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332 BCE

- Alexander occupied Egypt Ptolemaic Rulers

- Ptolemy I acquired Cyrenaica
305-285 BC – P1 SOTER (“Saviour”)
331 BCE 285-246 BC – P2 PHILADELPHOS (“Sister-loving”)
246-222 BC – P3 EUERGETES (“Benefactor”)
- Alexander founded Alexandria 222-205 BC – P4 PHILOPATOR (“Father-loving”)
204-180 BC – P5 EPIPHANES (“Eminent”)
323 BCE 180-146 BC – P6 PHILOMETOR (“Mother-loving”)
- Ptolemy I got Egypt  became 80-51 BC – P12 NEOS DIONYSOS AULETES (“New Dionysus”)
Satrapt (323-306 BCE) & King 51-30 BC – Cleo VII PHILOPATRIS (“Fatherland-loving”)
36-30 BC – P15 CAESAR “CAESARION” (“Little Caesar”) joint rule +
(304-283 BCE) Cleopatra

3rd cent.
- Library of Alexandra founded
- Creation of Serapis
- 275-225 = Best document Ptol. period
o 274-200 BCE = 5 Syrian Wars
o 246-241 BCE = 1st Punic War  P3 neutral
o 222-205 BCE = 2nd Punic War  P4 backs Rome
 210 BCE = Roman embassy sent gift (toga) & Rome backs against Macedon

End of 3rd cent.

- Antiochus III campaign to reclaim Asia Minor for Seleucid empire  take advantage of weak P5
o Rome defeats them fast – BUT Egypt didn’t get any territory back – went to Rome
- 207/6 BCE = INTERNATL PROBLEMS, Revolt in Thebes
o Native pharaohs were proclaimed
o Demotic literature flourished (rebel feelings in them)

180 BCE
- P5 assassinated by military staff
o Some say he was start of Ptol. emp. decline  he never learned to rule / manipulated by court
o Others say it started with P4  he was drunk, lazy, negligent

170 BCE
- Antiochus IV attemped to conquer Egypt (during P6, brought in to help rule Egypt)
o Romans forced him out
- P5’s 3 kids ruled together
- P6 went to Rome

168 BCE (Summer)

- Antiochus IV tried again  left Seleucid governor in Memphis
- Pompillus Leanas (Roman ambassador) met A4 at Eleusis & told him to leave
o A4 left end of July

87/6 BCE
- P10 made deal w/ Rome  stratagem to protect from any conspiracy (kill me and Egypt is Rome’s)
o P8 also made his will like that (155 BCE)
81 BCE
- P9’s death  Cleopatra Berenice III succeeds (opposition to single queen rule  had to rule w/ P11, her
cousin / stepson)
o 80 BCE = Essentially bunch of shit happens  they die
 Death of 3 rulers in a few months = power vacuum

80 BCE
- P12 (20 yo) only descendent left to rule
o First years of reign, quiet

76 BCE
- P12 crowned at Memphis

69 BCE
- Cleo born
o P12’s legal wife fell out of favour & she disappears from documents
o Questions about Cleo’s mom

65 BCE
- Crassus & Caesar throw around idea of making Egypt a province of Rome
o But Cicero thought more convenient to leave in hands of local kings  Egypt = complicated
place to run & multicultural

60 BCE
- Struggles in Egypt
o Economic crisis (Strabo said P12 was destroying the treasury & melted Alexander’s
 Egyptian drachma value decreased  content inside less pure

59 BCE
- Caesar paved way for P12 = formal treaty at Rome

58 BCE
- Rome annexed Cyprus (was in hands of P12’s bro)  this move was unjustified
- P12 expelled or self-exile out of Alexandria  went to Rhode Island, then Athens
o Tried to go to Rome = to be restored (don’t know if Cleo was with him)
o Group of Alexandrians led by Dion, went to Ostia  speak to senate against P12
 P12 had them killed
- When P12 gone  wife Cleopatra VI emerged from disappearance
o Maybe to represent eldest daughter, Berenice IV
o Possible mother / daughter ruled together
- Roman senate order for all Isis statues on Capitolium be destroyed

