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Paper: 07, Business Communication

Module: 30, Group Discussion

Prof. S P Bansal
Principal Investigator Vice Chancellor
Maharaja Agrasen University, Baddi

Prof YoginderVerma
Co-Principal Investigator Pro–Vice Chancellor
Central University of Himachal Pradesh. Kangra. H.P.

Prof. IpshitaBansal
Paper Coordinator Department of Management Studies
BPSMV, KhanpurKalan, Sonipat

Dr. Mani Shreshtha

Content Writer Haryana School of Business
GJ University of Science & Technology, Hisar

Items Description of Module

Subject Name Management
Paper Name Business Communication
Module Title Group Discussion
Module Id Module No. - 30
Pre- Requisites Exposure of an oral communication situation
Objectives To study the essential elements of group discussion
Keywords Group, Skill, Discussion, Listening

1. Module 30: Group Discussion

2. Learning Outcomes
3. Introduction
4. Advantages of Groups
5. Group Discussion: A component of Selection Process
6. Types of Group Discussions
7. Process of Group Discussion
8. Roles in Group Discussion
9. Do’s and Don’ts of Group Discussion
10. Expressions and their Purpose
11. Evaluation of a Group Discussion
12. Summary

1. Module 30: Group Discussion

2. Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, students will be able to
 know the relevance of discussing in groups
 know ways to conduct a group discussion
 know strategies to perform better in a group discussion

3. Introduction:
A discussion represents an activity in which the subject matter is systematically examined in
order to reach at a decision. Such a discussion when carried out by a more than two
participants is generally called as a group discussion. For discussion it is important that
participants must have an agenda to discuss, a systematic way to proceed, and an active
involvement. An aimless talking is never considered as discussion. A group discussion is a
systematic oral communication activity wherein all the participants interact with each other
for exchange of ideas and thoughts to fulfil a purpose. Purpose can be to arrive at a solution,
exchange information, provide views, or create an accord. The participants can be a part of
formally created group or an informal meeting. For an effective group discussion, number of
participant can be in the range of eight to fifteen. When the numbers of participant are less,
getting diverse viewpoints on an issue becomes difficult. Similarly, when the group size is
large, participation of every member in the discussion gets compromised.

4. Advantages of Groups:
It is a common belief that two or more people can think better than one. On this belief it can
be stated that more number of people can provide a better solution to a problem as compared
to an individual. While discussing in group, a problem can be analysed from different angles.
It happens because every member of a group has its own way of looking at the issue.
Discussing in groups also encourages presentation of creative ideas and solutions to a
problem. All the decisions made under group discussion have lesser resistance in adoption
and wider acceptability. A member representation from various bodies of the organization
improves the employer – employee relations. A proper representation of all sects of the
organization also ensures protection of their interests while making decisions. Despite many
advantages of discussing in groups, it suffers from some drawbacks. It is often difficult to
come to a concrete solution after a group discussion as different viewpoint of members of a
group makes it difficult to generate consensus. Generally, group discussion is dominated by
few members while others take a back seat. It hampers the representation of views of all the
members. Many times, during a group discussion, discussion goes haywire and members start
discussing irrelevant issues and making the whole exercise futile. In absence of a designated
leader, controlling and channelizing the discussion is a daunting task. A group discussion, if
not executed properly results into wastage of time, money, and energy.

5. Group Discussion: A component of Selection Process

Nowadays, corporate are using group discussion as an eminent tool to judge the suitability of
a prospective candidate towards a job. The purpose of using group discussion in selection
process gained popularity because within a short span of time an employer can assess various
personality traits of the prospective candidates. Often group discussion is conducted along
with a written test and a personal interview. It helps an organization to assess the personality
of an individual and determine the fit between a candidate and the organization or job. Some
of the important traits that can be judged during a group discussion are:

