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Principal Office
I1. About Institute
I1.1- Vision & Mission File
I1.1.1- PO,PEO Foundation Committee Members File
I1.1.2- PO, PEO Framing File
I1.1.3- PO, PEO Attainment File
I1.2- Program Detailed File (Statistical Data)
I1.2.1- List of Program/Courses Offered
I1.2.2- Intake Details
I1.3- Society & Foundation Related Files
I1.4- Collaboration (MoUs & Tie-up's)

I2. Governance
I2.1- Governance File
I2.1.1- Administrative set-up
I2.1.2- Policies, Code of conduct Files
I2.1.3- Advisory Board File
I2.1.4- Service Rules & HR Policy
I2.1.5- Governing Body File
I2.2- AICTE File
I2.2.1- AICTE Circulars
I2.2.2- AICTE Correspondence Files
I2.2.3- AICTE Visit File
I2.2.4- AICTE Statue, Ordinance, Process Handbook
I2.3- University File
I2.3.1 - Academic Calendar
I2.3.2 - Syllabus
I2.3.3 - University Circular
I2.3.4 - University Visit File
I2.3.5 - University Statue, Ordinance, Process Handbook
I2.4- State & Central Govt. File
I2.4.1- Government circulars
I2.4.2- DTE circular
I2.4.3- Correspondence Files
I2 4.4- DTE/Govt Visit File
I2.4.5- Govt. Statue, Ordinance, Process Handbook

I3. Faculty
I3.1- List of Faculty Members
I3.2- Faculty Recruitment File
I3.2.1- Approval letters
I3.2.2- Faculty Data File
I3.3- Awards, Incentives & Skill Upgradation
I3.4- Salary Details
I3.5- Faculty Competencies Correlation to Programme

I4.1- List of Staff
I4.2- Staff Recruitment File
I4.3- Awards, Incentives & Skill Upgradation
I4.4- Salary Details

I5.1- List of students admitted as per DTE
I5.2- Different Category wise Students Record
I5.3- Student Roll list File

I6. Infrastructure & Facilities

I6.1- Infrastructure & Facilities detailed File
I6.1.1- Construction Detail file
I6.1.2- List of Course- specific Infrastructure
I6.1.3- Maintenance
I6.2- Safety precaution Detail file
I6.2.1- Fire Extinguishers
I6.2.2- Safety for civil structure
I6.2.3- Safety against Hazardous chemicals
I6.2.4- Safety against Electrical Hazardous
I6.2.5- Electric Supply
I6.2.6- Backup Electric Supply
I6.2.7- Sewage Disposal System
I6.2.8- Water Safety
I6.2.9- General Insurance provided for assets against fire, burglary and other calamities
I6.2.10- Motorised Road
I6.3- Facilities File
I6.3.1- Bus Facility File
I6.3.2- Housekeeping
I6.3.3- Girls, Boys Common Room
I6.3.4- Library/ Reading Room
I6.3.5- Internet Facility
I6.3.6- ATM / Banking
I6.3.7- Career Counseling
I6.3.8- Canteen
I6.3.9- NSS
I6.3.10- Electricity/Power Back-up
I6.3.11- Drinking Water
I6.3.12- Security
I6.3.13- Language Laboratory
I6.3.14- Potable Water supply source
I6.3.15- Notice Boards
I6.3.16- Medical and Counseling Facilities
I6.3.17- Toilets
I6.3.18- Telephone and FAX
I6.3.19- Vehicle Parking
I6.3.20- Institution web site
I6.3.21- Stationery Store
I6.3.22- Reprography Centre
I6.3.23- First Aid cum Sick room
I6.3.24- WIFI Facility
I6.3.25- Central Stores
I6.3.26- Announcement System
I6.3.27- Pantry for staff
I6.3.28- Examinations Control Office
I6.3.29- Placement office
I6.3.30- Computer Centre & H/W S/W
I6.3.31- Staff Quarter
I6.3.32- Principal ‘s quarter
I6.3.33- Guest House
I6.3.34- Sports Club / Gymnasium
I6.3.35- Auditorium / Amphi Theater
I6.3.36- Boys Hostel
I6.3.37- Girls Hostel
I6.3.38- Principal/Director Office
I6.3.39- Board Room
I6.3.40- College Office
I6.3.41- Cable TV
I6.3.42- Postal/Currier
I6.3.43- Students/ Staff Clubs
I6.3.44- Insurance