55 BCE
- Death of Cleopatra VI  left Berenice to rule alone
- Pompey got Gabinius to restore P12 to throne
o Cleo & Ant meet for the first time
o Berenice is executed
- Mark Antony = young cavalry commander in Gabinius’ staff
53 BCE
- Senate order for removal of all private chapels to Isis

51 BCE
- 1st month of the year P12 died
- Cleo & P13 co-rule
o But late summer = she removed bro from joint rule  docs after Aug 29th just her
- March 22 = Cleo traveled to Hermonthis
o Installed new Buchis bull = firs recorded event of her reign

50 BCE
- An edict = problems with food supplies (Oct 27, 50 BCE)
o P13 & Cleo forbade transport of grain outside of Alexandria
o Trying to feed Alex pop.
- Bunch of documents on the crisis
o Mummy casing has letter about getting in harvest on time
- 48 BCE = Royal decree protecting famers
- Destruction of monuments dedicated to Isis

48 BCE
- Battle of Pharsalus (civil war) = Caesar defeats Pompey
- Cleo exiled by P13  Pompey violated P12’s will & named P13 sole ruler
o She maybe went to traditional Egyptian temple in Theba or Memphis
o Cleo raised own army = war against bro
 Minted coins in Syria (maybe there to also look for husband while raisng army)
o Tried to return to Egypt but bro blocked her
- Lowest Nile flood
- Pompey escape to Egypt / Death of Pompey  seek refuge in Egypt from Caesar BUT P13 kills him
o Thinking Caesar would like that  his officials convinced him to do it
o A lot documents Pompey’s death = looked unjust & he was seen as someone who could’ve
stopped Caesar from becoming a dictator
 Caesar said to have buried his head in the precinct of Nemesis outside Alex
- Caesar arrives in Alexandria = to find Pompey BUT ALSO, P12 had owed him a lot of money
o When he found out Pompey died = very sad & angry
- Start of Alexandrian War
o Caesar side w/ Cleo
- Hardest year for Caesar
- Orders again for destruction of wall around rebuilt sanctuaries on Capitolium

48/7 BCE
- Alexandrian War
o P13 officials convince him to start war against Cleo & Caesar
o In battle = Caesar burned P13’s ships & occupied Island of Pharos
 This is the fire people think burned down Great Library
o Caesar escaped by sea & ultimately wins  by arrival of Antipater & Mithridates / helped by
o P13 fights Mithridates & dies
- March, 47 BCE = Caesar conquers Alexandria  forgives the people
o Nominates Cleo & P14 as rulers

47 BCE
- Caesar still had to finish off Pompey supporters After Alexandrian War effect on Cleo = Eliminated most
 Cleo supports Caesar (with money & of her rivals for power
- Don’t know where she was during war exactly
- April / May = Caesar left for Syria / left 3 Roman
legions behind (to protect & control Cleo & P14)
o Battle of Zela  against rebel king Pharnaces
o “veni, vidi, vici”

