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Module 1

The Convergence of which of the following method is sensitive to Starting value.

 Gauss - Sieidal method
 Newton - Raphson method
 C) Regular false method
 Bisection method

In general the ratio of truncation error to that of round off error is

 2:1
 1:1
 1:2
 1:3

Error may come in performing numerical computation on computer due to

 Operator fatigue
 Rounding off error
 Truncation error
 None of these
Which of the following is true about bisection method?
 Requires few approximation for convergence
 Convergence rate is faster than Regula Falsi method
 Rate of convergence is 1.618
 Works for all continuous function

What is the percentage decrease in an interval containing root after iteration is applied by
Bisection Method?
a) 20%
b) 30%
c) 40%
d) 50%

The Bisection method has which of the following convergences?

a) Linear
b) Quadratic
c) Cubic
d) Quaternary

Order of convergence of Regula-Falsi method is

 1.321
 1.618
 2.231
 2.312
 What is the rate of convergence of Secant Method?
a) 1.5
b) 1.26
c) 1.62
d) 1.66

Secant Method is also called as?

 2-point method
 3-point method
 4-point method
 5-point method

A quadratic equation is defined with an initial guess of 1 and 2. Find the

approximated value of using Secant Method.
 7.538
 7.853
 7.358
 1.571

 Order of Newton Raphson method is

 1.618
 1
 2
 3
What is the value of when the equation is solved by Newton Raphson
 1
 1.5
 2
 1.44

To find the root of using Newton-Raphson method with , then root is

 Converges to -2
 Converges to √
 Converges to √2
 Converges to 2.

Newton-Raphson method is applicable to

 Algebraic equation only
 Transcendental only
 Both algebraic and transcendental equation
 Neither algebraic nor transcendental equations

For decreasing the number of iterations in Newton Raphson method:

 The value of f’(x) must be increased
 The value of f’’(x) must be decreased
 The value of f’(x) must be decreased
 The value of f’’(x) must be increased
 Newton- Gregory Forward interpolation formula can be used _____________
a) only for equally spaced intervals
b) only for unequally spaced intervals
c) for both equally and unequally spaced intervals
d) for unequally intervals

 Find x if x0 = 0.6, n = 2.6 and h = 0.2.

a) 12
b) 1.2
c) 1.12
d) 1.22

 The process of finding the values inside the interval (X0, Xn) is called
o Interpolation
o Extrapolation
o Iterative
o Polynomial equation

Given n+1 data points, assume that function f(x) passes through all the data points. If value of
function f(x) required to be found outside the range of the given data, the procedure is called
 Interpolation
 Extrapolation
 Regression
 Progression
Given n+1 data points, a unique polynomial of degree _____________pass through n+1 points.
 n+1
 n+1 or more
 n or less
 n

The following function can be used for interpolation

 exponential function
 trigonometric function
 polynomial functions
 All the above

If a polynomial of degree n has more than n zeros, then the polynomial is

 oscillatory
 zero everywhere
 quadratic
 not defined

 The shifting operator is denoted by ________.

o E
 The relationship between E and delta is __________.
o E =1-
o E =1+
o E = -1
o E=

Let h be the finite difference, then forward difference operator is defined by ____.
 f(x) = f(x+h)-f(x)
 f(x) = f(x-h)-f(x)
 f(x) = f(x*h)
 f(x) = f(x)

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