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International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690

A variable input speed approach for improving the output

motion characteristics of Watt-type presses
Hong-Sen Yan *, Wei-Ren Chen
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan, ROC
Received 4 January 1999; accepted 27 September 1999


Traditionally, the input speed of a Watt-type press is assumed constant. Here, we propose a novel
approach by varying the input speed of the crank to make the ram’s motion suitable for both deep-drawing
and precision-cutting processes. This approach uses a servomotor as the power input of the mechanism.
By properly designing the input speed, the output motion can pass through a desired trajectory. The input
motion characteristics are planned with Bezier curves. Optimization is used to improve the output character-
istics of the system. Guidelines for defining the optimization problems are discussed, and control algorithm
regarding how this servo system works is described. Two design examples, Watt-type press and knuckle
joint press, are given for illustration.  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Variable speed drive; Servo mechanism; Watt’s mechanism; Bezier curve

1. Introduction

Six-bar Watt-type mechanisms are widely used in mechanical presses for various deformation
processes. The input link of a Watt-type press is usually the crank, which is driven by an electric
motor with or without a reducer. The output is the motion of the ram and the motor usually runs
at a constant speed. According to various applications, the desired output motions are achieved
by dimensional synthesis of the links of the mechanisms.
This paper presents, from the kinematic point of view, an alternative approach by varying the
crank’s speed of the press to obtain various desired output motions. With a properly controlled
servomotor, a press can be programmed to perform various processes, e.g., cutting, forming, and

* Corresponding author. Fax: +886-6-208-4972.

E-mail address: (H.-S. Yan)

0890-6955/00/$ - see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 8 9 0 - 6 9 5 5 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 8 7 - 5
676 H.-S. Yan, W.-R. Chen / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690

drawing. The advantage of the adjustment is that the motion of the output ram can meet most
specified trajectories with timing.
Ulas and Craggs [1] verified that the stress of a material is related not only to strain, but also
to strain rate. The mechanical state of a material can be represented as a point on the stress–
strain–strain rate surface. One may use this characteristic to design the optimal press motion so
that the drawing process is operated along a specific curve on that surface to obtain the best
material properties. Dies were designed with very special and complicated shapes to maintain the
state of material along the optimal curve. However, if we can vary the input speed of the press,
the identically optimal drawing process can be obtained through the use of simple die shapes.
Variable input speed mechanisms were seldom discussed in past years. Rothbart [2] designed
a variable speed cam mechanism in which the input of the cam is the output of a Withworth
quick-return mechanism. Tesar and Matthew [3] derived the motion equations of the follower by
considering the case of variable speed cams. In recent years, Yan and associates [4–7] contributed
the objectives of eliminating the discontinuity in motion characteristics and lowering peak values
of the follower acceleration in cam-follower systems by servo solutions. Connor et al. [8] dis-
cussed path generation problems of a 5-bar linkage with one of the input links driven by a variable-
speed servomotor. Straete and Schutter [9] used hybrid cam mechanisms to reduce the peak power
of the servomotor needed to run the mechanisms. Perju and Lovasz [10] proposed 4-bar linkages
with various link lengths for function generation, and Yossifon and associates [11] produced a
servomotor-driven multi-action press. This prototype connected the ram of the press to a servo-
motor with a bolt-screw mechanism. The desired ram position and velocity are achieved by con-
trolling the position and velocity of the servomotor. However, without the mechanical advantage
of a linkage-mechanism, the torque of the motor required to operate it is still large. Lately, they
[12–14] made use of the characteristics of an AC servomotor to generate a press which could
provide constant force during working.
The purpose of this study is to design, for 6-bar Watt-mechanisms, a general input speed tra-
jectory that leads to desired ram motion for cutting and forming processes. Design criteria and
constraints for selecting a suitable speed trajectory of the input link are developed. Design
examples are given to illustrate the procedure for obtaining the required output motion character-

2. The system

Fig. 1 shows the flow chart of the proposed variable input speed servo-controlled Watt-type
mechanism. The objective is to design a feasible variable input speed trajectory that satisfies the
desired output motion characteristics of the ram. Bezier curves and optimization methods are
introduced for providing a satisfactory speed trajectory. Kinematic analysis is performed for
achieving the desired output motion characteristics. Furthermore, this system adopts a suitable
algorithm to control the servomotor to drive the input link of the mechanism along the derived
speed trajectory. System identification of the servomechanism, from the servo point of view, is
necessary for determining the parameters needed in the control algorithm.
H.-S. Yan, W.-R. Chen / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690 677

Fig. 1. System flow chart.

