Almacen Floxocorte 4 Rack Menos Critico B

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Project Name : ALMACÉN FLEXOCORTE Project Location:

Drawing No. : City:

Design Areas
Design Area Calc. Mode Occupancy Area of Total Water Pressure @ Min. Min. Min. Calculated Hose Margin To
Name (Model) Application Source Density Pressure Flow Heads Streams Source

(m²) (l/min) (bar) (l/min/m²) (bar) (l/min) # (l/min) (bar)

DesignArea_2 Demand (HW) 55.7 3285.41 11.06 40.8 1.57 455 5 946.35 0.92

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Date 9/12/2021 Copyright © 2002-2012 Tyco Fire Protection Products Page 1
Job Information

Contract No. : City:

Project Location: Date: 24/05/2021

Contractor Information
Name of Contractor:

Address: City:

Phone Number: E-mail:

Name of Designer:

Authority Having Jurisdiction:

Remote Area Name DesignArea_2

Remote Area Location

Occupancy Classification

Density (l/min/m²) 40.8

Area of Application (m²) 55.7

Coverage per Sprinkler (m²) 11.1

Number of Calculated Sprinklers 5

In-Rack Demand (l/min) 0

Special Heads

Hose Streams (l/min) 946.35

Total Water Required (incl. Hose Streams) (l/min) 3285.41

Required Pressure at Source (bar) 10.15

Type of System Wet

Volume - Entire System (l) 24405.9 l

Water Supply Information





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Job : ALMACÉN FLEXOCORTE Node Labels: Node Reference
Pipe Labels: Off

Diagram for Design Area : DesignArea_2

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Hydraulic Analysis for : DesignArea_2

Calculation Info
Calculation Mode Demand
Hydraulic Model Hazen-Williams
Fluid Name Water @ 60F (15.6C)
Fluid Weight, (N/m³) N/A for Hazen-Williams calculation.
Fluid Dynamic Viscosity, (Pa·s) N/A for Hazen-Williams calculation.

Water Supply Parameters

Supply 1 : src1 Flow (l/min) Pressure (bar)

0 12.07
5678.12 9.31

Inside Hose Flow / Standpipe Demand (l/min) 946.35

Outside Hose Flow (l/min) 0

Additional Outside Hose Flow (l/min)

Other (custom defined) Hose Flow (l/min) 0

Total Hose Flow (l/min) 946.35

Ovehead Sprinkler Flow (l/min) 2339.06

InRack Sprinkler Flow (l/min) 0

Other (custom defined) Sprinkler Flow (l/min) 0

Total Sprinkler Flow (l/min) 2339.06

Required Margin of Safety (bar) 0

W1 - Pressure (bar) 10.15

W1 - Flow (l/min) 3285.41

Demand w/o System Pump(s) N/A

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Hydraulic Analysis for : DesignArea_2

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Hydraulic Analysis for : DesignArea_2

Graph Labels
Label Description
Flow (l/min) Pressure (bar)
S1 Supply point #1 - Static 0 12.07
S2 Supply point #2 - Residual 5678.12 9.31
D1 Elevation Pressure 0 0.47
D2 System Demand 3285.41 10.15

Curve Intersections & Safety Margins

Intersection Safety Margin
Curve Name
Pressure (bar) Flow (l/min) Pressure (bar) @ Flow (l/min)
Supply 10.98 3434.91 0.92 3285.41

Open Heads
Required Calculated
Head Ref. Head Type Coverage K-Factor
Density Flow Pressure Density Flow Pressure

(m²) (lpm/bar½) (l/min/m²) (l/min) (bar) (l/min/m²) (l/min) (bar)

h105 11.1 363.3 41 455.06 1.57 40.8 455 1.57

h106 11.1 363.3 41 455.06 1.57 41.2 459.04 1.6

h107 11.1 363.3 41 455.06 1.57 43.6 485.63 1.79

h108 11.1 363.3 41 455.06 1.57 43.1 480.6 1.75

h109 11.1 363.3 41 455.06 1.57 41.2 458.79 1.59

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Job name: ALMACÉN FLEXOCORTE Sheet number:___________________

Node 1 Elev 1 K-Factor 1 Flow added(q)* Nominal ID Fittings L C Factor total (Pt)
Node 2 Elev 2 K-Factor 2 Total flow (Q) Actual ID quantity x (name) = length F Pf per m elev (Pe) NOTES
T frict (Pf)

