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MICROSOFT EXCEL:- Microsoft excel is one of the most popular spreadsheet software. It is

widely used to perform mathematical calculation.
Workbook:- the excel window that appears on the screen is called a workbook.
Worksheet: – a worksheet is a grid like area , made up of rows and columns, where you can enter and
work with data. By default three (03) worksheet in a workbook.
Cell:- A cell is an intersection of a column and row in a worksheet is known as cell.
Row:- 10,48,576
Column: – 16384
A cell can contain up to 32767 characters.
Name box:- Name box is located just above the column heading on the left side of the window. This
area displays the location of the cell pointer.
Formulas Bar:- The formula bar is located to the right of the name box. This bar shows the data and
formulas that you enter in an active cell.
Type of Data:- Three type of data
1. Number                                    2. Text                                 3. Formula
Number:- Numbers are values that consist of numerals from 0 to 9 and the characters.
By default numbers are right aligned in a cell.
Text:–  Text data can contain alphabets numbers spaces and special characters.
By default numbers are Left aligned in a cell.
Formulae:- A formula is a Mathematical equation involving number values, operators and cell
addresses used for performing calculation  on a worksheet.
Formulae begin with and equal to (=) sign.
Note:- To insert a new worksheet press = Shift+ F11 key.

Cell References:- the cell address in the formula is known as cell reference.

Three type of cell references.
(a)              Relative Reference:- when you create a formula, references to a cell or ranges are
usually based on the position relative to the cell. When you copy or move the formula to other cells
the reference cell automatically gets changed.
(b)              Absolute reference:- Absolute reference is used when we do not want to change the
address of the cell on copying the formula to another cell. To make absolute reference of a formula,
add dollar($) sign before the column and row number.
(c)              Mixed Reference:– It is a combination of relative and Absolute references. In this type
of reference, either row  and column has to remain fixed.
Functions:- Functions are Pr-designed formulas in Excel. In excel to perform both simple and
complex calculations. Functions save time and eliminate the chance to write wrong formulas.
Rules to enter a Function:-
1. All Excel functions must begin with = sign.
2. Function name must be a valid excel name. For example = sum, max
3. Function name must be followed by opening and closing parenthesis.
4. Parenthesis contain arguments within it.
Formula errors:- In Microsoft Excel, if any formula is entered incorrectly, then displays and error
massage instead of the value and assists you in identifying and fixing the problem.
Data:- Data is a collection of information related to a particular subject.
Field:- a column within a database that contains only one type of data is called field.
Record:-  a row in a database is called record.
Field Name:- It is a column label for the field in a database .
Form: A form is a dialog box that provides an easy way to enter or display a complete of
information or record.
Sorting data:– Sorting means arranging data either in an ascending or descending order in a
worksheet Data can be stored in rows on the basis of text, Number, combination of text and members
or dates.
Filtering Data:– Microsoft Excel provides several ways to analyses data in list. The Filter feature
allows you to see only those records that you want to display while it hides the rest of the temporarily
from the view.
Advanced Filter:– Advance filter option is used to filter the data in multiple fields using specified
criteria, or to copy the filtered records to a different location, or to find unique records.
Using Advanced filter:– Advance filter option is used to filter the data in multiple fields using
specified criteria or to copy the filtered records to a different location or to find unique records.
Analyzing data with pivot table:- Pivot table is a powerful tool for consolidating summarizing and
presenting data.
Chart:– Chart is an effective way to display data in pictorial form. Chart make it easier to draw
comparison and analyses the growth relationship and trends among the values in a range.
Component of Chart:-

See Page No 46 in your book.