5.1. Leadership skills: Through a group discussion it can be checked that whether a
prospective candidate has the ability to lead a group or to influence the thoughts of other
members of the group. These clues can be obtained from who is initiating the discussion
or who is steering the discussion towards a right track or who is inviting submissive
members of the group to participate.
5.2. Communication skills: Under communication skills it can be assessed that whether the
candidate is having clarity of thought, speaks clearly and in correct language, uses
appropriate gestures to communicate. If all other participants of the group easily
understand the viewpoints it indicates effective communication skill. If a candidate has
to clarify the intentions after every viewpoint, it indicates ineffective communication
5.3. Interpersonal skills: If a member of group is listening patiently to the viewpoints of other
members, giving respect to their viewpoints, not responding to provocation then he or
she is displaying good interpersonal skills. Under a short span of time it can be judged
whether an individual can work in a group or not.
5.4. Knowledge base: Through group discussion topical as well as general knowledge of a
person can be checked. It can also be assessed that how much an individual is aware
about his immediate or general environment.
5.5. Analytical and problem solving skills: A group discussion also depicts a candidate’s
analytical and problem solving skills. By observing the viewpoints it can be explained
whether the candidate is able to understand the issue clearly and presents the viewpoints
supported by logics. Also, by observing the suggestions during the discussion it can be
determined that a candidate is providing solutions to the issue with strong justification.
As group discussion offers to assess many personal qualities within a short span of time it is
being used as a prominent selection instrument to check the suitability of an individual for a

6. Types of Group Discussions:

There are different ways of organizing a group discussion. The type of group discussion is
dependent upon the requirement or policy of the organization, level of participating
candidates, availability of time etc. Following are the broad categories of group discussion:

6.1. Single topic: In this kind of group discussion a topic is announced and the participants
have to discuss over it.
6.2. Multiple topics: In this category, more than one and generally three to four topics are
given to a group. All the members of a group have to create consensus among them
about one topic the wish to discuss in detail.
6.3. Pre-announced topic: The topic is announced to all the participating members prior to
the date of discussion. This format gives ample to the participants to come prepared for
the discussion.
6.4. On-Spot announced topic: Opposite to pre-announced type of group discussion, a topic is
announced only after all the members of the group arrive and assemble at the designated
place. They are provided five to ten minutes to jot down and organize their thoughts.
6.5. Case based: Instead of giving topic, sometimes a case or case study is provided to the
members of the group. Such cases are followed by critical questions that need
deliberation. Each member of the group is expected to go through the case and present
their views and solutions to the issues mentioned at the end of the case.
A topic for group discussion is also carefully chosen. Topics can be popular, factual, and
controversial and in many cases highly abstract.

7. Process of Group Discussion:

If you are having responsibility to conduct a group discussion or you are participating in such
discussion, it is very important to be well versed with the process. A person who conducts a
group discussion is known as moderator. Although many times group discussions are
conducted with lot of informality still it is good to follow a basic procedure. Following
procedure can be adopted to conduct a group discussion:

7.1. Decide the purpose: It is very important to have a clarity regarding purpose of the group
discussion. A purpose decides the expected outcome of the whole exercise. Purpose can
be to solve a problem, select a candidate for a job, and select a candidate for an academic
program. Purpose acts as a guiding force for conducting further steps of a group
discussion. It tells about what has to be assessed.
7.2. Decide number of candidates: Total number of participating members are identified and
divided into groups. For an effective group discussion it is advisable to keep the
members of a group in a range of eight to fifteen.
7.3. Seating Arrangements: In a group discussion, a proper seating arrangement can improve
its effectiveness. The basic guideline for a proper seating arrangement is that all the
members of the group must see and communicate with each other comfortably.
Considering the criteria, a semi-circular or circular seating arrangement is most preferred
for a group discussion.