3. Input speed trajectory

We hereby introduce Bezier curves to represent the speed trajectories of the input link.

3.1. Bezier curve

Bezier curves and surfaces are credited to P. Bezier of the French car firm Regie Renault who
developed (in about 1962) and used them in his software system called UNISURF which has
been used by designers to define the outer panels of several Renault cars. Bezier curves were still
widely used in various fields in recent years.
A Bezier curve is a curve with its shape defined by a set of control points. The order of a
Bezier curve is related to the number of control points defining it; n+1 points define an nth order
curve. Mathematically, the Bezier curve P(u) is defined by the following polynomial as:


P(u)⫽ Pi·Bi,n(u) (1)


where Pi is the coordinate vector of the ith control point, u is Bezier parameter starting from 0
to 1, and
Bi,n(u)⫽ ·ui·(1⫺u)n−i u苸[0,1] (2)

The shape of the Bezier curve P(u) is controlled by a set of control points Pi. An example of
a 3rd order Bezier curve is shown in Fig. 2. The curve starts at P0 where u=0 and ends at P3
where u=1. The shape of the curve where 0⬍u⬍1 can be arbitrarily adjusted by changing the
positions of the control points P2 and P3.
678 H.-S. Yan, W.-R. Chen / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690

Fig. 2. A 3rd order Bezier curve.

Since the input link of the servomechanism (the press) is a crank undergoing a circular rotation,
we define the position (or displacement) trajectory of the crank by an nth order Bezier curve q(t)
with parameter t as follows:


q(t)⫽ qi·Bi,n(t) (3)


Bi,n(t)⫽ ·ti·(1⫺t)n−i t苸[0,1] (4)

q(t) is a Bezier curve that represents the angular displacement of the input link defined by control
points qi’s. Parameter t is identical to the Bezier parameter u in Eq. (1) and is regarded as the
normalized time from 0 to 1. Usually, the motion characteristics such as velocities, accelerations,
and jerks for links should be as smooth as possible. One of the advantages for choosing a Bezier
curve for motion trajectory is that this curve is nth order differentiable. This feature guarantees
smoothness of the entire motion. Hence, the angular velocity w(t) and acceleration a(t) of the
input link can be derived by continuously differentiating Eqs. (3) and (4) with respect to time
as follows:

dq(t) dBi,u(t)
w(t)⫽ ⫽ qi· (5)
dt i⫽0 dt

d 2q(t) d 2Bi,u(t)
a(t)⫽ 2 ⫽ qi· (6)
dt i⫽0

dBi,n(t) n! n!
⫽ ·ti−1·(1⫺t)n−i⫺ ·ti·(1⫺t)n−i−1 (7)
dt (i−1)!·(n−i)! i!·(n−i−1)!
H.-S. Yan, W.-R. Chen / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690 679

d 2Bi,n(t) n! n!
⫽ ·ti−2·(1⫺t)n−i⫺ ·ti−1·(1⫺t)n−i−1
dt2 (i−2)!·(n−i)! (i−1)!·(n−i−1)!
n! n!
⫺ ·ti−1·(1⫺t)n−i−1⫹ ·ti·(1⫺t)n−i−2 (8)
(i−1)!·(n−i−1)! i!(n−i−2)!
The computation from input motion characteristics, Eqs. (3, 5) and (6), to output motion character-
istics is the problem of kinematic analysis, and a vector loop approach [15] is used. The ram
motion trajectories such as linear displacement, velocity, and acceleration are thus computed and
denoted as d(t), v(t) and a(t) as follows:
d(t)⫽d(q1,…,qn−1,t) (9)
v(t)⫽v(q1,…,qn−1,t) (10)
a(t)⫽a(q1,…,qn−1,t) (11)

Another advantage of using Bezier curves is that the shape of the curve can be hand-sketched by
examining the positions of all control points. It gives engineers an insight into the motion charac-
teristics of the system.

