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As per CBSE Sample Paper

Issued On 02 Sep, 2021...

Physical Education
CBSE Class 12 (Term I )

Reena Kar

ARIHANT PRAKASHAN (School Division Series)

þ One Day Revision 3-14
þ The Qualifiers 17-30
þ CBSE Question Bank 33-44
þ Latest CBSE Sample Paper 47-60

Sample Paper 1 63-75

Sample Paper 2 76-90
Sample Paper 3 91-104
Sample Paper 4 105-118
Sample Paper 5 119-133
Sample Paper 6 134-147
Sample Paper 7 148-160
Sample Paper 8 161-175
Sample Paper 9 176-189
Sample Paper 10 190-203

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Physical Education CBSE Class 12 (Term I )

. Planning in Sports
— Meaning Objectives of Planning
— Various Committees its Responsibilities pre; during post
— Tournament Knock-Out, League Or Round Robin Combination
— Procedure To Draw Fixtures Knock-Out Bye Seeding League
Staircase Cyclic
. Sports Nutrition
— Balanced Diet Nutrition: Macro Micro Nutrients
— Nutritive Non-Nutritive Components Of Diet
— Eating For Weight Control A Healthy Weight, The Pitfallsof Dieting,
Food Intolerance Food Myths
. Children Women in Sports
— Motor development factors affecting it
— Exercise Guidelines at different stages of growth Development
— Common Postural Deformities - Knock Knee; Flat Foot; Round Shoulders;
Lordosis, Kyphosis, Bow Legs and Scoliosis and their corrective measures
— Sports participation of women in India

. Test Measurement in Sports

— Motor Fitness Test M Standing Start, M Run Walk, Sit Reach,
Partial Curl Up, Push Ups Boys , Modified Push Ups Girls , Standing
Broad Jump, Agility x M Shuttle Run
— Measurement of Cardio Vascular Fitness Harvard Step Test Rockport
Test - D uration of the Exercise in Seconds x . x Pulse count of - .
Min after Exercise
— Rikli Jones - Senior Citizen Fitness Test

. Biomechanics Sports
— Meaning and Importance of Biomechanics in Sports
— Types of movements Flexion, Extension, Abduction Adduction
— Newton s Law of Motion its application in sports
MCQs Preparation Tips

Focus on Theory Learn to Identify Wrong Answers

MCQs can be formed from any part or The simplest trick is, observe the options
line of the chapter. So, strong command first and take out the least possible one
on theory will increase your chances to and repeat the process until you reach
solve objective questions correctly and the correct option.
Analyze your Performance
Practice of Solving MCQs During the practice of MCQs you can
Cracking an MCQ-based examination identify your weak & strong
requires you to be familiar with the topics/chapter by analyzing of incorrect
question format, so continuous practice answers, in this way you will get an
will make you more efficient in solving awareness about your weaker topics.
Practice through Sample Papers
Speed & Accuracy Solving more & more papers will make
In MCQ-based examination, you need you more efficient and smarter for
both speed and accuracy, if your exams. Solve lots of Sample Papers
accuracy is good but speed is slow then given in a good Sample Papers book.
you might attempt less questions
resulting in low score.

Attempting MCQs in Exams

1. Read the paper from beginning to Step by step solution is not required
end & attempt those questions first in in MCQ type questions, it is a waste
which you are confident. Now move of time, you will not get extra marks
on to those questions which requires for this.
thinking and in last attempt those
4. Most of the time, you need not to
questions for which you need more
solve the MCQ completely to get the
correct option. You can start thinking
2. Read instructions of objective in reverse order and choose the best
questions carefully and find out what fit option.
is being asked, a bit carelessness can
5. As there is no negative marking for
lead you to incorrect answer.
incorrect answers, so don't leave any
3. Tick/Write down the correct option question unanswered. Use your
only while filling the OMR sheet. guess if you have not exact idea
about the correct answer.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 3

Revise All the Chapters in a Day
Just Before the Examination...

● Planning in Sports
Meaning and Objectives of Planning (v) Reception Committee To welcome the Chief
Planning means to organise the activities in order to Guest and the spectators at the opening and
reach a particular goal. It is like deciding in advance, closing ceremonies.
what is to be done, how it is to be done and by whom it (vi) Committee on Entries and Programmes This
is to be done. committee makes a list of entries and prepares
Objectives of planning are as follows fixtures of teams participating in the competition.
(i) To reduce unnecessary pressure of immediacy. (vii) Committee for Officials Selects various officials
(ii) To maintain good control over all the activities. such as referees, judges, umpires, etc.
(iii) To reduce the chances of mistakes. (viii) Announcement Committee Makes all the
(iv) To increase efficiency. announcements during the period of sports events.
(v) To enhance creativity
(ix) First Aid Committee Provides first aid to the injured
(vi) To ensure proper coordination.
or affected athlete.
(vii) To enhance sports performance.
(x) Finance Committee It makes the budget and
Various Committees and their controls the expenses of a tournament.
Responsibilities (xi) Boarding and Lodging Committee Makes
All sports and tournaments are planned by a General arrangements of accommodation and meals of
Committee, headed by an Administrative Director. The athletes and officials.
General Committee comprises Executive committees (xii) Decoration and Ceremony Committee Makes
which organise events and are responsible for its arrangements of decoration of stadium, opening,
success. victory and closing ceremonies, and trophies,
Some executive committees are given below medals and certificates.
(i) Committee for Publicity To advertise the sports Pre, During and Post-meet Responsibilities
events. of Committees

(ii) Transport Committee To make necessary The entire arrangement and planning for a sports
arrangements for transportation of officials, event is organised in three phases; pre, during and
competitors and guests. post-meet work. They are discussed below
(iii) Grounds and Equipment Committee For proper
Pre-meet Responsibilities
upkeep of the venues and making the necessary
equipment available. Pre-meet responsibilities are as follows
(iv) Refreshments and Entertainment ● To prepare the budget for organising the sports
Committee Charge of supplying refreshments and event.
drinks to the guests, officials, competitors, etc. It ● To prepare a schedule of programmes of the
also makes arrangement for opening and closing sports tournaments (date and venue) and inform
ceremonies. the same to teams.
4 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

● To make arrangements of track/court, sports League or Round Robin Tournaments

equipments, boarding and meals, and prizes and A league tournament, also called as Round Robin
certificates for the tournaments. tournament, is a type of tournament in which each
● To form various committees and list their tasks team gets a chance to play with every other team at
accordingly. least once. In this type of tournament, there should be
sufficient time to complete the tournament.
During meet Responsibilities
● To check that all the equipments and the places There are two types of league tournaments
where sports events are held, are in proper (i) Single league (ii) Double league
condition. Single League Tournament In a single league round
● To keep a record of all the events, and winners. robin schedule, each participant team meets every
● To check that the events are taking place as per other participant team once. If each participant plays
schedule. with others twice, it is called a Double league
● To ensure proper arrangements during tournament. The league phase of the IPL tournament
tournaments including refreshments, proper is one example of such a tournament.
announcements, first aid etc. Advantages of League Tournaments
● To provide updated information to the electronic Some advantages of league tournaments are as follows:
and print media. (i) Improves competitiveness and increases
Post meet Responsibilities opportunities for winning, improving performance
and showing efficiency.
● To check that the outstanding bills are paid.
(ii) It is easier for the sports officials to decide the winner.
● To prepare a report of income and expenses.
(iii) A team does not need to wait to win against
● To give away prizes and certificates to winners.
another team for playing a match and only strong
● To provide detailed results and other informations teams get victory.
to the media.
(iv) Sports are made popular with increasing matches.
● To present mementos to the chief guest.
Disadvantages of League Tournaments
Tournaments Some disadvantages of league tournaments are as
A tournament is a competition held between various follows:
teams in a particular activity, according to a fixed (i) It requires more money and time as more
schedule in which a winner is decided. arrangements have to be made due to more
Before organising a tournament, it is very essential to number of matches.
prepare a good plan. There are various ways to (ii) Reduces moral of the lost team which affects
organise a tournament. sports performance.

Types of Tournament Combination Tournaments

Some types of tournaments are discussed below Combination tournaments refer to tournaments that are
held when the matches are to be played on group basis
Knock-out or Elimination Tournaments
or zonal basis. These types of tournaments are held
A Single elimination tournament or a Knock-out when a large number of participants are there or they
tournament is a type of elimination tournament where are coming from different areas of the country. Usually
the losing team is immediately eliminated from the the following combination of tournaments are used:
tournament. (i) Knock-out cum Knock-out
Advantages of Knock-out Tournaments (ii) League cum League
Some advantages of Knock-out tournaments are as (iii) Knock-out cum League

follows: (iv) League cum Knock-out

(i) Minimum number of officials are required. Procedure to Draw Fixtures
(ii) Takes less time to complete the tournaments. Any tournament, whether it is knock-out or league, is
(iii) It helps in enhancing the standard of sports. arranged according to a set procedure which is known
Disadvantages of Knock-out Tournaments as fixture. For a knock-out tournament, the procedure
to draw fixtures is through bye and seeding. For a
Some disadvantages of Knock-out tournaments are as
league tournaments, the procedure to be draw fixtures
is through staircase or cyclic method.
(i) Good teams can get eliminated early.
Fixture is the process of arranging the teams in
(ii) Weak teams can enter the final round. systematic order in various groups for competition in a
(iii) Spectators might lose interest. physical activity.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 5

Fixtures in Knock-out Tournament Example : If teams are 11, then the number of byes will
In order to draw fixtures in a knock-out tournament, be given by next power of 2 - 11.
following principles need to be kept in mind 2 4 - 11
● Total numbers of team participating in the 16 - 11 = 5
Hence, 5 byes will be given.
● Total number of byes.
● The number of teams in each half or quarter. Method of Fixing Byes
● The number of byes to be given in each half or The number of the teams are placed in upper and
quarter. lower half according to the draw of lots. Then following
● The number of rounds in the tournament. procedure is adopted for fixing the byes.
● The total number of matches. ● The last team of lower half gets first bye.
● In order to draw fixtures in a knock-out ● The first team of upper half gets second bye.
tournament, first it is essential to calculate. ● The first team of lower half gets third bye.
(i) Total Number of Matches The number of matches ● The last team of upper half gets fourth bye.
to be played during the entire tournament is ● The process is followed till all Byes are given.
calculated by subtracting 1 from total number of
teams (N–1). 2. Seeding Method
(ii) Number of Rounds If the number of teams is a The Seeding method is used in a Knock out
power of 2, then number of rounds will exactly be tournament to prevent the elimination of strong teams
the power of 2 for that number. If the total number in the preliminary round. Through this method, strong
of teams is 16, then there will be 4 rounds (2 4 = 16). teams, on the basis of their previous performance, are
kept at a set appropriate place in the fixture.
If number of teams is not a power of 2, then number
of rounds will be equal to the next power of two. Method of Fixing Seeding
For 21 teams, 5 rounds will be played as the next If two teams are to be seeded, then Ist team is kept on
power of 2 is 32 (2 5 ) . the top of the upper half and 2nd is kept in the last of
the lower half.
(iii) Number of Teams in Each Half All the teams are
divided into two halves for the sake of convenience. Similarly, if 4 teams are to be seeded, the first two
If the number of teams is even, then the number of teams will be placed at aforementioned place and 3rd
teams in upper and lower half will be equal. For and 4th team will be kept on the top of the lower half
instance, if the total number of teams are 20, then and at the lowest place in upper half respectively.
N Generally, the seeded teams are in the power of 2 i.e.
apply the formula . 4, 8, 16 etc.
(iv) Number of Teams in Each Quarter If the number Special Seeding
of teams is odd, then they are divided into upper It is a method of seeding in which certain players or
and lower halves. teams directly participate in the quarter final or
Number of teams in the upper half can be semi-final matches.
(N + 1)
calculated by .
2 Fixtures in League Tournaments
Number of teams in the lower half can be The three methods used for drawing up fixtures are
(N - 1)
calculated by . 1. Staircase Method 2. Cyclic Method
Herein, N is the total number of teams. 3. Tabular Method

Methods for Drawing fixtures 1. Staircase Method


In a Knock-out tournament, the fixtures are drawn by In this method, the fixtures are made first like
any of the following methods. a staircase. They are arranged in sequential form and
has no concept of Bye.
1. Bye Method
Therefore, it is easiest to arrange.
The Bye method is generally used when the total
Example : Draw up a fixture of 9 teams on Round
number of teams in a tournament is not a power of 2.
Robin basis using staircase method.
A Bye is a kind of priviledge given to teams in the first
round. The team receiving a Bye becomes a dummy The number of teams = 9
team that directly plays in the second round. N(N - 1)
Thus, number of matches =
The number of byes that should be given in a tournament 2
is decided by finding the difference between the 9 (9 - 1) 9 ´ 8
= = = 36 Matches
number of teams and the next power of two. 2 2
6 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

The fixture is given below Total number of rounds = N - 1 = 5

Ist R IInd R IIIrd R IVth R Vth R
1-2 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1
1-3 2-3 5 2 4 6 3 5 2 4 6 3
1-4 2-4 3-4 4 3 3 2 2 6 6 5 5 4
1-5 2-5 3-5 4-5
1-6 2-6 3-6 4-6 5-6 Example 2 Fixture of 5 teams on cyclic method.
Total number of teams = 5
1-7 2-7 3-7 4-7 5-7 6-7
Total number of matches = 10
1-8 2-8 3-8 4-8 5-8 6-8 7-8
Total number of rounds = 5
1-9 2-9 3-9 4-9 5-9 6-9 7-9 8-9
Ist R IInd R IIIrd R IVth R Vth R
5 Bye 4 Bye 3 Bye 2 Bye 1 Bye
2. Cyclic Method 4 1 3 5 2 4 1 3 5 2
In this method, if the number of teams is even team 1 is
3 2 2 1 1 5 5 4 4 3
fixed on the top right side and the other teams move in
clockwise direction down one side and up on the other Deciding the Winner
side. In such a case, the number of rounds will be N-1 The method to decide the winner in league tournaments
if there are N teams participating. However, if the is by calculating the percentage of matches won.
number of teams is odd a ‘bye’ is fixed at the top and Matches won
all teams follow it in sequence. In such a case, the Percentage = ´ 100
Matches played
number of rounds will be N.
Normally, there are two points for every match won
Example 1 Fixture of 6 teams using cyclic method.
and zero for every match lost. But in case of a draw,
Total number of teams = 6 each team is given one point. However there can be
Total number of matches = 15 several other ways of calculating the winner.

● Sports and Nutrition

Balanced Diet and Nutrition important for our digestive process. They are required
A Balanced diet can be defined as ‘A diet which by the body for performing every day tasks. But,
consists of all the essential food constituents, viz., excess of carbohydrated increases weight.
proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and There are two main types of carbohydrates.
water in correct proportion. In other words, it means ● Simple Carbohydrates They are sweet, crystalline
eating the right amount of food from all food groups
and soluble in water. They form sugar—glucose,
which provides all essential food constituents
fructose, galactose, sucrose, maltose and lactose.
necessary for growth and maintenance of the body.
Nutrition can be defined as the science of food and its
● Complex Carbohydrates They are non-sweet,
relationship with health. It includes a dynamic process
non-crystalline and insoluble in water. They
in which the food consumed is digested, nutrients are include starch, dextrine, glycogen and cellulose.
absorbed and distributed to the tissues for utilisation Proteins
and wastes are disposed of the body. Protein is a large compound formed of carbon,
Nutrients are the chemicals derived from the food hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur. As they form
consumed and used by the body for proper functioning. a large molecules, proteins are converted into amino
There are two kinds of nutrients that we consume in the acids by our digestive system. These amino acids are

form of food. They are discussed below used by the body for creation of blood, muscles, nails,
skin, hair and tissues in internal organs. They also form
Macro Nutrients
new tissues, repair broken tissues, regulate balance of
These constitute the majority of an individual’s diet and water and acids, transport oxygen and nutrients and
thus can be taken in large amounts. They supply make antibodies.
energy and aid growth and maintenance of the body.
The various macro-nutrients are discussed below: Our body requires only 0.36 grams of protein per
pound of body weight. Excess of protein in body can
Carbohydrates lead to heart disease, osteoporosis, stroke and kidney
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy made disease, while its deficiency can cause Marasmus and
up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in 1:2:1 ratio. Kwashiorkor. Rich sources of proteins are egg, dairy
Carbohydrates are organic compounds which are products, pulses, nuts, and food grains.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 7

Fats 2. Water Soluble Vitamins These vitamins are soluble in

Fats are compounds made up of 76% carbon, 12% water. They are
oxygen and 12% hydrogen. They function to keep (i) Vitamin B Complex This vitamin consists of 8
us warm, protects our organs and aid the vitamins. They are mentioned in the table.
production of hormones. They also regulate body
temperature. Name Rich Sources
Foods rich in fats are butter, oil, sausage, cheese,
Wheat, groundnuts,
fish, chocolate, olives and nuts. Vitamin B1
Beri-Beri peas, orange, eggs,
or Thiamin
Micro Nutrients rice, etc.
Micro nutrients are extremely significant in proper Vitamin B2 Decreased Egg yolk, fish, pulses,
functioning of the body. They function to enable or Riboflavin immunity peas, rice, wheat, etc.
chemical reactions in the body and are required in Vitamin B3 or Milk, egg yolk and dry
Grey Hair
small amounts. They are discussed below: Niacin fruits
Vitamins Vitamin B5
Pellagra Yeast, milk, polished
or Pantothenic
Vitamins are compounds of carbon which are diseases rice, nuts
essential for the normal growth and working of the
body. There are compored of carbon, hydrogen and Vitamin B6 Microcytic Meat, fish, egg yolk,
oxygen and they are two groups of vitamins i.e. fat or Pyridoxine Anemia yeast, rice, peas etc.
soluble and water soluble : Vitamin B12
or Cobalamin
1. Fat Soluble Vitamins These vitamins are
composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and Vitamin B9 or Folic Loss of Yeast, spinach and
they are easily dissolved in fats. Acid leucocytes liver.

The fat soluble vitamins are Impaired growth,

Vitamin B7 or
(i) Vitamin A It was the first vitamin discovered Biotin
muscle strain
by Elmer McCollum in 1913. It is an
essential nutrient helpful in the normal growth (ii) Vitamin C It is also called ascorbic acid and is a
of the body and development of eyes and water-soluble vitamin. It is needed for proper growth,
skin. Its deficiency can cause Night development, and healing of wounds. It also maintains
blindness and can have severe impact on health of the connecting tissues. Its deficiency can
skin, teeth, kidneys, nervous system and cause scurvy. Its rich sources are lemons, pineapples,
digestive system. Its rich sources are egg grapes, oranges, cabbage, spinach, etc.
yolk, milk and milk products, mango, Minerals
papaya, etc.
Minerals are micro-nutrients that are required for proper
(ii) Vitamin D This white colourless crystalline
healthy and general development of the body.
vitamin is essential for the formation of
healthy teeth and bones. The presence of They are classified into two categories as discussed
this vitamin in the body enables the body to below:
absorb calcium and phosphorus. Deficiency Macro Minerals
of this vitamin can cause rickets, dental Some of the macro minerals are described below:
cavities and osteoporosis. Its rich sources
1. Calcium (Ca) It is needed for the formation of strong
are milk, butter, sunrays and fish liver oils.
bones, teeth and also helps in clotting of blood and
(iii) Vitamin E This vitamin essentially maintains muscle contraction. Its deficiency can cause rickets
the functioning of reproductive organs. It also and various skin diseases. Its rich sources are cheese,

helps in blood coagulation, strengthening the milk, eggs, green leafy vegetables, etc.
cell membrance and keeping the skin 2. Potassium (K) It plays a key role in keeping the
healthy. Its deficiency can cause nervous system and muscular system fit and active all
degeneration of muscles, paralysis and slow the time. It also helps in hydro (water) balance of the
growth. Its rich sources are green leafy body. Its deficiency can lead to weakening of muscles.
vegetables, sprouts, egg and whole cereals. Its rich sources are carrot, beetroot, onion, tomato,
(iv) Vitamin K Its mains function is to clot blood orange, mango, banana, apple, etc.
to prevent excessive bleeding or 3. Sodium (Na) It is needed for the proper functioning
haemorrhage. Its deficiency can cause of the nervous system. It helps in the contraction of
anemia. Its rich sources are cauliflower, muscles. Its rich sources include salt, milk products,
spinach, cabbage, tomato, potato, wheat, etc. meat, eggs, etc.
8 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

4. Magnesium (Mg) It repairs and maintains body 3. Plant Compounds These are derived from plants
cells. It’s sources are meat, brown rice, beans, and can include both nutritive and non-nutritive
whole grains etc. compounds. Its non-nutritive elements can pose
5. Phosphorus (P) It is required for development of several health risks.
strong bones and teeth and keeps muscles and 4. Colour Compounds Colours are added to the food
nerve activities normal. It is found in egg, fish, to make it look attractive and colourful. These are
meat, milk etc. derived from animal products, grains as well as
fruits and vegetables.
Micro Minerals
5. Flavour Compounds These are flavouring agents
Some of the micro minerals are as follows :
that add flavour to the food.
1. Iodine (I) It is essential for the production of
6. Food Addictives Certain chemicals like benzoic
hormone in the thyroid gland. Its deficiency can
acid, sodium benzoate and other chemicals are
hinder growth and development. It can cause
used as food preservatives to increase the shelf life
dwarfism, rough and fatty skin and goitre. Its rich
of the food.
sources are iodised salt, fish and sea food.
2. Iron (Fe) It is important for the formation of Eating for Weight Control
haemoglobin. Its deficiency can cause anemia. Its Eating the right amount will lead to healthy weight.
rich sources are meat, egg, dry fruits, spinach, Eating too much can lead to obesity and too less can
banana and green leafy vegetables. lead to underweight.
3. Chromium (Cr) It stimulates insulin activity. Its An individual who has a healthy weight leads a healthy
deficiency can cause diabetes. Its rich sources are life with reduced risk of diseases.
carrot, tomato, bajra, barley and soyabean.
A Healthy Weight
4. Copper (Cu) It is helpful in the formation of red
A healthy weight refers to an ideal body weight at which
blood cells, connective tissue and nerve fibre there is a reduced risk of diseases such as heart
formation and functioning. Its rich sources are diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
eggs, pulses and green leafy vegetables.
For optimum health, body fat should not be more than
5. Cobalt (Co) Cobalt is needed for making 20% of total weight for men and 30% for women. Healthy
red blood cells. It protects us from anemia and weight can be measured through calculating BMI.
is found in green leafy vegetables, milk and
meat. Body Mass Index (BMI)
6. Fluorine (F) It is important to make the enamel BMI method is used to check if an individual has an
(polish) of the teeth hard and prevents dental ideal weight with respect to his/her height. According to
diseases. the BMI score, individuals are categorised into
underweight, normal weight, over weight and obese.
Nutritive Components of Diet
The data differs for both men and women.
Nutritive components of diet are those components
To calculate BMI, take the weight in kilograms and
which contribute or provide energy or calories. The
divide it by square of height taken in metres. i.e.
nutritive components of diet are proteins,
carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Body weight in kg
(Height in metres)2
Non-nutritive Components of Diet
Non-nutritive components of diet do not provide The Pitfalls of Dieting
energy or calories. Their main purpose is to make the People use various techniques of weight loss such as
food smell and taste better, last longer, or look better taking diet pills, fasting, reducing calories consumption,
etc. exercise, etc. There are some dangers /pitfalls of dieting

Some of the important non-nutritive food components that need to be checked for reducing weight in a healthy
are discussed below way.
1. Roughage or Fibre It is the undigested part of the The pitfalls of dieting are
food which functions to satisfy the appetite. It is (i) Eating too little
essential as it increases the function of intestinal
(ii) More Drinking than Eating
tract and prevents constipation.
(iii) Skipping meals
2. Water It is non-nutritive but essential component
(iv) Intake of Labelled Foods
of diet. It acts as a lubricant for the various body
parts such as skin. (v) Not Performing Exercises
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 9

Food Intolerance If one is unaware about the food causing the

Food intolerance is the intolerance of certain elements problem, a general medical practitioner would
in some foods that cannot be properly processed by assist in diagnosis and management.
our digestive system. Features of food intolerance are Foods Myths
as follows
Various food myths prevail in India and the world.
● Usually comes on gradually. People believe in these myths because the myths
● May only happen when you eat a lot of a seem credible. However, now that we have advanced
particular food. scientific knowledge, we can dispel these myths. The
● Causes of Food Intolerance It is caused by part most common food related myths are
or complete absence of activity of the enzymes ● Potatoes make us fat.
responsible for breaking down or absorbing the ● Fat-free products help in reducing weight.
food elements. Some intolerance can be ● Eggs increase the cholesterol level.
diet-related or due to illness. ● Drinking water while eating makes us fat.
● Symptoms of Food Intolerance It can cause
nausea, stomach pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, gas,
● Don’t consume milk immediately after
cramps, heartburn, irritability, nervousness, etc. eating fish.
● Management of Food Intolerance It includes ● Starve yourself if you want to lose weight.
dietary changes with or without professional help. ● Exercising makes you eat more.

● Children and Women in Sports

Motor Development training for gymnastics and swimming can be
Motor developments essentially refers to the started as they involve basic movements.
development of a child’s bones, muscles and the Competitions are avoided in this stage.
ability to move around and manipulate the ● Middle Childhood (7-10 years) The primary
environment. In other words, it is the development of development task of middle childhood children is
various motor abilities and change in movement that to learn the values of their societies. Growth is
one undergoes throughout life, from birth till death. slow and steady until the onset of puberty.
Types of Motor Development
● Late Childhood (11-12 years) This period of
childhood is also known as Adolescence.
There are two types of motor development/skills
It is another period of accelerated growth. Most of
(i) Gross Motor Development It involves the the children, during this period, master the most
development of the larger muscles or groups of intricate or complex motor skills.
larger muscles to maintain posture and balance for
activities such as throwing a ball, walking, running, Factors Affecting Motor Development
hopping etc. The development and quality of a child’s motor skills
(ii) Fine Motor Development It involves the are influenced by many factors. They are explained
development of the smaller muscles of the hand, below
feet and face for more precise activities such as 1. Genetic Factors The genetic factors that a child
eating, speaking, playing with toys, writing, etc. receive from their parents are greatly responsible
for motor development. The percentage of fast
Motor Development in Children twitch and slow twitch fibres depend on biological
There are different stages of motor development which factors that affect the rate and ability of motor
are discussed below development. They affect body weight, size and
1. Infanthood (0-2 years) This is first stage of the strength.

motor development. An infant starts holding the 2. Environmental Factors Physical and social factors
head in the upright position and lifting arms. such as encouragement, opportunities, motivation,
He/she begins sitting, crawling and rolling from love and security push a child to explore his/her
side to back. He/she also learns to stand and walk. surrounding. This leads to better motor
2. Early Childhood (3-6 years) It is a time of development.
tremendous growth across all areas of motor 3. Food and Nutrition Sensory motor development
development. In this period of per-school year, a depends upon the nutrition provided to a child.
child becomes perfect in some basic movements Nutritious food ensures that children do not lack
such as running, jumping, throwing etc. As the energy and they become stronger which leads to
development reaches a satisfactory level, sports good motor development.
10 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

4. Deformities and Disabilities Children having ● Muscle strengthening exercise atleast 3 days in
postural deformities like flat foot, knock-knees and a week is suggested.
various other disabilities will slow down the motor ● Reduce sedentary behaviour.
development in comparison to other children of
same age. Adulthood (Above 19 Years)
● Light to moderate intensity exercises.
5. Endurance This is the ability of a child to maintain
the exertion required for an activity. A child with poor ● Muscle and bone strength exercises are promotes.
endurance might be able to step up a stair but not ● Exercises focusing on power, endurance and
climb a full flight of stairs. mass must be performed.
6. Obesity Overweight or obesity makes a child Common Postural Deformities
lethargic and reduces the performance as well as
participation in motor skill activities. This refers to the deformation in the skeletal structure
or where the body parts are not properly aligned that
Exercise Guidelines at Different Stages of results in some kind of postural deformities. People
Growth and Development having postural deformities cannot perform their work
Exercises play an important role in shaping up the mind efficiently.
and body of a person as well as a nation. Therefore it is Some common postural deformities are Knock Knee,
essential at each and every stage of growth and Flat Foot, Round Shoulders, Lordosis, Kyphosis, Bow
development. Legs and Scoliosis.
The important characteristics and exercise guidelines for 1. Knock Knee Knock knee is a postural deformity in
each stage are mentioned below which both the knees touch or overlap each other
in the normal standing position. Due to this
Infanthood (1 to 2 yrs)
deformity, an individual usually faces difficulty
● Gross motor skill exercises with the use of toys during walking.
should be encouraged.
2. Flat Foot It is a deformity of the feet. In this
● Very light exercises consisting reaching, deformity, there is no arch in the foot and the foot
grasping, pulling and pushing, etc. should be is completely flat. The individual faces problems in
encouraged. standing, walking, jumping and running.
● Watching TV, use of a stroller or a high chair should 3. Round Shoulders It is a postural deformity in
be avoided. which the shoulders become round as they are
● Exercises to develop gross motor skills like head drawn forward, the head is extended and the chin
control, sitting and crawling. points forward.
Early Childhood (3-7 Years) 4. Lordosis It is the inward curvature of the spine or
a deformity of spinal curvature. It is an increased
● Exercises to develop competence in movement
forward curve in the lumbar region. It creates
skills like jumping, throwing, skipping, etc. to be
problems in standing and walking.
5. Kyphosis It is a deformity of the spinal curvature
● Emphasis should be on participation not on
in which there is an increase of exaggeration of a
backward curve or a decrease of a forward curve.
● Activities that develop fine motor skills or It is also called as round upper back.
coordinative abilities.
6. Bow Legs It is a deformity just the reverse of the
● 60 minutes of structured and unstructured activities knock knee position. In fact, if there is a wide gap
must be promoted. between the knees, the deformity can be observed
● Stress on team games and basic rules of sports easily when an individual walks or runs.
competition. 7. Scoliosis It is a postural deformity of

● Introduction to sports training and exercises for spinal curvature in which there is one large lateral
strength, agility, coordination and balance. curve extending through the whole length of the
spine, or there may be two curves. This type of
Middle Childhood (8-12 Years)
deformity is also called curve.
● Exercise to develop body control, balance, strength
and coordination should be encouraged. Sports Participation of Women in India
● Activities related to develop endurance to be The participation of women in sports in India is very
avoided. small. This problem is directly related to the
socio-psychological problem of gender inequality
Adolescence (13-19 Years) prevalent in the nation. The society as well as the
● Moderate to vigorous exercises for 60 mins is media not give women athletes the space they
recommended. deserve.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 11

Factors causing less participation of women in sports However, things are changing and improving with more
● Time constraints women entering the field of sports. The number of
● Social constraints women participants at the international level has
increased extensively in the last few years. If the factors
● Lack of sports infrastructure and facilities
associated with less participation of women in sports is
● Concerns for personal safety reversed, women could easily dominate the field of
● Lack of Self-Confidence sports.
● Male dominated culture of sports

● Test and Measurement in Sports

In physical education, there is a need to test content and feet should be 12 inches from the buttocks.
knowledge, fitness levels, motor skills as well as Both the feet should be slightly apart.
attitudes related to physical activity. Many types of Arms should be extended and rested on thighs.
tests may be effectively utilised in physical education. Head should be in neutral position. This is the
Before conducting a test, the measurements for the starting position.
test are fixed. These measurements are quantitative in Then, the student curls up with a slow controlled
nature and can be related to size, height, weight, vital movement, until his/her shoulders come off the
capacity, achievements, etc. cushioned surface or mat two inches, then back down
Motor Fitness Test
Motor fitness refers to the capability of an athlete to 5. Push Ups (Boys)
perform effectively during sports or physical activity. ● Purpose This test measures upper body strength
This test has the following seven items and endurance.
● Procedure The student is required to take
1. 50 M Standing Start
position after proper warming up. In a push up
● Purpose To determine acceleration and speed of an
position, hands and toes should touch the
mat/floor. Hands should be shoulder width apart.
● Procedure The student is asked to run 50 metres
The upper body and legs should be in a straight
from a starting line and the time is recorded nearest to
one-tenths of a second.
line. Elbow should be fully extended keeping the
back and knees straight.
2. 600 M Run/Walk Student should lower the upper body, so that elbows
● Purpose To measure endurance by running/walking
may bend to 90 degrees or chest may touch the
to the longest distance. mat/floor.
● Procedure The student is asked to run and/or
Modified Push Ups (Girls)
walk for 600 metres and the time is recorded in
● Purpose This test is used to measure upper
minutes and seconds.
body strength and endurance.
3. Sit and Reach ● Procedure Hands and knees should touch the
● Purpose This test measures the flexibility of the mat/floor.
lower back and hamstring muscles. Both hands should be shoulder width apart and
● Procedure This test involves sitting on the floor eblows fully extended. The body from the knees,
with legs stretched out straight ahead. to the hips and to the shoulders should be in a
The soles of the feet should be placed flat against straight line.
the box. Both knees should be locked and Student should lower the upper body, so that the

pressed flat to the floor. elbows may bend to 90 degrees.

With the palms facing downwards and the hands on 6. Standing Broad Jump
the top of each other or side by side, the student ● Purpose To measure leg strength.
should reach forward along the measuring line as far
as possible. Procedure The student is asked to stand behind the
restraining line with feet apart and he/she bends the
4. Partial Curl Up knees and swings arms before jumping. The youth
● Purpose This test measures abdominal strength lands on both feet together. The best of three trials is
and endurance. recorded as the final score.
● Procedure The student lies in supine pose on 7. 4 ´ 10 M Shuttle Run
cushioned surface. The kness should be flexed ● Purpose To measure speed and agility.
12 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

● Procedure Two parallel lines are marked 3 distance of one mile i.e., 1,609 metres in minimum
meters in length, 10 meters apart and two wooden time. So, record the time of one mile with a stopwatch.
blocks are kept on one side of a marked line. Immediately after finishing the one mile walk/run,
The student stands behind the line opposite to record the heart rate (beats per minute) with manual or
where wooden blocks are placed. monitor method.
At the start signal, the youth runs towards the
Computation of Fitness Index
wooden block and picks up one of them and
carries it back to the line from where the test The fitness index is a method to measure the
started. cardiovascular fitness. It is useful in Harvard Step Test.
After computing the fitness index, the results can be
Then he/she places it behind the line, runs back, picks
compared for further studies.
up the second block and carries back to the starting
line. The total distance to be covered is 40m. To calculate the fitness index, the number of heartbeats
per minute is required in three phases.
Measurement of Cardiovascular Fitness Fitness index is computed using the following formula
Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart and
For Longterm
lungs to supply oxygen rich blood to the working
Duration of exercise in seconds ´ 100
muscle tissues and the ability of the muscles to use FI =
oxygen to produce energy for movements. This type of 2 ´ Sum of pulse counts
fitness is required to sustain physical activity and is For Short-term
essential for performing aerobic activities.
Duration of exercise in seconds ´ 100
FI =
Harvard Step Test 5.5 ´ Pulse count between 1 and 1.5 minutes
This test is also known as Aerobic Fitness test. It was
developed by Brouha and others in 1943. It is used to Rikli and Jones– Senior Citizen Fitness
measure the cardiovascular fitness or aerobic fitness Test
by checking the recovery rate. Rikli and Jones prepared various physical fitness tests
Equipment Required Bench 20 inches high, for men for senior citizens in 2001. Also known as Fullerton
and 16 inches for women, stopwatch and cadence tape. Functional Test, this test helps in early identification of
at-risk factors. It includes various tests that are
Procedure discussed below
The athlete stands in front of the bench or box. On the
1. Chair Stand Test For Lower Body Strength
command ‘Go’ the athlete steps up and down on the
bench or box at a rate of 30 steps per minute for 5 The main purpose of this test is to measure the lower
minutes. body strength, particularly the strength of legs.
After that the athlete sits down immediately after 5 Equipment Required: A chair with a straight back and
minutes. The total number of heartbeats are counted a seat of at least 44 cm and a stopwatch.
between 1 to 1.5 minutes after completion of the last Procedure: Keep the chair against the wall. The
step. The heartbeats are counted for 30 seconds participant sits in the middle of the seat. His feet should
period. This is done three times and the data is noted. be shoulder width apart and flat on the floor. The arms
The same foot must start the step up each time, and an should be crossed at the wrists and held close to the
erect posture must be assumed on the bench. chest. From the sitting position, the participant should
Rockport Test stand up completely and then sit down completely at
the start of the signal. This is repeated for 30 seconds.
This test also known as Rockport One Mile Test or Count the total number of complete chair stands.
Rockport Fitness Walking Test is used for testing
cardiovascular fitness. It requires minimal equipment 2. Arm Curl Test For Upper Body Strength
and is easy for middle-aged and older adults. This test The arm curl test is a test to measure the upper body

tells us about the aerobic fitness of a sedentary strength and endurance. It is designed to test the
individual. The objective of this test is to check or functional fitness of aged people.
observe the development of the individual’s VO 2 max Equipment Required: A 5-pound weight for women
or maximum volume of oxygen. and a 8-pound weight for men, a chair without arms
Equipment Required 400m track, stopwatch and and a stopwatch.
weighing scale. Procedure: Arm curl is performed with the dominant
Procedure While conducting or administering this test, arm side. The participant sits on the chair, holds the
it should be a windless day. First of all, take the body weight in the hand with the palms should be facing
weight of the individual on a perfect weighing machine. towards the body. The arm should be in a vertically
The weight should be taken with minimum clothes on downward position. The upper arm should not move
body of the individual. The individual has to run the but lower arm should move freely. Curl the arm up
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 13

through a complete range of motion gradually keeping Then carry your other arm behind your back with palm
the palm up. When the arm is lowered through the facing outward and fingers facing upward and try to
complete range of motion, gradually return to the reach up as far as possible in order to touch or overlap
starting position. The arm should be completely bent the middle finger of the other hand. Fingers should be
and then completely straightened at the elbow. This aligned. Measure the distance between the tips of the
complete action should be repeated by the participant fingers.
as many times as possible within 30 seconds.
5. Eight Foot Up and Go Test For Agility
3. Chair Sit and Reach Test For Lower Body This test is conducted to assess coordination and
agility in aged people. It also helps to evaluate speed,
It is performed to assess the lower body flexibility. agility and balance of a person while moving.
Equipment required: Ruler, a chair with straight back
Equipment Required: A chair with straight back (about
approximately 44 cm high.
44 cm high), a stopwatch, cone marker, measuring
Procedure: The participant sits on the edge of the tape and an area without any hindrances.
chair. One foot should remain flat on the floor while the
other leg should be extended forward with the knee in Procedure: Keep a chair next to the wall and place the
straight position. Heel should be on the floor and ankle cone marker 8 feet away in front of the chair. The
should be bent at 90°. Place one hand on the top of the participant is initially completely seated, hands resting
other with tips of the middle fingers at the same level. on the knees and feet flat on the ground. On the
Instruct the participant to inhale and then as he command ‘Go‘, stopwatch is switched and the
exhales, reach forward towards the toes by bending at participant stands and walks as quickly as possible
the hip. His back should be straight and head up keep towards the cone, turns around and returns to the chair
the knee straight and hold the reach for 2 seconds. The to sit down. Time is noted as he sits down on the chair.
distance is measured between the tip of the finger tips 6. Six-minute Walk Test For Aerobic
and the toes. Endurance
4. Back Scratch Test For Upper Body Flexibility It is designed to test the functional aerobic fitness or
This test helps to assess the upper body (shoulder) endurance of senior citizens.
flexibility. Equipment Required: A measuring tape, a stopwatch.
Equipment Required: A ruler. Procedure: The walking distance or course is marked
Procedure: This test is performed in a standing i.e., 45.72 m or 50 yards in a rectangular area (20 ´ 5
position. Keep one hand behind the head and lower it yards) of 5 yards with cones placed at regular intervals
down gradually over the shoulder and reach as far as to indicate the distance covered. Efforts are made to
possible at the middle of your back. Your palm should walk maximum distance as quickly as possible in six
touch your body and the fingers should be downwards. minutes.

