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DATE: JANUARY 13, 2022

Public Opinion Strategies conducted 400 interviews, 37% by landline and 63% by cell phone,
among likely Republican primary voters in Mississippi Congressional District 4. The survey was
completed December 11-14, 2021, and has a margin of error of +4.9% in 95 out of 100 cases.

Key Findings
1. Congressman Palazzo has a clear name ID and image advantage over all his

Steven Palazzo has 98% name ID, and two-thirds of voters are favorable to him (67%),
with 21% unfavorable. Mike Ezell is the only opponent with any level of name ID, but
even he is not that close. Just over half (53%) can identify Ezell with 17% favorable and
8% unfavorable.

Among the other candidates:

• Brice Wiggins has some name ID with 27% ID/11% favorable/2% unfavorable.
• Clay Wagner is at 22% ID/4% favorable/2% unfavorable.
• Carl Boyanton and Raymond Brooks are virtually undefined. Boytanton has 17%
ID/2% favorable/2% unfavorable, while Brooks is at 12% ID/2% favorable/2%

Any candidate who wants to make gains will have to spend heavily across the district to
bolster their name ID and image.
Mississippi CD 4 GOP Primary Memo
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2. Steven Palazzo has a commanding lead to begin this primary.

Congressman Palazzo starts the race out with a whopping 65% of the vote. No other
candidate even eclipses the double digit mark. Mike Ezell is the closest, checking in at
8% of the vote. Wiggins pulls in 4%, Wagner sits at 2%, and Boyanton and Brooks both
get 1% of the vote respectively.

The combined support for the five candidates is just 16%. With one-fifth of the vote left
undecided, it will be difficult for any primary challenger to climb their way into this race.

Key findings on the ballot among subgroups include:

• Palazzo is in solid shape with key primary voters, hitting over 68% of the vote
with both base Republicans who are very conservative and senior base

• The Congressman also receives high support throughout the district amd does
not have a weak spot geographically.

• There is not an obvious gender gap or generation divide as Palazzo receives

more than 60% of the vote across gender/age groups. Palazzo does not have an
obvious weakness among subgroups.

3. Republican primary voters cite Palazzo’s military service, support for veterans, and his
conservative voting record as key factors in their backing of him.

In addition, fully 71% of voters agree that Steven Palazzo has been an effective leader in
Congress for south Mississippi and it would be a mistake to replace Palazzo’s seniority
with a new person.

The Bottom Line

Steven Palazzo is well positioned to win re-nomination as the Republican candidate in
Mississippi CD 4. Both his favorables and ballot test numbers are in the mid 60-percent range.
Running a solid campaign should result in the Congressman winning the Republican
nomination without a runoff.

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