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“main” — 2011/2/10 — 18:53 — page 317 — #1

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (2011) 83(1): 317-327

(Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences)
Printed version ISSN 0001-3765 / Online version ISSN 1678-2690

On a new peirosaurid crocodyliform from the Upper Cretaceous,

Bauru Group, southeastern Brazil


1 Departamento Nacional de Produção Mineral, Museu de Ciências da Terra

Avenida Pasteur, 404, Urca, 22290-240 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

2 Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Geologia e Paleontologia

Quinta da Boa Vista, s/n, São Cristóvão, 20940-040 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
3 Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Instituto de Biologia, Campus Umuarama

Bloco 2D – sala 28, Rua Ceará, s/n, Umuarama, 38400-902 Uberlândia, MG, Brasil

Manuscript received on December 22, 2010; accepted for publication on January 18, 2011

A new crocodyliform from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) Presidente Prudente Formation of the
Bauru Group is described based on two almost complete skulls and mandibles. The material comes from the “Tar-
taruguito” site, situated at an old railroad between the cities of Pirapozinho and Presidente Prudente, state of São
Paulo, Brazil. The new species, Pepesuchus deiseae gen. et sp. nov., is classified in the clade Peirosauridae on the
basis of three synapomorphies: the presence of five premaxillary teeth, the anterior two premaxillary alveoli nearly
confluent, and the oval cross-section of the jugal along the lower temporal bar. The new taxon increases the outstand-
ing crocodyliform diversity of the Bauru Group, particularly of the Peirosauridae, which might turn out to be one of
the most representative clades of gondwanan mesoeucrocodylians.
Key words: Pepesuchus, Peirosauridae, Cretaceous, Bauru Group, Brazil.

INTRODUCTION imens and their disparity of forms allow these clades to

be the most studied mesoeucrocodylians from the Bauru
The study of crocodyliforms from Brazil has increased
Group, with several species described in detail and in-
tremendously in the last decades, with several new dis-
cluded in phylogenetic analyses (e.g., Pol 2003, Andra-
coveries (e.g., Barbosa et al. 2008, Iori and Carvalho
de and Bertini 2008).
2009, Kellner et al. 2009). No other stratigraphic unit
So far the crocodyliform fauna from the Bauru
has provided so many new specimens as the Bauru
Group is composed by the following species: Bauru-
Group, located in the southeastern portion of the coun-
suchus pachecoi Price, 1945; Baurusuchus salgadoensis
try (Kellner 1998, Kellner and Campos 1999, Candeiro
Carvalho, Campos & Nobre, 2005; Baurusuchus albertoi
and Martinelli 2006). Among these, the most diversity
Nascimento & Zaher, 2010; Sphagesaurus huenei Price,
is found in the Notosuchia, which includes the Bau-
1950; Sphagesaurus montealtensis Andrade & Bertini,
rusuchidae (e.g., Price 1945, Carvalho and Bertini 1999,
2008; Peirosaurus tormini Price, 1955; Itasuchus je-
Campos et al. 2001), and in the Peirosauridae (e.g., Pri-
suinoi Price, 1955; Mariliasuchus amarali Carvalho &
ce 1955, Carvalho et al. 2004). The abundance of spec-
Bertini, 1999; Mariliasuchus robustus Nobre, Carvalho,
Proceedings of the Third Gondwanan Dinosaur Symposium Vasconcellos & Nava, 2007; Stratiotosuchus maxhechti
Correspondence to: Diogenes de Almeida Campos Campos, Suarez, Riff & Kellner, 2001; Uberabasuchus

