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Standing crops refers to harvestable agricultural produce or a portion thereof (e.g. fruits,

sap, root) normally harvested for such particular crop growing on land at the time the DAR takes

possession thereof pursuant to the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) recognizes that the

absence of clear guidelines on standing crops has remained a critical concern in completing the

process of land acquisition and distribution.

According to the reporter the issues confronting the DAR are confusion and varying

interpretations on what shall be considered standing crops and as to when a particular standing

crop is considered harvestable or completely harvested. Thus, the presence of standing crops is

one of the prevalent and persisting problems preventing many Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries

(ARBs) with awarded and registered CLOA-titles to enjoy the fruits and have peaceful

possession of the land awarded to them. Provided that crops introduced by the landowner

directly or through his/her/its agents, on or after the landowner's receipt of a notice from the

DAR that the land has already been effectively acquired by the State, as further provided under

Par. V.5 below, regardless of the crops' nature or stage/phase, are deemed to have been

introduced in bad faith and shall not be considered as "standing crops" under this Administrative


Corporate Farms



Corporate Farms is the business based on the agriculture, specifically, what is seen by

some as the practices of would be megacorporation involved in it. It is also the practice of large-

scale agriculture on forms owned or greatly influenced by large companies.

According to the reporter by the Presidential Agrarian Reform Counsel or the PARC

have the following rules: first in general, lands shall be distributed directly to the individual

worker-beneficiaries and second in this case it is not economically feasible and sound to divide

the land, then it shall be owned collectively by the worker-beneficiaries. Norlaine Macabato

continued the discussion and she also give some example of farms owned or operated by

corporations or others business association.


Cooperatives it is a form, business or other organization which is owned and run jointly

by its members, who share the profit or benefits. In this section the individual members of the

cooperative or cooperation mentioned in the proceeding section shall be provided with home lots

and small FARMLOTS for their family use to be taken from the land owned by the cooperative

or corporation so it means all the members of cooperative mentioned by the section 29 should

provide the home lots for members of cooperative


In this section, It is about the landowners who volunteer transfer their land to the

Republic of the Philippines or to the qualified beneficiaries such as the farmers, tillers or

farmworkers who are landless or those who own land less than 3 hectares of agricultural lands in

order to follow the section 20. In transfer the land there are process, under suct terms and

conditions and will be pass on DAR for the confirmation after that the corporation who own

agricultural lands will give the right to purchase capital stock of the proportion to their qualified

beneficiaries, devoted to the agricultural activities under such terms and conditions that the

beneficiaries and landowner agreed upon.

In land transfer Landowner will give to the beneficiaries the shares of stock they purchase

with the agreement they agreed by both of them. Before the land successfully transfer to the

qualified beneficiary it under such terms and condition. In the process of this law when the

process start the beneficiary chose accountant where the books of corporation and association

shall be subject to periodic Audit by the chosen public accountant to ensure the safeguard of

shares of stock purchase by the beneficiaries. And As I have understand to this law to ensure the

equity of the both parties each party should have representative at least 1 in the board of

directors, or in management or executive committee to avoid cheating between the two parties.

Any shares acquired, workers and benefices shall have same rights and features as all other

shares. All the papers contains that the land owned by the original beneficiary shall be void

unless if the present beneficiary and previous beneficiary in favor to it said in transaction within

same corporation. If the transfer of the land or shares referred to above is not made or is not
made within two years after the entry into force of this Act, or if the plan for the distribution of

shares is not approved by PARS within the same period, the land of the agricultural company or

company owner is subject to the obligation of law. Landowner shall choose the right beneficiary

that they can make your land as productive as possible, As a qualified beneficiary do your part

also for you be a right one to choose there are many beneficiaries so not all of them will be

chosen so if you want to be chosen one achieve the expectation of the landowner towards


