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Volume 3: Synerge Armoury

Version 2.2 - Konigstein, 2017-2021
Explosives and Rounds .............................. 29
Contents Table 13: Explosives and Rounds ............ 30
......................................... 2 Rifle Grenades ...............................................32
Volume 3: Synerge Armoury ...................... 2 Gas Warheads .................................................32
A note on Playtesting ................................... 2 Standard Ammunition ................................. 35
Acknowledgements ....................................... 2 Table 14: Standard Ammunition .............. 35
Patron Roll of Honour ................................ 2 Table 15: Exotic Ammunition ...................37
Changelog ............................................................. 3 Exotic Ammunition......................................37
Chemical Damage ...............................................7 Custom Ammunition ................................... 39
Table 1: Chemical Critical Effects- Head Armoury III- Wargear ................................... 42
............................................................................... 8 Weapon Upgrades ....................................... 42
Table 2: Chemical Critical Effects- Body Table 16: Weapon Upgrades .................... 42
...............................................................................9 Weapon Customizations............................ 46
Table 3: Chemical Critical Effects- Arm Armour ............................................................ 47
.............................................................................10 Table 17: Armour and Barding ................ 47
Table 4: Chemical Critical Effects- Leg Barding ............................................................ 48
............................................................................. 11 Barding Craftsmanship .............................. 49
Armoury I- Weaponry .................................... 12 Wargear and Cybernetics ...........................50
Logistics in the Synerge Cluster .............. 12 Table 18: Wargear and Cybernetics ........50
Weapon Qualities ......................................... 12 Armoury IV- Vehicular Customization .....57
Gyrojet Weapons ..........................................14 Armoury V- Variant Patterns ....................... 62
Solid-Projectile Weapons .......................... 15 Table 19: Number of Changes ................. 62
Table 5: Gyrojet and Solid-Projectile Table 20: Ranged Weapon Pattern
Weapons .......................................................... 15 Positive ............................................................. 63
Las Weapons .................................................. 16 Table 21: Ranged Weapon Pattern
Table 6: Las, Flame and Plasma Weapons Negative.......................................................... 64
............................................................................. 17 Table 22: Melee Weapon Pattern Positive
Flame Weapons ............................................. 18 ............................................................................. 65
Plasma Weapons ............................................ 18 Table 23: Melee Weapon Pattern
Table 7: Low-Tech Weapons .................. 20 Negative...........................................................66
Low-Tech Weapons ................................... 20 Table 24: Vehicle Pattern Positive.......... 67
Ranting about Slings .................................. 20 Table 25: Vehicle Pattern Negative ........ 68
Blackpowder Weapons................................ 21 Armoury VI- Vehicles and Mounts ............ 69
Table 8: Blackpowder Weapons .............. 22 Leman Russ Laykhodok ........................... 70
Table 9: Launchers ....................................... 25 Leman Russ Nivablitzer .............................71
Launchers ........................................................ 25 Kobold Light Tank ......................................73
Melee Weapons ............................................ 26 Soyuz-Z4 ........................................................ 74
Table 10: Melee Weapons ......................... 26 Soyuz-Z4(M) ..................................................75
Exotic Weapons ........................................... 27 Soyuz-Z4(C) ...................................................75
Table 11: Burnt Offering Payloads......... 27 Soyuz-Z4(A) .................................................. 76
Table 12: Exotic Weapons .........................28 Soyuz-Z5 ........................................................ 77
Armoury II- Ordnance .................................. 29 Dvalinn Armoured Truck.......................... 78
Bruennhilde Artillery Tractor ................. 79
Igla Sabre........................................................ 79
Bicycle ..............................................................80
Tauros Commando....................................... 81
Aerosani ...........................................................82
Camargue Querl ............................................ 83
Pinzgauer Querl ............................................ 83
Landais Querl ................................................ 83
Camel ................................................................84
Elephant ..........................................................84
Mule ..................................................................84
Armoury VII- Artillery ................................... 85
Artillery on the Battlefield ........................ 85
Table 26: Manhandling Artillery ............. 89
Coehorn Mortar ............................................ 89
Heavy Mortar................................................. 89
Thudd Gun .................................................... 90
Stormshard Mortar ...................................... 90
Pack Howitzer ............................................... 91
4-Pounder Field Gun .................................. 91
Conqueror Cannon ...................................... 91
Battle Cannon ............................................... 92
Demolisher Cannon .................................... 92
Vanquisher Cannon ..................................... 92
Hydra Anti-Aircraft Battery..................... 93
Blitzen Anti-Aircraft Cannon .................. 93
Manticore Missiles ....................................... 93
Flaming Arrows ............................................ 94
Ironcase Rocket ........................................... 94
Rocket Rack ................................................... 95
Praetor Missiles ............................................. 95
Licorne Howitzer .........................................96
Earthshaker Cannon ....................................96
Gotterdamerung Howitzer ...................... 97
Earthshaker Magnus ................................... 97
Medusa Siege Gun........................................ 98
Colossus Bombard ........................................ 98
Prolonged Bombardment ..........................99
.............................. 101

A note on Playtesting

Welcome to the Trisdekan Primer! This is a There is vastly more material in these
(currently) 3-volume series of expansions to volumes than I could ever have time to
Only War playtest- though most of it has been used in
roleplaying game. a limited fashion at least once in a game or
two. If you feel that any of my rules are
The Primer aims to fill in many of the gaps broken or nonsensical, please drop me a
left in Only War line at
advanced options for many classes which
did not receive them, and provide a Acknowledgements
plethora of rules and content to expand the
depth of any variety of campaign. This document has been a labour of love,

means complete, and I hope to keep

monolith- by using rules from one part of tweaking it as I go. Special thanks are
the Primer absolutely in order to the good folks at
rules from all of them. The goal is to allow Roll for Heresy, Ordo Discordia, to the
you, the GM or player, to pick and choose ca/tg/irls and fa/tg/uys, to Swekky for
what you want or need to expand on your kickass playtesting, HMJ for the field
campaign. toilets, Messiahcide for his kickass
subsector map and work on the Chemical
Happy campaigning! damage, Akklonia for the art, and to the
-Konigstein, 2021 good folks of Open Skies, Coffee and
Explosions, The Raid on Cadorna Peak, Pour
Volume 3: Synerge Armoury L'Empereur and Space Resistance! for inspiring
the documents that would become this one.
The third volume of the Primer is,
unsurprisingly, an armoury, containing
detailed stats on all the pieces of weaponry a wonderful series of TTRPGs. Really
and kit referenced in the previous two sorry you lost the license.
books. It also introduces a new Damage If you like my work, and want to consider
Type, and extensive rules for the checking out some of my other projects or
customization and modification of weapons contributing any of your hard-earned
shekels, check out my Patreon. Yeah, I
section on Imperial artillery, and running know. I gotta make money off my hobbies
artillery-related games. somehow.

For details on Subsector Trisdeka and Patron Roll of Honour

character options, see volumes 1 and 2 of Extraordinarily special thanks to Patrick
this series, respectively. M., Travis LaFave, exball, Robert Mayotte,

Princess Moonbeam, cody stewart, Rogier Variants, began the Minor Worlds of the
Jordann and Miss Mae for their support. Cluster section

Changelog 18/04/2017: Version 0.8. Added Psyker

07/02/2017: Version 0.2. Overall spelling Advanced Specialties.
and grammar and formatting fixes. Made
the tables look prettier. Added new several 20/04/2017: Version 0.8.1 Added one
new Talents and reorganized the Talents Talent, gear for Psyker Advanced
section. Added one new Weapon and two Specialties, minor formatting fixes
new Mounts.
24/04/2017: Version 0.8.2 Added more
14/02/2017: Version 0.3. Another Tennanlower, Edelweiss and Nivan fluff,
proofreading/editing pass. Improved added the True Nivans regiment option
formatting and added a sweet map by and several pieces of True Nivan gear, as
Messiahcide. Added several new pieces of well as a single Edelweiss vehicle
Wargear and rewrote various Talents and
Weapon Qualities. 26/05/2017: Version 0.8.3. Added Commissar
Advanced Specialties courtesy of
22/02/2017: Version 0.4. Yet more Commander Beef, as well as rules for Ski
proofreading, added a bunch of new art, a Troops and Bicycle Troops, reworked the
new Vehicle, and yet more wargear and True Nivan/Nivan Junker fluff
12/06/2017: Version 0.8.4. More formatting
26/02/2017: Version 0.4.1. Big pass for fixes, a bit more Bellagian fluff, added
content readability, a little bit more art, one some new weapons to the Armoury
new Talent, one new Weapon, added
changelog 16/06/2017: Version 0.8.5. Image
compression fixes to cut filesize.
16/03/2017: Version 0.5. Formatting Standardized formatting for Regimental
overhaul now that I actually know how to statblocks. Added one new piece of
use Libreoffice Wargear, 3 new Talents, made many small
tweaks to Talents and Armoury equipment.
17/03/2017: Version 0.5.1. Minor formatting Added slightly more Dolcaterran fluff.
fixes, added missing gear weights
12/09/2017: Version 0.8.6. Some minor
10/04/2017: Version 0.6. Tweaked a few formatting changes for legibility.
Talents, added several new pieces of Rearranged the Armory section so it makes
weaponry and gear, added Regimental more sense. Many more balance/content
Archetypes tweaks. Added a couple new pieces of art.

15/04/2017: Version 0.7. Added a new 12/10/2017: Version 0.9. Added

Homeworld Option, added Expanded Gear Stormtrooper Advanced Specialties,

Vehicle Variants, and one new vehicle.
Filled out the Melee weapons section rules. Added four Advanced Specialties for
slightly. Added five Exotic Weapons. the Sutler, and one new piece of Artillery.
Added two new Talents, including Many many many bits of editing, mostly on
MARTIAL ARTS ACTION. bits of gear and vehicles.

19/10/2017: Version 0.9.1 Added Pleasure 31/07/18 Version 1.5.

World Homeworld, two pieces of art, did
some formatting fixes. • Updated and resorted the Armoury
sections, adding Plasma
26/10/2017: Version 1.0! The Make it Pretty Ammunition, Flamer
Edition! Reformatted the entire document Customizations, Rifle Grenades,
from scratch, added a ton of new images, and some balance changes.
did a ton of content editing and typo fixes. • Added quick-reference rarity tables
• Added a variety of sidebars on
useful things
08/11/2017: Version 1.1. Fixed most of the • Made some minor balance changes
formatting issues left over from 1.0, added to Regimental Archetypes, various
Vehicle Customization. Added a couple Talents and several Specialties
weapon upgrades, one melee weapon, and • New background image, new art by
made some rewrites/expansions to the myself and Messiahcide, many new
Minor Worlds, Kurassiers and Skyboarders images
11/24/2018: Version 1.6. The Sidebar and
19/11/2017: Version 1.2! The Trench Fluff Update. Added numerous adventure
Warfare Edition! Added rules for field guns hooks for each planet, as well as a few
and heavy bombardments, chemical images. Added some cultural detail for the
weapons, and the Chemical Damage Type. soldiers of each regiment to make RPing
Added in the Aerosani that I totally forgot them more interesting. Slightly expanded
to add ages ago. Also, the new Sutler the fluff for Dolcatero. Various balance
Support Specialty, and some Unusual fixes to the Sutler. Slight balance changes
Ammunition options for lasguns. to Nerve Gas. Expanded Ammunition
04/01/2018: Version 1.3. Added in quite a section. Slightly reorganized the Vehicles
few Talents inspired by XCOM. Slightly and Mounts section. Changed table
modified some art- thanks Lamerus. Made formatting to be a little prettier.
general edits, a few minor changes to some
Support Specialties. 27/01/2019: Version 1.7

04/02/2018: talent so it actually makes sense for use with

Flamers. Added new Sight weapon
Update. Balance pass on Advance customizations.
Specialties and the Sutler to bring them a

Added 9 new planet-specific Talents. 05/06/2020: Version 2.1: The Chilly Archery
Added a sidebar on regiment fluff creation. Update
Added a ton of new art by yours truly. • Volume 1:
o Added the Cold-Weather
26/02/2019: Version 1.8: The Cavalry and Warfare section, as requested
Children Update by patron Alex H.
• Added a couple more new Talents o Added planet art by Evil
• Added the Old Guard Advanced Windly
Specialty o Edited and tweaked several
• Added rules for Child Soldiers sections for clarity and
• Added Barding continuity
• Added stats for camels, mules and • Volume 2:
elephants o Added the Arbalist, Yeoman
• Did tons of minor editing and and Trick Archery Talents.
rebalancing in all sections Tweaked the balance of
several older Talents.
• Added a crap-ton of images
o Reorganized Regiment
Creation Options,
20/12/2019: Version 2.0: The Volume Split
Regimental Archetypes,
• Divided the Trisdekan Primer into a
Battle Honours, Advanced
setting, character-building and
Specialties, Orders and
armoury book to make editing
Combat Actions
easier. Added a kickass piece of
o Added one new Battle
cover art by Akklonia
• Volume 1: Tweaked and clarified the
o Slightly buffed the Battle
Korpogardistos regiment rules
Song action
• Volume 2: Added Battle Honours,
• Volume 3:
new Regimental Drawbacks, and
o Added Longbows, Horn
Habermann Soldiers. Made some
Bows, Asymmetrical Bows,
balance tweaks on Actions, added
and Compound Bows
three new Talents and two new
o Added several new Weapon
Orders. Added Plasma Ammunition
o Added Bodkin Arrows, Blunt
• Volume 3: Separated Low-Tech and Arrows, Whistling Arrows
Blackpowder Weapons. Added and Fire Arrows.
seven new Blackpowder weapons o Added Crampons and Snow
and Duplex Bullets. Tweaked Goggles
several weapon statblocks for more o Tweaked some weapon stats.
variety. Converted the 4-pounder o Reorganized several sections
into an artillery piece, rather than a for clarity and ease of use
weapon. Added 2 new Blackpowder
artillery pieces

16/04/2021: Version 2.2: The Artillery & Air o Added the Ironcase Rocket
Support Update and Flaming Arrow artillery
• Volume 1 pieces.
o Updated several of the o Tweaked rules for horse-
prebuilt Regiments with new drawn artillery
Doctrines and gear o Updated and polished the
o Added the Brumeran Horse vehicle section
Artillery, Edelweiss o Added the Bruennhilde and
Grenzers and Tennanlowe Dvalinn prime movers.
MCDF premade regiments,
plus fluff
o Added several new
Adventure Hooks
• Volume 2
o Fixed the costs for the
Regimental Drawbacks.
o Added the Artillery Spotter
Guardsman Speciality
o Added the Junior Officer
and Officer of the Fleet
Support Specialties
o Added the Air Controller,
Dropmaster, Model Officer
and Tactician Advanced
o Tweaked the abilities of the
Long-Range Patroller and
Raider Advanced Specialties
o Added the Holy Martyrdom
Equipment Doctrine
o Slightly reformatted the
Mount Training section to
make it look prettier
o Added one new Battle
• Volume 3
o Added Spyglasses, Signal
Flags and the Martyr Vest
o Added the Jezzail, Revolver
Rifle and Trench Catapult

Chemical Damage could be considered to have the Chemical
damage type. It is up to the GM, in
poison; only the dose makes a thing not agreement with their players, what weapons
-Paracelsus exactly do Chem damage, and what ones
stick with Rending or Impact damage to
In the grim darkness of the far future, represent poisons. Generally, though, any
a lot that can make a living man weapon with the Toxic quality, or one
dead, and toxins, venoms, poisons, plagues, which specifically uses non-flammable
radiation, chemical reactions, viral phages, chemicals to do damage, (like Bleeder
fungal agents and charged-particle Rounds) whether this quality is derived
bombardment are but a tiny sampler. It innate qualities, unusual
ammunition or a variant pattern, should use
that fires poison darts would do Impact Chemical damage instead of its normal
damage. Here, then is Chemical Damage, a damage type.
new damage type for every kind of injury
that makes targets melt, get poisoned, or Additionally, the Toxic Quality itself
develop excitingly aggressive cancer. should be modified- instead of dealing
Chemical Damage uses the damage type C extra damage with the same Type as the
(as opposed to E, R, X or I). Fun! original weapon, Toxic deals the Chemical
type. Bear in mind of course that these are
Retroactive Changes suggestions-
with it what you will.
Only War, and the FFG RPGs in general,
contain a lot of different weapons which

Table 1: Chemical Critical Effects- Head
Critical Critical Effect

1 The target begins to feel a tingling or burning sensation on their face and becomes
disoriented. They can take only a Half Action on their next turn as they recover their

them to choke up. They are Stunned for one round.

3 rst-degree burn.
Permanent scarring is very likely. The target suffers 1 level of Fatigue and must make a
Challenging (+0) Toughness test or suffer 1d10 Fellowship damage.

4 The chemical seeps into the flesh, causing a rapid onset of necrosis, leaving the target
disoriented and in agony. The target suffers 1d10 Perception damage and must make a
Challenging (+0) Toughness test; if they fail, they lose an eye and permanently reduce their
Fellowship characteristic by 1d5.

5 Even as the target begins to cough up blood, their flesh darkens as deep necrosis sets in.
The target suffers 1d10 Perception damage and suffers a -10 penalty to Weapon Skill and

characteristic by 1.

quickly fades into a grey fog. The target is Stunned for 1 round and is permanently Blinded.
Permanently reduce their Fellowship and Perception characteristics by 1d5.

7 The target succumbs quickly to the fumes of the chemical and the reek of burning flesh,
falling to the floor unconscious as they twitch wildly. The target is knocked Prone, and is
considered Unconscious for 1d5 rounds. Permanently reduce their Perception and
Intelligence characteristic by 1d10.

unconscious, twitching wildly. They are knocked Prone, Stunned for 1d10 rounds and take
1d5 permanent Perception and Intelligence damage.

flesh and blood with a horrendous stench. As their cerebral fluid escapes their now vacant
eye sockets they usher a final terrible shriek before hitting the ground dead. If the target
burns a Fate Point to survive this horrible ordeal, they permanently reduce their Perception
and Fellowship by 5.

10+ As above, except the process coats the area around the target with slick, foul-smelling goo.
For the remainder of combat, anyone moving within 2 meters of this spot must make a
Challenging (+0) Agility test or fall Prone.
Table 2: Chemical Critical Effects- Body
Critical Critical Effect

1 A splash of corrosive chemicals on the targ

lungs and causing gurgling coughing. The target can take only a Half Action on their
next turn.

2 The chemical causes fluid-

of Fatigue and must make a Challenging (+0) Toughness test or suffer 1d5 Toughness

3 The target is racked by heavy coughs and strained breathing as their flesh bleaches and
lungs fill with fluid. The target is Stunned for 1d5-1 rounds and suffers 1 level of Fatigue.

to vomit uncontrollably. The target suffers 2 levels of Fatigue and 1d5 Strength damage.

5 y clutches themselves in agony as their

by 1d5, and they can only take a Half Action on their next turn.

6 lesions of puss,
flesh and caustic goo. The target suffers 1 level of Fatigue and can only take Half Actions
for the remainder of combat.

7 With an agonizing scream, the target breathing becomes labored as the chemicals
corrode not only their flesh, bu
Strength characteristic by 1d5. Until they receive medical attention, at the end of each of
each round in which they took an action, roll 1d10. On a result of 1 or 2, the character dies
instantly as a vital organ dissolves.

8 their
heartbeat begins to slow and stutter as anaphylactic shock sets in. The target suffers 3
levels of Fatigue and is Stunned for 1 Round. Permanently reduce their Toughness
characteristic by 1d10.

9 The target is overcome by chemical poisoning as their circulatory and respiratory systems
suddenly halt. Spewing out a gargled cough of blood and dissolved flesh, the character
falls to the ground dead.

stench. Anyone within 1d10 meters away from the corpse must make a Challenging (+0)
Toughness test or be Stunned for 1 round as they recoil from the horrendous sight and

Table 3: Chemical Critical Effects- Arm
Critical Critical Effect

they are holding in that hand.

2 The strike leaves a deep bruise that develops within moments of exposure, possibly
causing muscle spasms. The target suffers 1 level of Fatigue.

clench and tighten. The target is Stunned for 1 round and drops anything they were
holding in that hand. Roll 1d10; on a result of 1, anything the target was holding in that
hand is badly damaged and unusable until repaired.

4 The chemical leaves a darkening necrosis that scars the flesh of the arm. The limb cannot
be used for any purpose until the target receives medical attention.

Until the critical damage is healed, they take a -10 penalty to any Strength, Weapon Skill
or Ballistic Skill tests, and cannot use the limb for any purpose.

rictus contraction. This may cause permanent injury. The target must make a Challenging
(+0) Toughness Test. If they succeed, the hand cannot be used until they undergo
healing. If they fail, they permanently lose the use of the hand.

tendons and muscles dissolve. The target loses the hand and takes 1d10 Strength
damage. They must immediately make a Challenging (+0) Toughness test or suffer the
Blood Loss Condition.

8 -filled socket. The target loses

their arm and takes 1d10 permanent Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill damage. They are
now suffering from Blood Loss.

9 In a horrifying display of gore, the corrosive chemical sloughs the flesh and tendons from
the bone, leaving tenuous strands of tissue dangling from the shoulder. The target must
immediately make a Challenging (+0) Toughness test or die from shock. If they survive,
they are Stunned for 1d10 rounds, lose the arm, and suffer Blood Loss.

10+ As above, except the attack melts the arm into an almost liquified slush and sends the
target crumbling to the ground. They immediately die from shock, their face frozen in
twisted agony.

Table 4: Chemical Critical Effects- Leg
Critical Critical Effect

1 tarily, causing them to stumble. They are

knocked Prone.

2 -filled boils that make movement painful.

The target is Stunned for one round. They must also make a Challenging (+0) Toughness
Test- if they fail, they can only make Half-action moves for a number of rounds equal to
their Degree of Failure.

2 Fatigue and are knocked Prone.

4 ooms with internal bleeding as their circulatory system

begins to collapse. They reduce their Agility by 1d10.

movement speed and take a -20 on Agility tests until they receive medical treatment.

corrodes away. They are Stunned for 1d5 rounds and must make a Challenging (+0)
Toughness Test. If they fail, they take 2d10 permanent Agility damage.

are knocked Prone, take 1d10 permanent Agility damage and cannot move until they
receive medical treatment. They must also make a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or
lose the leg permanently.

stump of bone. The target loses the leg, and they suffer from Blood Loss.

9 away, leaving them with nothing but

an oozing stump. They must make a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or die from shock.
If they succeed, the leg is lost, they are stunned for 2d5 rounds, and they suffer from
Blood Loss.

10+ As above, except the target dies immediately from shock, landing in the puddle left by
their limb. Their body twitches a few times, then lies still.