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terrificus Carvalho, Ribeiro & Avilla, 2004; Adamanti- of Bauruemys elegans (Suárez, 1969) (Romano and
nasuchus navae Nobre & Carvalho, 2006; Montealto- Azevedo 2007) that is by far the most abundant fossil
suchus arrudacamposi Carvalho, Vasconcellos & Tava- in this region. This deposit is referred to the Presidente
res, 2007; Armadillosuchus arrudai Marinho & Car- Prudente Formation.
valho, 2009; and Morrinhosuchus luziae Iori & Carva- The paratype of Pepesuchus deiseae gen. et sp.
lho, 2009. Other specimens currently under description nov. (MCT 1788-R) was donated to the Museu de Ciên-
will further increase the diversity of these reptiles from cias da Terra (DNPM) by José Martin Suárez. No de-
those deposits (e.g., Kellner and Campos 1999). tailed information about the provenance of this speci-
A good number of species are taxonomically well men is available other that it was found in the Presidente
supported, but there are some exceptions. The most Prudente – Pirapozinho region. Based on the sedimen-
conspicuous one is Brasilosaurus pachecoi von Huene tary matrix where the material was preserved we believe
1931, based on fragmentary material that cannot be that it also came from the “Tartaruguito” site, an area
diagnosed and is therefore regarded as nomen dubium where José Martin Suárez did most of his collecting.
(Candeiro and Martinelli 2006). Other taxa are in need
of careful examination, such as Baurusuchus salgado- SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY
ensis and Mariliasuchus robustus that potentially could
represent Baurusuchus pachecoi and Mariliasuchus C ROCODYLIFORMES Hay 1930
amarali, respectively. Uberabasuchus terrificus is an- M ESOEUCROCODYLIA Whetstone and Whybrow 1983
other taxon whose validity has been questioned recently S EBECIA Larsson and Sues 2007
(Larsson and Sues 2007). P EIROSAURIDAE Gasparini 1982
Here we describe a new crocodyliform from the
Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Presidente Prudente Pepesuchus gen. nov
Formation (Bauru Group), Pepesuchus deiseae gen. et Etymology: In honor of the late Professor José Martin
sp. nov. Based on two nearly complete skulls and lower Suárez (known by his colleagues as Pepe), the discov-
jaws, the new species is referred to the Peirosauridae, erer and main fossil collector at the “Tartaruguito” out-
as defined by Larsson and Sues (2007). crop. He led Llewellyn Ivor Price and one of the authors
(DAC) to this site for the first time in 1969, from which
numerous specimens have been collected since then by
The Bauru Group is a large cratonic depression devel- several institutions. Pepe assisted the Museu Nacional
oped during the Upper Cretaceous in the central-south- team in several fieldworks including the one where the
eastern portion of the South American Platform (Fer- type specimen (MN 7005-V) was recovered. He also
nandes and Coimbra 1996) whose sedimentary rocks donated the paratype (MCT 1788-R) to the Museu de
overly the basaltic lava flows of the Serra Geral Forma- Ciências da Terra, along with numerous specimens over
tion (133Ma to 130Ma, Riccomini 1997). This group the years.
is subdivided in several stratigraphic units whose age
and distribution are still controversial (e.g., Soares et al. Type species: Pepesuchus deiseae gen. et sp. nov., type
1980, Fernandes and Coimbra 1996, 2000, Dias-Brito by monotypy.
et al. 2001, Zaher et al. 2006). Diagnosis: The same as for the species.
The holotype of Pepesuchus deiseae gen. et sp.
nov. was discovered in an outcrop located near the Pepesuchus deiseae sp. nov.
Km 736 of the old Sorocabana railroad, between the
cities of Pirapozinho and Presidente Prudente (coordi- Holotype: Nearly complete skeleton with skull, lower
nates 22◦ 130 14.900 S, 51◦ 250 58.300 W) (Bertini et al. 2006). jaw, sacral and caudal vertebrae, osteoderms and limb
This site, informally called “Tartaruguito” (free transla- elements housed at the Museu Nacional/Universidade
tion – rock made out of turtles), is also the type locality Federal do Rio de Janeiro under the number MN 7005-V.