I7. Institute Working

I7.1- Management Board Related File
I7.2- Department
I7.2.1-HOD Circulars/Meeting/Actions/Orders
I7.2.2-Staff Circulars/Meeting/Actions/Orders
I7.2.3-Student Circulars/Meeting/Actions/Orders
I7.2.4-CR Circulars/Meeting/Actions/Orders
I7.3- Day to Day Monitoring Files
I7.3.1- Daily Attendance Status of staff
I7.3.2- Daily Attendance Status of Student
I7.3.3- Status of Admin work
I7.4- Institute Committee
I7.4.1- Anti Ragging & Discipline Committee
I7.4.2- Internal Quality Assurance
I7.4.3- Academic Committee (TimeTable, Result Analysis, Library)
I7.4.4- Student Welfare committee (Student Counselor, Awards, Rewards, welfare programs)
I7.4.5- Staff Welfare committee (Awards, Rewards, welfare programs)
I7.4.6- Events, Publicity and Hospitality Committee (website,fb,tw, radio, tv, Magazine, Brochure)
I7.4.7- Research and Consultancy
I7.4.8- Co-curricular
I7.4.9- Extra Curricular
I7.4.10- Professional societies Files
I7.4.11- Grievance Redressal Committee and OMBUDSMAN
I7.4.12- Internal Complaint Committee for Women
I7.4.13- Establishment of Committee for SC/ST
I7.5- Applications Files
I7.6- Note-sheets Files

I8. Institutional Support and Financial Resources

I8.1- Scholarships/Govt. Grants
I8.2- Sponsorships
I8.3- Consultancy
I8.4- Student Fees Files

I9. Miscellaneous File

I9.1- Blank Format File
I9.2- Notice Board File
I9.3- News Paper cuttings
I9.4- Website File
I9.5- Gate Pass (In/Out)
I9.6- Stationary requirements,consumables and records

D1. About Department HoD / AC
D1.1- Vision & Mission File
D1.1.1- PO,PEO Foundation Committee Members File
D1.1.2- PO,PEO Framing File
D1.1.3- PO, PEO Attainment File
D1.2- Department Detailed File (Statistical Data)
D1.3- Society & Foundation Related Files
D1.4- Collaboration (MoUs & Tie-up's)

D2. Governance HoD / DC

D2.1- Institutional Governance Directions File
D2.1.1- Management/Principal
D2.1.2- Policies, Code of conduct Files
D2.1.3- Advisory Board File
D2.1.4- Service Rules & HR Policy
D2.1.5- Committee/Others
D2.2- AICTE File
D2.2.1- AICTE Circulars
D2.2.2- AICTE Correspondence Files
D2.2.3- AICTE Visit File
D2.2.4- AICTE Statue, Ordinance, Process Handbook
D2.3- University File
D2.3.1- Academic Calendar
D2.3.2- Syllabus
D2.3.3- University Circular
D2.3.4- University Visit File
D2.3.5- University Statue, Ordinance, Process Handbook
D2.4-State & Central Govt File
D2.4.1- Government circulars
D2.4.2- DTE circular
D2.4.3- Correspondence Files
D2 4.4- DTE/Govt Visit File
D2.4.5- Govt. Statue, Ordinance, Process Handbook