So both landowner and qualified beneficiary shall make agreement after the land transfer

to the qualified beneficiary contain of their statement towards the land so that both parties will

not leave land not working on. The land should make productive to get the benefit of it. As a

result both landowner and beneficiary will benefit and help our agriculture increase, As we know

this law is helpful especially to those farmers it is the best way to help them because some of

them can't find a job with the reason of not having diploma that requires of the boss that they

want to applying for so instead of let them suffer for finding job to have income to sustain their

needs why not those landlord have big lands for agricultural transfer to them or let them purchase

some of your lands to used it as a source of their income. Corazon Aquino was one of the best

president in the Philippines because she was the one who implemented this law knowing that this

will be the one of solutions to resolve the poverty in this country and improve our agriculture.

Production-Sharing it implies the right to transfer any production such as land and

properties. Indicates the share of assets to the farmers that have a good performance during the

care of the crops. The landowners have the rights to give his properties or land to his worker

especially if he/she sees that her workers are working. . . Sharing of properties has always been

discussed in many aspects, as well as the agricultural aspect.

Agrarian reform in the Philippines aims to address the country's long-standing problem of

rural landlessness. Land redistribution alone was insufficient to lessen the burden as well as the

sacrifices of small farmers out of poverty and secure the CARP's success. It will help to alleviate

unemployment and boost agricultural production and productivity. The law also included a

number of progressive requirements that small and marginal farmers needed in order to have

equal access to land. Supporting our heroes in this kind of situation is a big help for them,

considering the fact that they finally enjoyed the relentless hardship of farming. I can say that the

government has made the best decision to implement this kind of law for our farmers and

landowners for them to experience the fruit of their sacrifices. And being thankful to landowners.

I am so proud of them, because without them we don't have food to eat. I am happy that the

government give a chance to have a better life.


Share of cooperative or association acquired by farmers - beneficiaries or workers

beneficiaries shall be fully paid for in an amount corresponding to the valuation as determined in

the immediately succeeding section. The landowner and the LBP shall assist the farmers-

beneficiaries and worker-beneficiaries in the payment for said shares by providing credit


Valuation scheme for the land shall be formulated by the PARC, taking into account the

factors enumerated in section 17, in addition to the need to stimulate the growth of cooperatives

and the objective of foresting responsible participation of the workers - beneficiaries in the

certain of wealth.

In the determination of price that is just not only to the individuals but to society as well,

the PARC shall consult closely with the landowner and the workers beneficiaries. In case of

disagreement, the price as determined by the PARC, if accepted by the workers - beneficiaries,

shall be followed, without prejudice to the land owner's right to petition the special agrarian

court to resolve the issue of valuation.


Support Services

SECTION 35: Creation of support services office

Support services means the those activities provided to or on behalf of a person in the

areas of personal in the areas of personal care and assistance and property maintenance allow a

person to live in the least restrictive environment and another terms support services.

The office shall provide general support and coordinative services in the implementation

of the program particularly in carrying out the provision of the following service to farmer

beneficiaries and affected landowners is the irrigation facilities, especially second cropordy

season irrigation facilities, the infrastructure development and public works projects in areas and

settlements that come under agrarian reform and for this purpose. The preparation of the physical

of the physical development plan of such settlements providing suitable barangay, sites, potable

water, and power resources, irrigation system and others facilities for a sound agricultural

department plan, government subsidies for the use of irrigation facilities, price support and

guarantees for all agricultural produce, collateral.


Funding for support services is the type of funds that come from donations, grants or

from local or private agencies or cooperation. Funding is a money which a government or

organization provides for a particular purpose. Funding for support services in order to cover the

expenses and cost of support services, at least twenty-five percent(25%) of all appropriations for

agrarian reform shall be immediately set aside and made available for this addition,

the DAR shall be authorize to package proposals and receive grants, aid and other forms of

financial assistance from any source. Funding coming from the local and private sectors from

donations and grants, to cover the expenses and cost of support services, at least 25 percent of all

appropriations for agrarian reform shall set aside for this purpose.

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