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Abstinence -to adjust after, e.g. alcoholism (Agrimony)

Acquisitions –to aid release of emotional attachment to
Adapt -helps to
Addiction, to break habit of (Chestnut Bud)
Advice, influenced by, and follows (Centaury, Cerato)
Air-sick (Rescue Remedy, Scleranthus)
Air travel -adjustment, following
Air travel -jet lag (Clematis, Olive)
Alcohol -breaking habit of addiction to (Chestnut Bud)
Alienation -due to influence / persuasive control of others
Ambition -definite, but side-tracked
Bereavement -for protection and adjustment
Blockage of progression in life -due to frustrated ambition (Wild Oat, Gorse,
Sweet Chestnut, Willow)
Brainwashing -succumbs to / influenced by (Cerato, Clematis, Wild Rose,
Centaury, Agrimony)
Burnout (Olive, Oak, Rock Water, Vervain)
Capable, but easily influenced
Convalescence -to assist in adjustment
Conventions, to break old
Cries easily -because highly sensitive (Mimulus, Centaury)
Definite sense of purpose (Vervain, Rock Water, Vine)
Dissatisfaction -due to frustration / restriction (Vervain, Impatiens)
Frustration -generally
Habits, to break (Chestnut Bud)
Haunting thoughts -to protect from
Imagination -influenced by

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Imitates, because easily lead (Centaury)
Impulsive, becoming a slave to Impulses (Centaury)
Indulgence -needs protection from
Influenced -from path in life (Cerato, Wild Oat)
Interference -protects from
Intimidated (Centaury, Mimulus, Agrimony)
Karma, over influenced by / feels controlled (Crab Apple, Centaury)
Metamorphosis -helps during
Misguided by others -on occasions
Moulding of character -those who are affected by others (Cerato, Centaury,
Noise –aversion to, peace disturbed by (Water Violet, Clematis, Mimulus)
Obesity -due to over intelligence, acting as crutch (Centaury, Wild Rose,
Old ties, to break
Over indulgence -helps in breaking habit (Chestnut Bud)
Oversensitivity, to strong influences
Past -to let go
Path in life -to help remain upon
Persuaded by others, against inclination (Gorse, Wild Rose)
Protection from disturbing outside influences
Rebirthing -adjustment to, after
Receptive, to other people's need (Centaury, Red Chestnut, Chicory)
Recovery -adjustment during
Regression -adjustment to
Reminders, sentimental (Honeysuckle)
Retirement -adjustment to / feels unsettled
Ridicule -protection from influence of
Ruled -due to susceptibility to influence (Cerato)
Sensitivity -sensitive by nature (Centaury, Agrimony, Clematis)
Sentimental (Honeysuckle, Chicory, Red chestnut, Centaury, Pine)

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Sorrowful -easily affected by sentiment (Honeysuckle, Red chestnut, Chicory)
Spiritless, -due to lost direction (Wild Oat)
Spirituality -to regain sense of (Centaury, Willow, Holly, Wild Oat)
Stagnation -help to move on
Supernatural -feels strong, but unwanted influence of
Superstitious -influenced by superstition
Tantrums -to ease transition in children
Tearfulness -due to sensitivity (Centaury, Mimulus, Red chestnut)
Tearfulness -easily moved, due to sensitivity to influence
Tearfulness -through sentimentality (Honeysuckle)
Temptation -influenced by (Cerato, Centaury)
Thoughts, frustrated (Agrimony, Vervain)
Thwarted -frustrated (Vervain, Impatiens, Beech)
Trip (hallucination) -flashback after (Honeysuckle)
Unnerved (Mimulus, Aspen)
Unsettled, generally
Variable mood (Scleranthus, Mustard, Cerato)
Vulnerability (Centaury, Scleranthus, Mimulus, Larch, Chestnut Bud, Cerato)
Weep -unable to, due to numbness; e.g. following serious news (Star of
Bethlehem, Agrimony)
Weepiness -with sentimentality (Honeysuckle)
Will -weak, on occasions (Agrimony)
Withdrawal from drugs / alcohol / tobacco, etc, helps adjustment during
'Yes' -agrees against own natural instincts (Mimulus, Larch, Centaury,

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