Ex c3 19.10 Final

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GDP and main components (output, expenditure and income) [nama_10_gdp]

Last updat 04.10.21

Extracted 05.10.21
Source of Eurostat
PIB nominal
UNIT Current prices, million euro
NA_ITEM Gross domestic product at market prices

GEO/TIME2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Romania 40,594.9 45,143.6 48,695.7 51,108.5 60,402.0 79,223.9 97,215.6 127,632.0

Special value:
: not available

UNIT Chain linked volumes (2015), million euro PIB real

NA_ITEM Gross domestic product at market prices PIBt(2015)

GEO/TIME2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Romania 91,986.9 96,786.9 102,306.6 104,701.8 115,620.2 121,017.5 130,733.8 140,190.8

Special value:
: not available

UNIT Chain linked volumes (2010), million euro PIB real

NA_ITEM Gross domestic product at market prices PIBt(2010)

GEO/TIME2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Romania 82,953.5 87,282.1 92,259.8 94,419.8 104,266.0 109,133.3 117,895.4 126,423.7

Special value:
: not available

UNIT Chain linked volumes (2005), million euro PIB real

NA_ITEM Gross domestic product at market prices PIBt(2005)

GEO/TIME2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Romania 60,219.0 63,361.4 66,974.9 68,542.8 75,690.6 79,223.9 85,584.7 91,775.7
105.2% 105.7% 102.3% 110.4% 104.7% 108.0% 107.2%
Special value: 5.2% 5.7% 2.3% 10.4% 4.7% 8.0% 7.2%
: not available

UNIT Price index (implicit deflator), 2015=100, euro Dt/2015

NA_ITEM Gross domestic product at market prices
GEO/TIME2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Romania 44.131 46.642 47.598 48.813 52.242 65.465 74.361 91.042
Special value:
: not available

UNIT Price index (implicit deflator), 2010=100, euro Dt/2010

NA_ITEM Gross domestic product at market prices

GEO/TIME2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Romania 48.937 51.721 52.781 54.129 57.931 72.594 82.459 100.956

Special value:
: not available
UNIT Price index (implicit deflator), 2005=100, euro
NA_ITEM Gross domestic product at market prices

GEO/TIME2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Romania 67.412 71.248 72.707 74.564 79.801 100.000 113.590 139.070

UNIT Price index (implicit deflator), percentage change on previous period, euro r Dt/t-1
NA_ITEM Gross domestic product at market prices

GEO/TIME2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Romania 17.5 5.7 2.0 2.6 7.0 25.3 13.6 22.4
Dt/t-1 117.5% 105.7% 102.0% 102.6% 107.0% 125.3% 113.6% 122.4%

PIB pr crt. PIB real pr ct PIB real pr ct

mil euro mil euro 2000 mil euro 2010
GEO/TIMERomania r Dt/t-1 (%) Dt/t-1 Dt/2000 Dt/2010 PIBt(2000) PIBt(2010) it/t-1
2000 40594.9 17.5 117.5% 100.0% 48.9% 40594.9 82955.3 100%
2001 45143.6 5.7 105.7% 105.7% 51.7% 42709.2 87275.8 105.2%
2002 48695.7 2.0 102.0% 107.8% 52.8% 45166.4 92297.1 105.8%
2003 51108.5 2.6 102.6% 110.6% 54.1% 46203.0 94415.5 102.3%
2004 60402.0 7.0 107.0% 118.4% 57.9% 51032.3 104284.0 110.5%
2005 79223.9 25.3 125.3% 148.3% 72.6% 53419.4 109162.0 104.7%
2006 97215.6 13.6 113.6% 168.5% 82.4% 57703.2 117916.0 108.0%
2007 127632.0 22.4 122.4% 206.2% 100.9% 61893.1 126478.0 107.3%
2008 146590.6 5.1 105.1% 216.7% 106.1% 67637.3 138216.2 109.3%
2009 125213.9 -9.6 90.4% 195.9% 95.9% 63909.3 130598.1 94.5%
2010 125472.3 4.3 104.3% 204.3% 100.0% 61401.0 125472.3 96.1%
2011 131841.6 3.1 103.1% 210.7% 103.1% 62577.9 127877.4 101.9%
2012 132711.2 -1.4 98.6% 207.7% 101.7% 63885.1 130548.5 102.1%
2013 143690.4 4.3 104.3% 216.7% 106.0% 66318.6 135521.4 103.8%
2014 150708.6 1.2 101.2% 219.3% 107.3% 68733.0 140455.1 103.6%
2015 160149.8 3.2 103.2% 226.3% 110.7% 70774.0 144626.0 103.0%
2016 170063.4 1.4 101.4% 229.5% 112.3% 74117.4 151458.2 104.7%
2017 187772.7 2.9 102.9% 236.1% 115.5% 79529.2 162517.1 107.3%
2018 204496.9 4.2 104.2% 246.0% 120.4% 83121.4 169857.8 104.5%
2019 222997.6 4.7 104.7% 257.6% 126.1% 86572.5 176910.0 104.2%
2020 218165.2 1.8 101.8% 262.2% 128.3% 83198.8 170016.0 96.1%

