Chemistry Poll 17

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Answer keys : NCERT Booster Programme for NEET-2022_Chemistry_Poll-17

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Question : 1 skipped

If enthalpy change for reaction, N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g) is – 91.8 kJ mol–1 then enthalpy change for 2N2(g) + 6H2 → 4NH3(g) will be


– 91.8 kJ mol–1

+ 91.8 kJ mol–1

– 183.6 kJ mol–1

183.6 kJ mol–1

Solution :

Answer (3)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -175)

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Question : 2 skipped

If ΔHf(CO2) = – x1 kJ mol–1 and ΔHf(CO(g)) = – x2 kJ mol–1 then ΔH (in kJ mol–1) for reaction, CO(g)+ will be


– (x1 + x2)

(x1 – x2)

(x2 – x1)

(x1 + x2)

Solution :

Answer (3)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -175)

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Question : 3 skipped

Enthalpy of atomization for H2(g) is equal to



2 × BE (H–H)

ΔHVap (H2) + BE(H–H)

Solution :

Answer (1)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -177)

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Question : 4 skipped

If Bond energies of successive breakage of C–H bonds respectively are 427, 439, 452 and 347 kJ/mol then mean bond enthalpy of C–H bond will be


452 kJ mol–1

1665 kJ mol–1

347 kJ mol–1

416.25 kJ mol–1

Solution :

Answer (4)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -178)

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Question : 5 skipped

Select the correct order of mean multiple bond enthalpies (in kJ mol–1) at 298 K






Solution :

Answer (3)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -178)

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Question : 6 skipped

During the calculation of Lattice enthalpy of NaCl by using Born-Haber cycle, which type of energy exchange is not involved?

(a) Bond enthalpy of Cl2

(b) Enthalpy of atomisation of sodium atom

(c) Enthalpy of vapourization of Cl2

(d) Enthalpy of formation of NaCl

(e) Ionization enthalpy of Cl2


a and b only

b and c only

b, c and e only

c and e only

Solution :

Answer (4)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -179)

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Question : 7 skipped

In which of the following entropy increases?


A liquid crystallizes into a solid

Temperature of gas decreases from 500K to 400 K

Polymerisation of ethylene molecules

2NaHCO3(s)→ Na2CO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(g)

Solution :

Answer (4)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -183)

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Question : 8 skipped

Third law of thermodynamics is related with


Mass conservation in nuclear reactions

Internal energy conservation

Entropy change of a process during freezing

Entropy of any pure crystalline substance at absolute zero temperature

Solution :

Answer (4)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -185)

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Question : 9 skipped

Select the correct statement(s)

(a) TΔSsys is the energy which is not available to do useful work

(b) ΔG term measures the net energy available to do useful work

(c) If TΔSsys – ΔHsys > 0 then process will be spontaneous


a and b only

a and c only

a only

a, b and c

Solution :

Answer (4)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -185)

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Question : 10 skipped

Select the incorrect thermodynamic relations among the following


ΔG = ΔG° + RTlnQ

ΔG° = – RTlnKp

ΔG = RTln

ΔH° –TΔS° = – RTlnKC

Solution :

Answer (3)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -186)

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Question : 11 skipped

The value of equilibrium constant for the given reaction at 300K will be

2NH3(g) + CO2(g) NH2CONH2(aq) + H2O(l)

(ΔG° of above reaction at given temperature is – 11.5 kJ mol–1)






Solution :

Answer (2)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -187)

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Question : 12 skipped

For which given values of ΔS (in J mol–1K–1) and ΔH (in kJ mol–1) respectively, a process will always be spontaneous at all temperature?


– 400, – 20

– 800, 40

800, 32

400, – 20

Solution :

Answer (4)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -186)

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Question : 13 skipped

For the reaction, 3A(g) + B(g) → 4D(g)

ΔU° = – 10.5 kJ and ΔS° = – 44.1 JK– 1, value of ΔG° (in kJ mol–1) at 298 K will be



– 12.64

– 7.89

– 23.64

Solution :

Answer (1)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -190)

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Question : 14 skipped

Enthalpy change for the process CCl4(g) → C(g) + 4Cl(g), will be

(If ΔvapH°[CCl4] = 30 kJ mol–1, ΔfH° [CCl4(l)] = – 135 kJ mol–1, ΔaH[C] = 700 kJ mol–1 and ΔaH° [Cl2] = 240 kJ mol–1)


326 kJ mol–1

1285 kJ mol–1

1304 kJ mol–1

320 kJ mol–1

Solution :

Answer (2)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -190)

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Question : 15 skipped

How many number of statement(s) among the following is/are correct?

(a) The absolute enthalpy of neutralisation of the reaction, MgO(s) + 2HCl(aq.) → MgCl2(aq) + H2O(l), will be less than – 57.33 kJ mol–1

(b) If ΔGsystem =0, the system is still moving in a particular direction

(c) If equal volumes of two monoatomic gases A and B, at same temperature and pressure are mixed then, the ratio of Cp/Cv of the mixture will be 1.5

(d) Intermixing of ideal gases at constant P and T results in increase in the entropy of the system


Solution :

Answer (2)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -182)

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Question : 16 skipped

If 10 mol of an ideal gas at 27°C is expanded reversibly from 20 L to 200 L then the entropy change of the process will be






Solution :

Answer (3)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -184)

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Question : 17 skipped

Complete the following by filling blanks from the given options

(a) Combustion of propane releases …… heat than combustion of equimolar amount of glucose

(b) Enthalpy of atomisation of Na(s) is equal to its enthalpy of ………….

(c) At ……… temperature, ionization enthalpy and ionization energy are equal for a species


More, sublimation, 0°C

Less, vapourization, – 273°C

More, sublimation, 127°C

Less, sublimation, – 273°C

Solution :

Answer (4)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -176)

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Question : 18 skipped

Select the correct statement among the following


Enthalpy of dilution is independent on the original concentration of the solution

Spontaneity means that a system is having the potential to proceed with the assistance of external agency

For irreversible process, ΔStotal > 0

At equilibrium, entropy change is less than zero

Solution :

Answer (3)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -181,183)

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Question : 19 skipped

Select the incorrect relation among the following


G = H– TS

TΔStotal = TΔSsys – ΔHsys

ΔG = – TΔSTotal

ΔHsystem = – TΔSsurr + qsurr

Solution :

Answer (4)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -185)

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Question : 20 skipped

If at 77°C, N2O4(g) is 40% dissociated into NO2, then the standard free energy change at given temperature and at 1 atm pressure is


791.4 kJ mol–1

79.14 kJ mol–1

80.07 kJ mol–1

8.0 kJ mol–1

Solution :

Answer (1)

(Reference NCERT Page No. -187)

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