A Study On Customer Satisfaction On Digital Marketing in Online Advertising Company

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“A Study on Customer Satisfaction on Digital

Marketing in Online Advertising Company”
Towards partial fulfillment of
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
(BBD University, Lucknow)

Submitted by:


Roll No.1170672090

Session 2018-2019

School of Management

Babu Banarasi Das University

Sector I, Dr. Akhilesh Das Nagar, Faizabad Road, Lucknow(U.P.) India


This is to declare that I, PRASHANT GAURAV student of MBA, have personally

worked on the project entitled “A Study on Customer Satisfaction on Digital

Marketing in Online Advertising Company” The data mentioned in this report were

obtained during genuine work done and collected by me. The data obtained from other

sources have been duly acknowledged. The result embodied in this project has not been

submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any degree.


DATE: MBA 3rd Semester

B.B.D.U, Lucknow

Gratitude is not a thing of expression; it is more a matter of feeling. There is always a

sense of gratitude which one express for others for their help and supervision in achieving

the goals. I too express my deep gratitude to each and everyone who has been helpful to

me in completing the project report successfully. I would also like to thank Almighty

God for blessing showered on me during the completion of dissertation report. First of

all, I am highly thankful for allowing me to pursue my dissertation report on “Customer

Satisfaction on Digital Marketing in Online Advertising Company”

I give my regards and sincere thanks to Dean Prof. Dr. Sushil Pandey and also I am

deeply gratified to Mr. Shankar Singh (Asst. Professor) for his earnest coordination

and valuable efforts. He constantly encouraged me right from the inception to final

preparation of my project. He has been a constant source of knowledge, information, help

and motivation for me through his depth knowledge and experiences.

Last but not the least; I am hugely indebted to all the faculty members of my institute, my

family members and friends for their sincere advice & cooperation to complete my

project in efficient & effective manner.



While working in the organization I was trained as a relationship personnel being

engaged into various jobs such as dealing with clients, answering customer queries

through telephonic conversations and providing them knowledge about new schemes and

converting them into our customers.

As my research project I was given the topic on “Customer Satisfaction on Digital

Marketing in Online Advertising Company”. The project work was for this research

was conducted in Lucknow to study the customer relation management.

The research has been conducted to gather information from 100 respondents & a

structured questionnaire will be used to collect the information from the respondents. The

data which was collected from them will be analyzed and classified. It was found that

though the SamInfratech Private Limited has the highest market share it needs to improve

on its service quality and retail services.

 Declaration

 Acknowledgement

 Executive Summary

Sl. No. Contents Page No.

1 Introduction

2 Company profile

3 Objectives of the study

4 Research Methodology

5 Data Analysis & Interpretations

6 Findings

7 Suggestions/Recommendations

8 Limitations

9 Conclusion



Introduction to digital India

Digital India

Digital India is an initiative of the Government of India to ensure that government

services are made available to citizens electronically by improving online infrastructure

and by increasing internet connectivity. It was launched on 1 July 2015 by Prime

Minister Narendra Modi. The initiative includes plans to connect rural areas with high-

speed internet networks. Digital India has three core components. These include:

 The creation of digital infrastructure

 Delivering services digitally

 Digital literacy

Figure 1

A two-way platform will be created where both the service providers and the consumers

stand to benefit. The scheme will be monitored and controlled by the Digital India

Advisory group which will be chaired by the Ministry of Communications and IT. It will

be an inter-Ministerial initiative where all ministries and departments shall offer their

own services to the public Healthcare, Education,Judicial services etc. The Public–private

partnership model shall be adopted selectively. In addition, there are plans to restructure

the National Informatics Centre. This project is one among the top priority projects of the

Modi Administration.


Broadband in 2.5 lakh villages, universal phone connectivity, Net Zero Imports by 2020,

400,000 Public Internet Access Points, Wi-fi in 2.5 lakh schools, all universities; Public

wi-fi hotspots for citizens, Digital Inclusion: 1.7 Cr trained for IT, Telecom and

Electronics Jobs Job creation: Direct 1.7 Cr. and Indirect at least 8.5 Cr. e-Governance &

eServices: Across government India to be leader in IT use in services – health, education,

banking Digitally empowered citizens – public cloud, internet access. The Government of

India entity Bharat Broadband Network Limited which executes the National Optical

Fibre Network project will be the custodian of Digital India (DI) project. BBNL had

ordered United Telecoms Limited to connect 250,000 villages through GPON to ensure

FTTH based broadband. This will provide the first basic setup to achieve towards Digital

India and is expected to be completed by 2017. Optical fibre cables have been laid out in

more than 68000 village panchayats.


There are nine pillars of Digital India Programme.

1. Broadband Highways

2. Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity

3. Public Internet Access Programme

4. e-Governance – Reforming Government through Technology

5. eKranti - Electronic delivery of services

6. Information for All

7. Electronics Manufacturing

8. IT for Jobs

9. Early Harvest Programmes


Some of the facilities which will be provided through this initiative are Digital Locker, e-

eduction, e-health, e-sign and national scholarship portal. As the part of Digital India,

Indian government planned to launch Botnet cleaning centers.


Digital Locker facility will help citizens to digitally store their important documents like

PAN card, passport, mark sheets and degree certificates. Digital Locker will provide

secure access to Government issued documents. It uses authenticity services provided by

Aadhaar. It is aimed at eliminating the use of physical documents and enables sharing of

verified electronic documents across government agencies. Digital Locker provides a

dedicated personal storage space in the cloud to citizens, linked to citizens Aadhaar

number. Digital Locker will reduce the administrative overhead of government

departments and agencies created due to paper work.

Other Important Projects of DI

National Center for Flexible Electronics (NCFlexE): is an initiative of Government of

India to promote research and innovation in the emerging area of Flexible

Electronics.BPO Policy for All Round Development: BPO Policy has been approved to

create at-least one BPO centre in each North Eastern state and also in smaller / mofussil

towns of other states.

Digital India Week

At the launch ceremony of Digital India Week by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, top

CEOs from India and abroad committed to invest Rs 4.5 lakh crore (~70 BUSD with 1

USD=Rs65) towards this initiative. The CEOs said the investments would be utilitized

towards making smartphones and internet devices at an affordable price in India which

would help generate jobs in India as well as reduce the cost of importing them from

abroad. Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani said his company would invest Rs

2.5 lakh crore across different Digital India heads, which have the potential to create

employment for over five lakh people.He also announced setting up of the 'Jio Digital

India Start Up Fund' to encourage young entrepreneurs who are setting up businesses

focused around the Digital India initiative. Silicon Valley Tech Giants from Silicon

Valley, San Jose, California expressed their support for Digital India during PM Narendra

Modi's visit in September 2015. Facebook's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, changed his DP in

support of Digital India and started a chain on Facebook and promised to work on WiFi

Hotspots in rural India. Google committed to provide broadband connectivity on 500

railway stations in India. Microsoft agreed to provide broadband connectivity to five lakh

villages in India and make India its cloud hub through Indian data

centres. Qualcomm announced an investment of $150 million in Indian startups. The

Digital India programme is a flagship programme of the Government of India with a

vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy.

Figure 2

The journey of e-Governance initiatives in India took a broader dimension in mid 90s for

wider sectoral applications with emphasis on citizen-centric services. Later on, many

States/UTs started various e-Governance projects. Though these e-Governance projects

were citizen-centric, they could make lesser than the desired impact. Government of India

launched National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) in 2006. 31 Mission Mode Projects

covering various domains were initiated. Despite the successful implementation of many

e-Governance projects across the country, e-Governance as a whole has not been able to

make the desired impact and fulfil all its objectives. It has been felt that a lot more thrust

is required to ensure e-Governance in the country promote inclusive growth that covers

electronic services, products, devices and job opportunities. Moreover, electronic

manufacturing in the country needs to be strengthened. In order to transform the entire

ecosystem of public services through the use of information technology, the Government

of India has launched the Digital India programme with the vision to transform India into

a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy.

Vision Areas of Digital India

The Digital India programme is centred on three key vision areas:

Digital Infrastructure as a Core Utility to Every Citizen Governance and Services on

Demand Digital Empowerment of Citizens ,Digital Infrastructure as a Utility to Every

Citizen, Availability of high speed internet as a core utility for delivery of services to

citizens, Cradle to grave digital identity that is unique, lifelong, online and authenticable

to every citizen, Mobile phone & bank account enabling citizen participation in digital &

financial space

Vision Area 1: Digital infrastructure as a utility to every citizen


A well connected nation is a prerequisite to a well served nation. Once the remotest of the

Indian villagers are digitally connected through broadband and high speed internet, then

delivery of electronic government services to every citizen, targeted social benefits, and

financial inclusion can be achieved in reality. One of the key areas on which the vision of

Digital India is centered is “digital infrastructure as a utility to every citizen”.A key

component under this vision is high speed internet as a core utility to facilitate online

delivery of various services. It is planned to set up enabling infrastructure for digital

identity, financial inclusion and ensure easy availability of common services centers. It is

also proposed to provide citizens with “digital lockers” which would be sharable private

spaces on a public cloud, and where documents issued by Government departments and

agencies could be stored for easy online access. It is also planned to ensure that the

cyberspace is made safe and secure.