(m) (lpm/bar½) (l/min) (m) (m) (bar) (bar)


h105 5.4 363.3 455 1.25 1x(us.Tee-Br)=1.829 0.2 120 1.57

n266 5.6 455 35.1 1.829 0.2137 -0.02
2.029 0.43
n266 5.6 -189.94 2 3.2 120 1.98
n265 5.6 265.06 52.5 0 0.011 0
3.2 0.04
n265 5.6 459.04 2 3.38 120 2.02
n264 5.6 724.1 52.5 0 0.0706 0
3.38 0.24
n264 5.6 485.63 2 13.7 120 2.26
n259 5.6 1209.72 52.5 0 0.1827 0
13.7 2.5
n259 5.6 -277.63 2 1x(us.Tee-Br)=3.048 0.52 120 4.76
n258 5.6 932.09 52.5 3.048 0.1127 0
3.568 0.4
n258 5.6 1406.97 3 1x(us.90)=2.134 0.2 120 5.16
n257 5.6 2339.06 77.9 2.134 0.0905 0
2.334 0.21
n257 5.6 0 3 1x(us.90)=2.134 0.5 120 5.37
n256 5.6 2339.06 77.9 2.134 0.0905 0
2.634 0.24
n256 5.6 0 3 1x(us.90)=2.134 3 120 5.61
n255 8.6 2339.06 77.9 2.134 0.0905 -0.29
5.134 0.46
n255 8.6 0 4 1x(us.90)=3.048 99.1 120 5.78
n237 8.6 2339.06 102.3 3.048 0.0241 0
102.14 2.46
n237 8.6 0 6 1x(us.90)=4.267 38.118 120 8.24
n236 8.6 2339.06 154.1 4.267 0.0033 0
42.385 0.14
n236 8.6 0 6 1x(us.90)=4.267 3 120 8.38
n235 8.6 2339.06 154.1 4.267 0.0033 0
7.267 0.02
n235 8.6 0 6 1x(us.90)=4.267 8 120 8.41
n234 0.6 2339.06 154.1 4.267 0.0033 0.78
12.267 0.04
n234 0.6 0 6 0.299 120 9.23
his1 0.6 2339.06 154.1 0 0.0033 0
0.299 0
his1 0.6 946.35 6 1x(us.90)=4.267 0.299 120 9.23
n233 0.6 3285.41 154.1 4.267 0.0061 0
4.566 0.03
n233 0.6 0 6 1.8 150 9.26
n232 -1.2 3285.41 151.4 0 0.0044 0.18
1.8 0.01
n232 -1.2 0 6 57 150 9.44
n203 -1.2 3285.41 151.4 0 0.0044 0
57 0.25
n203 -1.2 -1205.99 6 136.5 150 9.7
n204 -1.2 2079.42 151.4 0 0.0019 0
136.5 0.26
n204 -1.2 0 6 50.8 150 9.96
n205 -1.2 2079.42 151.4 0 0.0019 0
50.8 0.1
n205 -1.2 0 6 72.1 150 10.05
n206 -1.2 2079.42 151.4 0 0.0019 0
72.1 0.14

© 2006 National Fire Protection Association Page 7

Job name: ALMACÉN FLEXOCORTE Sheet number:___________________

Node 1 Elev 1 K-Factor 1 Flow added(q)* Nominal ID Fittings L C Factor total (Pt)
Node 2 Elev 2 K-Factor 2 Total flow (Q) Actual ID quantity x (name) = length F Pf per m elev (Pe) NOTES
T frict (Pf)

(m) (lpm/bar½) (l/min) (m) (m) (bar) (bar)