46 BCE
- Cleo granted privileges to temple of Isis at Ptolemais
o Maybe b/c she was there during the war???
- March, 46 BCE = Caesar won Battle of Zela (left no later than end of April)
o People analyze this trying to figure out if Caesar had time to have relationship w/ Cleo
- Cleo & Caesar
o Nile cruise on Nave thalamego / On Caesar & Cleo’s relationship at this point = Hiritus,
writing after Caesar’s death:
Thalamegos - Left the 3 legions to protect & control BUT he
 Could’ve been romantic didn’t trust Cleo’s army
 Could’ve been expedition to find - The 2 enjoyed each other’s diplomacy
source of Nile  like Alexander did o Cleo was only an ally / friend
 Could’ve been to explore Egypt to Hiritus maybe just trying to protect from gossip
prepare for Parthian campaign
- Caesar called Cleo to Rome - Could’ve had relationship
o 46-44 BCE = Stayed as client queen - But Caesar also had other affairs (Eunoe the
o Cleo pregnant Moor)  supports idea he was head over heels
o Caesar gave permission to name kid after
 Never officially said he was the dad
- Arsinoe IV (Cleo’s sis, fought against Romans) brought to Rome for triumph
o Caesar didn’t kill her b/c Cleo & P14 were there
o She was allowed to be removed & went to a Greek temple for asylum
 Some think she stayed in Rome for a few years b/c she was there when Caesar died
- Juba II in Roman triumph (was a baby, maybe 2 yo)  brought to Rome by Caesar after defeating
Juba I of Numidia
o Raised by Octavia w/ her own kid, M. Claudius Marcellus
On Caesarion’s birthday = A LOT of debate
45 BCE - b/c ceremony for 14 yo boys was held for him in maybe 30 BCE
- Probably birth of Caesarion o Some think 48 BCE, during Alex War  b/c royalty and rich
people could change the date for these things
 BUT usually they would move it forward NOT
44 BCE
postpone till later
- March, 44 BCE = Cleo was in
Rome, escapes to Egypt
o Summer = Cleo assassinates P14 (only 15/16 yo)
- Caesar’s death  Caesar was all prepared for Parthian campaign (was going to leave 3 days before
o Cleo builds Kaisareion for him after his death  very associated with Caesarion & one of
Alexandrias most important buildings
- Octavian comes to Rome  becomes Caesar’s heir

43 BCE
- Second Triumvirate formed = Octavian, Antony, Lepidus
o Alliance to raise money & restore Republic
o Executed equestrians & senators (like Cicero)
o Set out for Greece  fight Brutus & Cassius

42 BCE
On Cleo’s role here = she did side with the Caesarians, esp. Dolabella
- Battle of Philippi  2 separate battles - She supplied him with money & troops
o Antony (winner) vs. Cassius  Cassius o In return Dolabella recognized her co-rule w/ son,
didn’t know Brut won, committed Caesarion (approved by triumvirs
suicide - BUT she also left options open w/ the conspirators
o Apparently Cassius asked for help
o Octavian vs. Brutus (winner)
 APPARENTLY one of her general (from
- After battle Antony = strongest member of Cyprus) sent money & support w/o her
triumvirate knowing
o Power / territory divided b/w Oct. &  She was really mad
- She actually commanded her own fleet to go help
Ant. (Lepidus is ignored)
o Rare in Greek queens  BUT connected her more
o 42 yo, peak of career, married to Fulvia to Isis (Isis has 2 festivals w/ nautical theme)
(since 46 BCE) o But bad weather & by time she recovered it was
o Started planning Parthian campaign over

41 BCE
- Antony moves East On Cleo & Ant’s meeting, 41 BCE = very big deal
o Summoned Cleo to Tarsos  to They met before, but this was the first “official” meeting
- Before their meeting  already announced as the
explain why help was given to Crassius meeting of Dionysus & Isis
(she sailed up the river again) - Could’ve been scene of artworks
 BUT people have interpreted as o Pearl earring
excuse for raising money for
Parthia Ant as Dio = a general, liked wine, jokes & Dio was
conqueror of the East  symbolic for his Parthian campaign
o The had a 2 day banquet, super fancy
 Way it’s been retold in accounts Cleo as Isis = she’s already id as Aphrodite / Venus & Isis –
 tells of Cleo’s power but she wasn’t the first
- Cleo kills Arsinoe IV w/ help of Ant.  Arsinoe II & Cleopatra Thea = her fav models
- Around this time sources say Ant. didn’t care
for Italian affairs  too in love w/ Cleo
o 2 events started (he probably knew about)  He didn’t do anything the winter of 41 BCE until
40 BCE:
o War of Perugia / Perusine War
 Ant finds out Lucius Antonius (bro) & Fulvia (wife) fighting against Oct.
 Mad that Oct. took away their land  land to pay his soldiers
o Labienus (one of the conspirators) led Parthians towards Syria – killed the governor Ant left
 November = was in Alexandria