● Biomechanics and Sports

Meaning of Biomechanics Types of Movements
Biomechanics is the branch of Kinesiology which deals Physical activity is made possible by movements and
with the precise information of human movements using motions.
scientific methods. In sports and exercise, biomechanics
Every movement takes place in one plane and around
refers to the study of human movements, including the
one axis. They are categorised by movement type as
interaction between the athlete, sports equipment and
the exercise environment.
(i) Flexion It takes place when the angle decreases
Importance of Biomechanics in Sports

between the two bones attached to a joint and the

Biomechanics play a crucial role in the field of body parts come closer.
physical education and sports.
(ii) Extension It takes place when the angle
Physical educators teach a wide variety of human between the two bones attached to a joint
movements, and biomechanics provides a rationale increases. As a results, the body parts move further
critical for evaluating these techniques and prescribing apart.
intervention to athletes to improve their performance
with minimal injuries. (iii) Adduction It is a movement of a part toward the
middle of the body.
It helps trainers and coaches to improve the physical
performance of athletes using the various biomechanical (iv) Abduction It is a movement of a part away from the
techniques of different sports. middle of the body.
14 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

Newton's Laws of Motion and their (ii) Soccer When a soccer ball is kicked into the air,
Application in Sports gravity will pull it back to the ground. Then, it will
continue to roll until friction between the ball and
Laws of Motion
the grass slows it down.
Sir Issac Newton made three laws of motion which are
(iii) Dance When a dancer leaps, he/she only stays in
explained below
the air for a short amount of time because air
(i) Newton’s First Law of Motion This law is known resistance and gravity works against them.
as law of inertia. This law states that a body at rest
(iv) Basketball When a basketball is shot, it takes a
will remain at rest and a body in motion will remain
parabolic path due to gravity acting on it. Then it
in motion at the same speed and in the same
slows down due to air resistance and fluid friction.
direction till any external force is applied on it to
change that state. Second Law
(ii) Newton’s Second Law of Motion This law states If a baseball player hits a ball with double the force, the
that the rate of change of momentum of an object rate at which the ball will accelerate (speed up) will be
is directly proportional to the force producing it and doubled. Football players can slow down, stop or
inversely proportional to mass. reverse the direction of other players depending upon
F 1 how much force they can generate and in which
a= where a µ F, a µ
m m direction. Further, in sports involving weights, the more
the weight, the slower it will move.
(iii) Newton’s Third Law of Motion This law states
that for every action, there is always an equal and Third Law
opposite reaction. A swimmer propels herself through the water because
Application of Laws of Motion in Sports the water offers enough counterforce to oppose the
action of her hands pushing, allowing her to move. An
First Law athlete can jump higher off a solid surface because it
(i) Softball The ball is hit into the air. Eventually, opposes his body with as much force as he is able to
gravity will act on the ball, pulling it down to the generate, in contrast to sand or other unstable surface.
ground. Then, it will roll until friction between the It is also applied in Dribbling of a basketball, shooting
ball and the grass stops it. and walking sports.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

Chapterwise Set of MCQs to Check Preparation
Level of Each Chapter

1. Planning in Sports
1. Which of the following is the work of During-Tournament committee?
(a) Opening ceremony preparation (b) Announcement of the events
(c) Making necessary announcements (d) Registration of participants

2. Which of the following is not an objective of planning?

(a) Ensure coordination (b) Enhance creativity
(c) Manage schedule (d) Reduce mistakes

3. The disadvantage of knock out tournament is ........... .

(a) huge budgetary needs (b) elimination in initial rounds
(c) more officials required (d) All of these

4. What is the formula to determine the number of matches to be played in staircase

N +1 N( N - 1)
(a) (b)
2 2
N -1 N
(c) (d)
2 2

5. If two teams have equal points in a football tournament then, how is the winner
(a) Tie breaker (b) Previous performance
(c) Toss (d) Both (a) and (c)

6. In a tournament of 21 teams, how many rounds will be played?

(a) 5 (b) 6

(c) 10 (d) 4

7. The formula for determining the number of matches in a double league tournament is
N( N - 1)
(a) (b) N - 1
(c) (d) N( N - 1)
18 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

8. In a fixture of 5 teams how many matches will be played by cyclic method?

(a) 15 (b) 6 (c) 10 (d) 8

9. Which of the following statements is false?

(a) Tournaments develop sports skills
(b) Staircase and cyclic are methods of fixtures
(c) Bye method is used in league tournaments
(d) Tournaments help develop social skills

10. Which of the following is an objective of forming sports committees?

(a) Establish goals (b) Defining tasks
(c) Execution of plans (d) All of these

11. Competition develops the spirit of fighting in individuals. It is a way of achieving

excellence. Competition teaches us how to keep calm in pressure. In sports,
competitions improve the performances of teams and players. Competitive
tournaments are an integral part of school and colleges. The success of the tournament
depends upon suitable fixtures. A privilege given to a team so that it can skip the initial
rounds of a tournament is called
(a) Bye (b) Award (c) Consolation (d) Seeding

12. Your school has got the responsibility to organise Zonal basketball matches. For this,
the sports wing of the school has formed various committees. Each member of the
committees is assigned different task. The committees are formed to ensure smooth
conduct of the tournament. To help the teams to know about the fooding and stay
arrangements, fooding and lodging committee is formed. Similarly, few students will
be assigned with ........... committee for prize distribution.
(a) Ceremonial (b) Transport
(c) Registration (d) Budget

13. Tournaments are essential to know about the level of sports. They provide healthy
competition and motivate participants to give their best performances. Tournaments
are arranged in a specific format. In the arrangement of teams shown below, identify
the type of tournament.
1 1
3 2
6 Winner
6 3
7 5

(a) League tournament (b) Knock out tournament

(c) Combination tournament (d) Challenge tournament

14. Assertion (A) The General committee takes complete responsibility for the success of

a tournament.
Reason (R) The Organising committees are mainly responsible for the successful
conduct of a sport event.
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 19

15. Assertion (A) In Knock out tournament minimum number of officials are required in
organising tournaments.
Reason (R) In Knock out tournament the team once defeat immediately eliminated
from the tournament.
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (d)
11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (a)

2. Sports and Nutrition

1. The essential feature of a balanced diet is which of the following?
(a) Easily digestible
(b) Inclusion of essential nutrients
(c) Definite ratio between fats, proteins and carbohydrates
(d) All of the above

2. What is the ratio of hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms in carbohydrates?

(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 3
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 1

3. The difference between Macro and Micro nutrients is

(a) Macro are nutritive and micro are non-nutritive
(b) Macro are needed in large amounts and micro in small
(c) Fats are micro and carbohydrates are macro
(d) Macro are found in abundance while micro aren’t

4. Which of the following is a food myth?

(a) Do not take proteins
(b) Eat to cut down calories
(c) Avoid fats completely to reduce weight
(d) Avoid overeating

5. Which mineral is found in green leafy vegetables, milk and meat?

(a) Cobalt (b) Phosphorus

(c) Copper (d) Magnesium

6. Which of the following is a cause for food intolerance?

(a) Absence of certain enzymes (b) Presence of certain chemicals
(c) Not liking a particular food (d) Both (a) and (b)

7. Which two readings are needed to calculate Body Mass Index of a person?
(a) Age and weight (b) Weight and height
(c) Age and height (d) None of these
20 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

8. For optimum health, body fat should not be more than what percent of total body
weight for men?
(a) 20% (b) 30% (c) 10% (d) 15%

9. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Food intolerance 1. Dispel with scientific knowledge
B. A healthy weight 2. Comes on gradually
C. Pitfall of dieting 3. Normal BMI
D. Food myth 4. Not performing exercises

(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 2 3 4 1

10. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Carbohydrates 1. Clotting of blood
B. Vitamin K 2. Repair broken tissues
C. Potassium 3. Regulates water balance
D. Proteins 4. Main energy source

(a) 4 2 1 3 (b) 1 4 2 3
(c) 4 1 3 2 (d) 4 3 1 2
11. Food pyramid helps in the identification of food groups and their necessity. It tells the
quantity in which different food groups should be eaten. In the given food pyramid,
where is proteins?

(a) Second from bottom (b) Topmost

(c) Second from top (d) Bottommost
12. Asha works as a dietician in a hospital. She noticed that most of the senior citizens
coming to the hospital are obese. She advised them to follow a healthy diet, to reduce
the intake of ……… and increase the intake of ………
(a) fats, carbohydrates (b) vitamins, water
(c) roughage, carbohydrates (d) Fats, vitamins
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 21

13. Arnav’s sports coach takes his measurement of weight and height on weekly basis so
that he can maintain the ideal BMI required to participate in an upcoming sports event.
Which BMI level should be maintained by Arnav?
(a) 18.5-24.5 (b) 30-34.5
(c) < 18.5 (d) 25-29.5
14. Assertion (A) Proteins helps in the production of hormones.
Reason (R) Proteins are found in the tissues of our body.
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
15. Assertion (A) Potatoes do not make an individual fat.
Reason (R) Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of energy.
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (c)
11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (b)

5. Children and Women in Sports

1. Holding of a Javelin while running for a Javelin Throw, is which type of motor skill?
(a) Gross motor skill (b) Fine motor skill (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

2. The factor that affects a child’s motor development by birth is

(a) Food and nutrition (b) Obesity (c) Genetic/Biological (d) Environment

3. Fine motor development uses the ……… muscles for carrying out ……… activities.
(a) larger, posture and balance maintaining. (b) smaller, endurance
(c) larger, sensory motor (d) smaller, precision

4. Exercise to develop motor skills like hopping, catching are prescribed in which stage?

(a) Early childhood (b) Infancy

(c) Adulthood (d) Middle Childhood

5. Exaggeration of a backward curve or decrease of a forward curve is ………

(a) Lordosis (b) Kyphosis (c) Round shoulders (d) Flat foot

6. Which postural deformity is not related to the Vertebrae?

(b) Lordosis (b) Round shoulders
(c) Knock knees (d) Scoliosis
22 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

7. The most appropriate way for increasing the participation of women in sports ………
(a) Reducing the ticket price of women sports events
(b) Separate changing rooms for women players
(c) Reducing the participation fee for women in sports
(d) All of the above

8. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Late childhood 1. Adolescence
B. Early childhood 2. Sit and crawl
C. Infancy 3. Learn values
D. Middle childhood 4. Skip and balance on foot

(a) 1 4 2 3 (b) 4 3 1 2
(c) 2 1 4 3 (d) 3 4 2 1

9. Match the following

List I List II
A. (i) Deformity of spinal curvature

B. (ii) Deformity of the foot

C. (iii) Overlapping knees


D. (iv) Reverse of knock kees

(a) A-iv, B-iii, C-i, D-ii (b) A-iii, B-iv, C-ii, D-i
(c) A-ii, B-i, C-iv, D-iii (d) A-i, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 23

10. Identify the deformity shown below.

(a) Kyphosis (b) Lordosis

(c) Flat foot (d) Bow legs

11. The asana shown helps to cure which deformity?

(a) Kyphosis (b) Lordosis

(c) Round shoulders (d) Scoliosis

12. Charu, a student of class 12 read books in school library about participation of women
in sports. She felt that girls and women should be encouraged to actively participate in
sports. She believed that if girls are given equal opportunities and motivated, then they
can also participate actively in sports.
Which of these is a factor causing less participation of women in sports?
(c) Lack of self-confidence (b) Lack of specific facilities
(c) Lack of female coaches (d) All of these

13. Karan spent his weekend taking the health status of all the senior citizens above 70 in
his residential apartment as part of a health survey. He found that more than half of
them have shown a deformity in the upper part of the vertebral column.
The term used to define this deformity is


(a) Scoliosis (b) Lordosis

(c) Kyphosis (d) Round shoulders

14. Assertion (A) For a child of 4 years, the emphasis should be on participation.

Reason (R) In the early childhood stage, the development of coordinative abilities
takes place.
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
24 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

15. Assertion (A) The general social environment inhibits women from participation in
Reason (R) Schools do not provide good sports facilities to female players.
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (b)

6. Test and Measurement in Sports

1. Which motor quality does a senior citizen, who finds difficulty in tying shoe laces
while sitting on a chair lacks?
(a) Lower Body flexibility (b) Endurance
(c) Muscle power (d) Upper body flexibility
2. Motor Fitness Test does not include which of the following?
(a) Modified push ups (b) 400 m shuttle run
(c) Sit and Reach test (d) Arm curl test
3. Before taking the motor fitness tests, students should do which of the following?
(a) Sleep (b) Eat (c) Warm up (d) Rest
4. Name the test that is also known as Aerobic Fitness test.
(a) Harvard step test (b) Rockport test
(c) Modified push ups (d) Standing broad jump

5. What is the length of track needed to conduct the Rockport Fitness test?
(a) 200 m (b) 400 m (c) 100 m (d) 500 m
6. Identify the test shown in the image.

(a) Chair sit and reach test (b) Modified push ups
(c) Eight foot up and go test (d) Chair stand test
7. Which formula is applied for computation of fitness index?
duration of exercise ´ 100 duration in minutes ´ 100
(a) (b)
5.5 ´ pulse count 5.5 ´ pulse count
duration in seconds ´ 100 duration in seconds ´ 100
(c) (d)
5.5 ´ pulse count 2 ´ pulse count
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 25

8. The test shown in the image measures which of the following?

(a) Lower body strength, endurance (b) Upper body strength, endurance
(c) Explosive leg and arm power
(d) Upper body flexibility and abdominal strength

9. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Flexibility test

B. 2. Similar to squat test

C. 3. Shoulder stretch

D. 4. Aerobic fitnees test


(a) 4 2 1 3 (b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 2 4 3 1 (d) 4 1 2 3
26 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

10. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Supine position

B. 2. Standing position

C. 3. Prone position (girls)

D. 4. Prone position (boys)

(a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 1 4 2 3
(c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 2 3 3 1

11. Ravi’s grandfather is 71 years old and has great difficulty in doing daily chores. He
cannot wear his pullover also and has to be helped. Ravi decided to take a functional
fitness test. Which of the following test he should take?
(a) Standing broad jump (b) 50 m walk/run
(c) Back scratch test (d) Harvard step test

12. Sohan completed the senion citizen test. He is 65 years old and completed two trials of
Eight foot up and go test in 4.6 and 3.2 seconds respectively. Based on this case, answer
the following question.
The physical fitness of Sohan will be classified as

(a) Extremely poor (b) Above average

(c) Average (d) Below average

13. 12 years old Rahul is under the training for athletics. He wants to take part in a 400m
hurdle race. Before starting the coaching, the coach wants to see Rahul’s physical
fitness. Which test is best suited for Rahul?
(a) 4 ´ 10 m shuttle run (b) Partial curl up
(c) Eight foot up and go test (d) Rockport test
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 27

14. Assertion (A) Cardiovascular fitness is essential for us to perform aerobic activities.
Reason (R) Aerobic activities can be performed if the heart and the lungs supply
oxygen tissues to the muscle tissues.
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
15. Assertion (A) The Fullerton Functional test can be performed by middle aged people.
Reason (R) The Fullerton functional test helps in early identification of at-risk participants.
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
(c) A) is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (c)
11. (c) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (d)

8. Biomechanics and Sports

1. The laws of ……… are concerned with internal and external forces acting on human
(a) Gravitation (b) Motion (c) Momentum (d) Energy
2. Which of the following is not a type of movement related to physical activity?
(a) Extension (b) Contraction (c) Abduction (d) Adduction
3. Identify the motion most commonly seen in shoulder and hip joints.
(a) Flexion (b) Rotation (c) Circumduction (d) Extension
4. When a player lifts his arm to hit a ball in the game of lawn Tennis, then it is which
(a) Extension (b) Flexion (c) Rotation (d) Abduction
5. Biomechanics as used in sports is considered to be a branch of which of these?
(a) Physics (b) Kinesiology (c) Physiology (d) Anatomy

6. In the given image, identify the movement.


(a) Abduction (b) Flexion (c) Adduction (d) Extension

28 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

7. The sports shown below is an application of Newton’s which law?

(a) Law of Action-Reaction (b) Law of Inertia

(c) Law of Acceleration (d) None of these

8. The sports being played in the picture below shows which of the following?

(a) Gravitational Pull (b) Air resistance (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

9. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Bending of parts at a joint

B. 2. Moving arms sideways to form right angle

C. 3. Angle increases between bones attached to a joint

D. 4. Drawing the limbs closer to body.


(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 1 3 2 1 (c) 4 3 1 2 (d) 2 4 1 3
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 29

10. Causes of sports injury are studied in ………… and accordingly correction measures
can be taken to prevent them.
(a) Chemistry
(b) Sports medicine
(c) Sports psychology
(d) Biomechanics

11 Physical activity is made possible by movements and motions. Movements around a

joint or lateral ………… involves the sequential combination of flexion, adduction,
extension and abduction at a joint.
(a) Internal rotation (b) External rotation
(c) Circumduction (d) None of these

12. According to Newton’s Second Law of motion, acceleration of an object, is directly

proportional to the force producing it and inversely proportional to its mass. On the
basis of this information, answer the following question.
What is the other name of Newton’s Second Law of Motion?
(a) Law of Inertia
(b) Law of Acceleration
(c) Law of Action-Reaction
(d) Law of Gravitation

13. Players always try to make their movements smooth to give their best performance and
to avoid sports injuries. Knowing about Biomechanics help the players to achieve
success in the sports that they play.
See the sport below and identify the law of motion applicable here.

(a) Second law

(b) Third law
(c) First law
(d) None of the above

14. Assertion (A) A Hammer thrower needs to apply more force to throw as 16 lbs
hammer as compared to a 12 lbs hammer.

Reason (R) The law of Acceleration states that if equal forces are applied to objects of
different masses, the lighter mass will travel at a faster speed.
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
30 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

15. Assertion (A) Moving a finger in a circular motion without moving the hand is an
example of circumduction.
Reason (R) Circumduction motion is a kind of rotation motion.
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (d)
11. (c) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. () 17. () 18. () 19. () 20. ()
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 33

Case Study Based Questions

UNIT 1 : Planning in Sports 2 Below given is the Tournament fixture

procedure of a CBSE Football National
1. With the aim of promoting physical fitness competition
and healthy lifestyle amongst students the
Physical education Teacher at XYZ School
1st R 2nd R 3rd R
plans to organize intramural competitions
1 4th R
at school. For conducting the event he has 1 1st seed
2 1
given this assignment to the students of 2nd B 3
class XII who have taken up Physical 3
Education subject so that they can get first 4
experience of organizing events. On the 5 3rd B
basis of given information answer the 6 1st B 6
following questions: 7 3rd seed 7
(i) The work of committees is divided 8 4th seed 8
into_______________ . 9 2nd B 8
(a) pre, during and post 9
10 4th B
(b) pre and post
(c) pre and during
(d) during and Post On the basis of the above data, answer the
following questions:
(ii) Match the following.
(i) What is the number of Non-Seeded teams
A. Technical 1. To provide shifting in the tournament?
committee facility (a) 04 (b) 09
B. Finance 2. To resolve dispute (c) 12 (d) 07
(ii) The provision which places good teams
C. Transport 3. To deal with money in separate halves or pools so that they do
committee and expenditure not play with other good teams at earlier
D. First aid 4. To provide medical rounds is known as______________ .
committee facility (a) Bye
(b) League tournament

(a) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4 (b) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4 (c) Seeding method
(c) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1 (d) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2 (d) Knock out tournament
(iii) Which is not the objective of Sports (iii) Which of the following is not a Seeded
Tournament? Team?
(a) To Provide Recreation (a) Team 10
(b) To help in overall development (b) Team 08
(c) To achieve high performance (c) Team 13
(d) To provide opportunity (d) Team 07
34 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

3. Below given is the Tournament fixture (iii) The advantage of this tournament is
procedure of a CBSE Volleyball National _________.
competition (a) economical
(b) less time
1-2 (c) Both (a) and (b)
1-3 2-3
2-4 3-4
(d) None of these
1-5 2-5 3-5 4-5 (iv) In this type of tournament, a team once
1-6 2-6 3-6 4-6 5-6
defeated gets
On the basis of the above data, answer the (a) eliminated
following questions: (b) bye
(c) another chance
(i) The formula for calculating number of (d) wild card entry
matches in Round Robin tournament are
where ‘N’is number of teams is________ (v) A privilege given to a team to play at a
(a) N(N . 1)/2 (b) N higher round is called ________ .
(c) (N . 1) (d) (N + 1) (a) fixture (b) bye
(c) reward (d) All of these
(ii) In League tournament the winner is
decided by 5. While organising sports events for the
(a) British method Annual Sports Day, Arjun and Ravi being
(b) American method the captain and vice captain of sports,
(c) No of matches won formed various committees as shown
(d) Both (a) and (b) below.
(iii) Which of the following is not a League Administrative Director
Fixture Procedure?
(a) Ladder method Executive Committee

(b) Stair method

Organising Committee for Games/Sports
(c) Cyclic method
Boarding and Lodging Committee Publicity Committee
(d) Tabular method
Reception Committee Decoration and Ceremony Committee
4. Competing in physical activities has been Transportation Committee Grounds and Equipment Committee
the natural tendency of humans. The
Committee for Entertainment and Committee on Entries, Fortunes and
competitions or tournaments are held Refreshment Programmes
according to the set rules and regulations. Committee for Officials Announcement Committee
The success of the tournament depends First Aid Committee
upon suitable fixture. Observe the given
fixture and answer the questions. (i) The members of this committee are
A responsible for welcoming guests and
A A W spectators
B I (a) Decoration committee
(b) Reception committee
C (c) Publicity committee
(d) Transportation committee
(ii) Announcement of venue, date and events

Bye R
E E is done by _________.
(i) The method followed in drawing the (a) Publicity Committee
fixture is ___________ . (b) Transportation Committee
(a) League (c) Ground Committee
(b) Knock out (d) Committee for officials
(c) Ladder (iii) Organising and conducting of sports
(d) Combination events involve ___________.
(ii). Number of matches played can be (a) planning
calculated by the formula _______ . (b) forming committees
(a) N (b) N-1 (c) Both (a) and (b)
(c) N+1 (d) N+2 (d) Only delegation
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 35

(iv) Complete responsibility for success of (i) Kumar feels that league method is best
competition is taken by _________. one for Inter house tournament. Why?
(a) Announcement committee (a) Less period required
(b) Administrative director (b) Limited official
(c) First aid committee (c) True Winner
(d) Committee for officials (d) Players would be less tired
(v) To prepare a proper score sheet for record (ii) If 7 teams participate in a Double League
is ___________ responsibility. Tournament such as in the IPL, how
(a) Pre tournament many matches will be conducted in the
(b) During tournament first phase of league?
(c) Post tournament (a) 42 (b) 45
(d) All of the above
(c) 54 (d) 58
6. As Mr. Kiren Rijuju, Sports Minister has (iii) What is the formula to determine number
ordered to popularize the game of Kabaddi of matches in double league fixture for
among school students to develop their even number of teams?
physical ability, Mr. Gopi, Physical (a) N+1/2 (b) N-1/2
Education Teacher of a reputed CBSE school (c) N(N-1)/2 (d) N(N+1)2
has decided to conduct an Inter School
Kabaddi tournament in his school premises 8. ABC School is one of the reputed schools in
after proper drawing of fixtures. He their location for the number of sports
consulted the Management and the facilities it provides to its stake holders.
Principal to conduct the Tournament of Pro Keeping that in consideration CBSE Sports
Kabaddi pattern but the PE teacher was not cell has given them the responsibility of
aware of pro Kabaddi Tournament. So he conducting CBSE Football cluster. 35 teams
discussed with the National Kabaddi have sent their entry for participation in the
Referee Association. tournament.
(i) Which of the following is the best method (i) Due to large number of teams willing to
to organise this kind of tournament? participate, the school is conducting the
(a) Knock out (b) League competition by _____________ fixture.
(c) Ladder (d) Pyramid (a) League (b) Knock out
(c) Staircase (d) Challenge
(ii) The Knock out tournament is also known
as (ii) The number of matches in the first round
(a) Combination tournament will be________ .
(b) Elimination tournament (a) 8 (b) 3
(c) League tournament (c) 24 (d) 16
(d) League cum Knock out tournament (iii) Total number of rounds will be________.
(iii) If 17 teams are participating in this (a) 4 (b) 5
tournament, how many teams will get (c) 6 (d) 7
(iv) Total number of matches will
(a) 15 (b) 1
(c) 13 (d) 9

(a) 34 (b) 30
7. Kumar of XI A is a great athlete. After the (c) 28 (d) 24
lock down he went to see his Physical (v) Total number of byes in the fixture will be
Education Teacher. Mr. Murugan, the PE ____________.
teacher is shocked to see Kumar, because (a) 29 (b) 32
Kumar has gained a lot of weight. He also (c) 27 (d) 14
observed many other students have also (vi) Total number of byes in lower half will be
gained weight. The PE teacher decided to ___________.
conduct an ‘Inter House Tournament’ in the (a) 15 (b) 16
campus. Kumar requested PE Teacher to (c) 14 (d) 12
conduct the tournament on League basis.
36 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

9. Your school has been given the (iii) Few students will be assigned with
responsibility to conduct zonal volleyball ______ committee for prize distribution.
competition. As a Head boy/Head Girl of (a) Ceremonial (b) Transport
(c) Registration (d) Budget
the student council you have been asked to
make various teams of students to help 10. Your school has received an invitation for
teacher incharges for smooth conduct of the participation in a Badminton competition
tournament. being organized by XYZ School. There is a
(i) To help the teams to know about the entry fee for the competition due to which
fooding and stay arrangement a group of very few students have shown their
students will be assigned with __________ willingness to participate.
committee. (i) Which type of fixture is preferred if there
(a) Transport are less number of teams?
(b) Registration (a) Knock out (b) League
(c) Boarding and lodging (c) Round robin (d) Both (b) and (c)
(d) Decoration (ii) What are the advantages of using this
particular fixture?
(ii) Students good at art and craft and
(a) More time consuming
creative designing will be assigned
(b) Less expenditure
with___________ committee.
(c) More opportunities
(a) Reception
(d) Both (b) and (c)
(b) Registration
(iii) How many types are there in this type of
(c) Decoration fixture?
(d) Entertainment (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 1

1. (i)-(a), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c) 2. (i)-(b), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(a)
3. (i)-(a), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(a) 4. (i)-(b), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(a), (v)-(b)
5. (i)-(b), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(b), (v)-(b) 6. (i)-(b), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(a)
7. (i)-(c), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c) 8. (i)-(b), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(a), (v)-(a)-(iv)-(a)
9. (i)-(c), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(a) 10. (i)-(b), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b)

UNIT II : Sports and Nutrition

1. A balanced diet refers to the intake of food (i) Minerals are placed under _____ nutrient
constituting all the necessary nutrients. Ram category on basis of required quantity.
shares his knowledge of food and (a) micro (b) macro
nutritionwith neighbours while visiting his (c) roughage (d) non-nutritive
grandparents in a village. Ram notices that (ii) Goiter is caused due to deficiency of ____.
few people living in that village are (a) Calcium (b) Iodine
suffering with goiter and severe anemia. (c) Selenium (d) Iron

(iii) Low levels of this mineral will lead to

(a) Copper (b) Sodium (c) Iron (d) Calcium
(iv) From the given picture, it can be derived
(a) Vegetables and fruits are enough to stay
(b) Exercise along with proper nutrition is
(c) Red & green coloured foods only to be
(d) All of the above
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 37

(v) Fresh Vegetables and Fruits are rich (ii) Which amongst these is a Pitfall of
sources of ______________ dieting?
(a) Vitamins (b) Minerals (a) Skipping meal
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) fats (b) Reducing energy food
(c) Drinking lot of water
2. Food is the basic requirement of every (d) Taking food supplements
individual to fulfill the energy needs and to
(iii) Amino acids and protein are the ______of
meet the development of the body. The
nutritious diet directly affects the health of
(a) Building block (b) Training blocks
an individual. It contains various types of (c) Fitness blocks (d) Both (a) and (b)
nutrients in it.
4. Below given is the BMI data of a school’s
health check up

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

(i) The bottom most part of the food

pyramid is occupied by _____________, 18.5-24.9 <18.5 25-29.9 30-34.9
indicating large quantities of intake. On the basis of the above data answer the
(a) carbohydrates (b) vitamins following questions:
(c) minerals (d) fats
(i) In which category does the major student
(ii) Major portion of individuals diet population falls into?
constitute________________ nutrients (a) Obese
(a) macro (b) micro (b) Normal weight
(c) water (d) roughage (c) Under weight
(iii) Fat soluble vitamins are ____________. (d) Over weight
(a) Vit A &D (b) Vit A&K (ii) The school has to develop an activity
(c) Vit E&D (d) Vit A, D,E &K based program to decrease the number
(iv) The body building nutrient is________. of:
(a) Fat (b) vitamin
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(c) protein (d) mineral
(v) Ghee, Butter, Cheese & curds are rich (iii) Which category is related to
sources of _____________________. underweight?
(a) Vitamins (b) fats (a) (b) (c) (d)
(c) minerals (d) proteins

3. Vikas a state level wrestler has been advised 5. Below given is the Details of Different types
by his coach to take adequate amounts of of vitamins required for our body
simple carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals
and proteins in his diet along with the
training schedule. He has also been advised
to follow the diet plan and be aware of the
drawbacks of unsupervised dieting.
(i) Glucose, Fructose, Lactose are________.
(a) Simple Carbohydrate
(b) Complex Carbohydrate
(c) Minerals
(d) Fats
38 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

(i) The vitamins, minerals, and water (ii) Which of the following is normal BMI for
collectively called as -----------food. men?
(a) Body Building (b) Defensive (a) BMI <18.5 (b) BMI18.5-24.9
(c) Energy Yielding (d) Facilitating (c) BMI25-29.9 (d) BMI 30-34.9
(ii) Vitamin E contributes to the production (iii) Excess intake of Iron and Magnesium
of --------, making our----------- system causes _______________.
strong. (a) Stone in the kidney
(a) Strength, digestive
(b) Rickets
(b) Antibodies, immunity
(c) Nervous problems
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Hormones, muscular (d) Digestive problem

(iii) ---------Vitamin is a group of 8 water 8. Shruti, a student of class XI is struggling

soluble vitamin which are important for with Obesity due to which she has low self
cellular metabolism. esteem and low confidence. As a result she
(a) E (b) B Complex has started dieting to control her weight. But
(c) C (d) D this dieting program is self designed and
6. The Ganga school teams have started the lacks knowledge about nutrition.
practice for Basketball Cluster Tournament. (i) As a physical education student what do
One day the school secretary visited the you feel will be the pitfalls of this dieting
playground and watched the practice plan?
session. He felt that the players were weak. (a) Extreme weight loss
After discussion with the coach, he arranged (b) Dehydration
a dietician to rectify the player’s (c) Deficiency of essential nutrients
requirements. (d) All of the above
(i) Which types of the nutrients are (ii) What will be your advice to shruti to
advisable for the player? control her weight?
(a) Proteins (b) Minerals (a) Exercising
(c) Vitamins (d) Carbohydrates (b) Skipping meals
(ii) It is recommended to drink __________ of (c) Balanced diet
water daily. (d) Both (a) and (c)
(a) 1-2 litres (b) 2-3 litres (iii) What is the meaning of the term Pitfalls of
(c) 1-1.5 litres (d) 2-4 litres dieting?
(iii) Vitamins are called (a) Importance (b) Drawbacks
(a) Protective food (c) Need (d) Outcome
(b) Body Building food
(c) Energy giving food 9. Rahul, a student of class XII, has recently
(d) Strong bones joined a gym near his house to get a
toned and muscular body. He consults his
7. Sita got admission in class IX in a reputed gym trainer regarding his diet and is
school. School is taking all the children on a advised to increase the intake of protein in
picnic to Ramoji Film City. Sita suffered his diet.

from a severe stomach ache on her journey.

(i) Proteins are also known as_________.
Immediately the class teacher consulted a
(a) Nitrogenous food
Doctor who diagnosed the problem and told
(b) Body building food
her that Sita had difficulty digesting a
(c) Fatty food
particular food. This can lead to symptoms
such as intestinal gas, abdominal pain or (d) Both (a) and (b)
diarrhoea. It is sometimes confused with or (ii) Deficiency of protein can cause________.
mislabelled as a food allergy. (a) Rickets
(i) Food intolerance can cause (b) Kwashiorkor
(a) Diarrhoea (b) Anemia (c) Scurvy
(c) Fatigue (d) Loss of Appetite (d) Night blindness
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 39

(iii) Protein helps in _________________ 11. During a survey done in class VIII on the
(a) Increasing bone density topic favourite fruit of children following
(b) Protoplasm formation data was collected. On the basis of given
(c) Antibodies formation data answer the following questions.
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Jack food
10. On his scheduled health check-up Deepak a
student of class VI was diagnosed with 10% Fruits
Beri-beri disease. His parents are very 15% 30%
concerned about his health and asked the
doctor more about this disease.
Sugary 20% 25%
(i) According to the doctor this disease is
caused due to deficiency of________. Cereals
(a) Vitamin B5 (b) Vitamin B1
(c) Vitamin B3 (d) Vitamin B7 Favourite Fruit
(ii) Symptoms of Beri-beri are_________. (i) Which fruit is liked most by the children?
(a) Loss of appetite (a) Banana (b) Apple
(b) Shortness of breath
(c) Oranges (d) Peach
(c) Swollen feet
(d) All of the above (ii) Which acid is present in oranges?
(a) Ascorbic (b) Citric
(iii) Other diseases which might occur due to
(c) Pantothenic (d) All of these
this vitamins deficiency are___________
(a) Constipation (iii) Which fruit is a good source of
(b) Irritation potassium?
(c) Both (a) and (b) (a) oranges (b) peach
(d) High blood pressure (c) kiwi (d) banana

1. (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(b), (v)-(c) 2. (i)-(a), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(d), (iv)-(c), (v)-(b)
3. (i)-(a), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(a) 4. (i)-(b), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(b)
5. (i)-(b), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(b) 6. (i)-(d, (ii)-(b), (iii)-(a)
7. (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(a) 8. (i)-(d), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(d)
9. (i)-(b), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(d) 10. (i)-(b), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(c)
11. (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(d)

UNIT V : Children and Women in Sports

1. Mahesh, Physical Education teacher at XYZ 2. Padma, a student of class XII, used to read
School observed that Raju a student of class books in the school library. One day she was
VI has outward curve of vertebral column at studying the history of women participation
Thoracic region. He suggested some in Indian Sports and felt that more girls and

exercises to rectify this problem. women must be encouraged to actively

(i) What is this deformity known as? participate in sports. She believed that
(a) Scoliosis (b) Kyphosis impossible things can be achieved through
(c) Lordosis (d) Flat foot participating in sports.
(ii) Kyphosis is commonly known as (i) In which year did women first participate
(a) Hollow back (b) Hunch back in Olympics?
(c) Sideways bending (d) Lordosis (a) 2000 (b) 1900
(c) 2012 (d) 1947
(iii) Kyphosis is a deformity related to
(a) Foot (ii) Which of the following players is
(b) Vertebral column associated with badminton?
(c) Shoulder (a) Sania Mizra (b) Saina Nehwal
(d) Legs (c) Karanam (d) P.T.Usha
40 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

3. Posture plays a very significant role in our a significant deformity in the upper part of
daily activities. Correct posture means the their vertebral column.
balancing of body in accurate and proper
manner. Various types of postural
deformities can be identified in individuals.

(i) From the above given picture, the (i) The term used to define this deformity is
deformities seen on the left most is __________
caused due to deficiency of ___________ (a) Lordosis
(a) Iron (b) Scoliosis
(b) Calcium (c) Kyphosis
(c) Vitamin-D (d) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Both (b) and (c) (ii) This deformity is mainly caused due to
(ii) Walking on the inner edge of the feet can ______________
be a remedy for ____________ (a) Carrying heavy loads
(a) Bow legs (b) Flat foot (b) Lack of exercise
(c) Overweight (d) leg deformity (c) Weak muscles
(iii) The person in the middle is suffering (d) All of the above
with ______________ (iii) The asana/s which helps in rectifying
(a) Rickets such condition/is/are _____________
(b) Flatfoot (a) Chakrasana
(c) Knock knees (b) Dhanurasana
(d) Elephant foot (c) Halasana
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(iv) Horse-riding is the best exercise for
clearing this deformity (iv) Bending head backward in standing
(a) Knock knees (b) Bow legs position helps in getting rid of
(c) Flat foot (d) All of these ____________
(a) Lordosis
(v) Performing this asana regularly can be a
(b) Kyphosis
remedy for Knock-knees
(c) Scoliosis
(a) Padmasana (b) Tadasana
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(c) Vajrasana (d) Halasana
(v) Due to Covid Pandemic, most of the
4. Sheethal spent her weekend checking the children attending online classes with
health status of all the security guards of her bad sitting posture may experience this
huge gated community as a part of project condition later
work assigned by PE teachers. She found (a) Kyphosis (b) Lordosis

out that more than half of them have shown (c) Scoliosis (d) Flat foot

1. (i)-(b), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(b) 2. (i)-(b), (ii)-(b)
3. (i)-(d), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(a), (v)-(a) 4. (i)-(c), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(d), (iv)-(b), (v)-(a)
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 41

UNIT VI : Test and Measurement in Sports

1. Mr. Lakshman, aged 65 years worked as a 2.
civil engineer in a construction company.
He had to walk and climb a lot as part of his
job. After retirement, he settled with his son
spending time with his grandchildren. Now
a days he is experiencing difficulty in doing
certain chores which involves physical

(i) Both the tests shown in the picture are

conducted to check ______________
(a) Muscular (b) Skeletal
(c) Cardiovascular (d) Respiratory
(ii) The height of the bench used in the first
picture is ____________ cm for women.
(a) 45 (b) 50 (c) 40 (d) 55
(iii) The test shown in the first picture was
developed by
(a) Coubertin (b) Brouha
(c) Sheldon (d) James
(iv) The name of the test shown in the second
picture is
(i) Which of the following tests would you (a) Rikli & Jones test
recommend to check Mr. Lakshman’s (b) Harvard step test
fitness? (c) Rockport test (d) Barrow test
(a) Harvard step test (v) How many times pulse rates are taken to
(b) Rikli & Jones test estimate the fitness level
(c) AAHPER test (a) 3 (b) 2
(d) Rock port test (c) 5 (d) 4
(ii) How many series of tests are there in the
prescribed fitness test for Mr. Lakshman? 3. Rajesh went to an old age home on the
(a) 8 (b) 6 occasion of his birthday. At that time all the
(c) 5 (d) 4 inmates in the home were assembled in one
(iii) Chair sit & reach test is done to check place. When he enquired, they replied that
____________ they have a physical fitness test.
(a) Agility (i) Give any one standard physical fitness
(b) Speed test for senior citizen
(c) Flexibility (a) Push ups
(d) Strength (b) Standing Broad jump

(iv) Pick the odd one out. (c) Zig zag run
(a) Arm curl test (d) Eight foot up and go test
(b) Chair stand test (ii) Chair stand test is used for measuring the
(c) 6 min walk test (a) Lower body strength
(d) Partial curl up (b) Upper body test
(v) The 8 foot up &go test, as shown in the (c) Aerobic fitness
picture is performed to assess _________ (d) Anaerobic fitness
(a) Agility (iii) The weight of dumbbells in Arm Curl test
(b) Endurance for men is
(c) Speed (a) 5 pounds (b) 4 pounds
(d) Strength (c) 8 pounds (d) 10 pounds
42 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

4. Sports Minister, Mr. Kiren Rijuju has (a) Harvard Step Test
launched many sports schemes in India. (b) Sit and reach test
Among these, one of the best schemes is (c) Barrow fitness test
Khelo India. Mr. Kannan, father of Kartik (d) General fitness test
approached the PE teacher and enquired (ii) Rikli Jones test is conducted on
about the fitness levels of the students. PE (a) Children
teacher replied that Khelo India consisted of (b) Adults
physical fitness tests for school children and (c) Adolescent
they were analysing student’s fitness (d) Senior Citizens
through these tests. (iii) Which method should he follow to
(i) To measure Lower body flexibility improve the jump?
fitness, which one of the following is (a) Flexibility (b) Explosive power
best? (c) Push-ups (d) Shuttle run

1. (i)-(b), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(d), (v)-(a) 2. (i)-(c), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(c), (v)-(a)
3. (i)-(d), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c) 4. (i)-(b), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(b)

UNIT VIII : Biomechanics and Sports

1. The teachers as well as coaches always make (iv) The study of human body and various
their best efforts to improve the forces acting on it is
performance of their students in various (a) Biology (b) Biomechanics
competitive games and sports. They can (c) Physiology (d) Anatomy
help to improve the performance of (v) A high jumper can jump higher off a solid
students if they have adequate knowledge surface because it opposes his or her body
of biomechanics. with as much force as he or she is able to
generate. This example refers to
(a) Law of conservation
(b) Law of inertia
(c) Law of action & reaction
(d) Law of gravity

2. Sohan, a new student in the school was very

(i) The more force one exerts on the much interested in taking part in the school
downward bounce, the higher the ball sports events. He was taught the latest rules
bounces into the air. Which law is this and regulations of football game. In due
statement being referred to? course, he learnt biomechanical aspects of
(a) Newton’s 1st law the game including various movements.

(b) Newton’s 2nd law

(c) Newton’s 3rd law
(d) Law of gravitation
(ii) Among the above given pictures,
Newton’s 3rd law is depicted in
(a) First (b) Second
(c) Both (d) None of these
(iii) The acceleration of an object depends
directly upon the net force acting upon (i) The type of movement in which the angle
the object and inversely upon the object’s between joint decreases is called
(a) Weight (b) Mass (a) Flexion (b) Extension
(c) Height (d) Density (c) Gliding (d) Sliding
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 43

(ii) Straightening parts of a joint so that the (iii) Friction can be increased by which of the
angle increases following?
(a) Flexion (b) Extension (a) Smooth surface (b) Dry surface
(c) Abduction (d) Adduction (c) Decrease the Weight (d) All of this
(iii) Moving a part away from mid line is
4. During the physical education class
(a) Flexion (b) Extension
Newton’s Laws of motion were discussed
(c) Abduction (d) Adduction
and their practical application in sports
(iv) Moving a part towards the mid line is events was explained to students. These
(a) Flexion (b) Extension laws are most relevant in sports as most of
(c) Abduction (d) Adduction the actions in sports are related to these
(v) Flexion and extension comes under laws. On the basis of this information
___________ movement. answer the following questions.
(a) Gliding (b) Angular
(i) Newton’s First law of motion is also
(c) Rotation (d) Circumduction
known as?
3. In biomechanics class, Gopi, the teacher, (a) Law of inertia
brings the students to the physics lab of his (b) Law of Momentum
school. The students get confused. After the (c) Law of reaction
completion of the class, they realize the fact. (d) Law of acceleration

(i) Why does the teacher bring the students (ii) What is the relationship between Mass
to physics lab for biomechanics class? and force?
(a) It deals with physics principle. (a) Directly proportional
(b) Sliding friction (b) No relationship
(c) Rolling friction (c) Inversely proportional
(d) Static friction (d) Both (a) and (c)
(ii) Biomechanics is associated with (iii) Newton’s second law is also known as
(a) Mechanic (a) The law of reaction
(b) Physics (b) The law of inertia
(c) Mechanic and Physics (c) The law of acceleration
(d) Mechanic and Anatomy (d) None of the above

1. (i)-(c), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(b), (v)-(c) 2. (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(d), (v)-(b)
3. (i)-(a), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(b) 4. (i)-(a), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c) CBSE QUESTION BANK
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

Latest CBSE
Latest Sample Question Paper for Class XII (Term I)
Issued by CBSE on 2 Sept 2021

Physical Education Class 12 (Term I)

1. There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
2. Section A consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
3. Section B consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
4. Section C consists of 12 questions amongst which 10 questions have to be attempted.