Goal seeks. Goal seek is a wonderful feature for fixing a specific result for one cell, by adjusting a
value in another cell.
Consolidating Data:– Consolidation refers to combining of data. We can combine data of vaiious
ranges either in the same worksheet or in the other worksheet.
Data series:–  Data series are the bars slices or other elements that show data values.
Legend :– legend is a key that is used to identify the colors, patterns or symbols assigned to a data
Answer one word.
1. In MS Office, which package in best for calculations?      (Excel)
2. Which do we call the built in formulas used for calculating percentage, interest, average etc.
3. Name the term used  for plotting data in graphical form. (Charts)
4. How many type of data can be entered in MS Excel?  (three = Number, text or Formula)
5. How will you stat MS excel. (start> All program> MS office> Microsoft excel 2007)
6. Which of the topmost bar in excel screen?( Title Bar)
7. Which bar displays the current selection or current activity? (Status Bar)
8. What is the intersection of row and a column known as. (cell)
9. Which term identifies the location of cell. (Cell Address)
10. By default how many sheet tabs are displayed at the bottom of a worksheet when we open
MS Excel. (Three)
11. Which box shows the location of the cell pointer? (Name box)
12. Which bar shows characters and formulas that we enter into and active cell. (Formula bar)
13. What is the other name of spreadsheet? (Worksheet)
14. What is the temporary name given name given to a workbook when you open it? (Book1)
15. Where do you enter data in Excel? (In Worksheet)
16. How can we select a column? (Click on the Column heading)
17. Which option is used to clear the contents of a cell? (Home >Clear>Clear All)
18. Which command is used to revert the last action that you have performed? (Undo)
19. Which is a temporary storage area that  windows reserves for moving and copying things?
20. Which option is used to copy data. (Home > Copy)
21. Which feature is used to fill data in cells automatically? (auto fill)
22. Which function key is used to repeat most commands? (F4)
23. Which key combination is used to display the default data and time format? (Ctrl+Shift+#
and Ctrl +Shift+@)
Fill in the blanks:-
1. Formulas are used to perform Calculations.
2. A formula always being with and = (Equal)sign.
3. The cell address in a formula is also called cell reference.
4. The cell address in a formula that does not change on copying is considered as Absolute
5. To use the sheet reference, you need to enter sheet number Exclamation markand cell
6. Arguments are input to function which accept values as number or text.
7. A function must be followed by opening and closing parenthesis.
8. A database helps the user to organize, retrieve, sort and edit data as needed.
9. A form provides an easy way to enter or display a record.
10. Field nameis a column label for the field in a database.
11. To restrict cell entries within a specified range, use Data Validation option.
12. To search a record with specific value, click on the criteria button in a form.
13. Pivot Table provides an easy way to present the data in a summarized way.
14. Chart is a effective way to display data in pictorial form.


Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1:
A worksheet is a ……………….
(a) collection of workbooks
(b) processing software
(c) combination of rows and columns
(d) None of the above
(c) A worksheet is a combination of rows and columns.
Question 2:
By default, a workbook in Excel contains how many worksheets?
(a) 16                (b) 3                  (c) 15                (d) 256
Answer:Question 4:
The AutoFill can apply from
(a) left to right         (b) right to left
(c) up to down         (d) All of these
(d) AutoFill can apply from any side.
Question 5:
The default page orientation in Excel is
(a) Landscape     (b) Horizontal
(c) Portrait          (d) None of these
(c) The default page orientation in Excel is Portrait.
Question 6:

Word wrapping means

(a) the text remains in the straight line
(b) the text distributed in multiple lines
(c) displays text vertically within a cell
(d) displays the selected text in a different font style
(b) Word wrapping distributes the text in multiple lines.

Question 7:
A term that is used in spreadsheet which forces a line break in a cell when the
cell entry is too large to fit in the cell.
(a) Wrap              (b) Line Break
(c) Cell Break      (d) Multiline Cell
(a) Wrap
Question 8:
The default alignment of text in a cell is
(a) Left              (b) Right
(c) Centered     (d) Justified
(a) In Excel, by default the text is left aligned.

Question 9:
Absolute cell referencing occurs when ……………
(a) formula is dragged but the cell references do not adjust.
(b) spreadsheet is saved with “absolute” as file name.
(c) formula is dragged and the cell reference adjusts automatically.
(d) $ symbol is automatically added with each cell value.
(a) Absolute cell referencing occurs when formula is dragged but the cell
references do not adjust.

Question 10:
Find out the odd one
(a) Absolute              (b) Relative                 (c) Mixed               (d) AutoFill
(d) Absolute, relative and mixed all three are the types of cell referencing but
AutoFill is not.
Question 11:
Cell address $B$5 in a formula means
(a) it is a mixed reference
(b) it is an absolute reference
(c) it is a relative reference
(d) None of the above
(b) $ sign in a formula need to add before row number and column letter for
absolute referencing.