3.2. Optimization

The derived motion curves on the input link, Eqs. (3, 5) and (6), still contain undetermined
control points q0,q1,…qn. It is clear that q0 and qn are the boundary conditions for crank angles
in a cycle. Therefore, q0=qUDC and qn=qUDC + 2p must be specified, and qUDC is the corresponding
crank angle when the ram is at upper dead center. The remaining control points q1,…,qn⫺1 become
the design variables in this servomechanism system, and they are selected by optimization method.
Again, this is a case by case situation. In what follows, we guideline with examples to illustrate
the procedure.
The optimization is formulated as follows:
Minimizing f(q1,…,qn−1) (12)

Subject to
equality constraints hj (q1,…,qn−1)⫽0 j⫽1,…,nh (13)

inequality constraints gk(q1,…,qn−1)⬍0 k⫽1,…,ng (14)
where nh and ng denote the number of equality and inequality constraints. The objective function
f(q1,…,qn⫺1) is to improve the output characteristics of the mechanism. It is usually selected to
minimize the peak acceleration, jerk, or a combination of both of the output motion or to reduce
the required torque and power of the motor. If the peak acceleration is the subject, the objective
function f(q1,…,qn⫺1) is:
680 H.-S. Yan, W.-R. Chen / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690

f(q1,…,qn−1)⫽peak (a(t)) 0ⱕtⱕ1 (15)

The equality and inequality constraints are defined to meet the desired output motion character-

3.3. Guidelines of constraints

Guidelines for defining the constraints are presented as follows:

1. Motion continuity for Bezier curves is automatically satisfied at all points except at the
boundary where t=0 and t=1. Hence, continuity at the boundary must be specified manually.
Equality constraints can be defined for this purpose. Using Eqs. (5) and (6) for velocity and
acceleration continuity, we have:
h1(q1,…,qn−1)⫽w(0)⫺w(1)⫽0 (16)
h2(q1,…,qn−1)⫽a(0)⫺a(1)⫽0 (17)

2. If at some instants t1 and t2, the ram must pass through specified position S1 and S2, equality
constraints should be defined as:
h3(q1,…,qn−1)⫽d(t1)⫺S1⫽0 (18)
h4(q1,…,qn−1)⫽d(t2)⫺S2⫽0 (19)

Eq. (18) means the displacement of the output link d(t1) at time t1 must pass through a point
where the specified displacement is S1.
3. If constant velocity in a specified period for the output link is required, inequality constraints
is defined as:

g1(q1,…,qn−1)⫽ 冕t=tc2

|v(t)⫺v(tc1)|dt⫺e⬍0 (20)

where e is a small number. The satisfaction of this constraint forces the output velocity v(t) during
the period from tc1 to tc2 to be approximately a constant.
4. If a quick-return mechanism with specified time ratio r is the object of the design, an equality
constraint should be added as:
h3(q1,…,qn−1)⫽d(treturn)⫺Sstroke⫽0 (21)
where treturn is the time at which the ram arrives its dead point of return, and Sstroke is the length
of stroke.
If at some instants t1 and t2, the velocity or acceleration must not exceed a specified value, an
inequality constraint should be added as:
g2(q1,…,qn−1)⫽v(t1)⫺vlimit⬍0 (22)
g3(q1,…,qn−1)⫽a(t2)⫺alimit⬍0 (23)
H.-S. Yan, W.-R. Chen / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690 681

Additional guidelines for design constraints should be defined with specific cases and appli-
Up to here, all information needed for optimization has been derived. Any optimization method
can be used to determine the design variables q1,…,qn⫺1. Substituting q1,…,qn⫺1 into Eq. (5), the
desired crank’s speed trajectory w(t) is finally obtained:

w(t)⫽ qi· ⫽w(q1,…,qn−1,t) (24)