High-speed internet as a core utility

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have the potential of not only

bridging the great digital divide in the country (in terms of easy and effective access to

ICTs) but also of positively contributing to the growth of the economy, employment and

productivity.The emphasis is on providing high speed internet connectivity across the

length and breadth of the country by deploying ICT infrastructure, optical fibre, and last-

mile connectivity options offered by wireless technologies in a manner that is affordable,

reliable and competitive.

The plan of action and timelines are as follows:

1 Focus Area Intended Outcome

1 Broadband for rural areas

2 Coverage for 2,50,000 Gram Panchayats (GPs) by 2016-17

3 Broadband for urban areas

4 Virtual Network Operators for service delivery;

5 Mandatory communication infrastructure in new urban settlements and buildings

6 National Information Infrastructure

7 Integration of all core ICT infrastructure built under National e-Governance Plan

(NeGP) for greater efficiency and synergy;

8 Nationwide coverage by March 2017

9 Universal access to mobile connectivity

10 Greater network penetration;

11 Coverage for 55,619 uncovered villages by 2018

12 Public Internet Access Programme under National Rural Internet Mission

13 Coverage for 2,50,000 GPs by 2016-17 through Common Services Centers (CSCs);

14 Recasting of 1,50,000 post offices as multi-service centres by 2015-16.

Cradle-to-grave digital identity

The ideal identity is one that is unique, singularly sufficient, robust enough to disallow

duplicate and fake records, easily and digitally authenticable in an inexpensive manner,

and lifelong.Vision-Digital-IndiaAadhaar, a 12-digit individual identification number

issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) on behalf of the

Government of India, meets these requirements. It is essentially a paperless online

anytime-anywhere identity assigned to a resident to cover his/her entire lifetime. The

verification of identity is done online with the help of authentication devices which

connect to UIDAI’s Central Identity Repository and return a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response to the

basic query, “Is the person who he/she claims to be?”, based on the demographic and

biometric data available with UIDAI. Aadhaar can be used by any application which

needs to establish the identity of a resident and/or provide secure access for the resident

to services/benefits/entitlements offered by the application.

Participation in digital & financial space through mobiles & banking

Indian telecom sector is the world’s fastest growing telecom sector. The massive and

growing penetration of mobile phones in India, especially in rural areas, provides a ready

and widespread base for access to and delivery of public services electronically. Data

access through mobiles continues to gain popularity, and as on date, around 80 per cent

of internet users in India access internet through mobile devices. This holds great promise

and potential for e-governance in general and digital-cum-financial inclusion in

particular.bankIn the mobile space, DeitY has launched Mobile Seva, a revolutionary

whole-of-government mobile governance initiative, enabling government departments

and agencies across the nation to deliver public services to citizens and businesses

through mobile devices across various mobile-based channels such as SMS, USSD,

mobile apps, and voice/ IVRS.In the financial space, DeitY has collaborated with NSDL

Database Management Limited (NDML) for providing PayGov, a centralized platform

for facilitating all government departments and services to collect online payments from

citizens for public services. PayGov offers an end-to-end transactional experience for

citizens who can opt from various payment options such as Net Banking (65+ banks),

debit cards, credit cards, cash cards/ prepaid cards/ wallets, and NEFT/ RTGS, etc.The

'Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana' has been launched as a national mission encompassing

an integrated approach to bring about comprehensive financial inclusion of all the

households in the country. The plan envisages universal access to banking facilities with

at least one basic banking account per household, financial literacy, access to credit,

insurance and pension facility. It also envisages channeling all government benefits to the

beneficiaries’ bank accounts.

Figure 3

Easy access to a Common Service Centre (CSC)

Implemented under the NeGP formulated by DeitY, the CSCs are ICT-enabled front-end

service delivery points (kiosks) at the village level for delivery of government, financial,

social and private sector services in the areas of agriculture, health, education,

entertainment, banking, insurance, pension, utility payments, etc.CSCs operate within a

public-private-partnership (PPP) model and a 3-tier structure consisting of the CSC

operator (known as the Village Level Entrepreneur or VLE), the Service Centre Agency

(SCA) for establishing CSCs in a zone consisting of a few districts, and a State

Designated Agency (SDA) for managing the implementation in the State. CSCs enable

government, private and social sector organizations to align their social and commercial

goals for the benefit of the rural population in the remotest corners of the country through

a combination of IT-based as well as non-IT-based services.The initial target was to

establish 1,00,000 CSCs in 6,00,000 villages in the ratio of one CSC for every 6 villages.

As on date, more than 1,37,000 CSCs are operational across the country. Under the

proposed CSC 2.0 programme, it is planned to increase the number of CSCs to 2,50,000

(covering all panchayats) to facilitate easier access to CSCs for the citizens.

What is in it for the citizens?

Current scenario for a villager without easy access to a CSC

 Inadequate access to government services and internet.

 Changed scenario

 Internet connectivity is available through the CSC.

 The neighbourhood CSC is a convenient and friendly place to know and avail

G2C services, banking services (including loans) and also to learn about suitable

agricultural practices.

 Several B2C services are available too in the CSC.

 Family members can learn computer skills at the CSC and also undergo

vocational trainings for better family income.

Shareable private space on a public cloud

Easy and authentication-based access to a digital locker, i.e. a shareable private space on

a public cloud, can greatly facilitate paperless transactions. Citizens can digitally store

Government-issued digital documents and certificates and share them with various

agencies without having to submit or send physical documents or copies. Digital Locker

to Citizens – A Game Changer

Current Scenario:

 Citizens need to submit paper documents to avail government services.

How Digital India initiative will impact:

 Government of India would provide a digital private space, i.e. Digital Locker, to

every citizen.

 The ‘Digital Locker’ would enable citizens to securely store all their important

documents and credential.

 The electronic documents can be shared with public agencies or others without the

need to physically submit them.

 Such a ‘digital locker’ will greatly improve citizen convenience and usher in

paperless transactions across the entire ecosystem of public services.

 In a situation of disaster, e.g. flood, storm, fire, etc, when citizens may loose paper

documents, documents in the digital repository would be accessible for them anytime,

anywhere to avail government or private services.

The digital locker would have a collection of repositories (digital repository) for issuing

authorities (issuer) to upload their documents (electronic document) in a standard format.

Personal locker provided to citizens would also act as a platform for storing the links

(termed as Document URI) for accessing the documents directly from these repositories.

This platform would enable the citizens to securely share their documents with the

service providers who can also directly access public documents from the issuing

authority through an authenticated route.

Safe and secure cyber-space

Cyberspace is where all online digital assets, protocols, identities etc. reside and interact

and transact. It is imperative that cyberspace be made safe and secure for all

organizations and users. The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (ICERT/

CERT-In) of DeitY hosts a comprehensive “secure your PC” portal at ( http://www.cert-

in.org.in/secureyourpc.in/ (link is external) SPC_colored_English/large/index.html ) with

guidelines and measures for users against risks and threats. Further, a National

Coordination Centre on Cyber Security has been proposed as one of the key projects

under Digital India to provide safe and secure cyber space.

Vision Area 2: Governance and services on demand

Over the years, a large number of initiatives have been undertaken by various State

Governments and Central Ministries to usher in an era of e-governance. Sustained efforts

have been made at multiple levels to improve the delivery of public services and simplify

the process of accessing them. E-governance in India has steadily evolved from

computerization of Government

Departments to initiatives that encapsulate the finer points of Governance, such as

citizen centricity, service orientation and transparency.

The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) was approved in 2006 to take a holistic view of

e-governance initiatives across the country, integrating them into a collective vision.

Around this idea, a massive countrywide infrastructure reaching down to the remotest of

villages is being developed, and large-scale digitization of records is taking place to

enable easy and reliable access over the internet. The ultimate objective was to make all

government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common

service delivery outlets, and ensure efficiency, transparency, and reliability of such

services at affordable costs to realise the basic needs of the common man".Six elements

are crucial for ensuring that governance and services are made available on demand to all

citizens and other stakeholders in the country.Seamlessly integrated services across

departments or jurisdictions


Access to some services often also involves documents, approvals and clearances from

authorities outside the department/ jurisdiction providing the service. Today, the focus is

on providing single-window access to such services so that the citizens and businesses

save time and effort across multiple departments or jurisdictions concerned. This is

exemplified by the e-Biz and e-Trade projects under the NeGP. In order to provide

integrated services, DeitY has notified e-governance standards (available at

https://egovstandards.gov.in/ (link is external)). Further, Open API and Open Source

policies are also being finalized by DeitY. The API policy sets out the Government’s

approach on the use of open APIs to promote software interoperability for all e-

governance applications and systems and provide access to data & services for promoting

participation of citizens and other stakeholders. Also, common platforms like MeghRaj

Cloud Platform, Mobile Seva, PayGov and eSangam have been established by DeitY for

the Departments and States for the purposes of interoperable and integrated services.

Services available in real time from online & mobile platforms

mygovThe focus today is on designing e-Governance applications in such a way that the

related information, services and grievance-handling mechanism are accessible online on

a real time basis and across all types of access devices such as desktop computers,

laptops, tablets, mobiles, etc.To ensure provisioning of high speed broadband

connectivity at panchayat level, the National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN) project is

being implemented by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT). This aims to

resolve the connectivity issues by taking gigabit fibre to all the panchayats in the

country.The Mobile Seva project of DeitY is a highly successful project that provides a

common national platform to all Government departments and agencies at the central,

state and local levels for providing mobile based services and mobile apps. Over 1900

government departments and agencies across the country are using the mobile platform

for mobile enabled services. This initiative has won the 2014 United Nations Public

Service Award. Mobile Seva is a winner at United Nations Public Service Awards (2014)

under the category “Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information

Age”. It is the only winner from India in 2014.Changing the Life of Citizens through

Internet & Mobile connectivity

Current scenario:

 Difficulty in availing government services due to lack of internet connectivity.