Armoury I- Weaponry dealing damage as it would in a normal
-Motto of the Edelweiss Kurassiers
Logistical Corps Discharge: This weapon occasionally
creates high-voltage electrical arcs as it
Logistics in the Synerge Cluster overloads. A weapon with this quality
discharges on attack rolls of 91 or higher-
As a backwater subsector largely out of the the wielder suffers 1d5 Energy damage with
way of any major conflict, many of the the Shocking quality to their Arms,
worlds in Subsector Trisdeka receive little ignoring Armour but not toughness.
by way of military material support from Additionally, the weapon generates a
the Munitorum. While several, including Haywire (5) field centered on the user (a
Bellagia, Katyush and Niva Gustav possess Haywire field with a radius of 5m). Roll on
their own manufacturing facilities and the Haywire Field Effects Table as normal
STC-derived blueprints and plans, others for all electronic devices within range,
are forced to improvise and rely on their excepting the weapon that generated the
own scrounged or scavenged arms, often Haywire field. A Discharge weapon can be
purchased through backroom channels or fired again on the turn after it has
via less than scrupulous Rogue Traders. Discharged. Any circumstance that would
normally cause this weapon to jam instead
The Availability values for all weapons in causes it to Discharge.
the following section are those that would
apply within a regiment normally using that Infiltrator: This weapon is designed to fire
weapon. For, say, a Tennanlowe regiment a specially-loaded subsonic round which
scavenging Dolcaterran weapons, the creates no sonic boom upon exiting the
Availability of the weapons would decrease. weapon's action. Further, its barrel is
encased in mechanical baffles or other
sound-dampening systems that make it
Weapon Qualities
almost inaudible when firing, as well as
reducing its recoil. Weapons with this
Black Promethium: Black Promethium is
quality gain all the advantages of weapons
an extraordinarily volatile and powerful
equipped with Silencers; however, they are
incendiary by any standard, but its sheer
incapable of hitting targets beyond their
instability makes it a risk to the user. A
maximum listed Range. After resolving
Black Promethium weapon increases the
damage normally against an Unaware
damage done by the Toxic quality by 1, and
target, an Infiltrator weapon does 1d10
the Armour damage done by the Corrosive
extra damage, ignoring Armour. This
quality by 1. When the user of a Black
additional damage can trigger Righteous
Promethium weapon is hit with any kind of
Energy damage or is set on fire, roll 1d100:
on a roll of 75 or above, all ammunition and
weaponry on their person with the Black
Promethium quality immediately detonates,
Gyrojet: This Katyushan weapon uses a legendary inspiration for the Katyushans.
small solid-tipped rocket instead of a Any Katyushan character within line of
conventional bullet, a design which sight of someone wielding a Streltsy
provides significant stopping power and weapon gains a temporary +5 to all
range compared to a standard autogun Willpower and Ballistics Skill tests (with the
round, but carries with it several drawbacks. obvious exception of the wielder
A weapon with this Quality reduces its themselves). The bonus from multiple
Penetration by 1 at Short Range, and to 0 at Streltsy weapons stacks, to a maximum of
Point-Blank Range, but increases it by 2 at +15.
Long and Extreme range. It also gains a
+10 bonus to hit at Long and Extreme Thrust Jet: This weapon is a modified
range. rocket or pulse-jet engine, firing a long
cone of superheated exhaust gasses with
Streltsy: These weapons are literal antiques, devastating results but massive recoil.
seldom fielded except on ceremonial Thrust Jet weapons function as if they had
occasions, and full of historical and the Spray quality, but hit all targets in a line

with a length equal to the weapon's range. Can also fire most common signal flare
Thrust Jet weapons have +1 Penetration at types.
point-blank range. On a jam the user of one
such weapon must make an Ordinary (+10) M37 Strela: A simple, bolt-action long rifle
Strength test or be Stunned for one round that fires rocket-powered bullets with a
from whiplash. Failing this test by more great deal of force. Comes attached with an
than one Degree extends the duration of integrated Telescopic Sight as standard,
the Stun to 2 rounds. which can be removed with a Difficult (-10)
Tech-Use or Trade (Armorer) test.
Twin-stage: This weapon's projectiles
incorporate a small secondary rocket Krug M37 Carbine: A lengthened, double-
engine to give the round an extra kick at barreled version of the Krug pistol with a
the end of its ballistic arc. A weapon with folding stock, designed for use by vehicle
this Quality gains a +2 to its Penetration at crew. Can be wielded one-handed at a -10
Long ranges. If a Twin-Stage weapon hits penalty.
any target and does not do damage, the
shot ricochets- roll on the Scatter diagram, M37 Autostrela: Uses the same frame as the
and the round continues to the end of its conventional Strela, but adds a simple gas
range in that direction until it hits another piston and a box magazine, making it a
target. If the attack roll on such a ricochet powerful if slow-firing automatic. Comes
scored more than two Degrees of Success, standard with an integrated bipod.
the firer can choose to modify the Scatter
roll by a number up to their Ballistic Skill Combining
Bonus. A Twin-stage round can bounce offworld compressed air gun technology
between multiple targets in this way. with gyrojet ammunition, these
Weapons with the Twin-stage Quality complicated but powerful semiautomatic
cannot also have the Blast Quality. rifles are only issued in small numbers to
the most elite Advance Spotter companies.
Gyrojet Weapons Though the redesigned sabot rounds they
use hit well above their size, their unusual
The two pillars of Katyushan military shape makes them incompatible with the
doctrine are range and accuracy, and their range of specialty ammunition used in more
native weapon designs are built around this. traditional weapons. Comes attached with
Though they do not fire conventional solid an integrated Telescopic Sight as standard,
projectiles, these weapons function which can be removed with a Difficult (-10)
similarly to normal slug-throwers or Tech-Use or Trade (Armorer) test.
autoguns and thus require the Weapon
Training (Solid Projectile) Talent to use. Antitank Rifle: Derived
from the prototypes of what would become
Krug Pistol: A single-shot, break-action the Reyder, the Drotik is a heavy anti-
pistol that fires a single heavy rocket round. materiel rifle used for long-range precision
marksmanship in situations where a

standard Strela simply won't cut it. It than overt action, the bolt-action Welreus
incorporates a compressed-air accelerator is a simple but extremely effective
system like the Reyder, as well as an infiltrator's weapon found across the sector.
extremely lengthened bull barrel and an Though not particularly damaging, its
oversized action. Drotiks can load Kulak concealability and reliability make it a
rounds without reducing their Clip Size. valuable tool when discretion is needed on
Drotiks come equipped with a Bipod and the battlefield.
Telescopic Sight as standard, which can be
removed with a Difficult (-10) Tech-Use or Delileus 'Threadcutter' Commando
Trade (Armorer) Test. Stubber: Another popular weapon amongst
Advanced Spotters, dozens of different
Solid-Projectile Weapons Delileus variants exist across Subsector
Trisdeka, a testament to the ease of
The most ubiquitous and simple of the construction of these primitive but
surprisingly effective stubguns.
following equipment requires the Weapon
Training (Solid Projectile) Talent to Normally bolt-action, they make excellent
operate. long-range sentry-killers, allowing highly
mobile forces some modicum of firepower
Welreus-Pattern Commando Stub Pistol: with very little noise.
Frequently used by the Katyushan Advance
Spotters and a variety of Bellagian
regiments that focus on infiltration rather

Table 5: Gyrojet and Solid-Projectile Weapons

Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt. Rarity

Krug Pistol Pistol 60m S/-/- 1d10 + 4 I 3 1 Half Gyrojet, Reliable 1kg Common

Welreus Commando Pistol Pistol 20m S/-/- 1d10 + 3 I 0 8 Full Infiltrator, Reliable 1kg Rare

Strela Basic 120m S/-/- 1d10 + 5 I 3 5 2 Full Gyrojet, Reliable 7kg Average

Krug M37 Carbine Basic 100m S/2/- 1d10 + 4 I 3 2 Full Gyrojet, Reliable 3kg Average

Basic 100m S/3/- 1d10 + 4 I 4 30 Full Gyrojet, Proven (3), 5kg Rare

Delileus Commando Stubber Basic 200m S/3/- 1d10 + 4 I 2 10 Full Infiltrator, Reliable 4kg Rare

Autostrela Heavy 120m S/3/5 1d10 + 5 I 6 15 Full Gyrojet 9kg Average

Combilauncher (Gun) Heavy 100m S/3/10 1d10 + 3 I 0 20 Half - 15kg Very


Combilauncher (Launcher) Heavy 150m S/-/- 1d10+8 X 7 1 2 Full Blast (3), Concussive (0) 15kg Very

Drotik Heavy 150m S/-/- 1d10 + 8 I 8 3 2 Full Gyrojet, Accurate 12kg Rare

Niva-Pattern Combilauncher: A curious
combination of autogun and light recoilless Apashe: A native Edelweiss las weapon, the
rifle, the Combilauncher was intended to Apashe is a curious and unwieldy folding
give PDF troops light anti-tank firepower weapon that combines a trench knife and a
in a portable package. Though it achieved compact laspistol into a single package.
this, it is a bulky and uncomfortable Though difficult to operate without
finesse, these standard-issue Kurassier arms
simplicity and ease of manufacture has seen are excellent in close quarters. An Apashe
it slowly spread across the Subsector. A can be used in melee as if it were a
Combilauncher requires either Launcher or Warknife.
Solid-Projectile Weapon Training to
operate- one of the weapons' integrated Apashe Réal: Apashes Réal are only
systems can be operated without having awarded to the finest Edelweiss warriors,
training in the other. for they must be delivered by the acclaim of
their regiment. Their general structure is
Las Weapons comparable to an oversized standard
Apashe, but their laspistol component
Modified or rare versions of the Imperial utilizes a hotshot design and their trench
knife is replaced with a miniaturized chain
require the Weapon Training (Las) Talent weapon. An Apashe Réal can be used in
to operate.

melee as if it were a Chain Knife with the practically exposed. A Lasarque can be fired
Mono quality. one-handed at a -5 penalty.

Lasarque: The Lasarque is a common Gambler-Pattern Lasgun: Rebuilt from

Edelweiss variant on the standard Imperial castoff second-hand lasguns of various
Lascarbine, tuned for maximum firepower different models, the Gambler represents
at short ranges and when fired from a
mounted position. The resultant weapon The main modification to the Gambler is its
has a distinct curving stock designed to unstable power regulator, which makes
brace against the forearm, and a barrel each shot hit with wildly varying power and
assembly so short the focusing lenses are focus-

Table 6: Las, Flame and Plasma Weapons

Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt. Rarity

Gul-Model Hand Pistol 15m S/-/- 1d10 + 4 E 2 2 2 Full Flame, Thrust Jet 4kg Scarce

Apashe Pistol 10m S/-/- 1d10 + 4 E 0 5 Full - 0.5kg Scarce

Apashe Réal Pistol 20m S/2/- 1d10 + 4 E 6 5 Full - 1kg Near Unique

Nivablotter Pistol 15m S/2/- 1d10 + 5 E 4 8 2 Full Scatter, Discharge, 5kg Very Rare

Zhuzh-Model Boost Basic 25m S/-/- 1d10 + 5 E 2 4 2 Full Flame, Thrust Jet 7kg Scarce

Thermovortex Basic 15m S/-/- 1d10 +3 E 4 6 3 Full Blast (3), Concussive (0), 6.5kg Very Rare
Inaccurate, Flame

Lasarque Basic 50m S/2/- 1d10 + 5 E 2 15 Full Inaccurate 2.5kg Common

Gambler-Pattern Lasgun Basic 100m S/3/- 1d10 + 1d5 E 1d5 50 Full Unreliable 4kg Common

Faucon Basic 80m S/2/3 1d10 + 4 E 2 20 2 Full Reliable 7kg Rare

Nivablaster Basic 120m S/2/- 1d10 + 6 E 6 20 3 Full Maximal, Discharge 20kg Very Rare

Lasbarde Heavy 100m S/-/- 3d10 + 10 E 10 3 2 Full Proven (3), Inaccurate 25kg Very Rare

Rev-model Ram Heavy 35m S/-/- 1d10 + 5 E 4 8 2 Full Flame, Thrust Jet 50kg Rare

Nivablaster-H Heavy 120m S/3/- 1d10 + 8 E 8 20 3 Full Maximal, Discharge 30kg Extremely

Nivablotter-H Heavy 50m S/3/- 1d10 + 8 E 6 16 3 Full Maximal, Discharge, 25kg Extremely
Scatter Rare

Saxifrage PDS Heavy 300m S/-/- 2d10 + 5 E 7 1 Full Recharge, Inaccurate 30kg Near Unique

Faucon: A rarer Edelweiss las weapon used Rev-model Ram Projector: Uncommon
by some infantry units, the Faucon could be due to their great size, these massive pulse
described as a laser battle rifle, with an rocket weapons can send even the heaviest
emphasis on damage per shot and, targets flying. Targets that fail their Agility
unusually for a las weapon, an automatic test to catch fire when hit with this weapon
fire rate. are also knocked Prone. Firing a Ramjet
Projector unbraced requires a Very Hard (-
Lasbarde: Essentially a cut-down 30) Strength test in addition to the normal
lascannon, the Lasbarde is designed to be penalties to Ballistics, even if the firing
mounted on the saddle of a large Edelweiss character has the Bulging Biceps talent. If
Querl or other military mount. It trades off the test fails, roll on the Scatter Table- the
long-range firepower for portability and out-of-control recoil causes the weapon to
ease of use on the move. Lasbardes come fire in that direction instead.
with a built-in Saddle Weapon Mounting.
Thermovortex Gun: Manufactured in
Flame Weapons Ixaniad, these unusual flame weapons see
some use by the Bellagians and
Though the roaring, back blast-generating Tennanlowers, who appreciate their relative
pulse rocket flamers of Katyush are a highly lightness compared to conventional
unconventional design, they can be flamers. They employ a compressed air tank
operated by a character with the Weapon to fire a vortex of powdered thermite
Training (Flame) talent. towards their target, which is then ignited
by a low-power las-bolt, causing a pulse of
Gul-model Hand Projector: A small but violently superheated air that can knock a
potent hand flame weapon with a nasty target off their feet. Though less
kick, used as a last-ditch weapon by Field devastating and significantly less
Engineers and Advance Spotters. Guls are intimidating than a Flamer, they are much
deadly in close quarters, though their high easier to control.
fuel consumption and small internal tanks
are a frequent subject of complaint. Plasma Weapons

Zhuzh-model Boost Projector: A The following weapons require the

medium-weight pulse rocket weapon Weapon Training (Plasma) Talent to
pyromaniac operators for its incredibly
loud vibration on firing. Zhuzh are Nivablaster Plasma Coilgun: One of the
regarded with some suspicion by regular least dramatically unsuccessful designs
Katyushan troops, as their distinctive noise recovered by the infamously eccentric
is often a sign that enemy troops are techpriests of Forgeworld Niva Gustav, the
approaching a fortified trench line. Nivablaster is a distinctively long-barreled
and bulky weapon that does away with
many of the downsides of conventional

plasma guns- but not without compromise. heavier focussing coils, this heavy weapon is
The Nivablaster uses an explosively-driven effectively a massive plasma shotgun, very
piston to compress hydrogen gas into a popular amongst the soldiers of Maniple
superdense state, and recycles waste heat 931 for room-clearing.
from the explosion to power a series of
magnetic coils that accelerate the gas down Saxifrage Plasma Delivery System: The
the barrel, superheating it into plasma in answer to a question no one asked, namely
the process. The resultant weapon is
significantly less prone to injuring its users,
as the plasma only becomes dangerously uncertain origin, as its design matches none
hot as it is already leaving the weapon. from Niva or from the Ixaniad or Calixis
However, the sudden power surges through sectors. Some even believe the design might
have been pulled from the icy surface of
havoc with any kind of uninsulated
electronics. The wider Mechanicus was weapon, its electromagnetic catapult hurls a
quick to condemn the Nivablaster as a compact plasma canister towards its target,
dangerously uncontrollable weapon, but which discharges in midair, creating a
the Nivans still produce them in significant focused plasma bolt that can strike over vast
numbers, happy so long as they are never, distances. Unfortunately, the projectile
ever used in proximity to Nivan facilities or system is notoriously hard to aim, slow to
Skitarii. reload, and functionally useless unless it has
had time to charge in-flight. A Saxifrage
Nivablotter Plasma Splatgun: An offshoot reduces its Penetration to 0, rolls d5s for
of the development of the Nivablaster, the damage and changes its damage type to
Nivablotter is a pistol-sized plasma weapon Impact if fired at any target within Close
that, while compact, suffers at long ranges. range.
Its extremely short focusing coils project a
semi-coherent blob of plasma instead of a
proper bolt. While still hot enough to burn
and damage a wide area, the projectile
dissipates soon after leaving the barrel.

Nivablaster-H: The heavy/vehicle variant

of the standard Nivablaster has a
significantly longer barrel capable of
launching an extremely powerful bolt,
though it still suffers from the same
electrical discharge issues as the smaller

Nivablotter-H: Little more than a

Nivablaster-H with a wide barrel and

Table 7: Low-Tech Weapons
Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt. Rarity

Sling Basic SB x 20 S/-/- 1d5 I 1 1 Full Reliable 0.5kg Plentiful

Nivan Scrap Bow Basic 30m + S/-/- 1d10 + 1 0 1 Full Primitive (7), Crippling (1) 10kg Average
10xSB R

Longbow Basic 30m + S/-/- 1d10 + 1 0 1 Full Primitive (8), Reliable 2.5kg Scarce
20 x SB R

Horn Bow Basic 20m + S/-/- 1d10 R 1 1 Full Primitive (7), Reliable 1.5kg Scarce
10 x SB

Asymmetrical Bow Basic 45m S/-/- 1d10 R 0 1 Full Primitive (6), Reliable 3kg Very Rare

Compound Bow Basic 30m + S/-/- 1d10 + 1 1 1 Full Accurate 4kg Extremely
20 x SB R Rare

Low-Tech Weapons wood. While extremely hard to draw, they

are very accurate over surprising ranges. If
These weapons require the Weapon wielded by a character with less than 40
Training (Low-Tech) Talent to operate. Strength or who does not have the Bulging
Biceps Talent, a Longbow halves its
Sling: One of the simplest possible ranged Damage and its Range.
weapons, slings of some kind or another are
found on nearly every world in the Horn Bow: A short, heavily recurved bow
Imperium. Though primitive, the made of animal horn or composites, this
projectiles they throw are extremely fast s it effective for
and deal surprising damage even through use from horseback.
armour. A Sling adds its user's Strength When fired while riding a Mount, a Horn
Bonus to its Damage like a melee weapon. Bow gains Proven (2).
The listed stats are for a sling firing lead
bullets- for a sling firing rocks, reduce the Asymmetrical Bow: These strange, skinny
weapon's Penetration to 0. A Sling can be and lopsided bows are awkward to use on
loaded with grenades, but it reduces its
Range to the user's Strength Bonus x 10.
Ranting about Slings
Nivan Scrap Bow: A heavy recurved
You may have noticed that slings as a weapon
longbow made from tank suspension
already have basic stats in the Only War Core
elements and high-strength pneumatic
jacks, these massive weapons fire wickedly
better stats to reflect the fact that slings are
sharp serrated arrows with surprising force.
genuinely powerful weapons with some actual
armour-penetration capabilities. Use the rules
Bonus to its damage.
listed here instead of the ones in the Core
Longbow: These huge bows are usually
fight me.
carved from a single piece of stiff, flexible

the ground and require a great deal of uses a complicated clockwork mechanism
specialized training, but their unusual shape and a series of internal chambers to rapidly
and long arrows make them extremely discharge shots at short range. While fast-
accurate when fired from horseback. firing, the complexity of the system means
When fired while riding a Mount, an loading it is unfeasible. Superposed pistols
Asymmetrical Bow gains Accurate. Any cannot be reloaded in combat, as the
time an Asymmetrical Bow Jams, the user process takes several minutes at the least.
takes 1d5 Rending damage to the Head
location, as the bow string catches on their Horse Pistol
ear. Horse pistols are substantially larger and
heavier than ordinary flintlock pistols,
Compound Bow: The pinnacle of all- designed to provide mounted soldiers with
mechanical bow technology, the compound hand weapons that provide comparable kick
bow uses a lever and pully system to ensure to a full-size musket. As a result of their
an easy, even draw, making it substantially large powder charge and heavy barrel, they
more powerful and accurate than are surprisingly accurate, though hard to
conventional bow weapons. handle. A Horse Pistol loses Inaccurate if
fired two-handed.
Blackpowder Weapons
Howdah Pistol
From the ornate but unreliable muskets of A bizarre and ungainly weapon under
Dolcaterro to the strange firework-like normal circumstances, Howdah Pistols are
rocket bows of Katyush, these weapons commonly employed in tropical
require the Weapon Training environments, as an emergency sidearm to
(Blackpowder) Talent to operate. defend against animal attacks. Though they
hit hard and their multiple barrels allow a
Strelet Rocket Handbow: A light hand high rate of fire, they are heavy and
crossbow firing a pair of primitive rocket unwieldy. This weapon gains Concussive (0)
arrows. Unpredictable but dangerous. when fired in a Semi-Auto Burst. A
character who fires a Howdah Pistol one-
Flintlock Revolver: This slight step up handed must test Toughness or gain 1 level
from the flintlock pistol is much less stable of Fatigue.
than its stub counterpart. If a flintlock
revolver jams on an unmodified roll of 00, a Strelet Rocket Musket: Little more than a
number of targets within its range equal to lightweight metal tube packed with rocket
the number of rounds left in the cylinder arrows, these weapons are as ornate as they
take a normal attack from the weapon as its are impractical.
cylinders overheat and discharge.

Superposed Load Pistol: A curious black

powder pistol design only accessible to the
wealthy or the clever, the superposed pistol

Table 8: Blackpowder Weapons
Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt. Rarity

Strelet Rocket Pistol 50m S/2/- 1d10 + 3 I 0 2 Full Proven (2), Blast (1), Streltsy 5kg Rare

Flintlock Revolver Pistol 15m S/-/- 1d10 + 2 I 0 6 5 Full Primitive (8), Inaccurate, 3kg Rare

Superposed Pistol Pistol 15m S/4/- 1d10 + 2 I 0 4 - Primitive (8), Inaccurate, 3.5kg Extremely
Unreliable Rare

Horse Pistol Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10 + 3 I 0 1 3 Full Primitive (9), Inaccurate, 4kg Rare

Howdah Pistol Pistol 20m S/2/- 1d10 + 3 I 0 4 6 Full Primitive (8), Inaccurate, 8kg Rare

Strelet Rocket Basic 100m -/-/3 1d10 + 2 I 1 9 2 Proven (2), Inaccurate, Streltsy 10kg Rare
Musket Full

Flintlock Carbine Basic 20m S/-/- 1d10 + 3 I 0 1 4 Primitive (8), Inaccurate, 6kg Common
Full Unreliable

Flintlock Blunderbuss Basic 10m S/-/- 1d10 + 3 I 0 1 5 Full Inaccurate, Unreliable, Scatter 7kg Plentiful

Flintlock Rifle Basic 60m S/-/- 1d10 + 3 I 0 1 6 Full Accurate, Unreliable 7.5kg Rare

Wheellock Repeater Basic 30m S/4/- 1d10+3 I 0 16 - Primitive (8), Inaccurate 7kg Very Rare

Revolver Rifle Basic 30m S/2/- 1d10 + 3 I 0 6 5 Full Primitive (8), Inaccurate, 6.5kg Rare

Jezzail Basic 100m S/-/- 1d10 + 4 1 1 4 Primitive (9), Unreliable 8kg Rare
R Full

Seven-Barrel Gun Heavy 30m S/-/- 1d10 + 9 I 1 1 6 Full Blast (1), Inaccurate, Unreliable, 10kg Rare

Fourteen-Barrel Gun Heavy 35m S/2/- 1d10 + 8 I 0 2 6 Full Blast (1), Inaccurate, Unreliable, 12kg Very Rare

Dvina Rocket Bow Heavy 80m + S/-/- 2d10 E 4 1 Half Indirect (3), Blast (2), Streltsy 2.5kg Extremely
10xSB Rare

4-Bore (Slug) Heavy 50m S/-/- 1d10 + 8 I 2 1 5 Full Felling (2), Concussive (0), 12kg Very Rare

4-Bore (Shot) Heavy 20m S/-/- 1d10+8 I 1 1 5 Full Felling (2), Concussive (1), - -
Scatter, Unreliable, Inaccurate

Charger Gun Heavy 40m S/-/- 1d10 + 4 I 0 10 4 Primitive (9), Inaccurate, 25kg Very Rare
Full Unreliable, Crippling (2)

Chambers Gun Heavy 35m -/-/5 1d10 + 3 I 0 70 - Primitive (9), Inaccurate, 30kg Near
Unreliable, Storm Unique

Flintlock Carbine: A lighter variant of the unsafe, repeating musket. If a revolver rifle
flintlock musket, the carbine is often found jams on an unmodified roll of 00, a number
used by cavalrymen or artillery troops on of targets within its range equal to the
feudal worlds for whom a long weapon number of rounds left in the cylinder take a
would be too unwieldy. A flintlock carbine normal attack from the weapon as its
can be wielded one-handed at a -10 penalty. cylinders overheat and discharge.

Flintlock Blunderbuss: A more primitive Jezzail: These extremely long-barreled

version of the classic shotgun, the unrifled muskets make up in range what
blunderbuss' distinctive funnel-shaped they lack in reliability, and are frequently
barrel makes it easy to load in a large loaded with iron nails to give their shots
quantity of lead shot, nails, scrap metal or more punch.
miscellaneous junk instead of a single ball.
Seven-Barrel Gun: A mighty weapon for
Flintlock Rifle: The addition of a rifled only the strongest soldier, this heavy
barrel to a standard musket turns it into a musket fires seven barrels simultaneously in
substantially more accurate weapon which is a spread with devastating effect.
reasonably hard-hitting at medium to long
ranges. Unfortunately, making a standard Fourteen-Barrel Gun: Such excessive
musket ball fit a rifled barrel requires the weapons are almost never used in regular
addition of a leather patch to the weapon's armies, and tend to be specialty pieces
loading, slowing its already pitiful rate of custom-built for discerning clients.
fire. Though they fire smaller rounds than
seven-barrel guns, their capacity to be fired
Wheellock Repeater: These complex and twice, and the psychological effect of doing
intricate repeating rifles are more akin to a so, is undoubtable.
clock than to a gun, but their incredible
rate of fire and ornate construction make Dvina Rocket Bow: An ancient but
them popular with the wealthy. surprisingly effective weapon, firing a
Unfortunately, their fixed internal single heavy rocket-assisted arrow to
magazine and delicate components make devastating effect. If a Dvina should
them impractical as regular infantry misfire, the user and everyone within a 3m
weapons. Reloading a Wheellock Repeater cone behind him takes the weapon's
requires approximately 3 minutes of work damage as the aged rocket motor explodes.
with a screwdriver. If used as a melee
weapon or dropped, the wheellock's 4-Bore: These mighty hunting flintlocks
delicate action breaks and the gun cannot are built to take down the largest of big
be fired without repair. game- but anyone strong or crazy enough
to use them on the battlefield soon
Revolver Rifle: The principle of a flintlock discovers that they work just fine on targets
revolver applied to a rifle-scale weapon smaller than a grox or a rhinoceros. As an
makes for a reasonably-simple, if somewhat added bonus, the weapon's smooth barrel

can be loaded with either massive bullets or barrels are each packed full of 10 rounds of
fistfuls of heavy shotgun pellets. This superposed ammunition, each with its own
weapon can be fired unbraced at a -10 small ignition system- pulling the trigger
penalty if the user's Strength is 40 or fires off all 10 rounds in a barrel in quick
higher. succession, resulting in a veritable hail of
fire. A Chambers Gun cannot be reloaded
Charger Gun: These bizarre heavy in combat, and comes with a built-in tripod
weapons are adapted from heavy muskets by default.
used to defend fortifications. Fitted with a
rotating wheel of chambers that are screwed
into place before firing, they are a hard-
hitting and fast-firing defensive weapon,
albeit an ungainly one. Charger Guns are
often designed to fire squared-off or
angular bullets meant to lacerate and slow
down targets. Charger Guns have built-in
tripods by default.

Chambers Gun: These rare, custom-

manufactured weapons are a true
Blackpowder machine gun, of a sort. Seven

Table 9: Launchers
Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt. Rarity
Hand Mortar Basic 75m S/-/- Ammo- 1 2 Unreliable 5kg Scarce
dependent Full
Igla S-lRS Heavy 350m S/-/- Ammo- 1 Full 40kg Average
Downpour Heavy 15-100m S/-/- 2d10 X 0 1 Half Blast (3), Indirect (2), 4.5kg Scarce
Dymar Rocket Cart Heavy 300m S/3/- 1d10+8 X 3 6 2 Blast (3), Indirect (4), 60kg Average
Full Inaccurate
Trench Catapult Heavy 50m S/-/- Ammo- 1 Full Ammo-dependent, 24kg Scarce
dependent Indirect (8), Reliable

Launchers inactive round like a mortar shell, with

devastating if inaccurate results. An Igla
These heavy rocket or projectile launcher launcher firing inactive rounds reduces its
weapons require the Weapon Training range to 20-50m and gains the Indirect (5)
(Launcher) Talent to operate. and Unreliable special qualities, as well as
increasing the value of any Blast or
Hand Mortar: These compact but Concussive qualities it has by 1. Switching
dangerous weapons use a small black the weapon to and from this mode requires
powder charge to project hand grenades a Full Action. Comes with an integrated
over longer distances. A Hand Mortar can Telescopic Sight as standard, which can be
be used to fire any round that would fit into removed with a -10 Tech-Use or Trade
a regular Grenade Launcher. (Armorer) test.