Maximum Marks : 35 Time : 90 Minutes


In this section, attempt any 16 questions out of Questions 1-20. Each question is of 1 mark weightage.

1. What is the other name for Vitamin B2?

(a) Niacin (b) Thiamin (c) Folic Acid (d) Riboflavin

2. What is the formula to divide an odd number of teams in the upper half for a Knock
out fixture?
(a) N+1/2 (b) N-1/2 (c) N(N-1)/2 (d) N(N+1)/2

3. Which test is developed to test fitness in senior citizens?


(a) Harvard step (b) Rikli and Jones

(c) AAHPER (d) Rockport

4. Which action is shown in the illustration?

(a) Flexion (b) Extension

(c) Adduction (d) Abduction
48 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

5. Gliding movement occurs at which joint?

(a) Knee (b) Hip (c) Wrist (d) Elbow

6. Consolation tournaments are a part of which type of fixture?

(a) Knock out (b) League (c) Combination (d) None of these

7. Which amongst these is not a macro mineral?

(a) Calcium (b) Potassium (c) Phosphorus (d) Iodine

8. Who discovered Vitamin A?

(a) Dr. Mc Collum (b) Dr. Coubertin (c) Dr. J.B.Nash (d) Dr. Harvard

9. Formula for determining the number of Bye in the lower half of a knock out fixture
when number of Byes are odd?
(a) nb+1/2 (b) nb-1/2 (c) nb /2 (d) nb+1

10. What is the name of the postural deformity caused due to increase in the curve at the
lumbar region?
(a) Knock knees (b) Bow legs (c) Kyphosis (d) Lordosis

11. Which test is used to test the functional ability amongst senior citizens?
(a) Rockport one mile test (b) Harvard step test
(c) Rikli and Jones test (d) Fitness Index score

12. What is the test duration for the Arm Curl test?
(a) 1min (b) 2 min
(c) 30 sec (d) Number of repetitions

13. Which postural deformity has convexities right or left?

(a) Flat foot (b) Knock knees (c) Kyphosis (d) Scoliosis

14. Which motor skill is involved in smashing volleyball?

(a) Gross motor skills (b) Fine motor skills (c) Cross motor skills (d) Open skills

15. Who gave Laws of Motion?

(a) Galileo (b) Pascal (c) Newton (d) Darwin

16. Harvard step is performed to check which kind of fitness?

(a) Cardiovascular (b) Explosive strength

(c) Muscular strength (d) Reaction ability

17. Which fixture is also known as ‘Berger system‘?

(a) Knock out fixture (b) Round Robin fixture
(c) Combination fixture (d) Challenge tournament

18. Which of the following is not a spinal curvature deformity?

(a) Kyphosis (b) Scoliosis (c) Lordosis (d) Flatfoot

19. What according to you is the main cause for night blindness?
(a) Deficiency of Vitamin E (b) Deficiency of Vitamin C
(c) Deficiency of Vitamin A (d) Deficiency of Vitamin D

20. Which law amongst the given ones is known as the First Law of Motion?
(a) Law of Inertia (b) Law of Reaction
(c) Law of Momentum (d) Law of Acceleration
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 49

21. What is the ratio of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in carbohydrates?

(a) 1:2:1 (b) 2:2:1
(c) 2:1:1 (d) 1:2:2

22. The formula for determining the number of rounds in a Single league fixture when the
number of teams is even?
(a) N (b) N-1/2
(c) N-1 (d) N(N-1)/2

23. Which postural deformity is related to Posterior curve of the spine?

(a) Scoliosis (b) Kyphosis
(c) Lordosis (d) Knock knees

24. Which movement is caused by moving a body part away from the medial line of the body?
(a) Flexion (b) Extension
(c) Adduction (d) Abduction


25. Name the component which is measured by this test.

(a) Endurance (b) Speed

(c) Flexibility (d) Coordinative ability

26. Which exercise should be done to cure this deformity?


(a) Skipping (b) Walking on heels

(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Hanging on horizontal bar

27. Identify the component of fitness which is tested through this exercise.

(a) Maximum strength (b) Explosive strength

(c) Strength endurance (d) Static strength
50 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

28. How many matches will be played if there are 22 teams for the knock out fixture?
(a) 10 (b) 21 (c) 12 (d) 32

29. How many Byes will be given if there are 8 teams in the League tournament?
(a) 7 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 0

30. Halasana is used for curing which of the following deformities?

(a) Kyphosis (b) Scoliosis
(c) Lordosis (d) Flatfoot

31. Match the following:

A. Vitamin B12 1. Thiamin
B. Vitamin B3 2. Biotin
C. Vitamin B7 3. Cobalamin
D. Vitamin B1 4. Niacin

(a) 4 3 1 2 (b) 2 3 4 1
(c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 3 4 2 1

32. Match the following.

A. 1. Lower body strength

B. 2. Lower body flexibility


C. 3. Upper body strength

D. 4. Abdominal strength

(a) 3 1 4 2 (b) 4 1 3 2
(c) 3 2 4 1 (d) 4 2 3 1
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 51

33. Match the postural deformities with their remedial activity.

A. 1.

B. 2.

C. 3.

D. 4.

(a) 1 3 2 4 (b) 1 4 3 2 (c) 1 3 4 2 (d) 4 2 3 1
34. Match the movements.

A. 1. Flexion

B. 2. Adduction

C. 3. Extension

D. 4. Abduction

(a) 3 2 1 4 (b) 2 3 1 4 (c) 4 2 3 1 (d) 4 1 3 2
52 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

35. Which statement is not true about protein?

(a) Protein forms new tissues
(b) Protein regulates the balance of water and acids
(c) Protein helps in production of hormones.
(d) Protein makes antibodies.

36. How many rounds will be played if the number of teams are 29 in the knock out fixture?
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 3

37. Identify the odd one.

1. 2. 3. 4.

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1

38. Assertion (A) UNICEF says that water is not included in macro nutrients but USDA
includes it as part of macro nutrients.
Reason (R) Water must be taken in large quantities therefore it can be considered a
macro nutrient.
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) A is true, but R is false
(c) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(d) A is false, but R is true

39. Assertion (A) Physical activities as corrective measure are very effective in functional
deformity in comparison to structural deformity.
Reason (R) Muscles and ligaments are affected in functional deformity.
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

(c) A is true, but R is false

(d) A is false, but R is true

40. Identify the movement.

(a) Rotation (b) Circumduction

(c) Flexion (d) Extension
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 53

41. What will be the fitness index score of a girl if the test duration was 300 sec and the
pulse count (1 min-1.5 min) was 80?
(a) 73.2 (b) 62.8
(c) 68.1 (d) 85.3

42. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Technical committee (i) To provide shifting facility
B. Finance committee (ii) To resolve dispute
C. Transport committee (iii) To deals with money and expenditure
D. First aid committee (iv) To provide medical facilities.

(a) A–ii, B–iii, C–i, D–iv (b) A–iii, B–ii, C–i, D–iv
(c) A–ii, B–iii, C–iv, D–i (d) A–iv, B–iii, C–i, D–ii

43. Match the following vitamin with the disease caused due to their deficiency.
List I List II
A. Vitamin A 1. Rickets
B. Vitamin B 2. Night blindness
C. Vitamin C 3. Beri beri
D. Vitamin D 4. Scurvy

(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 4 1 2 3
(c) 3 2 4 1 (d) 3 4 1 2

44. Starting a throwing event in athletics is an example of which law of motion.

(a) First Law of Motion
(b) Second Law of Motion
(c) Third Law of Motion
(d) First and Third Law of Motion

45. Assertion (A) “A change in the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the
force producing it and inversely proportional to its mass”
Reason (R) Lighter mass will travel at a faster speed
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

46. Identify which one of these is not the objective of Planning?

(a) Enhance creativity
(b) Increase efficiency
(c) Reduce chances of mistake
(d) Facilitates poor coordination
54 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

47. Identify the test for which this pattern is followed.

45 Yards 40 35 30 25 Yards

50 55 10 15 20 Yards

(a) 600 mtr (b) 50 yard dash (c) 400 mtr (d) 6 min walk

48. Calculate the BMI of a girl and identify the category if her weight is 68 kg and height is
(a) Underweight (b) Normal weight (c) Overweight (d) Obesity class I


49. Below given is the BMI data of a school’s health check-up. In which category does the
major student population fall into?

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

18.5-24.9 <18.5 25-29.9 30-34.9

(a) Obese (b) Normal weight (c) Underweight (d) Overweight

50. Mr. Lakshman, aged 65 years worked as a civil engineer in a construction company .He

had to walk and climb a lot as part of his job. After retirement, he settled with his son
and spent time with his grandchildren. Nowadays he is experiencing difficulty in
doing certain chores which involve physical movement. The test shown in the picture
is performed to assess which component?

(a) Agility (b) Endurance (c) Speed (d) Strength

CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 55

51. Physical education teacher of ABC school was teaching the students about Newton’s
Laws of Motion. While explaining he showed the students this picture and tried to
explain how there is a difference in the speed of an object due to their weight. Can you
name the law?

(a) Newton’s First Law of Motion (b) Newton’s Second Law of Motion
(c) Newton’s Third Law of Motion (d) Action Reaction

52. Jatin is a weightlifter in the 96 kg category. He has to participate in a weightlifting

competition next week for which he is taking good care of his practice and diet. He has
included all the essential nutrients in his diet. Based on this case, answer the following
What do you think would be the most important component of Jatin's diet?
(a) Proteins (b) Carbohydrates
(c) Vitamins (d) Minerals
53. Rohan and Satish organised a Volleyball tournament on Knock out basis. They found
that the spectators were losing interest in the tournament because two good teams
were out of the tournament as they were defeated in the beginning.
Which provision could have avoided this kind of situation?
(a) Bye (b) Seeding
(c) Pools (d) Halves
54. Sandy is diagnosed with postural adaptation of the spine in lateral direction. The curve
is identified as convexity right. It happened due to Sandy’s underdeveloped legs and
carrying heavy loads on one side only.
What kind of postural deformity doctors found in Sandy?
(a) Scoliosis (b) Kyphosis
(c) Bow Legs (d) Flat foot
55. Motor development only happens when the child is biologically and mentally ready

for it. Motor development refers to the development of movement and various motor
abilities from birth till death. It is the ability to move around and manipulate his/her
environment. The first stage is marked by extremely rapid growth and development,
as in the second stage. By the age of 2 years, this development has begun to level out
somewhat. The final stage does not have any marked new development; rather it is
characterized by the mastering and development of the skills achieved in the first two
Which factor affects motor development?
(a) Biological, environmental, nutrition, opportunity
(b) Obesity, postural deformities, physical activities
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Technique, skill and style
56 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

56. Harvard step test is also called the Aerobic Fitness test. It was developed by Brouha
and others in 1943. It is used to measure aerobic fitness by checking the recovery rate.
Few students were asked to conduct Harvard step test for their classmates and they
were asked to note down the complete details of their aerobic capacity. For conducting
tests they required a bench separate for boys 20 inches and girls 16 inches with one
stop watch to note down the timing and their recovery rate.
How many times is the reading taken for calculating a long term fitness index?
(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4

57. Rishi who was studying in class XII is a science stream student. During his Physical
Education class, he got confused how Newton’s Laws of Motion are useful in sports
and how they can be applied in sports. But his teacher explained these laws with help
of examples from sports which proved to be very helpful for him
Swimming is the best example of which law of motion?
(a) Law of Inertia (b) Law of Acceleration
(c) Law of Reaction (d) Both (a) and (c)

58. Posture plays a very significant role in our daily activities. Correct posture means the
balancing of the body in an accurate and proper manner. Various types of postural
deformities can be identified in individuals.
From the given picture, the deformities seen on the left most is caused due to
deficiency of which nutrient?

(a) Iron (b) Calcium (c) Vitamin D (d) Both (b) and (c)

59. Sohan, a new student in the school, was very much interested in sports and while
learning various biomechanical aspects of the game including various movements he
became curious to understand movements used in different games.
Flexion and extension comes under which movement?

(a) Gliding (b) Angular

(c) Rotation (d) Circumduction

60. ABC School is one of the reputed schools in their location for the number of sports
facilities it provides to its stake holders. Keeping that in consideration CBSE Sports cell
has given them the responsibility of conducting CBSE Football cluster. 35 teams have
sent their entry for participation in the tournament.
A. Due to the large number of teams willing to participate the school should conduct
the competition by which fixture?
(a) League (b) Knock out
(c) Staircase (d) Challenge
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 57

1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (d)
11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (b) 29. (d) 30. (c)
31. (d) 32. (d) 33. (*) 34. (*) 35. (c) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (b)
41. (c) 42. (a) 43. (*) 44. (a) 45. (b) 46. (d) 47. (d) 48. (c) 49. (b) 50. (a)
51. (b) 52. (a) 53. (b) 54. (a) 55. (a) 56. (b) 57. (c) 58. (d) 59. (b) 60. (b)

1. (d) Riboflavin is the other name given to 10. (d) The postural deformity of Lordosis is
Vitamin B2. It is a water-soluble vitamin caused due to increase in the curve at the
required by the body for preservation and lumbar region. It is inward curvature of spine
maintenance of a healthy body. It’s deficiency and is characterised by stiffness in the body.
causes stunted growth, unhealthy skin and 11. (c) Rikli and Jones test is used to test the
inflamed eyes. This vitamin is richly found in functional ability amongst senior citizens. It
egg yolk, fish, pulses and green vegetables. contains 8 test designed to assess the lower
2. (a) If the number of teams is odd in a knock and upper body strength, flexibility,
out fixture, the following method is applied: coordination and agility among senior citizens.
Number of teams in upper half = (n+1)/2,where 12. (c) The aim of Arm Curl test is to do as many
n = number of teams. arm curls as possible in 30 seconds.
3. (b) The Rikli and Jones test or the Senior 13. (d) Scoliosis is a postural deformity with an
Fitness test designed by Rikli RE and Jones CJ abnormal lateral curvature of the spine in
is one of the simplest and best tools in which convexities either right or left can be
assessing six important ‘functional fitness’ formed.
parameters for the elderly.
14. (b) Fine motor skill is involved in Smashing
It contains 8 test designed to assess the lower
volleyball. Fine motor skills are the ability to
and upper body strength, flexibility,
make movements using the small muscles in
coordination and agility among senior citizens.
our hands and wrists. It also involves
4. (a) The given action shows flexion movement synchronisation between hands and fingers
as the movement decreases the angle between with the eyes.
two body parts.
15. (c) Isaac Newton gave the three Laws of
5. (c) Gliding movement occurs is produced Motion. His three laws describe the relation
when one flat or nearly flat bone surface slips between the force acting on a body and the
over another similar surface. Such an action is motion of the body. It is considered as the
possible in wrist joints.

foundation of classical mechanics and is

6. (a) In Knock out tournaments, a team may be widely used in the field of sports.
eliminated by chance and will not have 16. (a) Harvard step is performed to check
another chance to play. To avoid this, cardiovascular fitness of the participants. This
consolation tournaments are played to give an test was developed by Brouha in 1943 and
additional chance to the defeated team. assessor the aerobic fitness of the participants
7. (d) Among the given options, Iodine is not a by checking their recovery rate.
macro mineral. It is a micro mineral 17. (b) Round Robin fixture is also known as
responsible for the production of hormones in Berger system. Also referred as league
the thyroid gland. tournament, it allows every team to play with
8. (a) Dr Mc Collum discovered Vitamin A in every other team irrespective of win or defeat or
1913. It is a fat soluble vitamin and its scientific draw.
name is Retinol. 18. (d) Among the given options, Flatfoot is not a
9. (a) The formula for determining the number of spinal curvature deformity. It is a postural
Bye in the lower half of Knock out fixtures deformity of feet characterised by the
when numbers of Byes are odd is nb+1/2. diminished or absence of arches in the feet.
58 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

19. (c) Deficiency of Vitamin A can result in night 31. (d) Vitamin B 12 is also called Cobalamin,
blindness. Vitamin B 3 is known as Niacin, Vitamin B 7 is
20. (a) The Law of Inertia is the first Law of also called Biotin and Vitamin B 1 is also known
Motion. It states that if a body is at rest or as Thiamin.
moving at a constant speed in a straight line, 32. (d) The correct matches are given below
it will remain at rest or keep moving in a Figure (1) depicts Sit and reach test. It is used to
straight line at constant speed unless it is assess abdominal strength.
acted upon by a force.
Figure (2) depicts Partial curl up. It is used to
21. (a) Carbohydrates are a class of chemical assess lower body flexibility.
compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, Figure (3) depicts Modified push up (girls). It is
and oxygen in 1:2:1 ratio, respectively. used to assess upper body strength.
22. (c) The formula for determining the number Figure (4) depicts Standing broad jump. It is
of rounds in a Single league fixture when the used to assess lower body strength.
number of teams is even is N-1, where N is 33. (*) Correct match is not mentioned in the
the number of teams. On the other hand, if options. The correct match is given below:
the number of teams is odd number, the The image (1) shows Knock knees which can be
number of rounds will remain equal to cured with horse riding.
number of teams.
The image (2) shows Bow legs which can be
23. (b) Kyphosis is related to Posterior curve of cured with Garudasana.
the spine. It is a type of postural deformity The image (3) shows Lordosis which can be
characterised by the exaggeration of posterior treated with Halasana.
curve or reversal of the forward curve. It is The image (4) shows Scoliosis which can be
also called round upper back. treated with Trikonasana.
24. (d) A movement of a body part away from 34. (*) Correct match is not mentioned in the
the midline or medial line either of the body options. The correct match is given below:
as a whole or that of the hand or foot, is
Figure (1) depicts the angular movement of
termed as Abduction.
Adduction. It describes movement towards the
25. (c) The given image depicts the Sit and reach mid line of the body.
test which is one of the linear flexibility tests Figure (2) depicts the angular movement of
to measure the extensibility of the hamstrings Abduction. It describes movement that is away
and lower back. from the midline of the body.
26. (c) Both walking on heels and skipping can Figure (3) depicts the angular movement of
help in curing flatfoot. Extension. It is straightening of the joints so that
angle between them increases and the body
27. (b) The given image shows the Standing long
parts move further apart.
jump. Also called the Broad Jump, it is a
common and easy to administer test of Figure (4) depicts the angular movement of

explosive leg strength. Flexion. It is the bending of a joint in order to

bring together the body parts nearer to connect.
28. (b) Number of teams (N) = 22
35. (c) Proteins are very large molecules that are
Number of matches in Knock out tournament
converted into amino acids, the digestive
=N-1 system. These amino acids are important as they
= 22 - 1 create blood, muscles, nails, skin, hair and tissue
Number of matches = 21 in internal bodies. They also regulate the
Hence, 21 matches will be played if there are balance of water and acids, transport oxygen
22 teams for the Knock out fixture. and nutrients and make antibodies for the body.
29. (d) No Bye will be given in League 36. (a) Number of teams (N) = 29
tournament. It is only given in Knock out Number of rounds ( next highest number power
tournament as a privilege to a team to play of 2) is 32 which is 2 5 or = 2 ´ 2 ´ 2 ´ 2 ´ 2.
directly in the second round. Number of rounds = 5
30. (c) Halasana is a curative yogic exercise for Hence, 5 rounds will be played if the number of
Lordosis. teams are 29 in the Knock out fixture.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 59

37. (a) Among the given options, (d) is the odd 44. (a) Generally, throwing or kicking motion
one as it depicts Harvard step test which is involves the Second Law of Motion. However,
used to cardiovascular fitness of any when starting a throwing motion the object to
participants ( not necessarily senior citizens). be thrown is at rest. It needs to be brought into
Rest of the tests shown in the figures are motion by using an external force. Such a
components of Rikli and Jones: senior citizen motion is the premise of the first Law of
fitness test. Figure (1) depicts Back scratch test, motion or Law of Inertia. According to this
figure (2) depicts Arm curl test and figure (3) law, A ‘body at rest will remain at rest and a
depicts Chair sit and reach test. body in motion will remain in motion at the
38. (c) It is true that water is generally taken in same speed and in the same direction unless
large quantities and thus can become a part of acted up on by an external force.
macro nutrients. Based on this observation, 45. (b) The statement given in Assertion (A) states
organisations differ in the opinion based on the the second Law of Motion or the Law of
categorisation of water as either macro or Acceleration. The statement given in (R)
micro nutrients. explains the Second Law of Motion.
39. (b) It is true that physical activities help in Accordingly , if two equal forces are applied to
curing deformities and the reason for that is objects of different masses , the lighter mass
that muscles and ligaments are involved in will travel at a faster speed.
both of them. All kinds of functional 46. (d) The objectives of planning are as follows
deformities are formed due to weak muscles l Reduce unnecessary pressure of immediacy
and ligaments along with gravitational force. l Maintain a good control over all activities
Physical activities or corrective exercises in l Facilitate proper coordination
various forms can serve to counteract the effect
l Reduce chances of mistake
of gravitational force.
l Increase efficiency
40. (b) The given motion is circumduction motion. l Enhance creativity
41. (c) The formula for fitness index score is (100 x l Enhance sports performance
test duration in seconds) divided by (5.5 x
47. (d) The given pattern is followed for 6 minute
pulse count between 1 and 1.5 minutes)
walk test. It is one of the component of Rikli
=100* 300/ 5.5*80 =30000/440 =68.1 and Jones : Senior citizen fitness test and is
42. (a) Technical Committee: This committee is used to test the functional fitness of the senior
responsible for the technical conduct and citizens.
functions to select the various officials such as 48. (c) Formula for BMI = kg/m 2
referees, judges, starters, umpires, time keeper
etc. Technical conduct includes showing Where kg is weight in kg and m 2 is hight
proper behaviour resolving conflicts, etc. As the height is given in cm
Finance Committee: This committee is Firstly convert the height into meters i.e.
assigned to make the budget for the event and 161cm = 161
. m

handle the expenses. \ = 68 / 161

. ´ 161
Transport Committee: This committee is = 68 / 2 .5921
responsible for providing the facilities
= 26 .2
regarding transportation of various teams.
This indicates that the girl is overweight.
Medical and First Aid Committee: This
committee is formed to provide medical 49. (b) The maximum students are in the category
assistance. of normal weight with their BMI falling into
the range 18.5-24.9.
43. (*) The correct match is not mentioned in the
options. Deficiency of Vitamin A causes night 50. (a) The given image depicts the Eight foot up
blindness, deficiency of Vitamin B causes Beri and go test. It is conducted to assess
Beri, coordination and agility in aged people. It is
Deficiency of Vitamin C causes Scurvy and also useful in evaluating speed agility and
deficiency of Vitamin D causes Rickets. balance of a senior citizen while moving.
60 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

51. (b) The relation between the speed and weight athletes (participants) undergoes three rounds
of an object is given by the Second Law of of separate readings of their heart beat.
Motion or the Law of Acceleration. 57. (c) Newton's Third Law of Motion or the Law
Accordingly, the image will show the students of Reaction states that for every action, there is
that if two equal forces are applied to objects of an equal and opposite reaction. Thus,
different masses, the lighter mass will travel at swimmers must stroke downward in the water
a faster speed. to stay afloat and propel forward. This
52. (a) While carbohydrates supply energy, movement is equal and opposite to the force
protein facilitates muscle building and the water exerts against the swimmer to stop
recovery. As a weightlifter, Jatin needs to have them from moving and thus pushes them
a more protein based diet. forward.

53. (b) The organiser of the tournament (in this 58. (d) Rickets disease is a disorder caused by a
case Rohan and Satish) must utilize the lack of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate. It
Seeding method to avoid this type of leads to softening and weakening of the bones,
condition. Through this method, the strong and may cause Bow legs, Knock-knees or flat
and popular teams are selected to keep them at
appropriate place in the fixture. It avoids the 59. (b) Flexion and extension are examples of
situation in which strong teams are eliminated angular motions, in which two axes of a joint
in the early stage of tournament helpful in are brought closer together or moved further
keeping the interest of spectators in the apart.
tournament till end. 60. (b) Due to the large number of teams willing to
54. (a) Sandy suffers from Scoliosis whose causes participate the school should conduct the
include lifting weight towards one side in competition by Knock out fixture. In this type
routine among many. of tournament, a team once defeated,
automatically gets eliminated from the
55. (a) Biology, environment, genetics, nutrition,
tournament. Because of this feature of
and gender are all factors that affect motor
elimination, less matches are organised which
in turn results into early competition with
56. (b) For calculating a long term fitness index less expenses. It also requires minimum
under the Harvard step test, reading is taken number of officials to conduct and enhances
for 3 times. After completing the 150 ‘step ups the standard of sports because of immense
and down’ on a bench in 5 minutes, the competition.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 63

A Highly Simulated Practice Question Paper
for CBSE Class XII (Term I) Examination

(i) There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
(ii) Section A consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iii) Section B consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iv) Section C consists of 12 questions amongst which 10 questions have to be attempted.
(v) Each question carries (0.70 marks).

Maximum Marks : 35
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 Minutes


1. Which one of the following is not an objective of planning in sports?
(a) To collect information of the event (b) Reduce the pressure
(c) Reduce chances of mistake (d) Achieving proper condition

2. The Back Scratch Test for upper body flexibility is executed in a

(a) sitting position (b) supine position
(c) standing position (d) prone position

3. …… test is used for Cardiovascular fitness.

(a) Harvard Step (b) Rock Port Test
(c) Rikli and Jones (d) Both (a) and (b)

4. Vitamin B 3 is commonly known as

(a) Thiamin (b) Riboflavin

(c) Niacin (d) Pyridoxine

5. Which one of the following sports is an example of the Law of Inertia?

(a) Soccer (b) Softball
(c) Basketball (d) All of these

6. Nutrients are the chemicals in food which

(a) provides energy (b) promotes growth and development
(c) boosts immunity (d) All of these
64 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

7. Which one of the following is not a macro nutrient?

(a) Fats (b) Carbohydrates
(c) Fibre (d) Proteins

8. Identify the human movement in the given image.

(a) Adduction (b) Abduction

(c) Flexion (d) Extension

9. League tournament is also known as

(a) Knock out tournament (b) Consolation tournament
(c) Combination tournament (d) Round Robin tournament

10. The postural deformity Bow legs is characterised by

(a) wide gap between the knees (b) plain foot sole
(c) knees colliding with each other (d) both legs curving inwards

11. The exercise which should be most appropriately performed by adolescents include
(a) weight training (b) throwing
(c) walking (d) All of these

12. Arm curl test is used to measure

(a) endurance (b) upper body strength
(c) speed (d) agility

13. Chair Sit and Reach test is conducted to measure

(a) flexibility (b) motor fitness
(c) endurance (d) speed

14. The main sources of protein are

(a) fish, meat and eggs (b) green vegetables
(c) wheat and rice (d) sunlight and water

15. When a body is acted upon by a force, its resulting acceleration is proportional to the
force and inversely proportional to
(a) density (b) mass (c) shape (d) volume

16. Newton’s which law states that a stationary body will remain at rest until an external
force is applied?
(a) Second Law of Motion (b) First Law of Motion
(c) Third Law of Motion (d) None of these

17. Abnormal curve of the spine at the front is called

(a) Scoliosis (b) Kyphosis (c) Lordosis (d) Psoriasis

18. Which are the most concentrated source of energy in food?

(a) Carbohydrates (b) Minerals (c) Fats (d) Vitamins
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 65

19. What is Bye ?

(a) It’s a method of drawing fixture.
(b) Point system for team games.
(c) Advantage given to a team.
(d) Placing of teams in a fixture.

20. Which of the following is not a committee made for sports event ?
(a) First-aid Committee (b) Boarding Committee
(c) Registration Committee (d) Standing Committee

21. Which of the following is not a mineral ?

(a) Niacin (b) Potassium (c) Riboflavin (d) Both (a) and (c)

22. What is the formula to divide even number of teams in the lower half of a Knock out
tournament ?
N N +1 N −1
(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these
2 2 2

23. Which vitamin is essential for the clotting of blood?

(a) Vitamin B 12 (b) Vitamin C (c) Vitamin K (d) Vitamin A

24. Which of the following is not a test designed by Rikli and Jones for senior citizen fitness?
(a) Modified Push-ups (b) Eight foot up and go
(c) Six minute walk test (d) Arm curl test


25. Chakrasana and Dhanurasana is the corrective measure to cure which postural deformity?
(a) Knock Knee (b) Lordosis (c) Scoliosis (d) Round shoulders

26. Which Asana should be done to cure this deformity?

(a) Padmasana and Gomukhasana (b) Halasana and Dhanurasana

(c) Chakrasana and Dhanurasana (d) Dhanurasana and Bhujangasana
27. Identify the age group for which this test is conducted.

(a) Children 4-12 years (b) Senior citizens 60 above

(c) Adolescents 13-18 years (d) Middle aged 35-45 years
66 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

28. If the number of teams is 21, then how many rounds will be played in the tournament?
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 3

29. An adult with a BMI of 28.2 will be classified as

(a) underweight (b) overweight (c) obese (d) normal
30. If 11 teams participate in a football tournament, then what will be the number of teams
in upper half?
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 11 (d) Cannot be determined

31. Match List I with List II.

List I List II
A. Energy-yielding 1. Carbohydrate
B. Body-building 2. Vitamin
C. Protective 3. Cellulose
D. Fiber 4. Protein

(a) 1 4 2 3 (b) 4 1 2 3
(c) 4 1 3 2 (d) 1 2 3 4

32. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. endurance and flexibility

B. 2. endurance of upper body

C. 3. endurance of senior citizen


D. 4. endurance of abdominal muscles

(a) 2 3 4 1 (b) 3 1 2 4
(c) 4 2 3 1 (d) 1 4 3 1
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 67

33. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Lordosis

B. 2. Scoliosis


C. 3. Flat arch

D. 4. Knock knee

(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 3 2 4 1
(c) 4 3 1 2 (d) 4 3 1 2

34. What will be the fitness Index score of a girl if the test duration was 300 sec and the
pulse count (1 min -1.5 min) was 80?
(a) 73.2 (b) 62.8
(c) 68.1 (d) 85.3

35. How many byes will be given for a Knock out fixture of 24 teams?
(a) 8 (b) 10
(c) 6 (d) 12

36. Identify the odd one.

(a) Modified push ups (b) Partial curl up
(c) Back scratch test (d) Standing broad jump

37. Which statement is not true about carbohydrates?

(a) They are organic compounds
(b) Glucose, fructose are forms of simple carbohydrates
(c) Their components are carbon and oxygen
(d) Complex carbohydrates are insoluble in water
68 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

38. ‘The more force one exerts on the downward bounce, the higher the ball bounces into
the air’. Which law is this statement being referred to?
(a) First Law of Motion (b) Second Law of Motion
(c) Third Law of Motion (d) Law of Gravitation
39. Assertion (A) Physical Education is an elective discipline.
Reason (R) Physical Education borrows principles from other allied fields.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

40. Assertion (A) Infancy is the first stage of the motor development.
Reason (R) The sequence of motor development is uniform in infants, however some
differences in the rate of development may exist at individual level.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

41. Identify the component of fitness that is tested through this exercise.

(a) Upper body flexibility (b) Upper body strength

(c) Lower body flexibility (d) Agility

42. If a person has a weight of 70 kg and height 1.70 m, then what is the BMI?
(a) 24.22 (b) 22.1
(c) 26.52 (d) None of these

43. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below.
List I List II

A. Vitamin A 1. Pyorrhea

B. Vitamin B 2. Rickets

C. Vitamin C 3. Beriberi

D. Vitamin D 4. Night Blindness

(a) 2 4 3 1 (b) 1 2 4 3
(c) 4 3 1 2 (d) 3 1 2 4
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 69

44. Match the List I with List II.

List I List II
(a) Knock knee 1. Lack of exercise

(b) Lordosis 2. Lack of Vitamin D

(c) Flat foot 3. Heredity defects

(d) Scoliosis 4. Faulty posture

(a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 2 1 4 3
(c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 4 1 3 2

45. This type of fixture is drawn in which method of league tournament?

6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1

Teams 5 2 4 6 3 5 2 4 6 3

4 3 3 2 2 6 6 5 5 4

(a) Cyclic method (b) Staircase method

(c) Tabular method (d) Knock out

46. Assertion (A) Biomechanics aims to achieve performance enhancement in sports.

Reason (R) Qualitative analysis helps in techniques improvement and injury prevention.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

47. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Vitamin C 1. Weakness in muscles

B. Calcium 2. Anemia

C. Vitamin E 3. Scurvy

D. Vitamin K 4. Osteoporosis


(a) 1 3 4 2 (b) 3 2 4 1
(c) 3 4 1 2 (d) 4 3 2 1

48. A swimmer using hand / arm stroke to propel forward in the water is application of
Newton’s which law ?
(a) Second Law of Motion
(b) First Law of Motion
(c) Third Law of Motion
(d) Both (a) and (b)
70 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)


49. Below given is the BMI of girls in school A.

3 4


1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

18.5–24.9 <18.5 25–29.9 30–34.9

On the basis of the above data; answer the following question.

In which category does the major girls population falls into?
(a) Obese (b) Normal weight
(c) Under weight (d) Over weight
50. In a Table Tennis competition, there were eight teams A to H, in the first round, 4 teams
which lost the matches were out of the event. Based on this information, answer the
following question.
What type of tournament is it?
(a) Round Robin tournament (b) Knock out tournament
(c) League tournament (d) Cannot be determined
51. Rohit is a student of Class Xth with a postural deformity called ‘round shoulders’. During
a sports activity in school he was advised to practice yoga and stand in the correct posture.
Based on this case answer the following question.
The yoga instructor of the school has asked Rohit to perform
(a) Tadasana (b) Gomukhasana
(c) Vajrasana (d) Chakrasana
52. The physical instructor of a school wanted to measure the strength of boys of Class X.
He asked them to stand behind the restraining line with feet apart, bend the knees and
swing the arms in order to prepare themselves. From the given information and the
image, identify the test that the instructor wants to conduct.

(a) Push ups (b) Modified push ups

(c) Standing broad jump (d) Long jump
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 71

53. Rohan is a Baseball player. He practices daily for 2 hours and wants to become a
champion of it. When a player throws a ball, then Rohan strikes it with full force.
Hitting a ball with a baseball bat is an example of Newton’s which law of motion?

(a) Third Law (b) Second Law (c) First Law (d) All of these
54. Mrs. Sharma is a retired person of 64 years. She was a school teacher and during her
tenure she used to walk and often took stairs to take her classes. However, she is
experiencing knee pain, back pain and facing difficulty in doing simple household
work also. Her daughter suggested to take the Rikli and Jones test. How many series of
tests are there in the prescribed fitness test for Mrs. Sharma.
(a) 10 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 4
55. Anita is a teacher in a play school teaching children in the age group of 3 to 5 years. She
noticed that each child has a different rate of growth. Some can even solve puzzles, draw
and colour while some are not even able to hold or throw a ball properly. Why is it so?
(a) Disorderly eating habits (b) Differences in motor development
(c) Social constraints (d) Lack of sports activities
56. Radhika is overweight and has been advised by the doctor to reduce her weight for the
fear of health problems like diabetes so , she starts dieting. Which among these is a
pitfall of dieting?
(a) Intake of labelled foods (b) Skipping meals
(c) More drinking than eating (d) All of these
57. To conduct an Inter School Table Tennis Championship properly, the sports teacher of ABC
school has decided to assign duties to students of class XII who have taken up physical
education subject. On the basis of the given information, answer the following questions.
The work of committees conducting any sports event is divided into
(a) Pre and post (b) Pre and during (c) During and post (d) Pre, during and post
58. Amit’s physical education teacher noticed that Amit had an outward curve of the
vertebral column at the Thoracic region.
He suggested Amit to perform Chakrasana and also showed him some exercise to correct his
posture. Amit is suffering from
(a) Scoliosis (b) Lordosis (c) Round shoulders (d) Kyphosis
59. Mohit is a student of 3rd standard and is suffering from Bow legs. His physical

education teacher showed him a yoga Ardh Matsyendrasana and asked him to take a
balanced diet.
Deficiency of which vitamin in the body causes bow legs?
(a) Vitamin D (b) Vitamin C (c) Vitamin K (d) Vitamin A
60. During his physical education class, Kartik, a student of class XII got confused about
Newton’s Laws of Motion and their application in sports. The teacher explained that
when a basketball is shot, it takes a parabolic path and then slows down due to air
resistance and fluid friction. This is which law of motion?
(a) Third (b) First (c) Second (d) Action-reaction
Roll No.

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2 22 42
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4 24 44
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6 26 46
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8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60

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Less than 60% > Average (Revise the Chapters again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 73

1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (a)
11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (d)
21. (d) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (a) 25. (d) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (b) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (a) 33. (b) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (c) 37. (c) 38. (c) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (c) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (b) 45. (a) 46. (a) 47. (c) 48. (c) 49. (c) 50. (b)
51. (d) 52. (c) 53. (a) 54. (b) 55. (b) 56. (d) 57. (d) 58. (d) 59. (a) 60. (b)

1. (a) To collect information related to the 11. (d) Adolescence is a period in which children
tournament is not an objective of planning as it master the most intricate or complex motor
is centrally the work of all the committees skills. Hence, moderate exercises including
formed for the tournament. Planning essentially weight training, throwing, swimming, tennis,
is the process of organising activities required running, walking etc. are suggested to build
to achieve a goal. bones and muscles.
2. (c) Back scratch test is done in standing position 12. (b) The Arm curl test, is a part of senior citizen
in order to measure upper arm and shoulder test, which is used to measure the upper body
flexibility of senior citizens. strength of senior citizens.
3. (d) The Harvard step test and the Rockport test 13. (a) Chair sit and reach test is a part of senior
are performed to measure the cardiovascular
citizen fitness protocol and is designed to
fitness of an individual.
test the lower body flexibility of senior
4. (c) Vitamin B 3 is also called Niacin. It is citizens.
involved in energy production, promoting 14. (a) The main sources of the body building
healthy skin, improving digestion and healthy proteins are fish, meat, eggs, nuts, soya and
nervous system. dairy products.
5. (d) The sports Soccer, Softball and Basketball
15. (b) Newton’s Second Law of Motion states
are examples of Newton’s Law of Inertia. The
that when a body is acted upon by a force, its
Ball in these sports is hit into the air and
resulting acceleration is proportional to force
eventually gravity acts on it, pulling it down to
and inversely proportional to mass. This
the ground. This is the application of Newton’s
means, if the same amount of force is applied
First Law.
to objects of different mass then acceleration
6. (d) Food contains various types of essential will be different.
chemicals known as Nutrients. Nutrients
present in food are required by our body for 16. (b) Newton’s first law explains the concepts of
energy, immunity and proper growth and force and motion. It states that the body at rest
development. will remain at rest until an external force acts
upon it. For example a ball will not move by
7. (c) Fibre or roughage is a non-nutritive
itself unless someone applies force to it.
component of diet. The main role of fibre is to
keep the digestive system healthy. 17. (b) Kyphosis is the deformity where there is a
forward curvature of the spine. It is an
8. (a) Adduction is the movement of body part
towards the body’s midline. So, if a person increased forward curve of the lumbar region.
straightens the shoulders and brings them to 18. (c) Fats are the most concentrated source of

the sides, he/she performs is adduction energy in foods.

movement. 19. (c) A Bye is essentially an advantage given to
9. (d) A League tournament is also called Round some teams in a tournament fixture.
Robin Tournament. In this type of tournament, According to this advantage, a team directly
each team gets a chance to play with every plays in the second round of the tournament.
other team. 20. (d) Committees are formed for effective
10. (a) The postural deformity, Bow legs is management of any sports event. A standing
characterised by a wide gap between the knees. committee is not required for sports events.
74 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

21. (d) Niacin (Vitamin B 3 ) and Riboflavin Figure (d) depicts Chair Sit and Reach test. It
(Vitamin B 2 ) are not minerals, but rather they measures the lower body flexibility and
are a part of vitamin B complex group. endurance of the senior citizens.
22. (a) If the number of team in a Knock out 33. (b) The image A shows the postural deformity
tournament is even then the formula N/2 is of flat foot which is characterised by a flat arch
applied to divide the total number of teams in in the foot.
upper and lower halves. The image B shows the deformity of Scoliosis.
23. (c) Vitamin K is helpful in the clotting of blood. The image C shows the deformity of Knock
24. (a) Modified Push-ups is a part of Motor
fitness tests used to measure the upper body The image D shows the deformity of Lordosis.
endurance of girls. Eight foot up and go, six 34. (c) Using the formula
minute walk and arm curl test are a part of Duration of exercise × 100
Rikli and Jones test for senior citizens. 5.5 × pulse count
25. (d) Chakrasana and Dhanurasana are 300 × 100
= = 68.1
corrective measures to cure postural deformity 5.5 × 80
of Round shoulders.
35. (a) Teams getting Byes can be found by
26. (b) The type of deformity shown in the picture
subtracting the number of teams by higher
is Lordosis. Its corrective measure includes
power of 2.
practice of Dhanurasana and Halasana.
So 2 5 = 32 32 − 24 = 8
27. (b) The given image shows the 30 second chair
stand test which is performed to measure 36. (c) While modified Push ups, Partial curl ups
functional fitness (body strength) in Rikli and and Standing broad jump are fitness tests for
Jones test. Rikli and Jones test is specifically young people, only the Back scratch test is
designed for senior citizens. fitness test used for testing the physical fitness
levels of senior citizens.
28. (a) The formula to calculate the number of
rounds played is the next power of 2 after the 37. (c) Carbohydrates are organic compounds
number of team i.e. 21. The next power of 2 for composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
21 is 32 = 2 5 . So, rounds will be 5. They are of two type simple carbohydrates
which include soluble sugar (glucose, fructose,
29. (b) The BMI between 24.9 to 29.7 falls in the
etc) and complex carbohydrates which are
overweight category.
insoluble in water.
30. (b) Since the number of teams is odd i.e. 3, 5, 7,
N +1 38. (c) When more force is exerted on the ball i.e.
9, 11. The formula is used to calculate action, then the reaction is greater bounce. This
is Newton’s Third Law of Motion which states
team in Upper half. For 11 team, then the
that every action has an equal and opposite
11 + 1
teams in lower half will be = 6. reaction.
39. (a) Physical Education is not only oriented to
31. (a) Energy yielding foods are carbohydrates. sports and sports related things, but also
Body building foods are protein, as they help borrows many ideas and beliefs from other
in muscles formation. fields. It contains many elements of other
Protective foods are vitamins, as they develop subjects like Physics, Medicine, Psychology,
immunity of the body. etc. So reason for assertion is correct.