Question 12:
While entering a formula, cell address B$5 represents
(a) Absolute Referencing
(b) Mixed Referencing
(c) Relative Referencing
(d) All of these
(b) It represents mixed reference because we are using $ sign before 5 only.
Hence, as we will drag this only B will change but 5 will remain same.

Question 13:
A cell range starting from first row, first column to fourth row and fifth column
can be represented as
(a) [A1 : E4]          (b) [AO : E3]
(c) [E4 : Al]           (d) [E3 : AO]
(a) [A1:E4] because row count starts from 1 and column count starts from A
and first we write the starting cell address.

Question 14:
A cell range always has the symbol between the cell references.
(a) ; (semicolon)      (b) . (full stop)
(c) .(comma)             (d) :(colon)
(d) A cell range always has the : (colon) symbol between the address of
Question 15:
If cell range A1 : A5 contain the numbers 20, 16, 5, 35 and 7 then =
AVERAGE(A1 : A5, 50) will display.
(a) 22.167         (b) 27.167 (c) 10                (d) 40
(a) 22.167

Question 16:
COUNTA (4, 78, False, 18) will return ……………….
(a) 2                  (b) 3                         (c) 4                       (d) 5
(c) Because the logical values and numbers directly
provided as argument of COUNTA, a function will be counted.

Question 17:
If you type =2 * (6-4) in cell Al, what value will be display?

(a) 2                   (b) 4                          (c) 6                      (d) 8

(b) = 2*(6-4) = 2*(2) = 4

Question 18:
You can place the chart legend in the chart at ……………..
(a) Bottom                              (b) Corner
(c) Top, Right and Left        (d) All of these
(d) You can place the chart legend in the chart at Bottom, Corner, Top, Right
and Left.

Question 19:
In Excel chart, text displayed at data points to indicate the specific category is
called ……………..
(a) data point        (b) data series
(c) data label         (d) legends

(c) Text displayed at data points to indicate the specific category is called data
Question 20:
You have used a spreadsheet to calculate the average marks of a class in
Mathematics. Which input is essential to find the average marks?
(a) Marks of each student of class in Science
(b) Marks of each student of class in Mathematics
(c) Average marks in Mathematics of each student of class
(d) Names and roll numbers of each student of class
(b) Marks of each student tor Mathematics will be required for calculating
average marks of mathematics.

Question 21:
A chart is created on the basis of values in ………………
(a) mail merge          (b) database
(c) spreadsheet        (d) document
(c) A chart is a pictorial representation of data that created on the basis of
values in a spreadsheet.

Question 22:
Which of the following charts is used for comparing the changes in data over a
period of time?
(a) Bar chart                (b) Area chart
(c) Scatter chart          (d) Line chart
(d) Line chart emphasizes on rate of change rather than volume of change
over time.

Question 23:
Which of the following chart selects only one range of the data series?
(a) Line chart            (b) Pie chart
(c) Scatter Chart       (d) Bar chart
(b) Pie chart can select only one range of the data series.

Question 24:
The another name for the XY chart is ……………….
(a) Column chart       (b) Net chart
(c) Bar chart               (d) Scatter chart
(d) XY chart is also called Scatter chart.

Question 25:
Which of the following shortcut keys brings the cursor to the last cell on the
sheet that contains data?
(a) Ctrl+Home                (b) Ctrl+End
(b) Ctrl + Page down      (d) Ctrl+down arrow
(b) Ctrl+End shortcut is used to bring the cursor to the last cell.

Question 26:
For selecting a non-continuous range of cells, you need to do what?
(a) Press Alt key       (b) Press Shift key
(c) Press Esc key      (d) Press Ctrl key
b By pressing Ctrl key and clicking on the desired cells a non-continuous cell
range can be selected.

Question 27:
For selecting the entire worksheet in Excel, you need to press ……………….
(a) Alt + Shift +eSpacebar
(b) Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar
(c) Shift + Spacebar
(d) None of the above
(b) You need to press Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar for selecting the entire
worksheet in Excel.

