Clinical and Neurologic Manifestation of Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy and Overt Hepatic Encephalopathy - 2015 - Clinics in Liver Disease

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C l i n i c a l a n d N e u ro l o g i c

Manifestation of Minimal
H e p a t i c En c e p h a l o p a t h y an d
Overt Hepatic Encephalopathy
a,b c,
P. Patrick Basu, MD, MRCP , Niraj James Shah, MD *

 Neurologic manifestation  Minimal hepatic encephalopathy  MHE
 Overt hepatic encephalopathy  OHE

 Hepatic encephalopathy shows a wide spectrum of neuropsychiatric manifestations,
whereas minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) is largely under-recognized.
 Subtle symptoms of MHE can only be diagnosed through specialized neuropsychiatric
 Early diagnosis and treatment may drastically improve the quality of life for many cirrhotic


Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) shows a wide spectrum of neuropsychiatric manifesta-

tions.1 With progression, personality changes occur, such as apathy, irritability, and
disinhibition, along with obvious alternations in mental status and motor functions.2
During the course of the disorder, patients develop altered mental status with disori-
entation, inappropriate behavior, memory impairment, shortened attention span,
slurred speech, confusion and eventually coma.3 Sleep disturbances with changes
in the sleep-wake cycle and daytime somnolence occur early,4 with later, less frequent

Disclosure: The authors have nothing to disclose.

Department of Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 622 West
168 Street, New York, NY 10032, USA; b Department of Medicine, King’s County Hospital Med-
ical Center, 450 Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203, USA; c Department of Medicine, James J.
Peters VA Medical Center, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, 130 West Kingsbridge
Road, New York, NY 10468, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Clin Liver Dis 19 (2015) 461–472
1089-3261/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
462 Basu & Shah

reversal of the sleep-wake cycle.5,6 Decompensated cirrhotics with portal hyperten-

sion have been reported to experience a higher incidence of restless legs syndrome.7
Patients, and often family members and friends, describe changes in memory,
cognition, and behavior. Bizarre behavior and overt personality changes are more
frequently reported than paranoia. Shortened attention span and mildly impaired

Table 1
HE: symptoms/grading

Criteria (WHC)
including Suggested Operative
MHE ISHEN Description Criteria Comment
Unimpaired No encephalopathy, no Tested and proved to be —
history of HE normal
Minimal Covert Psychometric or Abnormal results of No universal
neuropsychological established criteria for
alterations of tests psychometric or diagnosis. Local
exploring neuropsychological standards and
psychomotor speed/ tests without clinical expertise
executive functions or manifestations required
alterations without
clinical evidence of
mental change
Grade I Trivial lack of awareness Despite oriented in time Clinical findings
Euphoria or anxiety and space (discussed usually not
Shortened attention later), the patient reproducible
span seems to have some
Impairment of addition cognitive/behavioral
or subtraction decay with respect to
Altered sleep rhythm the standard on
clinical examination,
or to the caregivers
Grade II Overt Lethargy or apathy Disoriented for time (at Clinical findings
Disorientation for time least 3 of the variable but
Obvious personality following are wrong: reproducible
change day of the month, day to some extent
Inappropriate behavior of the week, month,
Dyspraxia season, or year)  the
Asterixis other mentioned
Grade III Somnolence to Disoriented also for Clinical findings
semistupor space (at least 3 of the reproducible
Responsive to stimuli following wrongly to some extent
Confused reported: country,
Gross disorientation state [or region], city
Bizarre behavior or place)  the other
mentioned symptoms
Grade IV Coma Does not respond even Comatose
to pain stimuli state usually

From American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, European Association for the Study of
the Liver. Hepatic encephalopathy in chronic liver disease: 2014 practice guideline by the European
Association for the Study of the Liver and the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.
J Hepatol 2014;61(3):645; with permission.
Manifestation of MHE and OHE 463

