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The ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands

“Due to late colonization of man, Galapagos preserves today most of its original

Ecuador is the most biodiverse country on Earth and there are several different ecosystems
within it. The Galapagos Islands have are their own ecosystems and are famous for a wealth
of unique plants and animals found nowhere else in the world.

On the Galapagos Islands, there are three major ecosystems: terrestrial, coastal and marine. In
the years of El Niño, the ecosystems show their characteristic behaviours. In the terrestrial
zone predominate heavy rains, which has a positive effect on the animals and plants in this
zone. In contrast, in the marine and coastal zone the highwater seaweed is destroyed, which
causes marine iguanas to starve and they are unable to reproduce.

The organisms on Galapagos are all originated from organisms brought in by sea currents, air
currents or birds. Because of the distance between the Galapagos and the mainland, an
unrivalled evolution has taken place. Furthermore they were the source of Darwin’s (1809-
1882) theory of evolution and still remain an amazing laboratory for scientists today. In his
honor they built the Charles Darwin Station to breed more Giant Tortoises, where also the
famous Lonesome George lived until he died.

Endemic species:

 Galapagos Giant Tortoise (13 subspecies)

 Land Iguana
 Marine Iguana
 Galapagos Penguin
 Flightless Cormorant
 Darwin’s finch (13 species)
 Scalesia (15 species)
 Various species of Cactaceae

These species can only be found on Galapagos.

But this ecosystem is threatened by illegal fishing, non-native species and the demands of
more than 160,000 tourists each year. Ecological damage was caused long ago by whalers,
pirates and early settlers and the presence of aggressive introduced species. This has disrupted
natural biological processes in Galapagos. One big plague were the goats that were brought
from the mainland. They were killed out of helicopters a few years ago, to preserve the

The Islands suffer also from similar problems like other volcanic islands that are for example
the shortage of fresh water and the presence of persistent soil. But unlike other islands,
Galapagos still has a lot of its own biodiversity. The key to maintain this ecosystem is to let it
work with little influence by man.

The Global Strategy for Nature Conservation identifies Galapagos as a priority

biogeographical province for the establishment of protected areas. Because of this, the
inhabitants but also the tourists have to follow certain rules to not distrub the ecosystem.
Sometimes it can be difficult for the inhabitants to live in this area due to so many strict rules.
Everything that happens on these Islands is controlled by the government of Ecuador. You
have to get different licences for every kind of work.

Fishermen for example can only do their job in small boats, without nets or motor-powered
hoists. On the islands there are almost no cars. People are only allowed to have a car, when
you need it for your work. Otherwise they have to use a taxi or bike.

Due to all that facts, Galapagos is a quiet paradise with animals and plants you will not find in
any other place.

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