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Task 1 - Teacher development reflection

Presented by:
Harold Alexander Bonilla Pérez

Edwin Toscano Pretelt


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

CEAD – Facatativá
Licenciatura en inglés como lengua extranjera
Comparative chart of the teacher training, teacher development, and teacher
Teacher training also involves trying Development generally refers to teacher learning can be found
out new strategies in the classroom, general growth not focused on a underlying recent and less recent
usually with supervision, and specific job. It serves a longer-term teacher-education processes, and
monitoring and getting feedback goal and seeks to facilitate growth of although such conceptualizations
from others on one’s practice. The teachers’ understanding of teaching sometimes overlap and may be
content of training is usually and of themselves as teachers. It understood differently by different
determined by experts and is often often involves examining different theoreticians, they can lead to different
available in standard training formats dimensions of a teacher’s practice as approaches to teacher education.
or through prescriptions in a basis for reflective review and can
methodology books. The following hence be seen as “bottom-up.” The  Teacher learning as skill
are examples of goals from a training following are examples of goals from learning.
perspective: a development perspective: This view sees teacher learning
as the development of a range
 Learning how to use effective  Understanding how the of different skills or
strategies to open a lesson process of second language competencies, mastery of
 Adapting the textbook to development occurs which underlies successful
match the class  Understanding how our roles teaching.
 Learning how to use group change according to the kind  Teacher learning as a
activities in a lesson of learners cognitive process.
 Using effective questioning  we are teaching This approach views teaching
techniques Understanding the kinds of as a complex cognitive activity
 Using classroom aids and decision making that occur and focuses on the nature of
resources (e.g., video) during lessons teachers’ beliefs and thinking
 Techniques for giving  Reviewing our own theories and how these influence their
learners feedback on and principles of language teaching and learning.
performance teaching  Teacher learning as personal
 Developing an understanding construction
of different styles of teaching This educational philosophy is
 Determining learners’ based on the belief that
perceptions of classroom knowledge is actively
activities constructed by learners and not
passively received.
 Teacher learning as reflective
Reflection is viewed as the
process of critical examination
of experiences, a process that
can lead to a better
understanding of one’s
teaching practices and routines.
The time line

The answers to the questions

Do you agree with these assumptions?

What assumptions do you hold about the process of teacher development?

What factors have influenced your development as a teacher, or are likely to

influence your development in the future?

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