computations mark grade I HE. The patients themselves are often unaware of the sub-
tle changes.
International Society for Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nitrogen Metabolism (ISHEN)
consensus outlined the symptoms and their grading into covert (minimal HE [MHE]
and grade I) and overt HE (OHE; grades II–IV) in September 20148 (Table 1). Impaired
handwriting and incoordination initiate the motor manifestations of stage I HE. Aster-
ixis signifies stage II HE. With progression of encephalopathy, the flapping tremors
weaken in stage III before disappearing in stage IV. Hyporeflexia and ataxia later
lead to hyperreflexia, clonus, and rigidity, ultimately resulting in opisthotonus and
MHE is largely under-recognized. It negatively affects quality of life for patients and
their families.9 MHE is highly prevalent among patients with cirrhosis, affecting up to
80% of this population.10 Patients with MHE have normal findings on clinical exam-
ination, but abnormal psychometric test results. Subtle symptoms of MHE can only
be diagnosed through specialized neuropsychiatric testing.1 This condition is best
described as a disorder of executive functioning. Patients have deficits in vigilance,
response inhibition, working memory, and orientation.10 MHE has been shown to
decrease quality of life and interfere with daily functioning, such as the ability to
safely operate an automobile.11 The recent ISHEN consensus uses the onset of
disorientation or asterixis as the onset of OHE12 (Fig. 1). As MHE is more widely
recognized, its treatment may drastically improve the quality of life for many cirrhotic
Recent understanding of the physiologic mechanisms for HE has helped clinicians
to understand the signs and symptoms in various stages of HE. The blood-brain bar-
rier (BBB) permeability of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum is different in different
stages of HE. Although the BBB in the cerebellum is permeabilized from stage I of
HE, the cerebrum’s BBB is not affected (and hence has no vasogenic edema) until
stage III of HE (Fig. 2).13,14 The symptoms of HE are explained in Table 2.
Cirrhosis-associated parkinsonism, formerly known as acquired hepatolenticular
degeneration, also occurs in chronic HE. Extrapyramidal symptoms are usually
prominent compared with mental status changes and show partial overlap with

Fig. 1. Testing for asterixis (flap test). To test for asterixis, the arms are extended and the
wrists dorsiflexed. (Courtesy of Hepatitis C Online/University of Washington. Available at:
encephalopathy-diagnosis-management/core-concept/all. Accessed January 4, 2015.)
464 Basu & Shah

Fig. 2. Progression of cerebral and cerebellar changes and symptoms. (From Felipo V.
Hepatic encephalopathy: effects of liver failure on brain function. Nat Rev Neurosci
2013;14(12):854; with permission.)

hepatic myelopathy.32 It is usually unresponsive to ammonia level–lowering therapy

and occurs in up to approximately 4% of patients with advanced liver disease.33


Motor activation is induced by activation of the metabotropic glutamate receptors

(mGluRs) in the nucleus accumbens (NAc)14 (Fig. 3). The mechanism of this activa-
tion is different in rats with MHE (via glutamate) compared with control rats (via dopa-
mine).34 The neuroinflammation in MHE reduces the number and function of
glutamate transporters35; reducing the activation of mGluRs in the NAc. This reduced
activation leads to increased levels of extracellular gamma-aminobutyric acid
(GABA), resulting in hypokinesia. Thus blocking glutamate receptors (stereotaxi-
cally with (E)-Ethyl 1,1a,7,7a-tetrahydro-7-(hydroxyimino)cyclopropa[b]chromene-
1a-carboxylate (CPCCOEt), a noncompetitive antagonist at the glutamate receptor)
restores motor activity.36


In rats with MHE, reduced synthesis of cyclase guanylyl monophosphate (cGMP) via
various mechanisms results in impaired cognition, as shown by reduced learning abil-
ity in a Y maze task14 (Fig. 4). Neuroinflammation (via increased extracellular GABA)
and hyperammonemia (via increased activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors);
both ultimately reduce neuronal NO synthase, which results in reduced synthesis of
Manifestation of MHE and OHE 465

