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The Quality Enhancement Cell

Al Aleem Medical College

Subject: Submission of Self-Assessment Report

Respected Sir/Madam,

We are hereby submitting the self-assessment report of We acknowledged

that all the findings in this report is based on current facts and figures

We believe this report will be of interest to the department of the College.

If you have any query regarding this, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,

Head of Department
Al Aleem Medical College
Email Address

1|P a g e

I undertake that the Self-Assessment Report of the (department) for the

year ______________ is prepared by members of the Program Team:
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________

It is submitted that information provided in this Self-Assessment Report is

factually correct. The report contains complete information as per the
defined requirements of Higher Education Commission in collaboration
with Quality Assurance/ Quality Enhancement Cell.

Important Note:
1. All pages of the report are to be duly signed & stamped by the HOD’s.
2. Please complete all sections and write N/A where it does not apply to
3. Attach the proforma Annexures /Graphical representation of Proformas

Approved by the HOD

Name: ____________________________
Designation: ____________________________
Signature: _____________________________
Date: ______________________________

Assessment Team Members: (To be filled by QA)

1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________

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Al Aleem Medical College


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Sr.No Description Page No.

1 Title page

2 Acknowledgements

3 Introduction

4 Criterion 1 Mission, Objectives and Outcomes

5 Standard 1.1 Departmental Measurable Objectives

i. College Mission

ii. Department Mission

iii. College Vision

iv. Department Vision

v. Measureable Objectives

vi. Strategic Plan

6 Standard 1.2 Subject Outcomes

i. Table 1.1 Program outcome to support the objectives

7 Standard 1.3 Subject Assessment

Table 1.2 Program strength, weaknesses and future plan

8 Standard 1.4 Department Results

Table 1.3 Student enrollment

9 Criterion 2: Curriculum Design and Organization

10 Criterion 3: Laboratory and Computing Facility

11 Criterion 4: Student support and advising

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Self-Assessment Report

12 Criterion 5: Process control

13 Criterion 6: Faculty

14 Criterion 7: Institutional Facilities

15 Criterion 8: Institutional Support

16 SWOT Analysis

17 Annexure

i. Proforma 1 Student Course Evaluation

ii. Performa 2 Faculty Course Review Report

iii. Proforma 3 Survey of Graduating Students

iv. Proforma 4 Research Students Progress Review Form
v. Proforma 5 Faculty Survey
vi. Proforma 6 Survey of Department Offering Ph.D. Programs
vii. Proforma 7 Alumni Survey
viii. Proforma 8 Employer Survey
ix. Proforma 9 Faculty Resume
x. Proforma 10 Teacher Evaluation Form

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We are thankful to the efforts of Higher Education Commission of Pakistan to initiate the
Quality Enhancement Cell in the Institution. Quality Enhancement Cell staff is cordially
working for the smooth lining of its performance and implementation for achieving the
preferred targets.
We would like to thank the Principal Prof Dr Hamid Hassan, and the Project Director of Al
Aleem Medical College, Lahore Dr. Abid Ali and Head of Department NAME for
appointing the Program Team members and QEC Department of AAMC to tackle the affairs
with devoted coordination and providing a chance to learn more about QEC working
We wish success to the QEC team (HEC & AAMC) for attaining the desired objectives in
the long run.

Principle Project Director

Prof. Dr Hamid Hassan Dr. Abid Ali
Al Aleem Medical College Al Aleem Medical College

Head of Department Director QEC

Al Aleem Medical College Al Aleem Medical College

PT Member PT Member
Department name Department name

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Quality Enhancement Cell at Al Aleem Medical College has been established for self-
assessment of different departments to maintain and enhance academic and student learning
standards. Assessment is a systematic process of gathering, reviewing and using important
quantitative and qualitative data and information from multiple and diverse sources about
education for the purpose of improving student learning and evaluating whether academic
and learning standards are being precisely fulfilled. The process culminates when assessment
results are used to improve student learning. The rationale of this report is to outline the
information, facts, figures and evaluation of academic programs for improving and ensuring
high academic standards. Self-assessment is an important tool for academic quality assurance
and provides feedback for faculty and administration to initiate action plans for
improvement. In this context, department name was requested to prepare a Self-Assessment
report. So, the report has been prepared by the Program Team members in collaboration with

