000
_____30,001 – Above

Directions: Check the appropriate score for the following question.
5- Very Adopted

4- Adopted

3- Slightly Adopted

2 - Least Adopted

1 - Not adopted
What are the different factors that consumers considered in choosing fast-
food chains?


A. The food is served hot and fresh

B. The menu have a good variety of
C. The quality of food is excellent

D. The food is tasty and flavorful

II. Price
A. The food is a good value for the money

B. The Price are competitive

III. Place
A. The store is accessible with the
presence of PUV
B. The store is nearby and closeness to
the area
IV. Promotion
A. The Flyers are easy to read
B. The Billboards are attractive

How do you assess the sevice offered in choosing fast-food chains?

5- Very Effective

4- Moderately Effective

3- Effective

2 – Least Effective

1 –Not Effective


1. The food order was correct and

2. The employees are patient when taking

the order

3. Served promptly

4. Availability of sauce, utensils, napkins,

etc. was good

5. The menu board was easy to read

6. Employees are friendly and courteous

7. Value for price paid

8. Quality of food

9. Quality of Beverage

10. Cleanliness of the area


Name : Jeson G. Angco
Address : 354 Rose St. Baesa, Caloocan City
Date of Birth : February 15, 1992
Age : 20 Yrs. Old
Place of Birth : Quezon City
Civil Status : Single

Tertiary : Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and
Nagtahan, Sampaloc Manila
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing
(S. Y. 2010-Present)

Secondary : Baesa High School

Reparo St. Baesa, Caloocan City
(S.Y. 2005-2009)

Elementary : Baesa Elementary School

Reparo St. Baesa, Caloocan City
(S.Y. 1999-2005)


Name : Rosalie M. Benitez
Address : # 2 Dapitan St. Quezon City
Date of Birth : October 23, 1992
Age : 19 Yrs. Old
Place of Birth : Manila
Civil Status : Single

Tertiary : Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and
Nagtahan, Sampaloc Manila
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing
(S. Y. 2010-Present)

Secondary : Esteban Abada High School

Casañas, Manila
(S.Y. 2005-2009)

Elementary : Dr. A. Albert Elementary School

Laong Laan, Quezon City
(S.Y. 1999-2005)


Name : Sarah Jane P. Benitez
Address : # 1 Halcon 1, Quezon City
Date of Birth : August 15, 1993
Age : 19 Yrs. Old
Place of Birth : Manila
Civil Status : Single

Tertiary : Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and
Nagtahan, Sampaloc Manila
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing
(S. Y. 2010-Present)

Secondary : E. Rodriguez Jr. High School

Retiro St. Manila
(S.Y. 2005-2009)

Elementary : Dr. A. Albert Elementary School

Laong Laan, Quezon City
(S.Y. 1999-2005)



Name : Jesicca R. Delos Angeles
Address : 4886 Interior-5 Old Sta. Mesa, Manila
Date of Birth : December 17, 1988
Age : 23 Yrs. Old
Place of Birth : Romblon
Civil Status : Single

Tertiary : Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and
Nagtahan, Sampaloc Manila
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing
(S. Y. 2010-Present)

Secondary : Danao National High School

Danao, Cajidiocan
(S.Y. 2001-2005)

Elementary : Danao Elementary School

Danao, Cajidiocan
(S.Y. 1994-2005)



Name : Jonathan R. Fuentes
Address : # 69 Matutum St. Quezon City
Date of Birth : January 4, 1992
Age : 20 Yrs. Old
Place of Birth : Quezon City
Civil Status : Single

Tertiary : Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and
Nagtahan, Sampaloc Manila
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing
(S. Y. 2010-Present)

Secondary : San Jose High School

Mauban St. Quezon City
(S.Y. 2004-2008)

Elementary : San Jose Elementary School

Mauban St. Quezon City
(S.Y. 1998-2004)


Name : Harvey Brian P. Kho
Address : # 56 Sct. Fernandez St. Diliman, Quezon City
Date of Birth : November 28, 1993
Age : 18 Yrs. Old
Place of Birth : Quezon City
Civil Status : Single

Tertiary : Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and
Nagtahan, Sampaloc Manila
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing
(S. Y. 2010-Present)

Secondary : Quezon City High School

Sct. Ybardolaza St. Brgy. Sacred Heart, Quezon City
(S.Y. 2006-2010)

Elementary : Kamuning Elementary School

T. Gener St. Brgy. Sacred Heart, Quezon City
(S.Y. 2000-2006)



Name : Kyle Nicole M. Llanes
Address : # 81 Union Civica St. Galas, Quezon City
Date of Birth : April 21, 1994
Age : 18 Yrs. Old
Place of Birth : Quezon City
Civil Status : Single

Tertiary : Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and
Nagtahan, Sampaloc Manila
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing
(S. Y. 2010-Present)

Secondary : Carlos L. Albert High School

Brixton Hill St. Brgy. Santol, Quezon City
(S.Y. 2006-2010)

Elementary : Aurora A. Quezon Elementary School

Brgy. Doña Aurora, Quezon City
(S.Y. 2000-2006)



Name : Mike Raven H. Yamsuan
Address : # 23 Ruby St. R.O.T.C Hunters Tatalon,
Quezon City
Date of Birth : April 12, 1994
Age : 18 Yrs. Old
Place of Birth : Quezon City
Civil Status : Single

Tertiary : Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and
Nagtahan, Sampaloc Manila
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing
(S. Y. 2010-Present)

Secondary : Ramon Magsaysay High School

España, Manila
(S.Y. 2006-2010)

Elementary : Diosdado P. Macapagal Elementary School

Victory Ave. Tatalon, Quezon City
(S.Y. 2000-2006)



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