Changed scenario:

 Use of mobile phone or laptop would help in checking the status of entitlements, bank

account details, etc.

 Access to internet and focus on digital literacy will also help citizens aspire for better

jobs and improved quality of life.

 Text books will be available in the form of e-books which can be downloaded on


 Citizens may avail government and private services from home by accessing the

software applications through internet.

All citizen entitlements to be portable and available on the cloud

The flexibility, agility, cost effectiveness and transparency offered by the cloud

technologies should be considered while designing and hosting of applications. In order

to utilize and harness the benefits of Cloud Computing, Government of India has

embarked upon an ambitious initiative – “GI Cloud” which has been named as

‘MeghRaj’. The focus of this initiative is to accelerate delivery of e-services in the

country while optimizing ICT spending of the Government.The cloud platform can host

online repositories for all possible entitlements thereby providing a single source of truth.

This includes areas like Public Distribution System, BPL entitlements, social sector

benefits, LPG and other subsidies, etc. The platform can enable automated registration,

maintenance and delivery of citizen entitlements under several government schemes. This

will provide delivery for these entitlements on an anywhere, anytime basis. A citizen

moving to a new place shall not lose his/her entitlements and will not have to go through

a lengthy process to register and supply documents afresh to continue getting the benefits.

The plan is to leverage the cloud platform for addressing the portability issue towards

ensuring continuity of citizen entitlements across the entire country.A major milestone

was achieved in October 2014 with the launch of provident fund portability through the

Universal Account Number (UAN). Employees now need not worry about transferring

the funds lying in their provident fund accounts when they change their locations.

Digitally transformed services for improving ease of doing business

Starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering

property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders,

enforcing contracts, resolving insolvency and other clearances etc. are the various

experiences that define how easy or difficult it is to do business in a country. Government

services for businesses shall be digitally transformed for improving Ease of Doing

Business in the country.The existing MMPs under the NeGP shall be strengthened using

latest tools and technologies:The e-Biz project provides integrated services across various

central and state departments/ agencies through a single window mechanism to all

businesses and investors for setting up a commercial enterprises,The e-Trade MMP

facilitates foreign trade in India by promoting effective and efficient delivery of services

by various regulatory/ facilitating agencies involved in foreign trade, to enable traders to

avail online services from these agencies.

Making financial transactions electronic & cashless

Electronic payments and fund transfers have the advantage of targeted and direct delivery

to the intended beneficiaries without the involvement of middlemen who may otherwise

subvert the system. Similarly, online mechanisms for payment of fees for certain public

services offer a transparent, friendly and expeditious channel to citizens for payments. All

financial transactions above a threshold shall be made electronic & cashless.DeitY has

created PayGov India as a centralized payment gateway for all Government Departments

and agencies in the country. It is operated and maintained by NSDL Database

Management Ltd (NDML), a wholly owned subsidiary of National Securities Depository

Limited (NSDL).PayGov India is securely integrated with National and State Service

Delivery Gateways (NSDG and SSDG) to enable sharing of information across databases

for efficient service delivery, and also with the Mobile Services Delivery Gateway

(MSDG) under Mobile Seva. The citizens can choose from a host of e-payment options

such as Net banking, credit card, debit card, prepaid/ cash card/ wallet, Immediate

Payment Service (IMPS) and mobile wallet.

Leveraging Geospatial Information System (GIS) for decision support systems &


Various government services can be offered in a better way by proper use of GIS

technology in the e-governance applications. National Geospatial Information System

(NGIS) is being implemented to integrate geo-spatial data available with a number of

organizations such as Survey of India, National Informatics Centre (NIC), NRSA and

Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) to develop a GIS platform for e-Governance

applications.This GIS platform will be leveraged as a service for the benefit of various

mission mode projects and other e-governance initiatives. NGIS can also be leveraged for

monitoring the physical progress of projects, disaster management and specialized needs

of public safety agencies.

Vision Area 3: Digital empowerment of citizens Empowerment

Digital connectivity is a great leveller. Cutting across demographic and socio-economic

segments, Indians are increasingly connecting and communicating with each other

through mobile phones and computers riding on digital networks. The Digital India

programme itself promises to transform India into a digitally empowered society by

focusing on digital literacy, digital resources, and collaborative digital platforms. This

also places emphasis on universal digital literacy and availability of digital

resources/services in Indian languages.

Universal Digital Literacy

Digital Empowerment Digital literacy assumes paramount importance at an individual

level for truly and fully leveraging the potential the Digital India programme. It provides

the citizens the ability to fully exploit the digital technologies to empower themselves. It

helps them seek better livelihood opportunities and become economically secure.The

focus today is on making at least one person e-literate in every household. Core ICT

infrastructure set up by the central and state governments, such as CSCs, can play a

critical role in taking digital literacy to the remotest locations of the country. To ensure

that all panchayats in the country have high-speed connectivity, the Department of

Telecom (DoT) has established Bharat Broadband Network Ltd. (BBNL) to roll out the

National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN). BBNL will lay out the optic fiber cable

terminating in each of the 2,50,000 gram panchayats in the country, providing 100 Mbps

link to be used as information highway by all the stakeholders to ensure that digital

inclusion reaches all villages across the country. This will ensure digitization and

connectivity of the local institutions, such as panchayat office, schools, health centres,

libraries, etc. The industry has also come forward to support the e-literacy goal through

the National Digital Literacy Mission.

National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT), an autonomous

society under DeitY, has identified more than 5000 facilitation centres across the country

for training on courses which will equip a person to undertake e-Governance transactions

through computers and other basic activities, like e-mail, browsing the internet, etc.

NIELIT has also signed MoUs with industry partners towards jointly conducting courses

and online examinations on digital literacy.

Universally accessible digital resources

Digital resources are truly universally accessible when they are easily available and

navigable everywhere and by everyone. Open resources have the advantage of being

widely and inexpensively available and also being widely usable and customizable.

Digital resources created or implemented along these lines can be accessed everywhere

compared to resources developed from proprietary systems. Owner departments and

agencies have the responsibility of ensuring that their digital resources are of high quality

so that access and customization are not problematic.Universally Accessible Digital

Resources: Making government documents accessible to citizens anytime, anywhere!

Current scenario

 Government documents are not easily accessible.

Changed scenario

 Citizen related documents would be available electronically.

 Government departments may access the documents issued by collateral government


 Documents issued to the citizens would be available to them anywhere anytime, in a

standard format which can be shared with an authorized entity.

 The documents may be available in local language as well.

 Documents would be accessible to citizens through web portals and mobile


The National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP) requires government

organizations to proactively release their datasets in an open format. Implementation of

NDSAP in India is being done by NIC, an agency of DeitY, through the Open

Government Platform for India (http://data.gov.in (link is external)) which provides a

single point access to all the open-format datasets published by different government

departments. DeitY is also formulating a policy on open APIs to make all the data and

information provided by government organizations open and machine readable, which

can then be consumed by other e-governance applications/ systems and the public. DeitY

is responsible for setting up the API standards and designing a gateway for seamless

sharing of information amongst the various government agencies.

Digital resources are as useful as the manner in which they are rendered on the users’

devices, which may be mobile phones, tablets, computers, or other devices. These

devices, while all able to access sites where digital resources are available, may be based

on varying support standards and also may or may not support differentiated styles of

content presentation and layout. In such cases, the content may not be rendered correctly

on all devices. Conformance to DeitY-notified standards for government data and

application of the necessary style sheets and other server side solutions can help owner

departments and agencies achieve this aspect of universal accessibility of their digital

resources.Under the Digital India programme, the government is also committed to

providing access to digital resources for citizens with special needs, such as those with

visual or hearing impairments (which may be partial or complete), learning or cognitive

disabilities, physical disabilities which hinder operation of ubiquitous access devices such

as phones, tablets and computers.

All documents/certificates to be available on cloud

Citizens should not be asked to provide government documents or certificates, which are

already available with some department/institution of the government, in physical form.

Portability of all electronic documents should also be ensured. As an example,

educational institutions should ensure that all their degrees and certificates are digitized

and kept in online repositories with appropriate access protocols. The citizen, while

filling some application form, should not be asked to submit the certified copies of

his/her educational certificates but should provide details of these certificates available in

an online repository which can be seen by the agency concerned using the pointer

provided by the citizen. All these repositories of all government issued

documents/certificates should be hosted on a cloud platform to provide a single source of

truth for these documents/certificates. The data may include categories such as digitally

signed educational certificates, land records, driving licenses, permits, etc. Requesting

departments or users may be provided authenticated access to the digital repository

available over the cloud.