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Self-Assessment Report

This report is being submitted for 8 criteria regarding the introduction of college, program,
syllabus, faculty, institution facilities, alumni survey etc. and all the data collection analysis
and evaluation is done according to the methods of quantitative approaches and techniques
i.e. Performa’s surveys, questionnaire. The participants for the material and data collection
were faculty and students.
The material of this self-assessment is consisting of following criteria:
Criterion 1: Department Mission, Objectives and Outcomes
Criterion 2: Curriculum Design and Organization
Criterion 3: Laboratory and Computing Facility
Criterion 4: Student Support and advising
Criterion 5: Process Control
Criterion 6: Faculty
Criterion 7: Institutional Facilities
Criterion 8: Institutional Support

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Mission, Objectives and

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Standard 1.1 Program’s Measurable Objectives

Al Aleem Medical College, Lahore Vision

To evolve as a leading medical college that advances global models of standardized education,
innovative research and community healthcare

Al Aleem Medical College, Lahore Mission

Al Aleem Medical College shall produce highly professional and committed doctors by
focusing on student centered quality education using advance teaching strategies supported by
innovative research to meet the highest standards of patient and community healthcare.

Department Mission

Teach, train, groom, encourage and facilitate our undergraduate MBBS student Inculcate in
them the zeal and zest for enquiring, exploring and communicating their queries and thoughts
to become excellent future physicians and researchers for the benefit of the nation.

Department Vision

The department of anatomy is aimed to provide high quality anatomy teaching, learning and
research facilities to undergraduate students. It significantly contributes to its role in raising
Al-Aleem medical college to be one of the leading national medical institute and an esteemed
center for research by upgrading to a university.

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Measurable objectives
 Faculty of is committed to prepare program graduates to become future registered
healthcare professionals, community healthcare workers and leaders in the field with a
high level of professionalism. We are committed to provide;

i. Objective :1 basic knowledge

ii. Objective :2 critical thinking

iii. Objective :3 communication skill

iv. Objective :4 clinical, cognitive and patient care skill

v. Objective :5 scientific knowledge for good medical practice

vi. Objective :6 community health promoter

vii. Objective :7 research knowledge

Strategic plan

 
Learning in Al Aleem Medical College is based on syllabus harmonized with UHS, HEC,
PMC and other National/International Universities.
 
To design the curriculum based on recommendations of National academic bodies
and QEC according to the requirements of the subject.
 
a. To undergo extensive review of College Board of Studies in the light of
curriculum recommendations of Higher Education Commission of Pakistan
b. To attract and retain highly qualified, energetic and motivated faculty in all core
areas of the program.
c. To ensure that curriculum is taught by using the latest and high quality
text/reference books.

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Institute Infrastructure:

Institute has offered MBBS program. This Institute is positively and efficiently contributing for the
betterment and practical learning of the students, to coordinate and educate the students. AAMC prides
itself as a place where facilities for students and patients are at their best: students are being taught and
patients are managed by highly qualified academicians and clinicians. Teaching facilities, laboratories,
pre-clinical & clinical area, library, and IT Centre have been designed in a way that students are milled to
be at their best.

Department infrastructure:
The department of Anatomy situated at the custom-designed, purpose built college campus houses a state-
of-the-art dissection hall, a well-stocked museum, a histology laboratory equipped with latest teaching aids
including projection and multi-head teaching microscopes, a capacious and modern mortuary,
demonstration rooms and histology preparation room, offices of the professorial staff, lecturers and
departmental staff. The department is also equipped with the latest/modern electronic teaching aids such
as computers, printers, multimedia, slide and overhead projectors, epidiascope etc. to facilitate smooth and
effective teaching/learning environment and working of the department.