7.4. Provide Directions: The moderator also announces the rules for the discussion that
include time limit. Generally, time limit for a discussion ranges between fifteen to thirty
minutes. The limit depends upon the availability of time and number of group
discussions to be conducted. General rule of conduct are also explained to the group.
7.5. Announcement of topic: Once the members of the group are seated as per the
arrangement, a moderator announces the topic for the group. All the members are given
five to ten minutes to organize their thoughts before starting a discussion.
7.6. Starting and conclusion: After getting a go ahead from the moderator, the group starts
discussing. As there is no designated leader in such a discussion, any member of the
group can initiate the discussion. There is no particular sequence that who will speak
when. All members of the group try to present their viewpoint with supportive
viewpoints. In the end, one of the members takes initiative to sum up the discussion and
provides a conclusion.
7.7. Evaluation: Once the discussion is over the judges evaluate the performance of each
member on a pre- decided criteria. Such evaluation criteria might include group
behaviour, communication skills, leadership qualities, analytical skills, subject
knowledge etc.

8. Roles in Group Discussion:

In a group discussion, members play different roles at different point of time. These roles also
depicts about their personalities. An individual can play more than one role during the
discussion. A brief mention of different roles played during a group discussion is as follows:


8.1. Connector: This member tries to connect the ideas of all the members of the group.
8.2. Detailer: A detailer extends the viewpoints presented by previous speaker by adding
more information.
8.3. Booster: This member boosts all other members to discuss actively.
8.4. Critic: A critic always provides significant analysis of the presented idea.
8.5. Initiator: Starts the discussion by floating an idea. Also take initiative to sum up the
8.6. Pacifier: This member tries to reduce the tension in case of heated exchange of
8.7. Tracker: A tracker keeps the discussion on track and prevents it from going haywire.

9. Do’s and Don’ts of Group Discussion:

Whether you are trying for job or working in an organization, everyone has to face a group
discussion situation. Your effectiveness during a group discussion majorly depends upon
personality traits and the skills you are possessing. Many of the traits are inherent to a person
while some can be acquired through practice. Following are the guidelines regarding various
do’s and don’ts while participating in a group discussion. These guidelines can help an
individual to do lesser mistakes and perform better during a group discussion.
 Be confident and relaxed.
 Must have a reading habit. Try to read on different issues and fields. Having a good
general awareness is an asset at the time of group discussion
 Always carry a pen and a paper to note down important instructions. A paper is also
comes handy at the time of organizing your thoughts related to given topic.
 Read the given topic atleast three times and try to understand its meaning and context.
 Taking initiative is a good thing but it should not be hasty. For an initiation you must
have clarity of topic and strong viewpoints to put forward.
 Speak clearly and confidently. Clarity of speech improves the understanding of other
members of the group. The speaker must focus on pronunciation, speed, variation,
expressions while presenting his viewpoint.
 Listening skills are very important. You must develop a patience to listen to the
viewpoints of other members. Do not jump into the mid of discussion.
 Try to encourage those members who are submissive or not taking active part in the
 If possible try to remember names of all members of the group.
 Try to steer the discussion of the group towards a conclusive stage.
 Do not try to dominate the group. Remember it’s a group activity and collectively you are
supposed to come to a conclusion. Always keep your views to the point.
 Cite examples and reasons for your viewpoints. By this way you can put forward your
point better than others.
 Before putting forward your views, try to summarize the views of previous speakers.
 Organize your viewpoints from strongest to weakest and try to present them as soon as
possible. If you wait too long to present your views, chances are there someone else will
present them.
 While addressing to other members of the group always make an eye contact. It displays
your confidence and improves your connectivity with the listener.
 Be open to criticism during a discussion. Do not think that all your viewpoints would be
accepted by others. Others are all participating and critically appraising your views. Even
if criticism happens, keep your calm and politely reply with your counter argument.
 Keep a track of time and guide the group to conclude the discussion within the stipulated
 Take an opportunity to summarize the major points emerged during discussion.
 Clearly mention the conclusion of the discussion.
 Take very good care of your gestures especially hand movements. Ignorance on this part
could offend others and put you in bad light. Never point your fingers towards other
members while presenting a viewpoint.
 Try to gain consensus among the members of the group.
 Never shout while presenting your views.
 Avoid showing aggression while presenting your views.