D3. Faculty
D3.1- List of Faculty Members HoD
D3.2- Personal Files of faculty(including Service book HoD
D3.3- Work Allocation File HoD
D3.4- Salary Details HoD
D3.5- Faculty Competencies Correlation to Programme
D3.6- Faculty Achievement File
D3.6.1- Qualification Upgradation File Individual Faculty
D3.6.2- R & D RC
D3.6.3- Workshops/Seminars/Conference/Paper pr RC
D3.6.4- Promotion and award letters/certificates HoD
D3.6.5- Patents & Copyrights RC
D3.6.6- Awards, Incentives & Skill Upgradation RC
D4. Staff
D4.1- List of Non-Teaching Staff HoD
D4.2- Personal File HoD
D4.3- Awards, Incentives & Skill Upgradation Individual
D4.4- Salary Details HoD

D5.Student (C5,P20) SR
D5.1- List of Admitted Student as per DTE
D5.2- Different Category wise Students Record
D5.3- Roll List Semester Wise
D5.4- Personal Files of Student
D5.5- Extra curricular achievements
D5.6- Co-curricular achievements
D5.7- Placement/Higher Studies/Entrepreneurship File

D6. Infrastructure & Facilities File IC

D6.1- Seminar Halls
D6.2- Classrooms
D6.3- Staff rooms
D6.4- List of Course specific laboratories
D6.5- Departmental Library
D6.5.1- List of books (Departmental/Central library)
D6.5.2- Semester wise
D6.5.3- Subject wise
D6.5.4- Magazine Details (Departmental/Central library)
D6.5.5- Journal Details (Departmental/Central library)
D6.5.6- e-Library
D6.5.7- Computing Facility
D6.6- Teaching Aids
D6.7- Maintenance file
D6.8- Safety File
D6.8.1- Safety against Hazardous chemicals
D6.8.2- Safety against Electrical Hazardous
D6.8.3- Electric Supply
D6.8.4- Backup Electric Supply
D6.9- Facilities File
D6.9.1- Departmental Counseling Centre
D6.9.2- Drinking Water
D6.9.3- Notice Boards
D6.9.4- Toilets
D6.9.5- Departmental website
D6.9.6- Student Club

D7. Department Working

D7.1- HOD Circulars/Meeting/Actions/Orders DC/HoD
D7.2- Student Circulars/Meeting/Actions/Orders SR
D7.3- Day to Day Monitoring Files HoD
D7.3.1- Daily Attendance Status of staff
D7.3.2- Daily Attendance Status of Student
D7.3.3- Status of Admin work
D7.4- Department Committee HoD
D7.4.1- Anti Ragging & Discipline Committee HoD
D7.4.2- Internal Quality Assurance DC
D7.4.3- Academic Committee (TimeTable, Result A AC
D7.4.4- Student Welfare committee (Student Co SR
D7.4.5- Staff Welfare committee (Awards, Rewards, welfare programs)
D7.4.6- Events, Publicity and Hospitality Committ IC
D7.4.7- Research and Consultancy RC
D7.4.8- Co-curricular
D7.4.9- Extra Curricular
D7.4.10- Professional societies Files
D7.5- Applications Files
D7.6- Note-sheets Files

D8. Finance Accounts/HoD

D8.1- Budget Process Document File
D8.1.1- Requirements/Proposed & Sanctioned Budget
D8.1.2- Utilization Report
D8.2- Purchasing Record
D8.2.1-Vendor List
D8.2.2- Quotations
D8.2.3- Comparative Statement & Sanctioned /PO /Bills Files
D8.3- Miscellaneous Files