40 BCE
- Death of Fulvia  was driven out of Italy, on her way to see Ant
o A lot of sources blame her for the tension b/w Oct. & Ant. = so death was chance for Ant & Oct
to make up
- Ant. & Oct. make treaty = Treaty of Brundisum
o Divided territory b/w themselves  Oct. = West / Ant. = East
o Ant. marriage to Octavia = reinforce treaty
 when Cleo learned of the marriage she was sure Ant & her were done
- Cleo gave birth to Alexander Helios & Cleopatra Selene
- Herod goes to Alexandria uninvited  to ask for recognition of his throne? – maybe b/c his dad help
hers before
o Cleo welcomed him, saw his potential & offered him some military command  BUT Herod
o He goes to Rome  Herod named “allied king”
o Married Marianne – a descendent of legitimate Judean kings
o Visit started the weird rivalry b/w them
- Marianne’s mom wrote to Cleo
o Asked for support against Herod, and for the actually legit Hasmonean lineage  Cleo agrees
- 40-37 BCE = Complications in Roman affairs  Sextus Pompey & grain supply of Sicily
o Sextus controlled Sicily & Sardinia = had ability to make famine in Rom

39 BCE
- Antonia Major (Ant & Octavia’s daughter) was born  grandma to Nero

38 BCE
- Oct starts war against Sextus
o Ant moves East  about to launch against Parthia

37 BCE
- Summer = Ant & Octa return to Italy  b/c triumvirate expired
o Meeting in Tarentum  Oct. & Ant.
renew triumvirate until 33 BCE On Cleo & Ant’s marriage in Antioch?, 37 BCE = probably not
o make peace = BUT NOT long lasting - Ant. still formally married to Octavia (at least until 35
- Parthian campaign plans intensify  Ant - Seutonius cites letter Ant wrote to Oct
returned East BUT Octa stayed in Italy o Much debate
o Soon after, he sent for Cleo o But these two dudes had many relations
o (Herod solved civil war = threat to Cleo,  Cleo was just one of them
Ant need money)
- Donations / Conference of Antioch  Ant. summoned rulers of Near East
o Ant & Cleo finally back together
o Ant officially recognized the twins  given name Helios & Selene
o Gave territory to a bunch of Eastern rulers  BUT Cleo got a lot (almost returned to Ptol emp.
territorial limits)
 Ant knew for stability he needed more Roman presence = so he made network, assigned
regions to people and created new dynasties
 Next several years = Ant enlarged her kingdom
o Rome hated it / Oct skillfully exploited it
 Oct then gave extraordinary privledges to Octa and Livia = response to Cleo

36 BCE
- Cleo left Ant  went on tour of her new territories (Syria, Damascus, etc.)
o Offered to lease back Jericho to Herod
o Returned home b/c pregnant
- Philadephus born = Ant & Cleo’s third kid
- Spring = Parthian campaign (it never really happens)
o during the first years of Parthian campaign = failures  apparently King of Armenia betrayed
him  don’t know if Oct tried to get King to betray Ant (weather & disease)
 36/35 BCE = Ant wintered in Leukokome, his army in Capodotia
 Late autumn = called Cleo, to meet up with him to bring supplies
o Drinking waiting for her
 Plutarch interpret meeting as stupid / “he’s full of passion to see her”
 Cassius Dio said he just had to do what he had to do
o Late 36 BCE = went back to Alexandria
- Antonia Minor (Ant & Octavia’s 2nd daughter)  grandma to Claudius