Question 28:
The sample of an Excel worksheet on the screen can be seen by
(a) Print preview
(b) Print
(c) Review
(d) None of the above
(a) Print preview enables you to view the sample of worksheet before printing
it on a paper
Fill in the Blanks

Question 1:
Excel is a ………………. software package.

Question 2:
When you …………. or ……………. , the selected range gets surrounded by a
moving border.
copy, cut

Question 3:
The ………….. and …………… operations copies data from source range to
target range and erases it from the source range.
cut, paste

Question 4:
Address of the cell at 10th column and 30th row is ………………

Question 5:
The cell having bold boundary is the ……………..
active cell

Question 6:
Any formula in Excel starts with an ……………..
equal (=) sign

Question 7:
The keyboard shortcut for copy is ……………. and for paste is ………………..
Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V
Question 8:
In …………….. referencing, the relative address of the cell gets adjust with
respect to the current cell.

Question 9:
For absolute referencing, ……………. sign is used before the parts of formula.

Question 10:
If you enter 15 + 30 in a cell, Excel will display ……………..
15 + 30

Question 11:
To specify the number of decimal places in a cell the ……………… tab of the
Format cells dialog is used.
Fill series

Question 12:
The ……………. tool is used in speadsheet that creates a growth series,
wherein subseguent values follow an increasing or a decreasing geometric

Question 13:
The range of cells containing data that makes a chart is termed as
……………… data.

Question 14:
…………. are text, number cell references enclosed within parenthesis in a
True or False

Question 1:
You cannot open two different workbooks in Excel simultaneously.
False You can open two different workbooks in Excel simultaneously.

Question 2:
When a cell containing a formula is moved, the cells referring the moved cell
show an error value.
False When a cell containing a formula is moved, the cells referring the
moved cell does not show an error value.

Question 3:
A cell entry can be edited either in the cell or in the formula bar.
True There are two ways to edit the data which has entered in the cell, i.e. in
the cell or in the formula bar.

Question 4:
If the data entered in a cell is 546Z then, Excel will treat it as a number
because it starts with a digit.
False It will be treated as non-numeric data because it contains letters
alongwith numbers.

Question 5:
We cannot enter the date/time in a cell.
False Date/time can be added to an Excel cell.

Question 6:
The Fill handle tool is used for labour intensive entering data in a
True Entering data into a spreadsheet can be very labour intesive, but Fill
handle tool autofill the entries and save time.
Question 7:
The Insert button is found on Cells group under Home tab.
True Insert button is available on Cells group under Home tab and is used to
insert cells, rows and columns.

Question 8:
The title of the chart tells the type of the chart.
False The title of chart tells the name of the chart.

Question 9:
A chart is a graphical representation of worksheet data.
True A chart is a graphical representation of worksheet data.

Question 10:
The contents of a cell can be changed by pressing F2 key on keyboard.
True F2 is a shortcut for making cell editable.


Q. What is the intersection of a column and a row on a worksheet

called ?

Answer : Cell [Option : D]

Q. What type of chart is useful for comparing values over categories ?

A.Pie Chart
B.Column Chart
C.Line Chart
D.Dot Graph
Answer : Column Chart [Option : B]
Q. Which functionin Excel tells how many numeric entries are
there ?

Answer : COUNT [Option : B]

Q. A features that displays only the data in column (s) according to

specified criteria

Answer : Filtering [Option : C]

Q.Statistical calculations and preparation of tables and graphs can

be done using
A.Adobe Photoshop
D.Power Point
Answer : Excel [Option : B]

Q. What type of chart will you use to compare performance of two employees in
A.Column Chart
B.Line Chart
C.Pie Chart
D.Dot Chart
Answer : Line Chart [Option : B]

Q. Which one is not a Function in MS Excel ?

Answer : AVG [Option : B]

Functions in MS Excel must begin with ___

A.An () sign
B.An Equal Sign
C.A Plus Sign
D.A > Sign
Answer : An Equal Sign [Option : B]

Q. Which functionin Excel checks whether a condition is true or

not ?
Answer : IF [Option : C]