1. Cunoasterea indicatorilor de pe Eurostat

2. Sa se calculeze PIB real (2000) si indicii de dinamica cu baza lant; sa se realizeze graficul sau si sa se
3. Calcule de extrapolare normativa


Am calculat - i PIBt/t-1 si r PIBt/t-1 (i2020/2019 si I 2019/2018)

Dinamica PIB este aceeasi indiferent de preturile constante pe care le folosim la calculul PIBreal

Seminar 2
1. Sa se calculeze PIB real (2000) si PIB real (2010) si indicii de dinamica cu baza lant; sa se realizeze gra
2. Sa se calculeze indicii medii partiali si indicele mediu generalizat
3. Ajustarea pe subperioade si pe intreaga perioada cu indicii medii partialli si indicele mediu al intregii per
4. Sa se calculeze PIBt(t-1) si indicii PIB cu baza lant iPIBt/t-1
5. Grafic al PIBt si PIBt(t-1) k
6. Grafic al PIBt(2010) si PIBt(2015)  fj
i  j 1
i1 f1  i 2f 2
i  n  1  i t / t  1  n 1 i n / 1  it / t 1  in / 1
t 2
t 2
i  n  1  i t / t  1  n 1 i n / 1  it / t 1  in / 1
t 2
t 2

it / 1
 it / t 1
it 1 / 1
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
146,590.6 125,213.9 125,472.3 131,841.6 132,711.2 143,690.4 150,708.6 160,149.8 170,063.4 187,772.7

I mediu PIB 2010-2019

I PIB 2019/2010

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
153,239.1 144,784.2 139,135.9 141,787.9 144,681.3 150,137.2 155,555.2 160,149.8 167,681.6 179,955.0

I mediu PIB 2010-2019

I PIB 2019/2010

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
138,190.5 130,566.0 125,472.3 127,863.9 130,473.2 135,393.3 140,279.2 144,422.6 151,214.8 162,282.9

i  n 1  i t / t 1  n 1 i n / 1 I mediu PIB 2010-2019
I PIB 2019/2010
t 2

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
100,317.7 94,782.8 91,085.1 92,821.2 94,715.4 98,287.1 101,834.0 104,841.8 109,772.5 117,807.3
109.3% 94.5% 96.1% 101.9% 102.0% 103.8% 103.6% 103.0% 104.7% 107.3%
9.3% -5.5% -3.9% 1.9% 2.0% 3.8% 3.6% 3.0% 4.7% 7.3%
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
95.661 86.483 90.180 92.985 91.727 95.706 96.884 100.000 101.420 104.344

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
106.079 95.901 100.000 103.111 101.715 106.128 107.435 110.890 112.465 115.707

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
146.126 132.106 137.753 142.038 140.116 146.195 147.994 152.754 154.923 159.390

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
5.1 -9.6 4.3 3.1 -1.4 4.3 1.2 3.2 1.4 2.9
105.1% 90.4% 104.3% 103.1% 98.6% 104.3% 101.2% 103.2% 101.4% 102.9%

it/t-1 iPIBt/2016
100% 54.8%
105.2% 57.6%
105.8% 60.9%
102.3% 62.3%
110.5% 68.9%
104.7% 72.1%
108.0% 77.9%
107.3% 83.5%
109.3% 91.3%
94.5% 86.2%
96.1% 82.8%
101.9% 84.4%
102.1% 86.2%
103.8% 89.5%
103.6% 92.7%
103.0% 95.5%
104.7% 100.0%
107.3% 107.3%
104.5% 112.1%
104.2% 116.8%
96.1% 112.3%

e graficul sau si sa se stabileasca subperioadele de crestere/descrestere economica

culul PIBreal

ant; sa se realizeze graficul lor; sa se stabileasca subperioadele de crestere/descrestere economica

ele mediu al intregii perioade; previziunea pe urmatorii 2 ani

 fj
j 1
i1 f1  i 2f 2  ...  i k f k
2018 2019 2020
204,496.9 222,997.6 218,165.2
109.0% 97.8%
9.0% -2.2%
103.9% 103.9%
PIB 2019/2010 140.7%

2018 2019 2020

188,007.1 195,767.1 188,211.7
104.1% 96.1%
4.1% -3.9%

103.9% 103.9%
PIB 2019/2010 140.7%

2018 2019 2020

169,544.3 176,542.2 169,728.8
104.1% 96.1%
4.1% -3.9%

103.9% 103.9%
PIB 2019/2010 140.7%
140.7% 103.9%

2018 2019 2020

123,078.6 128,158.6 123,212.5
104.5% 104.1% 96.1% it/t-1
4.5% 4.1% -3.9%
2018 2019 2020
108.771 113.910 115.915

2018 2019 2020

120.616 126.314 128.538

2018 2019 2020

166.151 174.001 177.064

2018 2019 2020

4.2 4.7 1.8
104.2% 104.7% 101.8%
I PIB 2019/2018 104.1% 2

i^x= 2
x= 17 ani

I mediu PIB 2010-2019


i^x= 2
x= 18 ani

YA 8000 YB 18600
imedA 105.2% imedB 102.1%

x= 28 ani

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