35 BCE
- Spring 35 BCE = Ant’s Armenian campaign (doesn’t really happen yet)
o Ant still in Armenia / troops there until 33 BCE = IMPOSSIBLE Ant was planning war
against Oct
o Before he left Octa sent message she was coming to Athens w/ ships and supplies
 Encouraged by Oct (maybe to embarrass Ant)
 Cleo threatened
 In Plutarch  she convinced him she was the one (they were real, and Octa was
just politics) – how true is difficult, story too convenient in “bad seductress” side
 But whatever happened  Ant just abandons everything and depended solely on Cleo 
tells Octa not to come East of Athens – BUT accepts the supplies
- Ant goes to Antioch (maybe w/ Cleo) – BUT stops campaigning & goes back to Alex???
- Octa back in Rome = Oct turns her into role of wronged victim / wife (used his sis as a weapon)
o told her to leave Oct, BUT she wouldn’t
o Octavia = Ant & Oct even more against each other now (by this time Oct managed to eliminate
all his rivals in West)
- Marianne’s mom seek refuge in Egypt  scared Herod will kill her son, Aristobulus (18yo)
o BUT Herod caught them and killed Aristobulus = invited to dinner & drowned
o Mom asked Cleo to speak to Ant  she does
- Ant summons Herod to Laodicaea  to ask about the Aristobulus thing
o Herod manages to bribe him = so he’s innocent
o Ant tells Cleo to stay out of Judean affairs
 Shows how Ant was not under Cleo’s spell  BUT gives Cleo some of Herod’s
territory = former Ptolemaic land, Jericho & parts of Arabia

34 BCE
- FINALLY, Armenian campaign = MORE SUCCESS
o Royalty of Armenia taken back to Alexandria
- Donations of Alexandria = ceremony in the Gymnasium (sort of triumph) (Ultimate reason for war
for Oct)
o Gave territory to kids & Cleo
o Cleo = “queen of kings” / given title = “philopatrice”
o Kids in “ethnic” clothes  representing their future power (Oct copied idea on his ara pacis
frieze = kids dressed as trojans to represent the Roman ancestry)
 Maybe Selene was betrothed to Juba here
 Maybe Selene given Cyrenaica here
o Maybe got married = but hard to tell BUT Ant did emphasize it  Another thing for Oct to use
o ROMANS DID NOT LIKE  Oct’s speech about this = definitely bias
 Technically Ant’s power = but literally took all of Rome’s territory East of central Asia
Minor & gave it away
33 BCE
- Cleo’s Royal decree = granted fiscal exemption & privileges to Canidius (general)
o After Armenia, Ant went to Ephesus, Samos
o Seems like Ant trying to get rid of Cleo
o Cleo asked Canidius to speak w/ Ant  bribed him

o Ant = private citizen  loses triumvir privileges

 Everything he does for Cleopatra after 33 BCE = not legal anymore
- Death of King Bocchus of Mauretania = into Roman province by Oct

32 BCE
- January = Sosius & Domitius Ahenobarbus (loyal to Antony) enter consulship
o Tried to legislate against Oct.
o BUT Oct came into senate and made counter-accusations against them
- Ant & Cleo in Ephesos  preparing for war
o Senior officers tried to say Cleo was liability
o BUT Canidius said she was literally funding the war & just as equal to the male kings
- Spring = went to Samos then Athens
o Cleo honoured at Athens
o Convince Ant to divorce Octa  played into Oct’s hands
o Oct took Ant’s will (violating Roman religious & legal customs)
 Conveniently useful doc for him hmmm
 Caesarion was Caesar heir, to be buried at Alex, transfer capital from Rome to Alex
(worst fear)
- End of 32 BCE = Ant was anticipating attack from Italy
o Ant wanted to attack, BUT Cleo dissuaded him  the spend winter in Patrae
o Better to defend Egypt = Cleo’s main goal & concern
- Oct proposed to have a conference  Ant said no