Fiber is a cellulose that acts as a roughage.

40. (a) The assertion is that the first stage of motor
32. (a) The correct match is given below development in children is Infancy. In this
Figure (a) depicts Push (body). It measures the stage, motor development is almost uniform
upper body strength and endurance of the among all children but some differences in the
participants. rate of development may be seen. So, the
Figure (b) depicts Chair Stand test. It measures reason given for the assertion is correct.
the lower body strength and endurance of the 41. (c) The given image represents the senior
senior citizen. citizen test called Chair sit and reach test. It is
Figure (c) depicts Partial Curl Up test. It used to measure lower body flexibility of
measures endurance of the abdominal muscles. senior citizens.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 75

42. (a) The formula to calculate BMI 51. (d) Chakrasana is a standing asana which acts as
Body weight in kg a corrective measure for round shoulders.
= Hence, this asana may help Rohit.
(Height in m)2
52. (c) The information and image given is related to
Weight = 70 kg. Height = 1.70 m
70 standing broad jump. This is a part of motor
= 24.22 fitness test developed by Brouha to measure
1.70 × 1.70
explosive strength of legs.
43. (c) The deficiency of Vitamin A causes Night 53. (a) Rohan hitting the ball with full force is
Blindness. Newton’s Third Law of Motion. The law states
The deficiency of Vitamin B causes Beriberi. that there is opposite reaction for every action.
The deficiency of Vitamin C causes Pyorrhea. So, hitting a baseball will result in it going far
The deficiency of Vitamin D causes Rickets. away.
44. (b) One of the causes of Knock knees is the 54. (b) There are 6 types of tests prescribed under
lack of Vitamin D. Lordosis is caused due to Rikli and Jones test. These are Chair stand test,
lack of exercises. Faulty posture may give Back scratch test, Chair sit and reach test, Arm
rise to the physical deformity of flat foot and curl test, Eight foot up and go test and Six
heredity defects may cause Scoliosis. minute walk test.
45. (a) The given image represents the cyclic 55. (b) Differences in motor development can lead
method of drawing fixtures in a aeague children of same age groups to do different
tournament, if the number of teams is even. kinds of activities. Some children may show
early signs of gross or fine motor development,
46. (a) Biomechanics is useful in performance
so they can do different tasks.
enhancement of sports. As biomechanics
helps in quality analysis which helps to 56. (d) Pitfalls of dieting includes all the activities
improve the sports technique and prevention that we follow or refrain from doing to reduce
of injuries. weight. Some of the commonly found pitfalls
include skipping of meals and more drinking. It
47. (c) The deficiency of Vitamin C causes Scurvy.
also includes intake of labelled foods.
The deficiency of calcium causes
Osteoporosis. 57. (d) There are 3 types of committees involved in
organising an event. The pre, during and post
The deficiency of Vitamin E causes weakness
meet committees. The proper work and
in muscles.
coordination of all the committees are needed for
The deficiency of Vitamin K causes Anemia. the event to be successful.
48. (c) Newton’s Third Law of Motion suggests 58. (d) Amit is suffering from Kyphosis. It is a
that for every action, there is an equal and deformity of the spinal curvature in which there
opposite reaction. Therefore, the swimmer is an increase or exaggeration of a backward
uses arm to strike back in order to move curve. Chakrasana is suggested as the curative
forward. measure for it.
49. (c) In the pie diagram, the major population 59. (a) Deficiency of Vitamin D cause bow legs.
of girls falls in the category of underweight
60. (b) Basketball taking a parabolic path and then
with BMI <18.5
slowing down due to air resistance is the First
50. (b) A single elimination tournament or Knock Law of Motion or Law of Inertia, which
out tournament is a type of sports event suggest that a body in motion will remain in
where the loser of each match is immediately motion as long as no external force is applied to

eliminated from the tournament. stop it.

CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

A Highly Simulated Practice Question Paper
for CBSE Class XII (Term I) Examination

(i) There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
(ii) Section A consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iii) Section B consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iv) Section C consists of 12 questions amongst which 10 questions have to be attempted.
(v) Each question carries (0.70 marks).

Maximum Marks : 35
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 Minutes


1. Which mineral is required for developing strong bones and teeth?
(a) Copper (b) Potassium
(c) Sodium (d) Phosphorus
2. Food intolerance can cause
(a) Nausea and stomach pain (b) Sudden increase in hunger
(c) Drowsiness (d) Unconsciousness
3. The age group of middle childhood is
(a) 6-10 years (b) 5-10 years
(c) 7-10 years (d) 9-13 years
4. Thrust against the water in swimming is an example of the Newton’s ..... Law.

(a) First (b) Second

(c) Third (d) Inertia
5. What are the causes of round shoulders?
(a) Poor posture at work (b) Wrong habit of standing and sitting
(c) Lack of proper exercises (d) All of these
6. An advantage of Elimination tournament is
(a) takes less time (b) weak teams may enter the finals
(c) strong team may get eliminated (d) each team plays with all the other teams
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 77

7. Which of the following is not a food myth?

(a) Potatoes contain carbohydrates that do not add to the weight
(b) Oils have fewer callories than butter
(c) Drinking while eating makes you fat
(d) Starve to lose weight
8. How many vitamins are there in the group of Vitamin B complex?
(a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 8

9. Which among the following is not a postural deformity?

(a) Lordosis (b) Scoliosis (c) Amenorrhea (d) Kyphosis

10. One of the possible causes for obesity could be?

(a) Heredity (b) Excessive eating
(c) Fast metabolism (d) Both (a) and (b)

11. Which of the following is known or called Pyridoxine?

(a) Vitamin B 1 (b) Vitamin B 2 (c) Vitamin B 3 (d) Vitamin B 6

12. Which test is developed to test motor fitness ability of athletes?

(a) Rikli and Jones (b) Rockport (c) Harvard Step (d) Sit and Reach test

13. Obesity is a condition in which the Body Mass Index is higher than
(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) 40

14. What is the formula to determine the number of byes in the upper half of a knockout
fixture when number of teams are odd?
nb + 1 nb − 1 n+1 n−1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 2 2 2

15. Identify the test shown in the picture below.

(a) Rockport test (b) 600 M run/walk test

(c) Harvard step test (d) Rikli and Jones test

16. A large lateral curve of the spine is known as


(a) Flat foot (b) Lordosis (c) Kyphosis (d) Scoliosis

17. Which of the following Laws of Motion given by Sir Issac Newton is also known as
‘Law of Inertia’?
(a) Second Law (b) Third Law (c) First Law (d) None of these

18. When the angle between the two bone attached to a joint decreases then it is called
(a) Flexion (b) Extension (c) Adduction (d) Abduction

19. In which stage, fine hand-eye coordination skills develop in children?

(a) Infancy (b) Early childhood (c) Middle childhood (d) Later childhood
78 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

20. Which is a source of Vitamin-D absorption in the body?

(a) Green vegetables (b) Eggs (c) Sunlight (d) Oil

21. Which among the following is not a component of Motor Fitness test?
(a) Chair Stand Test (b) 4 × 10 m shuttle run
(c) Standing Broad Jump (d) Partial curl up

22. Which of the following equipments is not needed for Six minute walk test?
(a) Measuring tape (b) Stopwatch (c) Chair (d) Ruler

23. 50 m run/walk aims to measure an athlete’s

(a) endurance (b) speed
(c) power (d) abdominal strength

24. What is the criterion for giving a seeding to a team?

(a) Previous position in the tournament (b) Privious performances
(c) Sports ethical behaviour (d) Relationship between players


25. Which corrective asana is required to correct the deformity shown in the image.

(a) Dhanurasana (b) Paschimottasana

(c) Vajrasana (d) Ardhmatseyendrasana

26. Identify the component of fitness which is tested, through this exercise.

(a) Flexibility (b) Static strength

(c) Explosive strength (d) Endurance

27. Which movement takes place when a baller balls during a cricket match?
(a) Internal rotation (b) Circumduction (c) Adduction (d) Flexion

28. What will be the fitness Index score of girl if the test duration is 3 minutes and pulse
rate of 54 beats for 1 to 1.5 minutes.
(a) 112.2 (b) 166.66 (c) 198 (d) 98.1

29. For 8 teams, how many matches will be played if it is a Double league tournament?
(a) 20 (b) 112 (c) 56 (d) 65
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 79

30. If the total number of teams participating in a football competition are 17, then what is
the total number of Byes?
(a) 15 (b) 17 (c) 20 (d) 21

31. Match the following vitamins with their scientific names.

List I List I
A. Vitamin B 2 1. Niacin
B. Vitamin B 3 2. Thiamin
C. Vitamin B1 3. Pantothenic
D. Vitamin B 5 4. Riboflavin

(a) 2 4 1 3 (b) 4 1 2 3
(c) 3 2 4 1 (d) 1 3 2 4

32. Match the following.

List I List I
A. 1. Chair sit and reach test

B. 2. Eight foot up and go

C. 3. Modified push ups

D. 4. Harvard step test


(a) 3 4 2 1 (b) 4 1 3 2
(c) 1 3 4 2 (d) 3 2 1 4
80 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

33. Match the following movements with the type of motion.

List I List II

A. 1. Moving towards the midline of the body.

180º 0º

B. 2. Moving away from midline of the body.

180º 0º

C. 3. Straightening the body parts from the joint.

D. 4. Bending the body parts from the joint

(a) 3 2 1 4 (b) 1 4 3 2
(c) 4 3 1 2 (d) 2 1 4 3

34. Which statement is not true about Biomechanism?

(a) It aids coaches in improvement of techniques.

(b) It can lead to better functioning of equipments.

(c) It can be helpful in treating sports injuries.
(d) It leads to improvement in muscular strength.

35. Trikonasana is used for curing which of the following postural deformities?
(a) Scoliosis
(b) Kyphosis
(c) Bow legs
(d) Round shoulders
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 81

36. In which year, women started participating in Modern Olympics?

(a) 1900 (b) 1896
(c) 1914 (d) 1928

37. Identify the odd one out.

(a) Infancy1 to 2 years (b) Early childhood3 to 7 years
(c) Later childhood8 to 12 years (d) Adulthood13-19 years

38. Assertion (A) Intolerant foods cannot be properly processed by our digestive system.
Reason (R) Absence of certain enzymes do not lets the food to be properly processed.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

39. Assertion (A) Bowlegs is treatable by doing the Bhujangasana and Chakrasana.
Reason (R) Both these asanas strengthen the muscles and help in maintaining the
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

40. In Horse riding, when the horse stops suddenly then the rider bends forward to avoid
falling. This is which Law of Motion?
(a) Third (b) Second
(c) First (d) Cannot be determined

41. In which category the BMI of an 18 years old boy whose weight is 88 kg and height is
163 cm fall?
(a) Overweight (b) Obese I
(c) Obese II (d) Normal

42. Match List I with List II.

List I List I
A. Arm curl test 1. Aerobic Endurance

B. Chair stand test 2. Agility

C. Eight foot up and go test 3. Lower body strength


D. Six Minute Walk Test 4. Upper body strength

(a) 2 3 4 1 (b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 3 4 1 2
82 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

43. Match the following.

List I List I
A. Pre-meet responsibility 1. Keeps provision of first aid
B. Post-meet responsibility 2. Prepares budget, list of events, time etc.
C. First aid committee 3. Take care of food, drinks
D. Refreshment committee 4. Clears outstanding bills, refunds, payments etc.

(a) 2 4 1 3 (b) 4 1 2 3
(c) 3 2 4 1 (d) 1 4 3 1

44. How many matches will be played in a Knock out tournament if the number of teams
are 27?
(a) 16 (b) 20
(c) 26 (d) 18

45. Assertion (A) Planning is the formost function in sports.

Reason (R) Planning gives a view of future course of action.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
46. Match the following.
List I List II
A. Calcium 1. Nuts, pulses, meat
B. Carbohydrates 2. Milk, egg yolk, cheese
C. Proteins 3. Wheat, rice, maize
D. Fats 4. Butter, ghee, coconut

(a) 1 4 2 3 (b) 3 1 4 2
(c) 4 2 3 1 (d) 2 3 1 4

47. Identify the test for which this pattern is followed.


45 Y 40 Y 35 Y 30 Y 25 Y

50 Y 54 Y 104 Y 15 Y 00 Y

(a) 4 × 10 shuttle run (b) 50 standing start

(c) 600 m run (d) 6 min walk
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 83

48. If a person aged 70 years completes barely 1 trail in the Eight Foot Up and Go Test in
10 second, his agility will be classified as
(a) Below average
(b) Average
(c) Above average
(d) Excellent


49. Given below is the BMI data of a class VI’s health check-up.

4 1


1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

18.5-24.9 <18.5 25-29.9 30-34.9

On the basis of the above data, answer the following question.

The school has to develop an activity based program to decrease the number of
(a) (b) (c) (d)

50. A Cricket tournament was organised in a city on a Knock-out basis. Five teams were
eliminated within 2 days. These teams had popular players and were considered good
team. Some people lost interest and organiser suffered losses as ticket collections were
low. Which strategy could have avoided such a situation?
(a) Seeding (b) Byes
(c) Special Seeding (d) All of these

51. 15 year old Sam is playing in his garden. He gave a powerful hit with his bat to his
baseball which covered a great distance. But when he hitted a stone lying in his garden
with his bat, then it moved only a little.

Identify Newton’s which law is applicable here.

(a) Law of Inertia
(b) Law of Action reaction
(c) Law of Gravitation
(d) Law of Acceleration
84 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

52. Raman is a student of class VIII and is suffering from Obesity. During a recent medical
check-up at school he was advised to practice yoga and participate in sports activities
for curing it.
Due to the obesity, Raman also suffers from Bow legs for which he is advised to
(a) Walk on inner edge of foot
(b) Walk on outer edge of foot
(c) Walk on heels
(d) Walk on toes

53. Rudra is working on a project to collect data for assessing physical fitness amongst
senior citizens at his residential complex. He plans to administer test for assessing
lower body flexibility and upper body flexibility.
Which of the following tests should he conduct?
(a) Chair sit and reach test, Arm curl test
(b) Eight foot up and go test, Back scratch test
(c) Chair sit and reach test, Back scratch test
(d) Eight foot up and go test, Arm curl test

54. Swati, a 10 year old girl like to eat candies, chips and burgers. See the food pyramid
shown below and select the food group that swati likes to eat the most.

Fats, oils

Meat, fish &

Milk, Cheese &

Fruit &
Bread, cereals
& potatoes

Healthy Food Pyramid

(a) Fruits and Vegetables (b) Bread, cereals and potatoes

(c) Milk, cheese and dairy (d) Meat, fish and alternatives

55. Having a correct posture is necessary to carry out our daily activities efficiently.
Correct posture balances the body in a proper manner. People suffer from postural
deformities due to various reasons such as not taking nutritious meals, having a
sedentary lifestyle, faulty way of sitting, standing etc.
The deformity of Knock kness is caused by the lack of which essential nutrient in the

(a) Phosphorus (b) Calcium

(c) Vitamin D (d) All of these

56. To explain the role of Biomechanics in sports. Mr. Sharma, sports coach gave the
example of a Basket ball that takes a parabolic path to reach the basket. The ball taking
the parabolic path is an example of
(a) Third Law of Motion (b) First Law of Motion
(c) Second Law of Motion (d) Sliding Friction
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 85

57. Flat foot is a postural deformity where there is no arch in the foot and the foot is
completely flat. Madan is 55 years old and has a Flat foot. He says that he used to walk
barefoot for long durations in his childhood due to which he developed this deformity.
Due to Flat foot, a person faces lot of problems while
(a) sitting and standing (b) running and jumping
(c) standing and walking (d) Both (b) and (c)

58. The Sports Minister of India, in his address during a sports meet in a women’s college,
talked about increasing the participation of women in sports. He motivated women to
choose a career path in sports.
What is the cause for low participation of women in sports in India?
(a) Corruption among sports officials
(b) Physical deformities among women
(c) Personal safety concerns
(d) No community sports facilities

59. Sports instructor of a school asked his students to start an exercise to test the speed and
agility of boys and girls. He marked two parallel lines 10 meters apart and placed two
wooden blocks on one side of the marked line. He took three trials of each students
and recorded them.
Instructor is conducting which test?
(a) 600 m run/walk (b) Rockport test
(c) 50 m standing start (d) 4 × 10 m shuttle run

60. Prabha, is an athlete who is trying hard to practice for 400 m track event. She is facing
many challenges like lack of proper facilities for women athlete, safety concerns, social
constraints, lack of motivation. Which of the following steps taken by the sports
Authority of India will help Prabha in preparing her for a sports career.
(a) Opening of sports coaching centres for girls
(b) Travel concessions to female athletes
(c) Changing facilities considering specific needs of women
(d) All of the above
Roll No.

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18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60

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CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 87

1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (d)
11. (d) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (a) 22. (d) 23. (b) 24. (b) 25. (d) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (a)
31. (b) 32. (a) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (d) 38. (a) 39. (d) 40. (c)
41. (b) 42. (b) 43. (a) 44. (c) 45. (a) 46. (d) 47. (d) 48. (a) 49. (b) 50. (d)
51. (d) 52. (a) 53. (c) 54. (b) 55. (d) 56. (b) 57. (d) 58. (c) 59. (d) 60. (d)

1. (d) Among the given options, Phosphorus is 11. (d) Vitamin B6 is known as Pyridoxine.
required for developing strong bones and teeth.
12. (d) Sit and Reach Test (SRT) is developed to
2. (a) Food intolerance can cause nausea, stomach test motor fitness ability of athletes. It is
pain, vomiting, cramps and diarrhoea as certain used to assess flexibility of the spine and
food and chemical substances in food cannot be length of the hamstring muscles.
properly processed and absorbed by the digestive
13. (c) Obesity is a condition in which the Body
Mass Index (BMI) is higher than 30 for both
3. (c) The age group of middle childhood is 7-10 years. men and women.
4. (c) Thrust against the water in swimming is an nb − 1
14. (b) is the formula to determine the
example of the Newton’s Third Law. This law 2
states that for every action there is an equal and number of byes in the upper half of a
opposite reaction. When the swimmer exert force knockout fixture when number of teams are
on the water in backward direction, the water odd.
pushes the swimmer in forward direction.
15. (c) The given picture depicts the Harvard
5. (d) Poor posture at work, wrong habit of standing Step Test. This test was developed by
and sitting and lack of proper exercises are some Brouha in 1943 to assess the cardiovascular
of the causes of round shoulders. fitness of the individual.
6. (a) The main advantage of Elimination 16. (d) A large lateral curve of spine is known
tournament is that it takes less time as a team gets as Scoliosis. It is a postural deformity of
eliminated if it loses and only the victorious team spine in which there may be one convexity
goes to play further matches until one team either in left side or in right side in the
emerges as the winner. spine.
7. (a) The myth related to potatoes is that it contains 17. (c) The First Law of Motion given by Sir
fat that adds to the weight. Issac Newton is also known as ‘Law of
8. (d) There are 8 vitamins in the group of Vitamin B Inertia’. According to this law, if a body is at
complex. The 8 vitamins included in B complex rest or moving at a constant speed in a
are- B1 ( Thiamin), B2 (Riboflavin), B3(Niacin), B5 straight line, it will remain at rest or keep
(Pantothenic acid), B6 ( Pyridoxine), B7 ( Biotin), moving in a straight line at constant speed
B9 ( Folic acid) and B12 (Cobalamin). unless it is acted upon by a force.
9. (c) Among the given options, Amenorrhea is not a 18. (a) When the angle between the two bones
postural deformity. It is a physical condition in attached to a joint decreases then it is called

which a female misses her one or more menstrual Flexion.

periods. 19. (b) The fine hand-eye coordination is
10. (d) Among the given options, both heredity and developed in the Early childhood. It occurs
excessive eating are possible causes for obesity. between 3 to 6 years of the child growth and
Some of the genetic traits inherited from the is characterised by development of Gross as
parents such as large appetite coupled with poor well as fine motor components.
eating habits results into obesity. Fast metabolism 20. (c) Sunlight is the source of Vitamin-D
helps in reducing weight. absorbtion in the body.
88 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

21. (a) Among the given options, Chair Stand test 32. (a) The correct match is given below
is not a component of Motor Fitness test. It is a The figure (a) depicts modified Push ups (Girls)
component of Rikli and Jones test. test.
22. (d) Among the given options, a Ruler is not The figure (b) depicts Harvard step test.
required for six minute walk test. It only The figure (c) depicts Eight foot up and go test.
requires measuring tape, stopwatch and chair. The figure (d) depicts Chair sit and reach test.
23. (b) 50 metres run/walk aims to measure an 33. (c) The correct match is given below.
athlete’s speed.
The figure (a) depicts bending the body parts
24. (b) To avoid the elimination of a good team, from the joint.
seeding is given to teams on the basis of their The figure (b) depicts straightening of the body
previous performance. parts from the joint.
25. (d) In the given image, the postural deformity The figure (c) depicts moving towards the
of Bow legs is depicted. To correct this midline of the body.
deformity Ardhmatseyendrasana, Garudasana The figure (d) depicts moving away from the
and Ardhachakrasana are helpful. midline of the body.
26. (a) The test depicted in the picture, is known 34. (c) The Biomechanics is the sub discipline of
as Back Scratch test and is included in the physical education which applies the law of
Rikli and Jones Senior Citizen Fitness test. It mechanics and physics to study the bodily
helps to assess the upper body flexibility. movements. It is helpful in improving the
27. (b) Circumduction movement takes place technique of sport person, in better functioning
when a baller balls, during a cricket match. of equipments as well as in improvement in
28. (b) Computation fitness index muscular strength of the sport person.
35. (a) Trikonasana is used for curing the postural
Duration of the exercise in seconds × 100 deformity of Scoliosis.
5.5 × pulse count of 1 − 1.5 min after exercise 36. (a) Women started participating in modern
180 × 100 Olympics in 1900. This Olympics was organised
After using given value = = 166.66
5.5 × 54 in Paris and the International Olympics
committee allowed women to participate in
Hence, fitness index of the girl is 166.66
Lawn Tennis and Golf.
29. (c) In the Double league tournament, every
37. (d) Adulthood is the stage of motor development
team plays with other team twice. So by using
which starts after 20 years of age. Adolescence
the formula: N( N − 1), we can calculate the
is the stage that falls between 13-19 years of age.
number of matches.
= 8 (8 − 1) = 56 matches 38. (a) Food intolerance means inability of the body
to effectively digest and assimilate the nutrients
Hence, for 8 teams, total 56 matches will be
from the food. It is caused by the absence of
played if it is a double league tournament.
certain enzymes in the food that do not let the
30. (a) Total number of teams = 17 food to be properly processed by the digestive
Next highest number of power of two = 32 system.
Difference between the total number of teams 39. (d) Bow legs is a postural deformity where
and the next highest number in power of 2 knees are wide apart. It can be corrected by
= 32 − 17 = 15 Ardhmatseyendrasana, Garudasana and Ardha

Hence, 15 Byes will be given.

40. (c) In Horse riding when the horse stops
31. (b) The correct match is given below:
suddenly the rider bends forward to avoid
The chemical name of vitamin B 2 is Riboflavin. falling. It is related to Newton’s First Law of
The chemical name of Vitamin B 3 is Niacin. Motion. Also referred as Law of Inertia, it states
The chemical name of Vitamin B1is Thiamin. that an object at rest will remain at rest or an
The chemical name of Vitamin B 5 is object in motion will remain in motion at
Pantothenic acid. constant velocity unless acted upon by the force.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 89

Weight (kg)
41. (b) Body Mass Index (BMI) = 47. (d) The given figure represents the pattern of
Height (m)2 the Six-minute walk test. This test assess the
From the question, functional fitness of senior citizens.
Weight = 88 kg 48. (a) If a person aged 70 years completes barely 1
88 88 trail in the Eight Foot up and Go test in 10
Height = 163 cm = 2
= = 33.12 seconds, his agility will be classified as below
. ) 2 .6569
As, Obese I contains BMI between 30 to 40. So,
this 18 years old boy will come in category of 49. (b) From the given pie-chart, it can be
Obese I. concluded that the school has to develop an
activity based program to decrease the number
42. (b) The correct match is given below of students having Body Mass Index (BMI) less
The Arm curl test measures the upper body than 18.5. This is so because there are more
strength. underweight students in the class.
The Chair stand test measures lower body 50. (d) Byes, seeding and special seeding are
strength. privileges given in a Knock out tournament to
The Eight foot up and go test is conducted to make sure that strong teams do not get
assess coordination and agility in aged person. eliminated early on in the competition. If
The six minute walk test is designed to test the strong teams are eliminated early, the
aerobic endurance of the senior citizen. spectators lose interest which could bring
43. (a) The correct match is given below losses.
The Pre-meet responsibilities of the committee 51. (d) Newton’s Second Law of Motion, i.e. Law
are to prepare budget and list of events, time etc. of Acceleration is applicable here. This law
The Post-meet responsibilities of the committee states that the rate of change of momentum of
includes clearing outstanding bills, refunds, an object is directly proportional to force and
payments etc. inversely proportional to mass. The mass of the
stone is much more than the ball therfore it
The first aid committee is responsible for
moved only a little but ball travelled far.
keeping the provisions of the first aid.
The Refreshment committee is responsible for 52. (a) As Raman is suffering from postural
taking care of food, drinks etc. of the deformity of Bow legs he must be advised to
participants and audiences. walk for some distance on the inner edge of the
44. (c) In the Knock-out tournament , the number
of the matches are one less than the number of 53. (c) In the given case, Chair-Sit and Reach test
teams (N = number of teams) and Back Scratch test will help Rudra in
assessing lower body flexibility and upper
( N − 1) = 27 − 1 = 26 body flexibility amongst senior citizens at his
45. (a) Planning is the foremost function in sports residential complex.
as it involves setting goals, developing 54. (b) Swati likes to eat the food group
strategies and outlining tasks and schedules to carbohydrates that is shown at the bottom
accomplish goals. This is considered the most of the food pyramid. Breads, cereals and
prerequisite in any sport. potatoes consist in this group.
The reason correctly explains that foresightedness 55. (d) The deformity of Knock knees causes due
is an essential component of planning as it to the lack of Vitamin D and essential minerals

gives a view of future course of action. like calcium and phosphorus in the body.
46. (d) The correct match is given below 56. (b) The Basket ball which takes a parabolic
The dietary sources of calcium includes milk, path to reach the basket is an example of
egg yolk and cheese. Newton’s First Law of Motion. Also referred as
The chief dietary sources of carbohydrate the Law of Inertia, this law states that an object
includes wheat, rice and maize. at rest will remain at rest or an object in motion
Protein is found in nuts, pulses and meat. will remain in motion at constant velocity
unless acted upon by the force.
Fat is found in butter, ghee and coconut.
90 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

57. (d) A person suffering from postural deformity because of fear of anti-social elements does not
of Flat foot faces difficulties while running and allow them to participate in sports.
jumping and standing and walking. The main 59. (d) Instructor is accessing the 4 × 10 m Shuttle
cause of Flat foot is weak muscles of foot
which cannot bear the body weight. Madan
can correct the deformity of Flat foot by 60. (d) In the case of Prabha, who is facing
jumping on toes for some time, rope skipping, challenges like lack of proper facilities for
walking on toes on a regular basis. women athletes, safety concerns, social
constraints and lack of motivation, the Sports
58. (c) The main cause for low participation of
Authority of India (SAI) must change sporting
women in sports in India is personal safety
facilities considering specific needs to women.
concerns. As they often have to travel alone to
It can also start social awareness programmes
the sports tournament venues, live alone in
to encourage families to allow women to
sports academys, their family members
participate in sports.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 91

A Highly Simulated Practice Question Paper
for CBSE Class XII (Term I) Examination

(i) There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
(ii) Section A consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iii) Section B consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iv) Section C consists of 12 questions amongst which 10 questions have to be attempted.
(v) Each question carries (0.70 marks).

Maximum Marks : 35
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 Minutes


1. Which of the following is the reason of obesity for unhealthy weight?
(a) Poor eating habits (b) Psychological factors
(c) Sedentary life (d) All of these
2. Lordosis is ……
(a) Inner curvature of spine (b) Two curves of spine
(c) Outer curvature of spine (d) None of these
3. Which of the following is not an objective of planning in sports?
(a) To arrange resources (b) To maintain control
(c) To increase efficiency (d) To facilitate coordination
4. Which fitness test is shown in the given picture?

(a) Harward step test (b) Chair sit and reach test
(c) Back scratch test (d) Sit and reach test
5. Which of the following is not a cause of Kyphosis?
(a) Illness (b) Wearing very loose clothes
(c) Hereditary defects (d) Malnutrition
92 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

6. …… is not related to League tournament.

(a) Cyclic (b) Double league (c) Seeding (d) Single league

7. Which of the following is not a cause of flat foot deformity?

(a) Body heaviness (b) Standing for a long time
(c) Lack of Vitamin D and calcium (d) Faulty posture

8. Seeding is a procedure by which good teams are placed in fixtures in such a way that
stronger teams do not meet each other at the …… of a tournament.
(a) start (b) middle (c) end (d) None of these

9. Which one of the following is not a micro nutrient?

(a) Flavour compounds (b) Vitamins
(c) Iron (d) Zinc

10. Which one of the following is not the part of Newton’s Second Law?
(a) Force (b) Mass (c) Acceleration (d) Laceration

11. Deficiency of which one of the following micro nutrients causes weakening of the
(a) Sodium (b) Potassium (c) Iodine (d) Fluorine

12. Exercise to treat the problem of Knock-knees is

(a) horse riding (b) using walking calipers
(c) perform Gomukhasana (d) All of these

13. Which of the following common postural deformities causes a faulty posture?
(a) Flat foot (b) Round shoulders
(c) Bow legs (d) Scoliosis

14. Which of the following modification is to be made in the diet to ensure a healthy body
(a) Eat less, drink more (b) Prefer high fat proteins
(c) Baking and grilling foods is better (d) All of these

15. Which of the following is a disadvantage of League tournament?

(a) Elimination in initial rounds (b) Huge budget
(c) Improper competition (d) All of these

16. Beri-Beri disease is caused due to the deficiency of which vitamin or mineral?
(a) Vitamin B1 (b) Potassium
(c) Vitamin B5 (d) Phosphorus

17. Postural deformity of Kyphosis is commonly known as


(a) Hollow back (b) Hunch back

(c) Sideway bending (d) Knock knees

18. The Six Minute Walk Test for senior citizens measures
(a) overall physical fitness (b) walking fitness
(c) lower body fitness (d) None of these

19. Which one of the following is an advantage of Knock-out tournament?

(a) Minimum number of officials (b) Require more money
(c) Maximum number of officials (d) Maximum number of matches
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 93

20. Sodium is needed for the proper functioning of the

(a) Thyroid function (b) Nervous system
(c) Digestion system (d) Metabolism system

21. Which motor skill is involved in painting on canvas?

(a) Fine motor skills (b) Gross motor skills (c) Cross motor skills (d) Open motor skills

22. What is the formula for determining the number of matches to be played on Round
Robin basis?
N +1 N −1 N(N + 1) N(N − 1)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 2 2 2

23. What is the purpose of 50 m standing start?

(a) To measure acceleration and speed (b) To measure flexibility
(c) To measure explosive strength (d) To measure explosive leg power

24. Newton’s Second Law of Motion is also known as

(a) Law of Inertia (b) Law of Reaction
(c) Law of Acceleration (d) None of these


25. What is the cause for a person for developing the type of postural deformity shown in

(a) Carrying heavy load on shoulder (b) Lack of vitamin D

(c) Standing for a long time (d) Disease affecting vertebrae

26. Performing Chakrasana and Dhanurasana helps in curing which postural deformity?
(a) Lordosis (b) Round Shoulders
(c) Flat foot (d) Knock knees

27. Identify the fitness component that is tested through this exercise.

(a) Flexibility of lower back (b) Strength of hamstring muscles

(c) Upper body strength and endurance (d) Both (a) and (b)

28. Why does a weightlifter’s diet include more of proteins?

(a) to prevent injuries (b) To improve metabolism
(c) To boost energy (d) To build muscles and increase strength
94 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

29. How many matches will be played in a double league tournament if the number of
teams are 12?
(a) 132 (b) 115 (c) 68 (d) 20

30. While releasing the Javelin, which kind of movement takes place?
(a) Circumduction (b) Internal rotation (c) Adduction (d) Extension

31. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Food Myth 1. Nausea, diarrhoea
B. Pitfall of dieting 2. Avoid overeating
C. Manage healthy weight 3. Skipping meals
D. Food intolerance 4. Potato make us fat

(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 3 1 4 2 (c) 4 2 1 4 (d) 1 4 2 3

32. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Eight foot up and go test

B. 2. Partial curl up

C. 3. Arm curl test

D. 4. Chair sit and reach test


(a) 3 2 4 1 (b) 2 4 3 1 (c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 1 4 3 2
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 95

33. Match the following postural deformities with their remedial activity.
List I List II
A. 1.

B. 2.

C. 3.

D. 4.

(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 3 2 4 1
(c) 3 1 4 2 (d) 2 4 1 3

34. Which statement is not true about Lordosis?

(a) Upper vertebrae slips forward in this.
(b) Weakening of bones causes it.
(c) Obese people may develop this deformity.
(d) Undertake exercises of pelvic region to cure it.
35. If a male senior citizen of 65 years completes two trials in the Eight Foot up and Go test
in 5.3 and 4.2 seconds respectively, his agility will be classified as
(a) below average (b) average

(c) above average (d) extremely poor

36. Find the odd one out from the following.

1. 2. 3. 4.

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

96 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

37. In a single league tournament, how many total matches are to be played if 11 teams
(a) 44 (b) 55
(c) 100 (d) 110

38. Assertion (A) Micro nutrients constitute the majority of individual’s diet.
Reason (R) Minerals and vitamins are included in micro nutrients.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

39. Assertion (A) Vitamins are compounds of carbon which are essential for the normal
growth and working of the body.
Reason (R) Vitamin D is essential for normal growth of the body. Deficiency of Vitamin
A leads to night blindness and also affects kidneys, nervous system and digestive
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

40. Which of the following statements is correct about fats?

(a) Fat increases the blood pressure.
(b) Fat provides all the nutrients needed by the body.
(c) Fat improves the proper functioning of glands.
(d) Fat improves the working of sense organs.

41. Calculate the BMI of an adult male aged 40 years, having weight 94 kg and height of
169 cm.
(a) 25.2 (b) 32.9
(c) 17.6 (d) 30.7

42. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Obese 1 1. < 18.5

B. Normal 2. 25-29.9

C. Underweight 3. 30-34.9

D. Overweight 4. 18.5-24.9

(a) 2 1 4 3
(b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 4 2 3 1
(d) 1 3 4 2
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 97

43. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Nutritive food component 1. Copper, zinc
B. Non-nutritive food component 2. Salt, sugar
C. Roughage 3. Flavour compounds
D. Micro minerals 4. Fruits, vegetables

(a) 3 4 1 2 (b) 2 1 3 2
(c) 2 3 4 1 (d) 1 4 2 3

44. Horse riding is an effective measure to cure which postural deformity?

(a) Flat foot (b) Bow legs
(c) Knock knees (d) All of these

45. Assertion (A) Lordosis is treatable by doing the Bhujangasana and Tadasana.
Reason (R) These asanas strengthen the muscles and help in maintaining the balance of
the body.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

46. A high jumper jumps off a solid surface as compared to soft surface to get maximum
benefit of which law?
(a) Law of action & reaction (b) Law of inertia
(c) Law of gravity (d) Law of conservation

47. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Infancy 1. Onset of puberty
B. Early childhood 2. Speed abilities
C. Middle childhood 3. Basic locomotor activities
D. Later childhood 4. Turning head


(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 4 2 1 3
(c) 3 4 1 2 (d) 3 2 4 1

48. Standing broad jump is the test for .................. .

(a) Muscular fitness
(b) Senior citizen fitness
(c) Motor fitness test
(d) Cardiovascular fitness
98 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)


49. Below given is the BMI data of a school health check up.


1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

18.5–24.9 <18.5 25–29.9 30–34.9

On the basis of the above data answer the following question.
In which category does the major student population fall?
(a) Normal weight (b) Overweight
(c) Obese (d) Underweight

50. After a visit to the nursery class, the doctor advised the school management to prepare
nutritious mid day meals as most of the children were weak and looked tired. Which
type of food is advised in this situation?
(a) Energy giving foods (b) Body building foods
(c) Immunity supplements (d) Both (a) and (b)

51. Shyam is facing difficulty in stretching his limbs. He has a sedantary lifestyle and do
not exercises either. He is suffering from joint pain also. His daughter performed a test
to see his limb movement. The test shown in the picture is performed to assess which

(a) Speed (b) Strength (c) Endurance (d) Flexibility

52. In the physics class, Ajay learnt about the Laws of Motions given by Newton. He

wanted to understand their practical application in sports. The three Laws of Motion
are most relevant in sports. On the basis of this information answer the questions.
The law that is known as the Law of Inertia is .................. .
(a) The First law (b) The Second law
(c) The Third law (d) Law of Gravitation

53. Seema wanted to test the physical fitness of her grandparents. To do this, she arranged
a chair with a straight back, a ruler, etc. What is the height of the chair’s seat above the
ground in the senior citizen Chair Stand Test?
(a) 17 cm (b) 44 cm (c) 40 cm (d) Not specified
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 99

54. Sports competitions are very essential for the overall growth and development of the
children. The competitions are held according to the set rules and regulations. Observe
the given figure and answer the questions.
Seeded IIR
Upper 3
hall 4
5 Winner
Lower 7
This method of drawing the fixture is used in .................. .
(a) League tournaments (b) Knock out tournaments
(c) Cross tournaments (d) Combination tournaments
55. Due to Covid pandemic, most people working from home are developing a bad sitting
posture as they do not have proper chairs and tables to work for longer hours. This
situation often leads to ...................... .
(a) Lordosis (b) Scoliosis (c) Kyphosis (d) All of these
56. As a birthday gift, Mr Verma received dumbbells from his grandson, Vishal. He
wanted his grandfather to lift the dumbbells regularly to increase upper body fitness
and strength. What is the height of dumbbels in Arm curl test for men?
(a) 5 pounds (b) 8 pounds (c) 10 pounds (d) 4 pounds
57. Vikas a state level wrestler has been advised by his coach to take adequate amount of
vitamins, minerals and proteins in his diet along with glucose after heavy exercises as
it will provide energy to the body. He has also been advised to follow the diet plan and
be aware of the drawbacks of unsupervised dieting.
Glucose, is a form of ................ .
(a) Simple Carbohydrate (b) Complex Carbohydrate
(c) Minerals (d) Fats
58. In Biomechanics class, Gopi, their teacher starts telling them about physics and biology.
The students are surprised when he relates it to sports and physical activities.
Why does Gopi use physics, biology and sports together?
(a) To tell students about the different types of movements used in sports
(b) To tell the application of laws in physics in the field of sports
(c) To tell how sports uses all other different fields
(d) All of the above
59. When Mohit was very young his father died. Mohit’s mother worked to earn a living
but she could not give much time as her working hours were long. Mohit has problems

in acquiring fine motor skills. Which among the following factors affected motor
development in Mohit?
(a) Nutritional deficiency (b) Genetic factor
(c) Environmental factor (d) Deformity disability
60. Namita is a student of class VI and is suffering from Bowlegs. During a recent medical
check up at school, she was advised to practice yoga and take a nutritious diet. Based
on this case, answer the following question.
Deficiency of which micro minerals causes bowlegs?
(a) Calcium (b) Phosphorus (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Roll No.

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1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60

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Less than 60% > Average (Revise the Chapters again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 101

1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (d)
11. (b) 12. (d) 13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (a) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (d) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (a) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (c) 36. (d) 37. (b) 38. (d) 39. (b) 40. (c)
41. (b) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (c) 45. (d) 46. (a) 47. (a) 48. (c) 49. (d) 50. (d)
51. (d) 52. (a) 53. (b) 54. (b) 55. (c) 56. (b) 57. (a) 58. (d) 59. (c) 60. (c)

1. (d) Poor eating habits, psychological factors 10. (d) Laceration is not a part of Newton’s Second
such as anxiety, depression and sedentary Law. This law is also known as Law of
lifestyle are some of the factors responsible for acceleration. It states that the rate of change in
unhealthy weight. velocity (acceleration) of an object is directly
2. (a) Lordosis is inner curvature of spine. It is proportional to the force applied and inversely
postural deformity of spine and is proportional to the mass of body.
characterised by an increased backward 11. (b) Deficiency of potassium causes weakening
curvature in the lumbar region. of the muscles of the body. Potassium is a
3. (a) Arranging resources is a task of micro nutrient which keeps the nervous
organising committee and is not an objective of system and muscular system healthy and
planning. active.

