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Unit 3: Professional Practice

Lesson [12]
Motivational Theories

By the end of this unit a student
will be able to:
LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication
skills to a target audience

LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving


LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the
impact of team working in different environments
LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and
its role within the workplace and for higher level learning

Pass , Merit and Distinction
Criteria For this section

Motivation Theories

▪ Motivation is a state-of-mind, filled with energy and

enthusiasm, which drives a person to work in a certain
way to achieve desired goals.
▪ Motivation is a force which pushes a person to work
with high level of commitment and focus even if things
are against him.
▪ Motivation is a huge field of study.
▪ There are many theories of motivation.

1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

• Abraham Maslow introduced that a

person will be motivated when his
needs are fulfilled.
• The need starts from the lowest
level basic needs and keeps moving
up as a lower level need is fulfilled.
• The leader will have to understand
the specific need of every individual
in the team and accordingly work to
help fulfil their needs.

2. Hertzberg’s Two Factor Theory
▪ Hertzberg classified the needs into two broad categories
namely hygiene factors and motivating factors.

3. McClelland’s Theory of Needs

▪ McClelland affirms that we all have three motivating

drivers, and it does not depend on our gender or age.
One of these drives will be dominant in our behavior.
The dominant drive depends on our life experiences.
▪ The three motivators are:
▪ Achievement: a need to accomplish and demonstrate own
▪ Affiliation: a need for love, belonging and social acceptance
▪ Power: a need for control own work or the work of others

4. Vroom’s theory of Expectancy
▪ Victor Vroom stated that people will be highly productive and motivated if
two conditions are met:
1) people believe it is likely that their efforts will lead to successful results
2) those people also believe they will be rewarded for their success.

5. McGregor’s theory X and theory Y

▪ Douglas McGregor formulated two distinct views of human being based on

participation of workers.
▪ The first is basically negative, labelled as Theory X, and the other is basically
positive, labelled as Theory Y.
▪ Both kinds of people exist. Based on their nature they need to be managed
▪ Theory X: The traditional view of the work force holds that workers are inherently
lazy, self-centered, and lacking ambition. Therefore, an appropriate management
style is strong, top-down control.
▪ Theory Y: This view assumes that workers are inherently motivated and eager to
accept responsibility. An appropriate management style is to focus on creating a
productive work environment coupled with positive rewards and reinforcement.

In Summary:

▪ Motivation is the state of mind which pushes all human

being to perform things with the highest spirit and with
▪ The leader will have to ensure that every individual in
the team and the organization is motivated.
▪ The various motivation theories helps in understanding
what will motivate people.

Impact of motivation theories
on employee performance
▪ Increased employee commitment
▪ Improved employee satisfaction
▪ Ongoing employee development
▪ Improved employee efficiency
▪ Reduce employee turnover

Motivation is important to a business as

▪ The more motivated the employees are, the more

empowered the team is.
▪ The more is the team work and individual employee
contribution, more profitable and successful is the business.
▪ During period of changes, there will be more adaptability
and creativity.
▪ Motivation will lead to an optimistic and challenging attitude
at work place.

What Is Management Leadership’s
Role in Motivating Employees?

▪ As a manager in a company, you must find ways to

motivate your employees in order to encourage
productivity and ensure job satisfaction.
▪ Combine Work Goals with Employee Goals
▪ Understand What Motivates Each Employee
▪ Leads by example
▪ Create a fair system for all


▪ Produce a comparative analysis between differing

motivational theories (M5)

End of Lesson 12


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