Availability of digital resources/ services in Indian languages

India has a remarkable diversity in terms of languages written and spoken in different

parts of the country. There are 22 official languages and 12 scripts. Knowledge of

English is limited to a very small section of the population in the country. The rest often

cannot access or comprehend digital resources which are available mainly in

English.DeitY has initiated the Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL)

programme for developing information processing tools and techniques to facilitate

human-machine interaction without language barriers, creating and accessing

multilingual knowledge resources, and integrating them to develop innovative user

products and services. The programme also promotes language technology

standardization through active participation in international and national standardization

bodies such as ISO, UNICODE, World-wide-Web consortium (W3C) and Bureau of

Indian Standards (BIS) to ensure adequate representation of Indian languages in existing

and future language technology standards. DeitY has also initiated the Localization

Projects Management Framework (LPMF) to help localize applications under the MMPs

and other government applications. DeitY is also formulating a new mission mode

project named as e-Bhasha to help develop and disseminate digital content in local

languages to India's largely non-English speaking population. The disabled friendly

content and systems are being developed as per accessibility standards.

Collaborative digital platforms for participative governance

Traditionally, digital platforms have been used for dissemination of information and

provision of services to the users. Through these platforms, Government could establish

communication with the citizens though it was mostly one-way. Digital platforms, with

necessary thrust from developments on technology front, have come of age and can now

facilitate government departments to have effective two-way communication and

interaction with citizens. Platforms that are more collaborative facilitate greater

participation from the users. Instead of reaching out to citizens every now and then,

government can be in touch with them round the clock through digital platforms which

would facilitate participative governance.The platform would provide a mechanism to

discuss various issues to arrive at innovative solutions, make suggestions to the

government, provide feedback on governance, rate the government

actions/policies/initiatives, and actively participate with the government to achieve the

desired outcomes.DeitY has recently launched a nationwide digital platform named as

“myGov” (www.mygov.in (link is external)) to facilitate collaborative and participative

governance. DeitY also maintains a social media page highlighting e-governance services

being provided through NeGP at https://www.facebook.com/NationaleGovernancePlan

(link is external) which has over 1 lakh fans and followers as on date.


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Updated On: 16-Jun-2015

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My GovData govNational Portaletaal

Content owned & provided by the respective Central Government Departments and the

Programme coordinated by Department Of Electronics & Information Technology,

Government Of India. This portal is designed and developed by DeitY (link is external) /

NIC (link is external).

Programme Management Structure for Digital India Programme

The Programme management structure for the Digital India prorgamme as endorsed by

the Union Cabinet is as follow, For effective management of the Digital India

programme, the programme management structure would consists of a Monitoring

Committee on Digital India headed by the Prime Minister, a Digital India Advisory

Group chaired by the Minister of Communications and IT and an Apex Committee

chaired by the Cabinet Secretary. The structure has the needed secretarial/ monitoring/

technical support and appropriate decentralization of power and responsibility to ensure

effective execution of the various projects/ components by the implementing

departments/ teams.

Key components of the Programme Management structure would be as follows:

Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) for programme level policy decisions.

A Monitoring Committee on Digital India under the Chairpersonship of Prime Minister

which will be constituted with representation drawn from relevant Ministries/

Departments to provide leadership, prescribe deliverables and milestones, and monitor

periodically the implementation of the Digital India Programme. A Digital India

Advisory Group headed by the Minister of Communications and IT to solicit views of

external stakeholders and to provide inputs to the Monitoring Committee on Digital

India, advise the Government on policy issues and strategic interventions necessary for

accelerating the implementation of the Digital India Programme across Central and State

Government Ministries/Departments. The composition of the Advisory Group would

include representation from the Planning Commission and 8 to 9 representatives from

States/UTs and other Line Ministries/Departments on a rotational basis. An Apex

Committee headed by the Cabinet Secretary would be overseeing the programme and

providing policy and strategic directions for its implementation and resolving inter-

ministerial issues. In addition it would harmonize and integrate diverse initiatives and

aspects related to integration of services, end to end process re-engineering and service

levels of MMPs and other initiatives under the Digital India Programme, wherever

required.Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC)/Committee on Non Plan Expenditure

(CNE) to financially appraise/ approve projects as per existing delegation of financial

powers. The EFC/ CNE headed by Secretary Expenditure would also be recommending

to the CCEA the manner in which MMPs/ eGovernance initiatives are to be implemented,

as well as the financial terms of participation for States. A representative of the Planning

Commission would also be included in both the EFC and CNE.A Council of Mission

Leaders on Digital India headed by Secretary, DeitY would be established as a platform

to share the best practices in various existing and new eGov initiatives under Digital India

and also to sensitize various government departments about ICT projects of DeitY. While

the inter-departmental, integration and interoperable issues of integrated projects /

eGovernance initiatives would be resolved by the Apex Committee on Digital India

headed by Cabinet Secretary, the technical issues of integrated projects would be

resolved by the Council of Mission Leaders.

Further, considering the scope of the Digital India Programme and the need to look at

issues such as overall technology architecture, framework, standards, security policy,

funding strategy, service delivery mechanism, sharing of common infrastructure etc. at a

programme level, it is proposed that the technical appraisal of all Digital India projects be

done by DeitY, prior to a project being placed before the EFC/ CNE. It may be

mentioned that the DeitY has already set up a Programme Management Unit, namely

National eGovernance Division (NeGD) to provide support to departments in

conceptualizing, developing, appraising, implementing and monitoring respective

MMPs / eGovernance Initiatives.For effective monitoring of Digital India, usage of

Project Management Information System would be mandatory in each new and existing

Mission Mode Projects to capture the real or near real time details about the progress of

the project. This tool should be proficient enough to capture the parameters for each stage

of project namely, conceptualization and development, implementation and post

implementation. The parameters could be decided in consultation with various line

Ministries / Departments and DeitY. Since the “e-Kranti: National eGovernance Plan

2.0” is already integrated with Digital India Programme, the existing programme

management structure established for National eGovernance Plan at both national and

state level has also been decided to be integrated appropriately with the programme

management structure being envisaged for Digital India Programme at national and

State/UT level.



Customer satisfaction means taking complete care of customer by giving them

complete knowledge about the product and about all the feature of that particular product

Customer satisfaction is the end result of your interaction with the customer.

By giving the best customer service and making sure that the customer was given the best

resolution at the end of the call, then we can say that the customer is satisfied even if it's

not verbally said.

According to me customers are those who pay (salary). Satisfaction is the key to

hold the customer for future business. Complete knowledge must be given; each and

every query must be clarified by the seller. If a customer remembers you for future

business then we can say that customer is satisfied.


According to Harold E Edmondson “Customer satisfaction” is defined as "the

number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a

firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals.".

Customer satisfaction is defined by whether the customer chooses to do business

with you or your company in the future. Many factors play a role in customer

satisfaction, including customer service, product quality and the ease of doing business.

Companies must consider customer satisfaction as an important role in the lifetime value

of a customer.

Customer satisfaction, a term frequently used in marketing, is a measure of how

products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. In a

survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 71 percent responded that they found a

customer satisfaction metric very useful in managing and monitoring their businesses.

It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is often part of a Balanced

Scorecard. In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers,

customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key

element of business strategy.


 Encourage face-to-face dealings.

 Respond to messages promptly and keep yours clients informed.

 Be friendly and approachable.

 Have a clearly-Defined customer service policy.

 Attention to details.

 Anticipate your client’s needs and go out of your way to help them out.

 Honor your promise


Serving your customer with a smile on your face, even when things don’t go right.


 A person, company or other entity which buys goods and services produced

by another person, company or other entity.

 One who regularly or repeatedly makes purchases of a trader, a purchase a



According to Jack Speer “Excellent customer service is the process by which your

organization delivers its services or products is way that allows the customer to access

them in the most efficient, fair, cost effective and humanly satisfying and pleasurable

manner possible”.

Customer service is a common term we are familiar with which means one who

aids or provides helps to the purchase of goods and service.



Repeat Higher Loyalty Word or One stops New

buying price in crises month shopping product

Profit Corporate Growth



Customer comments, suggestions and response about a company’s products,

business practices and customer service orientation are one of the biggest advantages of

customer feedback surveys. Critical input and answer can help a company to develop

better customer relation programs.


Customer feedback surveys and questionnaires can sometimes be too scientific

and methodical to capture to humane instincts and traits of consumer. Rigorous analysis

and interpret ion of feedback and answers provided by customers might not provide the

right kind insights that business not to better serve customer.


Since sales are the most important goal of any commercial enterprise. It become

necessary to satisfy customer for customer satisfaction it is necessary to establish and

maintain certain important characteristics like:

a) Quality

b) Fair prizes

c) Efficient delivery

d) Good customer handling skills

e) Serious consideration of consumer complaints

Satisfaction is the feeling of pleasure or disappointment attained from comparing

a product perceived performance (outcome) in relation to his or her expectations. The

customer is dissatisfied. If the performance matches the expectation, the customer

satisfied. If the performance exceeds expectations the customer is highly satisfied.


repeat Customer satisfaction

Increased reduced price
switching to
referrels sensitivity



According to Harold E Edmondson “ Customer Satisfaction” seems to appear in print

more frequently than any other catch phrase used to describe a new found magic for

industrial success. Before we proceed in to the study of the dynamics of Customer

Satisfaction it is important to know about, who a customer is and what satisfaction really


Who really is a Customer?

The question of defining who your customers are seems fairly easy particularly if you

have segmented your market properly and understand who you are trying to

satisfy. However subtlety that frequently goes undetected by many firms is that is that

customer set can be divided into two parts, the apparent customer and the user. The

apparent customer is the person or group of people who decide what product to buy and

basically have control over the purse strings. The user is a person or group who

physically uses the product or is the direct recipient of a service.