Dymar Rocket Cart: Designed to be Downpour Discharger: An extremely

broken down into two wheeled components lightweight short-ranged mortar weapon
and moved by infantrymen, the Dymar is a carried by Tennanlowe Skyboarders, the
mobile rocket launcher that forms the Downpour is designed to provide a
backbone of any Katyushan field artillery modicum of indirect firepower in the
force. Though normally loaded with simple smallest possible package. Unfortunately,
solid-rocket high-explosive projectiles for because their ammunition is much smaller
saturation fire, the Dymar can also be than regular mortar rounds, they cannot
loaded with any standard Missile Launcher fire specialized smoke or flare rounds.
ammunition, though doing so gives it the
Unreliable quality. Dymars come attached Trench Catapult: Whether powered by
to a Gun Carriage as standard. springs, compressed air or rubber bands,
Trench Catapults are used to throw
Igla S-lRS: A long-ranged single-shot explosives over long ranges. This weapon
rocket launcher that uses compressed air to may be loaded with any hand grenade or
assist the firing of the round. Enterprising mortar round, and always counts as being
weapons crews have also found that the air fitted with a Tripod and a Suppressor.
system is sufficiently powerful to fire an

Melee Weapons weapon of war on many more organized
Feudal Worlds. Though a poor weapon for
These hand-to-hand weapons require an individual soldier, the serried ranks of a
different Weapon Training talents to use, line of pikes or halberds can be devastating
as specified in Table 10: Melee Weapons. to an approaching for when deployed en
masse. A character with a Polearm gains a +5
Ulu Knife: While somewhat ineffective as a on their rolls to hit for each other allied
combat knife, crescent-bladed Ulu are character with a Polearm within 2 meters, to
standard among Katyushan soldiers because a maximum of +15. This is a two-handed
of their comfortable grip, great utility and weapon.
overall sturdiness, especially for cutting ice
or as an improvised piton. Using an Ulu Chakram: A bizarre weapon used by some
conveys +10 to Survival tests in conditions ancient Trisdekan religious sects, this
of extreme cold. sharpened ring of steel can be held
(carefully) and used as a slashing knife, or
Nivan Shock Spear: Little more than a set thrown with a flick of the wrist with
of industrial capacitors mounted to a surprising power.
conductive blade on the end of a long
handle made from recycled plasteel, these Trench Dagger: Little more than a
weapons are simple but devastating to sharpened metal spike made of discarded
unarmoured foes. This is a two-handed plasteel or even adamantium, a trench
weapon. dagger is only a truly effective melee
weapon in the most brutal of fights. A
Polearm: From halberds to guisarmes to Trench Dagger imposes a -20 penalty on
bec-de-corbins to combat picks to Parry tests, as it is a purely offensive
longspears, polearms are the favored weapon.

Table 10: Melee Weapons

Name Class Type Range Dam Pen Special Wt. Rarity

Ulu Melee Low-Tech - 1d5 R 0 - 1kg Plentiful

Shock Spear Melee Shock 2m 1d10 + 5 I 0 Shocking, Unbalanced 8kg Scarce

Polearm Melee Low-Tech 3m 1d10 + 3 R 0 Unwieldy, Proven (3) 5kg Common

Chakram Melee/Thrown Low-Tech 5m 1d5 R 1 Unbalanced, Razor Sharp 0.5kg Rare

Trench Dagger Melee Low-Tech - 1d5 I 2 - 0.5kg Average

Bellagian Cosh Melee Low-Tech - 1d5-1 I 0 Concussive (x), Infiltrator 0.5kg Plentiful

Bellagian Cosh: withstand a high-speed impact with a
Surprisingly deadly. The value of its rapid-discharge plasma torch. This is a one-
Concussive quality is equal to its us handed weapon. As listed, a Nivabeater
Strength bonus. must be reloaded as if it were a ranged
weapon, in order to fuel the plasma bursts it
Exotic Weapons generates. A Nivabeater that is
Table 11: Burnt Offering Payloads unloaded has the Nivabeater
A Subsector of
strange worlds needs (Unloaded) profile.
d100 Roll: Quality:
must produce
1-5 Lance Burnt Offering Shotpistol:
strange weapons.
6-10 Proven (5) The most veteran of the
11-15 Snare Bellagian Low Rollers often
Ecarlator: The
16-20 Toxic (2) joke that they will give unto the
identity of the
21-25 Unreliable enemies of the Emperor
inventor of these
26-30 Reliable
terrifying las
31-35 Flame and the saying is literal. These
weapons is unknown,
36-40 Inaccurate compact shot-pistols are not
but they have a
41-45 Razor Sharp unusual for their design- a
worrying tendency
46-50 Melta conventional revolving cylinder
to turn up in
51-55 Shocking with a snub barrel- but for what
Edelweiss regiments
56-60 Crippling (5) they fire. Bellagian soldiers
despite the furious
61-65 Corrosive collect fragments of alien soil,
censure of the
66-70 Primitive (6) curious xeno weapons, and even
Adeptus Mechanicus.
71-75 Recharge bits of holy relics, pack them
Little more than a
76-80 Spray into anointed shell casings, and
81-85 Overheats fire them back at their enemies.
86-90 Hallucinogenic (3) Burnt Offerings are totally
lascannon with its
91-95 Indirect (2) illegal, totally unpredictable,
firing frequency
96-00 Infiltrator and totally deadly.
shifted high into the
ultraviolet, the
Ecarlator discharges a literally blinding When declaring that you want to fire a
beam of purple light that can melt through Burnt Offering, roll on Table 11: Burnt
the thickest of armour. A living target hit Offering Payload twice to determine the
by the beam of an Ecarlator must make a Weapon Qualities.
Hard (-20) Toughness Test or be Reroll identical results.
permanently Blinded as the intense UV
light burns away their corneas. Bellowing Maul: Ceremonial weapons used
since time immemorial on Tennanlowe, the
Nivabeater Plasma Fist: Only a Nivan Bellowing Mauls incorporate masterful
techpriest would think it a good idea to harmonic tuning into their design- as they
incorporate compact plasma weapons into a move through the air, their internal
reinforced gauntlet. Few targets can structure generates a deafening roar of

Table 12: Exotic Weapons
Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt. Rarity

Aglo-Bastono Melee 2m - 1d10 + 4 0 - - Unbalanced, Proven (3), Felling 5kg Unique

R (2)

Bellowing Maul Melee - - 2d10 I 1 - - Concussive (0), Razor Sharp 2kg Near

Nivabeater Melee - - 1d10 + 6 6 20 2 Tearing, Unbalanced, Crippling 4kg Near

E Full (2) Unique

Nivabeater Melee - - 1d10 + 3 0 - - Unbalanced 4kg Near

(Unloaded) E Unique

Burnt Offering Pistol 20m S/-/- 1d10 + 3 1 6 1 Full Sanctified, Scatter 1kg Extremely
R Rare

Ecarlator Heavy 300m S/-/- 5d10 + 10 10 3 2 Recharge, Overheats, Lance, 55kg Very Rare
E Full Proven (2)

noise that causes the weapon's striking face

to shake hard enough to knock a foe off
their feet. Most Skyboarder regiments own
at most a few Bellowing Mauls, and only
distribute them to their finest warriors.
When a Bellowing Maul hits, both its target
and all enemies within 2 meters of the
target must test Toughness to resist the
effects of its Concussive quality.

Aglo-bastono: The living symbols of the

Brumeran Army, the Aglo-bastonos are
unique weapons that have only grown more
unique with time. At their core simple staves
of solid wood topped with a heavy steel
eagle with sharpened wings, and ending
with a steel spike, they are decorated with
trophies and paraphernalia from dozens of
battlefields. Though awkward to wield as
weapons, they are the heart and soul of
their regiments, and to lose one in combat
means eternal dishonor. An Aglo-bastono
is a one-handed weapon that counts as a
Battle Standard, but also grants all allied
Brumeran characters within line of site a +2
to all melee damage rolls.

Armoury II- Ordnance clay shell. They can be used to temporarily
disable machinery in a small radius, or emit
-Anonymous Tennanlower Ogryn a nasty shock. On a roll of doubles on the
Ballistic Skill test used to activate it, a
Explosives and Rounds Microwave Pot simply fails to work due to
its crude construction.
The explosives of Trisdeka generally
conform to the patterns found in other Ironcase Rocket (Bladed): A metal tube
Imperial sectors, but the people of the packed full of gunpowder with a blade on
Synerge cluster have made a few the end is a formidable and terrifying
innovations. weapon. When it hits the ground, a Bladed
Ironcase Rocket moves 3d10 meters in a
Black Powder Grenade: These simple iron random direction, stopping if it hits a solid
spheres have a wick that can easily be lit by surface. Any character along this line must
touching it to a smouldering match and are pass a Difficult (-10) Dodge Test or take
packed full of gunpowder. Though their

clouds of cloying smoke they leave behind Ironcase Rocket (Burning): This primitive
can be useful. rocket is covered with minute holes,
allowing it to spray burning gunpowder
Black Promethium Canister: Used only in over its targets.
the direst emergencies, these heavy
incendiary grenades can do horrific damage Ironcase Rocket (Bursting): This primitive
do nearly any target, but their incredible rocket has a simple time-delay fuse,
volatility makes them just as dangerous to bursting in mid-air to shower its target with
their user. Black Promethium Canisters shrapnel.
cannot be fired from Grenade Launchers.
Ironcase Rocket (Solid): This heavy non-
Concussion Grenade: Sometimes referred explosive rocket hits its target with enough
to as offensive hand grenades, these use the force to cut an adult human in half and
same explosive charge as the standard Frag knock nearby foes off their feet.
Grenade to produce a smaller wave of
pressure upon explosion. The smaller blast Kopye Rockets: The Kopye series of
and reduced fragmentation makes them rockets are the local Katyushan variant on
safer to use in close quarters, though no less any one of several dozen different kinds of
deadly. unguided saturation rockets used all across
the Imperium. Simple and robust, they are
Microwave Pot: Cobbled together by the an effective if somewhat crude weapon.
tech-serfs of Niva Gustav for use against They come with a wide variety of warheads,
rampaging servitors, these simple devices which generally do not affect the function
incorporate a salvaged microwave emitter of rocket itself. Vizg Kopye, which
and a powerful capacitor inside a fragile incorporate a twin-stage design, increase

the range of the base launcher by 200
meters. Dark Glory Missile: A variation of the
Used With: Rocket Racks normal Golden Glory carrying a payload of
volatile Katyushan Black Promethium.
Vizg Rocket: Supplementing their rocket Officially, Dark Glories are only rarely
engines with a built-in pulse-jet engine, fielded to avoid the risk of massive
these bulky rounds hit with tremendous collateral damage, but most Katyushan
force at long ranges, and make a terrifying artillery regiments use them as frequently as
roaring noise as they fly. Any missile possible.
launcher firing Vizg rockets increases its Used With: Manticores
Range by 50m.
Used With: Missile Launchers

Table 13: Explosives and Rounds

Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Special Wt. Rarity
Black Powder Grenade Thrown SB x 3 S/-/- 1d10 + 4 X 0 Blast (3), Smoke (2) 0.5kg Plentiful
Black Promethium Thrown SB x 3 S/-/- 2d10 + 3 C 8 Blast (4), Flame, Corrosive, Toxic 1kg Rare
Canister (1), Black Promethium
Concussion Grenade Thrown SB x 3 S/-/- 1d10 + 6 X 2 Blast (3), Concussive (1) 0.5kg Average
Microwave Pot Thrown SB x 3 S/-/- 1d5 E 0 Haywire (2), Blast (2) 0.5kg Common
Bladed Ironcase Round - - 2d10 +6 R 4 Tearing, Crippling (1) 12kg Rare
Burning Ironcase Round - - 3d10 E 0 Blast (3), Smoke (3), Flame 11kg Rare
Bursting Ironcase Round - - 2d10 + 6 X 3 Blast (5), Smoke (5) 11kg Rare
Solid Ironcase Round - - 3d10 I 2 Blast (2), Concussive (3) 15kg Rare
Black Promethium Kopye Round - - 3d10 + 5 C 4 Blast (10 + 1d5), Flame, Corrosive, 55kg Extremely
Toxic, Black Promethium Rare
High-Ex Kopye Round - - 2d10 + 5 X 4 Blast (8), Indirect (2) 50kg Average
Incendiary Kopye Round - - 2d10 E 2 Blast (10), Flame 55kg Average
Vizg Kopye Round - - 2d10 + 8 I 10 Twin-Stage 60kg Very Rare
Vizg Rocket Round - - 3d10 + 5 X 10 Twin-Stage 3kg Very Rare
Dark Glory Missile Round - - 5d10 + 5 C 4 4 Blast (10), Flame, Corrosive, Toxic 4500kg Extremely
(1), Black Promethium Rare
Firestorm Missile Round - - 3d10 + 15 E 4 Blast (15 + 1d5), Concussive (2), 3500kg Scarce
Foehammer Missile Round - - 3d10 + 12 X 14 Blast (10 + 1d5), Concussive (2), 3000kg Rare
Golden Glory Missile Round - - 4d10 + 5 E 4 Blast (15+1d10), Flame 4000kg Rare
Pilum Missile Round - - 3d10 + 12 X 14 Proven (5), Accurate 3000kg Very Rare

Firestorm Missile: The anti-infantry Pilum Missile: The Pilum incorporates a
equivalent of the Praetor Foehammer, the fiendishly complicated servitor targeting
Firestorm is a thermobaric warhead, felling system optimized for bringing down aerial
infantry and light vehicles with thunderous targets. However, it is rare and expensive to
fuel-air explosions. As they are explicitly manufacture.
designed for area saturation use, they lack Used With: Praetor Multiple Missile
the complicated guidance package found in Launcher
other Praetor loadouts.
Used With: Praetor Multiple Missile

Foehammer Missile: The standard anti-

vehicle missile used by the Praetor multiple
missile system, Foehammers are an accurate
anti-armour solution incorporating a
shaped-charge warhead and a complicated
microservitor guidance system.
Used With: Praetor Multiple Missile

Golden Glory Missile: A standard

thermobaric missile design for the
Manticore missile tank, intended for
incendiary saturation fire.
Used With: Manticores

Rifle Grenades Gas weapons function similarly to
explosives, in that they have a Blast radius,
An intermediate step between throwing but they cannot be dodged-
grenades by hand and launching them with throw yourself out of the way out of an
a dedicated weapon, rifle grenades use the expanding cloud of clear, odourless gas,
explosion produced by a standard stub or after all. Instead, each has a Detection
autogun round to fire a heavy grenade over value- the bonus provided to an Awareness
fairly long distances. This allows a modicum test to know the gas is present, followed by
of portable heavy firepower to be a Hazard value- the bonus or malus
distributed amongst a squad, making rifle provided to a Toughness test to resist the
grenades popular with guerilla and PDF negative effects of the gas. Their
units that might not be able to afford Absorption reflects how they are processed
heavier weapons. by living beings- Inhaled, in which case gas
masks, respirators and other breathing
A Basic solid-projectile weapon fitted with devices provide their benefits, or Absorbed,
a Rifle Grenade Launcher (see Weapon in which case only an airtight suit provides
Upgrades below) can fire Rifle Grenades, protection. They also included a Rarity-
which function as standard Missile this is the number of steps to increase the
Launcher rounds with a Range equal to half rarity of the shell type (see below) they are
the base weapon and the Inaccurate and fitted to. Inorganic enemies obviously
Indirect (3) Qualities. Rifle grenades have suffer no ill effects from such weapons.
the same base Rarity as the missile type
they are derived from. Tear Agents: Stronger versions of the riot
gas used by the Arbites, tear agents cause
Gas Warheads blurred vision, irritation, and coughing, but
little to no permanent injury. They take the
The human race has been using gas form of thick clouds of white or greenish
weapons since the dawn of time, and the smoke.
Astra Militarum is no exception. Though Detection Value: +30
the variety of xenos enemies the Guard Hazard: +10
fights against and bizarre environments in Absorption: Inhaled
which they fight make gas less of a reliable Rarity: +0
tool for warfare, in the right situation a gas A failed Hazard test against Tear Agents
bombardment can shatter the morale of an causes the subject to take a -5 penalty to
enemy defensive line. There is a vast their Perception, WS and BS for the
profusion of different chemical gas duration of the time they are within the gas,
weapons, so this section will provide a plus 1d5 rounds after they have left the area
broad overview of the categories of gas of effect. Tear agents also provide Smoke
warheads one might find on an Imperial over their area of effect.
battlefront- and not just in Trisdeka.
Irritants: Though they vary in severity,
irritants generally cause painful burning in

the mucous membranes, skin and lungs. respirators or gas masks reduces the Stun
Only some are fatal, but all are almost duration and Toughness damage of a
universally unpleasant, though vesicant by 1, but otherwise provides no
characterized by a strong smell. benefits.
Detection Value: +10 Detection Value: +10
Hazard: +0 Hazard: -20
Absorption: Inhaled Absorption: Absorbed
Rarity: -10 Rarity: -10
A failed Hazard test against an irritant A failed Hazard Test against a vesicant
causes the subject to gain a number of levels causes the subject to be Stunned for 1d5
of Fatigue equal to their Degrees of Failure rounds. They also take 2d5 points of
on the test, as well as 1d5 points of Chemical Toughness Damage, which becomes
damage to the body, which is not reduced permanent if it is not treated within 24
by armour or toughness. hours. If they fail the test by more than 3
degrees, they also take 1d5 points of
Asphyxiants: These rarely-seen chemical Chemical damage to the Body, ignoring
weapons are hard to detect but only work Armour and Toughness.
well in enclosed spaces, making their
battlefield use infrequent. They cause Blood Agents: These extremely aggressive
chemical reactions in the lungs that prevent
the intake of oxygen, leading to a painful absorb oxygen, leading to death in seconds
death by asphyxiation. at high concentrations. However, they are
Detection Value: -20 chemically unstable and dissipate quickly. If
Hazard: +0 a character rolls doubles on their Hazard
Absorption: Inhaled Test against blood agents, their respiratory
Rarity: -20 gear is damaged and requires repair to
A failed Hazard test against an Asphyxiant continue filtering.
causes the subject to begin to suffocate. Detection Value: +10
They remain conscious for a number of Hazard: -20
rounds equal to their Toughness Bonus. Absorption: Inhaled
When unconscious, they survive for another Rarity: -20
number of rounds equal to their Toughness A character who fails a Hazard Test against
Bonus before dying of asphyxia. A Hard (- blood agents by less than 2 degrees is
20) Medicae Test and the administration of Stunned for 1+1d5 rounds and takes 2 levels
chemical antiagents will halt this progress of Fatigue. If they fail by 2 degrees of more
and restore the subject to consciousness. they take 3d10 Chemical damage to the
body, ignoring Armour and Toughness.
Vesicants: The most unpleasant of the gas Blood Agents persist for one-quarter of the
agents, vesicants cause immediate and time indicated by their gas shell type,
severe chemical burns to the skin and soft rounded down.
tissues. Though not likely to be fatal, they
do cause horrific scarring. Wearing

Nerve Agents: Subtle, aggressive and blast radius of 30 meters, and the gas they
indiscriminate, the use of nerve agents is deploy will persist for at least 5 minutes (60
unpopular in the Imperial Guard because rounds). Rarity: Very Rare
the negative effects such chemicals tend to Used By: Colossus, Medusa, Manticores,
have on friendly morale. Nerve agents etc.
disrupt the functioning of the nervous
system, causing rapid, painful seizures, The most common
paralysis and then heart failure. They also variety of gas shells, these leave a moderate
tend to be colourless and odourless, making concentration of gas over a reasonable area.
them all the more frightening. While nerve They are assumed to have a blast radius of
gas is not hugely difficult to manufacture 20 meters, and the gas they deploy will
persist for 2 minutes (24 rounds).
base, it is dangerous enough that its Rarity: Rare
distribution is limited to all but the most Used By: Earthshaker, Gotterdamerung,
trusted Militarum forces. Heavy Mortar, Kopye Rocket, etc.
Detection Value: -30
Hazard: -30 Small Gas Shell: These are true tactical gas
Absorption: Absorbed shells, useful more for harassing than
Rarity: -40 wiping out an entire enemy concentration.
A character who fails a Hazard test against They are assumed to have a blast radius of
nerve gas is Stunned for 1d5 rounds and 10 meters, and the gas they deploy will
takes 3d10 Chemical damage to the Body, persist for 30 seconds (6 rounds).
ignoring Armour and Toughness. They Rarity: Scarce
receive a further 1d5 non-reducible Used By: Mortar, Grenade Launcher,
Chemical damage every subsequent round Rocket Launcher, etc.
they are exposed to the gas. If
they p ass the initial Hazard
test, they still take 1d5-1 levels
of Fatigue, to a minimum of 0.

Shell Types: There are also

different types of gas shell, but

sorted into 3 categories: Big,

shells have the same Range

value as their base weapon
would normally.
Big Gas Shell: Designed to
carry large quantities of gas in
high concentration, these
weapons are assumed to have a

Standard Ammunition type includes a cannonball, as well as cloth
wadding and bag upon bag of gunpowder.
Listed below is common standard Used With: 4-Pounder Field Gun
ammunition for the specialty weapons of Rarity: Rare
the Synerge Cluster. As certain types of
weapon are significantly more common in Combilauncher Recoilless Round:
Trisdeka than elsewhere, their availabilities Imperial missile technology has progressed
vary. As with all ammunition, a full Clip of to the point that recoilless projectile
rounds is equal to 10% of the weight of the weapons are no longer particularly popular,
full weapon, with the exception of except where cost or ease of manufacture
Cannonballs because they explicitly weigh are a concern.
4 pounds, or roughly 1.8kg. Used With: Nivan Combilauncher
Rarity: Very Rare
Black Powder Rocket: The general name
for any one of dozens of different types of
handcrafted Compacted Thermite:
gunpowder- Table 14: Standard Ammunition The standard
based rocket Type Rarity ammunition for
projectiles used Black Powder Rocket Average Thermovortex
on ancient (Large) weapons, and an
Streltsy Black Powder Rocket Scarce extremely dangerous
weapons. As (Small) industrial substance in
archery with Cannonball Rare its own right, this is a
Dvina rocket Combilauncher Very Rare mixture of iron oxide
bows is a not Recoilless Round with a variety of other
unpopular sport Compacted Thermite Very Rare metals, forming a
on Katyush, Compressed Hydrogen Rare reddish powder that
larger black Downpour Round Scarce burns with unbelievable
powder rockets Grapeshot Rare heat.
tend to be much K-Grade Fuel Common Used With:
more common. Lead Shot Plentiful Thermovortex Gun
Used With: M30 Microjet Abundant Rarity: Very Rare
Rocket Musket, M40 Microjet Scarce
Rocket Rocket Artillery Average Compressed
Handbow Saxifrage Canister Near Unique Hydrogen: One of the
(Small), Dvina great advantages of
Rocket Bow (Large), Ironcase Launcher Nivan plasma weapons is that they do away
Rarity: Scarce (Small), Average (Large) with bulky, explosive plasma flasks- while
canisters of highly compressed hydrogen
Cannonball: There is a certain brute are unstable and explosive, they are
simplicity towards hurling a large metal nowhere nearly as bad, and not used
sphere at your enemy. This ammunition exclusively for weapons systems.