D9.Teaching- Learning AC
D9.1- Subject Files AC
D9.2- Subject Course Files AC
D9.3- Lab Detail File AC
D9.3.1- Lab Requirement File
D9.3.2- Innovative Lab File
D9.3.3- Lab name,Incharge & Lab attendant
D9.3.4- Lab Manuals
D9.3.5- Stock Book
D9.3.6- Batch wise Student List
D9.4- Project details AC
D9.4.1- Guides Allotment
D9.4.2- Seminar details
D9.4.3- Evaluation sheets
D9.4.4- Best Projects
D9.4.5- List of Projects
D9.5- Academic Planning,Implementation, Monitorin AC
D9.5.1- Academic Planning, Implementation, Monitoring & Actions
D9.5.2- Syllabus Coverage & Actions
D9.5.3- Student's Attendance & Actions
D9.5.4- Weekly Activities (Class adjustment,Class audit & Planned Activities)
D9.6-Result File AC
D9.6.1- Batch wise Marks
D9.6.2- Gazette File
D9.6.3- Result Analysis
D9.6.3.1- All Clear(Pass) Students List
D9.6.3.2- ATKT Students List
D9.6.3.3- Failed Students List / Detained Student List
D9.6.3.4- Student wise Result analysis
D9.6.3.5- Subject wise Result analysis
D9.6.3.6- Faculty wise Result analysis
D9.6.3.7- Topper Students List
D9.7- Exam File AC1
D9.7.1- Internal Exam
D9.7.2- External Exam
D9.7.3- Assignment File
D9.7.4-Mini & Major Project File
D9.8- Feedback File AC
D9.8.1- Students
D9.8.2- Parents
D9.8.3- Staff
D9.8.4- Visitor/Guest
D9.8.5- Feedback from Alumni

D10. Student Welfare File SR

D10.1- Student's Mentor Files
D10.1.1- Mentor Allotment
D10.1.2- Mentoring reports & Actions (Helping the Students in General Issues)
D10.2- Counseling Centre
D10.2.1- Psycho-Social Supportive counseling
D10.2.2- Guiding and Supporting the Students
D10.3- Student's Hobby Club
D10.4- Student Support (Financial, Insurance, Health, Traveling, Accommodation)
D10.5- Rewards, Awards
D10.6- Legal advice

D11. Miscellaneous File DC

D11.1- Blank Format File
D11.2- Service Rules & HR Policy
D11.3- Notice Board File
D11.4- Advertisement File
D11.4.1- News Paper cuttings
D11.4.2- Website File
D11.5- Stationary requirements,consumables and records

D12. Alumni-Record File SR

D12.1- Alumni Details File
D12.2- Alumni Events File
D12.3- Alumni correspondence File






ned Activities)



in General Issues)

, Accommodation)



F1. About Department
F1.1- Vision & Mission File
F1.1.1- PO,PEO Foundation Committee Members File
F1.1.2- PO,PEO Framing File
F1.1.3- PO, PEO Attainment File
F1.2- Department Detailed File (Statistical Data)
F1.3- Society & Foundation Related Files
F1.4- Collaboration (MoUs & Tie-up's)

F2. Governance
F2.1- Institutional Governance Directions File
F2.1.1- Management/Principal
F2.1.2- Policies, Code of conduct Files
F2.1.3- Advisory Board File
F2.1.4- Service Rules & HR Policy
F2.1.5- Committee/Others
F2.2- AICTE File
F2.2.1- AICTE Circulars
F2.2.2- AICTE Correspondence Files
F2.2.3- AICTE Visit File
F2.2.4- AICTE Statue, Ordinance, Process Handbook
F2.3- University File
F2.3.1- Academic Calendar
F2.3.2- Syllabus
F2.3.3- University Circular
F2.3.4- University Visit File
F2.3.5- University Statue, Ordinance, Process Handbook
F2.4-State & Central Govt File
F2.4.1- Government circulars
F2.4.2- DTE circular
F2.4.3- Correspondence Files
F2 4.4- DTE/Govt Visit File
F2.4.5- Govt. Statue, Ordinance, Process Handbook

F3. Faculty
F3.1- List of Faculty Members
F3.2- Personal Files of faculty(including Service book)
F3.3- Work Allocation File
F3.4- Salary Details
F3.5- Faculty Competencies Correlation to Programme
F3.6- Faculty Achievement File
F3.6.1- Qualification Upgradation File
F3.6.2- R & D
F3.6.3- Workshops/Seminars/Conference/Paper presentation
F3.6.4- Promotion and award letters/certificates
F3.6.5- Patents & Copyrights
F3.6.6- Awards, Incentives & Skill Upgradation
F4. Staff
F4.1- List of Non-Teaching Staff
F4.2- Personal File
F4.3- Awards, Incentives & Skill Upgradation
F4.4- Salary Details