Different Academic Programs:

The program of MBBS at Al Aleem Medical College is striving to meet with National/International
standards and significance through different academic programs starting from MBBS with the help of
highly qualified and experienced teaching staff.

Faculty Development:
All teachers of the Institute are striving hard and exercising their potentials to the fullest extent and
focusing the activity based learning. Faculty members polish their knowledge by organizing and
participating in workshops, seminars etc. The Medical Education department conducts evidence based
faculty development workshops to help develop its faculty members both academically and professionally.
Every year the list of core workshops is reviewed and updated to cater to the needs of today’s medical
educators and the vision of the institution. Core workshops are mandatory for the new inductees to attend
within their probation period. The workshops are repeated frequently so that all faculty members can attend
these workshops according to their work schedule. The focus of the core workshops is on areas on teaching
& learning and assessment that any new inductee would benefit from. The FDP is monitored by QEC
department to ensure its effectiveness.

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Industry Collaboration:
Joint research on contemporary issues in business significantly excels the process of entrepreneurship and
innovation. To achieve this goal, Institute is in the process to enable the students to plan medical
interventions through efficient experimental designs and establishing a link with hospitals, local industries
and different Institutes with an objective of educational and career development of the students under the
umbrella of the Al Aleem Medical College and Gulab Devi Teaching Hospital, Lahore provides house jobs
opportunities in its own Institute to their shinning students.


and seminars
Specialized training workshops and seminars on various subjects and topics are arranged to provide opportunities to
students, existing faculty and staff and to enhance and expand their knowledge.


We are dedicated;
i) to introduce ethical spirit of attaining highest professional standards and work among students.
ii) to update the students with recent happenings in the domain of medical sciences
and prepare program graduates to become future registered medical professionals and leaders in the field
with a high level of professionalism.
The students during their academic career are given a greater insight into the established norms and
practices of the professional work environment.

Research and Publications:
We want our young ones to be the leader in research and carry out the research of highest grade contributing
to the prosperity of country and economic development.

 To provide a research environment that is conducive for carrying out basic and applied research.
 To introduce the practices and processes to conduct the research.
 To establish research collaborations with medical Industries, Hospitals, Clinics, other
departments, research organizations and Universities of International repute.
 To develop outstanding programs to appeal researchers in the faculty. To emphasize on the
research elements of Research Project.

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Standard 1-2 Subject Outcomes:

Objectives Learning Outcomes

How Measured When Measured Improvement Improvement

Identified Made


 Objectives describe the goals and intentions of the course incharge who teaches the course.
 Objectives, often termed the input in the course, state the purpose and goals of the course.
 Objectives focus on content and skills important within the classroom or program. Objectives may describe
what the staff and faculty will do.
 Objectives can often be numerous, specific, and detailed. Assessing and reporting on each objective for
each student may be impossible.


 Student Learning Outcomes catalog the overarching "products" of the course and are the evidence that the
goals or objectives were achieved.

 Learning Outcomes are statements that describe or list measurable and essential mastered content-
knowledge—reflecting skills, competencies, and knowledge that students have achieved and can
demonstrate upon successfully completing a course.

 Outcomes express higher-level thinking skills that integrate course content and activities and can be
observed as a behavior, skill, or discrete useable knowledge upon completing the course.

 Outcomes are exactly what assessments are intended to show -- specifically what the student will be able
to do upon completing the course.

 An assessable outcome can be displayed or observed and evaluated against criteria.

 Outcomes are clear and measurable criteria for guiding the teaching, learning, and assessment process in
the course.

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Table 1.1: How course outcomes support course objectives

Course Course Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6

Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly

Basic knowledge

Scientific Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly


Research & Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly


Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly

Practical experience

Communication Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly


Standard 1-3: Department Objectives Assessment:

An assessment of the courses being taught to the students of was carried out during 2018-19.
Students were provided with the course and teacher evaluation Performa’s (form 1 and 10)
which were then collected and analyzed quantitatively by QEC team (Performa’s are attached
at the end of report). The results were handed over to program team (PT). The average of
assessment results of various courses taught by faculty members provided by QEC team are
listed on annexure pages.