Used With: Nivan Plasma Weapons heavy and somewhat awkward to handle,
Rarity: Rare
power are the main reasons for its long
Downpour Round: These compact high- lifespan in military service.
explosive mortar rounds pack little in the Used With: Krug Gyrojet Pistol, Krug M37,
way of firepower, but are stable, handy, and Strela Gyrojet Rifle, Autostrela, Heavy
easy to carry. Autostrela
Used With: Downpour Discharger Rarity: Abundant
Rarity: Scarce
M40 Microjet Round: A new experiment in
Grapeshot: Little more than a very large small-calibre weaponry, this caseless 5 x
bag of lead shot packed into the barrel of a 39mm rocket round uses a solid tellurium
cannon, a whiff of grapeshot has a slug and a much shorter motor that
remarkable effect on the morale, health and exhausts itself far quicker than the M30.
enthusiasm of any charging enemy. Though much less effective at long range,
Used With: 4-Pounder Field Gun
Rarity: Rare compressed-air systems of the Reyder
Autostrela, make it a lethal midrange load.
K-Grade Fuel: As a major local Used With:
Promethium exporter, Katyush is more Rarity: Scarce
than willing to supply high-quality
petrochemical products to its neighbours in Rocket Artillery: Heavy unguided rockets
exchange for lucrative trade kickbacks. As a for vehicular and emplacement use are
result, flamer fuel is considerably easier to nowhere more common or more varied than
come by in Trisdeka. they are in Katyushan regiments. Though
Used With: Projector weapons, Flame they come in a variety of sizes and
weapons configurations, each is designed specifically
Rarity: Common for the weapon that fires them.
Used With: Dymar Rocket Cart
Lead Shot: These small balls of lead can be Rarity: Average
loaded into every variety of smoothbore
musket or flintlock weapon. Saxifrage Plasma Canisters: Manufactured
Used With: Black Powder weapons in limited numbers by craft manufactories
Rarity: Plentiful throughout Trisdeka, these small-scale
plasma cells are miracles of engineering.
M30 Gyrojet Round: The standard calibre Used With: Saxifrage PDS
for almost all mainline Katyushan rocket Rarity: Near Unique
weapons, the caseless 10x 63mm
incorporates a brass-coated lead slug with a
long solid-fuelled rocket motor and three
small exhaust ports on the aft of the round,
surrounding the central primer. Though

Exotic Table 15: Exotic Ammunition Arrows gains Primitve (4) and
Ammunition Type Rarity gains Concussive (X), where X
Blitz Pack Rare
As a subsector of Blunt Arrow Common bonus, rounded down.
strange worlds and Bodkin Arrow Scarce Used With: Bows
strange weapons, it Rarity: Common
Buck and Ball Common
is no surprise that Duplex Rounds Rare
the people of the Bodkin Arrow: These angular,
Dust Cell Very Rare
Synerge Cluster bullet-shaped arrowheads
Filament Cell Very Rare
have also allow a conventional arrow a
Fire Arrow Plentiful
developed equally Grad Round Scarce surprising degree of armour
strange specialty Kulak Round Rare penetration, if fired by a
ammunition. Lo-Charge Pack Rare strong bowman. A bow weapon
Mars-Pattern Extremely firing Bodkin Arrows loses
Blitz Pack: A Charge Pack Rare Primitive if it had it and
manifestation of increases its Penetration by an
Nessler Ball Scarce
the curious Nivablinder Glass Extremely
Edelweiss Strength bonus, rounded up.
Fibre Warhead Rare
obsession with las Used With: Bows
Otdacha Tank Rare
weaponry, the Rarity: Scarce
QG Cell Near Unique
Blitz pack simply Scrapmaker Pack Rare
involves jamming a Subsonic Stub Average Buck and Ball: Not strictly
small piece of Round speaking a different type of
conductive wire Whistling Arrow Rare ammunition, but rather an
into the contacts of unusual way of loading it,
a standard lasgun Buck and Ball entails loading
powerpack at just the right angle, causing a several small rounds of lead buckshot in
minor short which makes the weapon fire an addition to the regular ball in a musket.
eye-searing pulse of UV light. An enemy The end result is slightly more complicated
who takes damage from a las weapon fitted to load, but greatly increases the hitting
with a Blitz Pack must test Toughness or be power of the weapon at short ranges
Blinded for 1d5 rounds, in addition to its without sacrificing much long-range
regular effects. Blitz packs can be firepower. A weapon equipped with Buck
recharged as normal lasgun power cells. and Ball ammunition gains the positive
Used With: Las weapons effects of the Scatter Quality, but none of
Rarity: Rare the negatives, and increases its reload time
by one Full Action. Buck and Ball can be
Blunt Arrow: Flat-headed arrows are often loaded in addition to other types of
used for training new archers or hunting specialty ammunition.
small game, where their reduced Used With: non-Streltsy Black Powder
penetration and increased stopping power weapons.
come in handy. A bow weapon firing Blunt Rarity: Common

Duplex Rounds: A bizarre bullet design Fire Arrow: Wrapping an ordinary arrow in
adopted by some Imperial PDF forces, the flammable material and setting it alight
duplex round is designed to maximize the provides a simple if somewhat dangerous
likelihood that a poorly-trained rifleman incendiary weapon. A bow weapon loaded
will hit a target, especially a moving target with Fire Arrows gains Flame and
in thick woods or jungle. It uses boosted Overheats. A Fire Arrow must be lit before
propellants to launch two interlocking it can be launched. This requires an
bullets which separate in flight, in theory accessible source of flame or intense heat,
doubling the chances of a hit. However, the and takes a Reaction. Good-Craftsmanship
lighter projectiles, and their odd shape, Fire Arrows incorporate some kind of
makes them ineffective over long ranges. A igniting device, and do not need to be lit
non-Shotgun solid projectile weapon before they are launched.
loaded with Duplex Rounds gains +2 Used With: Bows
damage and a +10 bonus to hit targets, but Rarity: Plentiful
decreases its Range by half and increases its
Weight by 25%. Grad Round: Designed for saturation fire,
Used With: non-Shotgun Solid Projectile these small rounds are in actual fact a
Weapons bundle of long, needle-shaped flechettes
Rarity: Rare clustered around a central core. A weapon
firing Grad rounds gains the Indirect (3)
Dust Cell: Firing a plasma load imbued quality and the Blast (2) quality.
with a highly-charged suspension of dust Used With: Gyrojet Weapons
particles enables its bolt to carry a massive Rarity: Scarce
electrical charge. However, the plasma
charge itself is somewhat less coherent, and Kulak Rounds: These high-powered
more plasma needs to be discharged with rocket rounds are designed for sniping use
each shot. A plasma weapon loaded with a against large targets at long range. Though
Dust Cell reduces its Clip by 25%, rounding their incredible ballistic characteristics
down, and gains Shocking. make them hit hard at all ranges, their
Used With: Plasma Weapons expanded motor means they can only be
Rarity: Very Rare loaded one at a time. A Katyushan gyrojet
weapon firing Kulak Rounds gains the
Filament Cell: Loaded with a high-density Twin-stage and Tearing qualities, but
plasma which collapses into string-like decreases its Clip size to 1.
filaments upon firing, this form of plasma Used With: Gyrojet Weapons
cell allows for extremely accurate fire, Rarity: Rare

focusing coils substantially decreases range. Lo-charge Pack: A Nivan invention that
A plasma weapon loaded with a Filament occasionally sees use among the Edelweiss
Cell gains Accurate but halves its Range. and the more covertly-minded Bellagians,
Used With: Plasma Weapons this unusual power pack forces a lasgun's
Rarity: Very Rare internal power systems to run at much

lower frequencies than normal, producing a Custom Ammunition
las-blast that is not visible and transfers less
heat to the surrounding atmosphere. A Many Imperial Guard and PDF regiments
lasgun with a Lo-charge Pack does 1 extra which use solid-projectile weapons instruct
damage and gains the Infiltrator and their technically-minded soldiers in the
Recharge Qualities. Lo-charge Packs can ancient Mechanicus art of gunsmithing, that
be recharged as normal lasgun power cells. they might better maintain their weaponry in
Used With: Las Weapons an approved fashion. Some also teach the
Rarity: Rare incredibly valuable art of hand-loading
ammunition, allowing soldiers to create
Mars-Pattern Charge Pack: Few regiments specialized rounds to account for any
even of the Tempestus Stormtroopers have battlefield situation.
access to the famed MPCPs, but their
reputation has spread far and wide. These Creating such custom rounds requires the
are perfectly-optimized hand-crafted creator to specify two different types of solid-
charge packs, providing a mathematically projectile round or shotgun shell they wish to
ideal amount of current to the workings of combine. They must then make a Challenging
a lasgun. Any hit with one of these is gonna (+0) Trade (Armorer) test with a penalty equal
really sting. A las weapon loaded with an to the highest rarity of the two ammunition
MPCP gains Proven (5), Felling (2), and types. Other characters may assist in this Test.
Crippling (2). Mars-Pattern Charge Packs
can be recharged as normal lasgun power If the test succeeds, the character is able to
cells. create 3 rounds of custom ammunition, plus
Used With: Las Weapons another 3 for each Degree of Success.
Rarity: Extremely Rare
Custom rounds have all the same bonuses,
Nessler Ball: A form of conical ammunition penalties and Qualities as the two base ammo
designed specifically for smoothbore types which make them up. In cases where two
muskets, Nessler Ball is shaped to hug the ammo types would provide the same Quality,
the end result has a Quality value equal to the
much faster and more stable in ballistic highest of the two originals.
flight than hand-molded rifle shot. A
weapon equipped with Nessler Ball loses incorporates a massive payload of ultra-
the Primitive quality and increases its range sharp glass fibres. These fibres worm their
by 50 meters. way into soft tissue and clothing, initially
Used With: non-Streltsy Black Powder causing excruciating itching which escalates
Weapons into horrific skin infections, permanent
Rarity: Scarce blindness, severe internal bleeding, and
eventually even madness from the sheer
Nivablinder Glass Fibre Warhead: intensity of the agony. Nivablinder shells
most horrifying see infrequent use along the Spinward
invention, the Nivablinder shell

Front as an excellent terror and area-denial duration of their injury. Poor-Quality
weapon. Augmetics simply cease to function.

Nivablinder shells airburst, scattering an Head: Every day, the character must make a
area with a radius of 20+2d10 meters with Hard (-20) Toughness Test or reduce their
glass fibre. The fibres coat all surfaces in Perception and Fellowship by 1d5-1 as their
the area. It is impossible to avoid being face is covered in pustules. If a character
coated with glass fibre in an area directly fails this test by more than five degrees,
struck by the warhead's blast radius by they are permanently Blinded as the glass
Dodging or through Cover, though active fibres destroy their corneas.
Force Fields will repel the fibres in the area
in which they are active. Glass fibre Body: Every day, the character must make a
weaponry has no effect on mechanical Hard (-20) Toughness Test or risk
enemies, though it can coat them and make inhalation of glass fibre. Characters wearing
them dangerous to the touch. It takes a rebreathers, external air supplies or bearing
Difficult (-10) Awareness Test to notice augmetic lungs decrease the difficulty of
glass fibre coating an area, and a Hard (-20) this Test to Routine (+20). A character who
Agility Test to move through an area has inhaled glass fibre permanently reduces
coated with glass fibres without suffering their Toughness by 1d5.
injury from them. For each day that a Legs: Every day, the character must make a
character is afflicted by fibres, they must Hard (-20) Toughness Test or reduce their
make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or Agility by 1d5-1 as the skin of their feet is
take 1d5-2 points of Sanity loss as they are repeatedly lacerated. If a character fails this
constantly irritated by the itching. test by more than three degrees they treat
Removing fibres stuck in a single hit all terrain as Difficult until such time as the
location requires an Extended Very Hard (- fibres are removed.
30) Medicae Test totalling at least 3 degrees Used With: Earthshaker, Manticore,
of success, and at least 10 minutes of work. Medusa
Failure does not cause any further damage Rarity: Extremely Rare
to the sufferer. Nivablinder shells can be
fired from Earthshaker artillery or Otdacha Tank: An alternate fuel mixture
Manticore rockets, and in both cases are for flame Projector weapons, Otdacha
treated as having the same range increases the explosive force of fuel
characteristics as a standard round. combustion in the weapon to the point
where it can lift a person off the ground for
Arm: Every day, the character must make a a few seconds, though the dynamics of the
Hard (-20) Toughness Test or reduce their shock cone created make it unsuitable for
Ballistic and Weapon Skills by 1d5-1 as use in combat. Weapons equipped with
weeping sores open up on their hands. Any Otdacha fuel reduce their Penetration to 0
limb-based Augmetics they are equipped and halve their Range. Using a Free Action,
with function as if they were one degree of a character can expend a full tank of
Craftmanship lower than normal for the Otdacha fuel to give themselves a +20 to all

Agility checks to jump for the rest of the Rarity: Rare
turn, as well as increasing their Agility
Bonus for the purpose of determining Subsonic Stub Round: These heavy rounds
movement speed by 1. incorporate a greatly undersized explosive
Used With: Flamers charge that causes the round to remain
Rarity: Rare below the speed of sound upon firing.
Infiltrator weapons treat these rounds as
QG Cell: Quark-gluon plasma is a normal ammunition, while non-Infiltrator
hyperdense substance which can only be weapons loading them decrease their Range
produced in large-scale particle by half and cause enemies to take -10 to any
accelerators. It can be fed into standard Awareness tests to locate the firing weapon.
plasma weaponry, generating a single tiny Used With: Solid-Projectile Weapons
bolt which packs a gigantic punch. That Rarity: Average
said, the sheer weight of the containment
cell and ammunition significantly limits its Whistling Arrow: The addition of small
use. A plasma weapon loaded with a QG cell fringes or holes to a standard arrowhead
gains Concussive (6), Felling (4), and makes it screech and whistle as it travels
reduces its Clip to 1. through the air. Though this does not
Used With: Plasma Weapons substantially change the characteristics of
Rarity: Near Unique the arrow, it can be a valuable tool for
intimidating an enemy.
Scrapmaker Pack: Built in covert factories Any character who is the target of a ranged
on Niva Gustav, these bulky, unstable attack with a Whistling Arrow, even if it
misses, must pass a Pinning Test or be
nightmare, because they convert a lasgun Pinned for one Round.
into a primitive electrolaser, causing it to Used With: Bows, Crossbows
intensely ionize the air along its beam, Rarity: Rare
scrambling unshielded electronics. A las
weapon fitted with a Scrapmaker pack
reduces its damage dice to d5s but gains the
Haywire (2) quality. Scrapmaker packs
cannot be recharged.
Used With: Las Weapons

Armoury III- Wargear fire for longer. Once per combat, the
Arm a legion as heavily as you want, but operator of a Flamer with this upgrade can
without boots and trousers and fancy laser optics use their Reaction to fire the weapon a
they will conquer nothing. second time in their turn. This second
-Tactica Imperialis attack rolls d5s instead of d10s for damage
and cannot inflict Righteous Fury. A
Weapon Upgrades Flamer may only have one Tank upgrade at
Wherever a person is trying to kill another a time.
person, one is guaranteed to find a third Weight: +2kg
person trying to sell the first person bells Upgrades: Any Flamer weapon
and whistles for their implement of death of Rarity: Very Rare
choice. Trisdeka is no exception.
Dispersal Nozzle: These multi-tube flamer
Aegisal: Fitting a tube-shaped arrow guide nozzles allows the weapon to let out truly
to a bow allows it to launch shorter, heavier vast amounts of fuel, saturating its target
arrows which are area. The operator
substantially more of a Flamer weapon
Table 16: Weapon Upgrades
aerodynamically equipped with this
Type Rarity
effective. When upgrade may choose
Aegisal Rare
upgraded with an to fire a single
Cycler Tanks Very Rare
Aegisal, a bow attack consuming 4
Dispersal Nozzle Rare
reduces its base units of ammo from
Dust Cover Average
damage to 1d5+2, Ejector System Scarce
gains a +5 bonus to Extra Barrel Average
hit, increases its Clip, if it carries less
High-Frequency Rare
Penetration by 1, than 4 units of
and loses Primitive. ammo). This attack
Howler Tanks Average
Weight: +1kg forces all targets in
Mellow-Pattern Piton Rare
Upgrades: Single- range to roll Agility
shot Bows at a -20 penalty to
Nivan Coil Impeller Extremely Rare
Rarity: Rare avoid it, and ignores
Optimized Nozzle Extremely Rare
any cover in the
Pistol Stock Common
Cycler Tanks: area. A Flamer may
Rate Limiter Average
These high- only have one
Rifle Grenade Common
efficiency fuel tanks Nozzle upgrade at
draw off unburnt once.
Saddle Weapon Mount Average
promethium from Weight: +1kg
Sprave-Pattern Very Rare
the pumps of a Upgrades: Any
standard Flamer, Flamer weapon
Sprave-Pattern Bow Very Rare
giving the weapon Rarity: Rare
the ability to Stutter Nozzle Average
occasionally sustain Vapour Tanks Scarce
Dust Cover: A simple layer of retractable or striking head of a melee weapon to
metal plates over the action of a weapon vibrate at hypersonic frequencies, creating a
make it substantially more reliable in 'sawing' effect that considerably increases
conditions of mud, dust or sand in its its armour-piercing capabilities. A weapon
action. Any weapon upgraded with a Dust equipped with an HF Generator increases
Cover gains Reliable, or loses Unreliable if its Penetration by 2 and its Damage by 1,
it already had it. and loses the Primitive quality if it had it. A
Weight: +0.5kg, +1kg for Heavy weapons weapon can be upgraded with both the
Upgrades: Any Solid-Projectile, Bolt, Black Mono and the HF Generator upgrades,
Powder or Las weapon though Power Weapons cannot- the
Rarity: Average vibration of the blade interferes with the
stability of the Power Field.
Ejector System: A quality-of-life Weight: +1 kg
improvement for common revolvers, this Upgrades: Any low-tech melee weapon
mechanical modification ejects spent Rarity: Rare
casings from a revolver mechanism,
meaning that the firer no longer needs to Howler Tanks: Fitting a series of
extract the spent casings themselves. A carefully-crafted whistles to the gas
revolver weapon with this upgrade
decreases its Reload by one Half Action. weapon issue an unearthly howling noise
Weight: +0.25kg when it fires, the better to terrify the
Upgrades: Revolver-type Solid Projectile or enemies of Mankind. On any turn in which
Bolt Weapons a Flamer with this upgrade is fired, the
Rarity: Scarce wielder gains a +10 to Intimidate Tests. A
Flamer may only have one Tank upgrade at
Extra Barrel: One of the simplest ways to a time.
increase the firepower of a Black Powder Weight: +0.5kg
weapon to add a second barrel and firing Upgrades: Any Flamer weapon
mechanism, and the intimidation value of a Rarity: Average
double-barreled weapon cannot be
understated. A Black Powder weapon with Mellow-Pattern Piton Driver: An
this upgrade increases its Clip Size by 1 and explosively-driven device intended for use
fire rate to S/2/-, and adds one Half Action in installing fixed structures on
to its Reload speed. mountainsides, the Piton Driver consists of
Weight: +2kg a heavy adamantine spike driven violently
Upgrades: Single-shot Black Powder forward by a small explosive. Its devastating
weapons ability to crack solid targets did not go
Rarity: Average unnoticed by the Edelweiss, who very
quickly figured out a way to mount it on
High-Frequency Generator: A their infantry weapons. A weapon with an
complicated step up from mono-edged equipped Piton Driver gains the Inaccurate
weapons, an HF Generator causes the blade quality, cannot be fired one-handed, and

counts as a Hunting Lance with the +10 bonus to hit when held with both
Unwieldy quality in melee combat. When hands, but a -10 penalty on tests to conceal
the lance head is depleted, it instead counts it.
as a Spear with the Unwieldy quality. Weight: +1.5kg
Upgrades: Any Basic or Heavy weapon Upgrades: Any Pistol weapon
Weight: +8kg Rarity: Common
Rarity: Rare
Rate Limiter: It might seem counter-
Nivan Coil Impeller: A variant of the intuitive to reduce the rate of fire of an
Maglev Impeller system, this Nivan automatic weapon, but in situations where
invention uses magnetic coils to slightly accuracy or low ammo consumption are
accelerate a bullet out of the barrel of a paramount, such devices can be quite useful.
firearm. The actual acceleration process is A weapon with a Rate Limiter installed
quite inefficient, however, and the main halves its Automatic Fire Rate, rounding
advantage of this system is that the down, but gains a +10 to-hit on Full-Auto
projectile is actually encased in a field of Bursts and the Reliable quality.
highly-charged electrostatic dust. A Weight: +0.5kg
weapon with this Upgrade increases its Upgrades: Any ranged weapon with a full-
Range by 15m and gains the Shocking auto fire rate greater than 4.
quality at Close range. Rarity: Average
Weight: +1.5kg
Upgrades: Solid-projectile weapons Rifle Grenade Launcher: A simple
Rarity: Extremely Rare upgrade kit with barrel modifications and a
new set of sights, this upgrade allows a
Optimized Nozzle: Most Imperial flamers weapon to launch Rifle Grenades (See
are built with generic projector nozzles, Armoury II, Rifle Grenades section).
designed as a cost-effective component of a It takes a Half Action to convert a weapon
simple machine. A little careful tuning, fitted with this upgrade to Grenade mode,
however, yields a flamer spray that travels and a Half Action to load a single grenade.
further and hits harder with no significant Weight: +1kg
downsides. A Flamer equipped with an Upgrades: Any Basic solid projectile
Optimized Nozzle increases its range by 5m weapon.
and its Damage by +1. A Flamer may only Rarity: Common
have one Nozzle upgrade at once.
Weight: +0.5kg Saddle Weapon Mount: Many Edelweiss
Upgrades: Flamer weapons heavy and superheavy cavalry weapons
Rarity: Extremely Rare choose not to carry their heavy infantry
weapons, instead mounting them on the
Pistol Stock: A halfway step to a full tack of their Querls with specially stabilized
carbine, the inclusion of a folding stock can swivels. A weapon with this upgrade can be
make a pistol weapon much easier to handle
over all ranges. A pistol with a stock gains a harness with a Routine (+20) Tech-Use or

Trade (Armourer) Test. A weapon attached Stutter Nozzle: Fitting an electromagnetic
in such a way always counts as being Braced, valve system into the fuel feed of a standard
with a 180-degree field of fire facing flamer weapon allows it to project what are
forward over or essentially coherent chunks of jellied
weapon attached in this way misses an Promethium instead of a continuous stream.
attack, roll 1d10: on a roll of 9 or 10 it hits
the animal it is attached to in the Head with this upgrade fitted may be fired
instead. without the Spray quality. It instead gains
Weight: +0.5 kg Indirect (3). A Flamer may only have one
Upgrades: Heavy weapons Nozzle upgrade at once.
Rarity: Average Weight: +0.5kg
Upgrades: Flamer weapons
Sprave-Pattern Autobow: This bizarre Rarity: Average
upgrade to the traditional crossbow allows
it to fire automatically, thanks to the Vapour Tanks: Flamethrower operators are
addition of a compact motor and lever almost always a target on the field, and they
system. seek constantly for ways to stay under
A Crossbow weapon upgraded with this cover. By diverting waste gasses from its
system gains an Automatic fire rate of 4. pump around the outside of its main tanks,
Weight: +2kg a Flamer can be made to generate small but
Upgrades: Any Crossbow weapon fitted dense clouds of smoke upon firing. Once
with a Bow Magazine per combat, the operator of a Flamer
Rarity: Very Rare weapon with this upgrade may spend their
Reaction to generate a cloud of smoke with
Sprave-Pattern Bow Magazine: This term a radius of 3m on their position. This smoke
covers a wide variety of clever mechanical lasts until the end of their next turn. A
devices recovered by a certain Magos Flamer weapon may only have one Tank
Sprave which allow bows and crossbows a upgrade at once.
multi-shot capacity. A bow weapon fitted Weight: +1kg
with a Bow Magazine increases its Reload Upgrades: Flamer weapons
Time to 2 Full Actions, but gains a Clip of Rarity: Scarce
5. The Magazine may be enlarged to up to

each additional round after the first that is

added imposes a cumulative -2 penalty on
Ballistic Skill Tests with the weapon, and
increases its Weight by 0.5kg.
Weight: +1kg
Upgrades: Hand Bows, Crossbows, Bow
Rarity: Very Rare

Weapon Customizations Illuminated Sight: Incorporating small
Oftentimes, unusual or highly-specialized lights, glowing chemicals or fluorescent
features normally used for civilian weapons
will find their way onto the arms of makes them easier to see in bad lighting.
Guardsmen, with or without the tacit The user of a weapon with this
approval of regimental Techpriests. A customization reduces penalties to hit due
weapon which has been customized may to poor visibility by 5.
only bear one Sight customization at a time, Applies to: Any non-Spray weapon.
and this effect is lost while it mounts a
Weapon Upgrade that is also a Sight. Ghost Ring Sight: A refined and somewhat
easier to use version of the peep sight, this
Peep Sight: The extremely narrow rear
aperture on this sight naturally causes the the eye to the target without causing severe
eye to focus on the target, though it blocks tunnel vision. Once per combat, the wielder
of a weapon with this Customization may
makes it difficult to acquire a target take a Full Action Aim as a Half Action
quickly. A weapon customized with this instead.
Sight gains a +5 to Ballistic Skill Tests to hit Applies to: Any non-Spray weapon.
which have been Aimed, and a -5 to hit
without. Buckhorn Sight: These delicate, horn-
Applies to: Any non-Spray weapon. shaped sights an archaic design halfway
between a standard open right and a Ghost
Express Sight: Designed for hunting big Ring- some argue they give reasonable
game, these wide v-shaped rear sights make accuracy at long ranges while also allowing
it easy to quickly get a bead on a charging the wielder to switch to closer targets
animal- or soldier, for that matter. On the quickly. A character wielding a weapon with
first round of each combat, the wielder of a this Customization treats the weapon's
weapon with this customization may take a Close Range as being 5m longer than
Half Action Aim as a Reaction instead. written, and its Point-Blank range as being
Applies to: Any Non-Spray weapon. 1m longer than written.
Applies to: Any non-Spray weapon.
Volley Sight: Mounted in parallel with the
Globe Sights: More popular for
competition shooting, this system combines
arcs over cover. This weapon gains Indirect tiny peep sight with a massive concentric
(X), where X is 8-the user's Ballistic Skill front sight to maximize accuracy on
Bonus. immobile targets. A character wielding a
Applies to: Any Solid Projectile, Launcher or weapon with this Customization reduces
Plasma weapon that does not already have the penalty for Long or Extreme ranges by
Indirect (X). 10 when firing at a target that has not yet
moved this round.
Applies to: Any non-Spray weapon.

