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No Word/Term/
equivalent/ English definition Context/Collocation
. Collocation
You will probably only
the amount, number, or type have to produce a small
1. Range(32p.) Diapazonas, zona of something between an length of fabric or a small
upper and a lower limit. range of garments that
feature your fabrics.
When you create a
collection of fabrics you
to spend time thinking about
Consider must consider how the
2. Apsvarstyti a possibility or making a
(32p.) designs work together and
what their common theme
the activity of decorating a
Embroidery The organic fabrics are
3. Siuvinėjimas piece of cloth with stitches
(32p.) digitally printed and
sewn onto it.
include a variety of
something added to make
textures, weights,
Embellishment another thing more beautiful
4. Pagražinimas embroidery and
(32p.) or interesting, or the process
of doing this.
Fabric swatches presented
a small piece of cloth used as alongside fashion
5. Swatch (35p.) Pavyzdys an example of the color and drawings clearly show
type of the cloth how the textiles will be
used within a collection.
Fabric trade fairs are held
6. Kas dvejus metus twice a year biannually in line with the
fashion calendar.
to make clothes and other
We should also consider
things using wool and a
how traditional crafts,
special needle with a hook (=
7. Crochet(36p.) nėrinys such as block printing,
curve) at one end.
hand crochet and crewel
clothes and other things made
work can be maintained.
with crochet
We are wearing a t-shirt a
Desirable Geidžiamas, worth having and wanted by few times and throwing it
(37p.) labiausiai norimas most people away to buy the next
desirable cheap garment.
9. Churning Nelegalus dažnas the illegal practice by They will, however, be
(37p.) pardavimas stockbrokers of buying and competing with low-price
selling a client's investments manufacturers who are
more often than necessary, in churning out products
order to make more money in more cheaply and quickly
commissions than before.
it is especially appropriate
to textiles, as during the
construction process,
suitable or right for a
Appropriate fibers and yarns can form
10. tinkamas particular situation or
(39p.) circuits and
communication networks
through which information
is transferred.
Fabrics can contain
chemicals within their
to have something inside or fibres that can be released
11. Contain (39p.) turėti
include something as a part on to the skin for
medicinal or cosmetic
First the skins or hides are
preserve (meat, fish, tobacco,
cured, a process that
or an animal skin) by various
12. Cured (47p.) Vytinti, džiovinti involves salting and
methods such as salting,
drying, then they are
drying, or smoking
soaked in water.
This is done by covering
Compound something consisting of two the grain surface with a
13. junginys
(47p.) or more different parts chemical compound and
then brushing it.
smooth, shiny material made rayon was one of the first
14. Rayon (49p.) viskozė from cellulose (= wood man-made fabrics to be
fibers) developed
There are also other
aspects that can enhance a
garment, such as a
to improve the quality,
particular novelty dyeing
15. Enhance (56p.) pagerinti amount, or strength of
effect or specialty coating
that creates a look or feel
that is unique and
a narrow fold in a piece of
The resulting fabric takes
cloth made by pressing or
16. Pleat (66p.) klostė the texture of the pleated
sewing two parts of the cloth
Washing can be used to
covered in many small lines
17. Crinkled (66p.) susiraukšlėjęs give fabrics a creased or
and folds
crinkled effect.
making you feel strong
The fabric can be stain
Repellent disapproval and that you do
18. atbaidantis repellent, so it stays clean
(67p.) not want to be involved with
for a long time.
someone or something
any of a group of chemical
substances that are produced
enzyme washes, or bio-
by living cells and cause
19. Enzyme (66p.) fermentai stoning, is less harmful to
particular chemical reactions
the environment.
to happen while not being
changed themselves
the threads that go along the
length of a piece of cloth or a a woven fabric is made
20. Warp (70p.) metmenys
loom (= a special frame for from a warp that runs
making cloth) down the length of a fabric
the threads that go across the and weft that weaves
length of a piece of cloth or a across the breadth of the
21. Weft (70p.) ataudai
loom (= a special frame for fabric.
making cloth)
a piece of equipment for These machines are a lot
22. Looms (70p.) staklės weaving (= making thread quieter than traditional
into cloth) looms.
