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Blogs and wikis

Blogs and wikls are two special types ul web paijes.

Blngs are updated" regularly and contain texts and nrticles (blog entries’) @ one
or variou‹ writ»n
Bloq posts appear in arder, sfarting with the most recent entry, as il it was a
diary Readers can
write comments about each article and lhere can also be »xchanges belween the
feadersdnd wr‹ten.
EdCh blog establishes hs ovvn rules'and theme they can be personal, journalist›c,

bu5iness-felated, lechnoloqrcdl Of educational. The blop entries ca‹› cunldin

images, links dNd
Wikis ar» weh paqes that can be
T& I
modified by dlhRrent users from their browser; fhey al famous wiki is Wikipedia

Electronic mail or email

This service lets lou send and receive messaqes that can be text only or text with
elements (sound files, video files, photos, ilIust‹ationsT in orden to be able to
do this. you can
go to a web page that offers this Service fGmail, Yahoo Mail), Once you've
registered,you can use a
program lhat manager your Mdll, such as Malilla Thunderbird or Windows Live Mail.

Thunderbló ÑÉ**›•^•••+•
lt is very similar to the postal service: in both cases you use post boxes lor
sending and
receiving messages and you have to vvrite the address of the sender and the
With this service lou can write and send a message ta a friend anywhere in the
world and he or she will receive it in a maIte‹ of Seconds
There are a lot of free apps for receiving mail on mobile devices.

Ulrtual <orrir nltlex: saclal network x

A virtual community is a group of people who communirate on the Internet in a
virtual, rather than
physical, space. Social networks are one kind of virtual community These are online
where people wi\h the same a ms contact each otne‹.
Depending on the theme, they can be:
0 Horlzontal social natworks. Thae are m'ude up ol comn›unifies o( people with very
‹riteresfs who use the network lar a wide range of thernes. These pre Ihe most
well-known and
widely-used Among thpm are:

I Vertlcal so¢lal network5. There are made up of communities of people with similar
which can be for professional use or leisure.
The table shows some examples and yvhat they are used lar.

Toshure Oral ion;l:»«e›i.«» Lirdmd|@

To share photos fl ickr
To share videos
To broadcast live events

News and discussion forurns

By using these services, users can exchange information and opinions.
1t1 like a nutice board where each partiCipant can post information or an opinion
so that otherscan read them and reply ar offer new or interestinq information.
lt is ohen bPtter to go to a forum thal speCialiSeS in the topic that you‘re
interested in,
ratherthan going to a search engine.
There are a lot of people w'illing to share their knowledge with other Internet

Chats and videoconferences

Chats are text conversations between users Some devices allow you to chat with
video, so you can
sep the person you're taIk‹n9 to. And iT several people john in the conversation,
this is known as
a videoconference. Videoconferences for leleconferencesa)re an essantial’
communicat on cool in
many Companies
Many of the on|ine programs and Services, ouch as Skype and Hangouls, tel you use
Chdl dnd
videoccnferencing dt lhe same tllne.

Be careful whPn you use videoronferencing services on your mobile devine. If you
don't have a Wi-FI
connection. }oU chin quickly use up the date allowance° on youi monthlyplan
File Transfer
This service is for anding vPry large files from one cumputer lo ariofher one
quiçxly and
effiçiently. The matt widely-used iile transler prjggr8T3are F lez 1/a dnd CuteF TP

Cloud cozrtptuting
The most common cloud services are.
I Nte storage and shadng: Dropbox, Google Dra, OneDnw
8 Information processing! Ward processon, spreadsheets, presentar ons and drawing
5 Ooud programa: We can work with programs without nstalling Chem on our Computer.
Some examples
are phoio edi0ng programa such as Picasaand Flickr.
Two advant8ges of these serv ces are!
s Yuu can acces5 your files frDm anywhere las long as you have Internet acces5) w
th your laptop o‹
mob le device.
M YDIJ Cat share the files easily with other people

Apps and smartphone and tat›Tet sorvices

Th» spread of these devices has led to the development ol specially designed
applicalions (apps)
TheSefunction in combination vvilh the hardware in your device (GPS, camera, data
connecliun) to
giv» us some incrediblelools (geoloçatiqn, salnuv, pedonieter or sfep counter,
heait rate monitor,
You rhould alwaysçel tI›eseaççs from official çruvidB.f SlUfeS, fglher tlian
poterllially unsafe
weWites because hiey might conlain vvuses ur malware.

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