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Class: English
Date: the 6th of March
Grade: 8th
Lesson 2: Conditions in the past
Type of lesson: review and systematization of contents lesson
Time: 50 minutes
Purpose: The purpose of the lesson is to present and practice past conditions.
Specific competences:
1.2 Identify key elements / essential information from a standard language spoken message at
normal speed
3.2 Select, from several read texts, relevant information needed to perform a task
4.2 Logical ordering of some narrative ideas
4.3 Express opinions / points of view / argument on topics of interest in the near universe.
Cognitive Objectives:
a) To revise the main structures learnt so far;
b) To revise: “Present Conditional and conditional without if”;
Affective objectives:
a) To appreciate students’ work and efforts;
b) To feel more positive when expressing their ideas in English;
c) To create a warm atmosphere for learning;
Operational objectives: By the end of the lesson the pupils will be able:
O1 - to form sentences using the second conditional
The aim is considered achieved if each student forms at least two sentences.
O2 – to identify the structure of the second conditional
The aim is considered achieved if each student identifies at least two structures.
O3 – to describe a situation;
The aim is considered achieved if each student describes at least two different situations.
Teaching strategies
a) Techniques: conversation, explanation, exercise, chain story, didactic game.
b) Means of instruction: notebook, worksheets, cards, laptop, video projector, board, chalk.
c) Types of interaction: frontal, individual, pairs.
a) Human resources: 16 students;
b) Temporal resources: 50 minutes;
c) Spatial resources: classroom;
Techniques of evaluation:
a) Oral and written assessment;
a) “Programe scolare pentru disciplina LIMBA ENGLEZĂ, clasele a V-a – a VIII-a, Limba Moderna 1, Conform cu Anexa
nr. 1 la ordinal ministrului educației, cercetării și inovării, Nr. 5097 / 09.09.2009”.
b) Jean Brewster, Gail Ellis, Denis Girard (2002). The Primary English Teacher’s Guide, Editura Penguin English Guides.
Teaching strategies
Lesson stages Objectives Activities Types of Means of Time
Techniques n
interaction instruction
The teacher greets the students and ensures the optimal
Arrangements Conversation Frontal Oral 2’
conditions for the activities. Informal conversation.
Reviewing the The teacher checks homework, explains the mistakes.
previous They revise the knowledge learnt so far. Frontal Oral 5’
The teacher introduces a song “If I had a Million Frontal Laptop
Listening Oral
Warm up Dollars” by Barenaked Ladies. The song fits perfectly Individual Video 5’
with this lesson. projector
The teacher announces the subject of the lesson:
“Conditions in the past” then she presents the
Formulation of Conversation Board
operational objectives adapted to the students’ Frontal Oral 2’
the subject Explanation Chalk
understanding level. She also writes the title and the
date on the board.
The teacher plays again the song and stops it after a
few seconds where they can see the lyrics “If I had a
million dollars, I’d / would buy you a house”.
The teacher explains the ways in which this grammar
Communication item is used, she also asks them to watch at the verbs Explanation Frontal
projector Oral 9’
of knowledge from the sentence and to tell the tenses that are used Conversation Individual
there. She asks the difference between I’d buy and I
would buy, too. She waits the answer and if there isn’t
O2 anyone who can know it she explains them by herself.
The teacher communicates the students to tell her to
stop the song when they see another example of
conditional in the past. She plays the song and each
time when they stop they discuss the lyrics.
The teacher gives the students worksheets on which
there are exercises with the past conditional. She Conversation Frontal Worksheets Written 5’
O1 explains them again how they should form it and asks Exercise Individual Oral
O2 them to solve the exercises then they will discuss
orally. (Appendix 1)
The teacher distributes a card to each student and
instructs them to write one adjective on the card. When
Fixation of everyone has written down an adjective, the teacher
knowledge collects the cards and mixes them up. Then she re- Explanation Individual Cards Written 8’
O1 distributes them. Students construct a sentence using Exercise Oral
O3 the second conditional and the adjective on the card. Didactic
For example: If I were lost, I would look at a map. game
Students share their sentences with the class.
The teacher tells the students to work in pairs. Using
O3 the prompt “If I lived on an island, I would …..” each Conversation Individual Notebooks Written 7’
member should write as many sentences as they can. Exercise Pairs Oral
The pairs practice by explaining to each other what
their island lives would be like.
The teacher tells the students to create a Round-robin
chain story with the class. To construct the story,
O1 students use the main clause, of the previous student’s 5’
Individual Round-robin
O3 sentence to begin their sentence with an if-clause in the Chain Story Oral
Feedback chain story
second conditional.
For example: If we had no school today, I would go to
the beach.- if we went to the beach, we would ……
The teacher presents a link and explains that the video
is an interview with different people asking them what
they would buy if they won the lottery. She asks the
Giving Internet
students to write down all the sentences in which there
homework and Conversation Frontal YouTube Oral 2’
is past conditional.
assessment Notebooks
The teacher also praises the most active students and
encourages the others.

Appendix 1

Conditions in the past

1. Match the two columns.

1. If we listened to the radio, a. you wouldn’t fall over the chair.
2. If you switched on the lights, b. I wouldn’t go to school by bus.
3. If she wasn’t on holiday, c. we would hear the news.
4. If I had a driving license, d. she’d be lovesick.
5. If she didn't see him every day, e. she would come to our party.

2. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II.

a) If he (try) ………………….. harder, he (reach) ………………….. his goals.

b) I (buy) ………………….. these shoes if they (fit) ………………….. .
c) It (surprise / not) ………………….. me if he (know / not) ………………….. the answer.
d) If you (go) ………………….. out with your friends, I (watch) ………………….. the football
match on TV.
e) I (earn) ………………….. a lot of money if I (get) ………………….. that job.
f) If she (hurry / not) ………………….., we (miss) ………………….. the bus.

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