The loom traditionally had
a vehicle or aircraft that
a shuttle carrying yarn
23. Shuttle (70p.) šaudyklė travels regularly between two
back and forth under and
over the warp yarns.
Newer shuttleless looms
to push or move something use air or water jets to
24. Propel (70p.) Varyti, išjudinti somewhere, often with a lot propel the weft yarn
of force across the warp at
incredibly fast speed.
25. Demand (76p.) paklausa a strong request Knitting machines were
(of a machine) having a part developed in the second
26. Rotary (76p.) sukamasis
that moves around in a circle half of the 18th century due
made in or having the shape to the demand for
27. Tubular (76p.) vamzdinis patterned stockings and
of a tube
following the invention of
a word used especially in the rotary knitting
28. Hosiery (76p.) trikotažas shops for things such as machine, tubular knitting
socks, tights, and stockings could be produced for
If a stitch is dropped the
a long, vertical hole in a pair knit is likely to ladder and
29. Ladder (78p.) Nubėgusi akis
of tights or a stocking run down the length of the
If a piece of knitted or woven
Warp knitting is more like
cloth, a knot, or a mass of
weaving, with the
thread unravels, it separates
30. Unravel (78p.) išnarplioti construction being more
into a single thread, and if
complicated and the fabric
you unravel it, you separate it
less easy to unravel.
into a single thread
Knitted fabric tends to be
comfortable to wear as it is
stretchy, but this can also
to become smaller, or to
31. Shrink (79p.) susitraukti mean that it can stretch out
make something smaller
of shape and can shrink
with heat, especially if it is
made from wool.
likely to experience a Knitted fabrics tend to be
32. Prone (79p.) linkęs particular problem more often more prone to pilling than
than is usual woven fabrics.
Plūdė A light object that floats on It is best not to allow the
33. Floats (79p.)
the surface of the water and is floats to be too long as
used to keep a fishing net, or
the bait on a fishing line, in a
particular position.
they tend to catch and
Mezgime - tąsa Stretched loop cause snagging.
Snagging to get or catch something by
35. užkabinti
(79p.) acting quickly
They involve a yarn or
yarns that are twisted and
joined by having been tied
knotted together to
36. Knotted (84p.) sumazgyta together in a knot, or
produce fabrics that are
containing a knot or knots
decorative and have an
open structure.
Fine needles and yarn
made of or decorated with create a lacy fabric, while
37. Lacy (85p.) nėriniuotas
lace (= decorative cloth) thicker needles and hooks
create a more solid fabric.
a material or substance that Non-woven fabrics can be
38. Lining (86p.) pamušalas covers the inside surface of used for fashion garments,
something but are also used for
the pieces of material used to linings, padding and the
39. Padding (86p.) paminkštinimas protect something or give it interiors of shoes and
shape bags.
stick fast to (a surface or
40. Adheres (87p.) prilipti
The fabric adheres to the
a hollow container with a
form of the body or if a
particular shape into which
shape is needed then
soft or liquid substances are
moulds can be placed
41. Mould (87p.) forma poured, so that when the
underneath to shape the
substance becomes hard it
takes the shape of the
So far this technology of
three- dimensional
printing has grown out of
42. Rapid (87p.) greitas fast or sudden rapid prototyping, which
has been used with great
success in the engineering
change or cause to change in
Once a fabric has been
character or composition,
43. Altered (89p.) pakeista constructed, it can be
typically in a comparatively
enhanced or altered with
small but significant way
the application of different
the way you deal with or
Treatments kinds of surface
44. apdorojimas behave towards someone or
(89p.) treatments.
A reflective surface sends It is wise to consider the
Reflective back most of the light that function of the fabric, for
45. atspindintis
(89p.) shines on it and can therefore example, it could be made
be seen easily. light reflective through the
46. Retention sulaikymas the ability to keep or continue application of a print
(89p.) having something. finish or quilting could be
incorporated to improve
Pattern, color and texture
to do or obtain something that
can be achieved by
Achieved you wanted after planning
47. pasiekti printing with a variety of
(90p.) and working to make it
media, including pigment,
dye, flock or glitter.