4. (d) In the given picture, sit and reach test is 12. (d) Exercise like horse riding, using walking
depicted. calipers and performing Gomukhasana are
some of the corrective measures for
5. (c) Among the given options, hereditary Knock-knees.
defects is not a cause of Kyphosis. It is caused
by illness, malnutrition, wearing loose clothes, 13. (b) The postural deformity of Round shoulders
insufficient exercise and carrying heavy loads can be caused by faulty posture. It results into
on shoulders. round shoulders which seems to be bent
6. (c) Cyclic is a method used for fixtures in a
League tournament. Double league and single 14. (c) Eating less and drinking more is a food
league are types of League tournament. myth. To ensure a healthy body weight, we
Seeding is associated with Knock out must prefer low-fat proteins and baking and
tournaments. grilling foods to live a disease free life.

7. (c) Among the given options, lack of Vitamin D 15. (b) The main disadvantage of League
and Calcium is not a cause of flat foot tournament is that it incurs huge budget. In the
deformity. The main cause of flat foot is weak league tournament, every team plays with
muscles. Additionally, body heaviness, every other team irrespective of victory or
standing for long time, rapid increase in body defeat.
weight and faulty posture are some of the 16. (a) The deficiency of Vitamin B1 results into
causes of flat foot. disease Beri-Beri.

8. (a) Seeding is a procedure by which good 17. (b) The postural deformity of Kyphosis is
teams are placed in fixtures in such a way that commonly known as Hunch back. It is related
stronger teams do not meet each other at the to the deformity of spinal curvature and is
start of a tournament. It removes the characterised by exaggeration of posterior
possibility of elimination of strong and popular curve or reversal of a forward curve.
teams in the preliminary round of the
18. (a) The Six Minute Walk Test for Senior
Citizens measures overall physical fitness.
9. (a) Among the given options, flavour
19. (a) One of the advantages of Knock-out
compounds is not a micro nutrient. Flavour
tournament is requirement of minimum
compounds form the non-nutritive component
number of officials.
of food.
102 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

20. (b) Sodium is needed for the proper 31. (a) The correct match is given below
functioning of the nervous system. Potato make us fat is a food myth. They are rich
21. (a) Fine motor skills is involved in painting in carbohydrates and considered as good source
on canvas. The fine motor development of energy.
involves the small muscles of the body such Skipping meals is one of the pitfalls of dieting.
as fingers and hands. Evidences suggest that skipping meals may result
N( N − 1) into weight gain.
22. (d) The formula is used to
2 By avoiding overeating one can effectively
determine the number of matches to be manage healthy weight.
played on Round Robin tournament. Nausea and diarrhoea are some of the
23. (a) The main purpose of 50 m standing complications which can result from food
test is to measure the acceleration and intolerance.
speed. 32. (c) The correct match is given below
24. (c) Newton’s Second Law of Motion is also The image (a) depicts Partial Curl up test.
known as Law of Acceleration. According to The image (b) depicts Chair Sit and Reach test.
this law, a change in the acceleration of an The image (c) depicts Eight Foot up and go test.
object is directly proportional to the force The image (d) depicts Arm Curl test.
producing it and inversely proportional to
its mass. 33. (c) The correct match is given below
The figure (a) depicts postural deformity of
25. (d) The type of postural deformity shown in
Scoliosis which can be corrected by performing
the given image is Lordosis. It is caused by
Trikonasana regularly.
affecting vertebrae and spinal muscles.
The figure (b) depicts postural deformity of
26. (b) Performing Chakrasana and Knock knees which can be corrected by
Dhanurasana regularly helps in curing performing Gomukhasana regularly.
Round shoulders. It is a type of postural
The figure (c) depicts postural deformity of
deformity in which shoulders become round
Round shoulders which can be corrected by
and seem to be bent forward.
performing Chakrasana regularly.
27. (c) The given image depicts the Modified The figure (d) depicts postural deformity of flat
Push Ups test. To conduct this test, a mat foot which can be correct by performing
and paper which measures the upper body Vajrasana regularly.
strength and endurance in girls.
34. (a) The first statement is not true about Lordosis.
28. (d) The weightlifter’s diet includes more of It is a postural deformity caused by inward
proteins, because it helps in building curvature of spine. It is caused by obesity,
muscles and increasing strength. Proteins imbalanced diet, weakening of bones and
are main components of muscles, tendons, improper development of muscles. Regular
ligaments, organs, glands and all living exercise of pelvic region along with practice of
body fluids like hormones, enzymes and Halasana will help in curing Lordosis.
35. (c) If a male senior citizen of 65 years completes
29. (a) Total number of teams = 12 two trials in the Eight Foot up and Go test in 5.3
Matches in double league tournament and 4.2 seconds respectively, his agility will be
= N( N − 1) classified as above average.
= 12 (12 − 1) (N = number of teams) 36. (d) Among the given illustration of tests, option

= 132 (d) is odd one as it is one of the components of

Motor Fitness Test. It depicts standing broad
Hence, 132 matches will be played.
jump which is used to measure explosive power
30. (b) While releasing the Javelin, internal of legs. The option (a) depicts Back-scratch test,
rotation takes place. In Javelin, the thrower option (b) depicts Arm curl test and option (c)
has to rotate the right knee, right hip and depicts Chair Sit and Reach Test. All of these are
wrist of the right hand while maintaining components of Rikli and Jones : Senior Citizen
the position of upper body. fitness test.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 103

37. (b) Total number of teams ( N ) = 11 Flavour compounds are generally classified as
non-nutritive component of diet. They do not
Number of matches (In single league
N( N − 1) provide energy or calories.
tournament) =
2 Roughage or fibre are non-nutritive
11(11 − 1) 110 components of food found in fruits and in root
= = = 55 vegetables. They help in digestion of food.
2 2
Hence, 55 matches will be organised. Copper, Zinc, Iodine, Iron, Cobalt, etc. are
classified as micro minerals.
38. (d) The Assertion (A) is wrong, because micro
nutrients are required in very small quantities 44. (c) Horse riding is an effective measure to cure
for efficient functioning of the body. Macro Knock knees.
nutrients constitute the majority of individual’s 45. (d) The Assertion (A) is false because Lordosis
diet. is treatable by doing Halasana (not
The Reason (R) is true as minerals and Bhujangasana and Tadasana) regularly.
vitamins are included in micro nutrients. The Reason (R) is correct as Bhujangasana and
39. (b) The Assertion (A) is true as vitamins are Tadasana strengthen the muscles and helps in
compounds of carbon which are essential for maintaining the balance of the body.
the normal growth and working of the body.
46. (a) A high jumper jumps off a solid surface as
The Reason (R) is true as deficiency of Vitamin compared to soft surface to get maximum
A (also known as Retinol) leads to night benefit of law of action and reaction.
blindness and also affects kidneys, nervous According to this law, ‘for every action, there
system and digestive system. Vitamin D (also is always an equal and opposite reaction’.
known as Calciferol) is essential for normal
When the jumper jumps, then the solid surface
growth of the body.
provides equal force upwards.
40. (c) Among the given statements, only option
47. (a) The correct match is given below
(c) is correct as fat improves the proper
functioning of glands. Infancy occurs between 0 to 2 years of child
birth. In this stage, child learns to turn head, sit
Fat is an essential macro nutrient that contains
and crawl.
carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. It is helpful in
keeping the body warm, protecting the organs Early childhood occurs between 3 to 7 years. It
and in production of hormones. is characterised by the development of basic
locomotary activities.
41. (b) Weight of person = 94 kg
Middle childhood occurs between 7 to 10
Height of person = 169 cm = 169
. m years. During this period, children
Weight (kg) become active and agile and develop speed
Height (m 2 ) abilities.
94 Later childhood occurs between 11 to 12 years
= = 32.9 of child birth. In this phase, children are able to
1.69 × 1.69
learn most of intricate or complex motor skills.
Hence, BMI of the person will be 32.9. It is also marked by onset of puberty.
42. (b) The correct match is given below 48. (c) Standing broad jump is the test for Motor
fitness test. This test is used to measure
Category BMI explosive power of legs of the participants.
Obese I 30-34.9 49. (d) In the given pie chart, the majority of

population falls into underweight category.

Normal 18.5-24.9
These students have Body Mass Index (BMI)
Underweight < 18.5 less than 18.5.

Overweight 25-29.9 50. (d) As in the given case, most of the children
are weak and tired, the energy giving and
43. (c) The correct match is given below body building foods will be best in this
Salt and sugar are among nutritive food situation. It can be done by preparing
components. These components of the diet foods rich in carbohydrates, proteins and
provides energy or calories. vitamins.
104 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

51. (d) The Chair sit and Reach test is shown in the 56. (b) For conducting an Arm Curl test, a
given image. It is used to assess the body dumbbell of 8 pounds is required for men, for
flexibility among senior citizens. women a dumbbell of 5 pounds is required.
52. (a) Newton’s first law is also known as Law of 57. (a) Glucose is a form of simple carbohydrates.
Inertia. According to this law, a body at rest It is a crystalline sugar that can easily dissolve
will remain at rest and a body in motion will in water. It is found in fruits, low fat milk,
remain in motion at the same speed and in the vegetables, etc.
same direction unless acted on by an external 58. (d) Gopi, the Biomechanics teacher told the
force. students about physics, biology and sports to
53. (b) For conducting a senior citizen Chair Stand show how they are interrelated. The different
Test, a chair with a straight back of atleast 44 types of movements and laws of physics are
cm is required. applied to ensure better performance of
54. (b) The given image illustrates a method athletes and reduce the risk of injury.
of drawing fixture for Knock out 59. (c) In case of Mohit, environmental factors are
tournaments. responsible for ill development of fine motor
55. (c) Following bad sitting posture on unsuitable skills. Poverty, lack of good parenting, etc. are
furniture for long hours result into postural some of the environment factors affecting the
deformity of Kyphosis. It is characterised by motor development of child.
exaggeration of posterior curve or reversal of 60. (c) Bowlegs are caused by deficiency of
forward cure. Calcium and Phosphorus.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 105

A Highly Simulated Practice Question Paper
for CBSE Class XII (Term I) Examination

(i) There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
(ii) Section A consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iii) Section B consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iv) Section C consists of 12 questions amongst which 10 questions have to be attempted.
(v) Each question carries (0.70 marks).

Maximum Marks : 35
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 Minutes


1. Which of the following is a fat soluble vitamin?

(a) Vitamin K (b) Vitamin B3 (c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin B12

2. A rotatory movement around the longitudinal axis of a bone away from the midline of
the body is called
(a) External rotation (b) Internal rotation
(c) Outward rotation (d) Both (a) and (c)

3. Identify the fitness test shown in the given picture.


(a) Partial curl test (b) Arm curl test

(c) Push ups (d) Modified push ups

4. Which committee is most likely to make necessary arrangements for boarding and
lodging of athletes and officials?
(a) Pre-tournament committee (b) Post-tournament committee
(c) Committee for officials (d) Boarding committee
106 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

5. Ball handling is an activity that can be performed by a child in the developmental stage
(a) Late childhood (b) Early childhood
(c) Infanthood (d) Middle childhood

6. What does BMI measure?

(a) Body fat calculated on the basis of height and weight.
(b) The range of weight required to remain healthy.
(c) The ratio between height and weight.
(d) None of the above

7. Deficiency of which mineral may cause Goitre?

(a) Iodine (b) Sodium (c) Zinc (d) Calcium

8. Competitive sports should be introduced in which stage of motor development?

(a) Early childhood (b) Adolescence
(c) Later childhood (d) Adulthood.

9. The movement laterally away from the midline of the body is known as ............... .
(a) Flexion (b) Abduction (c) Adduction (d) Extension

10. In which postural deformity the head and the chin is extended forward?
(a) Lordosis (b) Round shoulders
(c) Kyphosis (d) Scoliosis

11. Do not force the babies to walk at early age is the precaution in .............. .
(a) Scoliosis (b) Bow legs
(c) Kyphosis (d) Lordosis

12. Which test requires a gym bench of 20 inches, a stopwatch and a cadence tape?
(a) Harvard step test (b) Rockport test
(c) Arm curl test (d) Back stratch test

13. No Bye is given in ……………… of drawing fixtures.

(a) Staircase method (b) Cyclical method
(c) Knock out method (d) Both (a) and (b)

14. Which of the following procedures is not involved in drawing up fixtures for a Knock
out tournament?
(a) Staircase (b) Seeding
(c) Byes (d) Special seeding

15. Newton’s which law states that a stationary body will remain at rest until an external
force is applied?

(a) Law of Inertia (b) Law of Acceleration

(c) Law of Reaction (d) Law of Gravitation

16. League cum Knock out is a part of …… tournament.

(a) Double league (b) Round Robin (c) Combination (d) Consolation

17. Which law relates to applying force on objects having different mass to see the
acceleration produced?
(a) Second Law of motion (b) Third Law of motion
(c) First Law of motion (d) None of these
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 107

18. What is the formula to determine number of matches in league fixture for even number
of teams?
(a) N + 1 / 2 (b) N − 1 / 2 (c) N( N − 1) / 2 (d) N( N + 1) / 2

19. Special seeding is a method of seeding in which certain players of teams participate in
(a) quarter final (b) semi-final
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

20. At what age, males have higher risk of obesity?

(a) Above 65 (b) Above 30 (c) Above 20 (d) Above 40

21. Which of the following motor development takes place in late childhood?
(a) Throwing (b) Catching (c) Rolling (d) None of these

22. Any food myth can be dispelled by which of the following ways?
(a) By asking others (b) On the basis of scientific knowledge
(c) Lab testing (d) Both (b) and (c)

23. How many tests are there in Motor Fitness Test?

(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 12 (d) 10

24. Which of the following procedure is not used for drawing up fixtures for a League
(a) Cyclical (b) Staircase (c) Special seeding (d) Both (a) and (b)


25. What is the total number of rounds for 6 teams by cyclic method?
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) None of these

26. Some people have digestive problems due to the intake of lactose. Which condition is
(a) Food intolerance (b) Diabetes (c) Obesity (d) Goitre

27. Identify the deformity shown in the image.


(a) Scoliosis (b) Round shoulder (c) Kyphosis (d) Lordosis

28. Which statement is not true about 4 × 10 m Shuttle Run?

(a) Its purpose is to measure agility.
(b) Unlimited trials can be taken to test the score.
(c) Measuring tape is required in this run.
(d) It tests the speed of the youths.
108 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

29. Assertion (A) In India, women’s participation in sports is quite less.

Reason (R) Indian society still does not promote or accept women’s participation in
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

30. Assertion (A) Postural deformities can be cured with the help of the different asanas.
Reason (R) Asanas can be the corrective measures for curing the deformities along
with light exercises and proper diet.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

31. Assertion (A) People who fall in the category of underweight have BMI less than 25.5.
Reason (R) If the BMI is 30 or greater, the person is consider to be obese.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

32. Identify the component of fitness tested in the given image.

(a) Muscular strength (b) Endurance

(c) Upper body strength (d) All of these

33. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Publicity Committee 1. Provision of funds

B. Reception Committee 2. Flower arrangement etc

C. Finance Committee 3. Advertise the event, dates
D. Decoration Committee 4. Welcome the chief guest

(a) 1 4 3 2 (b) 4 1 2 3
(c) 2 3 1 4 (d) 3 4 1 2
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 109

34. Identify the age group for which this fitness test is conducted.

(a) 60-70 years (b) 20-30 years (c) 45-55 years (d) All of these

35. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Vitamin A 1. Fish, Sunlight
B. Vitamin K 2. Eggyolk, Sprouts
C. Vitamin D 3. Papaya, Tomato, Mango
D. Vitamin B1 4. Cauliflower, Soyabean

(a) 4 2 3 1 (b) 2 4 1 3 (c) 3 4 1 2 (d) 1 3 2 4

36. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Flexion 1.

B. Abduction 2.

C. Extension 3.

D. Addution 4.

(a) 3 1 4 2 (b) 4 1 2 3 (c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 2 1 4 3
110 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

37. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Back scratch test

B. 2. Partial curl ups

C. 3. Sit and reach

D. 4. Push up (girls)

(a) 4 2 3 1 (b) 3 4 1 2 (c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 1 4 2 3

38. In which test, the athlete is asked to use explosive leg power?
(a) 4 × 10 m shuttle run (b) Harvard step test
(c) Partial curl ups (d) Standing broad jump

39. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Energy yielding 1. Wheat, rice
B. Body-building 2. Fruits, vegetables
C. Protective 3. Oatmeal, wheat bran
D. Fiber 4. Eggs, cheese

(a) 1 4 2 3 (b) 4 1 2 3 (c) 4 1 3 2 (d) 1 2 3 4

40. This asana is an effective remedy to cure which postural deformity.


(a) Bow legs (b) Scoliosis (c) Lordosis (d) Knock knees
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 111

41. Which is not true about Newton’s Second Law?

(a) Hitting ball by baseball player is application of this law.
(b) It is also known as Law of Acceleration.
(c) It states that force is inversely proportional to acceleration.
(d) It states that acceleration is inversely proportional to mass.

42. What is the number of byes if there are 21 teams in a tournament?

(a) 11 (b) 20 (c) 15 (d) 8

43. Ardhmatseyendrasana is used for curing which of the following deformity?

(a) Bow legs (b) Knock knees (c) Round shoulders (d) Flat foot

44. Identify the odd one out.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

45. Find the BMI of a 65 years old senior citizen female if her weight is 58 kg and height is
156 cm and classify her in accordance with her BMI in given category.
(a) Under weight (b) Normal weight (c) Over weight (d) Obese class 1

46. What will be the fitness score of a girl if the test duration was 240 sec and the pulse
count (1 min -1.5 min) was 70.
(a) 62.33 (b) 69.7 (c) 71.2 (d) 60.5

47. Excessive body weight may lead to which disease that affect vertebrae?
(a) Kyphosis (b) Lordosis (c) Scoliosis (d) All of these

48. The reason why women in India participates less in sports is

(a) Motor development (b) Lack of education
(c) Less facilities for women (d) Lack of space


49. Below given is the BMI data of a student of Art stream of class 12th health check-up.


1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

18.5–24.9 <18.5 25–29.9 30–34.9

On the basis of the above data, answer the following question.

Which category is related to overweight?
(a) (b) (c) (d)
112 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

50. 40 years old Mohan is suffering from flat foot. During a recent medical check up, he was
advised by the doctor to practice yoga. Based on this, answer the following question.
The common remedies for flat foot is/are
(a) Skip on rope (b) Walking on toes
(c) Stand up and down on the heels (d) All of these

51. Physical education teacher Ram, feels that league matches should be organised for
conducting a tournament instead of the knock out matches. He requested the school
principal to conduct the inter house competitions according to the league tournament
Ram feels that league method is best one. Why?
(a) Less time and money (b) Limited number of officials required
(c) True winner is decided (d) Players are less tired

52. Food is the basic requirement of every individual to fulfill the energy needs and to
meet the development of the body. Food pyramid shows the need of various foods to
maintain a healthy body weight. Fats are also needed by the body. Fats are placed in
which part of the food pyramid?

(a) Bottom most part (b) Top most part

(c) Second from bottom (d) Second from top

53. Neha always wanted to become a table tennis player. But the sports academy is very
far away from her house. Therefore she is not able to attend the classes regularly.
Women participation in sports is low in India. Which among the following measures
can be employed to increase the participation of women in sports?
(a) Specialised courses (b) Personal safety
(c) Motivation (d) All of these
54. Correct posture is very essential for the overall balance of a body. It is a means to maintain
accurate balance and proper manner. People face various types of postural deformities.
Which postural deformity is caused when young children or babies are forced to walk

at a very young age?

(a) Scoliosis (b) Bow legs
(c) Flat foot (d) All of these
55. Amit noticed that his grandfather is facing difficulty in putting on overhead garments.
He decided to conduct a Back scratch test for senior citizens.
The test for senior citizens are a group of 6 tests designed to measure the physical
fitness of aged people. What are these test called?
(a) Rock port test (b) Harvard step test
(c) Motor fitness test (d) Rikli and Jones test
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 113

56. In the eighth period, the physics teacher announced that today’s class will be taken by
me and your sports teacher. The students got confused.
Why does the physics and sports teacher had taken a combined class?
(a) To explain anatomy
(b) To explain the importance of education
(c) To announce about a sports event
(d) To explain biomechanics

57. Priya is a student of class IXth and is suffering from a postural deformity shown in the
picture. During a recent medical check at school, she was advised to practice yoga and
participate in sports activities for curing it.
Based on this case, answer the following question.


The yoga instructor of the school has asked Priya to perform

(a) Trikonasana (b) Bhujangasana
(c) Shavasana (d) Chakrasana
58. Physical fitness is essential in all the ages. It is beneficial for senior citizens also as they
need to maintain their functional fitness. Without physical fitness, they will lack
mobility and will not be able to do the daily chores also.
Give any one standard physical fitness test for senior citizen.
(a) Push ups (b) Modified Push-ups
(c) Eight foot up and go (d) Standing broad jump
59. A pole vaulter can take a very high jump off a solid surface because it opposes his / her
body with as much force as the athlete is able to generate. This example refers to which
(a) Law of action and reaction (b) Law of gravity
(c) Law of inertia (d) Law of conservation
60. XYZ school has received an invitation for participation in a Kabaddi championship.
But very few schools are participating in it as there is an entry fee. Which type of
fixture is preferred if the participating teams are less in number?

(a) Knock out (b) League

(c) Round Robin (d) Both (b) and (c)
Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

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1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60

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If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 115

1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (d)
21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (a)
31. (d) 32. (d) 33. (d) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (b) 37. (b) 38. (d) 39. (a) 40. (b)
41. (c) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. (d) 45. (b) 46. (a) 47. (d) 48. (c) 49. (c) 50. (d)
51. (c) 52. (b) 53. (d) 54. (b) 55. (d) 56. (d) 57. (a) 58. (c) 59. (a) 60. (d)

1. (a) Among the given options, Vitamin K is a fat 12. (a) Harvard step test requires a gym bench of
soluble vitamin. 20 inches heigh for men and 16 inches for
2. (d) A rotatory movement around the women, a stop watch and metronome.
longitudinal axis of a bone away from the 13. (a) In staircase method no bye is given to any
midline of the body is called external or team and there is no problem of odd and even
outward rotation. number of teams.
3. (c) The given image depicts Push ups test. 14. (a) Among the given options, Staircase method
is not involved in drawing up fixtures for a
4. (d) The Boarding and Lodging Committee is
knock out tournaments. Staircase method is
responsible for making necessary
used for drawing up fixtures for a league
arrangements for providing accommodation
and serving meals to the athletes and officials.
15. (a) Newton’s First Law of Motion which is also
5. (b) Ball handling is an activity that can be known as Law of Inertia states that a stationary
performed by a child in early childhood. This body will remain at rest until an external force
stage occurs between 3 to 6 years and is is applied.
characterised by the development of basic
motor skills such as running, jumping and 16. (c) League cum Knock out is a part of
throwing. Combination tournament. In this type of
tournament all the participating teams are
6. (a) Body Mass Index (BMI) measures the body divided into four zones and these teams plays
fat calculated on the basis of height and their matches in respective zone on league basis.
weight. It is calculated by taking person’s
17. (a) Newton’s Second Law relates to applying
weight (in kg and gm) and dividing by height
force on objects having different mass to see
(mt and cm) square.
Weight (kg) the acceleration produced. According to this
BMI = law, a change in the acceleration of an object is
Height (m)2
directly proportional to the force producing it
7. (a) Deficiency of Iodine may result into Goitre and inversely proportional to its mass.
or a swelling of the thyroid gland that causes a 18. (c) The formula to determine number of
lump in front of the neck. matches in league fixture for even number of
N( N − 1)
8. (c) Competition sports and the rules associated teams is .
with it such as fair play, strategies and tactics 2
should be introduced in the stage of later 19. (c) Special seeding is a method of seeding in

childhood which spans for 8 to 12 years. which certain players or team participate in the
quarter final or semi-final rounds directly.
9. (b) The movement laterally away from the
Seeding method gives privilege to strong
midline of the body is known as Abduction.
player or team by keeping them at appropriate
10. (b) In postural deformity of Round Shoulders, place in fixture.
the head and the chin is extended forward.
20. (d) Males have higher risk of obesity above the
11. (b) Do not force the babies to walk at early age age of 40. With the rising age, male tends to
is the precaution in Bow legs, is a postural remain less active, ignore balanced diet and
deformity characterised by the wide gap take lot more stress as compared to their
between the knees when standing with feet younger age. It results into higher risk of
together. obesity above the age of 40.
116 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

21. (d) None of the given motor development takes 29. (a) The Assertion (A) is true as women’s
place in late childhood. Children become participation in sport in comparison to men is
efficient in various movement combinations quite less in India.
such as throwing, catching and rolling in their The main reason behind less participation of
early childhood. The late childhood occurs women in sports in India is conservative and
between 11 to 12 years of childbirth and is orthodox outlook in Indian society. It does
characterised by perfection of more complex not promote nor accept women’s
activities by the child. participation in sports.
22. (d) Any food myth can be dispelled on the basis 30. (a) Yogic asanas along with light exercise and
of lab testing and scientific knowledge. It is a proper diet are considered as corrective
type of misconception or unfounded idea about measure for man postural deformities. For
the effects of different types of food in society. example, regular practice of Dhanurasana
Potatoes make us fat, eggs increases cholesterol helps in overcoming postural deformity of
level are some of the food myths prevalent in Kyphosis.
31. (d) Assertion (A) is false because people
23. (a) In motor fitness test, there are 8 tests which having a Body Mass Index (BMI) between
helps in measuring the motor fitness of an 18.5 to 24.9 are considered as normal
athlete. These tests are weighted person. Overweight person comes
l 600 m Run/walk under BMI category of 25-29.9.
l 50 m Standing start or 50 m dash The Reason (R) is correct because BMI of 30 or
l Standing broad jump greater is considered to be obese.
l Sit and Reach 32. (d) The given image depicts the Arm curl
l Partial Curl up test. It measures the muscular strength,
l Push ups (men) endurance and upper body strength of the
l Modified push ups (women) participants.
l Agility - 4 × 10 m shuttle run. 33. (d) The correct match is given below
24. (d) Cyclical and Staircase methods are used for The Publicity Committee is responsible
drawing up fixtures for League tournament. for advertising the events, dates, venues,
25. (b) In the cyclic method, if the number of teams
is even number, the number of rounds will be The Reception Committee is responsible for
( N − 1). welcoming the chief guests at the opening
and closing ceremonies.
Number of Rounds = N − 1 = 5
( N = number of team) The Finance Committee is responsible for
provision of funds, preparing budget and
26. (a) Some people have digestive problems due to maintaining the account of income and
the intake of lactose. It is the condition of food expenditure.
intolerance. Food intolerance is characterised by
The Decoration committee is responsible for
varied physiological responses associated with
arrangement of flowers and decoration of
a particular food. It is caused by incomplete
sports arena or stadium.
absorption of elements of food through the
digestive process. 34. (b) The given image depicts the Harvard step
test. It is conducted for persons in the age
27. (c) In the given image, postural deformity of
group of 20 to 30 years.
Kyphosis is depicted. It is related to spinal

curvature and is characterised by exaggeration 35. (c) The correct match is given below
of posterior curve or reversal of forward curve. Vitamin A is found in papaya, tomato and
28. (b) The statement (b) regarding the 4 × 10 m mango.
shuttle run is incorrect as it allows only two Vitamin K is found in cauliflower, soyabean,
trials. This test measures the agility and speed spinach, cabbage, etc.
of the participant. To conduct this test , two Vitamin D is found in Sunlight, egg yolk, fish,
wooden blocks (10 × 5 × 5 cm) marker cones, etc.
measuring tape, stopwatch and a flat surface Vitamin B1 is found in egg yolk, sprouts,
with two lines 10 m apart are required. orange, etc.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 117

36. (b) Flexion or a bending of the joint is shown in As, the BMI of lady is in between 18.5 to 24.5,
figure (4). she will come under Normal weight category.
Abduction or moving away from the midline is 46. (a) Test duration = 240 sec.
shown by figure (1).
Pulse count = 70
Extension or a straightening of the joint is Fitness index score
shown in figure (2).
Adduction or moving towards the midline is (100 × test duration in seconds)
shown by figure (3). 5 .5 × (sum of heartbeats in recovery period)
37. (b) The correct match is given below 240 × 100 24000
= = = 62.33
The figure (a) depicts Sit and Reach Test. 5.5 × 70 385
The figure (b) depicts Modified Push up. Hence, Fitness score of girl is 62.33
The figure (c) depicts Back Scratch Test. 47. (d) Excessive body weight may lead to
The figure (d) depicts Partial Curl Up Test. postural deformity of spine. Kyphosis,
38. (d) In standing broad jump test, the athlete is Lordosis and Scoliosis are the deformities
asked to use explosive leg power. related to spine.
39. (a) The correct match is given below 48. (c) One of the reasons for less participation of
Carbohydrate is found in rice, wheat, maize, women in sports in India is absence of
and rice. sporting facilities for women. In India, many
sports academy, coaching centres as well as
Protein is found in eggs and cheese.
sports arena and stadiums lacks basic
Vitamin is considered as protective component infrastructure such as separate girls toilet,
of food as it protects from several diseases. It is changing room, etc. This discourages women
found in fruits and vegetables.
to participate in sports.
Fiber or Roughage is found in oatmeals and
wheat bran. 49. (c) Among the given options, people in
category (c) are related to overweight as their
40. (b) The given image depicts Trikonasana, it is Body Mass Index (BMI) lies between as 25
an effective remedy for curing postural to 29.9.
deformity of Scoliosis.
50. (d) The common remedies for Flat foot are
41. (c) The statement, (c) is not correct about skipping rope, walking on toes and standing
Newton’s Second Law, as it states that force is up and down on the heels. Additionally,
directly proportional to acceleration and regular practice of Vajrasana will also help in
inversely proportional to mass of the object. rectifying the problem of Flat foot.
42. (a) Number of team in tournament ( N ) = 21 51. (c) The main advantage of League or Round
Next highest number of power of two = 32 Robin tournament is that it allows only strong
Difference between the total number of teams or deserving team to get victory in the
and the next highest number is the power of tournament. In other words, true winner is
2 = 32 =21 = 11 decided in these tournament.
Hence, 11 byes will be given. 52. (b) Fats are placed in the top most part of the
43. (a) Ardhmatseyendrasana is used for curing the food pyramid. The top shelf of food pyramid
postural deformity of Bow legs. includes foods and drinks high in fat, sugar
and salt. They are needed in very small
44. (d) The option (d) is odd one as it is depicting

amounts and should not be consumed every

rotatory movement. The other options are day.
depicting different types of angular movements.
53. (d) As with Neha (in given case), There are
45. (b) Weight = 58 kg many women and girls in India who face
Height = 156 cm = 1.56 m issues such as lack of specialised courses,
Weight (kg) personal safety, privacy concern, lack of
Body Mass Index (BMI) =
Height (m)2 motivation which hinders the participation of
58 women in sports. To successfully overcome
= = 23.86 this issue, there is need of change in attitude
1.56 × 1.56
both in government as well as in society.
118 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

54. (b) The postural deformity of Bow legs is 57. (a) From the given image it can be concluded
caused when young children or babies are that Priya is suffering from postural deformity
forced to walk at a very young age. of Scoliosis. It is characterised by the deviation
55. (d) Rikli and Jones test are a group of 6 tests (bending) of curvature in the spine. In this case
designed to measure the physical fitness of regular performance of Trikonasana is highly
the aged people. Following tests are included beneficial in order to cure this postural deformity.
in Rikli and Jones Test. 58. (c) Among the given options, Eight foot up and
l Chair stand test go test is standard physical fitness test for
l Arm curl test senior citizen fitness test and is conducted to
assess coordination and agility in aged people.
l Chair sit and reach test
l Back scratch test 59. (a) A pole vaulter can take a very high jump off
a solid surface because it opposes his/her body
l Eight foot up and go test
with as much force as the athlete is able to
l Six-minute walk test. generate. This is an example of application of
56. (d) In the given case, the physics and sport Law of Action & Reaction which states that for
teacher had taken a combined class to explain every action, there is always an equal and
biomechanics. It is subdiscipline of physical opposite reaction.
education which applies the low of mechanics 60. (d) League or Round Robin type of tournament
and physics to study bodily movement and is preferred if participating team are less in
their causes. number. In this type of tournament every team
As it involves both the element of physics and has to play with every other team irrespective of
sports, both teachers were required to win or defeat. It also helps to provide true or
conduct the class of Biomechanics. real winner at the end.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 119

A Highly Simulated Practice Question Paper
for CBSE Class XII (Term I) Examination

(i) There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
(ii) Section A consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iii) Section B consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iv) Section C consists of 12 questions amongst which 10 questions have to be attempted.
(v) Each question carries (0.70 marks).

Maximum Marks : 35
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 Minutes


1. Which committee look after the availability of sports goods needed by the players
during an event?
(a) Publicity committee (b) Finance committee
(c) Grounds and Equipment committee (d) Refreshment committee

2. Which of the following is a cause of Kyphosis?

(a) Unavailability of pure air (b) Habitual overeating
(c) Wearing shapeless clothes (d) Lack of exercises

3. A rich source of phosphorus is

(a) fish (b) meat (c) egg (d) All of these

4. Which of the following is not related to league type tournament?


(a) Round Robin (b) Double league (c) Staircase (d) Consolation

5. What is the measure of weight taken during an Arm Curl Test by females?
(a) 8 pounds (b) 6 pounds (c) 5 pounds (d) 5 kg

6. The purpose of fibre and roughage in the body is

(a) to maintain balance in acid and base
(b) to transport nutrients
(c) to reduce cholestrol and blood sugar fluctuation
(d) to boost immunity
120 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

7. Which of the following is a cause of bow legs?

(a) Rickets (b) Abnormal bone development
(c) Calcium deficiency (d) All of these

8. For a Knock out tournament, the procedure to draw fixtures is through

(a) Bye method (b) Seeding method
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

9. Biomechanics refers to the study of human movements, including

(a) Interaction between the athlete and equipment (b) Description of movement
(c) Exercise environment (d) All of these


Which test is shown in the illustration?

(a) Eight foot up and go test (b) Chair sit and reach test
(c) Chair stand test (d) Rockport test

11. Which of the following equipments is required to conduct a shuttle run test?
(a) Cones (b) Chair (c) Weight (d) Box

12. Using which formula, we can find out the number of byes in the lower half of a knock
out tournament?
nb nb − 1 nb + 1
(a) (b) (c) (d) nb + 1
2 2 2

13. Name the movement caused by moving a body part towards the middle line of the body.
(a) Adduction (b) Flexion (c) Abduction (d) Extension

14. Flexion and extension comes under which movement?

(a) Gliding (b) Rotatory (c) Angular (d) Circumduction

15. Which one of the following test helps in measuring leg strength?
(a) Standing broad Jump (b) 4 × 10m Shuttle run
(c) 6-Minute step test (d) Harvard step

16. Carrying heavy load on shoulders causes which type of deformity?

(a) Bow legs (b) Knock knee

(c) Scoliosis (d) Round shoulder

17. In which growth period, a child goes through lot of cognitive development?
(a) Late childhood (b) Infancy
(c) Middle childhood (d) Early childhood

18. Deficiency of which vitamin in the body causes scurvy?

(a) Vitamin C (b) Vitamin K
(c) Vitamin A (d) Vitamin B complex
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 121

19. Which BMI category is related to overweight?

(a) < 18.5 (b) 25-29.9 (c) 18.5-24.9 (d) 30-34.9

20. Gliding movement occurs in which joint?

(a) Wrist (b) Knee (c) Shoulder (d) Elbow

21. The provision which places good teams in separate halves so that they do not play
with each other in initial round is
(a) Bye (b) Seeding (c) Knock out (d) League

22. Name the postural deformity that is not related to spine.

(a) Kyphosis (b) Lordosis
(c) Scoliosis (d) Round shoulders

23. When children face problems in motor development from birth, then it is considered
which factor affecting development?
(a) Environmental factor (b) Endurance
(c) Genetic factor (d) Nutrition factor

24. The 600 m run / walk test measure which of the following?
(a) Endurance (b) Flexibility
(c) Strength (d) Speed


25. Which exercise should be done to cure this kind of deformity?

(a) Walk on heels and toes (b) Walk by bending the toes inwards
(c) Hanging on horizontal bar (d) Pick up marbles with toes
26. Test shown in this image belongs to which group of tests?

(a) Rockport one mile test (b) Motor fitness test

(c) AAHPER (d) Rikli and Jones test

27. Concerns for personal safety hampers the paticipation of which group in sports?
(a) Children (b) Adolescents
(c) Women (d) Senior citizen
122 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

28. In a Single Knock out tournament, how many byes need to be given if 17 teams are
(a) 17 (b) 16 (c) 15 (d) 14

29. For a person with a height of 1.70 cm and weight 70 kg, what is the BMI?
(a) 24.22 (b) 26.71 (c) 19.35 (d) 30.33

30. What is the other name of food supplements?

(a) Balanced supplements (b) Dietary supplements
(c) Efficient nutrients (d) Perfect calories

31. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Fibre 1. Flavour Compound
B. Saffron 2. Plant Compound
C. Caffine 3. Colour Compound
D. Sucralose 4. Roughage Compound

(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 3 1 4 2 (c) 1 2 4 3 (d) 2 3 4 1

32. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Movement inwards

B. 2. Angle increases

C. 3. Angle decreases

D. 4. Movement outwards
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 123

(a) 3 2 1 4 (b) 2 1 4 3
(c) 1 4 3 2 (d) 4 3 2 1

33. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1.

B. 2.

C. 3.

D. 4.

(a) 3 4 2 1 (b) 2 3 1 4
(c) 4 2 1 3 (d) 1 4 3 2

34. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Zinc 1. Spinach

B. Copper 2. Salt
C. Iodine 3. Almonds
D. Iron 4. Pumpkin seeds

(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 2 4 3 1 (d) 1 4 3 2
124 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

35. Which fruit is considered a good source of potassium?

(a) Apple (b) Grapes
(c) Banana (d) Orange

36. If a person has a BMI of 23.2, the person is

(a) underweight (b) normal weight
(c) overweight (d) obsese

37. Find the odd one out.

1. 2. 3. 4.

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

38. Assertion (A) Motor development refers to the development of a child’s bones, muscles
and his/her ability to move around.
Reason (R) Gross motor development involves the small muscles or body, especially
during the movement of the fingers and hands.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

39. Assertion (A) Biomechanics is the study of forces and their effects on living system.
Reason (R) In swimming, 3rd Law of Motion (Law of Reaction) is utilised.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

40. Identify the correct action for which the movement shown below takes place.

(a) Adduction (b) Flexion

(c) Extension (d) Abduction
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 125

41. What is the ratio of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in carbohydrates?

(a) 1 : 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 : 2 (c) 2 : 2 : 1 (d) 2 : 1 : 1

42. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Lordosis 1. Use of poor quality footwear

B. Bow legs 2. Disease affecting vertebrae

C. Flat foot 3. Weakness of muscles and ligaments

D. Knock knee 4. Forcing babies to walk at early age

(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 1 3 4 2 (d) 2 4 1 3

43. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Matches for even number of teams 1. N(N − 1)
B. Matches for odd number of teams 2. N/2
C. Matches in round robin basis 3. N+ 1
D. Matches in double league tournament 4. N(N − 1)

(a) A-2, B-3, C-1, D4 (b) A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3
(c) A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3 (d) A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1
44. Consumption of milk immediately after eating fish is a
(a) food myth (b) food intolerance
(c) food allergy (d) cause of good health

45. Assertion (A) Combination tournaments are held when the matches are played on
group basis.
Reason (R) Knock out cum knock out is a combination tournament.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false

(d) A is false, but R is true

46. Assertion Biomechanics play a crucial role in physical education and sports.
Reason Biomechanics deals with precise information of human movements using
scientific methods.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
126 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

47. In the given arrangement of a tournament held through cyclic method, what is the total
number of matches to be played?
5 Bye 4 Bye 3 Bye 2 Bye 1 Bye
4 1 3 5 2 4 1 3 5 2
3 2 2 1 1 5 5 4 4 3
(a) 15 (b) 7 (c) 10 (d) 18

48. Which one of the following minerals help in formation of haemoglobin?

(a) Calcium (b) Iron (c) Iodine (d) Potassium


49. Below given is the BMI data of health check-ups of children residing in colony Y.

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

18.5–24.9 <18.5 25–29.9 30–34.9

On the basis of the above data, answer the following questions.
The colony Y has to develop an activity based program to decrease the number of .............. .
(a) (b) (c) (d)

50. The Rikli and Jones Senior Citizen Fitness Test for assessing the functional fitness of
older adults describes easy to understand and effective tests to measure aerobic fitness,
strength and flexibility using minimal and inexpensive equipment.
These test items involve common activities such as getting up from a chair, walking,
lifting, bending and stretching.
The test were developed to be safe and enjoyable for older adults while still meeting
scientific standards for reliability and validity.
Which test measures the lower body flexibility of senior citizens?
(a) Chair Stand test (b) Arm Curl test

(c) Chair Sit and Reach test (d) Back Scratch test
51. Fats are an essential ingredient of food. All fats are compounds of carbon, hydrogen
and oxygen. They provide heat and energy to the body and should be eaten in less
It is also a popular belief that fats should be altogether avoided when one is going for
The belief that fats should not be eaten is an example of _______
(a) food intolerance (b) food myth
(c) pitfall of dieting (d) All of these
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 127

52. 10 years old Swati eats lots of candies and dislikes eating vegetables. Based on this,
answer the following.
(i) Swati is likely to suffer from ............. deficiency diseases.
(a) Vitamin (b) Protein
(c) Carbohydrate (d) Fats

53. Due to back pain, Ameebh is suffering from round shoulders. His doctor told him, due
to pain he is not able to straighten up the shoulders.
The doctor suggested a light exercise. Which among the following options is most
likely be the advise given by the doctor?
(a) Hold the horizontal bar for some time
(b) Hold the vertical bar for some time
(c) Perform Pawanmuktasana
(d) Keep tips of fingers on waist and rotate it only clockwise

54. Neetu works in an NGO and goes to slum areas to educate people on how to raise their
children. She teaches about sensory motor development to them.
What is sensory motor development?
(a) Coordination of large muscles (b) Hand movement
(c) Hand eye coordination (d) All of these

55. Competing in physical activities has been the natural tendency of humans. The
competitions or tournaments are held according to set rules and regulations. The
success of a tournament depends upon fixture. Observe the fixture given below and
answer the questions.
A Bye
C A (winner)

Which type of tournament is depicted here

(a) Double league (b) Single league
(c) Knock out (d) Combination

56. An NGO arranged the facility of free mid-day meals for children who regularly attend
the MCD primary school. They provided carbohydrate rich foods to young children.
Carbohydrates are also called ............ .
(a) Immunity boosters
(b) Body building food
(c) Energy giving food

(d) Protective food

57. Rahul, a student of class XII, has recently joined a gym near his house to get a toned
and muscular body. He consults his gym trainer regarding his diet and is advised to
increase the intake of protein in his diet.
Deficiency of protein can cause ............... .
(a) Rickets (b) Kwashiorkor
(c) Scurvy (d) Night blindness
128 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

58. Arun, a student of class 2, falls ill often and lacks energy. He looks tired always. His
doctor advised Arun’s mother to give him fruits and vegetables. He then explained the
importance of eating fresh fruits and vegetables.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich sources of ................... .
(a) Vitamins (b) Minerals
(c) Fats (d) Both (a) and (b)

59. Posture should be correct as it balances the body. A person with a good posture makes
a positive mark on the people. People having postural deformities cannot perform their
work efficiently.
What is the corrective measure of the deformity shown in the given picture?

