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Advanced Listening Exam B

Jan 2011

Part 1: Listen to the passage and choose the letter of the best answers. (10 points –
1 point each)
1. The oil company hired a psychologist to _______.
A. find creative people B. make the present employees creative
C. Neither answer is correct D. Both answers are correct

2. In order to find more creative employees, the psychologist studied _____.

A. I.Q. B. hair color
C. high school friends D. educational background

3. People who aren’t creative, _____.

A. don’t think they are creative B. think they are creative
C. don’t know if they are or not D. see a psychologist

4. Most of the time, the first ideas that you have ____.
A. are the best B. are worthwhile
C. come slowly D. come quickly

5. A creative person doesn’t evaluate ideas immediately because ______.

A. he / she knows this will shut off further ideas
B. because they usually aren’t creative
C. he / she doesn’t have time
D. All of the answers are correct

6. Creative people are _____ that they will come up with a good idea.
A. not sure B. confident
C. not confident D. arrogant because they know

7. Bird watching is an example of why people need to ______ to be creative.

A. be patient B. have good eyesight
C. love nature D. be perceptive

8. People who _____ become aware of how creative they are.

A. watch birds B. see psychologists
C. look for ideas D. don’t look for ideas

9. One way to improve your creativity is the use of _____.

A. physical exercise B. bird watcher books
C. mental exercises D. spiritual exercises

10. Many people allow their creativity to ______ through lack of use.
A. atrophy B. flourish C. blossom D. increase

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Part 2: Listen to the passage and choose the letter of the best answers. (10 points –
1 point each)
1. An appropriate title for this passage is _____.
A. How to Sculpt B. A Master Sculptor
C. Realistic Art D. The Age of Bronze

2. Most of Rodin’s artworks are considered _____.

A. innovative B. unconventional
C. Both answers are correct D. Neither answer is correct

3. In the beginning, Rodin’s work was ______ by the critics and his countrymen.
A. praised B. purchased C. rejected D. stolen

4. Rodin became religious after _____.

A. he met a priest B. he made L’Age d’Airin
C. he returned to Paris D. the death of his sister

5. Rodin was very impressed with Michelangelo’s portrayal of _____.

A. his mother and father B. Christ C. legs and arms D. muscles

6. L’Age d’Airin was not accepted immediately because the critics believed Rodin
A. didn’t sculpt it B. wasn’t artistic
C. genius wasn’t recognized D. didn’t reflect the subject

7. Rodin probably created The Age of Bronze because

A. he worked with iron B. he worked with bronze
C. he liked stone D. he was a paleontologist

8. La Porte de l’Enfer was inspired by the first chapter of _____.

A. the Bible B. the Koran C. the Divine Comedy D. Adam and Eve

9. The Kiss, which was originally part of The Gates of Hell, was _____.
A. sold for ten million lira B. never finished
C. sold to the French D. donated to a museum

10. The most crticized work of Rodin’s career was _____.

A. L’Age d’Airin B. The Kiss
C. Nude Balzac D. The Thinker

Part 3: Listen to the passage and choose the letter of the best answers. (10 points –
1 point each)
1. _____ people would like to try bungee jumping.
A. Few B. No C. All D. Many

2. Bungee jumping began as a form of a _____ in the New Hebrides Islands.

A. sport B. manhood-rite C. exercise D. stupidity

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3. Bungee jumping became popular after Hackett’s jump from _____.
A. the Tower of Pisa B. the Eiffel Tower
C. the Galata Tower D. the Tower of London

4. Bungee jumping’s popularity started in _____ and then spread to the rest of the
A. America B. New Zealand C. Europe D. Asia

5. If you jump from a bridge, you can get back up by _____.

A. bungee jumping B. being pulled up
C. being lowered down D. Both B and C are correct

6. Bungee jumping is _____ than driving 100 miles in a car.

A. more dangerous B. just as dangerous
C. less dangerous D. None of the answers is correct

7. Most accidents were cause by problems with the _____.

A. jumper B. bridge C. spectators D. bungee cord

8. Bungee jumping is different from springboard diving in that _____.

A. you can do tricks on the first dive as well as the rebounds
B. you can only do tricks on the first dive
C. you can’t do any tricks
D. it is more dangerous

9. If you don’t bungee jump for a period of time, when you return, you _____.
A. will not jump B. will jump but be frightened
C. will jump and not be frightened D. will jump and die

10. The biggest group jump was ____ people on a ____ foot jump.
A. 25...117 B. 20...170 C. 250...1700 D. 25...170

Part 4: Listen to the passage and choose the letter of the best answers. (10 points –
1 point each)
1. According to the passage, buying a mountain bike can be very _____.
A. exciting B. boring C. frustrating D. annoying

2. As far as mountain bike prices, there is _____.

A. a limitless range B. a very limited range
C. only cheap bikes D. nothing for your budget

3. Before you buy your bike, you must decide where _____.
A. you are going to store it B. it will attract attention
C. you are going to ride it D. None of the answers is correct

4. The one advantage of hardtail components is _____.

A. they have rear suspension B. more comfort
C. better control D. they pedal more efficiently

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5. Most mountain bikes have _____ components.
A. no B. many C. few D. a couple of

6. The best prices for mountain bikes can usually be found _____.
A. in the fall and winter B. during spring and summer sales
C. Both answers are correct D. Neither answer is correct

7. A good bike seller _____.

A. cares about bikes B. will answer your questions
C. will give you a discount D. Both A and B are correct

8. Most mountain bikes _____.

A. never need repair B. need to be repaired sometimes
C. are always a problem D. have flat tires at least once a week

9. As far as test riding a mountain bike, _____.

A. do it once and then buy the bike
B. test ride every bike in the shop
C. test ride several bikes until you find one you like
D. only test ride the most expensive bikes

10. Researching mountain through product reviews is a great idea because _____.
A. you can find a bike’s reliability rating
B. you can find a bike’s performance rating
C. you can find out which bikes were problematic
D. All of the answers are correct

Part 5: Listen to the following conversation; then, choose the letter of the best
answer. (10 points – 1 point each)
1. An invention fair is a good place for inventors _____.
A. to meet other inventors B. to find out how much to charge
C. to show their inventions D. to find a spouse

2. Kent isn’t happy that ______.

A. he will be replaced by a robot B. there are no flying trucks
C. his pants are dirty D. his shirt isn’t ironed

3. Kent wants to check out the science section to look at _____.

A. the medical breakthroughs B. cars
C. vacuum cleaners D. buttons

4. Jessie wants to see if there will be _____ in the near future.

A. a new microwave B. more doctors
C. a cure for cancer D. flying cars

5. At the science exhibit, there is a man who is flying through the use of _____.
A. an anti-gravity machine B. wings C. a helicopter D. a bird

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6. As cures for cancer and AIDS are found, _____ will replace them.
A. new cures B. more deadly diseases
C. less fatal diseases D. old diseases

7. Jessie feels that diseases with names such as _____ sound horrible.
A. cancer B. whooping cough
C. leukemia D. All of the answers are correct

8. After looking at the robot, Kent _____ about the future.

A. is optimistic B. is excited C. is bored D. is pessimistic

9. The refrigerator of the future has _____.

A. an oven B. a stereo C. a DVD player D. a swimming pool

10. Kent seems to be _____ with his wife, Jessie.

A. very happy B. dissatisfied C. violent D. frivolous

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