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Roll No....

May 20118
M. B. A. (Personnel Administration) Examination

IInd Semester

Time 3 Hours] [Max. Marks 60

Note: Attempt any three questions from Section A. Each question carries 12 marks. Section B is

compulsory and carries 24 marks. Each case is of 12 marks.

Section A
. Explain the HRM Models. Which according to you is the most comprehensve and why ?

2. Describe how a proactive HR Manager would cope with the entry of MNCs. Also explain
which HR Policies will contribute to firm's Strategic Management Process.

Explain various methods used in Training Needs Assessment. Also explain which are useful
for organisational level needs assessment and others for individual needs?

4. If you were to audit an existing Performance Appraisal System, what criteria would you
use to judge its effectiveness?

Write short notes on the following:

(a) Overview of VRS in India.
(b) BARS.

Section B
6 Analyze the case and answer the questions given at the end

Microelectronics. California-baseu electronics defense contractor; has

gowth cuive over he enjoyed a smooth

past five years. primarily because or favourable defense
the Reagan administration's build-up of U.S. funding during
numerous inilitary delenses. Microelectrönics has had
contacts to
design aud develop guidance and radar systemms for military weaponry
Although the favourable funding cyele has enabled. Microelectronics to grow at a steady
rate, the company is
tinding it
increasingly diflcult to keep its really good
extensive turnover analyses conducted
by Ned
engineers. Based on
manager. Microelectronics' problem seems to be Jacl:son, the human resources
its inabilty to keep
"critical" five-year point. engineers beyond the
Apparently, the probability of turnover drops dramatically after îve
years of service. Ned's concluslon is
that Microelectronics has been
strategy bas always heen to hire the bestessentialy
industry college. Their staffing serving as an
from te best and brightest engineers
engnerirg schools in the United States.
Ned believes that these
firim. For exaniple, most (tf notengineers often get lost in the shuffle at the time
all) of the new htres musi work on they Joint the
cleared by security to join designated
a non-classlfled projects until
major project. Security clearance usuially takes
ron six to ten months,
n the meantlme tt:e anywhere
erngineers frequently iriss out on its major project has started, and
Segment of the decslgn phase, cousidered the most creative and these youn8
program. Because of the nature of
project work, new engineeringchalengn
what tic
learning the organisational cuiture such
- -

as who to ask when

often have
general dos and don'ts are, and you have a problena,
why the organisation does things in certain
a way.

2 234
heating a task force of human
resource professionals within Microelectronics, Ned
has been designated to present to
among YOung
top management a propcsal
designed to reduce turnover
cngincering recruits. The essence of his plan is to create a mentor.
Except tiat in this plan tire mentors will not programme,
but rather ttos
be the scasoned graybeards of Microelectronics,
engineers i thé critical
three-to-five y¢ars service window the
turnover. these will be period of highest
engiieers paired v:ith new. engineering recruits before the recruits
actualiy report o Miurorltctronice for work.
Accor dirg to the task force, the
piograrnme is.twofold
it beneíits the newcomer
by.easing the transition intc the conmpany, ând
it helps the three-to-five year service engineers by enabling
role for the company. them to serve an important
By performing the inentor role, these &ngineers will become móre
ess ikeiy io leave. As i t d piepared his fifteen minute and hence commmitted
wondered it be had adequately anticipated the possible presentation
for top
management, he
to make an intelligent objections
to the
defcnce of it. Only tiime would tell. programme in order
ldentfy the salient issues from HR
point of vlew for this case.
2. What are the causes of dissatisfaction and turnaver in
3. Do you find the mentoring programme suitable to reduce turnover ?
Justify your answer.

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