4. Control algorithm

The next step is to control the servomotor along a predetermined speed trajectory derived in
Section 3. Fig. 3 shows the block diagram of the servo linkage-mechanism system. The servo-
motor, whose transfer function is denoted as G(s), with the mechanism of the press as its loading,
is the plant to be controlled. Reference input signal (or motor speed command) is the derived speed
trajectory in Eq. (24). A digital-to-analog converter is used to generate this signal. Controllers (or
compensators), whose transfer function is denoted Gc(s), should be used to control the plant so
that the crank can follow up this predetermined speed trajectory. A well-known controller, PID,
is used in this work.

4.1. PID controller

PID controllers are commonly used in many industrial processes. Their popularity is attributed
partly to their robust performance in a wide range of operating conditions, and partly to their
functional simplicity. PID controllers allow engineers to operate them in a simple and straight
forward manner. To implement such a controller, three parameters, proportional gain KP, integral
gain KI, and differential gain KD, must be determined [16]. To properly determine a set of optimal
parameters (KP, KI, and KD), the transfer function of the plant G(s) must be known. Therefore,
identification of the plant is required.

4.2. System identification

System identification is an approach to obtain the system transfer function by measuring the
system’s steady-state-response to sine wave inputs of various frequencies. A wave analyzer is

Fig. 3. Control block diagram.

682 H.-S. Yan, W.-R. Chen / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690

used to measure the amplitude and phase variations as the frequency of the input sine wave
is altered. A transfer function analyzer is also used to measure the open-loop and close-loop
transfer function.
A Bode diagram is the product of system identification. It demonstrates the system character-
istics for different frequencies. With the least square fit method, the transfer function of the servo-
motor can be simplified by a first order system as:
G(s)⫽ (25)
where S=⫺a is a pole of the servomotor and b is the gain of the servomotor.
Recall that the transfer function of the PID controller is:
Gc(S)⫽KP⫹ ⫹KDS (26)

Now we can choose suitable parameters KP, KI, and KD by using a computer simulation software
like MATLAB which is what we do in this work.

5. Examples

Here, we provide two design examples to demonstrate the procedures for upgrading a regular
press to a multi-action one. In both examples, we consider 6-bar Watt-type mechanisms running
at an average crank speed of 60 rpm (i.e. 1 Hz).

5.1. A Watt drag-link type punch press

AMADA TPL-150L, as shown in Fig. 4, is a commercially used press. The detailed dimension
of this mechanism is r1=51.05, r2=306.88, r3=250.23, r4=128.77, r5=124.96, r6=661.08,
r7=⫺30.07, b=⫺130.96°, and q1=⫺104.12°. In what follows, we provide two input speed tra-
jectories for this press to perform deep drawing and precision cutting processes.

5.1.1. Deep drawing process

The task is to provide the mechanism a useful output speed trajectory for forming or deep
drawing. The input speed trajectory of the crank is the motion to plan. In this case, a 10th order
Bezier curve (with 11 control points) is used to represent the trajectory of the crank displace-
ment. Therefore,


q(t)⫽ qi·Bi,10(t) (27)


Bi,10(t)⫽ ·ti·(1⫺t)10−i t苸[0,1] (28)
H.-S. Yan, W.-R. Chen / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690 683

Fig. 4. A Watt’s mechanism (AMADA TPL-150L).

Curves with higher orders are recommended when the desired output motion gets very compli-
Crank angular velocity w(t) and angular acceleration a(t), and slider displacement d(t), velocity
v(t) and acceleration a(t) are then computed directly from Eqs. (5, 6, 9–11).
Recall that q0=qUDC and qn=qUDC + 2p are the boundary conditions and must be specified. To
determine the remaining control points q1,q2,…,q9, we define the optimization problem as follows:
Minimizing f(q1,…,q9)⫽peak of a(t) 0ⱕtⱕ1 (29)
Subject to h1(q1,…,q9)=w(0)−w(1)=0

g1(q1,…,q9)= |v(t)−v(0.2)|dt−0.5⬍0

By a recursive quadratic programming subroutine, the optimal control points q1,q2,…,q9 are
obtained as 38.46, 78.05, 87.42, 131.911, 196.11, 224.40, 213.95, 284.19, and 321.53 respectively.
The corresponding input and output motion characteristics are shown in Fig. 5. Therefore, by
providing the velocity trajectory in Fig. 5, during the working period of the press between t=0.2
and t=0.4, the velocity remains constant for the need of deep drawing.
684 H.-S. Yan, W.-R. Chen / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690

Fig. 5. Watt-type press. Input and output speed trajectories for deep drawing.