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Table: 1.2: Strength and weakness of department and future plan

Department Strength Weaknesses Future Activities to be

Development taken
Anatomy 1. A spacious air  Weaknesses
conditioned and stop an
well lit organization
dissection hall is from
available that
performing at
includes a
mortuary with its optimum
two mortuary level. They are
plants having areas where the
capacity of 3 business needs
cadavers each. to improve to
Dissection hall remain
has a seating competitive
capacity of 100
2. The department
has a set of
Acland’s DVD
of gross anatomy
dissection to
guide the
3. air conditioned
tutorial Room is
available with
multimedia for
small group
4. Well-equipped
histology lab

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1. What is our competitive
1. Where can we improve?
2. What products are underperforming?
2. What resources do we have?
3. Where are we lacking resources?
3. What products are performing well?
Threats Opportunities
1. What new regulations threaten 1. What technology can we use to improve
operations? operations?
2. What do our competitors do well? 2. Can we expand our core operations?
3. What consumer trends threaten 3. What new market segments can we
business? explore?

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1.4: Department Results

 Students are equipped with latest professional knowledge, which can meet the demands
of the field & leads to lessen the unemployment rate.
 Students are capable of high quality knowledge about to get hands-on training for the
dietary modification of normal diets aligned with various health disorders as well as to
acquaint knowledge about the preventive medicine with special reference to historical
perspective, public health benefits, ethnic and socioeconomic issues and its role
throughout the life cycle.
Table: 1.3: Students enrolment

Session subject Total Number of students Pass %age Fail %age


2019/2020- 105

2018/2019- 103

2017/18- 86

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Session/Year Number of Students Faculty Ratio Average student
Students attendance
2020/2021-2025 100

2019/2020-2024 105

2018/2019-2023 103

2017/18-2022 86

Total Students: 394

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Criterion 2

Curriculum Design and Organization

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Standard 2-1: The curriculum must be consistent and supports the program’s documented
Faculty Proforma # 05 and student’s information Profroma # 01 are attached as annexure

course name
Credit Hour
One credit hours means; one teaching hour in the class.

Total Cr Hrs. of Subject:

Syllabus for

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2.2: Curriculum Planner

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2.3: Category (No. of Lectures distribution for full term)
Demonstrator Assistant Associate
Subject Professor Professor Professor

Total no of

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Curriculum & Departmental Objectives

Courses offered by our College are designed to inculcate following qualities in students;

Basic Concepts

Applied knowledge

Practical Skills



Group of Objectives
Courses 1 2 3 4
Basic concepts Achieved Achieved Achieved Achieved

Applied Achieved Achieved Achieved Achieved

Optional Achieved Achieved Achieved Achieved

Group of Theoretical Problem Analysis Solution Design

Basic Achieved Achieved Achieved

Applied Achieved Achieved Achieved

Optional Achieved Achieved Achieved

House job On going On going On going

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2-2.1: Indicate which courses contain a significant portion of the elements in standard
2 in the following table.

Standard 2.2: Theoretical, Analytical and solution design courses.

Elements Courses
Theoretical Background .
Problem Analysis
Solution Design

Standard 2.3 Core requirements for the program

Program Basic
MBBS FSc. pre Medical

2-3.1: Indicate whether the curriculum satisfies the basic sciences requirements for program as
specified by the respective accreditation body.

a) Answer: a) Yes/No

Answer: b) Accreditation body

c) Requirements:

d) Deviations (if any) and justification for deviations:

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Standard 2.4: The curriculum must satisfy the major requirements for the program as specified
by the respective accreditation body.

The curriculum of subject name in MBBS is in accordance with the guidelines of University of Health
and Sciences
General Scheme: Distribution of Courses: As given in the general scheme
Note: Above said information is according to the Accredited body requirement
Courses Quantity Total Credit hours
Basic Subjects 3
Clinical sciences and skills

Standard 2.5: The curriculum must satisfy general education, arts and professional and other
discipline requirements for the program as specified by the respective accreditation body.

