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Here are some questions you may want to ask yourself while you are looking for data:
Regarding the Market

● How is the Telecom industry doing as a whole? Is it growing?

Insight Research projects that telecommunications services revenue worldwide
will grow from $2.2 trillion in 2015 to $2.4 trillion in 2019.
Telecommunications firms and enterprises are still trying to determine what
the "killer apps" for 5G will be. With the advent of 5G, we're likely to see new
kinds of apps we've never considered before.

In reality, 5G is very much in the "build" phase right now. However, as people come
to truly understand its capabilities and limitations, we can expect to see the next
generation of solutions based on 5G.

The transition to 5G is expected to generate a windfall for network, infrastructure,

and equipment vendors. Gartner predicts that worldwide 5G network infrastructure
revenues will touch $4.2 billion in 2020, recording year-over-year growth of 89

● How much has handset leading been saving competitors?

Regarding Consumers

● How does handset leasing help the customer?

● What markets is this service relevant for?
● Are there any Macro trends that will affect the customers decision in using handset leasing?

Regarding Competitors

● Who has adopted handset leasing?

● When did they adopt it?
● What are they doing to stay ahead of the competition?

Regarding Profits

● How will handset leasing affect our profits?

● What is our profit now and what will it be after implementing this service?

Given the pace at which technology advances, equipment wears out, cars and
trucks break down, the cost of repairs for buildings and the various systems
required to keep them running, leasing has become an attractive option for
companies concerned that ownership brings either too much risk, liability, or ties
up too much capital in a non-profitable portion of their business, adversely
affecting their bottom lines.

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