(a) Walk by bending toes inwards (b) Horse riding regularly

(c) Pick up marbles with toes (d) Hold the horizontal bar

60. Physical fitness is essential for everyone. There are various tests conducted to measure
the cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, strength, endurance of people of all age groups.
The picture shown below depicts which type of test?

(a) Rikli and Jones test (b) Rockport test

(c) Shuttle run test (d) Harvard step test
Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid gel pens and fountain pens for filling the sheets.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
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Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
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1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60

Check Your Performance

Total Questions: Total Correct Questions
Score Percentage = × 100
Total Correct Questions: Total Questions

Less than 60% > Average (Revise the Chapters again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
130 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (a)
21. (b) 22. (d) 23. (c) 24. (a) 25. (b) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (c) 29. (a) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (a) 33. (a) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (b) 37. (c) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (d) 43. (a) 44. (a) 45. (b) 46. (a) 47. (c) 48. (b) 49. (b) 50. (c)
51. (b) 52. (a) 53. (a) 54. (d) 55. (c) 56. (c) 57. (b) 58. (d) 59. (a) 60. (b)

1. (c) The Grounds and Equipment committee 11. (a) Among the given options, cones are
looks after the availability of sports goods required to conduct a Shuttle Run Test. Besides
needed by the players during an event. It marker cones, two wooden blocks, measuring
makes sure that the equipment provided tape, stopwatch and a flat surface are also
follows all specifications. required to conduct this test.
2. (a) Kyphosis is a postural depormity of the Number of teams − 1
12. (b) The formula of or
spine caused by various things including 2
malnutrition previous illness, unavailability of ( nb -1)
is used to find out the number of byes in
pure air, rickets, weak muscles etc. 2
the lower half of a Knock out tournament.
3. (d) Among the given options, all are good
sources of phosphorus. 13. (a) Adduction is the movement caused by
moving a body part towards the middle line of
4. (d) It is of two types-Single league and Double
the body.
league tournaments. Its fixture can be drawn
using staircase method. Consolation 14. (c) Flexion and extension comes under angular
tournaments. however, are related to Knock movement of joints. Flexion is the bending of
out tournaments. joints in order to bring together the parts and
extension is the straightening of joint.
5. (c) The measure of weight taken during an
Arm Curl Test by females is 5 pounds. 15. (a) Standing broad jump test helps in
measuring leg strength.
6. (c) Fibre and roughage reduces the blood sugar
fluctuation and lowers cholestrol. It also 16. (d) Carrying heavy load on shoulders causes
reduces or corrects the disorders related to the postural deformity of Round shoulder.
large intestine. 17. (c) In the Middle Childhood growth period, a
7. (d) Rickets, abnormal bone development and child goes through lot of cognitive
calcium deficiency are among some of the development. The period of middle childhood
causes of Bow legs. starts from 7th year and continues upto the
10th year.
8. (c) In Knock out tournaments, both Bye and
Seeding methods are used to draw fixtures. 18. (a) Deficiency of Vitamin C in the body causes
9. (d) Biomechanics refers to the study of human
19. (b) The Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 to 29.9 is
movements, including interaction between the
related to overweight range.

athlete and sports equipment along with

exercise movement. It is the subdiscipline of 20. (a) Gliding movement occurs in wrist joint as
physical education which applies the law of one surface moves over another without any
mechanics and physics to study the bodily angular or rotatory movement.
movements and their causes. 21. (b) The provision which places good teams in
10. (c) In the given illustration, Chair Stand Test separate halves so that they do not play with
is depicted. It is a part of the senior citizen each other in initial round is Seeding. It is a
fitness test and used to measure the lower type of fixture procedure in which good teams
body strength in general and of legs in or previous position holders are placed at
particular. beneficiary places.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 131

22. (d) Kyphosis, Lordosis and Scoliosis are the 32. (a) The correct match is given below
postural deformity of Spine. Round shoulders is a The figure (a) depicts angular movement of
postural deformity of shoulders. Flexion in which angle between the binding
23. (c) Genetic factors are responsible for defective parts of a joint decreases.
motor development from birth in children. The The figure (b) depicts angular movement of
Genetic factors, also known as heredity are passed extension in which angle between
on from parents to the offspring. straightening part of joint increases and
24. (a) The 600 m run/walk test measures endurance parts move further apart.
of the participant. The figure (c) depicts angular movement of
adduction in which a part of body move
25. (b) The postural deformity of Bow legs is depicted
inwards toward the midline.
in this image. It can be corrected by walking with
bending the toes inward. The figure (d) depicts angular movement of
abduction in which a part of body move
26. (d) The given image depicts the Back Stretch Test, outwards away from midline.
which is a component of Rikli and Jones test. It is
conducted to assess the upper body flexibility. 33. (a) The figure A shows the postural
deformity of Scoliosis which can be
27. (c) The concerns for personal safety hampers the corrected by doing Trikonasana.
participation of women in sports. In the orthodox
The figure B shows the postural deformity
and conservative societies, women are considered
of Lordosis which can be corrected by
to be vulnerable, to exploitation by anti-social
doing Paschimottanasana.
elements in society. This prevents women from
participating in sports. The figure C shows the postural deformity
of Knock kness which can be corrected by
28. (c) Total number of teams = 17 doing Gomukhasana.
Next highest number of power of two = 32 The figure D shows the postural deformity
Difference between the total number of teams and of Bow legs which can be corrected by
the next highest number in power of doing Ardhamatsyendrasana.
2 = 32 − 17 = 15 34. (b) The correct match is given below
Hence, 15 bye will be given. Pumpkin seeds are considered as a good
29. (a) Height of person = 1.70 cm source of zinc.
Dry fruits including almonds is considered
Weight = 70 kg as good source of copper.
Weight (kg)
BMI = Iodised salt is a good source of lodine.
Height (m)2 Spinach is considered as a good source of Iron.
70 35. (c) Banana is considered a good source of
= = 24.22
1.7 × 1.7 potassium.
Hence, the BMI of the person is 24.22 36. (b) If a person has a Body Mass Index (BMI)
30. (b) Food supplements are also known as Dietary of 23.2, then the person has normal weight.
supplements. The BMI range between 20 to 25 is
considered as healthy.
31. (a) The correct match is given below
Fibre or roughage is the undigested part of the 37. (c) Among the given figures, option (c) is
food. odd one as it depicts Harvard Step Test
which is the component of General Motor

Saffron is a non-nutritive colour compound found

Fitness Test. In contrast, figure (a) depicts
naturally in many fruits and vegetables.
Arm Curl Test, figure (b) depicts Chair
Caffeine is non-nutritive plant compound found Sit and Reach Test and (d) depicts Back
naturally. Scratch Test all of which are the
Sucralose is flavoured compound which provides components of Rikli and Jones; senior
a sweet taste to the food. citizen fitness test.
132 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

38. (c) Motor development refers to the Combination tournaments are conducted when
development of a child’s bones, muscles and the matches are to be played on group or zonal
his/her ability to move around. It is divided basis. Knock out cum league is a combination
into two types : Gross motor development and tournament where teams are divided into four
Fine motor development. zones.
The Gross motor development involves the 46. (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true
development of large muscles in the child’s and R is the correct explanation of A
body especially while sitting, walking, running Biomechanics is the subdiscipline of physical
and climbing. education which applies the laws of mechanics
39. (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and physics to study bodily movement and
but R is not the correct explanation of A as their causes. It plays a crucial role in physical
both these statements, state facts about two education and sports as precise information of
different aspects of physical education i.e. human movements using scientific methods
biomechanics and laws of motion and its are studied in it.
application in sports. 47. (c) Total number of teams = 5
40. (b) Boy shown in this figure, depicts the N( N − 1)
Total number of matches =
movement of Flexion. It is a type of angular 2
movement characterised by bending of joints 5( 5 − 1) 20
= = = 10 matches
in order to bring together such that the parts 2 2
connect. Hence, 10 matches will be played.
41. (a) The ratio of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen 48. (b) Among the given options, Iron helps in
in carbohydrates is 1 : 2 : 1. formation of haemoglobin.
42. (d) The correct match is given below 49. (b) From the given pie chart, it can be
Lordosis is a postural deformity in which the concluded that colony Y has to develop an
vertebrae is effected. activity based program to decrease the number
Bow legs may be caused if babies are forced to of people in 2nd Qtr. This category of person
walk at early age when their leg muscles are have BMI index less than 18.5 which comes
not even developed. under weight range.
Flat foot may be caused if the footwear is of 50. (c) Among the given test, the Chair Sit and
poor quality and is not comfortable to wear. Reach test measures the lower body flexibility
Knock knee is a postural deformity which of the senior citizens.
develops due to weakness of muscles and
ligaments. 51. (b) Despite fat being a good source of heat
energy there is a popular belief that it should
43. (a) The correct match is A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4 i.e.
N be altogether avoided when one is a going for
l Matches for even number of teams = dieting. This belief that fat should not be eaten
N +1 is food myth. While following a strict diet a
l Matches for odd number of teams = person can cut down its consumption of
N( N − 1) saturated fats but removing fat altogether from
l Matches in Round Robin basis = diet can be dangerous because body need fats
for energy, tissue repair and to transport
l Matches in double league tournament
Vitamins A, C, E and K in the body.
= N( N − 1)
52. (a) As Swati ignores eating vegetables, she is

44. (a) The restriction on consumption of milk

likely to suffer from vitamin deficiency
immediately after eating fish is a food myth.
There is no scientific evidence behind
this myth. 53. (a) The doctor in this case is most likely to give
advice to hold the horizontal bar for some time.
45. (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true
but R is not the correct explanation of A. As (R) Round Shoulder is the postural deformity in
do not explain why combination tournaments which shoulders become round and sometimes
are held on group basis. they seem to be bent forward.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 133

54. (d) The sensory motor development 57. (b) The deficiency of protein can cause
involves coordination of large muscles, Kwashiorkor diseases.
hand movement and hand eye
58. (d) Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich sources of
coordination. It is the gradual process by
vitamins and minerals. These two nutrients
which a child learns use and coordination
besides providing energy protects the body from
of the large muscles of the legs and arms
various diseases and infection.
and the smaller muscles of the hand.
55. (c) The given fixture depicts Knock out 59. (a) The given picture depicts the deformity of Bow
tournament. In this type of tournament, a legs. It can be corrected by walking with bending
team which is once defeated, automatically toes inwards.
gets eliminated from the tournament. 60. (b) The given picture depicts Rock Port test. This
56. (c) Carbohydrates are also called energy test is used to measure cardiorespiratory fitness of
giving food. the individual.

134 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

A Highly Simulated Practice Question Paper
for CBSE Class XII (Term I) Examination

(i) There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
(ii) Section A consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iii) Section B consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iv) Section C consists of 12 questions amongst which 10 questions have to be attempted.
(v) Each question carries (0.70 marks).

Maximum Marks : 35
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 Minutes


1. Biomechanics is a branch of physics in combination with ……… which understands the
human movements in a scientific way.
(a) chemistry (b) sociology (c) biology (d) psychology

2. Which of the following is a non-nutritive component of diet?

(a) Fibre (b) Caffeine (c) Water (d) All of these

3. Rolling from side to side is an activity that starts in a child in the developmental stage
(a) Middle childhood (b) Late childhood (c) Early childhood (d) Infancy

4. When a ball is thrown in the air, it takes a parabolic path due to ………… acting on it.
(a) momentum (b) gravity (c) motion (d) force

5. Riboflavin is the scientific name of which vitamin?

(a) Vitamin B 2 (b) Vitamin B12 (c) Vitamin E (d) Vitamin D

6. Which of the following is not a type of movement related to physical activity?

(a) Abduction (b) Adduction (c) Extension (d) None of these

7. What formula is applied to find the number of matches played in a Double league
(a) N( N − 1) (b) N / 2 (c) N( N − 1) / 2 (d) N + N / 2
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 135

8. Which one of the following is not a pre-work of Finance committee of a tournament?

(a) To get details of approximate expenses under various heading.
(b) To get approvals and sections from higher authorities.
(c) Plans for raising funds.
(d) Plans for providing good meals to the team.

9. Which of the following is a cause of flat foot?

(a) Weak muscles of foot (b) Rapid increase in body weight
(c) Carrying heavy weight (d) All of these

10. Which movement is shown in the illustration?

(a) Abduction (b) Circumduction (c) Flexion (d) Adduction

11. Which of the following motor development takes place in Early childhood?
(a) Catching (b) Throwing
(c) Kicking (d) All of these

12. What is the measure of chair in Eight foot up and go test for agility?
(a) 20 inches/40cm (b) 25 inches/50 cm
(c) 17 inches/44 cm (d) 20 inches/50 cm

13. Which of the following simple activities is related to Rikli Jones test?
(a) Walking (b) Bending (c) Stretching (d) All of these

14. Which among the following is not a water soluble vitamin?

(a) Vitamin B (b) Vitamin B12 (c) Vitamin A (d) Vitamin C

15. Standing Broad Jump test is a test for

(a) muscular endurance (b) agility
(c) strength (d) flexibility

16. Which group of fats increases the risk of heart diseases?

(a) Poly unsaturated fats (b) Saturated fats
(c) Mono unsaturated fats (d) None of these

17. What is the length of the track in the Rockport fitness test?
(a) 100 m (b) 400 m (c) 50 m (d) None of these

18. Gas, cramps, bloating after eating certain foods is an example of ............... .
(a) Food myth (b) Food shortage (c) Food surplus (d) Food intolerance

19. Knock-knee is mainly caused due to the deficiency of which vitamin?

(a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin C (c) Vitamin D (d) Vitamin K

20. Which test is suitable for senior citizens to assess their upper body flexibility?
(a) Rockport Test (b) Harvard Step Test
(c) Back Scratch Test (d) Push-ups
136 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

21. Which of the following is a rich source of proteins?

(a) Eggs (b) Cheese
(c) Nuts (d) Fish

22. The Partial curl up test is done in which position?

(a) Supine (b) Sitting
(c) Standing (d) All of these

23. What is the relationship between Mass and Force?

(a) Directly proportional (b) No relation
(c) Inversely proportional (d) Both (a) and (c)

24. Which of the following is not an advantage to maintain a correct posture?

(a) Improves physical appearance (b) Increases flexibility
(c) Improves cognitive development (d) Brings greater efficiency


25. Name the component that is measured by this test.

(a) Agility (b) Strength

(c) Endurance (d) Flexibility
26. Which exercise should be done to cure this deformity?

(a) Holding the horizontal bars (b) Lying a back and lifting knees upwards
(c) Bend backwards in standing position (d) Walk on wooden staircase

27. If a child is able to walk and run but not able to speak properly, then he/she is lacking
which motor skill?

(a) Fine Motor skill (b) Gross Motor skill

(c) Sensory Motor skill (d) Dominant Motor skill

28. How many Byes will be there in a fixture of 10 teams?

(a) 6 (b) 5
(c) 8 (d) 3
29. In a Single league tournament of 9 teams, what is the total number of matches played?
(a) 8 (b) 36
(c) 20 (d) 15
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 137

30. In a game of soccer, a player kicking the ball along the ground is an example of which
(a) Second Law of Motion (b) First Law of Motion
(c) Third Law of Motion (d) None of these

31. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Iron 1. Nervous system

B. Sodium 2. Haemoglobin

C. Fluorine 3. Strong bones

D. Phosphorus 4. Enamel

(a) 3 4 2 1 (b) 4 1 3 2
(c) 1 3 2 4 (d) 2 1 4 3

32. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Standing broad jump

B. 2. Push ups

C. 3. Modified push ups

D. 4. Partial curl ups


(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 2 4 1 3
(c) 4 2 4 1 (d) 1 3 2 4
138 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

33. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Upper body strength

B. 2. Speed and agility

C. 3. Explosive strength

D. 4. Abdominal muscle strength

(a) 2 4 1 3 (b) 4 1 2 3
(c) 3 4 2 1 (d) 1 2 3 4
34. Which of the following statements is not true about minerals?
(a) They are needed in macro quantities.
(b) Their deficiency leads to many diseases.
(c) Their requirement is 0.1 to 0.01 gram per day.
(d) Minerals are organic elements.
35. a = or acceleration equals to force applied to an object and the mass of the object is
which law of motion?
(a) Acceleration (b) Inertia
(c) Action-Reaction (d) Gravitational Force
36. In which type of development, large muscles of the skeleton are stimulated to maintain
posture and balance?
(a) Gross motor development (b) Find motor development

(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

37. Identify the odd one.

1. 2. 3. 4.

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 1

CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 139

38. Assertion Development of an individual is affected by environmental factors, genetic

factors and nutrition.
Reason Physical education and sports contribute to the overall health of a person.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

39. Assertion (A) Eating habits and social customs affect a person’s health.
Reason (R) Intake of labelled food is a weight loss technique.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
40. Identify the type of method shown below.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
1-3 2-3
1-4 2-4 3-4
1-5 2-5 3-5 4-5
1-6 2-6 3-6 4-6 5-6
1-7 2-7 3-7 4-7 5-7 6-7
1-8 2-8 3-8 4-8 5-8 6-8 7-8
1-9 2-9 3-9 4-9 5-9 6-9 7-9 8-9

(a) Cyclic method (b) Tabular method (c) Knock out method (d) Staircase method

41. If a person has a BMI of 16.2, then he should be classified as which among the
(a) Normal (b) Undernourished
(c) Obese (d) Overweight

42. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Motor fitness test 1. Partial curl up

B. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Harvard step

C. Rockport test 3. Arm curl
D. Rikli and Jones test 4. 400 m track run/walk

(a) A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3 (b) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
(c) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2 (d) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3
140 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

43. Match the following

List I List II
A. 50 M Standing start 1. Measure Cardiovascular Endurance
B. 600 M Walk test 2. Abdominal Strength
C. Push ups test 3. Determine Speed
D. Partial Curl-up test 4. Strength and endurance

(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 2 4 3 1 (c) 3 1 4 2 (d) 4 3 2 1

44. Which of the following test is recommended to check the functional fitness and lower
body strength of senior citizen?
(a) Chair stand test (b) Chair sit and reach test
(c) Back scratch test (d) Eight foot up and go test

45. Assertion The physical fitness test designed for women is modified push-ups.
Reason It is easy for women to perform this test.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

46. An athlete jumping higher off a solid surface is an application of Newton’s which law?
(a) First Law of Motion (b) Second Law of Motion
(c) Third Law of Motion (d) All of these

47. What is the total number of non-seeded teams in a tournament?

(a) Teams which are given Bye (b) Teams which are not given Bye
(c) Teams which are in lower half (d) Teams which are in upper half

48. Compute the BMI of a 16 year old boy with a weight of 60 kg and height of 158 cm.
(a) 21.2 (b) 23.1 (c) 24 (d) 28.2


49. Below given is the BMI data of commerce stream students of Class 12th health check-up.


1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

18.5–24.9 <18.5 25–29.9 30–34.9

CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 141

On the basis of the above data, answer the following question.

In which category does the 3rd quarter students population falls into?
(a) Over-weight (b) Under weight (c) Normal weight (d) Obese
50. Monica is a dietician. She has to plan a balanced diet for the women’s cricket team. A
balanced diet is needed to remain healthy. It contains all the essential nutrients needed
by our body. Which of the following are components of balanced diet?
1. Protein 2. Fats 3. Food addictives
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) All of these
51. Saurabh is a student of class V, he is suffering from a postural deformity shown in the
picture below.
The physical instructor of the school advised Saurabh to cure this deformity by

(a) keeping a pillow between knees and stand straight

(b) do sit up slowly
(c) walk on inner edge of the feet
(d) All the the above
52. Gym trainer Radhika conducts the cardiovascular fitness test of all her trainees once a
month. Which among the following is a test suitable to measure it?
(a) Medicine ball put (b) Harvard step test (c) Chair stand test (d) Six minute walk test
53. While organising a sports event in the school for Annual day, Nishant being the
captain of the school, formed various committees. Based on the information, answer
the following question.
Organising and conducting of sports events involve ............ .
(a) Planning (b) Forming committees (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Only delegation
54. Mrs. Sharma is obese. Her BMI is 33.2 which is more then 30.0. A person with a BMI of
30.0 and above is considered obese.
Which of the following is a reason for obesity?
(a) Balanced dietary practices (b) Lack of nutritious foods
(c) Poor eating habits (d) All of these
55. The swimming instructor studied Ankur’s hand movements in water. He advised
Ankur to propel himself through the water in such a way that the water offers equal
counter force to oppose the action of the swimmer’s hands and legs. This will allow
him to move faster in water.

The instructor is applying Newton’s which law?

(a) Law of Inertia (b) Law of Action-reaction
(c) Law of Acceleration (d) Law of Gravitational force
56. The motor development in children takes place in various stages of growth. Infancy is
followed by the childhood stage that is divided into three stages : the early, middle and
later childhood.
In which stage of motor development, children develop the execution of planned
activities that involve lot of movements and cognitive skills?
(a) Later childhood (b) Middle childhood (c) Early childhood (d) All of these
142 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

57. Nutrition is the science that deals with food and its use by the body. Food supplies the
energy for doing every action our body undertakes. Food also provides material that
our body needs to build and repair its tissues. However some foods are intolerant by
the body.
Which of the following is not a feature of food intolerance?
(a) Cramps, gas, bloating (b) Cause severe health problems
(c) Usually comes on gradually (d) Happens on eating particular foods only

58. Fixture is the process of arranging the teams in systematic order in various groups of
competitions. It is the arrangement of various teams for competitive matches when
they play in a systematic order as per the fixed schedule.
See the given tournament fixture and answer the question.
1st R 2nd R 3rd R
1 4th R
1 1st seed
2 1
2nd B 3
5 3rd B
6 1st B 6
7 3rd seed 7
8 4th seed 8
9 2nd B 8
10 4th B

Which teams are not given Bye in first round?

(a) 2, 4 (b) 9, 10 (c) 3, 6 (d) 3, 4

59. Seema is a Table Tennis player who is very much interested in making her career in
sports. She practices for 3 hours daily and has learnt the latest rules and regulations of
the game. She has also learnt about Biomechanics that relates to various movements.
Keeping in mind those movements she is trying to gain excellence. Seema is practicing
the movements properly.
Straightening part of a joint so that the angle increases is __________ .
(a) Flexion (b) Extension (c) Abduction (d) Adduction

60. In a recent survey in a primary school, it was found that most of the students fall in the
category of undernourished. It was noticed that the children looked weak and tired
and were not studying cheerfully. So, the following poster was put upon the school

From the above picture, it can be derived that

(a) Vegetables and fruits should be eaten to stay healthy
(b) Exercise along with proper nutrition is required
(c) Pulses should form an essential part of the diet
(d) All of the above
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18 38 58
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20 40 60

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144 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (d)
11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (d) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (a) 29. (b) 30. (b)
31. (d) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (c) 40. (d)
41. (b) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (a) 45. (a) 46. (c) 47. (b) 48. (c) 49. (a) 50. (c)
51. (a) 52. (b) 53. (c) 54. (c) 55. (b) 56. (a) 57. (b) 58. (d) 59. (b) 60. (d)

1. (c) Biomechanics is a branch of physics in pulls a structure or part toward the midline of
combination with biology to help understand the body, or towards a midline of a limb.
the human movements in a scientific way. It is 11. (d) Catching, throwing and kicking are some of
the study of forces and their effects on living the motor development that takes place in
system. Early childhood.
2. (d) Fiber, caffeine and water are some of the 12. (c) For conducting an Eight foot up and go test
non-nutritive components of diet. These for agility a 17 inches/44 cm chair is required.
components do not provide energy or calories
but are often used to enhance the flavour, taste 13. (d) Walking, bending and stretching are some
and appearance of food. of the activities related with Rikli - Jones test to
assess fitness of the senior citizens.
3. (d) Rolling from side to side is an activity that
14. (c) Among the given options, Vitamin A is not
starts in a child in the development stage
water soluble vitamin. Also known as Retinol,
called Infancy. It occurs between 0 to 2 years of
this vitamin is soluble in fat.
child birth.
15. (c) Standing Broad Jump test is the test for
4. (b) When a ball is thrown in the air, it takes a
measuring the explosive power or strength of
parabolic path due to gravity acting on it.
5. (a) Riboflavin is the scientific name of Vitamin
16. (b) Saturated fat increases the risk of heart
B 2.
diseases. It is a type of dietary fat and is
6. (d) All of these are types of movement related considered as one of the unhealthy fats along
with physical activity. Abduction describes the with transfat.
movement away from the mid line of the body. 17. (b) Rockport fitness test is a test to measure the
Adduction describes the movement towards cardiovascular fitness by running a distance of
mid line of the body and Extension describes a 400 m track.
straightening movement that increases the
18. (d) Occurrence of gas, cramps and bloating
angle between the body types.
after eating certain foods is an example of food
7. (a) The formula N( N − 1) is applied to find the intolerance. It is caused by part or complete
number of matches played in a Double league absence of activity of enzymes responsible for
tournament. breaking down or absorbing the food elements.
8. (d) Planning for providing good meals to the 19. (c) Knock-knee is mainly caused due to
team is not a pre work of Finance committee of deficiency of Vitamin D. Also referred as
a tournament. It is the pre-work for committee ‘Calciferol’, this vitamin is helpful in formation

for refreshments and entertainment. Finance of strong bones and teeth.

committee is responsible for preparing the 20. (c) Back scratch test is suitable for senior
budget and maintaining the account of income citizens to assess their upper body flexibility.
and expenditure. This test is performed in a standing position by
9. (d) Weak muscles of foot, rapid increase in keeping one hand behind the head and
body weight and carrying heavy weight are lowering it down gradually over the shoulder.
some of the causes of flat foot. 21. (c) Among the given options, nuts are the
10. (d) In the given illustration, adduction source of plant based protein.
movement is shown. It describes a motion that 22. (a) The Partial curl up test is done in supine
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 145

23. (c) Mass is inversely proportional to force. It is 32. (b) The correct match is given below.
inferred from Newton’s Second Law of Motion Figure (a) depicts Push ups performed by
which states that a change in the acceleration of boys as a part of motor fitness test.
an object is directly proportional to the force Figure (b) depicts Partial curl ups, it is also a
producing it and inversely proportional to its part of motor fitness test.
Figure (c) depicts standing broad jump.
24. (c) Maintaining a correct posture is helpful in
Figure (d) depicts modified Push-up,
improving physical appearance, increasing
performed by girls to measure their physical
body flexibility and bringing greater efficiency
in work.
33. (c) The correct match is given below
25. (d) The given image shows the Chair Sit and
Reach test which is used to assess the lower Figure (a) depicts Standing broad jump test,
body flexibility of the senior citizens. which is used to measure the explosive power
of legs.
26. (a) The given image depicts the postural
Figure (b) depicts Partial curl up, which is
deformity of round shoulders. It can be
used to measure the strength and endurance
corrected by holding the horizontal bars for
of abdominal muscles.
some time.
Figure (c) depicts 4 × 10 m shuttle run which
27. (c) If a child is able to walk and run but not able is designed to measure speed and agility
to speak properly, then he/she is lacking while moving.
Sensory motor skills. Figure (d) depicts modified Push ups for
28. (a) Total number of teams = 10 women which is designed to measure upper
Next highest number of power of two =16 body strength and endurance.
Difference between the total number of teams 34. (a) Option (a) is incorrect about minerals, as
and the next highest number in power of 2 they are needed in micro (not macro)
= 16 − 10 = 6 quantities for optimum functioning of the
Hence, 6 Byes will be given. body.
29. (b) Number of matches in Single league 35. (a) Newton’s Second Law of Motion or the
N( N − 1) Law of Acceleration states that a change in
tournament =
2 acceleration of an object is directly
Number of teams ( N ) = 9 proportional to the force producing it and
inversely proportional to its mass.
9(9 − 1) 72
= = 36
2 2 36. (a) In Gross motor development, large
muscles of the skeleton are stimulated to
30. (b) In a game of soccor, a player kicking the ball
maintain posture and balance. It involves the
along the ground is an example of Newton’s
development of large muscles in the child’s
First Law of Motion. This law states that a body
body specially while sitting, walking,
at rest will remain at rest and body in motion
jumping, running etc.
will remain in motion at the same speed and in
the same direction unless acted on by an 37. (c) Among the given options, (c) is odd one
external force. as it depicts postural deformity of the
feet called Flat foot. All others are related
31. (d) The correct match is given below
with the postural deformity of spinal
Iron is micro mineral essential for production of curvature.

Sodium is macro mineral responsible for 38. (b) The assertion (A) is correct as development
efficient functioning of nervous system. of a child is affected by environmental factors,
genetics factors and nutrition.
Fluorine is macro-mineral responsible for the
development of strong enamel and prevent Reason (R) is also correct as physical
cavities from forming in teeth. education and sports contributes to the overall
health of the person. But reason do not
Phosphorous is macro mineral essential for the
explain the Assertion in this question.
development of strong bones and teeth.
146 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

39. (c) The assertion (A) is true as person’s 47. (b) The total number of non-seeded teams in a
overall health is determined by his eating tournament is equal to teams which are not
habits and social customs. A person with given a Bye. This method is used to avoid strong
good eating habits such as regular intake of team competing with each other in the initial
balanced diet, and good social customs such rounds.
as practising yoga daily, always remains fit. 48. (c) Weight of boy = 60 kg
Reason (R) is false as intake of labelled food
often results in weight gain, obesity and ill Height of boy =158 cm = 1.58 m
Weight (kg)
health. Body Mass Index (BMI) =
Height (m)2
40. (d) The given illustration depicts the staircase 60 60
method of fixture in Round Robin = = = 24
1.58 × 1.58 2.49
tournament. In this method, fixtures are
made just like a ladder or a staircase. Hence, BMI of boy is 24

41. (b) If a person has a Body Mass Index (BMI) 49. (a) The 3rd quarter students fall into over
of 16.2 then he should be classified in weight category as their Body Mass Index (BMI)
undernourished category. is under 25 to 29.9 range.

42. (a) The correct match is given below 50. (c) Proteins and Fats constitute important
elements of balanced diet. A balanced diet is one
Partial curl ups test is the component of
that fulfills all of a person’s nutritional needs.
Motor Fitness Test.
Besides proteins, and fats, it also constitutes
Harvard step test is a cardiovascular fitness carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals in
test. required amount.
400 m track run/walk is part of Rockport test.
51. (a) From the given figure, it can be concluded
Arm Curl Test is component of Rikli and that Saurabh who is suffering from postural
Jones Senior Citizen Fitness test. deformity of Knock-knees. It can be rectified by
43. (c) The correct match is given below keeping a pillow between the knees and
50 m standing start is helpful in determining standing erect for some time every day.
or measuring the speed of the participants. 52. (b) Among the given options, Harvard Step test
600 m walk test measures cardiovascular is best suited for measuring cardiovascular
endurance among senior citizens. fitness of trainees.
Push-ups are considered as best test for 53. (c) Organising and conducting of sports events
assessing strength and endurance of the involve both planning and forming committee.
participants. Planning helps in facilitating proper coordination
Partial curl up test is helpful in measuring and increasing efficiency and forming
strength and endurance of abdominal committee helps in effectively delegate different
muscles. functions required to conduct a sports event.
44. (a) Chair Stand test is recommended to check 54. (c) Among the given options, poor eating habits
the functional fitness and lower body is the main reason for obesity. Poor eating habits
strength of senior citizens. involve eating too much fats, sugar, labelled foods
and ignoring the balanced and nutritious diet.
45. (a) The Modified Push ups is a physical
fitness test designed for women to measure 55. (b) The instructor in this case is applying
their upper body strength and endurance. Newton’s Law of Action-reaction to advise
Ankur in swimming. Thrust against the water in

As compared to the conventional push ups

for men, it is more easier for women to swimming is an example of the Newton’s Third
perform. law. In swimming, the water exerts equal and
opposite reaction against the swimmer to stop
46. (c) An athlete jumping higher off a solid them from swimming. By propeling the water
surface is an application of Newton’s Third backwards with hands and legs the water
Law of Motion. pushes the swimmer forward.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 147

56. (a) In the later childhood stage of motor generally associated with physiological
development, children develop the execution responses associated with particular foods.
of planned activities that involve lot of 58. (d) From the given tournament fixture, it can be
movements and cognitive skills. Late concluded that team 3 and 4 are not given Bye in
childhood stage, starts from 11 to 12 years of the first round.
child birth.
59. (b) Straightening parts of a joint so that the angle
57. (b) Among the given options, (b) is not a increases is Extension.
feature of food intolerance, because severe
60. (d) From the given picture, it can be derived that
health problems are often caused by long vegetables and fruits should be eaten to stay
term causes such as poor lifestyle, taking healthy, exercise along with proper nutrition is
imbalanced diet and ignoring regular exercise required to remain fit and active and pulses
and yogic asanas. Food intolerance is should form an essential part of our diet.

148 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

A Highly Simulated Practice Question Paper
for CBSE Class XII (Term I) Examination

(i) There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
(ii) Section A consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iii) Section B consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iv) Section C consists of 12 questions amongst which 10 questions have to be attempted.
(v) Each question carries (0.70 marks).

Maximum Marks : 35
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 Minutes


1. Non-nutritive component of diet includes
(a) Colour compounds (b) Roughage
(c) Flavour compounds (d) All of these

2. In which tournament, all teams play against each other irrespective of winning or
(a) Knock out tournament (b) League tournament
(c) Combination tournament (d) All of these

3. What is the formula for giving Bye?

N( N − 1) N( N + 1)
(a) (b)
2 2
Nb − 1
(c) Next higher power of 2-no of teams (d)

4. Which stage of motor development ends at the onset of puberty?

(a) Late childhood (b) Infancy
(c) Early childhood (d) Middle childhood

5. The digestive system turns proteins into which acids?

(a) Amino acids (b) Nitric acids (c) Lactic acids (d) Citric acids

6. Which of the following is correct for 600 m walk/run?

(a) It measures strength (b) It measures acceleration
(c) It measures endurance (d) It measures flexibility
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 149

7. In the 4 × 10 m shuttle run, the total distance run is

(a) 40 m (b) 10 m (c) 400 m (d) 4 m

8. Six minutes walk test is conducted on which age group?

(a) Infants 0-2 years (b) Adoloscents 13-18 years
(c) Middle aged 35-45 years (d) Senior citizen >60

9. Complete responsibility for success of a competition is taken by

(a) Announcement Committee (b) Publicity Committee
(c) Administrative Head (d) First aid Committee

10. Which of the following is not a movement related to physical activity?

(a) Extension (b) Adduction (c) Abduction (d) Exaltation

11. Number of matches played can be calculated by the formula

(a) N (b) N − 1 (c) N + 1 (d) N + 2

12. Which of the following is a variation of the traditional Sit and reach flexibility test?
(a) Harvard step test (b) Eight foot up and go test
(c) Partial curl up test (d) Chair sit and reach test

13. Which vitamin deficiency leads to problems in clotting of blood?

(a) Vitamin K (b) Vitamin C
(c) Vitamin B (d) Vitamin A

14. Which postural deformity is considered the opposite of Knock knees?

(a) Flat foot (b) Scoliosis
(c) Kyphosis (d) Bowlegs

15. The factor that induces motor development in children is

(a) Endurance (b) Environment
(c) Intelligence quotient (d) Sensibility

16. Which of the following is also called Round Robin tournament?

(a) Knock out tournament (b) Berger System
(c) Staircase tournament (d) Both (a) and (b)

17. Special seeding is given to

(a) weak teams (b) strong team
(c) medium teams (d) All of these

18. Balance diet consists of which of the following?

(a) All essential nutrients except minerals (b) All essential nutrients in proper quantity
(c) Only macro nutrients (d) Only proteins, vitamins and minerals

19. ___________ refers to development of movement and various motor abilities from birth
till death.
(a) Gross motor skills (b) Fine motor skills
(c) Motor development (d) Motor skills

20. Vitamin B 2 complex is found in which of the following food?

(a) Cereals (b) Egg yolk
(c) Milk (d) All of these
150 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

21. Which committee selects various officials such as referees, judges, etc in tournament?
(a) Committee for Publicity (b) Reception Committee
(c) Committee for Officials (d) Transport Committee

22. Out of the following methods, which will increases the participation of women in
sports in India?
(a) Providing separate changing facilities for women.
(b) Good coaching facilities.
(c) Provision of childcare at the venues.
(d) All of the above

23. Name the test used to measure shoulder strength?

(a) Chair Stand Test (b) Back Scratch Test
(c) Chair Sit and Reach Test (d) Arm Curl Test

24. Name the movement shown in this action.

(a) Extension (b) Flexion (c) Adduction (d) Abduction


25. If 7 teams participate in Double League tournament, how many matches will be played?
(a) 42 (b) 45 (c) 54 (d) 58

26. When a dancer leaps upwards, then he/she remains in the air for a short while. This is
which law?
(a) Second law of motion (b) Third law of motion
(c) First law of motion (d) All of these

27. Identify the food group in the bottom most part of this food pyramid?

(a) Fruits and Vegetables (b) Cereals

(c) Dairy products (d) Oils, butter

28. The preparation of a proper score sheet for maintaining records is the responsibility of
(a) Pre-tournament committee (b) During tournament committee
(c) Post-tournament committee (d) All of these
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 151

29. Sports coaches should make use of _______ biomechanical analysis in their everyday
practice to produce better results from students.
(a) Qualitative (b) Quantitative (c) Efficient (d) Economical

30. Which of the following is the normal BMI for men?

(a) 18-24.9 (b) 21-28.5 (c) 25.1-29.9 (d) 30-34.9

31. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Water soluble vitamin 1. Potassium
B. Fat soluble vitamin 2. Vitamin D
C. Store house of energy 3. Vitamin C
D. Macro nutrient 4. Fats

(a) 3 2 4 1 (b) 4 3 1 2
(c) 4 2 1 3 (d) 3 1 2 4

32. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Arm curl test

B. 2. Harvard step test

C. 3. Chair sit and reach test

D. 4. Back scratch test


(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 1 4 2 3
(c) 3 1 4 2 (d) 2 4 3 1
152 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

33. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Softball hit into the air 1. Law of acceleration
B. Reversing the direction of football 2. Law of gravitation
C. Swimmer propelling forward 3. Law of inertia
D. Soccer ball landing on the ground 4. Law of action-reaction

(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 1 4 3 2
(c) 3 1 4 2 (d) 2 4 2 1

34. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Rickets 1. Vitamin C

B. Anemia 2. Vitamin A

C. Pyorrhea 3. Vitamin B 6
D. Loss of Vision 4. Vitamin D

(a) 4 3 1 2 (b) 4 2 1 3
(c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 1 2 3 1

35. Which of the following statements about push ups is not correct?
(a) This test measure lower body strength and endurance.
(b) This test is designed for males.
(c) Standard push up begins by touching the floor with hands and toes.
(d) This test can be repeated until exhaustion.

36. Group play, team work, planned activities, organised games are undertaken in which
age group by children?
(a) Early childhood
(b) Infancy
(c) Late childhood
(d) Middle childhood

37. Identify the odd one out.


(a) (b) (c) (d)

CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 153

38. Assertion (A) Scoliosis is treatable by doing the Trikonasana.

Reason (R) This asana gives strength to the leg muscles and reduces the back pain.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

39. Assertion (A) The 600 m run/walk test measures the endurance by running or
walking to longer distances.
Reason (R) The test is part of the motor fitness test of the young people.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

40. Identify the movement that is shown in this image.

(a) Extension (b) Adduction

(c) Flexion (d) Abduction

41. Which test is best suited for grandparents to test their lower body flexibility?
(a) Back scratch test (b) Modified push ups
(c) Chair sit and reach test (d) 600 m run/walk

42. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 50 m standing start 1. Flexibility

B. Sit and reach 2. Speed, agility

C. 4 × 10 m shuttle run 3. Acceleration, Speed


D. Modified push ups 4. Endurance, strength

(a) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
(b) A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3
(c) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
(d) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4
154 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

43. Calculate the physical fitness index for a girl having completed Harvard step test, for a
3 minutes and 54 pulse count between 1 to 1.5 minutes.
(a) 62.6 (b) 60.60
(c) 65.1 (d) 63.7

44. How many byes are given in a league tournament when 8 teams are participating?
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

45. Assertion (A) Rider’s bend forward while riding a horse to gain speed.
Reason (R) Rider’s bending forward can be related to Newton’s First Law of Motion.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

46. Vitamin E contributes to the production of ________, making our _________ system
(a) strength, digestive (b) antibodies, immune
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) hormones, muscular

47. Calculate the BMI if the height of a 21 year old male is 169 cm and weight is 98 kg.
(a) 26.6 (b) 34.3
(c) 19.2 (d) 30.8

48. In a tournament of 21 teams, how many byes will be distributed in lower half?
(a) 6 (b) 11
(c) 12 (d) 2


49. Study the case given below.
This is the BMI data of girls in a hostel health check-up.

3 4


1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

18.5–24.9 <18.5 25–29.9 30–34.9

On the basis of the above data; answer the following question :

Which category is related to underweight?
(a) (b) (c) (d)
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 155

50. They are nutritive components of a diet and provide energy to the body. They require
less water in the diet for being digested. They are of two types and considered as a
macro nutrient for the body. Which element of food is discussed here?
(a) Fats (b) Carbohydrates
(c) Proteins (d) All of these

51. On a recent health check up, Rahul was diagnosed with teeth and gum problems. His
parents are very concerned about Rahul’s health and asked more about this problem.
Unhealthy teeth and gums is due to the deficiency of which mineral?
(a) Calcium (b) Sodium (c) Iron (d) Zinc

52. Gita is a yoga teacher and teaches yoga in school. One of her student’s mother is
suffering from the postural deformity of Lordosis. She requested Gita to come to her
house and show her yogasana that may help her in improving her condition.
The teacher did an asana that is shown in the image below. Identify this asana.