Coherence with Accreditation body

Required and applied

Standard 2.6: practical /clinical and skill development component of the curriculum must be
integrated throughout the program

practical /clinical and skill development Contents

Course Contents

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Standard 2.7: Oral and written communication skills of the student must bedeveloped and
applied in the program

Oral and Written and IT skills development Courses:

Courses Contents

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Criterion 3
Laboratories and Computing Facilities

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Laboratory is available for practical purposes. Facility of computing plays a vital role to explore the
advance knowledge for the students and today it also helps the students in the research activities & aims to
enable researchers and students to pursue research. Likewise, other computer facilities i.e. multimedia,
overhead projector also help teacher & students to present their knowledge and work in the better way.

Availability of Computer and Laboratory Facilities:

Computers with internet facility are not only available for the students to explore the advance research
trends and knowledge but also for the faculty. Multimedia and internet are available and these are very
supportive and effective equipment for delivery of lecture and presentation to understand the basic and
advance level aspects of MBBS. This facility is accessible for all the faculty members and students with
time limit to support teaching and research activities. The State of the Art Laboratory Is Available for
Practical Knowledge and Research Activities.

Standard 3-3: Computing Facilities

The College has computing infrastructure for students and faculty.

Total number of computers for students
Total number of computers for faculty

Total number of computer for administrative staff

Total number of computers with internet facility College has provided the Wi-Fi
internet facility but
limited internet access most
of the time.
Total number of printers

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Criterion 3: Laboratories and Computing Facilities

a) Provide the following information about each laboratory and computing facility that are available for use in the
program under assessment:

Laboratory title
Location and area
Software available (if any)
Major apparatus
Major Equipment
Adequacy for Instruction
Safety regulations

Laboratory title
Location and area
Software available (if any)
Major apparatus
Major Equipment
Adequacy for Instruction
Safety regulations

33 | P a g e
Laboratory title
Location and area
Software available (if any)
Major apparatus
Major Equipment
Adequacy for Instruction
Safety regulations

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Standard 3-1: Availability of Lab manuals/ documentation/Instructions

3-1.1: Explain how students and faculty have adequate and timely access to the manuals/
documentation and instructions:

3-1.2: Indicate short comings in laboratory (bench marking with similar departments in reputable

Standard 3-2: Adequate Personal support for Labs:

3-2.1: Indicate for each lab the following:

Lab Support personnel Level of support Instructional support

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Standard 3-3: Adequate computing infra-structure and facilities

3-3.1: Describe how computing facilities support the computing component of your program

3-3.2: Indicate any shortcomings, benchmarking with similar departments in reputable


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Criterion 4
Student Support and Advising

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Standard 4.1: Student Affairs

Students are fully supported and advised in academics and extracurricular activities by the
faculty member of the institute. Student advisors have been given task to look after the
student’s affairs of and to manage co-curricular activities.

Standard 4-2: Student and Faculty interaction

Institute enjoys presence of teachers specialized in their fields. Importance of Teaching

Assistance cannot be denied because they play an important role and make a bridge between
teachers and students. All the faculty members provide teaching assistance to all students.

Standard 4-3: Students Guidance

 Al Aleem Medical College Student affair cell consists of faculty members (name)and
student representatives has been formed to look after the student’s affairs, guidance and to
manage the academic
 and co-curricular activities.
 The students have an easy access to their teachers whenever they need guidance in them
academics as well as in research.

 Career counseling cell has been established at college Level to assist the students and
providing guidance for future.

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4-3.2: Describe the advising system and indicate how its effectiveness is measured?

4-3.3: Describe the department student assistance system and how students get access to the
instructors when Needed?

4-3.4: Indicate if department arrange student teacher meeting, either the meeting minutes
documented and communicated to the QEC, how often this meeting has been arranged?

4-3.5: Describe opportunities available for students to interact with practitioners and to have
membership in technical and professional societies. Enlist the societies where the department and
student participation is represented?