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Paratype: A nearly complete skull and lower jaw likely are heavily ornamented with large and deep pits, while
from the same locality of the holotype donated to the at the rostrum this ornamentation is less conspicuous
Museu de Ciências da Terra – DNPM (MCT 1788-R) by (Figs. 1-3). The rostrum is slightly broad, has the dorsal
José Martin Suárez. surface slightly concave and comprises about 65% of the
total skull length. The anteriormost region of the snout
Type Locality: “Tartaruguito” site, Km 736 of the old
is pointed upward.
Sorocabana railroad, between the cities of Pirapozinho
The upper temporal fenestra has a sub-elliptical out-
and Presidente Prudente (coordinates 22◦ 130 14.900 S,
line and is formed by the parietal, squamosal, frontal, and
51◦ 250 58.300 W), state of São Paulo.
postorbital. This opening is slightly smaller than the or-
Horizon: Presidente Prudente Formation, Campanian- bit and has a smooth inner surface. The orbit is elliptical
Maastrichtian (Fernandes and Coimbra 2000). and is placed laterally on the skull, with a slight dorsal
Diagnosis: Peirosaurid crocodyliform with the follow- inclination. Although reduced, the antorbital fenestra in
ing combination of characters that distinguishes it this taxon is larger in respect to the orbit when compared
from other members of this clade (autapomorphies are with other peirosaurids (e.g., Lomasuchus).
marked with an asterisk): posterolateral process of the The unpaired parietals form a single T-shaped el-
squamosal thin and smooth*; postorbital with a com- ement, in which the anteriormost branch is thinner and
paratively acute anteromedial process*; anterior end of spreads out laterally at the contact with the frontal. The
the frontal tapering between the prefrontals; dorsoventral parietal forms most of the medial margin and half of
extension of the lacrimal short (approximately 40% that the posterior border of the upper temporal fenestra.
of the orbit)*; anterior teeth thinner and more elongated This general morphology resembles the one of some
than in other peirosaurids*; crowns that lack serrations; Sebecia (sensu Larsson and Sues 2007), like Lomasu-
anterior teeth of the lower jaw inclined anteriorly; suture chus palpebrosus Gasparini, Chiappe & Fernandez,
between the palatine and the maxilla V-shaped; presence 1991, Montealtosuchus and, especially, Hamadasuchus
of two alveoli couplets (6th – 7th and 8th – 9th pairs) in rebouli Larsson & Sues, 2007. The posterior margin
the mandible*. of the parietal is slightly concave in occipital view, and
no distinctive ridges or crests are present, contrary to
Etymology: In honor of the paleontologist Deise Dias the condition observed in Sebecus icaeorhinus Simpson
Rêgo Henriques who has maintained the traditional re- 1937 (Colbert 1946). The frontoparietal suture is located
search on vertebrate fossils at the Museu Nacional/UFRJ. between the upper temporal fenestrae and both bones
She also takes care of the fossil vertebrate collection of are subequal in width.
the museum with dedication and diligence.
The squamosal is sub-trapezoidal in dorsal view
similar to Lomasuchus and Hamadasuchus, but differ-
ent from Uberabasuchus where this bone is sub-
triangular. This heavily sculptured element forms the
The anatomical description of Pepesuchus deiseae is dorsal border of the optic cavity and the posterior half
based primarily on the holotype (MN 7005-V), with of the upper temporal fenestra lateral margin. Posteri-
many additional information on the rostrum and mand- orly, the squamosal shows an unsculptured process
ible from the paratype (MCT 1788-R). Although crushed that extends posterolaterally. The tip of this process
and distorted during fossilization, the skull of the holo- is slightly rectangular and less robust than in any other
type is well preserved. The left lateral side of the pos- peirosaurid. In occipital view, it is possible to note that
torbital region and the tip of the snout are missing, the the squamosal extends further posteriorly than the para-
latter is only known by fragments of the premaxilla. occipital process and the occipital condyle. The dorsal
The skull is triangular in dorsal view and the cra- surface of the squamosal is flat, without a central depres-
nial table is nearly as wide as the ventral part. The bones sion, the latter present in Uberabasuchus. A well-
of the cranial table (e.g., frontal, parietal, squamosal) marked groove is observed on the lateral border of this

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Fig. 1 – Dorsal view of skull and mandible of the holotype (MN 7005 – V) of the crocodyliform Pepesuchus deiseae gen. et sp. nov. Scale
bar: 100 mm. Abbreviations: anf – antorbital fenestra, d – dentary, f – frontal, la – lacrimal, m – maxilla, n – nasal, or – orbit, p – parietal,
po – postorbital, prf – prefrontal, spl – splenial, sq – squamosal, utf – upper temporal fenestra.