What does satisfaction really mean?

As in defining customer above, defining satisfaction also appears simple. However as

with customer there is a subtlety that needs addressing. Satisfaction by most definitions

simply means meeting the customer’s requirement.

Customer satisfaction is a concept that more and more companies are putting at the heart

of their strategy, but for this to be successful they’re needs to be clarity about, what

customer satisfaction means and what needs to happen to drive improvement. Without

this, there is a risk that customer satisfaction becomes little more than a good intention,

with confused objectives failing to address the real issues for customers, one helpful way

to look at the problem is to rephrase the objectives: set the sights on helping the

customers meet their goals.

Customer satisfaction can be defined in many different ways. Finding the right way for a

company depends on understanding your customer and on having a clear vision of the

role that customer satisfaction is to play in the strategy. For example, a focus on customer

satisfaction can work alongside existing segmentations to support revenue generation

from high value customers or it can be a company-wide objective rooted in the brand

values. For the former, it may be sufficient to focus on improving customer service, but

for the latter a broader definition of customer satisfaction is necessary, closer akin to

corporate reputation.

Whatever the strategy for customer satisfaction, it must at least include getting the basics

right. Failing to achieve this can destroy the reputation as well as losing valuable

customers. Every customer, regardless of their economic worth to the business, has the

power to influence – positively or negatively – a company’s reputation. Once the

objectives for the customer satisfaction strategy are defined there are a number of steps

we can take to make sure the focus on customer satisfaction is effective.

Building a company around Customer Satisfaction -

With the increase in customer’s demands and competition it has become a lot more

important to base the entire company on customer service. When doing this one must first

realize that every member of an organization plays an active role in customer

service. This includes both external customers and internal customers within a company.

Customer focused organizations focus both on customer satisfaction and

profit. Achieving customer satisfaction generates the profit. In these organizations top

management has frequent contacts with external customers. The top management uses

consultative, participative, and supportive management styles to get through to the

customer. The staff focuses all of its attention on satisfying the customer’s

needs. However, the management’s job is to provide the staff with support necessary to

achieve these goals. The other department and staff in the organization that do not have

direct contact with the external customers deal exclusively with internal customer




 The company is incorporated to execute passive and active infrastructure to various

mobile operators all over India & Abroad.

 The company is working in telecom domain as an equipment supplier and

infrastructure provider.

 The company provides its services to mobile service providers & consultancy

services to other vendors in the field of

 The company also provides Training & Consultancy services in Telecom Service

provisioning, Installation, Testing, A/T & Commissioning

Established in 2007, we are a company having full-time working partners   in Lucknow,

Kanpur & Meerut. In addition to this, we have our associate offices at Lucknow, Bhopal,

and Chandigarh etc.

SamInfratech Private Limited was established as a Telecom Implementation and

Software Development Company, leading its way towards progress. Now it is a one of

the India's leading IT & Telecom Companies and among the top Telecom / Software

Development & training companies. We provide complete end-to-end outsourcing

solutions for various industries. It has a comprehensive set of solutions in Telecom & IT


SamInfratech (P) Ltd. has worked with over 550 + Clients worldwide, Including –

Northern Railway , Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI,PLI), Reliance Communication,

Radical Security,Aircel, Airtel, Vodafone, BSNL, ESSAR Telecom, GTL, WTTIL

(TATA, Quippo Telecom, Webtech, Mach Well Tools, S.D Engineers,Etc. and Many


 Dedicated team of more than 250 technically qualified engineers and technicians

who handles  technical support services for entire range of IT & other Industries.

 Leading Telecom Implementation & Software Development Company

working with leading telecom Original Equipment Manufacturers & Development

 Started its own  Premier Education & Training Division SIPL.

 Associated with Reliance Communication, Aircel, Airtel, Vodafone, BSNL and

Tata Tele Services across 25 states in 28 Telecom circles.

Working on Tower Infrastructure, Network Implementation. BTS installation and

Commissioning. Site Acceptance and Ready for RFI. Installation of Wi-Fi equipments.

Operation & Maintenance Business and Training Business.

The Group operates in Eight Segments:

1. IT Enabled Services

2. Infra & Maintenance

3. Software Development

4. Business Process Management

5. Telecom Enabled Services

6. Outsourcing

7. Event Management

8. Education and Training

Basic Information

Nature of Business Service Provider

 Manufacturer

 Retailer

 Buyer-Company

 Buyer-Individual
Additional Business
 Association

 Supplier

 Distributor

Company CEO Pushpendra Gaharwar

Total Number of Employees51 to 100 People

Year of Establishment 2007

Legal Status of Firm Private Limited Company

Annual Turnover Rs. 50 Lakh - 1 Crore


 Our objective is to fulfill customer expectation

 Committed to provide best services

 To provide quality and reliable fixed telecom service to our customer and thereby

increase customer confidence

 To provide mobile telephone infrastructure of high quality in GSM/CDMA area

of operations

 To provide point of interconnection to other service providers promptly as per

their requirement


Our Vision is to segregate all consumer centric services under one roof. In coming years

SIPL would like to be the leading market player in B2C domain.


SamInfratech – The Meaning of Time and Quality! Organizational values are the

foundation stones on which the organization  image is built. These values are intended to

infuse an infectious energy, professionalism and a sense of true empowerment to the


Our values drive us towards our goals of expansion, diversification and excellence. These

values define our philosophy of operations, guide our important decisions and determine

our commitment and achievement.

The values personified by SamInfratech:


To encourage the ability that meets opposition with skill, competence and fortitude.


Be accountable for results in line with the company’s objectives, strategies and values.


Support our people and give them the freedom to perform and to provide our readers with

information to influence their environment.

Continuous Self Renewal 

Determination to constantly re-examine and re-invent ourselves for further innovation

and creativity.

People Centric

People are our greatest asset. We invest in them expect a lot and know that the rest will



Our mission is to accomplish loyalty and appreciation of Channel Partners/Business

Partners. We further intend to develop a business friendly environment with our clients

which will help them to increase their earning potential.


By accessing this web site, you are agreeing to be bound by these web site Terms and

Conditions of Use, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible

for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these

terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this

web site are protected by applicable copyright and trade mark law.

Governing Law

Any claim relating to SamInfratech Private Limited's web site shall be governed by the

laws of the State of Uttar Pradesh without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

General Terms and Conditions applicable to Use of a Web Site.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. Accordingly, we have developed this Policy in

order for you to understand how we collect, use, communicate and disclose and make use

of personal information. The following outlines our privacy policy.

 Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the

purposes for which information is being collected.

 We will collect and use of personal information solely with the objective of

fulfilling those purposes specified by us and for other compatible purposes, unless

we obtain the consent of the individual concerned or as required by law.

 We will only retain personal information as long as necessary for the fulfillment

of those purposes.

 We will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, where

appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.

 Personal data should be relevant to the purposes for which it is to be used, and, to

the extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete, and up-to-


 We will protect personal information by reasonable security safeguards against

loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or


 We will make readily available to customers information about our policies and

practices relating to the management of personal information.

We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with these principles in

order to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and


Organization Chart

Survey &

Project Planning



DEVELOPMENT Implementation



What do we use your information for? 

Any of the information we collect from you may be used in one of the following ways: 

To improve customer service

(your information helps us to more effectively respond to your customer service requests

and support needs)

How do we protect your information? 

We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal

information when you enter, submit, or access your personal information. 

We offer the use of a secure server. All supplied sensitive/credit information is

transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and then encrypted into our

Payment gateway providers database only to be accessible by those authorized with

special access rights to such systems, and are required to?keep the information


After a transaction, your private information (credit cards, social security numbers,

financials, etc.) will not be kept on file for more than 60 days.

Do we use cookies? 

Yes (Cookies are small files that a site or its service provider transfers to your computer’s

hard drive through your Web browser (if you allow) that enables the sites or service

providers systems to recognize your browser and capture and remember certain


We use cookies to keep track of advertisements.

Do we disclose any information to outside parties? 

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable

information. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in operating our

website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep

this information confidential. We may also release your information when we believe

release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or

others rights, property, or safety. However, non-personally identifiable visitor

information may be provided to other parties for marketing, advertising, or other uses.

Third party links 

Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer third party products or services

on our website. These third party sites have separate and independent privacy policies.

We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these

linked sites. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any

feedback about these sites.

IT Enabled Services

SamInfraTech offers an ample range of IT and Telecom services and solutions for clients

in India and abroad.

In the IT services SamInfraTech provides end-to-end Web Solutions, Quality Web

Hosting, Web Designing & Development, Graphic Designing, Search Engine

Optimization (SEO) and Software Development services at reasonable cost across the


We believe in producing effective and dynamic websites that comprises superior design,

appropriate edifice progression and strong search engine rankings. We construct a

competitive analytical research.

Our Telecom solutions domain expertise's in Project Management in Telecom

Infrastructure. We help our clients in Site Survey, Site Acquisition, Civil Work, Tower

Supply, RF Survey & Telecom Implementation.

Seeing the current huge demand of skilled manpower we provide Training to candidates

and groom them for IT and Telecom sector. At SIPL, it means achieving real business

results that allow you to transform, and not just maintain, your operations.

We deal in Non Voice BPO, working for MNCs, Educational and media sectors.

