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BM051-3-M-ISM(Integrated Systems Managment)

Fail (0 -49 %) Fair (50 -64%) Good (65 -74%) Excellent (75%+ )
Acqusition of
knowledge/application of 0 - 19 20 - 25 26 - 29 30 - 40

Identifies and introduces a mostly Identifies and introduces an appropriate, clear,

Identifies and introduces a somewhat appropriate, conceptual context. Identifies and introduces an appropriate, clear concise and supported conceptual context. Objective
_____ appropriate, yet unclear and unsupported Objective is identified and explicitly linked and concise conceptual context. Objective is is concisely introduced and explicitly linked to the
conceptual context. Objective not so clearly
40 linked to the task. Structure is introduced yet to the task. Structure is introduced. linked to the task. Structure is concisely task. Structure is concisely and accurately introduced.
incomplete. Solutions proposed though largely introduced. Sound solutions proposed. Sound solutions or framework proposed and
decriptive in nature. discussed thoroughly

Quality of
Argument/reasoning,depth of 0 - 22 23 - 29 30 - 33 34 -40
analysis/expansion of
ideas/argument & recognition of
The focus of the question/problem/task is Concepts are well applied to the case study with an
wider context understood and some identification of The focus of the question/problem/task is
the issues in relation to the case understood; key issues are understood and indepth analysis and interpretation of the issues in the
case study. This is presented using an appropriate
____ The problem/question/task required understood study.Issues discussed but some obvious appliation of the concepts evident, with some
structure and there is clarity in applying the concepts
but poor analysis of the issues. Detail lacking in areas to appraise may have been analsyis and interpretation in the case study.
45 most areas-big gaps in the critical appraisal of missed.Discussion of the issues may be Analytical techniques/methods are
systematically and in an integrative manner. Theory
and concepts are deployed in a manner which is
ISM issues. lacking in structure and clarity in some theoretically informed; some awareness of critically self-aware; ability to deploy
areas. Application of the concepts competing alternatives analyses/perspectives/
evident, with some analysis and solutions is apparent. competing/alternatives/analyses/perspectives/solutio
ineterpretation in the case study. ns is apparent.

Consistency of Focus/overall
quality 0-7 8-9 10 - 11 12-15

Evicence of understanding of core texts Evidence of reading beyond core texts and Strong evidence of independent reading beyond core
_____ Evidence of having read texts and materials.
and materials. Mostly adequate
materials. Acceptable evaluation and use of texts and materials. Critical use and evaluation of both
Attempted use of contemporary and theoretical both contemporary and theoretical contemporary and theoretical sources.Sections well
15 sources. Some elements of a structure are evaluation and use of both contemporary sources.Sections well linked and well linked and well organased, goof flow and clarity of
present and theoretical sources.Some elements of organased, good flow and clarity of presentation.
an appropriate structure are present. presentation.

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