bone, extending over the external auditory meatus, sug- gal. The processes on the corners of the anterior margin
gesting the presence of an epidermal flap as seen in of the postorbital are to some extent similar to those of
extant eusuchians. some dyrosaurid species (Jouve 2005, Jouve et al. 2006,
In dorsal view, the postorbital is anteroposteriorly Barbosa et al. 2008). Pepesuchus also has a prominent
elongated, with the anterior portion expanded and show- depression on the anterolateral portion of the postorbital
ing two processes. The anterolateral process is reduced suggesting the presence of palpebral bones. This bone
as in other peirosaurids, but the anteromedial process in the new taxon differs from the one of Uberabasuchus
is comparatively more developed, forming the anterior and Montealtosuchus, which is longer, with a prominent
margin of the upper temporal fenestra. As in all peiro- inward projection towards the frontal.
saurids, this bone is placed medially relative to the ju- The completely fused frontals form a highly orna-

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Fig. 2 – Lateral view of skull and mandible of the holotype (MN 7005 – V) of the crocodyliform Pepesuchus deiseae gen. et sp. nov. Scale
bar: 100 mm. Abbreviations: anf – antorbital fenestra, d – dentary, f – frontal, la – lacrimal, m – maxilla, n – nasal, or – orbit, p – parietal,
po – postorbital, prf – prefrontal, spl – splenial, utf – upper temporal fenestra.

mented, sub-triangular plate whose lateral edges artic- in Uberabasuchus and the festooned posterior margin of
ulate with the postorbitals, similar to extant crocodyli- Sebecus. There is a low crest in the center of the frontal
forms such as Crocodylus and Mecistops. The suture running throughout the entire length between the orbit,
between the frontal and the parietal is rather straight, which was also reported in Lomasuchus and in other
like in Hamadasuchus, Montealtosuchus and Lomasu- South American mesoeucrocodylians (Gasparini et al.
chus, but different from the concave condition observed 1991). Some Hamadasuchus specimens also have low

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Fig. 3 – Paratype (MCT 1788 – R) of Pepesuchus deiseae gen. et sp. nov. in dorsal, ventral and lateral views. Scale bar: 100 mm. Abbreviations:
m – maxilla, n – nasal, pl – palatine.

crests on the dorsal surface of the frontal, but these are and the lacrimal bears a triangular depression, which
located more posteriorly, close to the contact with the extends into a groove along the lateral margin of the
parietal. The anterior end of the frontal is very acute, frontal.
tapering between the prefrontals and the posterior pro- The lacrimals are more dorsoventrally flattened in
cesses of the nasals and differing therefore from other comparison with those of other peirosaurids (Fig. 2).
Sebecia where this bone generally has straight anterior The height of these bones is approximately 40% that
margins. of the orbit, which is a unique feature of this new croco-
The prefrontals are diamond-shaped, much longer dyliform. The lacrimals contact the nasals only in their
than wide. They are reduced posterolaterally, forming dorsal border as in Hamadasuchus and Montealtosu-
the rim of the orbits. There is no fossa between the chus, forming a comparatively larger suture than in Ube-
lacrimals. Like in Lomasuchus and Hamadasuchus the rabasuchus, while in Peirosaurus, Lomasuchus and Ma-
nasoprefrontal suture in Pepesuchus forms a gently curve hajangasuchus there is no contact between these bones.
with the concavity directed posterolaterally. This differs The nasolacrimal suture is straight and sub-equal in
from the irregular nasoprefrontal suture without a clear length to the nasoprefrontal suture. In Hamadasuchus
curvature found in Peirosaurus and Uberabasuchus. and Montealtosuchus the former contact is slightly
In Montealtosuchus this suture is rather convex and di- shorter than the latter. The lacrimal bone of Pepesuchus
rected posterolaterally. In Sebecus, the nasal forms a comprises the total length of the dorsal border of the
shallow concavity that borders the anterior margin of the antorbital fenestra, which is also the case of Hamadasu-
prefrontal. The posterior contact between the prefrontal chus and Uberabasuchus.