Armour Nivablator Armour Vest: Composed of a
Generally speaking, Trisdekans are not series of flexible, interwoven polymer
known as armour-makers- being anywhere fibres, Nivablator armour promises
near the Lathe Worlds is a great way to be defensive potential on par with
heavily outclassed in the realm of personal contemporary Flak armour, but at a
protective equipment. fraction of the weight and manufacturing
cost. Unfortunately,
Hexagramatic Table 17: Armour and Barding Nivablator fibres literally
Robes: A lighter, Type Rarity fall apart with sustained
somewhat simpler Hexagramatic Robes Very Rare high-energy impacts.
form of the Nivablator Armour Average Millions of Nivablator
incredibly ornate Vest suits and vests have made
hexagramatically- Padded Uniform Common their way on to the black
warded armour Powdered Wig Plentiful market, a boon to anyone
worn by agents of Reinforced Shako Common looking for cheap,
the Ordos Leather Barding Common comfortable but not
Malleus and Chainmail Barding Common necessarily high-quality
Hereticus, these Plate Barding Scarce armour.
robes are issued to Light Flak Barding Average When a hit location
high-level Rough Rider Barding Scarce covered by a piece of
Sanctioned Heavy Flak Barding Very Rare Nivablator armour is
Psykers or those Powered Barding Near Unique struck by an attack that
trusted soldiers rolled doubles (eg. 11, 22,
who by necessity 33), its AP value
must work closely with psykers. permanently decreases by 1 after the attack
Incorporating flexible null-psy lattice is resolved. This AP damage cannot be
plates and blessed threads taken from the restored in any way. When the armour's AP
garments of miracle-workers on Shrine value hits 0, it is permanently destroyed.
Worlds, these pieces of clothing provide Poor-Quality Nivablator armour reduces its
limited, but still useful, protection against AP to 0 after it is hit by any attack that rolls
psychic energies. Hexagramatic Robes doubles, and is thus effectively one-use.
provide 2 AP to all locations except the Good-Quality Nivablator armour only
Head, but increase their AP against Psychic reduces its AP by 1 after being hit by an
attack rolling odd doubles (eg 11, 33, 55...).
Willpower Bonus. Additionally, whenever Best-Quality Nivablator Armour only
the wearer is struck with a Psychic attack reduces its AP on an attack roll of 11 or 1.
that would normally cause damage ignoring A Nivablator Armour Vest provides 4 AP to
AP value is still the Body.
counted against incoming damage. Weight: 2 kg
Rarity: Very Rare Rarity: Average

Padded Uniform: Thick layers of padded Grox, for instance, can only wear Grox
cotton and wool make up this elegantly barding, but not horse barding.
tailored blue, white and green-gold dress
uniform, the standard for all the Leather Barding: Thick slabs of cured or
Korpogardistos. They provide limited dried leather make for simple, if somewhat
protection against enemy attacks, but are primitive protection.
designed more to instill esprit de corps than Leather Barding provides 1 AP to the Body
for actual defence. Padded Uniforms and Head.
provide 1 AP to the Arms, Legs and Body, Weight: 10kg
and a further +1 AP against Rending and Rarity: Common
Impact damage to the Body.
Weight: 6 kg Chainmail Barding: Though somewhat
Rarity: Common time-consuming to manufacture, thick ring
mail makes for excellent protection against
Powdered Wig: The famous powdered wigs melee strikes.
are the signature Chainmail Barding provides 3AP to all hit
regiments, and confer status and dignity locations.
upon their wearer. A Brumeran wearing Weight: 30kg
such a wig gains a +5 to any Fellowship- Rarity: Common
based Test with fellow Brumerans.
Weight: 0.5 kg Plate Barding: Full suits of metal plate
Rarity: Plentiful armour for cavalry mounts are rare, and
usually signs of great status for the rider.
Reinforced Shako: The high peaked caps Plate Barding provides 5AP to all hit
of the Korpogardistos are protected with a locations.
thick layer of leather padding and Weight: 60kg
occasionally even chain mail, and provide 2 Rarity: Scarce
AP against Impact and Rending damage to
the head. Light Flak Barding: A few thin flak plates
Weight: 0.5 kg in a fabric overlayer make for a low-impact
Rarity: Common and flexible suit of mount armour.
Light Flak Barding provides 2AP to the
Barding Head and Body. It gains the same bonus
against Blast attacks as human Flak armour.
Cavalry mounts are frequently equipped Weight: 10kg
with light barding, or animal armour, which Rarity: Average
gives them an extra modicum of protection
in a fight. Rough Rider Barding: The standard-issue
Munitorum animal armour, this suit of
Barding functions identically to normal barding comes in endless variants.
armour, save that it can only be worn by an
animal of the species it was designed for. A

Rough Rider Barding provides
3AP to all hit locations. It gains
the same bonus against Blast
attacks as human Flak armour.
Weight: 22kg
Rarity: Scarce

Heavy Flak Barding: Used by

the few Rough Rider units
specializing in very heavy
cavalry, or those Tempestus
units that employ cavalry, this
heavy animal suit turns its
wearer into a galloping
Heavy Flak Barding provides
5AP to all hit locations. It gains
the same bonus against Blast
attacks as human Flak armour.
Weight: 30kg
Rarity: Very Rare

Powered Barding: A terrifying

extravagance for even the most
well-supplied of Rough Rider
units, the notion of fitting a
horse or other cavalry animal
with its own suit of powered
armour has a certain disturbing logic to
it. Barding Craftsmanship

Powered Barding grants the Mount it is The Craftsmanship values of Barding are
fitted on 8AP to all hit locations. So long functionally similar to that of regular Armour,
as it is powered, it also provides with the exception of Best-Craftsmanship
Unnatural Strength (2). It can remain suits.
powered for up to 8 hours before
needing a recharge. to be extraordinarly lightweight. With that in
discretion, a Mount in unpowered mind, Best-
barding might not be able to carry the gain a weight reduction, but instead provides a
weight of a rider.
Weight: 70kg Characteristic, as well as the usual 1 extra AP.
Rarity: Near Unique

Wargear and Cybernetics engine that gives the payload a small kick
Being residents in an industrial Subsector, forward shortly after being lobbed
the citizens and soldiers of Trisdeka overhand. A Bakhgranata functions
import, manufacture, improvise and design identically to the Grenade it is attached to,
a huge variety of but its maximum range
military and Table 18: Wargear and Cybernetics is equal to the user's SB
technical Type Rarity x 3 + 10 and it increases
equipment. Aether Staff Very Rare its Scatter distance on a
Bakhgranata Scarce misfire by 2. Attaching a
Aether Staff: A Battle Standard Extremely Bakhgranata to a
step up from the Rare standard Grenade takes
ornamented staves Crampons Scarce a Routine (+20) Tech-
issued to common Fighting Spurs Scarce Use or Trade (Armorer)
Sanctioned Psyker, Librium Mnemonicae Rare test.
the Aether Staff Martyr Vest Average Weight: 0.5 kg
incorporates a Musical Instrument Varies Rarity: Scarce
variety of psychic Parachute Average
collimation devices Power Spurs Very Rare Battle Standard: The
and amplification Regimental Extremely
arrays. While they Instrument Rare past glories, Battle
make for well- Skis Average Standards come in many
balanced melee Signal Flags Scarce different forms. The
weapons, their true Snow Goggles Common troops of Cadia, for
power is as conduits Snowshoes Average instance, carry large and
for psychic energy. Spyglass Rare ornate banners into
A Psyker character Scarce battle, while the
wielding an Aether Tennanlowe Hawk Near Unique Edelweiss use long
Staff gains a 10- Mechadendrite multicoloured pennants
meter bonus to the Tennanlowe Skyboard Very Rare on the end of their
Range of any Wavespar Harness Very Rare lances and the
Psychic Powers Katyushans carry
with a range they military relics onto the
manifest, and a +1 field. Regardless of
bonus to the Damage values of any their form, the mere presence of a Battle
damaging Psychic Powers they manifest. In Standard on the field raises the spirits of all
combat, an Aether Staff is treated as a Best- those around. Characters in direct line of
Quality High-Frequency Staff. sight of a Battle Standard held by a friendly
Rarity: Very Rare character gain a temporary +5 bonus to
their Toughness and Willpower
Bakhgranata: An attachment that fits most Characteristics. However, if the Standard is
standard Munitorum grenades, this device dropped in the field or destroyed, all allies
is equipped with small fins and a tiny rocket within line of sight must make a

Challenging (-10) Fear Test as their Psykana, the Mnemonicae is a brilliant
regimental honour is sullied. work of memory aids, full of seemingly
Weight: 5 kg meaningless riddles and strange patterns
Rarity: Extremely Rare
trancelike state of near-perfect recall. After
Crampons: Gripping spikes and spurs that spending 5 minutes studying the
slip on over ordinary boots, crampons are Mnemonicae, a character gains the benefits
the lifeblood of any Guardsman operating of the Total Recall Talent and a +15 bonus
in intensely icy environments. Crampons to any Lore skills they may have. This
provide a +20 bonus to Athletics Tests to bonus does not apply to any untrained Lore
climb in snowy and icy environments, a +5 Tests, as the Librium only enhances the
bonus to any Movement-related tests to
move across flat ground in those know, not facts they are trying to learn.
environments, and a -20 penalty to Weight: 0.5kg
Movement-related tests in any other Rarity: Rare
Rarity: Scarce Martyr Vest: extreme penal
legions, or particularly devout regiments of
Fighting Spurs: It is not only the human Shrine Worlders, demand the ultimate
warriors of the Imperial Guard who arm sacrifice from their soldiers. This sacrifice is
themselves for battle-quite often their aided by a half-dozen kilos of plastic
beasts do too. Many Edelweiss regiments, explosive.
for instance, equip their Querls with heavy When a character wearing a Martyr Vest is
steel spurs on their claws, giving their killed, or activates the vest with an Easy
already famously powerful kicks an extra (+30) Tech-Use Test, it explodes, killing
edge, while Dolcateran soldiers have been the wearer and dealing 3d10 + 12 Explosive
known to weld borrowed steel caltrops on damage to everything within 8 meters.
to the outer edges of horseshoes, giving Weight: 7kg
their mounts terrifying stomping power. Rarity: Average
When Fighting Spurs are attached to a
riding beast, they effectively give its melee Musical Instrument: From simple reed
Natural Weapons the Mono upgrade, pipes to complicated banks of synthesizers,
removing the Primitive quality from them musical instruments can be found on
and increasing their Penetration by 2. If a thousands of different battlefields in the
riding beast whose Natural Weapons are 41st Millennium. Some are used for issuing
not Primitive is equipped with Fighting signals, some for inspiring troops in battle,
Spurs, it increases both their Damage and and some merely as personal items to pass
Penetration by 1. the time during a monotonous guard shift.
Rarity: Scarce The Rarity of a Musical Instrument
depends on the Instrument and where and
Librium Mnemonicae: Written in ancient when it is found, wholly subject to the
days by the scholars of the Scholastica

common in a cavalry regiment than a
grand piano would be in a regiment of
Drop Troops, for instance.
Weight: 0.5-5 kg, depending on type
Rarity: Varies

Parachute: A simpler alternative to the

advanced grav-chutes used by Imperial
Guard drop troops and thrill-seekers
across the galaxy, the simple but reliable
parachute still finds its place in modern
Astra Militarum forces. Though much
heavier than a grav-chute, parachutes are
often used by those drop troops whose
grav-chutes have broken down or who hail
from worlds with lower levels of
technology. If the character passes a
Difficult (-10) Agility Test or Ordinary
(+10) Operate (Aeronautica) Test, a
parachute allows for a safe, semi-guided
fall from any height, otherwise the
character counts as having fallen five
metres for each Degree of Failure.
Weight: 4 kg
Rarity: Average
Damage and Penetration by 5, and gain the
Power Spurs: Regarded by a weapon for Power Field quality. Implanting Power
the insane even by the famously Spurs in a riding beast takes several hours of
bloodthirsty soldiers of the Edelweiss, the surgery and a Very Hard (-30) Medicae
Power Spur is a weapon concept so bizarre Test. Failure permanently lames the animal,
that many are convinced it had to originate and it must be put down.
on Niva Gustav. Power spurs are simply any Rarity: Very Rare
weapon designed to apply a power field to
an Regimental Instrument: More than just
subdermal insulation and an impact- simple tools to make music, Regimental
sensitive trigger, a horse, for instance, can Instruments are those maintained by a
kick an enemy with a power-field- regiment as a traditional tool for battle.
reinforced hoof but still walk normally Often, they are of ancient make, passed
without activating the weapon. When down from generation to generation, and
Power Spurs are attached to a riding beast, used by countless heroic musicians on
their Natural Weapons lose the Primitive dozens of battlefields. Regimental
quality (if they had them), increase their Instruments are always Best Craftsmanship,

as they are more military treasures than Weight: 0.5kg
practical music-makers. Rarity: Scarce
Weight: 0.5-5 kg, depending on type
Rarity: Extremely Rare Skis: The Imperium has relatively few
inhabited Ice Worlds, and fewer still where
Signal Flags: On worlds that have yet to humans can operate on the surface unaided.
rediscover the electromagnetic principles of On many of these worlds, and on countless
vox transmission, optical signalling is often others that see snow on part of their globes,
the fastest way to pass messages in good skis are a common tool used for locomotion
light. A set of signal flags can pass a and recreation.
message to a distance of up to 20 kilometers
in good light and visibility, increased to 30 It takes a Full Action to put on or remove
kilometers if the message recipient has a Skis. With skis attached, characters receive a
spyglass or magnoculars. It may take up to -20 penalty to all Dodge and Acrobatics
several minutes to relay particularly Tests. They cannot move through Difficult
detailed or complex messages, however. or Dangerous Terrain that is not covered in

snow or ice, but they ignore the negative these slitted goggles can be found all across
effects of such snowy or icy terrain. Once the Imperium in an excellent example of
Skis are attached to a character's feet, they parallel invention. They help block the
have two movement options available: dazzling glare of sunshine reflecting off
snow or ice- a valuable asset to any
Stepping: The character walks normally, Iceworlder or inhabitant of a dark planet.
though somewhat awkwardly due to the Snow Goggles provide a +5 bonus to Tests
skis. They halve their Agility bonus for the to resist the effects of bright lights or
purposes of determining Movement Speed. Photon Flash Grenades.
Weight: 0.5kg
Sliding: The character slides along in a Rarity: Common
gliding, shuffling motion. On flat snowy or
icy terrain, they increase their Agility bonus Snowshoes: The common name for any
for the purposes of determining Movement device used to prevent a human from
Speed by +2. sinking into deep snow. Removing or
putting on snowshoes requires a minutes
A character on Skis who is moving downhill effort. A character wearing snowshoes
increases their Agility Bonus for the ignores any movement penalties for moving
purposes of determining Movement Speed through deep snow, but takes a -15 penalty
by +4. If they are untrained or unfamiliar to Agility-based tests.
with the use of skiis they must make a Weight: 0.5kg each, 1kg a pair
Routine (+20) Agility Test each time they Rarity: Average
take an Action to move, or be knocked
Prone. They can choose to increase this Spyglass: These simple but ornately-
downhill movement bonus up to +6, but the crafted optical instruments are a must for
Test upon moving becomes Challenging any officer on an Early Modern World,
(+0), and if they fail they are Stunned for 1 though they are both heavy and delicate.
round in addition to being knocked Prone. Though all Spyglasses magnify distant
objects, Good and Best-Craftsmanship
Skis and Weapons: While Skiing, a character ones are collapsible, and often provided
can use one-handed pistol or melee clearer views.
weapons as normal with no penalties, Weight: 1kg
though they cannot make Aim Actions on Rarity: Rare
any turn in which they have moved on skis.
Characters can use two-handed Melee or Bulky and unwieldy, a kit
Basic weapons at a -15 penalty, and again tools can mean the difference
lose the benefits of any Aim Actions. between life and death for someone
Weight: 6kg suffering from a sword wound or musket
Rarity: Average impact. Normally distributed in leather

Snow Goggles: A signature piece of kit scalpels, pliers, bonesaws, probes, forceps,
carried by many Katyushan regiments, and all the tools needed for messy but

functional battlefield surgery. Using the Tennanlowe Skyboard: The Tennanlowe
tools conveys a +10 to Medicae tests to treat Skyboard is not, strictly speaking, a true
trauma and wounds, but not infections or anti-gravity device; it incorporates the same
diseases. weight-reduction technology as in a
Weight: 3 kg conventional grav-chute, but is not
Rarity: Scarce otherwise powered or motor-driven.
Instead, its streamlined winglike shape
Tennanlowe Hawk Mechadendrite: gives it a significant amount of lift at high
Another piece of ancient Tennanlower speeds, allowing a trained pilot to pull of
antigrav technology, the Hawk considerable maneuvers with one.
Mechadendrite contains a series of Skyboards are heavily customized to their
deployable fins, airspeed sensors, and small pilots, and are issued as standard to all
antigrav arrays that are fitted to the Tennanlowers, but the production of new
ones is limited due to the harsh conditions
instinctual feel for the movement of air on the homeworld and they are treasured as
currents and a preternatural sense of a result.
balance. Only the finest of Tennanlowe
Skyboarders are awarded the privilege of A pilot with the Operate (Aeronautica) skill
wearing Hawks. A character with this using a Tennanlowe Skyboard counts as
cybernetic implant installed gains a +15 having the Flyer (10) trait and gains +1 AP
bonus to any Agility-based tests for the while on the board due to their constant
purposes of operating any open-topped movement and high speeds. However, any
hovering or flying vehicle, and the Catfall time they would be called to make a Dodge
and Peer (Tennanlower) Talents. or Acrobatics test, they must instead make
Rarity: Near Unique an Operate (Aeronautica) test at the same
difficulty or fall off their board.

Good-quality Skyboards can fold up to a
more compact package, and weigh 8kg.
Best-quality Skyboards function as Good-
quality, but also convey a +5 bonus to
Operate (Aeronautica) tests to operate
Weight: 10 kg
Rarity: Very Rare

Wavespar Harness: Though the

technology behind Aetheric Wave-Spar
technology was condemned by the
Inquisition of the Calixis Sector, the
Inquisitors of Ixaniad have no objections to
the concept, in a limited form. Instead of an
implant, the Wave-Spar Harness functions
via skin contact, and takes the form of a
pair of forearm bracers with connected by
thickly insulated cables to a small halo of
antennae that protrude over the shoulders
and around the back of the neck. These act
as low-power psionic amplifiers, permitting
psykers to safely draw on slightly more
Warp energy for limited amounts of time.
Once per combat, when a Psyker wearing a
Wave-Spar Harness Pushes a psychic
power, he may add a +1 bonus to his Psy
Rating. Poor Craftsmanship Harnesses also
add a further +10 to all rolls on the Psychic
Phenomena table, while Good
Craftsmanship versions reduce all rolls by -
Weight: 10kg
Rarity: Very Rare

Armoury IV- Vehicular replaced in this manner, but each one after
the first increases the overall repair time
needed by 2 hours.
It is my opinion as Archmagos of this blessed
Forge World that the Omnissiah has nothing
Balance Optimizers: Though balance is
negative to say about racing stripes.
seldom an issue for wheeled or tracked
-Archmagos Deraclius Lestron of Niva
vehicles, on skimmer or legged platforms
not falling over or losing equilibrium can
mean the difference between life and death
Imperial officers frequently overlook
on the battlefield. This customization adds
weapon modifications made by soldiers so
counterweights, extra fins, and even heavy
long as they are minor, and the same is
gyroscopes scavenged from industrial
equally true of soldiers in vehicular
machinery that will keep the vehicle upright
regiments. Though they fall under greatly
even in a catastrophic situation. A Skimmer
increased scrutiny by the tech-wrights of
with this customization reduces the Critical
the Mechanicus, all but the most deeply
Hit damage from crashing by -2, to a
orthodox children of the Omnissiah are
minimum of 1, and only flips over on a roll
willing to forgive the occasional expedient
of 10 when moving at its tactical speed or
modification, though there are certainly
faster. A Walker with this customization
degrees of tech-heresy involved.
only takes 1d5 base damage from falling
over, and its crew can get the vehicle
upright as a Half Action.
Standard Regimental Kit for them or their
Applies to: Any Walker or Skimmer vehicle
squad can have a number of customizations
applied equal to its Size trait -2. Applying a
Bigger Extinguishers: Fire is the
vehicle customization requires a Routine
nightmare of all crews, and most will make
(+20) Essential Repair Skill Test and may
some effort to add in extra fire-fighting
take up to several hours of solid work.
systems to their vehicles. The first Agility
Failing the test by more than two degrees
test to put out a fire in each combat is made
means that the part being modified is
at +0, and the second at -10 instead of -20,
slightly damaged-
because no fire extinguisher is bottomless.
is inaccessible until the next time the
Applies to: Any vehicle
vehicle undergoes repairs that take more
than 12 hours to complete, but the
Cleated Grips: Welding bits of metal to
performance of the vehicle is otherwise not
track links or hammering hobnails into
wheel rims give this vehicle a little bit of
extra grip on rough terrain, though they
tend to damage or get stuck in harder
or altered any time it undergoes repairs
surfaces. When moving in snow, ice, or any
from Heavy Damage- make a Routine (+20)
soft terrain, this vehicle gains a +10 to its
Essential Repair Skill Test as normal to
Manoeuverability. It takes a -5 when
replace a single Customization with a new
one. Any number of Customizations can be
moving on prepared roads, rock, or other passengers. However, an improvised port is
hard terrain. much less stable than a standard one- only
Applies to: Any wheeled, tracked or walker Basic or Pistol weapons can be fired
vehicle through it.
Applies to: Any Enclosed vehicle that is not
Cushioned Interior: Nobody likes Environmentally Sealed
bumping their head or elbows in a fighting
vehicle, and safety gear can only go so far. Extra Storage: The interior and exterior of
This vehicle's interior has been fitted with this vehicle have been fitted with extra
pads and soft cushions to minimize the storage bins, water tanks, and fuel
worst injuries. It reduces damage to the containers- it is positively jam-packed with
crew from critical hits by 1, to a minimum of useful equipment. All this comes at a cost to
0. ergonomics, however. The crew of this
Applies to: Any Enclosed vehicle vehicle can access an extra reserve of one
extra day's worth of fuel and two extra
Disruptive Camo: This vehicle's paint days' worth of food and water in an
scheme is brightly coloured and patterned emergency, but entering or exiting this
to make the vehicle's silhouette vague. All tank in combat requires an extra Half
vision-based Awareness tests to locate this Action.
vehicle gain a +10 bonus. Ballistic Skill tests Applies to: Any vehicle
to hit this vehicle at ranges longer than 50
meters take a -5 penalty. For each vehicle Improved Sound System: The devotional
with the same camo scheme within 5 meters, hymns of the Munitorum often accompany
this penalty increases by -5, to a maximum the Imperial Guard into battle, but some
of -30. crews prefer more personal, popular music,
Applies to: Any vehicle and install internal speakers to listen to the
upbeat pilgrimage songs of the Peregrine
Extra Fireport: ork with a Performance Project, or the Mechanicum
drill makes defending an armoured vehicle forge-metal of the ancient rock group
against close attacks that much easier. This OMNI/SIAH. Regardless, such music can
vehicle gains a single extra fireport which do a great deal to increase morale- each
can be operated by its crew but not its crew member gains a +10 to their first

Willpower or Command test of each Integrated Cooking Gear: Many vehicle
combat. crews will find a way to run a kettle or hot
Applies to: Any vehicle plate off their vehicle's power systems so
they can always have a hot meal or a warm
Improvised Armor: Plasteel plates, logs, cuppa. Quite a few regiments, notably the
sandbags, concrete, bodies of fallen foes- Praetorians, mount such equipment as
all serve to reduce the power of incoming standard. The crew of this vehicle always
fire by just a little bit. This vehicle reduces have access to a source of heat or fire to
its Tactical Speed by 1, but improves its AV warm their food, boil water, etc., so long as
on one Facing (front, sides or rear) by 2. their vehicle is operational. They can also
This customization can be applied multiple ignore the negative effects of their first
times, and stacks with armor upgrades. point of Fatigue so long as they are inside
Applies to: Any vehicle it.
Applies to: Any vehicle
Improved Climate Control: Most Imperial
Guard vehicles do not end up serving on Internal Lavatory: Sometimes the best
the worlds they are designed for, with their defense against the horrors of the xeno,
crews having to modify them as necessary. mutant and heretic is a safe place to take a
When adding this modification, select a dump. Even a bucket behind a screen will
single environment (tundra, desert, do in a pinch. The crew of this vehicle
mountains, etc.)- the crew gains a +10 to reduce any incoming Sanity loss by 1, to a
any tests to resist the effects of that minimum of 1, so long as they are inside.
environment while they are in their vehicle. Other characters may comment on the
This customization can be applied multiple smell, however.
times. Applies to: Any vehicle
Applies to: Any Enclosed vehicle

Luck Charm: Be it fuzzy dice or human the value of a good ramming, and modify
skulls, few Imperial Guard vehicles are their craft with vicious spikes or scythe
without some kind of symbol of luck. Each blades. The similarity such vehicles share
crewman of this vehicle can choose to reroll with those of the traitor and heretic does
a single vehicle-related test once per day. not go unnoticed, however. A Vehicle with
They must take the result of the second this customization increases the Penetration
roll, even if it is worse than the first. value of its ram attacks by the value of its
Applies to: Any vehicle Size Trait, but its crew will be more likely
to attract negative attention from the
Muffled Engines: Large mufflers or Commissariat or the Ecclesiarchy.
sound-cancelling devices fitted over the Applies to: Any vehicle
exhausts or around the engine make this
vehicle unusually quiet, and comfortable. Rubberized Grips: This vehicle's padded
When it is not firing its weapons, tests to motive surfaces let it run smooth and soft
detect this vehicle by hearing are one step and really hug the ground, making it much
harder than normal. Additionally, the crew faster on hard ground, at the cost of off-
of the vehicle take no penalties to road performance. This vehicle gains a +10
Awareness tests due to noise. to its Maneuverability on hard surfaces like
Applies to: Any vehicle rock or pavement, and takes a -5 to its
Maneuverability on soft surfaces like snow
Nose Art: It could be a sexy pinup, a or dirt.
menacing slogan, or a personal symbol of Applies to: Any wheeled, tracked or walker
the pilot's family, but this vehicle stands out vehicle
from the crow because of the art it bears. So
long as this vehicle is not suffering any Sealed Hull: A little bit of sealant, plastic
Critical Damage, all of its crew and any barrels for floats, some second-hand air
allies within line of sight gain +5 to scrubbers, and pow! Instant submersible!
Willpower-based Tests. This ability does This vehicle gains the Amphibious trait, but
not stack with other vehicles. halves its Tactical Speed and gains a -20 to
Applies to: Any Vehicle its Maneuverability on water.
Applies to: Any non-Skimmer vehicle.
Pintle Shield: Improvised armour around a
door gun goes a long way towards keeping Terrain Camo: This vehicle sports a
a gunner safe. One of this vehicle's Pintle camouflage coating which matches the
mount weapons improves the Body and colours of the terrain in which it serves. It is
Arm AP of its operator by 4 when in use. necessary to modify this scheme to match
This customization can be applied multiple the changing of combat zones or the
times to multiple pintle weapons. seasons. Enemies take a -10 penalty to all
Applies to: Any vehicle with a Pintle weapon tests to visually detect it when it is in terrain
that matches the colours of its paint
Ram Spikes: Certain more brutal or scheme. This effect stacks with Camo
primitive vehicular regiments appreciate Netting.

Applies to: Any vehicle negative attention from any Mechanicus
authorities who see it in action.
Threatening Weapon: Cosmetic Applies to: Any Vehicle
modifications to this vehicle's primary
weapon make it much more impressive- Unditching Gear: Sometimes the easiest
looking and much more likely to draw way to unstick a vehicle that has become
negative waves. This vehicle's crew gains a bogged down is simple leverage, and many
+10 to Intimidate tests while they are in or crews will attach extended skids, wooden
near their vehicle, but enemies will always beams or winches to their vehicles to pull
target this vehicle first in combat unless themselves free. This vehicle grants a +20 to
there are much larger or menacing targets any tests to unditch or unstick it from mud,
available. deep snow, shifting sand or other rough
Applies to: Any vehicle with a Fixed, Hull or terrain.
Turret weapon Applies to: Any vehicle

Unsanctioned Engine Mods: Removed Widened Hatches: Commissars may teach

speed governors, nitrous injectors or that an immobilized tank is a bunker
unstable changes to the gearbox make this intended to hold out until its crew is killed,
vehicle able to produce surprising turns of but most Guardsmen would be inclined to
speed, but it really pisses off any techpriests disagree, and surreptitiously widen the
nearby. Once per combat, the pilot of this escape hatches or simplify the exit methods
vehicle can activate this mod to give the on their vehicles. Crew can bail out of this
vehicle +5 to either its Maneuverability or vehicle when it explodes.
Tactical Speed as well as the Ramshackle Applies to: Any Enclosed vehicle
Trait for the duration of combat. It attracts

Armoury V- Variant Patterns the d10 tables. An expanded table for
Oh, this? I have no idea what the hell it is. general equipment patterns has not been
Found it on a trash heap on patrol one day. Shoots included, because there are only so many
real good changes you can apply to generic gear.
- Unidentified Korpogardisto Soldier Some gear bonuses and maluses would seem
to cancel out- it is up to the GM to decided
If there is one defining trait that applies to if two cancelling results should be rerolled
the entirety of the Imperium of Man, or ignored.
ignoring regional differences, the span of
ages and its many strange cultures, it is Also included are vehicle pattern
t modifications, because a Lucius Pattern
clever devices for killing other men. The Vanquisher is sure as hell different from a
mind-boggling number of variants on even Gryphonne Pattern Vanquisher- roll on
common weapons like the Lasgun, from the Table 19 and reference Tables 24 and 25 for
most ancient patterns of the Forge Worlds variant
to scrap-built variants assembled by hand in Table 19: Number of positives
primitive tribal encampments cannot be Changes and
captured in any documentary form. 1d10 Positive Negative negatives.
This section of the Primer is designed to be 1 1 2 As a warning
used as a replacement to the Variant 2-3 1 1 to GMs: use
Equipment Patterns section of Only War: 4-6 2 2 these tables
Hammer of the Emperor (pp. 127-131). 7-9 2 1 at your own
When generating a variant melee or ranged 10 3 2 risk. The
weapon pattern, simply follow all the rules results can
presented in Hammer of the Emperor, but get a little
use the following d100 tables to generate crazy, especially when applied to already
pattern positives and negatives, instead of very powerful weapons, like Sniper Rifles
or Eviscerators. Trust me on this one.