n206 -1.2 0 6 23.953 150 10.19

n208 -1.2 2079.42 151.4 0 0.0019 0
23.953 0.05
n208 -1.2 0 6 11.6 150 10.23
n209 -1.2 2079.42 151.4 0 0.0019 0
11.6 0.02
n209 -1.2 0 6 1x(us.90)=5.921 9.5 150 10.26
n225 -1.2 2079.42 151.4 5.921 0.0019 0
15.421 0.03
n225 -1.2 0 8 1x(us.90)=5.486 3.6 120 10.29
n227 2.4 2079.42 205 5.486 0.0007 -0.35
9.086 0.01
n227 2.4 0 8 1x(us.Tee-Br)=10.668 1.66 120 9.94
n228 2.4 2079.42 205 10.668 0.0007 0
12.328 0.01
n228 2.4 1205.99 8 1x(us.90)=5.486 2 120 9.95
n229 2.4 3285.41 205 5.486 0.0015 0
7.486 0.01
n229 2.4 0 8 1x(us.90)=5.486 1.8 120 9.96
n230 0.6 3285.41 205 5.486 0.0015 0.18
7.286 0.01
n230 0.6 0 8 1 120 10.15
src1 0.6 3285.41 205 0 0.0015 0
1 0.00
h109 5.4 363.3 458.79 1.25 1x(us.Tee-Br)=1.829 0.2 120 1.59
n261 5.6 458.79 35.1 1.829 0.217 -0.02
2.029 0.44
n261 5.6 189.94 2 3.38 120 2.02
n260 5.6 648.73 52.5 0 0.0576 0
3.38 0.19
n260 5.6 480.6 2 1x(us.Tee-Br)=3.048 15.3 120 2.21
n258 5.6 1129.33 52.5 3.048 0.1609 0
18.348 2.95
h106 5.4 363.3 459.04 1.25 1x(us.Tee-Br)=1.829 0.2 120 1.6
n265 5.6 459.04 35.1 1.829 0.2172 -0.02
2.029 0.44
h108 5.4 363.3 480.6 1.25 1x(us.Tee-Br)=1.829 0.2 120 1.75
n260 5.6 480.6 35.1 1.829 0.2365 -0.02
2.029 0.48
h107 5.4 363.3 485.63 1.25 1x(us.Tee-Br)=1.829 0.2 120 1.79
n264 5.6 485.63 35.1 1.829 0.2411 -0.02
2.029 0.49
n266 5.6 0 2 1x(us.90)=1.524 0.2 120 1.98
n263 5.6 189.94 52.5 1.524 0.0059 0
1.724 0.01
n263 5.6 0 2 1x(us.90)=1.524 0.52 120 1.99
n262 5.6 189.94 52.5 1.524 0.0059 0
2.044 0.01
n262 5.6 0 2 1.8 120 2
n261 5.6 189.94 52.5 0 0.0059 0
1.8 0.01
n259 5.6 0 2 1x(us.90)=1.524 13.5 120 4.76
n268 5.6 277.63 52.5 1.524 0.012 0
15.024 0.18
n268 5.6 0 2 1x(us.90)=1.524 0.52 120 4.94
n267 5.6 277.63 52.5 1.524 0.012 0
2.044 0.02

© 2006 National Fire Protection Association Page 8

Job name: ALMACÉN FLEXOCORTE Sheet number:___________________

Node 1 Elev 1 K-Factor 1 Flow added(q)* Nominal ID Fittings L C Factor total (Pt)
Node 2 Elev 2 K-Factor 2 Total flow (Q) Actual ID quantity x (name) = length F Pf per m elev (Pe) NOTES
T frict (Pf)

(m) (lpm/bar½) (l/min) (m) (m) (bar) (bar)


n267 5.6 0 2 1x(us.Tee-Br)=3.048 13.5 120 4.96

n258 5.6 277.63 52.5 3.048 0.012 0
16.548 0.2
n203 -1.2 0 6 110.9 150 9.7
n202 -1.2 1205.99 151.4 0 0.0007 0
110.9 0.08
n202 -1.2 0 6 241.6 150 9.77
n201 -1.2 1205.99 151.4 0 0.0007 0
241.6 0.17
n201 -1.2 0 6 112 150 9.94
045 -1.2 1205.99 151.4 0 0.0007 0
112 0.08
045 -1.2 0 6 224.86 150 10.02
046 -1.2 1205.99 151.4 4 0.0007 0
0 0.16
046 -1.2 0 6 159.37 150 10.17
047 -1.2 1205.99 151.4 9 0.0007 0
0 0.11
047 -1.2 0 6 1x(us.90)=5.921 9.5 150 10.28
n224 -1.2 1205.99 151.4 5.921 0.0007 0
15.421 0.01
n224 -1.2 0 8 1x(us.90)=5.486 3.6 120 10.29
n226 2.4 1205.99 205 5.486 0.0002 -0.35
9.086 0.00
n226 2.4 0 8 1x(us.Tee-Br)=10.668 1.66 120 9.94
n228 2.4 1205.99 205 10.668 0.0002 0
12.328 0.00

* Discharge shown for flowing nodes only

© 2006 National Fire Protection Association Page 9

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