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Table 4.2

Questions Completely To Some Extent No

To ensure effective interaction b/w
student and Faculty ------ ------

To inform the students about program ------ ------


To exist students-advising system ------ ------

To ensure student (professional) ------ ------
counseling System

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Criterion 5
Process Control

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Standard 5.1: Admission Criteria:

The admission in MBBS conducted by Directorate of Undergraduate Studies, entirely on
open merit basis in accordance with the Criteria set by the PMC. The minimum requirement
for eligibility is FSc with at least 65% marks. The constituted admission committee deals
with admission assignments on merit basis. Merit lists are displayed on the college website
of as well as on the newspaper. The last date of fee submission is also mentioned on the merit
list. If the seats remained available then second, third, fourth merit lists are made gradually
and displayed as per PMC admission rules.
Table 5.1: Admission Policy
Elements Department concerned Criteria/policy

Admission Directorate of Undergraduate As per PMC rules

Migration of students from Registrar/Treasurer/Controller As per PMC rules
outside universities office

Standard 5.2: Registration of students and monitoring of progress

The students deposit the fee in the Bank and they submit the copy of their fee vouchers in
the clerical office of College. Then College will make a detailed list of students who have
paid their dues then this list is forwarded to the registrar office for enrollment. Students are
normally admitted as ‘first year students’ Students are not permitted to register
simultaneously in more than one department of the University/College or any other
University/institution. The work and progress of individual students are monitored through
supervisory committees of department in collaboration with QEC.

Standard 5.3: Faculty Recruitment/Training /Evaluation

All the faculty members are well qualified according to the set criteria by PMC. To apply for
the post of Assistant Professor, associate professor and professor, candidate must have PMC
registration and university experience certificate. Al Aleem Medical College strictly followed
the faculty rules of PMC

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Faculty development program include short term courses, on job training of faculty member
through workshops and seminars, short courses or sessions on communication skill
development, examination policy, curricula development, preparation of research proposals,
administrative skills, encouragement for collaboration at National and International level,
Recruiting Process

In Al Aleem Medical College, Lahore recruitment is done as mentioned below;

Applications are invited by giving the advertisement in the public newspapers & website of
university. The applicants submit their application along with complete bio data,
testimonials, research publications and experience certificates. These applications are
scrutinized and short listed for oral presentations. After the clearance from oral presentation
the candidates are appeared for interview before the selection board. The candidates having
maximum score in the interview are selected and then decision of selection board is finalized.

On the recommendations of Chairperson of Department, the Project Director approves the

contract for one-year maximum with the approval of Syndicate.

Presently Institute has sufficient number of teachers and currently there is no need to hire
visiting faculty.
Currently in AAMC, QEC has been established for assessment of different programs to
maintain and enhance academic and student learning standards and using important
quantitative and qualitative data and information from multiple and diverse sources about
educational programs for the purpose of improving student learning and evaluating whether
academic and learning standards are being precisely fulfilled. The Chairperson/HOD of the
department can also visit to the classes and laboratories to evaluate the teacher’s delivery of
lectures and teacher-student’s interaction.

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Standard 5.4: Teaching Process and Procedure:

All the students have to meet the program objectives and this is ensured and evaluated by the
faculty members through class performance, practical work, class assignments, quizzes and
presentations other than the mid and final term examination.

Procedure that ensures the need of Before first and final term of examination
program requirements Course evaluation is done at college

When the procedure was evaluated Bi-annually

Evaluation results used for improvement Quantitative and qualitative data and
information from multiple and diverse
sources about educational programs for the
purpose of improving students learning and
evaluating whether academic and learning
Standards are being precisely fulfilled.