Our IT and telecom services and solutions bring you a level of certainty that no other

competitor can match. You'll experience requirements that are met on-time, within

budget, and with high quality, greater efficiency and responsiveness to your business and

the ability to shift investment to strategic initiatives rather than tactical functions.

IT Enabled Services

SamInfraTech offers an ample range of IT and Telecom services and solutions for clients

in India and abroad.

In the IT services SamInfraTech provides end-to-end Web Solutions, Quality Web

Hosting, Web Designing & Development, Graphic Designing, Search Engine

Optimization (SEO) and Software Development services at reasonable cost across the


We believe in producing effective and dynamic websites that comprises superior design,

appropriate edifice progression and strong search engine rankings. We construct a

competitive analytical research.

Our Telecom solutions domain expertise's in Project Management in Telecom

Infrastructure. We help our clients in Site Survey, Site Acquisition, Civil Work, Tower

Supply, RF Survey & Telecom Implementation.

Seeing the current huge demand of skilled manpower we provide Training to candidates

and groom them for IT and Telecom sector. At SIPL, it means achieving real business

results that allow you to transform, and not just maintain, your operations.

We deal in Non Voice BPO, working for MNCs, Educational and media sectors.

Our IT and telecom services and solutions bring you a level of certainty that no other

competitor can match. You'll experience requirements that are met on-time, within

budget, and with high quality, greater efficiency and responsiveness to your business and

the ability to shift investment to strategic initiatives rather than tactical functions.


We’re a local business everywhere and we operate in the country’s geography or across

borders. We are committed to demonstrating the highest standards of our work respect

and passion as we cultivate genuine, trusting relationships and turn them into


Some great practices that make us proud are:- 

A Strong Performance Culture

Each employee is responsible for setting SMART objectives and working with his/her

leader for his/her own achievements & development. Mid-year and year-end assessments

ensure continuous focus on performance and improvement.

Capability Building

Our vision is to create a world class learning organization, focused on building people

and careers, through unmatched opportunities for continuous personal and professional

development for employees.

We Celebrate

Success and challenges all are reasons to come together. From employee days to festivals

to anniversary parties to launches and promos to break out groups and more informal get

together you find it all. You could find people on a treadmill discussing circulation

numbers and in one of the informal cafeterias or coffee lounges the next BIG idea for a

client could be taking birth.

All of these make us Unique.


Empower people to people leaders. Performance facilitating development and growth are

reflected in lateral and upward movements. A dedicated Capability Building Team

ensures that  these objectives are met by focusing on Induction.

Telecommunication Training Programs, 

Software Development Training Programs, 

GATE / PSUs Preparation Program. The company also runs cadre building programs like

the Management Trainee Program, Engineer Trainee Program, and Marketing Trainee

Programs. All key processes are supported by Employee and Manager

Objectives of the



To study the effectiveness of digital marketing services at SamInfratech Private Limited,



 To study the impact of digital marketing in bringing top ranks in Google for a
website in an organic way by using Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
 To identify the perception of customers on the major aim of digital marketing
 To understand the most preferred digital marketing strategy to promote the
 To assess the satisfaction level with SamInfratech Private Limited on the digital
 To provide suitable suggestions for improving the effectiveness of digital
marketing services and improve the overall customer satisfaction.




Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of

study. ... Typically, it encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model, phases

and quantitative or qualitative techniques. A methodology does not set out to provide

solutions - it is, therefore, not the same as a method.

Research design -The research design refers to the overall strategy that you choose to

integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby,

ensuring you will effectively address the research problem; it constitutes the blueprint

for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data.

Exploratory Research is research conducted for a problem that has not been clearly

defined. It often occurs before we know enough to make conceptual distinctions or to

posit an explanatory relationship. Exploratory research helps determine the best research

design, data-collection method and selection of subjects. It should draw definitive

conclusions only with extreme caution. Given its fundamental nature, exploratory

research often concludes that a perceived problem does not actually exist.

Universe- Lucknow

Sample Area – SamInfratech Private Limited, Lucknow

Sample Size- 100

Sample Design: A sample design is made up of two elements. Sampling method.

Sampling method refers to the rules and procedures by which some elements of the

population are included in the sample. Some common sampling methods are simple

random sampling , stratified sampling , and cluster sampling .

Judgmental Sampling Design: Judgmental sampling design is usually used when a

limited number of individuals possess the trait of interest. It is the only viable sampling

technique in obtaining information from a very specific group of people. It is also

possible to use judgmental sampling if the researcher knows a reliable professional or

authority that he thinks is capable of assembling a representative sample.

Sample Unit: Individuals

Data source- Primary data & Secondary Data

The two main sources of data for the present study have been primary data and

secondary data.

1. Primary Data:

Primary data consists of original information collected for specific purpose. The

primary data for this research study was collected through a direct survey with the

viewers guided by a structured questionnaire. The questions were structured and direct

as to make viewers understand easily.

2. Secondary Data:

Secondary data consists of information that already exists somewhere, having

been collected for specific purpose in the study. The secondary data for this study

collected from various books, company websites, and from company brochures.

Data Collection Tools: Questionnaire

A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other

prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are

often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is not always the case.

Data Analysis



Educational No. Of Respondents

% Of Respondents
UG 34 34%

PG 31 31%

Diploma 21 21%

Others 14 14%

TOTAL 100 100%



20% 14%
UG PG Diploma Others


34% of the respondents are at UG level, 31% of the respondents are at PG level

Therefore most of the respondents are at UG level.


Age (in yrs) No. of Respondents % of Respondents

Below 20 19 19%
21-30 31 31%
31-40 29 29%
41-50 15 15%
Above 50 6 6%
TOTAL 100 100%


35% 31%


10% 6%


Below 20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Above 50


31% of the respondents are at the age group between 21-30, 29% of the respondents are
at the age group between 31-40

Therefore most of the respondents are at the age group between 21-30


No. of Respondents % of Respondents

Marital Status
Married 57 57%
Unmarried 43 43%
TOTAL 100 100%





57% of the respondents are married and 43% of the respondents are unmarried.

Therefore most of the respondents are married.


Gender No. of Respondents

% of Respondents
Male 68 68%

Female 32 32%

TOTAL 100 100%






68% of the respondents are male and 32% of the respondents are female.

Therefore most of the respondents are male.


Income No. of Respondents % of Respondents

Less than 10000 19 19%

10001-25000 39 39%

25001-50000 31 31%

Above 50000 11 11%

TOTAL 100 100%


25% 19%
Less than 10000 10001-25000 25001-50000 Above 50000


39% of the respondents income range between 10001-25000, 31% of the respondents
income range between 25001-50000

Therefore most of the respondents income range between 10001-25000.


Particulars No. of Respondents % of Respondents

Yes 47 47%

No 53 53%

TOTAL 100 100%


47% Yes
53% No


53% of the respondents say no for promoting their website before approaching
SamInfratech Private Limited and 47% of the respondents say yes for promoting their
website before approaching SamInfratech Private Limited.

Therefore most of the respondents say no for promoting their website before approaching
SamInfratech Private Limited..


Particulars No. of Respondents

% of Respondents
Less than 1 year 11 11%

1.3 to 3 years 36 36%

3.1 to 5 years 28 28%

5.1 to 10 years 17 17%

Above 10 years 8 8%

TOTAL 100 100%


35% 28%
25% 17%
20% 11%
15% 8%
Less than 1 year 1 to 3 years 3.1 to 5 years 5.1 to 10 years Above 10 years


36% of the respondents used digital marketing for the website optimization at
SamInfratech Private Limited for 1-3 years, 28% of the respondents used digital
marketing for the website optimization at SamInfratech Private Limited for 1-5 years

Therefore most of the respondents used digital marketing for the website optimization at
SamInfratech Private Limited for 1-3 years.


Particulars No. of Respondents

% of Respondents
Less than 50 respondents 26 26%

50 respondents 41 41%

More than 50 respondents 21 21%

Other 12 12%

TOTAL 100 100%


20% 12%
Less than 50 respondents 50 respondents More than 50 respondents Other


41% of the respondents mention that 50 respondents getting their leads or customers
through SamInfratech Private Limited, 26% of the respondents mention that less than 50
respondents getting their leads or customers through SamInfratech Private Limited

Therefore most of the respondents mention that 50 respondents getting their leads or
customers through SamInfratech Private Limited


Particulars No. of Respondents

% of Respondents
Social Media Optimization 21 21%

Search Engine Optimization 37 37%

Search Engine Marketing 42 42%

TOTAL 100 100%



42% of the respondents mention that digital marketing service offered by SamInfratech
Private Limited provides more traffic/customer through search engine marketing, 37% of
the respondents mentions that digital marketing service offered by SamInfratech Private
Limited provides more traffic/customer through search engine optimization

Therefore most of the of the respondents mention that digital marketing service offered
by SamInfratech Private Limited provides more traffic/customer through search engine


Particulars No. of Respondents

% of Respondents
Less than 1 year 22 22%

1 year 34 34%

More than 1 year 29 29%

Others 15 15%

TOTAL 100 100%



25% 22%




Less than 1 year 1 year More than 1 year Others


34% of the respondents being served by SamInfratech Private Limited for 1 year, 29% of
the respondents being served by more than 1 year. Therefore most of the respondents
being served by SamInfratech Private Limited for 1 year.