Q. In Excel, Columns are labelled as ___

A.A, B, C, etc
B.1,2,3 etc
C.A1, A2, etc.
D.$A$1, $A$2, etc.
Answer : A, B, C, etc [Option : A]

Q. The Greater Than sign (>) is an example of _____ operator.

Answer : Logical [Option : B]

Q. What type of chart is useful for showing trends or changes over

time ?
A.Pie Chart
B.Column Chart
C.Line Chart
D.Dot Graph
Answer : Line Chart [Option : C]
Q.The process of arrenging the items of a column in some
sequence or order is known as :
Answer : Sorting [Option : C]

Q.The ____ feature of MS Excel quickly completes a series of data

A.Auto Complete
B.Auto Fill
C.Fill Handle
Answer : Auto Fill [Option : B]

Q.What type of chart is useful for comparing parts of a whole ?

A.Pie Chart
B.Column Chart
C.Line Chart
D.Dot Graph
Answer : Pie Chart [Option : A]

Q. In Excel, Rows are labelled as ______

A.A, B, C, etc
B.1,2,3 etc
C.A1, A2, etc.
D.$A$1, $A$2, etc.
Answer : 1,2,3 etc [Option : B]

Q.What do you use to create a chart?

A.Pie Wizard
B.Excel Wizard
C.Data Wizard
D.Chart Wizard
Answer : Chart Wizard [Option : D]
Q. How will you graphically represent expenditure in different
departments ?
A.Column Chart
B.Line Chart
C.Pie Chart
D.Dot Chart
Answer : Pie Chart [Option : C]

Q. What type of chart is good for single series of data ?

A.Column Chart
B.Line Chart
C.Pie Chart
D.Cone Chart
Answer : Pie Chart [Option : C]

Q. The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in Excel
is called a
Answer : cell [Option : A]

Q. How many sheets are there, by default, when we create a new

Excel file ?
Answer : 3 [Option : B]

Q. In Excel, which one denoted a range from B1 through E5

A.B1 - E5
C.B1 to E5
Answer : B1:E5 [Option : B]
Q. An Excel file is generally called a / an :
Answer : Workbook [Option : C]

Q. It is a collection of data that is stored electronically as a series of

records in a table.
D.MS Word
Answer : database [Option : C]

Q. What type of chart will you use to compare performance of sales

of two products ?
A.Column Chart
B.Line Chart
C.Pie Chart
D.Both A and B
Answer : Column Chart [Option : A]
(Conditional Control Statements:)

Fill in the Blanks:-

1. A Variable has a unique name, a type  and a sixe, which is used to identify it in a program.

2. A string variable contains values, Symbols or  Text within double quotes.
3. IF –THEN statement is used for making Decisions as well as Comparisons.
4. If the condition specified after IF is true, then the instruction after Then is executed.
5. IF THEN ELSE Is a conditional decision making statement.
6. Controls statements help to control the flow of a program.

State True or False:

 Constants can change their values during the execution of a program.             False

 Numeric variable can hold only numbers.       True
 The condition in IF THEN ELSE statement is by the logical operators.   True
 GOTO statement transfers the program control from one statement to another . True
 In READ- DATA statement, the data is provided in a program at the time of execution. True

Application Based Question:

Q1. Vishal has created a program in QB64. He wants that the output of the program should be
displayed subjected to true and false condition. Suggest him the appropriate statement.

Answer:- if<Condition> then

Print “True”


Print “False”

Q2. Smriti wants to give output of a program in infinite loop. Which statement will you suggest her
to use?

Answer:- Start:


GOTO start

Multiple Choice Question:-

Q.1. ………… sign is used to represent an alphabet in a string.

1. +                                                b. $                             c.                                                 [  B  ]

Q.2. In IF..THEN..ELSE statement, if the condition is False, then the ……statement will be

1. ELSE                                         b. IF                           c. THEN                                       [  A ]

Q.3. ………… statement is used to transfer the program control from one statement to another.

1. PRINT                                     b. IF THEN               c. GOTO                                         [ C  ]

Q.4. ………. statement is used when we want to have more choices in the IF…..THEN statement.

1. ELSEIF                                     b. GOTO                   c. IF….THEN….ELSE                 [   A ]

Answer the following:-

Q1.         What do you understand by constants and variables?