31 BCE
- Sep 2 = Battle of Actium  Oct vs. Cleo & Ant
o Bay of Actium in Greece  Greece was exploited for the war by Ant
 Plutarch’s grandad part of the war efforts = had to raise money for Ant.
o Battle went on all afternoon = no one was winning
 BUT Cleo retreated w/o fighting  people say if Cleo didn’t leave they would’ve won
 Ant thought she’s leaving b/c it was hopeless & followed her = created panic
 Some ships fought till night, Ant burned ships he couldn’t man
 Canidius left overnight  many troops abandoned in Greece / went to Oct
o Oct won – went to Athens  distribute food to people there
o Ant & Cleo sailed 3 days to Tainaron, then Arabs towards Cleo = didn’t like her (In Josephus &
crossed Egypt to Paraitonion  separated Nicolaus)
 Ant wanted to go to Cyrene / Cleo to - Cleo exploited them (from territory she was
Alex  both trying to get shit together given)
- Cleo told Herod to fight the Arabs  they didn’t
o Late summer = Cleo tried to leave Egypt pay their debts
permanently through Arabian Gulf (maybe to o Herod realized her influence on Ant. so
India) said yes
Tried to clear way for her kids to rule by leaving -- BUT Arabs (Malchos) stopped her &
burned her ships
o Ant tried to commit suicide BUT was stopped  people brought him to Alex, stayed on
Pharos like a hermit – wanted to be alone ):
 Cleo hosted a lot of banquets / celebrations for him
 Coming of Age of Caesarion (14 yo ceremony) in gym & bestowing of the toga virilis
to Antyllus (also 14 yo)
 IMPORTANT = they tried to make their boys kings before death
 Some thought all the celebrations was show of how Ant was an insane party
person  but it was actually kinda sad
 Cleo & Ant ended Inimitable Livers  founded Companions of Death (secret club
around their figures)
 In Plutarch  talking about Cleo testing poisons (the cruel vs. sad interpretation)
o Cleo & Ant continued to communicate with Oct = negotiations went nowhere tho
 Cleo he answered / Ant he ignored
 Italy had troubles = Oct had to leave Rhodes to go back for a bit

30 BCE = after Battle of Actium

- After winter of 31/30 BCE = Oct went back to Greece, to deal with Cleo & Ant
o Pinarius (Ant’s general) betrays Ant  tells Oct about Ant trying to build army
o Oct moves west and traps Ant in Egypt
- July 31st, 30 BCE = Ant wins a battle against Oct
o So excited he goes to Cleo and gave her his best soldier  she gave him gifts
o At night  soldier abandons and goes to Oct
o Ant abandoned by everyone
- August 1st, 30 BCE = Ant suicide & Oct triumph over Alexandria
o Cleo
 Took all treasures into mausoleum =
On the DONATIONS, the Battle, Ant & Cleo’s death =
threat of destroying it all
Octavian definitely main source used by ancient writers
 Locks herself in mausoleum - Got to remember his bias  what symbolism he
 Spread rumour she died wants in
o Ant o His influence later also influence pro-
 Heard Cleo died, tries to kill himself (/ Augustan views / pro-Aug propo
- He had to be detailed in account of especially
asks servant to kill him)
Cleo & Ant’s last days = he needed to be able to
 Doesn’t die and his wounded body taken justify his actions
to Cleo  she pulls his body through
window of mausoleum
 In Plutarch  last request = wine (so Dionysus)
o Oct
 Sent Proculeius (ladder up window)  stops Cleo from suicide
 Pardons the city = says it’s for Alex the Great and his friend, Arius, who’s from Alex
 Founded Nicopolis
 Annexes Egypt = Roman province
 He buries Ant in regal way  Cleo participates (she wants to die BUT Oct doesn’t let
o Ptolemaic empire dismembered = territory given to Rome & allied kings
- August 2 - 10/12th, 30 BCE = Oct in Alexandria & Cleo wanting to die
o Whole time Oct gets someone to look over Cleo = make sure she doesn’t kill herself
 Cleo tried to starve herself  Oct promised to spare her kids if she gets better so she said
 Oct used her kids as a threat
o Cleo makes it clear she doesn’t want to be in Roman triumph
 But convinces Oct she doesn’t want to die, saying she has gifts for Octavia & Livia
 In Plutarch  Oct thinks he trick her, but she tricked him
 Tries to bribe some people to let her kids be ruler
o Cleo found out Oct was leaving for Rome & she and kids would leave 3 days later
 Gets permission to got to Ant’s tomb
 In Plutarch  she says “I will not be led in triumph”
 Asks to be buried w/ Ant
On Cleo’s death = much debate how she died
o Triple suicide = Death of Cleo (& her 2 Olympos (her doc) didn’t say anything about asp OR how she died
servants, Eiras & Charmion) - In Plutarch  talks of the snake as if it was common
- Cleo’s kids (Helios, Selene, Philadelphos) sent to knowledge
Rome  raised by Octavia - Cassius Dio  asp brought in the fig basket bit her or she
used it to bite her / or poisonous hairpin
o Caesarion  supposedly ruled as P15 for - Strabo  talks about the diff reports
18 days = fiction - Later Roman poets  full drama of the snake
 He got sent to Ethiopia or India - Livy  bit her left arm then escaped out window
 Cleo’s last action before
Most classical authors don’t specify where asp bit
 Got killed later – “isn’t good to Greek narratives = mention snake bit arm specifically
have too many Caesars” Christian era = arm becomes breast  like reverse breastfeeding
o Antyllus killed (Ant’s kid with Fulvia)
 Don’t know where he died though
o Helios & Philadelphos spared for Selene
 Don’t know what happens to them though  probably died young (not past 20 BCE)
- Oct made his own cult & changed Kaisareion to Sebasteion
- Aug 29th, 30 BCE = end of Ptolemaic rule