"You mean to tell me your combat knife doesn't have a scope?

Table 20: Ranged Weapon Pattern Positive
Roll Pattern Modification
1-5 Longbarrel:
6-10 High-Capacity:

11-15 High Impact:

16-20 Precision: Decrease any penalty this weapon would receive to Ballistic Skill Tests for firing at long or extreme
ranges by 5.
21-25 Venerable Design: This weapon gains the Proven (2) Quality. If it has the Proven (X) Quality already, increase
the value of X by 1.
26-30 Efficient Feed: If this weapon fires energy projectiles, each time it rolls doubles on its hit rolls it consumes no
ammunition for that attack. If this weapon fires physical projectiles, it decreases its Reload time by one Half
Action (to a minimum of one Half Action) and loses none of the rounds in its Clip if it jams.
31-35 Lightweight Material:
its wielder reduces the penalty for firing it one-handed to 10. If it is a Pistol weapon, its wielder can draw it
from its sheathe or holster as a Free Action.
36-40 Slaying: Pick a single species or type of enemy (eg. Tyranids, Orks, Eldar, Humans, etc.). This weapon gains a
+1 to its Damage and Penetration when attacking that type of enemy.
41-45 Exceptional Pattern: Logistics Tests to acquire Good and Best Craftsmanship versions of this weapon gain a
+20 bonus in addition to any other modifiers.
46-50 Simplified: Any Tests to repair, modify or upgrade this weapon are made at a +20 bonus.
51-55 Rapid Ammo Ejection: Reduce the Reload of the weapon by one Full Action (to a minimum of one Half
56-60 Thermal: This weapon gains the Flame Quality when fired at a target within Short Range. If it already has the
Flame Quality, increase its Damage by 2.
61-65 Piercing: This weapon gains the Felling (2) Quality when fired at a target within Short Range. If it already has
the Felling (X) Quality, increase the value of X by 2 when this happens.
66-70 Electrified: This weapon gains the Shocking Quality when fired at a target within Short Range. If it already has
the Shocking Quality, increase its Damage by 2.
71-75 Crippling Munitions: This weapon gains the Crippling (2) Quality. If it has the Crippling (X) Quality already,
increase the value of X by 1.
76-80 Blessed Pattern:
a failed Fear or Pinning test.
81-85 Brutal Construction: This weapon gains the Ogryn-Proof Quality. If used as an Improvised Weapon, it has the
following profile: Melee; 1d10 I; Ogryn-Proof, Primitive (8).
86-90 Close-Quarters Optimized: If used with a Melee Attachment or as an Improvised Weapon, this weapon gains
the Balanced Quality.
91-95 Incredibly Lethal: This weapon gains the Accurate Quality. If it has the Inaccurate Quality, it loses it instead.
If it already has the Accurate Quality, it gains the Proven (2) Quality.
96-00 Anti-Materiel: This weapon increases its Penetration by 1 and gains the Lance Quality. If this weapon already
has the Lance or Melta Qualities, increase its damage by 1.

Table 21: Ranged Weapon Pattern Negative
Roll Pattern Modification
1-5 Inefficient Barrel: Apply a
Short range.
6-10 Exposed Action: If this weapon rolls doubles on an attack action in muddy, sandy or otherwise dirty
conditions it jams.
11-15 Heating Issues: This weapon gains the Overheats Quality. If it has this Quality already, it loses the
Reliable Quality if it has it, or gains Un
16-20 Dangerous Ergonomics: When this weapon jams, it inflicts 1 point of Impact damage ignoring Armour
and Toughness to the user. This weapon loses the Reliable quality if it has it.
21-25 Erratic: This weapon gains the Unreliable Quality. If it has the Reliable Quality, it loses it.
26-30 Inefficient Feed: If this weapon fires energy projectiles, each time it rolls doubles on its hit rolls it
consumes twice as much ammunition for that attack. If this weapon fires physical projectiles, it increases
its Reload time by one Full Action.
31-35 Bulky:
36-40 Inadequate Sights: This weapon loses the benefits of Full-Action Aiming.
41-45 Rare Model: Logistics Tests to acquire this weapon outside of its place of manufacture suffer a 20
penalty in addition to any other modifiers.
46-50 Nonexistent Sights: This weapon gains the Inaccurate quality. If it has the Accurate Quality, it loses it
51-55 Small Magazine: Decrease the Clip Size of the weapon by 5 (to a minimum of 1).
56-60 Questionable Ballistics: This weapon gains the Primitive (8) Quality. If it is already Primitive, decrease
the value of its Primitive Quality by 1.
61-65 Corrupted Pattern: Common Craftsmanship versions of this weapon count as being of Poor
Craftsmanship instead.
66-70 Unsteady Grips: This weapon decreases its Close and Point-Blank range hit bonuses by 10.
71-75 Diffuse Spread: Apply a 4 modifier to the weapo
Short Range.
76-80 Uncontrollable: When this weapon kills a target in combat, it loses the rest of the rounds in its Clip.
81-85 Recharge Cycle: This weapon gains the Recharge Quality. If it has this Quality already, it loses the
Reliable Quality if it has it.
86-90 Malign Pattern: Characters wielding this weapon receive a -10 to all Tests to resist Fear, Corruption or
91-95 Delicate: Whenever this weapon Jams, roll 1d10. On a result of 1
seize up or snap, and it must be repaired with a Hard ( 20) Tech-Use Test that requires at least several
minutes before it can be fired again.
96-00 Ineffectual Pattern: This weapon rolls d5s on its damage instead of d10s.

Table 22: Melee Weapon Pattern Positive
Roll Pattern Modification
1-5 Finetuned: If this weapon has the Unbalanced Quality, remove it. If it has the Unwieldy Quality,
it gains the Unbalanced Quality instead. If it has neither the Unwieldy nor Unbalanced Quality, it
gains the Balanced Quality.
6-10 Slaying: Pick a single species or type of enemy (eg. Tyranids, Orks, Eldar, Humans, etc.). This weapon
gains a +1 to its Damage and Penetration when attacking that type of enemy.
11-15 Serrated: Whenev
Test to attack with this weapon, it gains the Tearing Quality for the attack. If it already has the Tearing
Quality, apply a +1 modifier to its Damage when this happens instead.
16-20 Simplified: Any Tests to repair, modify or upgrade this weapon are made at a +20 bonus.
21-25 Venerable Design: This weapon gains the Proven (2) Quality. If it has the Proven (X) Quality already,
increase the value of X by 1.
26-30 Blessed Pattern:
can reroll a failed Fear or Pinning test.
31-35 Lightweight Material: -
handed weapon, it becomes a one-handed weapon. If it is a one-handed weapon, its wielder can draw it
from its sheathe or holster as a Free Action.
36-40 Devious Pattern:
Weapon Skill Test to attack with this weapon, it gains the Flexible Quality for the attack. If it already
has Flexible, it increases its Penetration by 1 when this happens.
41-45 Exceptional Pattern: Logistics Tests to acquire Good and Best Craftsmanship versions of this weapon
gain a +20 bonus in addition to any other modifiers.
46-50 Mighty: This weapon gains the Concussive (0) Quality. If it already has the Concussive (X) Quality,
increase the value of X by 1.
51-55 Shearing: This weapon gains the Razor Sharp Quality. If it already has this Quality, or if its
Penetration is 0, apply a +2 modifier to its Penetration instead.
56-60 Ferocious: When making an All-Out Attack, this weapon increases its damage by +2.
61-65 Symbols of Duty: The wielder of this weapon gains a +5 bonus to Willpower Tests made to resist the
effects of Fear and Pinning.
66-70 Armoured:
71-75 Envenomed: This weapon has the Toxic (1) Quality. If it already has the Toxic (X) Quality, increase the
value of X by 1. Its damage type changes to C.
76-80 Nimble Pattern: This weapon grants the wielder a +15 bonus to the Feint combat action.
81-85 Incredibly Dense: This weapon is never destroyed when used to Parry a weapon with the Power
Field Quality. It gains the Ogryn-Proof Quality.
86-90 Pummeling: This weapon grants the wielder a +15 to the Knock Down combat action.
91-95 Precisely Weighted: This weapon can be thrown. It counts as having a Thrown weapon profile that is
identical to its Melee weapon profile, with a Range of 5 metres.
96-00 Martial Pattern: Once per combat, this weapon can be drawn and used to make a Standard Attack with
a +2 bonus to Damage and Penetration.

Table 23: Melee Weapon Pattern Negative
Roll Pattern Modification
1-5 Poor Grip: If the wielder fails a Weapon Skill Test with this weapon by a number of Degrees of
Failure greater than his Weapon Skill Bonus, he loses his hold on it. It travels 1d5 metres in a randomly
determined direction before coming to rest.
6-10 Dangerous Ergonomics: When this weapon fails a test to hit by more than two Degrees of Failure, it
inflicts 1 point of Impact damage ignoring Armour and Toughness to the arm of the user holding it.
11-15 Sub-Optimal: Apply a

16-20 Unsteady Grip: This weapon decreases its Standard and All-Out Attack hit bonuses by 10.

21-25 Crude: If this weapon has the Primitive (X) Quality, reduce the value of X by 1. Otherwise, it gains the
Primitive (9) Quality.
26-30 Uncontrollable: When this weapon kills a target in combat the wielder must make a Challenging (+0)
Willpower Test or spend their next Full Action attacking the fallen body.
31-35 Leaden: this
weapon by a number of Degrees of Failure greater than his Weapon Skill Bonus, it becomes lodged in
the ground or another surface. It requires a Half Action and a Challenging (+0) Strength Test to
dislodge it.
36-40 Malign Pattern: Characters wielding this weapon receive a -10 to all Tests to resist Fear, Corruption
or Mutations.
41-45 Rare Model: Logistics Tests to acquire this weapon outside of its place of manufacture suffer a 20
penalty in addition to any other modifiers.
46-50 Ineffectual Pattern: This weapon rolls d5s on its damage instead of d10s.

51-55 Shallow Cuts: Apply a 1 modifier to Critical Damage that this weapon inflicts (including Critical
Damage from Righteous Fury).
56-60 Vulnerable: This weapon reduces the AP value of the wiel

61-65 Corrupted Pattern: Common Craftsmanship versions of this weapon count as being of Poor
Craftsmanship instead.
66-70 Wavering: This weapon cannot be used in a Defensive Stance.

71-75 Imprecise: This weapon gains the Inaccurate Quality. If it already has the Inaccurate Quality, it gains
the Unwieldy Quality instead.
76-80 Hesitant Pattern: This weapon decreases the Weapon Skill bonus on a Charge action by -20.

81-85 Awkward: If this weapon has the Balanced Quality, it loses it. Otherwise, it gains the Unbalanced
Quality. If it already has the Unbalanced Quality, it gains the Unwieldy Quality instead.
86-90 Anchoring: This weapon inflicts a -

91-95 Brittle: Whenever the attacker fails a Weapon Skill Test by a number of Degrees of Failure greater
than his Weapon Skill Bonus, roll 1d10. On a result of 1, the weapon shatters.
96-00 Indiscriminate: Each time the user of this weapon inflicts Critical Damage, they take X points of
Rending damage to the Body, where X is the total amount of Critical Damage they caused on their
target. This damage is reduced by Toughness but not Armor.

Table 24: Vehicle Pattern Positive
Roll Pattern Modification
1-5 Thick Hull: This vehicle has a distinctly thick, bulky silhouette and increases its AP on all facings by 3.
6-10 Insulated Systems: Intricate grounding systems in the wheels and hull allow this vehicle to take intense
electromagnetic disruption without danger. If this vehicle is hit by a Haywire weapon, its rolls on the Haywire
Table is decreased by 2.
11-15 Energetic Machine Spirit: If crew is incapacitated, the vehicle may act independently for 1 round.
Assume it is Trained in all relevant skills and has Characteristics of 35.
16-20 Integrated Launchers: This vehicle's hull incorporates deployable or hardwired defensive grenade launchers. It
has integrated Frag Defenders and Smoke Launchers (1 shot each) which can be reloaded between missions.
21-25 Thermoablative Hull: This vehicle's hull is made of a glassy, composite material, cool to the touch. It ignores the
Melta and Lance qualities of incoming attacks.
26-30 Stable Platform: This vehicle's low center of mass and profile make it seem to hug the ground, even at full speed.
It reduces the penalties for firing on the move by 10.
31-35 Efficient Radiators: This vehicle's cooling system runs with a smooth purr. It reduces all damage from Flame
weapons by 5, and ignores any penalties to operation due to intense temperatures.
36-40 Sturdy Suspension: The heavy springs or structural members this vehicle's motive systems ride on are well-made. It
reduces all Critical Damage to its Motive Systems by 1.
41-45 Quick-Change Drivetrain: Whether through easy-access panels or cleverly arranged modules, any breakdowns in
this vehicle's engines are simple to fix. It provides a +20 bonus to tests to repair or modify its motive systems.
46-50 Simple Pattern: This vehicle is the product of centuries of refinement to make it as idiot-proof as possible. It
provides +10 to all tests to repair it.
51-55 Ergonomic: The layout of this vehicle's controls are comfortable to use for long periods, and its hull surprisingly
roomy. It grants a +5 bonus to all tests to use vehicle systems, conduct repairs, or otherwise run the vehicle.
56-60 Superior Optics: Whether it's powerful sensors or even just well-located viewports, this vehicle provides a wide
field of view to its crew. It grants a +10 bonus to all Perception or Tech-Use tests to investigate the area around it.
61-65 Powerful Weaponry: This vehicle's armaments are made to a high standard of quality or simply have longer
barrels. The damage of all its default weapons increase by 3.
66-70 Stabilized Fire Control: The aiming systems onboard this vehicle are carefully calibrated and keep the guns level
at all times. Increase the range of all this vehicle's weapons by 20. It grants the crew a +5 bonus to Aim those
71-75 Spall Liner: The interior of the hull is lined with protective coatings that keep the crew safe in the event of severe

76-80 Quick Starter: Whether through powerful prestarters or good construction, this vehicle's engine starts instantly,
every time. It gains +5 Tactical Speed on its first turn of combat.
81-85 Escape Hatches: A hull dotted with large and well-designed escape hatches allows for safe entry and egress. Crews
can enter or exit this vehicle as a Free Action.
86-90 Heavy Tread: This vehicle's tracks, wheels, legs or hoverjets are widely spaced, making it hard for it to sink in to
soft ground. Reduce all difficult terrain penalties by 10, and it cannot be bogged down.
91-95 Defensible: When its mobility fails, this vehicle can serve well as a bunker. This vehicle has two fireports that can
be used by the crew.
96-00 Secondary Weapon: This vehicle is characterized by a sub-turret or secondary weapon mounted in its hull. This
vehicle has a spot for a pintle weapon operated by the driver in addition to any other pintle weapons it may have.

Table 25: Vehicle Pattern Negative
Roll Pattern Modification
1-5 Poor Radiators: Fragile cooling systems or no cooling systems at all make this vehicle vulnerable to
temperature changes. It takes 5 extra damage from Flame attacks and doubles any penalties to operation in
extreme temperatures.
6-10 Weak Suspension:
to its Motive Systems, increase the damage by 1.
11-15 Wobbly: This vehicle janks and twitches constantly on the move. Increase penalties for firing after moving
by 10.
16-20 Complicated Pattern: Though it might be a miracle of engineering, this vehicle is just too complicated for
battlefield use. All tests to repair this vehicle suffer a -10 penalty.
21-25 Dangerous Ergonomics: Hatches blocked by the turret and flickering lighting make operating this vehicle
a nightmare. It inflicts a -5 penalty to all tests to use vehicle systems, conduct repairs, or otherwise run the
26-30 Poor Visibility: Tiny vision slits and nonexistent sensors make the outside world a mystery in this vehicle.
It inflicts a -10 penalty to all Perception or Tech-Use tests to investigate the area around it.
31-35 Undergunned: Military patterns appropriate to a PDF or secondary forces might not cut it on the
default Weapons reduce their damage by 3.
36-40 Inferior Optics: Underdesigned sighting systems mean that any shot wit
gamble. All of its inbuilt (but not Pintle) weapons gain Inaccurate.
41-45 Brittle Hull:
totalling over 25% of its Hull Points, its crew takes 1d5+1 Impact damage to the body.
46-50 Fuel Hog:
All Logistics Tests to acquire fuel or supplies to run it take a -10 penalty.
51-55 High Ground Pressure: Narrow wheels or tracks make this vehicle dangerously prone to sinking in to soft
ground. The penalties for rough terrain are increased by 10.
56-60 Unusual Hull: any Vehicle
61-65 Accursed Pattern: Something about this vehicle is sinister, and its make has a bloodstained reputation. Fate
Points cannot be spent to give a bonus to rolls while inside it.
66-70 Berserk Machine Spirit: The ghost in the machine is dangerously strong. Whenever this vehicle takes
Critical Damage or is affected by a Haywire Field, it fires its main weapon at the nearest target, at a
Ballistic Skill of 30.
71-75 Cramped: This vehicle is quite small for its type- certainly too small to easily move ammo in and out.
Increase the Reload time of all of its weapons by 1 Full Action.
76-80 Noisy:
Enemies gain a +20 to any tests to detect the location of this vehicle, and any Command Tests within the
hull suffer a -10 penalty.
81-85 Unsafe: The engine might leak fumes, or the control levers stick, but operating this vehicle is a tiring
chore. For each hour continuously operating this vehicle, the crew must test Toughness or take 1 level of
86-90 Reactor Instability:
loses more than half its Hull Points in a single attack, it gains the Extremely Volatile trait. If it already has
Extremely Volatile, it explodes.
91-95 Inescapable: The tiny hatches on this vehicle make getting out in a hurry a worrisome prospect. Entering
or exiting this vehicle requires a Full Action.
96-00 High Profile: This vehicle is top-heavy and hard to miss. It counts as being one size category larger for the
purposes of making attacks against it.

Armoury VI- Vehicles and Mounts

-Tactica Imperialis

Subsector Trisdeka does not produce

legions of tanks or endless armoured
vehicles, but its technological
quirks and distinct cultures have led to the
prominence of several homegrown vehicles.

are the Querls of Edelweiss, which are, in

some areas, well on their way to replacing
the Grox or the horse as the most common
beast of burden in the region.

Leman Russ Laykhodok Weapons:
The only true Katyushan tank, the Hull-Mounted Battle Cannon (750m | S/ / |
Laykhodok is more of a heavy assault gun, 3d10+10 X| Pen 8 | Clip 12 | Reload 3 Full|
with armament designed to provide heavy Blast [10], Concussive [3], Reliable)
forward anti-vehicle and anti-emplacement
capabilities, trading off their sponson guns Fixed Kopye Rocket Rack (Front Facing)
for extra side armour and a roomier (Range 1km | S/3/9 | Clip 18 | Reload 10 Full
interior. Laykhodoks are built from | Indirect (2))

Niva Gustav by the Katyushans, who are Options:

more than willing to not ask questions in A Laykhodok can take one of the following
exchange for a supply of inexpensive Pintle-mounted weapons atop the hull:
Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
Type: Tracked Vehicle 12 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Tactical Speed: 12 m
Cruising Speed: 35 kph Autostrela (120m | S/3/5 | 1d10+5 I | Pen 6 |
Manoeuvrability: 10 Clip 30 | Reload Full | Reliable)
Structural Integrity: 55 Size: Massive (7)
Armour: Front 40, Side 35, Rear 25 Boost Projector (25m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 5 E |
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Reinforced Pen 2 | Clip 4 | Reload 2 Full | Flame,
Armour, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle Thrust Jet)
Crew: 1 Commander (Hull), 1 Driver, 1
Gunner (Hull), 1
Loader/Gunner (Hull/Rocket Rack)
Carrying Capacity: None

Leman Russ Nivablitzer Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Reinforced
Parallel to the development of the Armour, Tracked Vehicle
Nivablaster plasma coilgun, the Nivan Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1
techpriests also reworked several of their Gunner (Turret), 1 Loader/Gunner
heavy designs into a twin-linked weapon (Turret/Hull Weapons), 2 additional
suitable for mounting into the turret gun of Gunners (Sponsons, if taken)
a Leman Russ battle tank. They envisioned Carrying Capacity: None

and more reliable version of the Leman Weapons:

Russ Executioner, and to their credit their
creation is significantly less volatile than Turret Mounted Nivablitzer Twin-Coil
the original model. Cannon (200m | S/2/ | 2d10+6 E | Pen 8 |
Clip 40 | Reload 5 Full| Blast [2], Maximal,
Remarkably, they even managed to avoid Storm)
some of the electrical discharge issues of
the plasma coilgun concept by Hull Mounted Weapon (Choose one of the
incorporating a network of automatic following):
grounding probes in the tracks and heavily
insulating the inner hull against electrical Nivablaster-H Plasma Coilgun (120m |
shocks. While this is more than sufficient to S/3/-| 1d10 + 8 E | Pen 8 | Clip 60 | Reload 3
protect a Nivabl Full | Maximal)
weapons, the same cannot be said of anyone
unfortunate enough to be near its treads Nivablotter-H Plasma Splatgun (50m | S/3/-
when one such weapon overloads. The | 1d10 + 8 E | Pen 6 | Clip 16 | Reload 3 Full |
results are often literally electrifying, and Maximal, Scatter)
tank crews have been known to deliberately
overload their vehicle systems in order to Options:
prevent enemy forces from approaching. A
A Nivablitzer may take two Sponson-
general modifications is its lack of mounted weapons (choose one of the
flexibility; the hydrogen routing and following):
electrical discharge lines that cramp its
inner hull leave little room for the weapon 2 Nivablaster-H Plasma Coilguns (120m |
variants often found on other Leman S/3/-| 1d10 + 8 E | Pen 8 | Clip 60 | Reload 3
Russes. Full | Maximal)

Type: Tracked Vehicle 2 Nivablotter-H Plasma Splatguns (50m |

Tactical Speed: 12 m S/3/-| 1d10 + 8 E | Pen 6 | Clip 16 | Reload 3
Cruising Speed: 35 kph Full | Maximal, Scatter)
Manoeuvrability: 10
Structural Integrity: 55 Size: Massive (7)

Special Rules: damage discharged
increases by a further +2 for every Degree
of Success the crewman succeeded on their
not cause the dangerous Haywire effects of original test. If the test fails, the weapon is
their man-portable cousins, they still disabled for one round but the tank does
produce extremely powerful not ground itself. If the test is failed by
electromagnetic flux when their firing coils more than two degrees, the weapon is
misalign. If any of the weapons on a disabled for 1d10+1 rounds and the crewman
Nivablitzer suffers a Jam, it cannot be fired takes 2d10 points of Energy damage with
until the end of the next round. In addition, the Shocking quality, ignoring Armour but
all enemies and allies within 5 meters of the not Toughness.