F5.1- List of Admitted Student as per DTE
F5.2- Different Category wise Students Record
F5.3- Roll List Semester Wise
F5.4- Personal Files of Student
F5.5- Extra curricular achievements
F5.6- Co-curricular achievements
F5.7- Placement/Higher Studies/Entrepreneurship File

F6. Infrastructure & Facilities File

F6.1- Seminar Halls
F6.2- Classrooms
F6.3- Staff rooms
F6.4- List of Course specific laboratories
F6.5- Departmental Library
F6.5.1- List of books (Departmental/Central library)
F6.5.2- Semester wise
F6.5.3- Subject wise
F6.5.4- Magazine Details (Departmental/Central library)
F6.5.5- Journal Details (Departmental/Central library)
F6.5.6- e-Library
F6.5.7- Computing Facility
F6.6- Teaching Aids
F6.7- Maintenance file
F6.8- Safety File
F6.8.1- Safety against Hazardous chemicals
F6.8.2- Safety against Electrical Hazardous
F6.8.3- Electric Supply
F6.8.4- Backup Electric Supply
F6.9- Facilities File
F6.9.1- Departmental Counseling Centre
F6.9.2- Drinking Water
F6.9.3- Notice Boards
F6.9.4- Toilets
F6.9.5- Departmental website
F6.9.6- Student Club

F7. Department Working

F7.1- HOD Circulars/Meeting/Actions/Orders
F7.2- Student Circulars/Meeting/Actions/Orders
F7.3- Day to Day Monitoring Files
F7.3.1- Daily Attendance Status of staff
F7.3.2- Daily Attendance Status of Student
F7.3.3- Status of Admin work
F7.4- Department Committee
F7.4.1- Anti Ragging & Discipline Committee
F7.4.2- Internal Quality Assurance
F7.4.3- Academic Committee (TimeTable, Result Analysis, Library)
F7.4.4- Student Welfare committee (Student Counselor, Awards, Rewards, welfare programs)
F7.4.5- Staff Welfare committee (Awards, Rewards, welfare programs)
F7.4.6- Events, Publicity and Hospitality Committee (website,fb,tw, radio, tv, Magazine, Brochure)
F7.4.7- Research and Consultancy
F7.4.8- Co-curricular
F7.4.9- Extra Curricular
F7.4.10- Professional societies Files
F7.5- Applications Files
F7.6- Note-sheets Files

F8. Finance
F8.1- Budget Process Document File
F8.1.1- Requirements/Proposed & Sanctioned Budget
F8.1.2- Utilization Report
F8.2- Purchasing Record
F8.2.1-Vendor List
F8.2.2- Quotations
F8.2.3- Comparative Statement & Sanctioned /PO /Bills Files
F8.3- Miscellaneous Files

F9.Teaching- Learning
F9.1- Subject Files
F9.2- Subject Course Files
F9.3- Lab Detail File
F9.3.1- Lab Requirement File
F9.3.2- Innovative Lab File
F9.3.3- Lab name,Incharge & Lab attendant
F9.3.4- Lab Manuals
F9.3.5- Stock Book
F9.3.6- Batch wise Student List
F9.4- Mini Project details
F9.5- Academic Planning,Implementation, Monitoring & Actions
F9.5.1- Academic Planning, Implementation, Monitoring & Actions
F9.5.2- Syllabus Coverage & Actions
F9.5.3- Student's Attendance & Actions
F9.5.4- Weekly Activities (Class adjustment,Class audit & Planned Activities)
F9.6-Result File
F9.6.1- Batch wise Marks
F9.6.2- Gazette File
F9.6.3- Result Analysis
F9.6.3.1- All Clear(Pass) Students List
F9.6.3.2- ATKT Students List
F9.6.3.3- Failed Students List
F9.6.3.4- Student wise Result analysis
F9.6.3.5- Subject wise Result analysis
F9.6.3.6- Faculty wise Result analysis
F9.6.3.7- Topper Students List
F9.7- Exam File
F9.7.1- Internal Exam
F9.7.2- External Exam
F9.7.3- Assignment File
F9.8- Feedback File
F9.8.1- Students
F9.8.2- Parents
F9.8.3- Staff
F9.8.4- Visitor/Guest
F9.8.5- Feedback from Alumni