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The jugal displays a conspicuous ornamentation tealtosuchus, and Lomasuchus, and differ from Maha-
with large pits. The anterior process is dorsoventrally jangasuchus and Kaprosuchus in which they fuse into a
twice as tall as the posterior one. This feature is also single element. The lateral exposure of these bones is
present in Sebecus, Hamadasuchus, Lomasuchus, and minimal, similarly to Stolokrosuchus, Lomasuchus and
Uberabasuchus. The orientation of the posterior pro- Montealtosuchus, and differ from the larger exposure of
cess of the jugal that forms the lower margin of the those bones observed in Uberabasuchus and Hamada-
orbit is straight, similar to the condition observed in suchus.
Sebecus and Hamadasuchus, differing from the ventrally The premaxilla is incomplete. The outline of this
directed condition observed in Uberabasuchus and Lo- bone suggests a small oval opening that is laterally ex-
masuchus, and the strongly arched condition of Maha- posed. It is possible to observe the perinarial fossa
jangasuchus. Montealtosuchus shows a thinner jugal beneath the external nares, which is a feature present
with anterior and posterior processes sub-equal in width in sebecians and notosuchians (including baurusuchids).
and sub-parallel. There are five premaxillary teeth, with the two first ones
The postorbital process of the jugal is a rod-like almost confluent (MN 7005-V), features are regarded as
bone with an oval cross-section. It is directed postero- peirosaurid synapomorphies (Larsson and Sues 2007).
dorsally and forms the base of the postorbital bar like Posterior to the fifth premaxillary tooth there is a con-
in most other Sebecia, except for Uberabasuchus, which striction that indicates the presence of a notch between
presents the base of the postorbital bar in strict dorsal the maxilla and the premaxilla (MCT 1788-R).
orientation, such as observed in some basal crocodyli- The suture between the palatine and the maxilla is
forms (e.g., Sphenosuchia and Protosuchia), and eusu- V-shaped (MN 7005-V), similarly to neosuchian and eu-
chians (e.g., Crocodylus). The jugal of Pepesuchus ex- suchian crocodyliforms. The contact between these two
tends rostrally in front of the prefrontal, what has only bones is M-shaped in Hamadasuchus and Montealto-
previously been observed in Stolokrosuchus lapparenti suchus, and U-shaped in Lomasuchus. There is a slight
Larsson & Gado, 2000, and in a few neosuchians (e.g., sagittal torus on maxillary palatal shelves that is regarded
Elosuchus). as a diagnostic character of sebecian crocodyliforms
The anteriorly inclined dorsal head is the only (Larsson and Sues 2007).
preserved part of the quadrate. This bone forms the The ectopterygoid is long and elliptical, extend-
ventral border of the tympanic cavity and contacts the ing posteriorly along the ventral surface of the jugal
squamosal broadly. As in Hamadasuchus, Mahajanga- and forming the postorbital bar. This is not observed in
suchus, and Montealtosuchus, the quadrate contacts the other sebecians (e.g., Hamadasuchus and Sebecus), but
otoccipital laterally to the cranioquadrate passage. There has been reported in several mesoeucrocodylians such
are two low crests in the anterior ascending branch of as Araripesuchus, Notosuchus, and Trematochampsa.
the quadrate, almost inside the tympanic cavity, but no Anteriorly, the ectopterygoid contacts the maxilla close
evidence of any fenestrae. to the last maxillary alveoli, as in Hamadasuchus, dif-
Overall the snout is narrow and platyrostral (MCT fering from the condition observed in Sebecus and
1788-R). It comprises about 65% of the total skull Lomasuchus.
length and has a width/length ratio of about 1.8, similar The pterygoids are damaged and their wings are
to Hamadasuchus, Lomasuchus and Montealtosuchus. broken. The contact with the palatines limits both the
As in all other sebecian crocodyliforms (but not in Sto- lateral border of the choana and the medial border of
lokrosuchus), the maxilla is festooned. the palatal fenestra. There is no bone wall or intumes-
The nasals are rectangular, with sub-parallel mar- cence delimiting the posterior margin of the choana,
gins that taper anteriorly. This configuration is common which is the plesiomorphic condition of non-neosuchian
in Sebecia, but differs from the notosuchian triangular mesoeucrocodylians. Furthermore, there is no developed
outline (e.g., Mariliasuchus and Notosuchus). The nasals septum made by this bone directed into the choanae, as
are unfused, as in Hamadasuchus, Uberabasuchus, Mon- in Hamadasuchus and Montealtosuchus, but only a thin