Particulars No. of Respondents

% of Respondents
Less than 10000 28 28%

10001-25000 37 37%

25001-50000 23 23%

Above 50000 12 12%

TOTAL 100 100%



37% of the respondents mention that the revenue they generate from organic search is
from Rs 10001-25000, 28% of the respondents mention that the revenue they generate
from organic search is from Rs less than 10000

Therefore most of the respondents mention that the revenue they generate from organic
search is from Rs 10001-25000.


Particulars No. of Respondents

% of Respondents
Three months 52 52%

Six months 21 21%

One year 18 18%

Others 9 9%

TOTAL 100 100%






52% of the respondents update the website in three months, 21% of the respondents
update the website in six months

Therefore most of the respondents update the website in three months.


Particular Strongly % Agree % Neutral % Disagre % Strongly % TOT

s Agree e Disagree AL

Quality of 23 23 32 32% 24 24% 12 12% 9 9 100

traffic % %

Quantity 27 27 31 31% 24 24% 11 11% 7 7 100

of traffic % %

Organic 21 21 34 34% 26 26% 14 14% 5 5 100

results % %

Optimizin 25 25 37 37% 26 26% 8 8% 4 4 100

g your % %




15% Neutral
Strongly Disagree
10% Strongly Agree


Quality of Quantity of Organic results Optimizing
traffic traffic your website


37% of the respondents agree that optimizing the website is the major aim of digital

34% of the respondents agree that organic results is the major aim of digital marketing

32% of the respondents agree that quality of traffic is the major aim of digital marketing

31% of the respondents agree that quantity of traffic is the major aim of digital marketing

Therefore most of the respondents mention that optimizing the website is the major aim
of digital marketing.


Particulars Strongly % Agree % Neutral % Disagree % Strongly % TOTAL

Agree Disagree

Blog 21 21% 33 33% 20 20% 15 15% 11 11% 100


Forum 26 26% 34 34% 23 23% 11 11% 6 6% 100


Book Marking 20 20% 39 39% 21 21% 13 13% 7 7% 100

Social 18 18% 47 47% 19 19% 11 11% 5 5% 100


Directory 31 31% 41 41% 15 15% 9 9% 4 4% 100



50% 47%
45% 41%
33% 34%
35% 31%
30% 26%
25% 21% 20% 20% 21%
18% 19% Strongly Agree
20% 15% 15%
13% Agree
15% 11% 11% 11%
9% Neutral
10% 6% 7%
5% 4% Disagree
5% Strongly Disagree
n n g s n
io io kin ite io
iss iss ar g S iss
bm bm M kin bm
Su Su ok or Su
og m Bo tw ry
Bl ru lN
Fo e
cia Di


47% of the respondents agree that the online media brings more traffic/customers to their
website through social networking sites

41% of the respondents agree that the online media brings more traffic/customers to their
website through directory submission

39% of the respondents agree that the online media brings more traffic/customers to their
website through book marking

34% of the respondents agree that the online media brings more traffic/customers to their
website through forum submission

33% of the respondents agree that the online media brings more traffic/customers to their
website through blog submission

Therefore most of the respondents agree that the online media brings more
traffic/customers to their website through social networking sites.


Particular Strongl % Agre % Neutra % Disagre % Strongl % TOTA

s y Agree e l e y L

SEO 19 19 37 37 18 18 14 14 12 12 100
% % % % %

SMO 19 19 31 31 23 23 15 15 12 12 100
% % % % %

SMM 18 18 38 38 21 21 16 16 7 7% 100
% % % %

SEO/SMO 14 14 43 43 21 21 13 13 9 9% 100
% % % %

SMO/SEM 31 31 37 37 17 17 10 10 5 5% 100
% % % %

SMO/ 25 25 37 37 26 26 8 8% 4 4% 100
SMM % % %


45% 43%

40% 37% 38% 37% 37%

35% 31% 31%

30% 26%
23% Strongly Disagree
25% 21% 21% Strongly Agree
18% 19% 18% Agree
20% 16% 17%
15% Neutral
14% 14%13%
15% 12% 12% Disagree
9% 10%
10% 7% 8%
5% 4%



43% of the respondents agree that the digital marketing strategy can be preferred to
promote their website through SEO/SMO

38% of the respondents agree that the digital marketing strategy can be preferred to
promote their website through SMM

37% of the respondents agree that the digital marketing strategy can be preferred to
promote their website through SEO

37% of the respondents agree that the digital marketing strategy can be preferred to
promote their website through SMO/SEM

37% of the respondents agree that the digital marketing strategy can be preferred to
promote their website through SMO/SMM
31% of the respondents agree that the digital marketing strategy can be preferred to
promote their website through SMO

Therefore most of the respondents agree that the digital marketing strategy can be
preferred to promote their website through SEO/SMO.


Particular Strongly % Agree % Neutral % Disagree % Strongly % TOTAL

s Agree Disagree

Facebook 31 31% 42 42% 15 15% 9 9% 3 3% 100

Twitter 25 25% 36 36% 18 18% 13 13% 8 8% 100

Google 31 31% 33 33% 23 23% 11 11% 2 2% 100

Pinterest 22 22% 46 46% 16 16% 9 9% 7 7% 100

You tube 29 29% 35 35% 22 22% 10 10% 4 4% 100


50% 46%
45% 42%

40% 36% 35%

35% 33%
31% 31%
30% Strongly Agree
23% Agree
25% 22% 22%
20% 18% Disagree
15% 16% Strongly Disagree
15% 13%
11% 10%
9% 8% 9%
10% 7%
3% 4%
5% 2%

Facebook Twitter Google plus Pinterest You tube


46% of the respondents agree that the social networking site will boost the rank in your
website through Pinterest

42% of the respondents agree that the social networking site will boost the rank in your
website through Facebook

36% of the respondents agree that the social networking site will boost the rank in your
website through twitter

35% of the respondents agree that the social networking site will boost the rank in your
website through YouTube

33% of the respondents agree that the social networking site will boost the rank in your
website through Google plus

Therefore most of the respondents agree that the social networking site will boost the
rank in your website through Pinterest.


Particulars Highly % Satisfied % Neutral % Dissatisfied % Highly % TOTAL

Satisfied Dissatisfied

Website 20 20 31 31 24 24 14 14 11 11 100
design % % % % %

Website 17 17 34 34 21 21 18 18 10 10 100
look and % % % % %
Website 26 26 36 36 19 19 12 12 7 7% 100
User % % % %
Website 25 25 37 37 19 19 10 10 9 9% 100
Compatib % % % %
Content 24 24 31 31 25 25 12 12 8 8% 100
% % % %

Keyword 24 24 39 39 19 19 11 11 7 7% 100
s % % % %

Internal 26 26 36 36 19 19 13 13 6 6% 100
linking % % % %

Back 21 21 41 41 17 17 14 14 7 7% 100
linking % % % %


45% 41%
40% 36% 37% 36%
35% 31% 31%
30% 26% 25% 25% 24% 26%
24% 24%
25% 20% 21% 21%
17%18% 19% 19% 19% 19%
20% Highly Satisfied
14% 13% 14%
15% 12% 12% Satisfied
11% 10% 10% 11%
9% 8% Neutral
10% 7% 7% 6% 7%
5% Highly Dissatisfied
n el ly lit
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sig fe nd bi te or kin kin
de d i e ti n w llin in
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sit ok se
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W e e eC In
sit sit sit
eb eb eb


41% of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech Private
Limited is made by back linking

39% of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech Private
Limited is made by keywords

37% of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech Private
Limited is made by website compatibility

36% of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech Private
Limited is made by internal linking

36% of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech Private
Limited is made by website user friendly

34% of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech Private
Limited is made by website look and feel

31% of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech Private
Limited is made by website design

31% of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech Private
Limited is made by content

Therefore most of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech
Private Limited is made by back linking


Particulars Most % Importan % Neutra % Unimporta % Most % TOTA

Importan t l nt Unimporta L
t nt

Qualified 25 25 36 36 21 21 11 11 7 7 100
personnel % % % % %

Customized 23 23 38 38 21 21 11 11 7 7 100
solutions % % % % %

Price 26 26 37 37 15 15 13 13 9 9 100
% % % % %

Timely 23 23 33 33 26 26 12 12 6 6 100
communicatio % % % % %
Grievances 23 23 43 43 18 18 11 11 5 5 100
redressal % % % % %


38% 37%
40% 36%
30% 25% 26% 26%
23% 23% 23%
25% 21% 21%
20% 15% Most Important
13% 12% Important
15% 11% 11% 11%
9% Neutral
10% 7% 7% 6% 5% Unimportant
5% Most unimportant
el s ice n sa
nn tion Pr atio es
o lu ic r
rs so un re
pe d m es
ed ize m nc
lifi m co a
sto ely iev
Cu iT m Gr


43% of the respondents agree that the grievances redressal is important in service

38% of the respondents agree that the customized solutions is important in service

37% of the respondents agree that the price is important in service delivery

36% of the respondents agree that the qualified personnel is important in service delivery

33% of the respondents agree that the timely communication is important in service

Therefore most of the respondents agree that the grievances redressal is important in
service delivery.