5.1.2. Precision cutting process

In this case, all conditions are the same as in the previous case except that the ram speed
must be slow and remain constant during cutting. Therefore, we define the optimization problem
as follows:
Minimizing f(q1,…,q9)⫽peak of a(t) 0ⱕtⱕ1 (31)
Subject to h1(q1,…,q9)=w(0)−w(1)=0

g1(q1,…,q9)= |v(t)−v(0.48)|dt−0.5⬍0

H.-S. Yan, W.-R. Chen / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690 685

Fig. 6. Watt-type press. Input and output speed trajectories for precision cutting.
686 H.-S. Yan, W.-R. Chen / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690

where h3 is used to set the returning time of the slider. The g1 constraint presumes the velocity
during working (cutting) period to be constant and g2 restraints this velocity value to be below
a limit.
By a recursive quadratic programming subroutine, the optimal control points q1,q2,…,q9 are
obtained as 38.52, 58.45, 301.48, 106.85, 270.02, 79.70, 331.15, 264.38, and 321.48 respectively.
The corresponding input and output motion characteristics are shown in Fig. 6. Therefore, by
providing the velocity trajectory in Fig. 6, the desired velocity trajectory for precision cutting
is obtained.

5.2. A knuckle joint mechanism

A knuckle joint punch, with its skeleton shown in Fig. 7, can be considered as a Watt-type
mechanism if we consider the multiple joint as a part of link 4. The detail dimensions of this
mechanism are, r1=409.5, r2=57.0, r3=315.0, r4=214.5, r5=r3=315.0, r6=r4=214.5, and r7=⫺367.5
respectively. In the followings, again we use this mechanism to perform deep drawing and pre-
cision cutting process.

5.2.1. Deep drawing process

The formulation of optimization is the same as in Section 5.1.1. The only thing different is the
part of kinematic analysis. The resulting motion characteristics are shown in Fig. 8. The required
ram motion for deep drawing can be achieved when the input link is running at the given
speed trajectory.

Fig. 7. A knuckle joint mechanism.

H.-S. Yan, W.-R. Chen / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690 687

Fig. 8. Knuckle joint press. Input and output speed trajectories for deep drawing.
688 H.-S. Yan, W.-R. Chen / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690

Fig. 9. Knuckle joint press. Input and output speed trajectories for precision cutting.
H.-S. Yan, W.-R. Chen / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40 (2000) 675–690 689

5.2.2. Precision cutting process

The computation is the same as in Section 5.1.2 except the difference in kinematic analysis.
The resulting motion characteristics are shown in Fig. 9. The required ram motion for precision
cutting is obtained by providing the input link speed trajectory.

6. Conclusion

This paper presents the novel concept of using a servo approach for Watt-type mechanical
presses. It uses a servomotor as the power input of the system. By properly designing the input
speed of the mechanism, the output motion can pass through a desired trajectory. The input motion
characteristics are planned with Bezier curves containing undetermined control points. These con-
trol points are thus selected by optimization methods to satisfying the design constraints and
improving the performance of the system. The guidelines for transferring the mechanical design
problem into the optimization problem are discussed. Design examples are given to show the
procedure of defining suitable optimization conditions. As long as the power input of the system,
i.e. the servomotor, can generate sufficient torque to keep the input speed along the pre-determined
speed trajectory, the output motion for multi-action is then achievable.


The authors are grateful to the National Science Council (Taiwan, ROC) for supporting this
research under grant NSC88-2212-E-006-013.


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