29 BCE
- Oct’s Roman triumph
o Shows Cleo dying with asp on couch = chose this image  popularized it
o Asp = sacred animal of Isis  dying this way solidified her symbol & faithful to Egyptian trad.
- Cornelius Gallus = first prefect of Egypt
o Revolts in the Thebaid

27 BCE
- Octavian becomes Augustus
o 1st emp. of Rome
o All imperial provinces under his direct control
- Aug replaces high priest of Memphis
o BUT didn’t after this priest died  didn’t want to have a powerful Egy. priest

26 BCE
- Juba accompanies Aug in military campaign in Hispania & Lusitania (Spain/Portugal)
- Marcellus marries Julia (Octavia’s son & Aug’s daughter)
- Cornelius Gallus disgraced & forced into suicide

25 BCE Crinagoras of Mytilene = writes epigram

- Traveled to Rome in 45 BCE then in 26 BCE
- Juba & Sel sent to Mauretania as King & - Epigram for Sel & Juba’s marriage
Queen o Celebrate as union of Lybia & Egypt
o How they were related countries, only divided by
Nile = originating from Ethiopia
 common = mythic past made up to unite
o Married now? In 30 BCE? Don’t know when exactly but not after 25 BC
- Crinagoras writes epigram for their marriage

24/22 BCE
- Bunch of Augustan reforms  remain unchanged for next 200/300 years
o Until Diocletian (radical changes in Egypt) & Constantine

20 BCE
- Iotape (a daughter of some defeated king)  Marries Mithrodates III = becomes founding mother of
Commagene dynasty
o Aug could let Armenia & Media be given to Cleo & Ant’s kids  gave to her
o Some think Iotape was betrothed to Helios
 But because she married someone else = could mean by 20 BCE Helios died

19 – 14 BCE / 13 – 8 BCE On Ptolemy & Drusilla = Juba & Selene’s son & daughter
- (son of Juba & Sel) Ptolemy born - His portraits imitate Roman imperial family styles
o Drusilla born sometime after him o Like hairstyle similar to Aug’s grandkids
- Drusilla was named after Livia
o Her portraits similar to Agrippina

12 BCE
- 2 obelisks from the Temple of Helios-Re brought to Alexandria  by Prefect Rubrius Barbarus

10 BCE
- Aug brings first obelisks to Rome  part of his building project / program

- Selene dies or sometime before

9 CE
- Roman defeat at Battle of Teutoburg/Varus
o Jeopardized stability of empire
o Aug bans astrology/horoscopes about death

19/20 CE
- Ptolemy takes over when Juba dies
o Reigns from 20-40 CE  wanted to restore kingdom of
o Killed by Caligula  Ptol may have been in Gaetulicus’ conspiracy to overthrow Caligula
41 CE
- Claudius takes over Mauretania = become Roman province

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