 It is bad to make personal remarks just to prove your point. Keep your discussion in line
with the topic.
 Be polite while interrupting an ongoing discussion.
 Address all the members while presenting your views and avoid indulging in one to one
 If moderator or judges are sitting in the same room, never present your viewpoints while
looking into their eyes. Remember, for a group discussion they are not the part of the
 Try to avoid speaking in a flat tone. Give appropriate stress while putting forward your
views. This stress on words helps to emphasize the key element of your viewpoint.

10. Expressions and their Purpose:

While participating in group discussion we are bound give certain expressions. Following is a
list of few expressions and purpose for which these could be used:

Expression Purpose of the Expression

In my view
I feel that To present your opinion
To my belief
I don’t agree
I differ on what you are saying To show your disagreement over others’ viewpoint
I have a different view
I do agree
To show your agreement towards others’ views
I am of the same opinion
I also feels the same
What you have to say
What do you think To ask about opinion of others
What are your views
Excuse me
Please listen
May I have your attention To interrupt and grab an opportunity to speak
Could you please elaborate this
Just a moment
I reiterate my point
I mean that
Let me put it again To reinforce your viewpoint
You just supported what I already

11. Evaluation of a Group Discussion:

Apart from organization, group discussion plays an important role in selection and admission
process. In order to assess the quality of candidates extensive evaluation criteria is generally
followed. At this point we are clearly aware that through a group discussion more than one
aspect of an individual can be assessed at the same time. For evaluation, an evaluation sheet is
prepared and provided to the panel of judges. This evaluation sheet mentions the different
criteria on which a candidate has to be judged. Sometimes, weightage of a parameter in total
evaluation is also mentioned. Following table specifies various actions that a participant has
to show in order to perform well on a given criteria.

Evaluation Criteria Expected Actions to perform well

Leadership qualities Initiate and conclude discussion
Keep the discussion on track if going off track
Calm down group members in case of chaos
Encourage submissive members to speak
Generate a consensus among members
Acknowledge good points of other members
Keeping your calm even if provoked
Communication skills Using correct pronunciation
Choosing appropriate words to express views
Speak appropriate stress on words
Maintain eye contact while discussing
Use correct hand gestures
Presenting ideas with fluency and clarity
Listening to viewpoints of others
Analytical skills Speaking with logic
Summarizing the discussion and mentioning the
major points presented
Countering the arguments without hurting others
Able to see the problem from different angles
Interpersonal skills Showing patience and keeping calm
Handling criticism with grace
Able to empathize with other members

A sample group discussion evaluation sheet:

Group Number_________

Name of
S. Evaluation Criteria Excellent Good Average Poor Not
No. Acceptable
1 Leadership Qualities
2 Communication
3 Analytical Skills
4 Interpersonal Skills

Signature of Evaluator

12. Summary:
A group discussion is a systematic oral communication activity wherein all the participants
interact with each other for exchange of ideas and thoughts to fulfil a purpose. Purpose can be
to arrive at a solution, exchange information, provide views, or create an accord. For an
effective group discussion, number of participant can be in the range of eight to fifteen.
Discussing in groups also encourages presentation of creative ideas and solutions to a
problem. All the decisions made under group discussion have lesser resistance in adoption
and wider acceptability. Group discussion is a popular tool amongst corporate for selecting a
suitable candidate. It helps an organization to assess the personality of an individual and
determine the fit between a candidate and the organization or job. In group discussion
different roles such as initiator, connector, booster, critic and tracker could be played by
participants. A participant has to take care about various do’s and don’ts of group discussion
in order to perform better than others. Through a group discussion more than one aspect of an
individual can be assessed at the same time. These aspects are communication skills,
leadership qualities, interpersonal skills, group behaviour and analytical skills. Evaluation of
group discussion is done on pre-determined criteria.

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