Table 2
Symptoms explained

Symptom Cause Comments

Altered mental status, Cerebral edema (varying Altered communication
memory loss, degrees) with astrocyte between the astrocyte and
disorientation, swelling the neuron18
personality changes, GABA toxic effects15 Trojan horse theory: oxidative
memory impairment, Systemic inflammation16 stress caused by
shortened attention Alterations in the cerebral mitochondrial ammonia
span, slurred speech, blood flux and in the accumulation (glutamate
confusion, coma oxidative metabolism17 transport)19
Transient focal Cerebral edema (varying Rarely occurs20,21
neurologic deficits degrees) with astrocyte
or seizures swelling
GABA toxic effects15
Alterations in the cerebral
blood flux and in the
oxidative metabolism17
Asterixis (flapping Abnormal function of Adams and Foley23 first
tremors) diencephalic motor centers described asterixis in 1949 in
that regulate the tone of patients with severe liver
agonist and antagonist failure and encephalopathy
muscles, normally involved Present in early to middle
in maintaining posture22 stages of HE
Not pathognomonic; it occurs
with renal failure,
hypercapnia, and stroke
affecting basal ganglia
Asterixis does not occur in
advanced HE
Never seen in coma
Testing for asterixis (see Fig. 2)
Hyperreflexia, Pyramidal involvement Never seen in coma
hypertonia, or
extensor plantar
Parkinsonian symptoms: Deposition of manganese in Manganese induces changes
bradykinesia, the basal ganglia (globus in astrocytes of the basal
tremors pallidus and substantia ganglia that promote the
nigra)24 formation of Alzheimer
type II astrocytes
Manganese acts as a
neurotoxin to stimulate
translocator proteins on
Tics or chorea are rare25
Severe Parkinson seen only in
chronic HE
Sleep latency, sleep Impaired hydroxylation and —
fragmentation, sulfation to 6-
inversion of sulfatoxymelatonin in the
sleep-wake pattern liver26
Ammonia levels27

(continued on next page)

466 Basu & Shah

Table 2
(continued )
Symptom Cause Comments
Fetor hepaticus Attributed to dimethyl sulfide, Found in cirrhotics with or
a volatile sulfur compound without HE
that can be identified in the
breath and serum of patients
with cirrhosis28
Hyperventilation Associated with acidotic pH: It has also been related to
compensatory mechanism increased levels of estrogens
that decreases the entrance and progesterone29
of ammonia into the brain
Hepatic dementia Pathogenetic mechanism is In chronic HE
obscure Fluctuating symptoms with
Associated neuronal loss periods of improvement and
a subcortical pattern
The initial manifestations are
attention deficits,
visuopractic abnormalities,
dysarthria, and apraxia
Seen rarely; is reversible after
Hepatic parkinsonism Pathogenetic mechanism is In chronic HE
obscure Resembles Parkinson disease,
Associated demyelination except for a symmetric
along the pyramidal tract presentation and lack of
significant tremor
Hepatic myelopathy Pathogenetic mechanism is In chronic HE
obscure31 Usually motor abnormalities
exceed mental deterioration
Is characterized by a
progressive spastic
paraparesis accompanied by
hyperreflexia and extensor
plantar responses
Only a few patients have
sensory symptoms or
Does not respond to standard

Abbreviations: GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; LT, liver transplant; TIPS, transjugular intrahe-
patic portosystemic shunt.


Distinguishing HE from other causes of altered mental status changes may be chal-
lenging in cirrhotics8 (Box 1).


Insomnia and hypersomnia are common early manifestations of HE. 50% to 65% of
patients with cirrhosis complain of unsatisfactory sleep, with both increased sleep la-
tency and excessive sleep fragmentation.5,6,37,38 Sleep disturbances with cirrhosis or
Manifestation of MHE and OHE 467

Fig. 3. Mechanism of the motor manifestations of MHE. DA, dopamine; DHPG, 3,5-dihydrox-
yphenylglycine; mPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; pMC, primary motor cortex; SNr, substantia
nigra pars reticulata; VMT, ventromedial thalamus; VP, ventral pallidum. (From Felipo
V. Hepatic encephalopathy: effects of liver failure on brain function. Nat Rev Neurosci
2013;14(12):851–8; with permission.)

compensated liver failure (with or without HE) are more common than any other or-
gan dysfunction.5 The concentration of melatonin is inversely proportional to the pi-
neal gland serotonin N-acetyltransferase activity with light exposure.39 In chronic
liver disease, the melatonin metabolism (hydroxylation and sulfation) to
6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) is adversely affected, resulting in increased aMT6s in
the urine.40,41


Psychomotor coordination, audiovisual perception, attention, and cognition all play a

vital role in safe driving.42 MHE is characterized by defects in visuospatial assessment,
attention span, working memory, and speed of information processing and motor abil-
ities.43 Diminished driving ability in these patients has been shown44; psychometric
testing has indicated that between 15% and 75% of patients with MHE were unable
to safely drive a motor vehicle.45,46 A pilot study of stable individuals with cirrhosis
found that although 66% of the subjects had MHE, they did not show major
468 Basu & Shah