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bone bar. The posteromedial region of the pterygoid is this has been refuted since (Kellner 1987, 1994). The
visible in occipital view, close to the basioccipital plane, presence of a conspicuous enlargement in the region of
as in Hamadasuchus and Lomasuchus. the fourth dentary tooth in Itasuchus also differentiates
There is a limited dorsal exposition of the supraoc- these taxa. A long and shallow groove runs along the
cipital, as in Montealtosuchus (also occurring in the bau- lateral surface of the dentary, below the alveolar margin,
rusuchids, e.g., Stratiotosuchus). Other sebecians like as in extant eusuchians.
Hamadasuchus, Uberabasuchus, Stolokrosuchus, and
Lomasuchus have no dorsal exposure of this bone. There
are two marked depressions for the neck articulation lo- There are 17 subcircular maxillary teeth preserved in
cated at the base of the postoccipital processes, as in MCT 1788-R, which is the second highest number of
Hamadasuchus. teeth recorded in a sebecian species, only lower than the
The exoccipital borders the foramen magnum and long-snouted Stolokrosuchus. The closely related Ma-
contacts the basioccipital. Its ventromedial portion bears hajangasuchus and Kaprosuchus are the sebecians with
two foramina placed side by side. The medial one is the fewer teeth, presenting no more than 11 maxillary teeth.
aperture for the XIIth (hypoglossal) cranial nerve, and There are five small subcircular teeth in the premaxilla,
the lateral one is the larger foramen vagi, which is the with the two first ones placed close to each other in near
exit of cranial nerves IX, X and XI. The foramen for the confluent alveoli. These two characters are traditional
posterior carotid artery is placed below these, similar to synapomorphies of the clade Peirosauridae (Gasparini
Montealtosuchus and Lomasuchus. Mahajangasuchus 1982). There are 18 teeth in the dentary, with the most
differs by having four different foramina for the cranial anterior ones directed anterodorsally and more slender
nerves and the carotid artery passage well marked in this and elongated than in other peirosaurids.
region. All teeth are smooth bicarinate, with striated ex-
The basioccipital and the occipital surfaces as a ternal surfaces and well-marked longitudinal lines. The
whole present a marked slope with posteroventrally ori- crowns lacking serrations are a distinctive feature of this
entation, differing from the verticalized condition pres- species since most sebecians present ziphodont denti-
ent in extant eusuchians. The basisphenoid is exposed tion, with lateral compression and chisel-like denticles.
on the ventral surface of the braincase. It presents no Some of the dentary alveoli placed at middle sym-
ridges on its ventral surface, as in Sebecus and Mahajan- physeal length are disposed in a peculiar fashion. The
gasuchus. In occipital view, the basisphenoid is broadly 6th and 7th alveoli are very close to each other, forming
exposed, beneath the basioccipital and close to the me- a couplet, but with a complete interalveolar wall be-
dian Eustachian foramen. tween both. The same occurs with the next alveolar pair,
8th and 9th . Both couplets are separated from each other
M ANDIBLE by a small diastema equivalent in length to the antero-
The lower jaw bones are slender, delicate, and relatively posterior diameter of its larger alveoli (the 6th and 9th ,
short. The dentaries and splenials form a moderately long respectively). A similar arrangement of the middle sym-
mandibular symphysis, comprising 36% of the mandible physeal teeth occurs in the holotype of Itasuchus jesui-
length. The splenials contribute extensively to the sym- noi, involving different alveolar pairs (5th and 6th , 7th
physis, with more than 20% of its total length. Except and 8th ).
for Stolokrosuchus, which is a long-snouted sebecian,
all other members of this clade (e.g., Sebecus, Mon-
tealtosuchus, Uberabasuchus, Lomasuchus) have short The current phylogenetic proposal regarding cretaceous
and deep symphysis. The general morphology of the mesoeucrocodylians is disputed, including the mono-
mandible is very similar to Itasuchus, which is bigger phyly of the Peirosauridae. Introduced by Gasparini
and very robust. This taxon was once considered as (1982), this clade traditionally comprises terrestrial
also present in the Araripe basin (Buffetaut 1991), but South American crocodyliforms with ziphodont denti-