(+0) Toughness Test or take 1d10 + 1

Energy damage with the Shocking quality,
ignoring Armour but not Toughness.

overload one such weapon and dump its

power output int
systems for devastating results. Doing so
requires a Full-Round Action and a Hard (-
20) Tech-Use Test. If the test succeeds, the
weapon in question cannot be fired until
the end of the next round, and the Energy

Kobold Light Tank Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Tracked Vehicle,
While the Edelweiss are most famous for Reinforced Armour, Ponderous
their Querl cavalry, they make significant Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1
use of the Kobold tank, the umbrella name Gunner/Loader (Turret), 1 Driver (Hull)
for dozens of different light armoured Carrying Capacity: None
vehicles. The specific regional designs of Weapons:
the Kobolds vary, but generally they are Turret Mounted Blockhaus Howitzer (110m
small, emphasizing armour and a tight | S/-/ | 2d10 + 15 X | Pen 6 | Clip 1 | Reload 2
turning radius over speed, and with short- Full| Blast [6], Reliable)
range weapons optimized for city fighting.
The Anzalt-Manlich Waffenfabrik version Coaxial Weapon (Choose one of the
is a popular model, armed with a compact following):
siege howitzer for anti-building and short-
range anti-armour use. Kobolds are seldom Twin-Linked Lasarque (50m | S/2/- | 1d10 +
found offworld, seeing most work in 5 E | Pen 2 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full |
planetary conflicts on Edelweiss proper, Inaccurate, Twin-Linked)
but some Kurassier regiments choose to
keep small numbers of them around as Lasbarde (100m | S/-/- | 3d10 + 10 E | Pen 10
mobile artillery. | Clip 3 | Reload 2 Full | Proven (3),
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 10 m Heavy Flamer (30m | S/ /- | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4
Cruising Speed: 40 kph | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Manoeuvrability: +20 Special Rules
Structural Integrity: 40 Size: Enormous (6) The Blockhaus-pattern howitzer is
Armour: Front 30, Side 28, Rear 28 designed as both a direct and indirect-fire
may switch it
over to
mode, which
gives it the
Indirect (4)

Soyuz-Z4 Special Rules:
A Katyushan-designed four-wheel-drive
Soyuz Chassis: Katyushan vehicles are
and large engine let it move in even gale- designed to move smoothly over snow and
force snowstorms and carry substantial ice, but suffer from a lack of fully-
loads. Though not designed as a combat functional cooling systems. A Soyuz-chassis
vehicle, these trucks see a great deal of vehicle takes no penalties to tests in
service as light prime movers and support Difficult Terrain that is snowy or icy.
vehicles in Katyushan trench lines. Civilian However, in very warm or hot-weather
versions of the Z4 differ little from their conditions, it vehicles loses the Rugged
military counterparts, and are popular as trait as its drivetrain begins to overheat
personal transports on the homeworld. dangerously.
Small numbers of Z4s are also license-built
on Edelweiss for use on the ice worlds of Primer Mover: This vehicle can tow Artillery
Gentian and Pulsatilla. Pieces up to 1 Size larger than it while
suffering the regular penalties for towing
Type: Wheeled Vehicle Artillery.
Tactical Speed: 25
Cruising Speed: 100 kph
Manoeuvrability: +10
Structural Integrity: 25 Size: Enormous (6)
Armour: Front 15, Side 12, Rear 12
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
Open-Topped, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Engineer
Carrying Capacity: 10 Imperial Guardsmen
plus wargear

Soyuz-Z4(M) Soyuz-Z4(C)

The ambulance version of the Z4, the The scout/command version of the Z4, the
Z4(M) is slightly larger and slower, but is Z4(C) mounts a large suite of optical and
fully equipped to provide considerable in- radar imaging and targeting equipment, as
field medical care. As any major casualties in well as a substantial vox array. They find use
a Katyushan regiment are cause for alarm, in Advance Spotter groups and as general
Z4(M)s are almost always on constant mobile command posts.
standby to minimize potential losses.
Type: Wheeled Vehicle
Type: Wheeled Vehicle Tactical Speed: 25 m
Tactical Speed: 20 m Cruising Speed: 80 kph
Cruising Speed: 100 kph Manoeuvrability: +10
Manoeuvrability: +10 Structural Integrity: 30 Size: Enormous (6)
Structural Integrity: 25 Size: Enormous (6) Armour: Front 25, Side 20, Rear 20
Armour: Front 15, Side 13, Rear 13 Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems, Open-Topped, Rugged, Command and
Enclosed, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle Control, Wheeled Vehicle
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Engineer, 1 Medic Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Engineer
Carrying Capacity: 6 Imperial Guardsmen Carrying Capacity: 5 Imperial Guardsmen
on stretchers, plus up to 3 medics, plus plus wargear
medical equipment
Special Rules:
Special Rules:
Soyuz Chassis: Katyushan vehicles are
Soyuz Chassis: Katyushan vehicles are designed to move smoothly over snow and
designed to move smoothly over snow and ice, but suffer from a lack of fully-
ice, but suffer from a lack of fully- functional cooling systems. A Soyuz-chassis
functional cooling systems. A Soyuz-chassis vehicle takes no penalties to tests in
vehicle takes no penalties to tests in Difficult Terrain that is snowy or icy.
Difficult Terrain that is snowy or icy. However, in very warm or hot-weather
However, in very warm or hot-weather conditions, it vehicles loses the Rugged
conditions, it vehicles loses the Rugged trait as its drivetrain begins to overheat
trait as its drivetrain begins to overheat dangerously.
Snow Scout: Z4(C)s incorporate a variety of
Field Ambulance: Due to its large internal stabilized sighting and range finding
medical supply bins and integrated equipment, allowing for easier scouting and
sterilization equipment, the interior of a fire control. All Ballistic Skill and Navigate
Z4(M) counts as a fully-stocked medical (Surface) checks in a stationary Z4(C) gain a
bay for the purpose of Medicae checks. +10 bonus.

Originally developed as a combat APC, the
Z4(A) has gone through numerous A Z4(A) can optionally mount a Kopye
survivability upgrades and weapons Rocket Rack in a turret.
improvements, substantially reducing its
carrying capacity but making it a Kopye Rocket Rack (1km | S/3/9 | Clip 9 |
respectable infantry support vehicle or Reload 5 Full | Indirect (2))
mobile artillery platform in a pinch. All too
frequently, however, crews treat them as Mounting a Rocket Rack reduces its
frontline tanks, where their modest armour Carrying Capacity to 4.
leads to high losses.

Type: Wheeled Vehicle Special Rules:

Tactical Speed: 25 m
Cruising Speed: 70 kph Soyuz Chassis: Katyushan vehicles are
Manoeuvrability: +5 designed to move smoothly over snow and
Structural Integrity: 30 Size: Enormous ice, but suffer from a lack of fully-
Armour: Front 25, Side 20, Rear 20 functional cooling systems. A Soyuz-chassis
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems, vehicle takes no penalties to tests in
Enclosed, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle Difficult Terrain that is snowy or icy.
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Engineer, 1 Gunner However, in very warm or hot-weather
(Pintle) conditions, it vehicles loses the Rugged
Carrying Capacity: 6 Imperial Guardsmen trait as its drivetrain begins to overheat
plus wargear dangerously.

Weapons: APC: Soyuz-Z4(A)s are equipped with 6

fireports for the crew.
A Z4(A) is always equipped with one of the
following Pintle-mounted weapons atop
the hull:

Soyuz-Pattern Flamer (20m| S/ / | 1d10+4

E | Pen 2 | Clip 12 | Reload 2 Full | Flame,

Heavy Autostrela (120m | S/3/5 | 1d10+5 I |

Pen 6 | Clip 30 | Reload Full | Reliable)

Boost Projector (25m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 5 E |

Pen 2 | Clip 4 | Reload 2 Full | Flame,
Thrust Jet)

Soyuz-Z5 Semi-Snowmobile: The cleated tracks and
wide front tire or ski on a Z5 are designed
The older sibling of the Z4, the Z5 is a full- primarily for use on snow or ice. In snowy
bed all-terrain transport halftrack and mass conditions, a Z5 adds 10kph to its Cruising
hauler, designed to be able to operate in Speed, and 5 to both its Tactical Speed and
even the most icy or snowed-in terrain. Manoeuvrability.
These lumbering vehicles see as much use in
civilian roles on Katyush as they do in the Primer Mover: This vehicle can tow Artillery
field, though they are first and foremost Pieces up to 1 Size larger than it while
transports and not fighting machines. suffering the regular penalties for towing
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 15 m
Cruising Speed: 72 kph
Manoeuvrability: +5
Structural Integrity: 25 Size: Enormous (6)
Armour: Front 10, Side 5, Rear 5
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
Open-Topped, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Engineer
Carrying Capacity: 25 Imperial Guardsmen
plus wargear
Special Rules:

Soyuz Chassis: In very warm or hot-weather

conditions, this vehicle loses the Rugged
trait due to its poor-to-nonexistent cooling

Dvalinn Armoured Truck Crew: 1 Driver

A simple four-wheel-drive military vehicle Options:

used on thousands of Imperial worlds, the
Dvalinn differs from its lighter A Dvalinn may mount one of the following
counterparts because of its substantial pintle weapons atop its cab, which can be
armour plating. It is fully-enclosed and operated by a passenger:
strong enough to resist enemy machine gun
and infantry fire, all the while hauling Heavy Stubber (Front Facing) (100m | -/-/8
heavy loads to the front lines. Forges on | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
both Niva Gustav and Edelweiss
manufacture Dvalinn variants, and they are Storm Bolter (Front Facing) (90m | S/2/4 |
a common sight on nearly all of the 1d10 + 5 X | Pen 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
developed worlds of Subsector Trisdeka. Storm, Tearing)

Type: Wheeled Vehicle Flamer (Front Facing) (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4

Tactical Speed: 12m E | Pen 2 | Clip 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame,
Cruising Speed: 60kph Spray)
Manoeuvrability: +5
Structural Integrity: 22 Special Rules:
Size: Enormous (6)
Armour: Front 15, Side 15, Rear 10 Primer Mover: This vehicle can tow Artillery
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Open-Topped, Pieces up to 1 Size larger than it while
Wheeled Vehicle, Enhanced Motive suffering the regular penalties for towing
Systems Artillery.
Carrying Capacity: Up to 10 Imperial
Guardsmen plus wargear

Bruennhilde Artillery Tractor Igla Sabre

Though the compact and much-beloved Another local variant on a popular Imperial
Centaur is one of the Imperium's most design, the Igla Sabre simply replaces the
popular prime movers, it is by no means the standard weapons of a Sabre gun platform
only one. A common replacement on with a triple-barreled Igla soft-launched
Edelweiss is the Bruennhilde variant on the rocket launcher. These effective if
Land Crawler tractor. Little more than an somewhat fragile weapons platforms form
engine on treads, the Bruennhilde's chief the primary anti-aircraft weapon of
selling points are its simplicity, reliability Katyushan entrenched forces, and their
and ability to function effectively in useful ability to ripple-fire or indirectly fire
muddy, unstable terrain. Unfortunately, it their launcher is an added bonus.
is much less well armoured than a Centaur,
and thus almost totally unsuitable for use An Igla Sabre functions as a standard Sabre
anywhere near enemy fire. platform but with the following weapon:

Type: Tracked Vehicle Triple-Igla Launcher (350m | S/3/- |

Tactical Speed: 6 m Damage Ammo-dependent | Pen Ammo-
Cruising Speed: 15 kph dependent | Clip 3 | Reload 2 Full)
Manoeuvrability: +20
Structural Integrity: 15 This weapon also gains the ability to lob
Size: Enormous (6) inactive rounds, as listed under the Igla S-
Armour: Front 12, Side 8, Rear 8 lRS rules.
Vehicle Traits: Open-Topped, Enhanced
Motive Systems, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: 1 Driver
Carrying Capacity: 8 Guardsmen with light
gear sitting on the track guards


Pintle-Mounted Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-

/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2

Special Rules:
Primer Mover: This vehicle can tow Artillery
Pieces up to 1 Size larger than it while
suffering the regular penalties for towing

Bicycle can hit impressive rates. A Bicycle increases
It goes by many names: The bikyklos, the its default Tactical Speed by a number
fahrrad, the velocipede, bone-rattler, equal to the Strength Bonus of its operator.
penny-farthing, even just simply 'bike'. It increases its default Cruising Speed by a
These pedal-powered one-man vehicles are number equal to 5 times one half the
ubiquitous in the Imperium, and are built Strength Bonus of its operator, rounded up.
by very nearly every Forge World or planet Lightweight: Bicycles are somewhat
with any kind of industrial capacity. They unwieldy to carry, but not particularly
can operate in almost any environment, heavy: as an item, a Bicycle has a carry
even the depths of space, and are simple weight of 8 kg, though characters who are
enough for children to use with ease. carrying one cannot make Run Actions if
they are holding the Bicycle in their hands.
Type: Wheeled Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 4 m Look Ma, no hands!: Bicycles aren't exactly
Cruising Speed: 15 kph combat vehicles, but a reasonably skilled
Manoeuvrability: +20 rider can pull off one-handed operation
Structural Integrity: 5 Size: Average (4) with ease. One-handed weapons can be
Armour: Front 1, Side 1, Rear 1 fired by the operator of a bicycle as normal.
Vehicle Traits: Bike, Wheeled Vehicle, Two-handed Basic or Melee weapons can
Open-Topped, Rugged be used as normal, but they impose a -30 to
Crew: 1 Cyclist all Operate tests to control the bicycle on
Carrying Capacity: 1 passenger plus light that turn. If one such test is failed, the rider
gear falls off the bike and takes 1d5 points of
Special Rules: Impact damage, ignoring Armour but not
Skeletal Frame: While they aren't designed to Toughness.
stand up to gunfire, bicycles are so light
and pared-down they often make hard
targets to begin
with. Any tests to
hit a Bicycle or its
rider with ranged
attacks suffers a -10
penalty so long as
the rider has already
moved in the
current Round of
Pedal Power: Even
the weakest cyclist
can get a 'bike
moving at fair speeds, but
Art by Steve Johnson.
those with strong muscles

Tauros Commando
A Tauros Commando has no inbuilt
Not an official Tauros variant, the weapons, but it has room in the hull for up
Commando is simply the standard Tauros to 2 weapons to be mounted on Pintles.
assault vehicle, but lightened and retuned
for extreme range and speed. With little to Special Rules:
speak of by way of crew protection, they
are weapons of surprise and asymmetrical Although it is a Wheeled Vehicle, Tauros-
warfare, not direct attack. Quite often these platform vehicles are treated as Tracked
modifications are unsanctioned by the Vehicles for the purposes of Tests involving
Mechanicus, and the resulting vehicles are Difficult Terrain and when determining
more than a little unpredictable. how much slower they get when suffering
critical damage. Additionally, they ignore
Tauros Commandos are frequently the usual penalties to Operate Tests that
employed by the more aggressive Edelweiss Wheeled Vehicles normally suffer when
infantry regiments, some of the wealthier taking Motive Systems Damage.
and better-equipped Dolcaterran Old
Rollers, and those Katyushan Advance When acquiring a Tauros Commando, the
Spotters who no longer depend on supplies character making the Logistics Test may
from the homeworld.
Trait for the Ramshackle Trait instead.
Type: Wheeled Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 25 m
Cruising Speed: 130 kph
Integrity: 20 Size:
Enormous (6)
Armour: Front 15,
Side 10, Rear 10
Vehicle Traits:
Enhanced Motive
Systems, Open-
Topped, Rugged,
Wheeled Vehicle
Crew: 1 Driver
Carrying Capacity:
4 passengers plus
light gear


Aerosani Armour: Front 20, Side 15, Rear 10
Vehicle Traits: Tracked Vehicle, Open-
A curious vehicle that has either evolved in Topped
parallel or been redeveloped from STCs on Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner
many Imperial worlds, the Aerosani is an Carrying Capacity: 4 passengers plus light
unusual snowmobile riding on broad skis gear
and propelled by an externally mounted jet
engine or propeller. Though awkward to Weapons:
steer, and somewhat difficult to repair
because of their extremely large engines An Aerosani may mount a Heavy Stubber
and light frames, these vehicles fare or a Storm Bolter on its Pintle, using the
excellently on snow and ice, where their rules for those weapons found in the Only
speed is almost wholly unmatched. The one War Core Rulebook.
flaw of the Aersoani is that it can only run
on slippery terrain- these vehicles are Special Rules:
seldom found except as curiosities on
worlds which are not beset by heavy snow Aerosled:
and ice for the majority of the year. Dozens somewhat unusual to control. Aerosani are
of different Aerosani variants exist, and treated as Tracked Vehicles, but they gain a
they take on a wide variety of roles on further +10 to Operate tests involving
iceworlds, from civilian recreational craft to Difficult or Dangerous snowy or icy terrain
light cargo transports to armed military in addition to the one already given by the
patrol vehicles. Tracked Vehicle Trait. However, when
moving over any surface other than snow or
Type: Tracked Vehicle ice, they reduce their Tactical and Cruising
Tactical Speed: 15 m Speeds by a factor of 5 and gain the
Cruising Speed: 100 kph Ponderous Trait.
Manoeuvrability: -10
Structural Integrity: 18 Size: Enormous (6)

Camargue Querl Traits: Bestial, Size (6), Natural Weapons,
The Camargue is one of the more common Terrain Master, Irritable, Enduring,
breeds of mid-size Querl, and its even Unnatural Toughness (2), Natural Armour
temperament and tough skin make it an (3)
ideal mount for heavy cavalry. Like all
Querls, the Camargue is semi-bipedal, Landais Querl
using one set of legs for slow movement but The Landais is an unusually small breed of
switching to two sets when running or omnivorous Querl, one of the few meat-
jumping. It has an internal skeleton, but its eating Querl breeds large enough to bear a
head is covered by an incredibly dense bone
shell that it uses to knock down trees. fragile, lacking much of the natural
WS BS STR T Ag Int Per WP Fel
protection of their herbivorous cousins,
Characteristic 20 01 40 45 45 20 30 20 15
Bonus 2 0 4 4 4 2 3 2 1 their incredible speed overland and
Movement: 4/8/12/16 particularly nasty kick makes them a
Skills: Awareness, Survival, Athletics favorite of many Edelweiss light cavalry
Wounds: 18 regiments. Landais are recognizable for
Talents: Catfall, Iron Jaw, Leap Up, Sprint their thin, bony frames and their tendency
AP: 3 All to move on all fours at any speed above a
Traits: Bestial, Size (5), Natural Weapons, trot.
WS BS STR T Ag Int Per WP Fel
Loyal, Natural Armour (3), Terrain Master,
Characteristic 20 01 40 30 55 20 40 20 10
Bonus 2 0 4 3 5 2 4 2 1
Movement: 10/20/30/40
Pinzgauer Querl Skills: Awareness, Survival, Athletics, Dodge
The Pinzgauer is among the largest and Wounds: 12
strongest of the Querl breeds, with vast Talents: Catfall, Leap Up, Sprint, Frenzy
reserves of stamina that make up for its AP: -
somewhat short temper and bullish lack of Traits: Bestial, Size (5), Deadly Natural
Weapons (Tearing), Terrain Master, Wiry,
skin is pock-marked with bone plates, Quadruped
giving them a distinctive piebald or tiger-
spotted look. Many Edelweiss cavalry
regiments use Pinzgauers as second-line
mounts, as they are ideal carriers of cargo
or gun-hauling animals.

WS BS STR T Ag Int Per WP Fel

Characteristic 20 01 55 50 30 10 30 25 10
Bonus 2 0 5 10 3 1 3 2 1
Movement: 3/6/9/12
Skills: Awareness, Survival, Athletics
Wounds: 20
Talents: Iron Jaw, Catfall AP: 3 All

Camel bizarrely large elephant population, a hold-
Hundreds of breeds of the famously ill- over from an unsuccessful servitor
tempered and graceless camel can be found component breeding program.
across the Imperium. Their speed,
unbelievable resilience in harsh conditions WS BS STR T Ag Int Per WP Fel
Characteristic 20 1 50 50 30 20 25 20 20
and capacity for going long distances
Bonus 2 3 7 7 3 2 2 2 2
without sustenance make them a superb
Movement: 6/12/18/24
military animal for any civilization willing
Skills: Awareness, Survival Wounds: 20
to put up with their considerable cunning
Talents: Crushing Blow AP: -
and willingness to bite and spit at anything
Traits: Bestial, Size (6), Natural Weapons,
that gets in their way.
Enduring, Stampede, Quadruped, Skittish,
Unnatural Strength (2), Unnatural
Camels are frequently employed as draft
Toughness (2)
animals on Bellagia, and small breeding
populations can be found on both
Dolcaterro and Niva Gustav. Mule
Another ancient draft animal from Terra,
WS BS STR T Ag Int Per WP Fel the mule is a genetic blending of the horse
Characteristic 20 30 35 40 35 20 26 20 10 with some long-lost animal from the home
Bonus 2 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 1 of humanity. Sturdily built, patient and
Movement: 6/12/18/24 more cautious than horses, they make for
Skills: Awareness, Survival Wounds: 14 superb pack animals.
Talents: Hardy, Resistance (Heat, Cold),
Sprint AP: - In the Synerge Cluster, mules are used as
Traits: Bestial, Size (5), Natural Weapons, pack animals on Bellagia, Dolcaterro and
Enduring, Stampede, even on Edelweiss, where their
Terrain Master, Quadruped temperament sees them frequently
Spit (Basic | 15m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 4) employed in mines and factories.

Elephant WS BS STR T Ag Int Per WP Fel

Characteristic 20 1 55 45 33 12 30 30 10
Legend records the elephant as being a
Bonus 2 1 5 4 3 1 3 3 1
long-lost beast of war, though their
Movement: 6/12/18/24
skittishness and fearfulness raises doubts
Skills: Athletics, Awareness,
about the truthfulness of
Survival Wounds: 14
those legends. Still,
Talents: Die Hard, Hardy,
elephants are excellent
Iron Jaw Resistance
utility animals, good at
(Disease, Poison) AP: -
finding food and water,
Traits: Bestial, Size (5),
moving heavy objects, and
Natural Weapons, Enduring,
intelligent enough to
Loyal, Placid, Quadruped,
cooperate with their
handlers. Niva Gustav has a

Armoury VII- Artillery vehicles, though with some significant
knows that big guns rule
-Apocryphal You will note that a lot of the rules for
artillery operate on timescales much too
Artillery on the Battlefield long to be practical in the small, squad-
scale combats that Only War provides. This
Even the largest piece of Astra Militarum is deliberate- artillery duels and
ordnance is fitted to some kind of gun bombardments are generally done over
carriage, a wheeled, tracked or skii'd much longer, larger scales than are relevant
conveyance that allows the weapon to be to the average Imperial Guardsman, and if
moved around the battlefield. Though most the crew of anything but the lightest mortar
of the more famous artillery types are or field artillery piece comes under direct
commonly found mounted on vehicles, such enemy attack then something has gone
dismounted artillery is more prevalent in horribly wrong. These rules are mainly
the kind of semi-stationary positions found present to provide a bit more structure to
in trench warfare. Moving and operating what goes on behind the lines, or for use in
such a carriage, with a weapon attached, of prolonged battles or defenses.
course, is a difficult task best accomplished
by a large team of well-trained soldiers. To You may also notice that none of the rules
reflect this, artillery in the Trisdekan here cover vehicle-mounted artillery- that
Primer uses rules not dissimilar to those for topic has already been covered in detail by
the other FFG 40k RPGs, and we need not

retread it here. Artillery pieces do not have include actually loading the artillery piece.
a listed Availability because they cannot be The vehicle or animals towing the piece
normally requisitioned by most soldiers. An must be stationary while the limbering
officer might request the use of an anti- process is undertaken. Limbering and
tank gun, but they would not actually be unlimbering a piece does not require a Test.
requisitioning the gun- they would be
requisitioning a squad of soldiers attached Rotation Test: Artillery pieces are generally
to a gun. quite large, and are assumed to only be able
to hit targets within a 45-degree cone of the
Artillery Carriage Statistics angle they are facing unless stated
All carriages have a few base statistics, otherwise. The Rotation Test is a successful
which vary depending on the general class Strength test, based on the Strength value
of weapon used, and the specific weapon of the weakest member of the gun crew
mounted. (assume 35 for average Guardsmen). A
successful Rotation test allows the gun to
Class: Covered below. change its facing by an amount determined
by its Class. A failed Rotation test uses up
Crew: Like vehicles, the number of crew the rest of the turn, but the gun is stuck or
needed to successfully operate this artillery will not move. Rotating a gun requires a
piece with no penalties. A crewman with the Full Action on the part of the entire crew.
Bulging Biceps Talent, a Strength rating of
50 or higher, or the Unnatural Strength Crew Protection Value: The extra AP the
Trait is assumed to count for two. Having artillery piece provides to its crew while
fewer than the listed number of crew slows they are working on it, not taking cover
the operation of the artillery. For each behind it. Some carriages provide different
crewman less than the listed Crew value, an front and side AP values- treat these as you
artillery piece gains the following penalties. would treat the Facings on a vehicle.
• Increase the Rotation Test (see
below) difficulty by -10 An actual artillery piece as cover is always
• Increase the Reload Time of the treated as providing 24 AP of cover,
weapon by 1 full action. because it's a big heavy chunk of metal, but
• Increase the Limber Time (see obviously it's borderline impossible to load
below) of the weapon by 30 minutes. and fire a gun while actively under fire.
Different Classes of weapon have different
Size: The Size trait of the artillery piece, rules for operation under fire (see below).
and how easy it is to hit. Size also
determines how easily an artillery piece can Artillery Class
be moved. Different kinds of artillery are designed for
different things, and for this reason the
Limber Time: How long it takes the artillery artillery weapons in this book are sorted
to be converted from its travelling state to into four categories, each with their own
readiness, and back. This time does not strengths and weaknesses.

Mortar- Simple indirect-fire artillery, Field- Field artillery is a broad category, but
mortars are generally the physically generally these are weapons which are used
smallest and lightest Imperial Guard for direct firing against enemy targets,
artillery, though their range and damage instead of indirect or over-the-horizon
are limited as a result. Mortar-class artillery bombardment. They are frequently adapted
provides the following benefits: tank cannons. Field-class artillery provides
• A mortar can be unlimbered as a the following benefits:
Full Action, though limbering it • A successful Rotation Test allows a
takes the listed time. Field weapon to be rotated up to 180
• A successful Rotation Test allows a degrees.
Mortar weapon to be rotated up to • Field weapons are frequently low to
360 degrees. the ground, designed to be dug in or
• A mortar provides little to no cover hidden for use in tank-busting or
to the crew, and needs to be so close counterfire. A field-class weapons
to the front lines to operate grants a -20 to any Test made by an
effectively that detecting mortar enemy to locate its position.
nests is a relatively easy task. A • A field artillery weapon can be
mortar-class weapon grants a +20 to operated as normal under direct fire,
any Test made by an enemy to though damage to the crew may
locate its position. result.
• A Mortar weapon cannot be
operated under direct fire, except Rocket- Rocket artillery is somewhat
by characters with a Willpower of unusual in that the majority of the weapon's
over 50 or the Nerves of Steel talent. bulk is its ammunition, and not the launcher
itself. Because of this, rocket weapons
behave much differently when loaded
versus when unloaded.