Answer:- Constants:- Constants are the values that do not change during the execution of a program.
Variables:- a variables is a named location in the memory of computer that store data temporarily.

Q2.         Describe the use of Control statements.

Answer:- In a program the statements are generally executed in a sequential manner. However at
time the user may need to change this order of execution, either by repeating or skipping the
execution of a few statements subjected to a given condition.

Q3.         Define IF…THEN statement with the help of an example.

Answer:- The IF- THEN statement is the most basic type of control statement. It is used for decisions
based on comparisons. It checks only the “TRUE” condition of the program and comes to an
end.                 Example:- IF<CONDITION> THEN<STATEMENT>.

Q4.         Briefly explain the conditional statement IF-THEN-ELSE.

Answer:- IF-THEN-ELSE is a conditional decision making statement. If the condition given after IF
is true, statement (s) specified after THEN is executed. But if the condition is False, the ELSE
statement will be executed.
Q5.         Explain the use of END IF statement with the help of an example.

Answer:- END IF statement end a multiple line IF block statements. IT is required after any multiple
line IF, ELSE IF or ELSE statement blocks. The END IF should be written before the END

Q6.         What is the use of GOTO statement? Explain with an example.

Answer:- A GOTO statement is referred to as unconditional transfer control. It is used to transfer the
program control from one statement to another in a program.

Fill in the blanks:-

1.  Looping means repeated execution of statements for fixed number of times in a program.

2. The Control Variable keeps track of the number of times a process in executed.
3. The control variable in assigned an Initial and Final Value in FOR …NEXT statement.
4. FOR statement is a always used along with the NEXT statement.
5. All the statements, which are to be executed in a loop, come in between STEP statements.
6. The FOR … NEXT statement increments/ decrements the value of the control variable.
7. ASCII Characters 7 Can also create beep sound.

State True or False:-

1. Looping technique reduces the number of instructions.         [True]

2. For statement increments the value of the control variable by one.          [False]
3. The same control variable can be used in different loops.                             [True]
4. In Nested loop, the outermost loop will be executed first, before the inner loop. [False]
5. There can be a maximum of 9 loops within a loop.                                  [True]
6. WEND clause in used with FOR statement.                                             [False]
7. STEP value can never be negative.                                                          [False]

Application Based Question:-

Q.1.        Ritu is making a program using FOR .. NEXT statement. She wants to five increment to the
counter by the values 5 but she is not able to apply the clause. Which clause will you suggest her to
use with FOR… NEXT?

Answer:-  FOR I = 1 TO 5 , A = A + 1, NEXT I.

Q.2.        Raman’s teacher asked him to name the variable, which keeps count of the number of
repetitions performed in a loop but he is unable to recollect the same. Help Raman to answer this
Answer:- Control Variable.

Q.3.        The teacher asked Priya to make a program and print the series 1,3,5…..19. She wants that
the program should run for 10 times. What logic will you suggest her to apply to get the desired

Answer:- FOR I = 1 TO 10 STEP 2, PRINT I, NEXT I.

Multiply Choice Question :-

1. Which variable keeps track of the ‘Number of times, a particular instruction has been
executed in a loop?

a. Control                                     b. NEXT                            c. FOR                [     A      ]

2. Which value is optional and can either be positive or negative?

a. FOR                                            b. STEP                             c. NEXT          [    B        ]

3. Which statement combines the initialization and checking step of counters in a single
a. DO                                              b. WHILE                          c. FOR             [    A       ]
4. Which statement gives the increment to control variable, and directs the program control
back to FOR statement.
a. NEXT                                          b. FOR                               c.
STEP           [    C        ]
5. Which statement shifts the control back in the WHILE statement?
a. WHILE                                       b. WEND                          c.DO                 [    B        ]

6. Which command Plays music in the background in QB64.

a. MB                                             b. MF                                c. T                    [     A      ]

Answer the Following:-

Q.1.        Explain the term looping.

Answer:-  Looping means repeated execution of statements for a fixed number of times. Looping
using technique in programming is that it reduces the number of instructions and also the memory

Q.2.        Define the FOR … NEXT looping statement.