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tion and oreinirostral skulls. The recognition of African the premaxilla-maxilla lateral fossa.
peirosaurids, such as Hamadasuchus rebouli from Mo- The recent phylogenetic analysis by Turner and Ser-
rocco (Upper Cretaceous Kem Kem Beds) and Stolo- tich (2010) has the most complete sample of sebecian-
krosuchus lapparenti from Niger (Lower Cretaceous El related species with Peirosaurus, Lomasuchus, Hamada-
Rhaz Formation), indicates that the Peirosauridae had a suchus, Montealtosuchus, Uberabasuchus, Mahajanga-
Gondwanan distribution (Larsson and Gado 2000, Lars- suchus, Kaprosuchus and Stolokrosuchus. They recog-
son and Sues 2007). nize a monophyletic Peirosauridae (but excluding Stolo-
A peirosaurid group that includes Peirosaurus, Lo- krosuchus) on the basis of five unambiguous synapomor-
masuchus and Uberabasuchus is well established, and phies, and two of them are entirely unique to this clade:
its affinities with Hamadasuchus and Montealtosuchus the wedge-like process of maxilla in lateral surface of
is supported by several authors (Carvalho et al. 2004, premaxilla-maxilla suture and the presence of developed
Larsson and Sues 2007, Jouve 2009, Turner and Sertich perinarial fossa, ventral to external naris. The latter char-
2010). Larsson and Sues (2007) define the Peirosauridae acter is present in Pepesuchus and is also considered a
on the basis of five unambiguous synapomorphies, and synapomorphy of Sebecia.
three of them are present in Pepesuchus deiseae: the oval Some taxonomic definitions regarding the Peiro-
cross-section of jugal along the lower temporal bar, the sauridae are still not well established. The validity of
presence of five premaxillary teeth, and the anterior two Uberabasuchus terrificus has been questioned recently,
premaxillary alveoli nearly confluent. since it comes from the same locality and deposits of
The major issue about the monophyly of the Pei- Peirosaurus tormini (DGM 433-R) and, according to
rosauridae is the inclusion of Stolokrosuchus, but ac- Larsson and Sues (2007), there are no characters that
cording to Larsson and Sues (2007) this taxon possesses distinguish both species (see general discussion about
all synapomorphies that diagnose this group. However, species recognition in the fossil record by Kellner
some recent phylogenetic hypotheses have contested the 2010). The Argentinean specimens currently assigned
positioning of Stolokrosuchus within Peirosauridae, de- to Peirosaurus tormini (Upper Coniacian of Bajo de la
fending a closer relationship of this species with neo- Carpa Formation, sensu Calvo and Porfiri 2010) possi-
suchian crocodyliforms (e.g., Jouve 2009, Turner and bly constitute a distinct taxon (Martinelli unpublished
Sertich 2010). The support of that relationship, how- data).
ever, is rather weak and based on the longirostrine con- Pepesuchus deiseae presents several diagnostic fea-
dition of Stolokrosuchus (Clark 1994), a question that tures that are traditionally associated with Sebecia and
needs further studies and is beyond the scope of this Peirosauridae. The new set of characters reported here
paper. can help to improve our understanding of the relation-
The name Sebecia was proposed for a clade that ships among these mesoeucrocodylians, especially re-
includes Pabwehshi pakistanensis Wilson, Malkani & garding problematic species (e.g., Stolokrosuchus), and
Gingerich, 2001 from Pakistan (Upper Cretaceous Pab a comprehensive analyses including Pepesuchus deiseae
Formation), Peirosauridae and its sister-taxon Sebecidae and the postcranial information (not addressed here) will
(Larsson and Sues 2007). Pepesuchus deiseae has at least add to the comprehension of the evolutionary history of
one unambiguous synapomorphy of this group, namely gondwanan crocodyliforms.
the presence of a sagittal torus on maxillary palatal
shelves. A large foramen on the palatine-maxillae con-
tact can be seen in MCT 1788-R, but not in MN 7005- Rodrigo Machado (Departamento Nacional de Produ-
V, and therefore it precludes the proper assignment of ção Mineral, Rio de Janeiro) and Maurilio Oliveira (Mu-
this sebecian synapomorphy for the new species. Pepe- seu Nacional/UFRJ) are thanked for help in the DNPM/
suchus also shares one synapomorphy with the unnamed RJ collections and for the illustrations of specimens, re-
clade formed by Sebecidae + Peirosauridae, which is spectively. We thank Agustín Martinelli (UFTM) and an
the posteriormost premaxillary alveolus excavated by anonymous reviewer for the critical revision improved

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