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Criterion 6

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Standard 6.1: Faculty Distribution

Table 6.1 Faculty Distribution for (Department name)
Program Department Number of MPhil / Ph.D / Total PhD/FCPS faculty
FCPS Degree holders members





MBBS Pharmacology

Forensic Medicine

Behavior Science




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Standard 6.2 Development program for faculty

Table 6.2: Development program for faculty

Standards Y/N/To some

Faculty resume has prepared in line with HEC Yes

Full time faculty have sufficient time for scholarly activities and Yes
professional development

Any faculty development program is conducted Yes

Faculty programs are evaluated Yes

Evaluation results of faculty are used for improvements Yes

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Faculty plays a crucial & dynamic role in the universities as they are the source of
learning. All the faculty members in the Department Name are highly qualified, well
groomed, equipped with quality and latest knowledge have command on the subject.

Table 6.3 Faculty Data

Department Name of faculty Designation Qualifications Teaching Research

members Experience Publications

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Criterion 7
Institutional Facilities

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Criterion 7: Institutional Facilities

7.1 Facilities for new trends
The Institute has managed to have basic infrastructure and facilities that support new trends
in learning like e-learning/digital library with the conference hall facility available for
7.2. College Library
Only central library of the Institute is available.
7.3 Facilities
Following are the facilities which are offered to the students.
7.3.1 Internet Facility
The Institute has the Wi-Fi internet facility available for the students and the faculty
members. College have elaborated computer lab for students.
7.3.2 Offices and Class Rooms Facilities
The college lacks individual faculty offices mostly shared offices are available and class room
facilities are more than sufficient for different programs that are being run in the college.
Centralized seminar hall facilities are available for the improvement of the students and better
learning environment.
7.3.3 Transport Facility
The Institute Bus transport facility is in transition phase. MOU is in progress with different
transport agencies.
7.3.4 Medical Facility
Free medical facility is offered to the students (student card) and staff members of the complex
in the state of the art Gulab Devi Hospital, Lahore. Directorate of Medical science has been
established where a number of highly qualified medical faculty has been put into service.

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Table 7.1 Issues/Items Total Remarks

1 Class rooms for students Sufficient

2 Labs lab work is done in

the field
3 Computer labs Available

4 Offices for faculty

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Criterion 8
Institutional Support

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8.1 Faculty Support

8.1.1 Faculty Retaining Measures
In order to groom the faculty, Institute usually facilitates the Faculty Development Programs
by conducting various training workshops, seminars, PhD and Post-Doctoral training etc.
8.1.2 Faculty Pay is as per the Institution & universities in the private sectors.
8.1.3 Fee Concession Facility: Internships can substantially increase chance of finding
employment and we proactively source quality internship opportunities for our students and
recent graduates. Our paid internships are supported by a comprehensive development plan to
ensure you benefit. Furthermore, our college Alumni are employed in this very institute and
playing their role as a faculty member for its development.
8.1.4 Research Support: On publication of research papers, research productivity allowance
for publications is being paid to the faculty members @ Rs 10,000/- per paper on the work
done at Al Aleem Medical College and Gulab Devi Teaching Hospital, Lahore to promote
research interest and development activities in the areas of their interest.
The financial support of the Institute and to retain the faculty in the Institute is fulfilled from
the common pole of the finance declared by the complex.
8.2 Support Facilities for the Faculty
8.2.1 Computer and Internet Facilities computers with internet facility is available to all
the faculty members.
8.2.2 Office Equipment is available in terms of stationary, printers, supplies, furniture,
audio/video conferencing equipment, air conditioners for all the faculty members.
8.2.3 Transport Facility currently is not being offered for the faculty members.

Level of adequacy regarding Items/Issues Remarks

institutional support
Technical staff

Office equipment

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Standard 8.2 Number of students

Table 8.2 Number of students

Program No of students

MBBS 394

8.3 Financial resources for library, laboratory and computing facilities

Library, laboratory and computing facility is available at the college. Financial resources are
received from the Al Aleem Medical College, Lahore in this regard.

Table 8.3: Financial resources for library, laboratory and computing facilities
Resources Items Quantities Remarks
Library Books available

Computer lab Computers available

IT facilities Internet Wi-Fi facility provided Sufficient and
Software Provided available all the time

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