Answer:-  The FOR … NEXT statement is used when a group of statements are to be executed a
specific number of times. This also reduces the length of a program.
Q.3.        What is the use of STEP statement on FOR …. NEXT?

Answer:-  STEP value is optional and can be either positive or negative. While using a negative
number with the STEP value is optional and can be either positive or negative.

Q.4.        Describe the term nested loop.

Answer:- The  use of FOR … NEXT  statement within another FOR … NEXT statement is known as
nested  FOR … NEXT  statement.

Q.5.        How is WHILE … WEND loop different from DO UNTIL loop?


WHILE …WIND :- WHILE statement  directs DO UNTIL LOOP:- This loop  is similar to the Do
the computer about how many times the process While loop, but the only difference is that the
has to be repeated and WEND statement shifts execution of the loop continues as long as the
the control back to WHILE statement condition is false.

Q.6.        What is the difference between Play and Beep Statement?


 The command string expression contains the note It produces the actual beep sound through the PC
or list of notes enclosed in double quotes along with stereo speakers. BEEP sound can be placed anywhere
the PLAY statement in the program to alert the user that an error has occurred.

Fill in the blanks:-

1. In high resolution, the computer screen is divided in 640 x 200Pixels.

2. The amount of pixels per unit on the screen is called the Resolution.
3. The Line Statement is used to draw a straight line.
4. Screen 7 supports 16 different colours.
5. The “H” statement draws a line diagonally in upward direction the Left Side.
State True or False:-

1. The Screen 0 mode is used only for

text.                                                                                         [T]
2. In medium resolution mode, the computer screen is divided into 320×400
pixels.                          [F]
3. The LINE statement is used to fill an object with a
colour.                                                             [F]
4. To draw vertical lines, y-axis co-ordinates will remain same for both starting and ending
points. [T]
5. The background colour code for Gray colour is 7.  [T]

Application Based Question:-

Q.1.        Kabir wants to draw a box filled with colour using the line statement, but he is unable to
recollect the keyword for making a filled box. Help him to finish this task.

Answer:-  DRAW LINE

Q.2.        The computer teacher has asked Awati to draw vertical lines. Which co-ordinates will you
suggest her to set for both starting and ending points of the line?

Answer:-  LINE (X1 , Y1) – (X2 , Y2) COLORUR

Multiple Choice Question:-

1. There are ………………… colour option for background and foreground colours.
a. 20                                                b. 16                                  c. 15                [     B       ]

2. We use ……. Statement to draw lines, figures and patterns of different shapes from any point
of the screen
a. PSET                                           b. SCREEN                       c.LINE                   [    C        ]

3. To draw  a fill box, the letter ………………….. is used with line co-ordinates.
a. B                                                  b. BF                  c. BC                             [     B       ]

4. ……………………………. statement is used to set the screen resolution.

a. Drawing Boxes                      b. Color             c. Screen                               [     C       ]
5. We cannot create any graphics in ……. Mode.
a. Screen 5                                   b. Screen2        c. Screen                              [     C       ]

Answer the Following:-

1. What is the use of PSET command?

Answer:- The PSET command stand for Point Set. This command is used to set the pixels at any
specific location on the screen. PSET command can set the pixel values as per requirement and draw
the figure.

2. Explain the brief the use of CIRCLE statement.

Answer:- The Circle statement is used to draw a circle, ellipse or an arc of a circle.
3. What is the difference between B and BF option used with line statement?
Answer:- The letter B indicates the box option

The letter BF indicates to fill the box with the desired colour shade.

4. Explain the function of NEWIMAGE command available in QB64.

Answer:-NEWIMAGE screen statement is used to create a new screen size with higher resolution
using the predefined screen options.

5. What is the use of paint statement?

Answer:- PAINT statement is used to fill an object with a colour. It specifies the co-ordinates from
where the figure starts and fills the colour within the enclosed area.

6. How can we draw a rectangle? Explain with en example.

Answer:- The LINE statement is used to draw a Rectangle on the screen.

Its syntax is :- LINE (X1 , Y1) – (X2 , Y2) COLOR



COLOR 7, 12


PRINT ”this is a Rectangle”

LINE (60,60) (130, 100),6 , BF


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