(a) Chakrasana (b) Paschimottasana

(c) Vajrasana (d) Halasana

53. Taking foods that are labelled as ‘low fat’ ‘low sugar’ ‘low calories’ may not produce
proper results. For example drinking more tea with sugar free results in more intake of
tea and hence greater calorie consumption. The pitfalls of dieting are actually the
dangers of dieting that need to be checked.
Which of the following is a pitfall of dieting?
(a) Starve yourself if you want to loose weight (b) Not performing exercise
(c) Potatoes make us fat (d) All of these

54. Physical education teacher divided all the students of class 12 into 6 teams and wanted
to conduct a Basketball tournament. He consulted the management to conduct the
tournament after proper drawing of fixture.
Given below is the fixture drawn by the teacher of 6 teams. Identify the type of
tournament fixture made by him.
1-3 2-3
1-4 2-4 3-4
1-5 2-5 3-5 4-5

1-6 2-6 3-6 4-6 5-6

(a) Knock out (b) Pyramid (c) Staircase (d) Cyclic

55. Neeti along with her father was regular at district park in early morning. She realised
that most of the youngsters were obese. She discussed it with her teachers and
principal and together they decided to organise an awareness program for taking
proper diet. Which of the following is a major cause of obesity?
(a) Improper eating habits (b) Eating junk food
(c) Eating sweets (d) All of these
156 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

56. Participation of women in sports in India is very small. Gender inequality is strongly
evident in sports also. The problem is more socio-psychological. To tackle this situation
many efforts are being made by the Indian Government.
Which factors cause less participation of women in sports?
(a) Lack of self-confidence (b) Social constraints
(c) Male dominated culture of sports (d) All of these
57. Non-nutritive compounds of diet do not provide energy or calories. Their purpose is to
make the food smell and taste better, last longer or look better. Some of these
components may or may not be nutritive?
Which can be nutritive as well as non-nutritive components of food?
(a) Fibre (b) Flavours (c) Plant compounds (d) Water
58. The fitness index is a way to measure the functional fitness of people. For this , the
pulse count is needed and then computed to find out the fitness index. To calculate the
fitness index, various tests are there. See the given picture and identify the fitness test
shown here.

(a) Harvard test (b) Rockport test

(c) Rikli and Jones test (d) Motor fitness test
59. Lakshman aged 70 is a retired police officer. After retirement, he has kept his daily
routine activities and does exercises as he used to do while in service. He also does a
lot of physical work.
Which of the following test would be suggest to check the fitness of Lakshman?
(a) Rock port test (b) Rikli and Jones test
(c) Harvard step test (d) All of these
60. The laws of motion given by Newton help in understanding the air resistance, force
mass and acceleration. Understanding these laws help the players to achieve success in
sports performances.
The study of Laws of Motion and their application in sports is related to which among the

(a) Physics (b) Physiology (c) Kinesiology (d) Biomechanics
Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

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Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
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1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60

Check Your Performance

Total Questions: Total Correct Questions
Score Percentage = × 100
Total Correct Questions: Total Questions

Less than 60% > Average (Revise the Chapters again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
158 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (d)
11. (b) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (c) 22. (d) 23. (d) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (a)
31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (c) 37. (b) 38. (a) 39. (b) 40. (d)
41. (c) 42. (d) 43. (b) 44. (b) 45. (d) 46. (b) 47. (b) 48. (a) 49. (b) 50. (b)
51. (a) 52. (b) 53. (b) 54. (c) 55. (d) 56. (d) 57. (c) 58. (b) 59. (b) 60. (d)

1. (d) The non-nutritive components of diet are 10. (d) A physical activity includes different
those components that do not provide energy or range of movements. They include extension,
calories. In other words, they have no nutritive flexion, adduction, abduction, etc. But
value. Such parts of food include roughage, exaltation is not a movement. It means a state
water, colour compounds, flavour compounds of extreme happiness.
and plant compounds. 11. (b) The number of matches in a tournament
2. (b) In a League tournament, each team gets to can be easily calculated by subtracting 1 from
play with every other team at least once. the total number of teams participating in the
3. (c) The number of Byes in a fixture is the actual tournament (N-1). Hence, if there are 14 teams
difference between the number of teams in a tournament the number of matches will
participating in the tournament and the next be 13.
highest power of 2. Hence, if there are 11 teams 12. (d) The traditional sit and reach test is used
in a tournament, the number of byes would be for measuring flexibility. The Chair sit and
calculated as reach test can be used as an alternative to it as
Byes = 16 − 11 = 5 it also checks the flexibility of a senior
Herein, 16 is the next highest power of 2 after individual.
11. 13. (a) Vitamin K functions to clot the blood. Its
4. (a) Late childhood is that stage of motor deficiency can cause problems as when the
development which ends at the age of 13 at the blood does not clot, there is a chance of
onset of puberty. haemorrhage and excessive bleeding in cases
of injuries.
5. (a) Proteins are macronutrients that are
converted into amino acids by our digestive 14. (d) Knock knees is a postural deformity in
system as they cannot be directly absorbed into which both the knees-knock or touch each
our blood. other while in normal standing position as the
gap between the ankles goes on increasing. Its
6. (c) The 600 m Walk-Run test is an evaluative complete opposite is another postural
test that measures the walking speed and deformity called Bow legs in which there is a
endurance in young people. wide gap between the knees when standing
7. (a) In the 4 × 10 m shuttle run, the total distance with feet together.
covered is 40 m. 15. (b) There are various factors which are liable
8. (d) Six minutes walk test is conducted on to affect motor development in children. They

senior citizen above 60 years of age. This test is include biological factors, environment
part of Rikli and Jones tests for senior citizen in factors, nutrition, lack of opportunities,
which there are 6 different tests. postural deformities, etc.

9. (c) Complete responsibility for the success of 16. (b) Berger system is also called as Round
any sports tournament or competition is taken Robin tournament. Another name for these
by the General committee which is headed by tournaments is League tournament. Knock out
the Administrative Director under whom the tournament is also called elimination tournament
Executive Committee performs its duties. and staircase is a way of drawing fixtures.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 159

17. (b) Seeding is given to all the strong teams in a 29. (a) Sports coaches must use the qualitative
tournament to keep them at appropriate place biomechanical analysis in their every day
in the fixture. Special seeding then is given to practice to produce better results from
the strongest team or player to fix their students.
position in the quarter final or the semi-final. 30. (a) The normal BMI for men ranges between 18
18. (b) A balanced diet refers to the intake of food and 24.9.
which can provide all the essential constituents 31. (a) Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin,
necessary for growth and maintenance of the Vitamin D is the fat soluble vitamin, fat is
body, in definite amount in which they are called the store house of energy and potassium
required by the body. is a macro nutrient.
19. (c) Motor development refers to the 32. (c) The given image listed as (a) shows the
development of various motor abilities in a Chair sit and reach test, (b) shows the Arm curl
individual from birth till death. test, (c) shows the Back scratch test and (d)
20. (b) Vitamin B 2 is richly found in egg yolk, fish, shows the Harvard step test.
pulses, peas, rice, yeast, wheat and in green 33. (c) Softball hit in the air is an application of the
vegetables. Law of Inertia, reversing the direction of the
21. (c) The Committee for officials selects various football is an application of the Law of
officials required in a match such as referees, acceleration, swimming is an application of the
judges, recorders, starters, umpires, time Law of action-reaction and soccer ball landing
keepers and lap scorers for the games as per on the ground applies the Law of gravitation.
the requirement. 34. (a) Deficiency of Vitamin D causes Rickets,
22. (d) To increase the participation of women in deficiency of Vitamin B6 causes Anemia,
sports in India, we need to take some measures deficiency of Vitamin C causes Pyorrhea and
that provide facilities that include- provision deficiency of Vitamin A causes loss of vision.
for separate changing rooms for women, good 35. (a) The push-up fitness test (also called the
coaching facilities to women, and child care press-up test) measures upper body strength
facilities for athletes who are also mothers. and endurance.
23. (d) The Arm curl test is a test to measure the 36. (c) Stress on group play, team work, planned
upper body shoulder strength of senior citizen. activities and organised games are undertaken
24. (a) The given picture shows a motion in which during the later childhood group (7-12 years).
the lower legs move farther apart from each 37. (b) Except the disease represented in option
other. Such a motion is called extension (b), all other postural deformities are related to
motion. the legs. Option (b) represents a spine related
25. (a) For a Double League tournament, the postural deformity.
number of matches is determined with the 38. (a) Assertion is correct as Scoliosis is a postural
help of the formula- N (N – 1). Accordingly for deformity that can be treated by performing
7 teams, a total of 42 matches will be played. Trikonasana.
= 7(7 − 1) = 7 × 6 = 42 Reason is also true as Trikonasana provides
26. (c) According to the First Law of Motion, ‘body strength to the leg muscles and reduces back
at rest will remain at rest and a body in motion pain.
will remain in motion at the same speed and in 39. (b) The Assertion is true as the 600 m run or
the same direction unless acted on by an walk test is a motor fitness test for the young

external force.’ So, if a dancer leaps in air people. It measures the walking speed and
upwards, he/she will stay in air for a short endurance. But reason do not explain how 600
while till an equal or large force acts upon it. m test measures endurance therefore both are
27. (b) The bottom most part of a food pyramid correct but R is not the correct explanation of
shows the food items that should be eaten the A.
most. Cereals is included in this part of the 40. (d) In the given image, the person is lifting the
pyramid. upper limb horizontally to form a right angle
28. (b) The proper score sheet is always done by with the side of the body. Such a movement
the during tournament committee. happens in Abduction.
160 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

41. (c) The Rikli and Jones senior citizen test include Hence, the total number of Bye in the lower
the Chair sit and reach test which measures the half will be 6.
lower body flexibility of the elderly. 49. (b) The BMI for underweight people lies
42. (d) The 50 meter standing start tests acceleration below 18.5.
and speed, Sit and reach test measures flexibility, 50. (b) Carbohydrates are the most important
4 × 10 meter shuttle run measures speed and source of energy. Generally, it is seen that a
agility and Modified push ups measures diet rich in carbohydrates needs less amount
endurance and strength. of water in comparison to diet rich in
43. (b) Physical Fitness Index = (Duration of exercise proteins and fats. There are two main types
in seconds × 100)/(5.5 × Pulse count between 1-1.5 of carbohydrates, i.e., simple carbohydrates
minutes) and complex carbohydrates.
Duration of exercise for 12-year old girl = 3 51. (a) Calcium is an important mineral that
minutes Pulse count for 1 to 1.5 minutes = 54 aids the formation of teeth and bones. Any
So, Physical Fitness Index problem associated with teeth and gums are
=(3 × 60 × 100)/(5.5 × 54) = 18000/297 = 60.6 associated with the deficiency of calcium.
44. (b) If you are running a round robin tournament 52. (b) The asana shown in the image is
or a league then, only 1 bye is given is each Paschimottasana. It is an asana to treat the
round. postural deformity of Lordosis. Another
asana can be performed to cure this
45. (d) The assertion is false as Rider’s bend forward
deformity is Halasana.
to maintain balance and not to gain speed. When
the horse suddenly stops then also the rider 53. (b) Not performing exercises is one of the
bends forward to avoid falling. The reason is true pitfalls of dieting.
as riders bend forward to stop being in motion as 54. (c) In the staircase method, fixtures are
they are also moving with the motion of the made just like a ladder or a staircase.
55. (d) Improper eating habits like eating junk
46. (b) It is believed that Vitamin E contributes to the food and sweets in excess is one of the major
production of antibodies in the body. causes of obesity.
This strengthens the immune system and helps 56. (d) The lack of women participation in
the body to fight diseases. sports can be attributed to the lack of
47. (b) The formula for calculating an individual’s confidence among female athletes due to the
BMI is kg/cm 2 where kg is a person’s weight in social constraints of the society and the male
kilograms and cm 2 is their height in centimeters dominance in the world of sports.
square. So, 57. (c) Plant compounds can be nutritive as well
= 98 / (169 . ) = 34.3
. x 169 as non-nutritive.
Hence, the BMI for the male is 34.3. 58. (b) The given image shows the Rockport test
48. (a) The number of Byes in a fixture is the actual in which an individual has to run on a 400
difference between the number of teams meter track in the minimum amount of time.
participating in the tournament and the next 59. (b) Rikli and Jones test is suggested to all the
highest number which is the power of 2. So for a seniors citizens to test their fitness.
team of 21 teams, the total number of byes will be
32-21=11. 60. (d) Biomechanics is the study of forces and
their effects on living systems. It is applied
The number of byes in the lower half is given by

in the field of sports as the laws of motion

the formula (Total number of Byes +1) /2
are central to all sport movements.
= 11 + 1 / 2 = 12 / 2 = 6
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 161

A Highly Simulated Practice Question Paper
for CBSE Class XII (Term I) Examination

(i) There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
(ii) Section A consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iii) Section B consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iv) Section C consists of 12 questions amongst which 10 questions have to be attempted.
(v) Each question carries (0.70 marks).

Maximum Marks : 35
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 Minutes


1. Deficiency of which micro mineral(s) may cause osteoporosis and retarded growth?
(a) Calcium (b) Phosphorus
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

2. Which of the following characterises Bow legs?

(a) Legs touch each other on walking (b) Lengths of leg varies
(c) Knees are wide apart (d) Width of legs varies

3. The given picture shows S shape spine. Which deformity is it?


(a) Kyphosis (b) Scoliosis

(c) Lordosis (d) None of these

4. What is another name of Elimination tournaments?

(a) Knock-out tournaments (b) League tournaments
(c) Combination tournaments (d) Challenge tournaments
162 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

5. Which nutrient is derived from oilseeds, nuts, coconut and milk?

(a) Protein (b) Vitamin
(c) Fats (d) Minerals

6. Which nutrient group is the main component of muscles, organs and glands?
(a) Proteins (b) Carbohydrates
(b) Vitamins (d) Fats

7. Taking which step will increase women’s participation in sports?

(a) Separate changing facilities.
(b) Concessions in travelling for women players.
(c) Providing a safe environment.
(d) All of the above

8. Which is a non-nutritive but essential component of diet?

(a) Caffine (b) Water
(c) Saffron (d) Sodium Benzoate

9. What does the second Law of Motion state?

(a) Body at rest will remain at rest.
(b) For every action, there is opposite reaction.
(c) Less friction is needed for better performance.
(d) Acceleration depends upon force applied and mass of an object.

10. What is the formula for calculating number of Byes in upper half?
Nb + 1 Nb − 1
(a) (b)
2 2
N −1 N +1
(c) (d)
2 2

11. Which of the following equipments is needed for Rockport Fitness test?
(a) Chair 44 inch (b) 8 pound weight
(c) Stopwatch (d) All of these

12. Which is the feature of Gross Motor Skill?

(a) Development of large muscles
(b) Precise movement
(c) Development of small muscles
(d) Develop more control of muscles

13. Which is not a prevention measure for Scoliosis?

(a) Exercise back muscles regularly

(b) Improve your posture

(c) Do not force the babies to walk at early age.
(d) Don’t walk, sit or stand in bent position

14. The tournament that provides maximum number of opportunities to show the best
performance is
(a) Round Robin tournament (b) Knock out tournament
(c) Combination tournament (d) Both (a) and (b)
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 163

15. ………… is an abnormal forward rounding of the spine.

(a) Kyphosis (b) Lordosis
(c) Scoliosis (d) Round shoulders

16. Every tournament schedule is arranged according to a set procedure, known as

(a) Fixture (b) Seeding
(c) Bye (d) League

17. Low levels of which mineral leads to Anemia?

(a) Iron (b) Iodine
(c) Calcium (d) Potassium

18. Proteins helps in

(a) increase in bone density (b) antibodies formation
(c) building of muscles (d) Both (b) and (c)

19. Kyphosis is commonly known as

(a) sideways bending (b) outer curvature
(c) Hunch back (d) hollow back

20. Performing which asana regularly can be a remedy of Flat foot?

(a) Vajrasana (b) Tadasana
(c) Halasana (d) Padmasana

21. The 8 Foot up and go test is done to measure which of the following?
(a) Endurance (b) Speed
(c) Agility (d) Flexibility

22. Which is the physical fitness test for senior citizen?

(a) Modified push ups (b) Chair stand test
(c) Standing broad jump (d) Shuttle run

23. Biomechanics is a tool used in sports to understand ............. and hence prevent injuries.
(a) movements (b) actions
(c) equipments (d) friction

24. The concept of Biomechanics is associated with ……… .

(a) Physics (b) Mechanical engineering
(c) Mechanic and anatomy (d) Mechanic and physics



25. Identify the deformity that can be cured by practicing the asana shown below.

(a) Lordosis (b) Bowlegs

(c) Flat foot (d) Kyphosis
164 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

26. Which component of physical fitness is tested through this exercise?

(a) Flexibility (b) Explosive strength

(c) Speed (d) Acceleration

27. Identify this exercise, which is a part of Motor Fitness test.

(a) Modified push ups (b) Partial curl ups

(c) Push ups (d) Shuttle run

28. Better balance, fine movements, movement precision, speed abilities and competitive
spirit are parts of which stage?
(a) Middle childhood (b) Adolescence
(c) Early childhood (d) Infancy

29. Which of the following statements is not true about tournaments?

(a) Each tournament has a time duration
(b) Tournaments are of four types
(c) Tournaments are held in predecided venues
(d) League cum knock out is an elimination tournament

30. In a league tournament, there are 6 teams. How many total number of matches will be
(a) 21 (b) 12
(c) 15 (d) 6

31. Match the following.

List I List II

A. Flexion 1. Moves parts away from each other

B. Extension 2. Movement away from midline
C. Abduction 3. Movements towards the midline
D. Adduction 4. Angle between two bones decreases

(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 1 4 3 2
(c) 3 2 1 4 (d) 2 3 1 4
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 165

32. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Rolling a ball under the foot

B. 2. Do sit ups slowly

C. 3. Avoid walking with heavy weight

on one side

D. 4. Using walking callipers

(a) 2 3 4 1 (b) 4 1 2 3 (c) 1 4 3 2 (d) 3 2 4 1

33. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Extension

B. 2. Abduction

C. 3. Flexion

D. 4. Adduction

(a) 2 3 4 1 (b) 4 1 2 3 (c) 3 2 1 4 (d) 4 2 3 1
166 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

34. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Knees overlap each other


B. 2. Sideways curve of the spine

C. 3. Increased forward curve in lumbar region

(a) 1 3 2 (b) 3 1 2
(c) 3 2 1 (d) 2 3 1

35. In a single league tournament of 9 teams, what is the number of rounds to be played?
(a) 10 (b) 8
(c) 6 (d) 12

36. How many byes will be given if the total number of teams are 13?
(a) 1 (b) 6
(c) 3 (d) 5

37. Identify the odd one out from the following.

1. 2. 3. 4.

(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 1


38. Assertion (A) Harvard step test is designed to test fitness of senior citizens.
Reason (R) The tests for older people, must be specifically designed keeping in mind
the physical fitness needs of the older people.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 167

39. Assertion (A) Newton’s Third Law of Motion describes what happens to a body when
it exerts a force on another body.
Reason (R) Newton’s First Law of Motion is applied in football.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

40. The test shown in the picture was developed by

(a) Brouha (b) Rikli and Jones

(c) Fullerton (d) None of these

41. What will be the fitness index score of a 12 year old boy if his test duration is 240
seconds and pulse count (1m-1.5 minutes) is 65?
(a) 72.41 (b) 67.13
(c) 63.9 (d) 60.82

42. Match the following.

List I (Development Stages) List II (Characteristics)
A. Infancy 1. Skip and balance on foot

B. Early Childhood 2. Learn Values

C. Middle Childhood 3. Acquires body control

D. Late Childhood 4. Learn to sit and crawl

(a) 3 2 1 4 (b) 4 1 2 3
(c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 2 3 1 4

43. Find the BMI of a 65 year old male if height is 172 cm and weight is 80 kg.

(a) 24.9 (b) 30.1

(c) 19.3 (d) 27

44. Bone and muscle strengthening activities like cycling, riding, jumping on ropes etc.
begins in which stage of motor development?
(a) Early Childhood
(b) Middle Childhood
(c) Late Childhood
(d) Adulthood
168 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

45. Assertion (A) People who fall in the category of overweight have BMI less than 30.
Reason (R) If the BMI is 30 or greater, than the person is considered to be obese.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

46. Halasana is effective in curing which of the following physical deformities?

(a) Kyphosis (b) Scoliosis
(c) Lordosis (d) Bowlegs

47. The reference to two unequal forces applied to objects of equal mass, belongs to
Newton’s which Law of Motion?
(a) Third (b) First
(c) Second (d) None of these

48. In fitness index, the number of heart beats are required in how many phases?
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 2 (d) 5


49. Below given is the BMI data of women in a village.


1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

18.5–24.9 <18.5 25–29.9 30–34.9

Based on this, answer the following question.

Which quarter shows that nutritional needs of women is not met with the food they

(a) 2nd quarter (b) 4th quarter

(c) 1st quarter (d) 3rd quarter

50. Shristhi is a student of class XI and is suffering from Flat foot. During a recent medical
check-up at school, she was advised to practice yoga and participate in sports activities
for curing it.
Based on this case, answer the following question.
The yoga instructor at the school has asked Shristhi to
(a) Walk on inner edge of foot (b) Walk on outer edge of foot
(c) Walk on heels (d) Perform horse riding
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 169

51. Gym trainer Vikram conducts Cardiovascular Fitness Test of all his trainees once a
month. Cardiovascular fitness or Aerobic Fitness Test is known as Harvard step test. It
is tested by checking the recovery rate after an exercise of 1-3 minutes or even more.
This test was developed by Brouha and others in 1943.
Likewise there are several tests to measure cardiovascular fitness level. See the given
picture and identify the fitness component that the test measures?

(a) Speed (b) Agility

(c) Coordination (d) All of these

52. Flat foot is a physical deformity of the feet. In this type of deformity, there is no arch in
the foot, so that the foot is completely flat. Thus, the affected individual faces problems
in standing walking, jumping and running.
Which of the following is not a corrective measure of this deformity?
(a) Pick up marbles with toes (b) Walk on wooden staircase
(c) Don’t walk, sit in bent position (d) Rolling a ball under the foot

53. The Eight Foot up and go test is a coordination and agility test for the elderly people
which is part of the Senior citizen Fitness test protocol. This kind of agility is required
to balance the body during quick movements such as getting up to answer a phone
Eight Foot up and go test and similar other tests to measure the fitness of senior citizen
were given by whom?
(a) Rockport (b) Rikli and Jones
(c) Brouha (d) Barrow

54. Biomechanics helps to identify forces and mechanical energy for the betterment of
sports performance. It offers possibilities to create alternative techniques of executing
specific movements, using new equipment and carrying out more effective training
methods, which also contributies to injury prevention.
Which field of study in sports is called Biomechanics?
(a) Study of friction (b) Science of mechanics
(c) Study of human movements (d) Science of precision

55. A Sports Club has to organise a basketball tournament, where there are 25 teams. The
club has formed various group and for each group, there is a group leader. You have
been asked to make various groups of club members for smooth conduct of the
People good at art and craft and creative designing will be assigned with ………
(a) Reception (b) Registration
(c) Entertainment (d) Decoration
170 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

56. Rahul went on school picnic. He ate chips, cold drinks, peanuts etc. in the bus with his
friends. While he was enjoying, he suddenly felt a severe stomach ache and fever. The
teacher consulted the doctor who diagnosed the problem and told her that Rahul had
difficulty in digesting a particular food. It is sometimes confused with or mislabelled as
food allergy. Food intolerance can cause which of the following?
(a) Diarrhoea (b) Anemia
(c) Beri beri (d) Lose of appetite

57. The physical education teacher explained the concept of movements in sports. Physical
activity is made possible by movements and motions. He showed various movements
to explain what they are and how they are made. See the picture shown below and
select the movement that is shown.

(a) Adduction (b) Abduction

(c) Flexion (d) Extension

58. Kumar of XI A is a great athlete. His physical education teacher Mr. Murugan calls him
to his office for a task. The PE teacher decided to conduct an ‘Inter House Tournament’
in the campus. Kumar requested PE Teacher to conduct the tournament on Knock out
Kumar feels that Knock out method is best for Inter house tournament. Why?
(a) Proper competition (b) Takes less time
(c) Improves efficiency (d) Gives greater opportunity

59. Rohan is an athlete. He practices for the 400m race. He has to participate in the athletic
meet to be held next month. He is practicing daily and taking a good diet. He has
included all the essential nutrients in his diet. Based on this, answer the following
Which is the most important food component of Rohan’s diet?
(a) Water (b) Roughage
(c) Carbohydrate (d) Fats

60. Motor development refers to the development of movement and various motor
abilities from birth till death. Motor development in a human being moves from

four stages, till it reaches adulthood. Each stage is characterised by some specific
feature that the child acquires.
Which of the following factors affect the motor development?
(a) Nutrition, genetic, environment (b) Education, training, skill
(c) Postural deformities, Physical activities (d) Both (a) and (c)
Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

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1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60

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Less than 60% > Average (Revise the Chapters again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
172 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (d) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (d) 30. (c)
31. (a) 32. (a) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (b) 36. (c) 37. (c) 38. (d) 39. (b) 40. (a)
41. (b) 42. (b) 43. (d) 44. (b) 45. (b) 46. (c) 47. (c) 48. (a) 49. (a) 50. (c)
51. (d) 52. (c) 53. (b) 54. (c) 55. (d) 56. (a) 57. (a) 58. (b) 59. (c) 60. (d)

1. (c) Deficiency of micro-minerals named 10. (b) Bye is a type of privilege given to a team to play
calcium and phosphorus may cause directly in a the higher round.
Osteoporosis. Calcium and phosphorus are Byes in Upper Half
micro-mineral required for development of Total number of byes − 1 Nb − 1
bone and teeth. = =
2 2
2. (c) In Bow-legs, the knees are wide apart.
11. (c) Among the given options, stopwatch is needed
3. (b) The given image depicts the postural for conducting the Rockport fitness test. Besides
deformity of Scoliosis which is a postural stopwatch, a 400 m track and a weighting scale are
adaptation of the spine in lateral direction. also rquired for conducting this test.
These curves are often found in ‘s’ shape.
12. (a) Gross Motor Skills are characterised by
4. (a) Knock-out tournaments are also known development of large muscles in the body. It
as Elimination tournaments. In this type of involves whole-body movements and are usually
tournament, a team once defeated, acquired during childhood as part of a child’s
automatically gets eliminated from the motor learning.
13. (c) Do not force the babies to walk at early age is
5. (c) Among the given options, fats are prevention of Bow legs. Postural adaptation of the
found in oilseeds, nuts, coconut and milk. spine in lateral direction is called Scoliosis. It can
6. (a) Protein is the main component of be prevented by doing exercise of back muscles
muscles, organs and glands. It is the body regularly, improving sitting and standing posture
building component of the diet and is and avoiding walking, sitting or standing in bent
responsible for formation and maintenance position.
of muscles and tissues. 14. (a) The tournament that provides maximum
7. (d) Establishment of separate changing number of opportunities to show the best
facilities, concession in travelling and performance is Round Robin tournament. In this
providing a safe environment are among type of tournament, every team plays with every
some of the steps required to increase other team irrespective of victory or defeat.
women’s participation in sports. 15. (a) Kyphosis is an abnormal forward rounding of
8. (b) Among the given options, water is the spine. It is characterised by exaggeration of
non-nutritive but essential component of posterior curve or reversal of a forward curve.
diet. It constitutes around 70% weight of 16. (a) Every tournament schedule is arranged
human body and helps in the

according to a set procedure, known as fixture. It is

transportation of the nutrients to various a methodology used for planning any sport
cells of the body. It also regulates the body activities and match.
17. (a) Low level of iron leads to Anemia. Iron is micro
9. (d) The Newton’s Second Law of Motion mineral essential for production of haemoglobin.
states that the acceleration depends upon
force applied and mass of an object. 18. (d) Protein helps in antibodies formation and
According to this law, a change in the building of muscles.
acceleration of an object is directly 19. (c) Kyphosis is commonly known as Hunch back. It
proportional to the force producing it and is characterised by exaggeration of posterior curve
inversely proportional to its mass. or reversal of forward curve.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 173

20. (a) Performing Vajrasana regularly is remedy l In Extension movement, parts move away
of Flat foot. from each other.
21. (c) The 8 Foot up and go test is done to l In Abduction movement, there is movement
measure agility. It also assess coordination in away from the mid line of the body.
senior citizens. l In Adduction movement, there is movement
towards the mid line of the body.
22. (b) Among the given options, Chair stand test
is a physical fitness test for senior citizen. It is 32. (a) The correct match is given below.
included under Rikli and Jones, senior citizen Figure (a) depicts postural deformity of
fitness test. Lordosis. A remedy for Lordosis is to do sit ups
23. (a) Bio-mechanics is a tool used in sports to
Figure (b) depicts postural deformity of
understand movements and hence prevent
Scoliosis. A preventive measure of Scoliosis is to
injuries. It is the study of movements of living
avoid walking with heavy weight on one side.
beings using the science of mechanics.
Figure (c) depicts postural deformity of Knock
24. (c) The concept of Biomechanics is associated knees. To remedy it, one needs to use walking
with mechanics and anatomy. Biomechanics is callipers.
a sub-discipline of physical education which Figure (d) depicts postural deformity of Flat
applies the law of mechanics and physics to foot. A remedy for Flat foot is to roll a ball
study the bodily movements and their causes. under the foot.
25. (d) The given image depicts Bhujangasana and 33. (a) Figure (a) depicts angular movement of
it is helpful in curing postural deformity of Abduction. It is achieved by moving a part of
Kyphosis. body away from the midline.
26. (b) The given figure depicts the Standing Figure (b) depicts angular movement of
broad jump test. It is used to measure Flexion. It occurs through bending of joints in
explosive strength of legs. order to bring together the parts it connects.
27. (b) In the given image, Partial curl ups test is Figure (c) depicts angular movement of
depicted. It is a part of Motor Fitness test and Adduction. It describes movement that is
is used to test the strength and endurance of towards the mid line of the body.
abdominal muscles. Figure (d) depicts angular movement of
Extension. It is achieved by straightening parts
28. (a) Better balance, fine movements, movement
at a joint so that the angle between them
precision, speed abilities and competitive
increases and parts move further apart.
spirit are part of middle childhood. It occurs
between 7 to 10 years of child birth and is 34. (d) The correct match is given below.
characterised by better coordination abilities. Figure (a) depicts sideway curve of spine. It is
29. (d) Among the given statements, (d) is generally seen in postural deformity of Scoliosis.
incorrect. As league cum knock-out Figure (b) depicts increased forward curve in
tournament is a type of combination (not lumbar region. It is generally seen in postural
elimination) tournament. In this type of deformity of Lordosis.
tournament, all the teams are divided into four Figure (c) depicts knees overlapping each
zones and they play their matches in their other. It is the postural deformity of
respective zones on league basis. knock-knees.
30. (c) Number of team (N) = 6 35. (b) In a single league tournament of 9 teams, 8
N(N − 1) rounds will be played.

Number of matches =
2 Number of teams = 9
6(6 − 1) Number of round = N − 1 = 9 − 1 = 8
2 36. (c) Total number of teams (N) = 13
= 30/2 = 15 Next highest number in power of two = 16
Hence, 15 matches will be played. Difference between the total number of teams
31. (a) The correct match is given below and the next highest number in power of 2 =
l In Flexion movement, angle between two 16-13 = 3.
bones decreases. Hence, 3 bye will be given.
174 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

37. (c) In the given images, (c) is odd one as it 44. (b) Bones and muscles strengthening
depicts Trikonasana. It is a yogic asana activities like cycling, riding, jumping on
considered helpful in strengthening, legs, knees, rope etc., begins in middle childhood stage of
arms and chest. Figure (a) depicts partial curl up development. This stage occurs between 7 to
test, figure (b) depicts Arm curl test and figure 10 years of child birth and is characterised by
(d) depicts Harvard step test. increased activeness and agility in the child.
38. (d) The given Assertion is false because Harvard 45. (b) The Assertion is true as Body Mass Index
step test is a cardiovascular fitness test. With (BMI) in the range of 26 to 30 for (men) and
minimal requirement of equipments, it measures 25 to 30 for (women) comes under the
the aerobic fitness of the participants. overweight range.
Reason is true as tests for older people must be Reason is also correct as, BMI of 30 or greater
specifically designed keeping in mind the comes under obese category but reason does
physical fitness needs of elderly. not explain assertion, so option (b) is the
39. (b) The given Assertion is true as Newton’s correct answer.
Third Law of Motion describes what happens to 46. (c) Halasana is effective in curing the
a body when it exerts a force on another body. postural deformity of Lordosis, which is a
According to this law, for every action, there is deformity of spine characterised by increased
always an equal and opposite reaction. forward curve in the lumber region.
Reason is true as this law is applied in the sport 47. (c) The reference to two unequal forces
of football, when players exerts force on football applied to objects of equal mass, belongs to
by kicking it. Newton’s Second Law of Motion. Also
40. (a) The test shown in the image is Harvard step referred as Law of Acceleration, it states that
test. It was developed by Brouha in 1943 to any change in acceleration of an object is
measure the cardiovascular fitness or aerobic directly proportional to the force producing it
fitness by checking the recovery rate. and inversely proportional to its mass.
41. (b) Test duration = 240 seconds 48. (a) In fitness index, the number of heart beats
Pulse count (1-1.5 minutes) = 65 are required in three phases. Firstly it is
Fitness Index (Harvard Step Test) counted between 1 to 1.5 minutes after
Duration of Exercise (in × second) × 100 completion of the last step. Again it is
= counted for 30 seconds after finishing the test
5.5 × Pulse Count (1 − 15 minutes)
and lastly it is counted after 3 minutes of
240 × 100
= = 67.13 completion of test for 30 seconds period.
5.5 × 65
49. (a) As women included in 2nd quarter have
42. (b) The correct match is given below. Body Mass Index (BMI) below 18.5
In the development stage of infancy, a child (underweight range), they are nutrition
learns to sit and crawl. It occurs between 0 to 2 deficient. It essentially reflects that they are
years of child birth. eating diet deficient in essential nutrients and
Early childhood occurs between 3 to 6 years of
child birth. In this stage a child learns to skip 50. (c) As Shristhi is suffering from postural
and balance on foot. deformity of Flat foot, the Yoga instructor at
Middle childhood occurs between 7 to 10 years of the school has asked her to walk on heels.
child birth. Besides engaging in physical activities, 51. (d) The given figure depicts Eight foot up
child in this stage also starts to learn values. and go test. It helps to assess speed, agility

Late childhood occurs between 11 to 20 years of and coordination in the aged people.
childbirth and in this stage, a child acquires 52. (c) Among the given options, don’t walk or
body control. sit in bent position is not a
43. (d) Weight = 80 kg preventive/corrective step of Flat foot. Infact,
Height = 172 cm = (1.72 m) it is advised to prevent the postural
Weight 80 deformity of Round shoulders. Picking up
BMI = = = 27 marbles with toes, walking on wooden
(Height)2 1.72 × 1.72
staircase and rolling a ball under the foot are
Hence, Body Mass Index (BMI) of person will some of the corrective steps for Flat foot.
be 27.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 175

53. (b) Eight foot up and go test and similar other 58. (b) According to Kumar, Knock out method is
tests to measure the fitness of senior citizen best for inter house tournament because it
were given by Rikli and Jones in 2001. takes less time. In this type of tournament, a
54. (c) The study of human movements in sports is team which is once defeated, automatically
called Biomechanics. It is the study of the gets eliminated from the tournament. This
structure, function and motion of the type of tournaments are less expensive to
mechanical aspects of the biological systems by organise, enhances the standard of sports and
using the methods of mechanics. requires minimum number of officials to
55. (d) People good at art and craft and creative
59. (c) As Rohan is an athlete, he requires more
designing must be included in the decoration
energy to perform in any sporting events.
committee by the sport club. This committee is
Carbohydrates which provides energy must be
responsible for the decoration of sports arena
included in the diet of Rohan. It is the main
or stadium. source of energy and helps the brain, kidneys,
56. (a) Food intolerance can result into disease of heart, muscles and central nervous system to
Diarrhoea. It can also cause nausea, stomach function properly.
pain, vomiting, headaches etc. 60. (d) Nutrition, genetics and environment are
57. (a) The given image depicts the angular some of the factors that affect the motor
movement of Adduction. It is a type of motion development of a child. Besides these,
that pulls a structure or part towards the physical activities, active lifestyle, postural
midline of the body or towards the midline of deformities and obesity also influence motor
a limb. development.

176 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class XII (Term I) Examination

(i) There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
(ii) Section A consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iii) Section B consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iv) Section C consists of 12 questions amongst which 10 questions have to be attempted.

Maximum Marks : 35
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 Minutes


1. In which of the following test dumbbells are required?
(a) Arm curl test (b) Rockport test (c) Chair stand test (d) Partial curl up

2. Riboflavin is the scientific name of which nutrient?

(a) Vitamin B 6 (b) Calcium (c) Vitamin B 2 (d) Potassium

3. In Scoliosis, spine commonly takes the _____ shape.

(a) U (b) L (c) S (d) V

4. What is the formula to find out total number of rounds by cyclic method?
N( N − 1) N
(a) (b)
2 2
Nb + 1
(c) (d) Next power of two-total teams

5. Which action is shown in the given illustration?

(a) Adduction (b) Extension (c) Flexion (d) Abduction

CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 177

6. What is the meaning of posture?

(a) Way of walking (b) Way of standing
(c) Way of sitting (d) All of these

7. Fine motor development is involved in

(a) Sitting (b) Catching a ball
(c) Hitting a ball (d) Both (b) and (c)

8. Biomechanics is helpful in which of the following?

(a) Treating injuries (b) Improving movements
(c) Increasing friction (d) All of these

9. Sweetners that provide calories are termed as

(a) Nutritive components of food (b) Non-Nutritive components of food
(c) Macro-nutrients (d) Micro-nutrients

10. Which of the following test is not part of Rikli and Jones tests?
(a) Chair Stand test (b) Partial Curl Up test
(c) Arm Curl Chair (d) Back Scratch test

11. Newton’s which law states that rate of change of momentum of an object is directly
proportional to the force producing it.
(a) First (b) Second
(c) Third (d) None of these

12. What is the height of the box used in Harvard step test?
(a) 20 inch (b) 17 inch
(c) 22 inch (d) 15 inch

13. Which asana can help in curing the postural deformity of Bow legs?
(a) Vajrasana (b) Trikonasana
(c) Sukhasana (d) Ardha Chakrasana

14. Which is the main disadvantage of organising League tournament?

(a) Difficult to decide a winner (b) Increased competition about teams
(c) Requires more time (d) Advertising and publicity costs rise

15. The test that is conducted in supine position is

(a) Shuttle run (b) Eight foot up and go
(c) Push up boys (d) Partial curl ups

16. Vitamin A was discovered by whom?

(a) Harvard (b) Coubertin
(c) MC Collum (d) Nash

17. Which motor skill is involved in kicking a football?

(a) Fine motor skill (b) Sensory motor skill
(c) Gross motor skill (d) Cross motor skill

18. Which of the following is not a deformity of the legs?

(a) Lordosis (b) Kyphosis
(c) Scoliosis (d) All of these
178 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

19. ‘Berger system’ is the other name of which fixture?