F10. Student Welfare File

F10.1- Student's Mentor Files
F10.1.1- Mentor Allotment
F10.1.2- Mentoring reports & Actions (Helping the Students in General Issues)
F10.2- Counseling Centre
F10.2.1- Psycho-Social Supportive counseling
F10.2.2- Guiding and Supporting the Students
F10.3- Student's Hobby Club
F10.4- Student Support (Financial, Insurance, Health, Traveling, Accommodation)
F10.5- Rewards, Awards
F10.6- Legal advice

F11. Miscellaneous File

F11.1- Blank Format File
F11.2- Service Rules & HR Policy
F11.3- Notice Board File
F11.4- Advertisement File
F11.4.1- News Paper cuttings
F11.4.2- Website File
F11.5- Stationary requirements,consumables and records

E1. Result File
E1.1- Batch-wise Marks
E1.2- Gazette File
E1.3- Result Analysis (course,Sem,year wise)
E1.3.1- List of AC Students
E1.3.2- ATKT Students
E1.3.3- Failed student list
E1.3.4- Student wise result analysis
E1.3.5- Subject wise Result analysis
E1.3.6- Faculty wise Result analysis
E1.3.7- Topper students list

E2. Exam File

E2.1- Internal Exam
E2.2- External Exam
E2.3- Mini & Major Project File
E2.4- Remuneration Detail File

E3. OIC Working File

E3.1- Seating Arrangement File
E3.2- Invigillation Duty Record
E3.3- Answer sheet Record
E3.4- Question Paper Record
E3.5- UFM Record
E3.6- Control Sheet
E3.7- Absentee Record
E3.8- Bundle Received File
E3.9- Invigilator Remuneration
E3.10- Supplementary Forms
E3.11- Account Submission File
E3.12- Exam Time-table File
E3.13- University Correspondence
E3.14- Purchase File

L1. Library Detail File
L1.1- List of books
L1.1.1- Branch wise
L1.1.2- Subject wise
L1.2- Magazine/Newsletters Details
L1.3- Journal Details
L1.4- List of News Papers
L1.5- e-Journals Files
L1.6- Project Report Record File
L1.7- Digital Library
L1.8- University Question Paper File
L1.9- Computing facility file

L2. Library Working

L2.1- Norms and Regulation File
L2.2- College/Departments Correspondence File
L2.3- External Correspondence File
L2.4- Library Utilization Students/Staff
L2.5- Daily Transaction Record
L2.6- Departmental Library Books Issue Record File
L2.7- Books Recommendation Forms File
L2.8- Catalog / Quotation File
L2.9- IBB Record File
L2.10- Library/Identity Card Record
L2.11- Notice Board Documentation File
L2.12- Reprography Detail File
L2.13- Press Note File

L3. Finance
L3.1- Purchase order File
L3.2- Books Invoice File
L3.3- Journals & Magazine Invoice File
L3.4- Journals & Magazine Receipt File
L3.5- Newspaper Invoice File
L3.6- Students Clearance File

A1. Finance
A1.1- Budget Process Document File
A1.1.1- Requirements/Proposed & Sanctioned Budget
A1.1.2- Utilization Report
A1.2- Purchasing Record (complete listing for each item)
A1.2.1- Vendor List
A1.2.2- Quotation
A1.2.3- Comparative Statement & Sanctioned
A1.2.4- PO
A1.2.5- Bills
A1.2.6- Item Delivery and Check Report
A1.3- Bank Statements
A1.4- Weekly/Monthly Finance flow Report

