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In the company, I have worked as an employee. Where I have to do work and manage the

organizational activities. I have faced some issues while working in the company with the

manager and co-workers. The first issues are faced in the company while making any decision

regarding the work. The manager of the company is not providing the exact detail about the

working process. It’s because the manager is handling a lot of tasks in the company. Multiple

times lacks decision-making issues are faced in the company. Sometimes I have faced conflicts

in the company due to a lack of communication skills. Employees are not able to communicate

the issues and the problems faced in the company. I have also faced communication issues with

the other employees regarding planning and organization. The management of the company is

not good. Most of the employees were searching for jobs somewhere else. It’s because the

manager is not providing the proper guidance about the work profile. I have some issues with the

internal process and the manager is not providing the proper instructions about the process and

working methods. Employees are not coordinating with each other in the organization. Due to

this lack of coordination faced during the time of work. I have also faced coordination issues

with some employees in the first few months. It’s because I have no idea how to deal with the

internal process and management of the organization.


After facing all these issues in the organization I have used some important theories to handle all

the situations. These theories are decision-making theory, communication theory, and principles
management theory. With the help of the decision-making theory, I have take better and correct

decisions about the issues. I have also not taken any help from the manager after applying this

theory. Decision-making theory becomes more effective in the organization. When I have started

using the communication theory for better performance. Communication theory helps to

communicate the ideas and methods of working. I have also used this theory while working in

the organization. All the issues related to communication are improved through this theory and

with a clear vision I have also properly done my work. The third theory applied during the time

of issues is principles management theory. In the principles of management theory, I have used

all important functions such as controlling, leading, planning, organizing, and staffing. With help

of the management theory, I have used the planning functions which help to plan the everyday

working process and techniques. I have also learned how to plan the whole activity and manage

the issues. The second function I have used in this theory is organizing. With the help of the

organizing theory, I have properly organized all the work and the theory help me a lot to manage

the work. With help of all these theories, I have solved all the issues and managed the internal

and external problems. And I have learned multiple types of methods for working in the


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