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MODULE Assertion or Opinion

Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion
English 10 Second Quarter, Module 4

Name: Section:

I. PRE-TEST 10/10
Directions: Classify the following assertions whether statements of convention,
fact, opinion or preference. Write your answer on the space in front of
each item.

Fact 1. Social media is defined as the internet and mobile –based tools and
devices that facilitate the integration of technology,
telecommunications, and social interaction.

Opinion 2. Facebook is a cooler social media platform than Twitter.

Preference 3. Teachers should use social media in their lessons to get more
students’ interests.

Opinion 4. Social networks are the most distracting websites on the internet.

Opinion 5. Many teenagers’ present obsession with taking selfies shows they
are the most narcissistic generation.

Fact 6. Children are learning how to operate mobile devices at increasingly

younger ages; many of them have an idea of how to use a
touchscreen tablet before they are two.

Preference 7. Parents ought to enforce stricter guidelines in social media to

safeguard their children’s privacy.

Fact 8. Another name for social media is “Web 2.0,” because both terms
emphasize the social aspects of the internet as avenues for
communication, collaboration, and creative expression.

Fact 9. Although there are roughly 1.3 billion Twitter accounts, only about
a quarter of them are active every month.

Fact 10. YouTube is the second largest search engine, taking second to
Google with 3 billion searches a month.


Directions: Interview one of your parents and two friends or classmates. Let them to cite an assertion or a
statement/claim that they strongly believe as true even if it is not supported by any evidence.
Likewise, ask them to give a one-sentence opinion regarding any of the following issues:

 health and safety protocols in Legazpi City or in your town

 traffic scheme in the city
 opening the city to tourists
 modular, online, blended learning
 academic freeze

Name of
Assertion Opinion

Even though Legazpi city has

opening the city to tourist will 95% recovery rate form COVID-
benefit its economy and local 19, It is hard to risk the health of
businesses the locals especially there now
new variants of the virus which
has higher transmission rate.

Due to the implementation of

blended learning, many
marginalised, poverty-stricken,
and vulnerable children in the
country will be at a disadvantage.
The implementation of blended The possible increase in payment
learning made both learners and charges for internet subscriptions
teachers overwork. which is a cost to both, learners
and teachers is another reality.
To note, internet services in the
Philippines are not only slow but
quite expensive compared to
other countries in the region.

In my opinion, the government

I know that the classes are should implement an academic
already starting, but Academic freeze because of the crisis that
Freeze should be considered in we are experiencing right now.
times like this.

Directions: Write a statement of opinion or assertion for each of the given topics.

1. Legazpi as a Model City

Legazpi is a City with the best view of the Mayon volcano that can attract tourists in
no time. Legazpi can pass as a Model City as it is composed of the most patriotic and
welcoming Filipinos. Legazpi is accessible with plenty of clean malls and parks that are filled
with fun activities and photographic sceneries. With the humble and welcoming people of
Legazpi, it cannot be a bad choice as a model city.

2. Distance Learning
Distance learning is both a burden and beneficial to both students and teachers. Every
student gets to learn amidst the pandemic, while the teachers still get to earn for their
families. But not everyone has the access to internet that may affect the students learning.
While there are other options like modules, still there are students that are far from school
and find it hard to use public transportation. Even teachers struggle, with making the modules
and adjusting to the new way of computing grades and checking scores. Distance learning
can be hard to manage, but it is beneficial for all of us.

3. Online Selling
In times like this, people are desperately trying hard to find a way to feed their
families and make a living. Most people are now practicing social distancing that makes it
hard for public stores or restaurants to open again and serve people. I think online selling is a
big help, especially to the people that struggle to re-open their businesses. Online selling can
help both the buyers and the sellers. The buyers can easily purchase stuff that they want that
don’t require them to risk the chance of getting the virus. Same goes for the sellers only that
they get to earn for their families. Online selling is a win-win situation for everyone.

4. Corruption
Corruption is something that can affect not only a city but the whole country. From
poverty, to lack of education, epidemics, and others are just some examples on how
corruption can affect not only the citizens but the whole country.

5. Mental Health
Mental health is not something to take lightly, this matter should be taken seriously.
Lives of not only the affected but also the families of the one with a mental health problem
can be affected, not everyone can handle the struggles of having a mental health problem.
People struggle and not tell anyone about it until they can’t take it anymore.

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