Although certain processes
are more applicable to
Applicable affecting or relating to a specific fabrics, it is
48. pritaikomas
(90p.) person or thing important to experiment as
a fabric might react in an
unexpected way.
strongly suggest the truth or As the name implies,
49. Implies (91p.) reiškia existence of (something not mono printing produces a
expressly stated) single, unique print.
A design is applied to a
hard material – for
carve, mold, or stamp a
Embossing example, wood, lino or
50. įspausti design on (a surface) so that it
(91p.) rubber – via embossing or
stands out in relief.
by cutting into the surface
to make a negative image.
an old-fashioned decorative The flat copperplate-
copperplate- Dažymas vario
51. style of writing with long, printing process was
printing (92p.) plytele
flowing letters introduced in the 1770s
to cut words, pictures, or making the printing of
52. išgraviruotas patterns into the surface of large repeats with fine
metal, stone, etc. engraved details possible.
a tool with a rubber blade and
a short handle that is used for
Squeegee removing water from a
53. valytuvas Screen-printing requires a
(92p.) surface such as a window or
design, ink, squeegee and
mirror after it has been
a 'silkscreen' - that is, a
piece of silk stretched
(of something soft or elastic)
evenly across a frame.
Stretched be made or be capable of
54. ištemptas
(92p.) being made longer or wider
without tearing or breaking.
a narrow piece attached to the Ink is directed through
end of a tube so that the nozzles as a controlled
55. Nozzles (93p.) purkštukas liquid or air that comes out series of drops on to the
can be directed in a particular surface of a fabric,
way printing line by line.
in a way that is an extremely Pigments are intrinsically
Intrinsically important and basic more light fast and wash
56. Iš esmės
(93p.) characteristic of a person or fast than dyes, and are
thing often less expensive.
57. Restricted apribota limited, especially by official Pigment-based inks can be
(93p.) rules, laws, etc. printed on to a broad
variety of fibres and
fabrics, whereas dye-based
inks are restricted to
specific types of fibres and
the liquid in which a solute is Such solvents are often
58. Solvents (93p.) tirpiklis
dissolved to form a solution based on volatile organic
compounds, which means
likely to change suddenly and that dye-based inks tend to
59. Volatile (93p.) nepastovus unexpectedly, especially by be less environmentally
getting worse friendly than pigmented
preventing light from An oil-based ink is more
travelling through, and opaque and heavy and
60. Opaque (94p.) nepermatomas
therefore not transparent or tends to sit on the surface
translucent of the fabric.
When printing on a stretch
fabric a stretch auxiliary is
giving help or support,
Auxiliary sometimes added to the
61. pagalbinis especially to a more
(94p.) ink to improve the print
important person or thing
quality so that it does not
crack when stretched.
62. Vast (100p.) didžiulis extremely big Hand stitching is the basis
of these and once you have
to arrange a group of things learnt the principles, you
63. Array (100p.) masyvas
in a particular way have the foundation for a
vast array of techniques.
Significance This chapter looks at the
64. reikšmė importance
(111p.) fundamentals of colour,
a statement about what you how it is used in design
65. prognozė think will happen in the and also its significance to
future trend prediction.
a person who tells you what
Forecaster Forecasters do not have
66. sinoptikas particular conditions are
(111p.) the ability to dictate styles.
expected to be like
(a degree of lightness, Mixing other hues cannot
67. Hues (113p.) atspalviai darkness, strength, etc. of) a create the primary colours
colour red, yellow and blue.
In India, red is associated
(of animals and plants) the with fertility and is also
68. vaisingumas quality of being able to used as a wedding colour,
produce young or fruit while white is linked to
In China, red is symbolic
of prosperity, luck and
Prosperity Klestėjimas, the state of being successful
69. celebration, while white is
(114p.) gerovė and having a lot of money
symbolic of mourning and
Their collections are
timeless and concentrate
Fanciful in a way that shows or is
70. išgalvotas more on the clever cutting
(116p.) based on imagination
of a garment than a
fanciful colour.
71. Convey perteikti to express a thought, feeling, For example, in the West a
(117p.) or idea so that it is understood red wedding dress is
conveying a very different
by other people statement to a traditional
white dress.

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