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The Archdemon is your typical, extremely powerful Lord of Hell. Maker of Bargains Constant
He commands lesser demons, tortures the innocent and generally See “Faerie Queen” in the Lexicon of the Throne.
twists man to commit depraved and sinful acts. Archdemons tend
to look the part too. Horns, tails, massive bulky bodies and so on
aren't uncommon. Greater Gifts
Lord of Hell Constant
Archdemons can improve their Strength score to 16 or to 18
As “Elfland's Crown” from “Faerie Queen” in the Lexicon of the
of it's already 16 or higher. They are immune to mental Throne but affecting your fellow demons instead of fae.
effects and may take on one chosen human disguise, that
can only be pierced or dispelled by divine effects, as an The Devil You Know Action
You can appear as any humanoid you have seen before or can
Lesser Gifts imagine instead of your one chosen disguise. Lesser foes
Infernal Armor Constant automatically regard you as someone worth listening to,
equivalent in impact to a good friend. Worthy foes can make a
Your natural AC is 3 because of scales or some unholy toughening
Spirit saving throw to resist this effect but won't be aware of it
of the skin, and you have an invincible defence against fire and
even if they succeed.

Awaken Sin Action The Gates Open (Smite) Action

Commit effort for the scene. A target within sight is overcome by
Commit effort for the scene. You open a gate to hell beneath a
an urge to act on a sin of your choice to the fullest extent. Worthy
chosen target within sight. Whether it falls through layers or
foes can make a Spirit save against the effect to resist it.
torment before being spit back out or is scorched by escaping
flames and poisons, it takes 1d8 damage per character level. If the
Demonic Possession Action effort is committed for the day instead, the gate to hell remains
Commit effort for the day and name a foe you have seen before. open for a day as a proper nightroad to hell.
You vanish and enter his body. You use his senses and can
influence his actions or take complete control. Worthy foes can
make a Spirit saving throw to resist this power when you use it
and whenever you attempt to control their actions. When you
choose to end the possession, when your influence is resisted or
when the target dies you reappear in the place where you used the

Legions of Hell Action

Commit effort for the scene. You summon one small mob of
suicidally loyal demons with the statistics of a verminous swarm
for every three character levels you have, rounded up. The demons
can fly 60 feet per round and carry up to one adult man when they
work together. You can not summon a new legion before all old
ones are dead or dispelled.

Torture Weapons On Turn

Commit effort. Any weapon you wield becomes magical and deals
1d10 damage. The crippling pain caused by the brutality of your
attacks forces creatures capable of feeling pain to make a Morale
check the first time they are struck with them in a fight.

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