Fig. 4. Mechanism of cognitive impairment in MHE. CaMKII, calcium/calmodulin-dependent

protein kinase II; GABAA, type A GABA; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor; NO, nitric ox-
ide; NOS, neuronal NO synthase; P, phosphorylates; sGC, soluble guanylyl cyclase. (From Fe-
lipo V. Hepatic encephalopathy: effects of liver failure on brain function. Nat Rev Neurosci
2013;14(12):851–8; with permission.)

impairments in their fitness to drive.47 Despite significant driving deficits, patients with
HE overestimate their driving abilities. The presence of MHE does not necessarily pre-
dict driving unfitness, and computer-based testing cannot reliably predict driving
fitness.48 A precise test or frequency of testing with which to identify patients at risk
for driving remains uncertain. Also, the legislation for driving abilities varies from state
to state in the United States. Assessment for high-risk patients (suggestions by rela-
tives, Child-Pugh class B or C, large portal-systemic shunts, alcoholic liver disease, or
prior episodes of HE) could be performed in which neuropsychiatric testing is avail-
able. Standardized driving tests or restrictions to daytime driving could be advised
on an individual basis.49
In summary, physicians should follow local laws and educate patients and family of
potential impairment. If possible, physicians should recommend a fitness-to-drive
evaluation by an instructor trained to detect driving impairment. The driving agencies
(Department of Motor Vehicles) have the ultimate authority to determine the fitness to
drive. More details on driving ability and HE, including the state laws, are provided
elsewhere in this issue.
Manifestation of MHE and OHE 469

Box 1
Differential diagnosis of HE

Overt HE or acute confusional state

Diabetic (hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar, lactate acidosis)
Alcohol (intoxication, withdrawal, Wernicke)
Drugs (benzodiazepines, neuroleptics, opioids)
Electrolyte disorders (hyponatremia and hypercalcemia)
Nonconvulsive epilepsy
Psychiatric disorders
Intracranial bleeding and stroke
Severe medical stress (organ failure and inflammation)
Other presentations
Dementia (primary and secondary)
Brain lesions (traumatic, neoplasms, normal pressure hydrocephalus)
Obstructive sleep apnea
Hyponatremia and sepsis can both produce encephalopathy per se and precipitate HE by inter-
actions with the pathophysiologic mechanisms. In end-stage liver disease, uremic encephalop-
athy and HE may overlap.

From American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, European Association for the Study
of the Liver. Hepatic encephalopathy in chronic liver disease: 2014 practice guideline by the Eu-
ropean Association for the Study of the Liver and the American Association for the Study of
Liver Diseases. J Hepatol 2014;61(3):646; with permission.


HE is a multidimensional dysfunction with several cognitive and neuropsychiatric

components. A combined effort with neuropsychological and psychometric evaluation
has to be performed to recognize the syndrome. MHE is largely unrecognized.
The diagnosis of HE is made through exclusion of other causes of brain dysfunction.
According to the combined American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and
European Association for the Study of the Liver guidelines released in December 2014,
OHE should be diagnosed by clinical criteria and can be graded according to the West
Haven Criteria (the gold standard) and the Glasgow Coma Scale. The diagnosis of
MHE can be made by experienced examiners using several neurophysiologic and psy-
chometric tests. There is now a simpler smartphone application (Stroop) which is a
short and valid method to screen MHE.
The clinical manifestations of HE frequently recur despite treatment, and following
liver transplantation some mental deficits persists permanently.50 Even patients with
normal psychometric tests should be followed every 6 months with repeated exami-
nations. The monitoring of neurologic symptoms needs to be dynamic, and patients
with persistent HE need prompt evaluation for precipitants and adjustment of their
treatment. Early diagnoses through increased awareness and evaluating the clinical
manifestations would decrease the current cost burden of hospitalization (approxi-
mately US$1 billion in the United States in 2003)51,52 for patients with OHE.
Further research to gain better insight into the pathophysiology and diagnostic ac-
curacy of HE will help to determine future management strategies.
470 Basu & Shah


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