• A successful Rotation Test allows an Tests to locate it, but a firing Siege
unloaded Rocket weapon to be weapon provides +30.
rotated up to 180 degrees. A loaded • Operating a Siege weapon is often a
Rocket weapon cannot be rotated. painstaking task that requires care
• An unloaded Rocket weapon and precision. A Siege weapon
reduces its Size value by 1, and cannot be operated under direct
halves its Limber Time. fire, except by characters with a
• An unloaded Rocket weapon may Willpower of over 50 or the Nerves
not even be identifiable as a weapon, of Steel talent, but doing so conveys
and grants a -30 to any test made by a -10 penalty to all tests to operate
an enemy to locate its position. A the weapon.
loaded or firing Rocket weapon is a • Siege weapons have a minimum safe
massive ball of fire and screaming firing range- they cannot target
steel, and grants a +30 to any test anything closer than 30 meters.
made by an enemy to locate its
position. Towing Artillery
• Firing a rocket weapon requires An ordinary wheeled or tracked vehicle can
little intervention from the crew tow any artillery piece that has a smaller
beyond lighting a fuse or making an size than it does, though doing so halves
electrical contact. A rocket weapon the vehicle's Tactical and Cruising Speeds
can be fired, but not loaded or and reduces its Maneuverability to -10. If
moved, while under direct fire. s Maneuverability is already less
• Rocket weapons have a minimum than -10, it does not change. Vehicles
safe firing range- they cannot aim at specifically designed for carrying heavy
or hit targets which are less than 50 loads, like Centaurs, can tow artillery pieces
meters away. up to one larger than their Size while
suffering the same penalty. Multiple towing
Siege- The largest Imperial ground weapons vehicles treat their Size category as the
which are not self-propelled, these cannons base, +1 for each additional vehicle- two
are designed for engaging stationary Centaurs would have an effective towing
targets at extreme ranges, and are often so Size of Massive, for instance, while three
large as to make direct or short-ranged fire would have an effective towing size of
dangerous or impossible. A Siege class Immense.
weapon provides the following benefits:
• A successful Rotation Test allows a When moving an artillery piece without
siege weapon to be rotated up to 90 vehicles, things get a little more
degrees. complicated. The number of horses,
humans or draft animals needed to move an
• A Siege weapon is large, but
artillery piece can be found in Table 24
stationary for long periods of time,
below. In either case, a human being or
and thus fairly easy to camouflage. A
Siege weapon that is not being fired draft animal with Bulging Biceps, a
provides a -10 penalty to enemy Strength rating of over 50, or the Unnatural

Strength Trait is assumed to count for two. Lightly Damaged artillery functions as
The speed at which artillery can move normal, but gains Unreliable and
depends on whether it is being towed by Inaccurate. If it already had either of these
animals or people. Qualities, it gains Primitive (7) as well.
Artillery remains Lightly Damaged until
Table 26: Manhandling Artillery repaired in a depot behind the lines. If a
piece of Lightly Damaged artillery is
Artillery Size # of Speed # of Speed hit by a second attack that would do
Animals (m) Humans (m) damage after overcoming an AP of 24,
Average (4) 1 10 2 4 it is considered Unusable. Unusable
artillery might be destroyed, cracked,
Hulking (5) 2 8 6 4
or otherwise so badly damaged that
Enormous (6) 4 7 8 3 operating it would be suicide. An
Massive (7) 8 6 12 3 Unusable gun might have to be towed
off the field, or outright replaced.
Immense (8) 12 5 20 2
Monumental (9) 24 4 50 2 Coehorn Mortar
These small-to-medium mortars are
Damage to Artillery effectively universal in Dolcaterran armies,
An artillery piece is a much more delicate and are used in sieges and on the battlefield.
object than a tank or a pillbox, and Though simple and sturdy, their basic
consequently much less likely to survive construction makes them difficult to
under direct fire. Instead of Wounds or reorient in a hurry.
Hull Points, Artillery has three damage Class: Mortar
states. When an artillery piece is not under Crew: 4
fire, it can be considered Undamaged. It Size: Average
functions as normal. If an artillery piece is Limber Time: 2 minutes
hit with an attack that would still do Rotation Test: Difficult (-10)
damage after overcoming an AP of 24, the Crew Protection Value: 0
artillery piece is considered Lightly Damaged. Weapon Stats:
Range 200m | S/-/- | 3d10 X | Pen 1 | Clip 1 |
Reload 5 Full | Blast (1d10), Flame, Smoke
(1d10), Indirect (4), Reliable

Heavy Mortar
The classic piece of Imperial light artillery,
the Heavy Mortar needs little introduction.
These weapons are found just as often in
field emplacements as they are on the
Griffon self-propelled artillery vehicle.
Class: Mortar
Crew: 4

Size: Average Variable Ammunition: The Thudd gun
Limber Time: 5 minutes uses standard Imperial light mortar rounds
Rotation Test: Simple (+40) which can be found on page 183 of the Only
Crew Protection Value: 0 War Core Rulebook.
Weapon Stats: Light Carriage: The Thudd Gun is
Range 300m | S/-/- | Clip 1 | Reload Half | deliberately designed to be fairly compact
Indirect (3), Reliable | Variable Ammunition and easy to move. This gun can be moved 1
Variable Ammunition: Standard ammo meter for every two Degrees of Success its
types for heavy mortar weapons can be crew achieves on a Rotation Test.
found on page 129 of Shield of Humanity.
Heavy Mortars may also fire the anti-plant, Stormshard Mortar
smoke and starflare rounds found on page A specialized automatic mortar used on the
183 of the Only War core rulebook, adding
+2 to any Blast or Smoke rating they may short barrel fires airbursting shrapnel shells
have, and 1 extra minute of illumination for that, while relatively useless against
Starflare rounds. vehicles, are excellent for area denial and
infantry suppression. Stormshards have a
Thudd Gun relatively high rate of fire, being magazine-
- fed, and are surprisingly accurate, but their
four-barrel Thudd gun mounts four extremely short range limits them
mortars that can be fired in distinctive compared to other Imperial mortar
rhythmic volleys, hence its nickname. One weapons.
of the lightest pieces of Imperial trench Class: Mortar
Crew: 5
makes it extremely effective in both direct Size: Average
and indirect fire, though its complicated Limber Time: 10 minutes
reloading systems makes sustaining that Rotation Test: Easy (+30)
rate of fire difficult. Crew Protection Value: Front 2
Class: Mortar Weapon Stats:
Crew: 4 Range 100m | S/3/5 | 2d10 X | Pen 1 | Clip 5 |
Size: Average Reload 2 Full | Indirect (1), Blast (5),
Limber Time: 3 minutes Crippling (1)
Rotation Test: Easy (+30) Airburst: Any target caught within the
Crew Protection blast radius of a standard
Value: 0 Stormshard attack, even
Weapon Stats: if they did not take
Range 350m | damage, must make a
S/2/4| Clip 4 | Challenging (+0) Pinning
Reload 4 Full | Test as the clouds of
Indirect (2) | splinters filling the air
Variable force them to keep their
Ammunition heads down.

Pack Howitzer Limber Time: 6 Minutes
The Imperium fields hundreds of different Rotation Test: Routine (+20)
small, mobile artillery pieces, usually in Crew Protection Value: 0
calibres of 75mm or less. Designed for Weapon Stats:
portability above all else, they tend to fire Range 175m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 15 I | Pen 2 | Clip
fairly low-powered rounds to minimize 1 | Reload 8 Full | Blast (2)
weight and recoil. A Whiff of Grapeshot: These weapons are
Class: Field frequently loaded with bags of musket balls
Crew: 3 for use as a short-ranged antipersonnel
Size: Average weapon. In this case, they use the following
Limber Time: 2 minutes Weapon Stats:
Rotation Test: Simple (+40) Range 75m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 5 I | Pen 2 | Clip 1
Crew Protection Value: 0 | Reload 8 Full | Spray, Concussive (0)
Weapon Stats:
Range 250m | S/-/- | 2d10 + 8 X | Pen 1 | Conqueror Cannon
Clip 1 | Reload 2 Full| Blast (4), Concussive A short-barreled version of the standard
(1), Inaccurate (3) 120mm Battle Cannon, the Conqueror was
HEAT Rounds: Artillery this small designed for use on cavalry tanks like the
Leman Russ variant that bears its name.
anti-armour role, but high-explosive anti- Though somewhat less popular as a field
tank rounds can help. A Pack Howitzer anti-tank gun due to its reduced range and
firing HEAT rounds changes its Blast striking power compared to the original,
quality to (1), loses Concussive (1), and the Conqueror finds its use in situations
increases its Penetration to 6. where mobility and volume of fire are
Light Carriage: A Pack Howitzer is paramount, as the lighter cannon is much
deliberately designed to be fairly compact easier to move around, and its greatly
and easy to move. This gun can be moved 1 reduced recoil makes loading much faster.
meter for every two Degrees of Success its Class: Field
crew achieves on a Rotation Test. Crew: 4
Size: Hulking
4-Pounder Field Gun Limber Time: 5 Minutes
These 84mm smoothbore muzzle-loaders Rotation Test: Easy (+30)
are the bread and butter of the Crew Protection Value: Front 4
Dolcaterran armed forces. They fire solid Weapon Stats:
lead cannonballs great distanced, but are Range 500m | S/2/- | 3d10 + 8 X | Pen 7 |
light enough to be carried by as few as three Clip 12 | Reload 3 Full | Blast (5), Concussive
horses. Though slow-firing, their above- (1), Reliable
average manufacturing makes them Auger Shells: A rare Conqueror load
surprisingly accurate. briefly manufactured on Gryphonne IV in
Class: Field the 39th millennium, the Auger shell is a
Crew: 6 squash-head round designed to make up for
Size: Hulking -tank

capacity by causing dangerous spalling to vulnerable to being overrun, though they
Conqueror firing are famously potent when attached to the
Auger Shells reduces its Blast quality to (1) Leman Russ variant of the same name.
and inflicts Righteous Fury on enemy Class: Field
vehicles on rolls of 7-10. A case of 12 Auger Crew: 6
Shells has a base Availability of Extremely Size: Hulking
Rare. Limber Time: 10 Minutes
Specialised Shells: Special-purpose shells Rotation Test: Routine (+20)
for this weapon can be found on page 194 of Crew Protection Value: Front 8, Side 6
the Only War Core Rulebook. Weapon Stats:
Range 50m | S/-/- | 4d10 + 20 X | Pen 8 |
Battle Cannon Clip 2 | Reload Full | Blast (10), Concussive
Probably the single most produced (3)
Imperial ordnance weapon, the Battle Specialised Shells: Special-purpose shells
Cannon is the 120mm weapon that arms for this weapon can be found on page 194 of
every standard Leman Russ in the Imperial the Only War Core Rulebook.
arsenal. A simple and reliable weapon, it can
always be counted on to deliver a solid Vanquisher Cannon
multi-purpose punch. The dedicated tank-hunter version of the
Class: Field Battle Cannon, low-slung Vanquisher
Crew: 4 mounts are a much-treasured, but
Size: Hulking increasingly rare, sight on Imperial
Limber Time: 6 Minutes battlefields. Much knowledge of their
Rotation Test: Routine (+20) proper construction has been lost, and new
Crew Protection Value: Front 4, Side 2 versions are of distinctly lower quality than
Weapon Stats: the originals, but they provide a super anti-
Range 750m | S/-/- | 3d10 + 10 X | Pen 8 | armour punch at great ranges.
Clip 12 | Reload 3 Full | Blast (10), Class: Field
Concussive (3), Reliable Crew: 4
Specialised Shells: Special-purpose shells Size: Enormous
for this weapon can be found on page 194 of Limber Time: 5 Minutes
the Only War Core Rulebook. Rotation Test: Routine (+20)
Crew Protection Value: Front 4, Side 2
Demolisher Cannon Weapon Stats:
Closer to a short-range assault gun than a Range 900m | S/-/- | 3d10 + 10 X | Pen 16 |
lasma Clip 6 | Reload 2 Full | Accurate
charge shells are heavier and shorter- Precision Instrument: The Vanquisher
ranged but much more devastating than a Cannon gains the bonus damage from the
Accurate quality.
little field emplacement use except in city Specialised Shells: Special-purpose shells
fighting or ambush attacks, as their poor for this weapon can be found on page 194 of
arc of fire leaves their crew dangerously the Only War Core Rulebook.

Hydra Anti-Aircraft Battery The bonus never applies to ground targets.
The quadruple Hydra autocannon battery
-to medium Blitzen Anti-Aircraft Cannon
antiaircraft weapon, and proves just as One of the many STC designs that came
effective against light vehicles and infantry out of
in the ground emplacement role. same chassis as the popular
Class: Field Gotterdamerung howitzer but instead
Crew: 6 mounts a long 90mm anti-aircraft cannon.
Size: Hulking Though it cannot put out the same massed
Limber Time: 15 Minutes firepower as a Hydra battery, a Blitzen
Rotation Test: Simple (+40) cannon is significantly more accurate, much
Crew Protection Value: Front 2, Side 2 longer-ranged, and a great deal better in
Weapon Stats: the anti-tank role. Blitzens are often
Range 1.5km | S/-/6 | 3d10 + 8 I | Pen 6 | Clip
200 | Reload 4 Full | Reliable, Tearing, and see a great deal of use by many PDF
Twin-Linked anti-tank units.
Quad-Mounting: A standard Hydra Class: Field
battery is assumed to be equipped with two Crew: 4
pairs of autocannons, both of which can be Size: Enormous
fired simultaneously. Both weapons must Limber Time: 10 Minutes
fire at the same target, as a single Attack Rotation Test: Routine (+20)
Action. Crew Protection Value: Front 8
Anti-Aircraft: This weapon suffers no Weapon Stats:
penalties to hit Fliers. Range 2.5km | S/-/- | 3d10 + 5 I | Pen 12 |
Tracking Systems: Once a Hydra scores a Clip 1 | Reload Full | Reliable, Accurate
successful hit on an enemy aircraft the Anti-Aircraft: This weapon suffers no
penalties to hit Fliers.
begins to track the target and turn the
turret to keep the enemy within its sights. Manticore Missiles
As long as a Hydra continues to target the The primary Imperial missile artillery
same aircraft all shots from the two Hydra weapon, the Manticore exists in dozens of
autocannons count as if they had made a different variants. Slow to reload and
Half-Action Aim, therefore gaining a +10 somewhat inaccurate, it is nonetheless a
bonus to Ballistic Skill Tests. This bonus is brutally effective
lost as soon as area-denial tool.
the target is Class: Rocket
destroyed, the Crew: 8
Hydra stops Size: Enormous
firing at the Limber Time: 20
target, or fires at Minutes
another target. Rotation Test:
Ordinary (+10)

Crew Protection Value: 0 Flaming Arrows
Weapon Stats: Among the simplest of the types of
Range 4km | S/2/4 | Clip 4 | Reload Special | gunpowder artillery, the Flaming Arrow
Indirect (4) | Variable Ammunition launcher is a boxy frame that uses small
Reloading Manticores: A manticore must charges of gunpowder to fire volleys of
select a single type of rocket or missile, and explosive-tipped arrows. Inaccurate, loud
all four missiles loaded must be of the same and prone to catching fire with each shot,
type. Loading a Manticore requires a these weapons are nevertheless excellent at
separate vehicle such as a Trojan Support saturating areas with fire.
Vehicle. Reloading the multiple-rocket Class: Rocket
launcher takes 3 minutes (36 Full Actions) Crew: 3
per rocket, and if the Manticore ever Size: Hulking
suffers a Jam then all the remaining rockets Limber Time: 10 Minutes
must be manually removed before being Rotation Test: Challenging (+0)
replaced. This also takes 3 minutes per Crew Protection Value: 0
rocket and requires a separate support Weapon Stats:
vehicle. Range 500m | 1/-/- | 1d10 + 6 E | Pen 1 | Clip
Variable Ammunition: Standard ammo 1 | Reload 5 Full | Blast (5d10), Smoke (5d10),
types for Manticore launchers can be found Inaccurate, Unreliable, Flame, Indirect (8)
on page 129 of Shield of Humanity and
here. Ironcase Rocket
Anti-Aircraft: When filing Sky Eagle These primitive but deadly black powder
rockets, the Manticore takes no penalty to weapons are little more than an iron tube
hit Fliers. with a stabilizing rod on one end. Though
highly inaccurate and slow to prepare and

fire, their habit of bouncing unpredictably Size: Hulking
across the battlefield before violently Limber Time: 10 Minutes
exploding make them a potent Rotation Test: Challenging (+0)
psychological weapon. The forces of Crew Protection Value: 0
Langeter on Brumera make heavy use of Weapon Stats:
Ironcases, and there are numerous Range 1km | S/3/9 | Clip 18 | Reload Special |
historical records of such arms being Indirect (2) | Variable Ammunition
produced on Katyush. Reloading Rocket Racks: It takes a Half
Class: Rocket Action to load a single rocket onto a
Crew: 2 Rocket Rack, or 9 Full Actions to load a
Size: Hulking full rack. The rockets are just small enough
Limber Time: 5 Minutes to be hefted by a pair of unassisted humans,
Rotation Test: Challenging (+0) so at minimum two crew are needed to load
Crew Protection Value: 0 a rack. Up to 6 crew can be assigned to load
Weapon Stats: multiple rockets simultaneously, reducing
Range 2km | S/-/- | Clip 1 | Reload 2 Full | the standard reload time to 3 Full Actions
Indirect (6), Inaccurate | Variable for a single rack.
Ammunition Variable Ammunition: Kopye Rocket Rack
Reloading Ironcases: Ironcase rockets are ammunition can be found here.
small enough to be easily hefted by a single
person, but preparing their delicate black Praetor Missiles
powder fuses takes time. If an extra crew The STC data for the Praetor Multiple
member is assigned to prepare fuses for an Missile Launcher was discovered on the
Ironcase rocket, its Reload time is reduced Segmentum Tempestus Zhao-Arkkad, and
to 1 Half Action. led to the subsequent development through
Variable Ammunition: Ironcase Rocket M37 and M38 of the famous Praetor
ammunition can be found here. Armoured Assault Launcher. During the
process, however, independent versions of
Rocket Rack the Praetor for emplacement or field use
Many Imperial guard regiments that prefer were also developed, and proved
rocket weapons will make use of the significantly easier to manufacture than the
-fire capabilities for bulky leviathan that was the Assault
saturation fire. Such rocket racks tend to Launcher. Praetor missiles are smaller,
carry smaller weapons than a Manticore, faster, and considerably more accurate than
but be much more compact and faster to
reload. The Kopye-type munitions produce.
constructed on Katyush in the Segmentum Class: Rocket
Obscurus are a classic example of saturation Crew: 10
rockets, but hundreds of different variants Size: Massive
can be found across the Imperium. Limber Time: 30 Minutes
Class: Rocket Rotation Test: Difficult (-10)
Crew: 2 Crew Protection Value: 0

Weapon Stats: Rotation Test: Challenging (+0)
Range 5km| S/2/4 | Clip 13 | Reload Special | Crew Protection Value: 0
Indirect (2) |Variable Ammunition Weapon Stats:
Reloading Praetors: A Praetor must select Range 350m | S/-/- | 4d10 X | Pen 4 | Clip 1 |
a single type of rocket or missile, and all Reload 8 Full | Blast (10)
missiles loaded must be of the same type. A Whiff of Grapeshot: These weapons are
Loading a Praetor requires a separate frequently loaded with bags of musket balls
vehicle or crane such as a Trojan Support for use as a short-ranged antipersonnel
Vehicle. Reloading the multiple-rocket weapon. In this case, they use the following
launcher takes 1 minute (12 Full Actions) per Weapon Stats:
rocket, and if the Praetor ever suffers a Jam Range 100m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 5 I | Pen 2 | Clip
then all the remaining rockets must be 1 | Reload 8 Full | Spray, Concussive (4)
manually removed before being replaced. Solid Shot: Licornes are usually loaded
This also takes 1 minute per rocket and with primitive explosive shells, but they can
requires a separate support vehicle. also fire conventional cannonballs using the
following profile:
Variable Ammunition: Praetor missile Range 350m | S/-/- | 2d10+10 I | Pen 2 | Clip
rounds can be found here. 1 | Reload 6 Full | Blast (2)
Anti-Aircraft: When filing Pilum rockets,
the Praetor gains the Anti-Air (Advanced)
Trait from p. 135 of Shield of Humanity. Earthshaker Cannon
The single most common piece of Imperial
Licorne Howitzer artillery, the relatively small 132mm shells
A 121mm muzzle-loading blackpowder fired by the long-barreled Earthshaker hit
weapon, the Licorne represents the with incredible speed and accuracy. Massed
pinnacle of Dolcaterran arms development. Earthshaker fire can annihilate armour,
Their long barrel and conical chamber infantry, and fortifications with equal
enables fast loading, and they can fire a measure. Though the vehicular version of
wide variety of shot. the Earthshaker designated the Basilisk is
Class: Siege the more well-known version of the
Crew: 7 weapon, millions of the humbler carriage-
Size: Massive mounted Earthshakers are used all across
Limber Time: 10 Minutes the Imperium.

Class: Siege shorter distances. Though it is somewhat
Crew: 6 less well-known than its larger sibling, it is
Size: Massive a variety much favored by PDF troops and
Limber Time: 30 Minutes planets with small economies, due to its
Rotation Test: Very Hard (-30) reliability and speed of production.
Crew Protection Value: Front 8 Class: Siege
Weapon Stats: Crew: 6
Range 3.5km | S/-/- | 4d10 + 10 X | Pen 8 | Size: Massive
Clip 1 | Reload Full | Blast (10 + 1d10), Limber Time: 25 Minutes
Concussive (5), Indirect (5) Rotation Test: Hard (-20)
Specialised Shells: Special-purpose shells Crew Protection Value: Front 8
for this weapon can be found on page 194 of Weapon Stats:
the Only War Core Rulebook. Range 1km | S/-/- | 4d10 + 10 X | Pen 4 |
Extra Powder: Clip 1 | Reload Full | Blast (5 + 1d10),
cavernous breech can be packed full of Concussive (3), Indirect (4)
extra explosive charges, significantly Specialised Shells: Special-purpose shells
increasing its range at the cost of severe for this weapon can be found on page 194 of
da the Only War Core Rulebook.
overloaded Earthshaker increases its range Extra Powder: The Gotterdamerung
by 1000m, and gains the Inaccurate and
Unreliable Qualities. The weapon will be Powder rule.
permanently destroyed if it fires more than
1d10 + 11 of these shots without Earthshaker Magnus
maintenance or overhaul. A rare variant of the Earthshaker cannon
manufactured by the Forge Worlds of the
Gotterdamerung Howitzer Lithesh Sector in the Ultima Segmentum,
A compact, low-cost howitzer developed the Magnus is a much larger, longer-
on Krieg during its civil war, the barreled version of the conventional
Gotterdamerung fires the same 132mm Earthshaker, designed specifically for
rounds as the Earthshaker over much extreme-range bombardments. It uses

standard 132mm Earthshaker shells difficulty of reloading make it less versatile
enhanced with a much larger explosive and thus less common on Imperial
charge to achieve immense ranges. Though battlefields.
powerful, the Magnus has proved to be Class: Siege
much less capable in the direct-fire role Crew: 6
than the standard version. Size: Massive
Class: Siege Limber Time: 30 Minutes
Crew: 7 Rotation Test: Very Hard (-30)
Size: Immense Crew Protection Value: Front 12, Side 6
Limber Time: 60 Minutes Weapon Stats:
Rotation Test: Arduous (-40) Range 200m | S/-/- | 5d10 + 20 X | Pen 8 |
Crew Protection Value: Front 8 Clip 1 | Reload 4 Full | Blast (15 + 1d10),
Weapon Stats: Concussive (6)
Range 6km | S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 X | Pen 10 | Bastion-Breacher Shells: These specialized
Clip 1 | Reload 3 Full | Blast (10 + 1d10), armour-piercing siege shells, which are
Concussive (6), Indirect (2) mostly inert and fin-stabilized, use sheer
Oversized: The Earthshaker Magnus is a velocity to crack and puncture armour of
gigantic and unwieldy weapon, and thus unparalleled thickness. A Medusa firing
cannot engage targets in direct fire, or Bastion-Breachers increases its Penetration
indirectly fire on targets less than 50 meters to 24 and reduces its Blast rating to 10. A
away from it. single Bastion-Breacher shell has an
Specialised Shells: Special-purpose shells Availability of Very Rare.
for this weapon can be found on page 194 of
the Only War Core Rulebook. Colossus Bombard
One of the largest-calibre ground weapons
Medusa Siege Gun fielded by the Imperial Guard, the Colossus
In many ways a larger and more specialized Siege Bombard is so slow, cumbersome and
version of the Demolisher, the Medusa fires overspecialized that it is almost never seen
a much larger low-velocity projectile than except in cases of extended siege. Its
an Earthshaker. Its tremendous payload can concussion rounds are so large and so heavy
crack even the heaviest fortifications given that the emplacement must be carefully dug
enough time, but its poor range and in before firing, and a Colossus crew is

considered unbelievably skilled if they can most part, even the most mobile warfare
loose off more than a couple dozen rounds can devolve into bloody attrition. In such
in a day. That said, the effect of said rounds circumstances, the artillery is often called in
on any kind of target, be it fortifications, to crack enemy lines and provide for
vehicles, or otherwise, is apocalyptic. breakthroughs. The Imperial guard is no
Class: Siege stranger to large scale artillery attacks, and
Crew: 15 is willing to commit frightful quantities of
Size: Immense weaponry and materiel to breaking their
Limber Time: 3 Hours enemies. Such may also be true of other
Rotation Test: Arduous (-40) forces as well, including traitors,
Crew Protection Value: Front 12, Sides 12, secessionists and the varied weapons used
Rear 4 by xenos. A well-prepared Imperial line
Weapon Stats: may be relatively undamaged by heavy
Range: 600m | S/-/- | 8d10 + 20 X | Pen 12 | bombardment, but the same cannot
Clip 1 | Reload Special | Inaccurate, Blast necessarily be said of the troops manning
(25), Concussive (8), Indirect (9) that line.
Gigantic Munitions: It takes no less than
an hour to reload a Colossus, and doing so The constant shock of sustained
requires the use of power-lifters and any bombardment over the course of hours,
number of support vehicles just to transport days or even weeks will leave its mark on
a few rounds. the strongest mind. Shell shock is a specific
Unnecessary Firepower: form of battlefield fatigue than can turn
sake, when firing a Bombard against a veteran soldiers into twitching, paranoid
group of enemies in the open or without wrecks, and few Guard veterans do not
massive amounts of heavy cover, roll 1d10. suffer from it in some form or another. The
That percentage of the group are left alive- same can be said even of the enemies of
the rest are killed instantly. man- the Eldar and Tau are just as
Thermobaric Shells: These specialized vulnerable to lack of sleep or the stress of
fuel-air shells are designed to crush larger bombardment as humans are, and solid
targets with an explosion of super-heated Orkish constitutions can be thrown off the
and super-pressurized gasses. A Colossus constant roar of drumfire.
firing such shells stuns all targets in its blast
for 1d10 + 5 rounds, unless they would For each day of sustained, continuous
otherwise be immune to Stunning, does artillery bombardment from multiple
Energy damage, and gains the Flame enemy weapons, a player character must
quality. A Thermobaric Shell has an test Willpower or take 1d5-1 points of
Availability of Near Unique for a single Insanity damage. The difficulty of this test
shell. commences at Challenging (+0), but
increases by -5 for every day the
Prolonged Bombardment bombardment continues. This is not a Fear
Though the Imperial Guard has moved effect- rather, it implies the shock to the
away from static trench combat for the nerves caused by the sensory overload of

falling artillery strikes, combined with mechanically. Instead, reduce all the stats of
exhaustion and lack of sleep. A character enemies who have been under
under bombardment also takes 1 level of bombardment by 1d5 -1 for each day of
Fatigue for every second day they are under bombardment. GMs may decide that for
bombardment- while a good rest away from larger, tougher enemies, or enemies like
the lines can reduce this Fatigue as normal, Necrons or Tyranids who do not sleep or
rest under bombardment does not. think in the same way as regular beings, this
stat reduction may be diminished or
NPCs or enemies under bombardment removed entirely.
obviously do not suffer sanity damage,

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