Particulars Strongl % Agre % Neutra % Disagre % Strongl % TOTA

y Agree e l e y L

Staffs are 23 23 32 32 24 24 12 12 9 9 100

polite and
% % % % %
Staffs are 27 27 31 31 24 24 11 11% 7 7% 100
% % %
Staffs are 21 21 34 34 26 26 14 14% 5 5% 100
% % %
adequately to
handle the
Information is 25 25 37 37 26 26 8 8% 4 4% 100
% % %


40% 32% 34%
27% 26% 25% 26%
30% 23% 24% 24%
20% 12% 14%
9% 11%
7% 8%
10% 5% 4%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


37% of the respondents agree that the Information is provided adequately related to
SamInfratech Private Limited in digital marketing services

34% of the respondents agree that the staffs are trained adequately to handle the
assignment related to SamInfratech Private Limited in digital marketing services

32% of the respondents agree that the staffs are polite and understanding related to
SamInfratech Private Limited in digital marketing services

31% of the respondents agree that the Staffs are knowledgeable related to SamInfratech
Private Limited in digital marketing services

Therefore most of the respondents agree that the Information is provided adequately
related to SamInfratech Private Limited in digital marketing services.



 Most of the respondents are at UG level.

 Most of the respondents are at the age group between 21-30.

 Most of the respondents are married.

 Most of the respondents are male.

 Most of the respondents income range between 10001-25000.

 Most of the respondents say no for promoting their website before approaching

SamInfratech Private Limited.

 most of the respondents used digital marketing for the website optimization at

SamInfratech Private Limited for 1-3 years.

 Most of the respondents mention that 50 respondents getting their leads or

customers through SamInfratech Private Limited

 Most of the respondents mention that digital marketing service offered by

SamInfratech Private Limited provides more traffic/customer through search

engine marketing.

 Most of the respondents being served by SamInfratech Private Limited for 1 year.

 Most of the respondents mention that the revenue they generate from organic

search is from Rs 10001-25000.

 Most of the respondents update the website in three months.

 Most of the respondents mention that optimizing the website is the major aim of

digital marketing.

 Most of the respondents agree that the online media brings more traffic/customers

to their website through social networking sites.

 Most of the respondents agree that the digital marketing strategy can be preferred

to promote their website through SEO/SMO

 Most of the respondents agree that the digital marketing strategy can be preferred

to promote their website through SMM

 Most of the respondents agree that the digital marketing strategy can be preferred

to promote their website through SEO

 Most of the respondents agree that the digital marketing strategy can be preferred

to promote their website through SMO/SEM

 Most of the respondents agree that the digital marketing strategy can be preferred

to promote their website through SMO/SMM

 Most of the respondents agree that the digital marketing strategy can be preferred

to promote their website through SMO

 Most of the respondents agree that the social networking site will boost the rank

in your website through Pinterest

 Most of the respondents agree that the social networking site will boost the rank

in your website through Facebook

 Most of the respondents agree that the social networking site will boost the rank

in your website through twitter

 Most of the respondents agree that the social networking site will boost the rank

in your website through YouTube

 Most of the respondents agree that the social networking site will boost the rank

in your website through Google plus

 Most of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech

Private Limited is made by back linking

 Most of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech

Private Limited is made by keywords

 Most of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech

Private Limited is made by website compatibility

 Most of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech

Private Limited is made by internal linking

 Most of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech

Private Limited is made by website user friendly

 Most of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech

Private Limited is made by website look and feel

 Most of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech

Private Limited is made by website design

 Most of the respondents agree that the satisfaction level with SamInfratech

Private Limited is made by content

 Most of the respondents agree that the grievances redressal is important in service


 Most of the respondents agree that the customized solutions is important in

service delivery

 Most of the respondents agree that the price is important in service delivery

 Most of the respondents agree that the qualified personnel is important in service


 Most of the respondents agree that the timely communication is important in

service delivery

 Most of the respondents agree that the online media brings more traffic/customers

to their website through social networking sites

 Most of the respondents agree that the online media brings more traffic/customers

to their website through directory submission

 Most of the respondents agree that the online media brings more traffic/customers

to their website through book marking

 Most of the respondents agree that the online media brings more traffic/customers

to their website through forum submission

 Most of the respondents agree that the online media brings more traffic/customers

to their website through blog submission

 Most of the respondents agree that the Information is provided adequately related

to SamInfratech Private Limited in digital marketing services

 Most of the respondents agree that the staffs are trained adequately to handle the

assignment related to SamInfratech Private Limited in digital marketing services

 Most of the respondents agree that the staffs are polite and understanding related

to SamInfratech Private Limited in digital marketing services

 Most of the respondents agree that the Staffs are knowledgeable related to

SamInfratech Private Limited in digital marketing services



a. Special offers can be given to make the customers to use all the digital marketing

services of SamInfratech Private Limited. This will help SamInfratech Private

Limited to increase the overall business

b. Additional point of contact members can be allocated to each customer. This will help

them to update the status of the website optimization to the customers on a periodical


c. Special training can be provided to the customers to understand the various new

innovations that have happened in the website optimization field. This will motivate

the customers to choose other digital marketing services of SamInfratech Private


d. SamInfratech Private Limited can innovate the SEO services to continue the good

services in the website traffic building and also to get more reference business contact

from the existing customers

e. Keep a close eye on the analytics data, and use this information to inform the

customers on the promotional and content strategies. Pay attention to what posts and

pages are proving the most popular and update the customer. This will give a better

satisfaction for the customers.



Though, best efforts have been made to make the study fair, transparent and error free.

But there might be some inevitable and inherent limitations. Though outright measure are

undertaken to make the report most accurate.

The limitation of the survey are narrated below:

 The project is valid for Lucknow only.

 It was not possible to cover each and every area due to time constrains.

 There may be some biased response from the respondents

 Some respondents did not provide the full data.

 Unwillingness on the part of the customers to disclose the information as per the


 The decisiveness on the part of the customers regarding some question hence

difficulty faced in recording and analyzing the data.



Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or

services using digital technologies, mainly on the internet, but also including

mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium Digital

marketing activities are search engine optimization (SEO), search engine

marketing(SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation,

campaign marketing, and e-commerce marketing, social media marketing, social

media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising, e–books, optical

disks and games, and any other form of digital media.

This study has been undertaken to understand the overall effectiveness of

the Digital marketing services at SamInfratech Private Limited. For this purpose,

responses from the customers have been collected and analyzed. Based upon the

findings out of the research, few valuable suggestions have been given to the

management of SamInfratech Private Limited to improve the overall effectiveness

of Digital marketing services for its customers.




 Kothari C.R. Research Methodology, New age international publisher, New

Delhi, 2004

 Kotler Philip, Keller and Jha, Marketing Management, Pearson Publication, 12th

Edition, Delhi-2007

 R. Shannon, and R. Mandhachitara,, “Casual path modeling of grocery shopping

in hypermarkets”, Journal of

 Product and Brand Management, vol.17 no.5, 2008, pp 327-340.




1) UG 2) PG 3) Diploma 4) Others

2. AGE:

1) Below 20 2) 21 to 30 years 3) 31 to 40 years 4) 41 to 50 years

5) Above 50 years


1) Married 2) Unmarried


1) Male 2) Female


1) Less than 10,000 2) 10,001 - 25,000 3) 25,001 - 50,000

4) Above 50,000

6. Have you ever promoted your website before approaching SamInfratech

Private Limited?

a. Yes

b. No

7. How long have you been using the Digital marketing services for your website
optimization at SamInfratech Private Limited?

a. Less than 1 year 2. 1 to 3 years 3.1 to 5 years

4. 1 to 10 years 5. Above 10 years

8. Through SamInfratech Private Limited digital marketing, how many leads or

customers you are getting per year?

a. Less than 50 respondents 2. 50 respondents

3. More than 50 respondents 4. Other

9. According to you which digital marketing service offered by SamInfratech

Private Limited gives you more traffic/customer to your website?

a. Social Media Optimization

b. Search Engine Optimization

c. Search Engine Marketing

11. How long is SamInfratech Private Limited being servicing you?

1. Less than 1 year 2.One year 3.More than 1 year 4.Others

12. How much revenue are you currently generating from Organic search (Digital
marketing) on a monthly basis?

1. Less than 10,000 2.10, 001-25,000 3.25, 001-50,000 4.Above


13. How often is your website being updated?

1. Three months 2.Six months 2.One year 4.Others

14. What you think as the major aim of digital marketing?

Particulars Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Strongly

agree Agree Disagree
Quality of
Quantity of
Organic results

your website

15.Please rate which type of online media brings more traffic/customers to our website?

Particulars Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Strongly

agree Agree Disagree
Book marking

16. Choose which Digital Marketing strategy can be preferred to promote your website?

Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Strongly Strongly

Agree Disagree







17. Which Social networking site will boost the rank in your website?

Particulars Strongly agree Agree Neutral Strongly Strongly

Agree Disagree



Google plus


You tube

18. What is your satisfaction level with SamInfratech Private Limited on the following

Particulars Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly

satisfied Dissatisfied

Website design

Website look
and feel

Website User




Internal linking

Back linking

19. How important are the following attributes for you in service delivery?

Particulars Most Important Neutral Unimportant Most

Important Unimportant



20. Please specify your agreement to the following statements related to SamInfratech
Private Limited in digital marketing services?

Particulars Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Strongly

agree Agree Disagree
Staffs are polite and
Staffs are
Staffs are trained adequately to
handle the assignment
Information is provided


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