(a) Combination tournament (b) League tournament
(c) Knock out tournament (d) Challenge tournament

20. The barrier to reduce weight in a healthy way is which of the following?
(a) Taking protein rich diet (b) Not taking intolerant foods
(c) Not believing in food myths (d) Skipping meals too often

21. _______ means moving the body parts away from the midline of the body.
(a) Adduction (b) Flexion
(c) Abduction (d) Extension

22. Which deformity is caused by the increase in the curve of the legs?
(a) Knock knees (b) Scoliosis
(c) Flat Foot (d) Bow legs

23. Which of the following is/are not cause of Kyphosis?

(a) Malnutrition (b) Carrying heavy loads on waist
(c) Weak muscles (d) Shyness among girls

24. The main causes of Scoliosis is/are

(a) Heredity defects (b) Wrong standing posture
(c) Carrying heavy load on shoulder (d) All of these


25. Doing which exercise may reduce the postural deformity shown here

(a) Perform Vajrasana (b) Pick up marbles with toes

(c) Perform rope skipping (d) All of these

26. The pattern shown in the given image is part of which test?
45 Y 40 Y 35 Y 30 Y 25 Y

50 Y 5Y 10 Y 15 Y 20 Y

(a) Motor fitness test (b) Rockport test

(c) Rikli and Jones test (d) All of these

27. How many Byes should be given in a League tournament if 8 teams are participating?
(a) 0 (b) 5 (c) 1 (d) 2
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 179

28. Calculate the physical fitness of a 12 years old boy having completed the Harvard Step
Test for 3 minutes with a pulse rate of 46 beats for 1 to 1.5 minutes.
(a) 68.7 (b) 71.14
(c) 70.9 (d) 72.8

29. Push-ups for boys is part of which tests?

(a) Harvard step test (b) Rockport test
(c) Motor fitness test (d) Rikli and Jones test

30. The physical deformities are mostly associated with which of the following?
(a) Nervous system (b) Skeletal system
(c) Reproductory system (d) Excretory system

31. A man aged 35 has a body weight of 65 kg and height of 160 cm. Find the BMI.
(a) 25.4 (b) 29.2
(c) 18.7 (d) 23.6

32. Which test is suggested for an aged person to test upper body strength?
(a) Arm Curl test (b) Chair sit and reach test
(c) Back scratch test (d) Eight foot up and go test

33. Match the following.

List 1 List 2
A. 1. Extension

B. 2. Adduction

C. 3. Flexion

D. 4. Abduction

(a) 3 1 2 4 (b) 1 4 3 2
(c) 2 3 4 1 (d) 4 2 1 3
180 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

34. Identify the type of movement shown in the image.

(a) Rotation (b) Flexion

(c) Extension (d) Adduction

35. Match the following.

List I List II

A. 1.

B. 2.

C. 3.

D. 4.

(a) 4 1 3 2 (b) 2 4 3 1
(c) 2 4 1 2 (d) 1 3 4 2
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 181

36. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Flexion 1. Golf swing
B. Abduction 2. Walking
C. Adduction 3. Catching a ball

(a) 3 2 1 (b) 1 2 3
(c) 2 3 1 (d) 1 3 2

37. Identify the odd one out

1. 2. 3. 4.

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 2

38. An adult person with the BMI index of 17.5 will be classified under which of the
(a) Overweight (b) Underweight (c) Normal (d) Obese

39. Which statement is not true about food myths?

(a) They may not be scientifically proven.
(b) People give proper explanation about them.
(c) They are passed on from generations.
(d) These are conventional and common misconceptions.

40. Football players reversing the direction of ball by applying force is an example of
which law?
(a) Law of gravitation (b) Law of acceleration (c) Law of action reaction (d) Law of inertia

41. Assertion (A) With the help of Biomechanics, enhancement in sports performances can
be achieved.
Reason (R) Qualitative analysis and rectifying the errors to achieve efficiency helps in
the improvement of various techniques applied in movements.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A

(c) A is true, but R is false

(d) A is false, but R is true

42. Assertion (A) Vitamins are micro-nutrients which act as protective foods for our body.
Reason (R) Protective foods build immunity in our body and prevents it from falling ill.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
182 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

43. Assertion (A) The Arm curl test is a test to access the upper body strength.
Reason (R) The purpose is to measure the functional physical fitness of youths.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
44. Identify the movement that is not a type of movement related to physical activity?
(a) Abduction (b) Adduction (c) Extension (d) None of these

45. Which of the following is a cause for the deformity shown in the picture.

(a) Carrying heavy load on shoulders (b) One side paralysis of spinal muscles
(c) Improper way of walking (d) Sitting on faulty or improper furniture
46. Gross motor development involves the _____ muscles of the body, especially during
the movements of the hands and legs.
(a) small (b) large (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
47. How many matches will be played if there are 30 teams for the Knock out fixture?
(a) 29 (b) 35 (c) 15 (d) 20
48. In racing events, when runners reach the finish line then they slowly pull themselves
backward and reduce their speed to avoid falling. This is application of which law?
(a) Third Law of Motion (b) First Law of Motion
(c) Second Law of Motion (d) None of these


Total 12 question 10 have to be attempted
49. Below is the BMI data of elderly people living in an apartment.
Which group of people are not getting proper nutrition?



1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

1. 2. 3. 4.
18.5–24.9 <18.5 25–29.9 30–34.9

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 4

CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 183

50. Five year old Rahul is facing difficulty in holding the pencil properly. He is not
tightening the grip on the pencil due to which it slips and falls off his hand.
Rahul is in which stage of motor development?
(a) Middle childhood (b) Infanthood
(c) Early childhood (d) Late childhood

51. Gym instructor asked Jyoti to take a balanced diet as she wanted to loose weight
rapidly but is also aware of the pitfalls of dieting.
Which of the following is a pitfall of dieting?
(a) More drinking than eating
(b) Fat free products to be consumed
(c) Exercising increases your appetite
(d) Starving to loose weight

52. The Khelo India Campaign was launched in India to motivate students to take up
sports and games and make a carrier in it. For this, physical fitness tests were also
taken to measure the fitness level of the children.
Which test is specifically designed to test the cardiovascular fitness of young people?
(a) Rikli and Jones test (b) Motor Fitness test
(c) Rockport test (d) Harvard step test

53. Mrs. Khanna aged 62 is facing problems in doing certain chores that involve physical
movements. She gets up slowly from the bed or chair and walks very slowly. Here
grand-father asked her to go for Rikli and Jones fitness tests.
The test shown in the given picture is performed to access which physical component?

(a) Agility (b) Flexibility

(c) Upper body strength (d) Explosive leg power

54. The Third Law of Motion states that to every action, there is always an equal and
opposite reaction. The law describes what happens to a body when it exerts a force on
another body. This law is applicable in many sports such as in high jump, sprints,
swimming, etc.
Newton’s third law of motion is also known as law of

(a) Inertia (b) Action-reaction (c) Gravitation (d) Acceleration

55. Women should encouraged to take part in sports. They should be provided with the
opportunity to undertake sports as a career option. Specific needs should be taken care
of so that they participate in sports.
How can women participation in sports be encouraged in India?
(a) Provision of female coaches
(b) Constructive feedback
(c) No gender discrimination
(d) All of the above
184 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

56. During a survey done in class XII on the topic of picking up a healthy food, the
following data is collected.
Junk food

Fats Fruits
15% 30%

20% 25%
drinks Cereals

Which among the following is considered the most nutritious food by the students?
(a) Fruits (b) Cereals (c) Fats (d) Sugary drinks

57. The class teacher of VII-A observed newly joined student Shekhar’s posture. He was
having slight difficulty in walking and running. The class teacher told about it to
Physical education instructor. He inquired into the matter and found that the student is
suffering from Knock knees.
Which among the following is a cause of Knock knees?
(a) Weakness of muscles and ligaments (b) Vitamin D deficiency
(c) Problem with bone development (d) All of these

58. In the inter house meet of a school, 5 teams participated in a tournament. The entire
program schedule of the tournament was summarised as follows
A Bye
Bye R

According to the given picture, which team was exempted from playing in the initial
(a) A (b) E (c) D (d) B

59. In an old age home, several tests were conducted to assess the physical fitness of the
inmates. Select the standard physical fitness test for senior citizen from the given tests.
(a) Push ups (b) Modified push ups
(c) Arm Curl test (d) Standing broad jump

60. The students as well as coaches always make their best efforts to improve the

performance in sports. They can help to improve the performance of students if there is
adequate knowledge of Biomechanics. It helps to identify a particular movement and
know its implications.
The type of movement in which the angle between joint decreases is called
(a) Flexion (b) Extension
(c) Gliding (d) Sliding
Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

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1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60

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Score Percentage = × 100
Total Correct Questions: Total Questions

Less than 60% > Average (Revise the Chapters again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
186 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (d)
21. (c) 22. (d) 23. (d) 24. (d) 25. (d) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (a) 33. (a) 34. (b) 35. (b) 36. (c) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (d)
41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (d) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (a) 48. (c) 49. (a) 50. (c)
51. (a) 52. (c) 53. (a) 54. (b) 55. (d) 56. (a) 57. (d) 58. (b) 59. (c) 60. (a)

1. (a) Dumbbells are required in the Arm curl 9. (a) Sweetners that provides calories are termed
test. It is a test for senior citizen to measure as nutritive component of the food. Nutritive
their upper body strength. sweetners provides energy to the body by way
2. (c) Riboflavin is the scientific name of Vitamin of carbohydrates. They are added to foods
B 2. It is a water soluble vitamin required to during processing to make food taste better or
maintain the youthful characteristic such as to help it last longer.
smoothness of skin, lips etc. Its deficiency 10. (b) Among the given options, Partial curl up
causes stunted growth. test is not part of Rikli and Jones test. Partial
3. (c) In Scoliosis, spine commonly takes the S curl up test measures the strength and
shape. It is a postural deformity characterised endurance of the abdominal muscle and is one
by sideways curve of the spine. It can be of the component of motor fitness test.
corrected by regular practice of Trikonasana. 11. (b) Newton’s Second Law states that the state
N( N − 1) of change of momentum of an object is directly
4. (a) The formula is used to find out
2 proportional to the force producing it. It is also
total number of rounds in cyclic method. This known as Law of Acceleration and is applied
method is used for fixture in a League in various sports including Hammer throw,
tournament along with the staircase and Baseball, Football, etc.
tabular methods. 12. (a) For conducting a Harvard step test a box of
5. (b) The given illustration depicts angular approx. 20 inch is required. It was developed
movement of extension. It can be achieved by by Brouha in 1943 to measure the
the straightening parts at a joint so that the cardiovascular fitness by checking the recovery
angle between them increases and the parts rate.
move further apart. 13. (d) Among the given options, Ardha
6. (d) Posture is a way of standing, walking and Chakrasana can help in curing the postural
sitting. It is the characteristic way in which deformity of Bow legs. In Bow legs there is a
someone holds their body while standing or wide gap between the knees when standing
sitting. The incorrect postures by individual with feet together. It is caused by the
can result into postural deformities such as deficience of calcium and phosphorus in
Scoliosis, Round Shoulders and Kyphosis. bones.
7. (d) Fine motor development is involved in 14. (c) The main disadvantage of organising
sitting, catching a ball, and hitting a ball. It is league tournament is that it requires more
time. In this type of tournaments, every team

an ability to make movements using the small

muscles in our hands and wrists. plays with every other team irrespective of
victory or defeat. It provides maximum
8. (b) Among the given options, Biomechanics is opportunities to every team to show its
helpful in improving movements. It performance.
encompasses the area of science concerned
with the analysis of the mechanics of human 15. (d) Partial Curl Up test is conducted in supine
movement. It is a sub-discipline of Physical position. This test is helpful in measuring the
Education which analysis the sport movements strength and endurance of abdominal muscles.
in order to minimise the risk of injury and To conduct this test, a flat clean surface,
improve sports performance. recording sheets and pen is required.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 187

16. (c) Vitamin A was discovered by Elmer 25. (d) The given image depicts the postural
Mc Collum. Its scientific name is Retinol and is deformity of Flat foot. It can be corrected by
helpful in the formation of bones and teeth. Its performing Vajrasana, skipping rope, picking up
deficiency may cause xerophthalamia and marbles with toes and walking on heels or toes.
‘Night blindness’. This deformity is mainly caused by weak muscles.
17. (c) Gross motor skill is involved in kicking a 26. (c) The given pattern is followed in six minute
football. It is defined as the skills which walk test. This test is designed to assess the
requires whole body movement involving functional fitness of senior citizens. It is one of
large muscles of the body to perform several the component of Rikli and Jone: Senior citizen
tasks. It also encompasses hand eye fitness test. A measuring tape, field and a
coordination skills used in throwing, catching stopwatch is required to conduct this test.
or kicking a ball. 27. (c) In League tournament (also referred as
18. (d) Lordosis, Kyphosis and Scoliosis are Round Robin tournament) one team gets a Bye
postural deformity of spinal curvature (not in one round. In League tournament, a Bye
legs). These deformities may be caused by simply means that the team do not play or have
carrying excessive weight beyond one’s a rest break.
capacity and by presence of weak muscles. Flat 28. (b) Duration of test = 3 minutes (180 seconds)
foot, Knock-knees and Bow legs are the Pulse rate for (1 to 1.5 minutes) = 46
postural deformity of legs.
Fitness Index (Harvard Step Test)
19. (b) ‘Berger system’ is another name of League Duration of Exercise (in sec) × 100
tournament. In these type of tournaments, =
5.5 × Pulse count (between) 1 - 1.5 sec
every team plays with every other team
180 × 100
irrespective of victory or defeat. It is = = 71.14
considered as the best type of tournament 5.5 × ( 46 )
because it gives maximum number of Hence, fitness index of boy is 71.14
opportunities to the team to display their best
29. (c) Push-ups for boys is part of motor fitness
test. This test measures the upper body
20. (d) Skipping meals too often is one of the strength and the endurance of the participant.
barriers to reduce weight in a ‘healthy way. It For conducting this test a floor mat and a
is one of the pitfalls of dieting as it leads to paper to record basic information is required.
increased weight.
30. (b) The physical deformities are mostly
21. (c) Abduction means moving the body parts associated with the skeletal system. It is a type
away from the midline of the body. It is a type of limitation of person’s physical functioning,
of angular movement which occurs only mobility, dexerity or stamina. It also
between the long bones. encompasses motor deficiencies and postural
22. (d) Bow legs is caused by the increase in the deformities.
curve of legs. It is a postural deformity 31. (a) Weight = 65 kg, Height = 160 cm (1.6 m)
characterised by wide gap between the knees Weight (kg)
when standing join feet together. It is mainly Body Mass Index (BMI) =
caused by the deficiency of calcium and Height (m)2
phosphorus in bones. 65
= = 25.4
23. (d) Forcing the babies to walk at early age is not 1.6 × 1.6
the cause of Kyphosis. It is a postural deformity Hence, BMI of the person is 25.4.
characterised by exaggeration of posterior 32. (a) Arm Curl test is suggested for an aged

curve or reversal of forward curve. It is caused person to test upper body strength. It is a part
by malnutrition, carrying heavy loads on of Rikli and Jones : Senior citizen fitness test.
waists, weak muscles and shyness among girls. In order to conduct this test a 8 pound weight
24. (d) The main cause of occurrence of postural for men (5 pound in case of women), a chair
deformity of Scoliosis are heredity defects, without arms and a stopwatch is required.
wrong standing posture, carrying heavy load First movement is Flexion in which the angle
on shoulders and under developed legs. between the two bones attached to a joint
Postural adaptation of spine in lateral direction decreases.
is called Scoliosis. Scoliosis curve may be
Second is Extension, as the angle increases. The
found in ‘S’ shape.
third movement, is the Adduction movement in
188 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

which body parts move towards the midline of 40. (d) Football players reversing the direction of
the body and in fourth, Abduction movement ball, applying force is an example of Law of
it moves away from the midline. Inertia. It is the Newton’s First Law of Motion,
which states that a body at rest will remain at
33. (a) First movement is Flexion in which the rest and body in motion will remain in motion
angle between the two bones attached to a at the same speed and in same direction
joint decreases. unless acted on by an external force.
Second is Extension, as the angle increases. The 41. (a) The Assertion (A) is correct as biomechanics
third movement, is the Adduction movement in helps in enhancement in sports performance. It
which body parts move towards the midline of is study of forces and their effects on sports
the body and in fourth. Abduction movement person. The main goal of biomechanics is the
it moves away from the midline. improvement in sports performance.
34. (b) The given image depicts the movement of The Reason (R) is also correct and explains the
Flexion. It is a physical position that decreases Assertion (A) as it is characterised by qualitative
the angle between the bones of the limb at a analysis and rectifying the error to achieve
joint. It occurs when muscles contract and efficiency which helps in the improvement of
move the bones and joints into a bent position. various techniques applied in movements.
35. (b) The correct match is given below 42. (b) The Assertion (A) is correct as vitamins are
Figure (a) depicts postural deformity of Bow micro-nutrients essential for protection of body
legs. It can be corrected by regular pratice of from various diseases. It is required in very
small amount to remain healthy. If a particular
Ardha Chakrasana.
vitamin is not present in our diet, it results into
Figure (b) depicts postural deformity of Knock a deficiency disease.
knees. It can be corrected by horse riding.
The Reason (R) is also correct as protective
Figure (c) depicts postural deformity of foods by building immunity in our body,
Lordosis. It can be corrected by regular prevents us from falling ill.
practice of Paschimottanasana.
43. (c) The Assertion (A) is true as Arm Curl test is
Figure (d) depicts postural deformity of Round a test to access the upper body strength. It is a
shoulders. It can be corrected by regular part of the senior citizen fitness test and helps
practice of Chakrasana. in measuring the functional fitness of the aged
36. (c) The correct match is given below people.
The physical movement of flexion is observed The Reason (R) is false because it measures the
while walking. functional fitness of senior citizens (not youths).
The physical movement of Abduction is 44. (d) Abduction, Adduction and Extension are
observed while catching a ball. types of movement related to physical activity.
It is a type of angular movement occurring
The physical movement of Adduction is
only between the long bones. Abduction
observed in Golf Swing.
describes a movement away from the midline
37. (b) Among the given figures, (d) is odd one of the body. Adduction refers to movement
because it depicts Gomukhasana while other that is towards the midline of the body and
images are related with fitness tests. Figure (1) Extension is straightening of joints.
depicts Back Curl test for senior citizen. Figure 45. (b) The given image depicts postural deformity
(2) depicts Push ups (for men) and figure (3) of one side paralysis of spinal muscles. It is
depicts Partial curl-up test. postural adaptation of spine in lateral direction
38. (b) An adult person with Body Mass Index (BMI) known as Scoliosis. Diseases in joints of bones,

of 17.5 will be classified as underweight. Any under-developed legs, rickets, carrying heavy
men and women with a BMI less than 20 and loads on shoulders unsuitable furniture are
19 respectively is considered as underweight. some of the causes of this postural deformity.
39. (b) ‘Among the given options, statement (b) is Swimming by using breast stroke technique
not correct about food myth as it is often and performing Trikonasana regularly are
culturally passed on from generation to some of the corrective steps for Scoliosis.
generation without any scruting. People tends 46. (b) Gross motor development involves the
not to give explanation about them. Food myths large muscles of the body especially during the
are conventional and common misconceptions movements of the hand and legs. These
which are not scientifically proven. developments helps the child to stand, sit, run,
jump, etc. Motor development refers to
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 189

development of bones, muscles and ability to watch, cone marker, measuring tape and an area
move around and manipulate the without any hindrance is required.
environment by a child.
54. (b) Newton’s Third Law of Motion is also
47. (a) Number of teams ( N ) =30 known as Law of Action and Reaction.
Number of matches = N − 1 = 29 According to this law, for every action, there is
always an equal and opposite reaction. This law
Hence, 29 matches will be played.
is applicable in many sports such as high-jump,
48. (c) In racing event, when runners reach the sprints, swimming, football, etc.
finish line then they slowly pull themselves
55. (d) Provision of female coaches, constructive
backward and reduce their speed to avoid
feedback and no gender discrimination are some
falling. This is the application of Newton’s
of the useful steps to increase the participation
Second Law of Motion. According to this law
of women in sports in India. Compared to the
any change in the acceleration of an object is
countries in similar development stage, it is
directly proportional to the force producing it
abysmally low in India. Besides these steps,
and inversely proportional to its mass.
creating dedicated sports infrastructure,
49. (a) The given pie chart depicts that the people awareness generation programs and
in (2nd Qtr) are not getting proper nutrition. establishing role models will also help in
Their Body Mass Index (BMI) is less than 18.5 increasing participation of women.
which comes under underweight category. To
56. (a) Among the given options, fruits are
overcome this issue, they must take balanced
considered the most nutritious food by students.
diet rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins
Fruits contain essential minerals and vitamins
carbohydrates and fats.
which helps in repair and maintenance of the
50. (c) In the given case, Rahul is not able to hold body. Further it can boost metabolism and
and grip his pencil properly. He is in Early provide immunity against the various diseases.
childhood stage of development. This stage of Fresh fruits also contains roughages which aids
child growth and development starts from 3 in the digestive process.
to 6 years of child birth and characterises by 57. (d) Knock-knees is a postural deformity mainly
the perfection in various fundamental caused by the abnormalities in the human
movements such as running, jumping, etc. skeletal system. Thus, weakness of muscles and
Child also learns to do fine motor skill such ligaments, Vitamin D deficiency, Rickets and
as writing which involves hand-eye problems with bone development are some of
coordination. the causes of Knock-knees. Horse riding besides
51. (a) More drinking than eating is one of the performing Padmasana and Gomukhasana
pitfall of dieting. Many while following strict regularly will help in correcting this deformity.
diet plan consider beverages (Sweetened 58. (b) Team E was exempted from playing in the
juices, coffee with cream) a weight loosing initial round. It was provided Bye, which gives
element in their diet as they falsly believe that privilege of by passing the initial round and
it does not contributes calories. However, directly playing in the second round. It is only
research studies shows that it contributes to given in the Knock-out tournaments and helps
calorie intake and weight gain. in adjusting fixtures.
52. (c) Among the given options, Rockport test is 59. (c) Among the given options, only Arm curl test
specially designed to test cardiovascular is the standard physical fitness test for senior
fitness of young people. Also referred as citizen. It is a part of Rikli and Jones : Senior
Rockport walking test it helps in monitoring citizen fitness test and helps in measuring the
the development of the athlete’s maximum upper body strength. For conducting this test a 8
pound weight for men and 5 pound weight for

cardiorespiratory ability (VO 2) and oxygen

intake during exercise. For conducting this women, a chair without arms and a stopwatch is
test a 400 m track, stop watch and weighing
scale is required. 60. (a) The type of movement in which the angle
between the joint decreases is called Flexion. It
53. (a) The given image depicts, Eight foot up describes a bending movement that decreases
and go test. It is part of Rikli and Jones : the angle between a segment and its proximal
Senior citizen fitness test and is conducted to strength. Biomechanics which is a subdiscipline
asses coordination and agility of the senior of physical education helps in identifying a
citizens. For conducting this test a chair with particular movement and understanding its
straight back (about 44 cm high), a stop implications.
190 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

A Highly Simulated Practice Question Paper
for CBSE Class XII (Term I) Examination

(i) There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
(ii) Section A consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iii) Section B consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
(iv) Section C consists of 12 questions amongst which 10 questions have to be attempted.
(v) Each question carries (0.70 marks).

Maximum Marks : 35
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 Minutes


1. Which of the following postural deformity causes due to sitting on faulty or improper
(a) Flat foot (b) Bow legs
(c) Scoliosis (d) Round shoulders

2. Cellulose can be obtained from which of the following?

(a) Banana (b) Root vegetables
(c) Oilseeds (d) Sugarcane

3. Which test measures the cardiovascular fitness levels of middle aged and older adults?
(a) Chair stand test (b) Chair sit and Reach test
(c) Rockport test (d) 50 m standing start

4. The deformity of round upper back is also know as _____

(a) Lordosis (b) Kyphosis
(c) Scoiliosis (d) Round shoulders

5. The spice ‘saffron’ is considered which type of food component?

(a) Color compound (b) Roughage
(c) Food addictive (d) Macronutrient
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 191

6. Seeding method is adopted to draw fixture in which tournament?

(a) Knock out (b) League
(c) Cyclic (d) All of these

7. On the basis of scientific knowledge, what can be dispelled?

(a) Food intolerance (b) Food myth
(c) Dieting (d) All of these

8. Identify the test shown in the picture.

(a) Chair sit and reach test (b) Eight foot up and go test
(c) Arm curl test (d) Rockport test

9. In which event, minimum number of officials are required?

(a) Knock out (b) Single league
(c) Round Robin (d) Double league

10. The 600 m walk/run aim to measure an athlete’s ______

(a) speed (b) power
(c) strength (d) flexibility

11. Which of the following is not a cuase of Kyphosis?

(a) Illness (b) Lack of vitamin D
(c) Malnutrition (d) Putting extra weight on a leg muscles

12. Which of the following is not the part of Newton’s Second Law?
(a) Acceleration (b) Laceration
(c) Mass (d) Force

13. Which of the following do not gives micro nutrient?

(a) Tea leaves (b) Salt
(c) Seafood (d) None of these

14. Byes are given in which round of the tournament?


(a) First (b) Second

(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Any round

15. The work of the Reception committee is to

(a) Register the participants (b) Announce about the event
(c) Welcome the chief guest (d) Advertise in newspaper

16. Playing with toys and clouring are examples of which motor skill?
(a) Fine motor skill (b) Gross motor skill
(c) Sensory motor skill (d) Cross motor skill
192 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

17. The task of which committee is to clear the outstanding bills after an event is over?
(a) Post meet committee (b) Pre meet committee
(c) During meet committee (d) None of these

18. Which of the following is a micro mineral needed by our body?

(a) Calcium (b) Copper
(c) Magnesium (d) Phosphorus

19. The formula for determining number of teams in upper half in Knock out tournament is
N( N − 1) N +1
(a) (b)
2 2
N −1 N
(c) (d)
2 2

20. Which of the following is not a cause of Flat foot deformity?

(a) Faulty posture (b) Body heaviness
(c) Rickets (d) Standing for a long time

21. Which of the following equipments is not needed for Six minute walk test?
(a) Meaning tape (b) Cones
(c) Stop water (d) Ruler

22. The second stage of motor development in children is roughly between the ages of
_______ and _____ years
(a) 0, 2 (b) 7-10
(c) 11-13 (d) 2-4

23. Slow stretching exercises where there is light movement of limbs is recommended for
(a) Infants (b) Adolescents
(c) Children 5-10 yrs (d) Senior citizen

24. Depending on the mass, the acceleration of an object increases as the net force _____
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) remain same (d) None of these


There are 24 questions in this section. Attempt any 20 questions.

25. What will be the total number of matches in a League tournament by Cyclic method if
the number of teams is 9.

(a) 40 (b) 27
(c) 36 (d) 45

26. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Vitamin Β5 1. Cobalamin
B. Vitamin Β12 2. Pyridoxine
C. Vitamin Β7 3. Pantothenic acid
D. Vitamin Β6 4. Biotin
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 193

(a) 3 1 4 2 (b) 4 2 1 3
(c) 2 4 3 1 (d) 2 3 4 1

27. The backswing stroke by a golfer to increase efficiency is an example of which

(a) Abduction (b) Extension
(c) Adduction (d) Flexion

28. The test that helps the early identification of at-risk participants.
(a) Harvard step test (b) Fullerton functional test
(c) Rockport test (d) Back Scratch test

29. Calculate the Physical Fitness Index for a young boy who has completed Harvard
step test for a duration of 3 min and a pulse rate of 60 beats per minute for 1 to 1.5
(a) 61.72 (b) 69.69
(c) 54.5 (d) 59.5

30. In which stage a child learns to apply complex play combinations and strategies to get
desired results?
(a) Adulthood (b) Early childhood
(c) Middle childhood (d) Late childhood

31. It is true to say that standing broad jump is the test for muscular endurance?
(a) True (b) False
(c) Can’t say (d) May be

32. To prepare the awards list and provisions for giving prizes is the work of which
(a) Pre-meet (b) Post-meet
(c) During meet (d) All of these

33. In a fixture of 6 teams, what is the number of matches played in cyclic method?
(a) 15 (b) 10
(c) 18 (d) 5

34. The mineral needed by the body for the formation of haemoglobin is
(a) Calcium (b) Phosphorus
(c) Iron (d) Magnessium

35. Use of walking calipers can be a cure for which postural deformity?

(a) Bow legs (b) Flat foot

(c) Kyphosis (d) Knock knees

36. Thrust against the athlete by the sand in the sand pit during a long jump is an example
of Newton’s which law?
(a) Inertia (b) Gravity
(c) Action-Reaction (d) Acceleration
194 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

37. Some food components used is jams, jellies and pickles are added to _____ food.
(a) preserve (b) add flavour
(c) add colour (d) add taste

38. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Do not bend too much while sitting

B. 2. Do not force babies to walk at early age

C. 3. Wear shoes of proper shape and size

(a) 2 3 1 (b) 3 2 1
(c) 3 1 2 (d) 1 2 3

39. The component of physical fitness measured by this test is _______

(a) Lower body strength (b) Upper body strength

(c) Abdominal strength (d) Lower body endurance

40. Identify the odd one out.


1. 2. 3. 4.

(a) 3 (b) 1
(c) 4 (d) 2
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 195

41. Assertion (A) Modified Push-ups is a test designed to test the fitness of girls
Reason (R) This test is safe, meet scientific standard of reliability and measures upper
body strength and endurance.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

42. Assertion (A) Eating too much can lead to obesity and too little can lead to
Reason (R) Eating the right amount means taking adequate amount of nutrients.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

43. Assertion (A) Children having postural deformities have slow motor development.
Reason (R) Motor development of children depends on genetic factors, environmental
factors, food and nutrition.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

44. Match the following.

List I List II
A. Standing bread jump 1. Cones, tape, floor area
B. Sit and reach test 2. Dumbbells
C. 4 × 10 m shuttle run 3. Measuring tape, mat
D. Arm curl test 4. Box

(a) 4 1 2 3
(b) 3 4 1 2

(c) 3 1 4 2
(d) 2 3 2 1
196 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

45. Match the following.

List I List II
A. 1. Extension of arm

B. 2. Movement towards midline of body

C. 3. Flexion of wrist joint

D. 4. Arms sideway to form right angle

(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 4 3 2 1 (c) 2 4 3 1 (d) 1 3 4 2

46. For curing which deformity, Garudasana and Ardhamatseyendrasana is effective?

(a) Knock knees (b) Kyphosis (c) Flat foot (d) Bowlegs

47. The statement not true about vitamins is

(a) They are of two types (b) Their deficiency causes various diseases
(c) They are compound of carbon (d) They should be taken in macro quantities

48. Starting the game of Badminton by hitting the shuttlecock is an example of

(a) Law of inertia (b) Law of action-reaction
(c) Law of gravitation (d) Law of acceleration


49. Given below is the BMI data of students of senior secondary school’s check*up (3)



1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

18.5–24.9 <18.5 25–29.9 30–34.9

The students with normal weight, fall under which quarter?

(a) 3rd (b) 2nd (c) 4th (d) 1st
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 197

50. Aruna wanted to test the physical fitness of her grandparents. She brought a chair of 44
cm and a ruler.
Name the tests that Aruna would be conducting on her grand parents.
(a) Arm curl test, Chair stand test (b) Six minute walk test, Back scratch test
(c) Chair sit and reach test, Harvard step test (d) Chair stand test, Back scratch test

51. Ram and Mohan are close friends. They are in their 60’s. Both of them have taken
retirement from their jobs. Ram insists Mohan to take the physical fitness test in order
to know their fitness. On the basis of the given case, answer the following.
Which of the following test is not feasible for Ram and Mohan?
(a) Modified push ups (b) Partial curl ups
(c) 6 minutes walk test (d) Both (a) and (b)

52. Coaches always make their best efforts to improve the performances of their students,
in competitive sports. With the adequate knowledge of Biomechanics, they can show
how to make perfect movements.
Biomechanics helps in ______
(a) Understanding human movements
(b) Decreasing the chances of injuries
(c) Enhancing sports performances
(d) All of these

53. Newton’s Laws of Motion are widely accepted in different sports. Understanding and
applying the laws helps the players to bring efficiency in their movements and
improve their presentation. The more force one exerts on an object the higher or farther
the object bounces in the air.
From the given picture, find out the law that is applicable here.

(a) First Law (b) Second Law

(c) Third Law (d) None of these

54. Karuna is a 25 year old software professional suffering from obesity. During the recent
medical check up at a clinic, she was advised to perform physical activity and diet
control for curing it. Based on the case answer the following question.
Due to obesity Karuna should avoid which of the following food?

(a) Dairy products (b) Seasonal fruits

(c) Junk food (d) Ghee and butter

55. Rahul is the sports secretary of a sports club. He wants to organise Hockey
tournament. Till new 20 teams have registered for the tournament.
What are the ways by which he can organise a tournament?
(a) Knock out (b) Round Robin
(c) Double league (d) All of these
198 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

56. Correct posture is one in which the body is so balanced as to produce least fatigue. It
means correct posture in the position of the body held without any sense of effort.
Correct posture of standing is when both the heels of the feet meet each other.
In the given picture identify the postural deformity.

Spine Spine

(a) Kyphosis (b) Lordosis

(c) Scoliosis (d) None of these

57. With the aim of promoting physical fitness and healthy lifestyle amongst students the
Physical education Teacher at XYZ School plans to or organise intramural competitions
at school. For conducting the event he has given this assignment to the students of
class XII who have taken up Physical Education subject so that they can get first had
experiences of organising events. On the basis of given information answer the
following question:
The work of committees is divided into _______
(a) Pre, during and post (b) Pre and post
(c) Pre and during (d) During and Post

58. On a scheduled medical check up. Anuj a student of class IV was diagnosed with
Rickets. The doctor told that deficiency of vitamin D in the body leads to this disease?
Which of the following is the source of Vitamin D?
(a) Sunlight (b) Citrus fruits
(c) Rice (d) Pulses

59. Your school has received an invitation for participation in a Badminton competition
being organized by XYZ School. There is a entry fee for the competition due to which
very few students have shown their willingness to participate.
How many types are there in this type of fixture?
(a) 4 (b) 2
(c) 5 (d) 1

60. Mahesh, Physical Education teacher at XYZ School observed that Raju a student of
class VI has outward curve of vertebral column at Thoracic region. He suggested some

exercises to rectify this problem.

What is this deformity known as?
(a) Scoliosis (b) Kyphosis
(c) Lordosis (d) Flat foot
Roll No.

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6 26 46
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8 28 48
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10 30 50
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12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60

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200 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (a)
11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (d) 22. (b) 23. (d) 24. (a) 25. (c) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (d)
31. (b) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (c) 35. (d) 36. (c) 37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (c) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (a) 43. (b) 44. (b) 45. (b) 46. (d) 47. (d) 48. (a) 49. (d) 50. (d)
51. (b) 52. (d) 53. (a) 54. (c) 55. (d) 56. (c) 57. (a) 58. (a) 59. (a) 60. (b)

1. (d) Round shoulders is a postural deformity 12. (b)The Second Law of Motion as given by
that can happen due to incorrect or faulty Newton states that “A change in the
furniture. acceleration of an object is directly
2. (b) Cellulose can be obtained from root proportional to the force producing it and
vegetables such as carrot, raddish, sweet inversely proportional to its mass.” Laceration
potatoes, etc. is a term associated with injuries.

3. (c) Rockport test is performed mainly by 13. (d) Micro nutrients are generally given by milk
middle-aged and older adults to measure their products, cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables.
cardiovascular fitness. 14. (b) Byes are always awarded in the first round
4. (b) Kyphosis is postural deformity of the tournament.
characterized by an exaggerated, forward 15. (c) The members of the Reception committee
rounding of the back. are responsible for welcoming the chief guests
5. (a) Saffron is a colour compound that is used in at the opening and closing ceremonies. It is
the preparation of various dishes. It adds also the duty of this committee to welcome
saffron or orange colour. It is a non-nutritive other guests and spectators.
component of food however it consists of 16. (b) Gross motor skills involve the development
various micro nutrients also. of larger muscles. It involves activities such as
6. (a) Seeding method is generally used in playing with toys, colouring, kicking, walking,
Knockout tournaments to reserve certain etc.
places for strong teams. 17. (a) Paying off of the outstanding bills is a post-
7. (b) Scientific knowledge regarding diet and tournament responsibility. Hence, it is a task of
exercise can be easily used to dispel all the the Post meet committee.
food related myths. 18. (b) From the given options, only copper is a
8. (c) The given test represents an Arm curl test micro mineral needs by our body to help iron
which is a senior fitness test used to measure in the formation of hemoglobin.
the upper body strength of the elderly. N +1
19. (b) Number of teams in the upper half =
9. (a) In a Knock out tournament, less official are
N −1
required because as a team loses a match, it is Number of teams in the lower half =
eliminated from the competition. As a result, 2

there are less matches and less need of many 20. (c) Flat foot can be caused due to the weak
officials. muscles of legs which cannot support the body
10. (a) The 600 Yard Walk-Run test is easy to weight, rapid increase in body weight,
perform and has been used to measure improper shoes, and carrying heavy weight for
walking endurance and speed. a longer period.

11. (d) Kyphosis is caused by malnutrition, illness, 21. (d) A six minute walk test requires cones, a
crowded areas, unavailability of pure air, measuring tape and a stop watch.
insufficient exercise, rickets, carrying heavy 22. (b) The second stage of motor development in
loads on shoulders, unsuitable furniture, weak children falls in the middle childhood stage
muscles, shyness among girls, habit of doing which includes children in the age of 7-10.
work by leaning forward, etc.
CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I) 201

23. (d) Slow stretching exercises where there is Hence, when an athlete thrusts against the
light movement of limbs can be done by senior sand for a long jump, he/she gets a thrust back
citizen as they cannot do very heavy exercises by the virtue of the third law of motion.
or fast movements. 37. (a) To preserve food for a longer duration of
24. (a) As per the second law of motion, “A change time, some food components are added to
in the acceleration of an object is directly jams, jellies and pickles.
proportional to the force producing it and 38. (c) The image given in option (a) shows the
inversely proportional to its mass.” If two postural deformity of Flat foot. It can be
unequal forces are applied to objects of equal prevented by wearing shoes of proper shape
mass, the object that has greater force applied and size.
will move faster.
The image given in option (b) represents the
25. (c) The formula to get the total number of postural deformity of Lordosis. It can be
matches for League tournament is given by prevented if we make sure that we do not bend
N(N-1)/2 For 9 teams = 9(9-1)/2 =72/2 =36 too much while sitting.
Hence, a total of 36 matches will be played. The image given in option (c) represents the
26. (a) Vitamin B 5 is also called Pantothenic acid, postural deformity of knock knees. It can be
Vitamin B12 is also called Cobalamin, Vitamin prevented if we do not force babies to walk at
B 7 is also called Biotin and Vitamin B 6 is also an early age.
called Pyridoxine. 39. (c) The given image represents push-ups which
27. (c) The backswing stroke by a golfer to increase is used to measure the Abdominal strength of
efficiency is an example of the Adduction an individual.
movement as the hand moves away from the 40. (d) All three of the given images are a part of
midline. the Rikli and Jones test while option (2) shows
28. (b) The Fullerton Functional test or the Rikli Harvard step test.
and Jones test is suggested for elderly people 41. (a) Modified push-ups are specifically
for early identification of at-risk participants. designed for girls as it is found to be safe and
29. (c) The formula for Physical Fitness Index = reliable. It is used to measure the upper body
(100 x test duration in seconds) divided by (5.5 strength and endurance of girls.
x pulse count between 1 and 1.5 minutes). 42. (a) A balanced diet ensures eating the right
=(100x180)/(5.5x60) =54.5 amount of nutrients. Excess of those nutrients
can make an individual obese and eating too
30. (d) A child learns to play the complex play
little of those nutrients would make an
combinations and strategies in the later
individual underweight.
childhood stage.
43. (b) Children having postural deformities have
31. (b)Standing broad jump is a test that is used to
slow motor development. But this fact is
measure the leg strength of the examinee.
unrelated to the fact that motor development
32. (b) The Post Meet- committee of the depends upon genetic factors, environmental
tournament prepares the awardees list and factors, food and nutrition.
creates the provision for giving prizes.
44. (b) A Standing Broad Jump test requires a
33. (a) The formula to get the total number of measuring tape and a mat. Sit and Reach test
matches for a tournament is given by N(N-1)/2 requires a box, 4x10 m shuttle run requires a
For 6 teams,= 6 (6-1)/2 =15 floor area along with cones and tape, and Arm

Hence, a total of 15 matches will be played. curl test requires dumbbells.

34. (c) Iron is the micro mineral that is essentially 45. (b) The image given in option (a) shows
required for the production of haemoglobin. movement of the arms sideways to form a
right angle. The image given in option (b)
35. (d) Knock knees is a postural deformity that shows flexion of the wrist joint. The image
can be cured with by using walking calipers. given in option (c) shows the movement of the
36. (c) The Newton’s law of action and reaction arm towards the midline of the body and the
states that ‘Every action has an equal and image given in option (d) shows the extension
opposite reaction.’ movement of the arm.
202 CBSE Sample Paper Physical Education Class XII (Term I)

46. (d) Bowlegs can be cured by performing not only increase sports performance but also
Garudasana and Ardhamatseyendrasana. decrease the chance of injuries.
47. (d)Vitamins are micro nutrients which are 53. (a) Kicking a football into the air is first law of
taken in smaller quantities. They are motion. When football is kicked into the air,
compounds of carbon which can be divided gravity will pull it back to the ground. Then it
into two categories. Their deficiencies are will continue to roll until it slows down and
associated with various diseases. finally stops.
48. (a) The hitting of the shuttlecock with a 54. (c) One of the most prominent causes of obesity is
badminton to start the game is an example junk food. So, to ensure diet control she must
of the Law of Inertia as the shuttlecock avoid eating junk food.
comes in motion only after an additional
force is applied to it. 55. (d) There are many methods of organising a
tournament. They can be Knock out, Round robin,
49. (d) The normal category of BMI falls
Single league and Double league tournament.
between 18.5-24.9.
56. (c) The given image shows the postural deformity
50. (d) Aruna can perform a Chair stand test
of Scoliosis in which there is a sideways curvature
and the Back scratch test as it only requires
of the spine.
a chair of 44 cm and a ruler.
51. (b) Both Ram and Mohan are senior citizens 57. (a) The work of all committees is divided into
and thus not every test will be suitable for pre-during and post tournaments.
them. For them all the tests included in the 58. (a) The richest source of Vitamin D is sunlight.
Rikli and Jones test would be perfect.
59. (a) There are 4 types in this type of fixture.
Accordingly, they should not perform the
modified pushups and the partial curl up 60. (b) Kyphosis is a postural deformity characterised
test. by an exaggerated, forward rounding of the back.
52. (d) Biomechanics can help the coaches to It can be an outward curve of the vertebral
understand human movement which can column at thoracic region.

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