A2. Accounts Working File

A2.1- College/Departments Correspondence File
A2.2- External Correspondence File
A2.3- Sanctioned Notesheets / Application File
A2.4- Daily Cash Statements
A2.5- Students Details file (current student status with Account Related info)
A2.6- Notice File
A2.7- Students Fees Record (DTE,University,College,Transport,Hostel)
A2.8- Students Fees Defaulter List
A2.9- Scholarship Detail File
A2.10- Admission Fees Details
A2.11- Other Fees Details
A2.12- Clearance Record

A3. Expenses Record File

A3.1- Acquisition of land
A3.2- New Buildings and Infrastructural Built-up
A3.3- Equipments
A3.4- Software
A3.5- R&D
A3.6- Library
A3.7- Salary
A3.8- Services (Security, Paste control, fire, Housekeeping, Garden, Transport)
A3.9- Travel
A3.10- Teaching aids
A3.11- consumables
A3.12- Maintenance and spares
A3.13- Miscellaneous academic activities
A3.14- Internet/Telephone/communication
A3.15- Miscellaneous Expenses

A4. Salary details

A4.1- Faculty
A4.1.1- Salary Slip
A4.1.2- Salary Sheets
A4.1.3- Finance Related Faculty File
A4.2- Non-Teaching Staff
A4.2.1- Salary Slip
A4.2.2- Salary Sheets
A4.2.3- Finance Related Non-Teaching File

A5. Finance
A5.1- Society Contribution
A5.2- Bank Loan
A5.3- Students Fees
A5.4- Government Grants/Scholarships
A5.5- Consultancy
A5.6- Faculty / Staff Ventures
A5.7- Other (Hostel/Transport/Canteen etc)

T&P Department
T1. Placements Cell Woking File
T1.1- Placement Planning, Implementation (Yearly)
T1.2- College/Departments Correspondence File
T1.3- External Correspondence File
T1.4- Circulars From Placement Cell
T1.5- List of Company
T1.6- HR Contact Details
T1.7- Eligible Students Record
T1.8- Companies visited by TPO
T1.9- Placement Record (Year wise)
T1.9.1- No. of students placed in each company
T1.9.2- Branch wise placement record
T1.10- Feedback from Employer
T1.11- Students Record of Higher Studies
T1.12- Students Record of Student Entrepreneur
T1.13- Financial Record File

T2. Training Cell Working File

T2.1- Training Planning, Implementation(Yearly)
T2.2- College/Departments Correspondence File
T2.3- External Correspondence File
T2.4- Circulars From Training Cell
T2.5- Training Time Table
T2.6- Training Record
T2.6.1- Soft Skills
T2.6.2- Aptitude
T2.6.3- Technical
T2.7- Industry MoU/Tieup
T2.8- Financial Record File
T2.9- Training Material File

T3. Industry Institute Interaction Cell File

T3.1- I I I Cell Planning, Implementation (Yearly)
T3.2- College/Departments Correspondence File
T3.3- External Correspondence File
T3.4- Circulars From I I I Cell
T3.5- Industrial Visit
T3.6- Industry Internship
T3.7- Industrial Training
T3.8- Industrial Seminar/workshop/Meetings
T3.9- Industry Consultancy
T3.10- Industry MoU/Tieup
T3.11- Financial Record File

T4. Entrepreneurship Development Cell File

T4.1- Entrepreneurship Development Cell Planning,Implementation (Yearly)
T4.2- College/Departments Correspondence File
T4.3- External Correspondence File
T4.4- Circulars From Entrepreneurship Cell
T4.5- Entrepreneurship Seminar/workshop/Meetings
T4.6- Student Entrepreneur Details File
T4.7- Entrepreneurship Helping Schemes
T4.8- Incubation Centre File
T4.9- Financial Record File

T5. Alumni Cell File

T5.1- Alumni Cell Planning,Implementation (Yearly)
T5.2- College/Departments Correspondence File
T5.3- External Correspondence File
T5.4- Circulars From Alumni Cell
T5.5- Alumni Details File
T5.6- Alumni Events File
T5.7- Alumni correspondence File
T5.8- Feedback from Alumni
T5.9- Financial Record File

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