Chapter - 1: Online Event Management System

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Online Event Management System

Chapter – 1


Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System


for Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad



Online event management system is a project developed to make the currently

available manually event management system to the online. This system will be work on the
internet connected systems, so it will provide more easy and sufficient way of conducting
the wedding event.

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

Chapter - 2


Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

The project named “online event management system” is a web application designed to provide
online event facility for the all people. The system provides following functionalities to the users.

 This system aim is online event management system. Online event management
system is powerful, flexible and easy to use.
 Online event management system is manage the Event like Wedding.
 This system provides the decoration, food, entertainment, soft drink etc.
 Food manage in some give option and user selected their options like that
Gujarati, Panjabi, south Indian, Rajasthani etc.
 This system provide the decorative images like that theme with lights, balloons,
candles, festoon, flowers etc.
 Entertainment option like that DJ, dance, Games, Comedy and circus etc.
 Admin manage the order for booking of events.

2.1 Project Profile:

 Existing System:
 The Current System is very time Consuming .
 Generating Bills.
 Recording the information about the customer that register.
 The current System does not provide accurate information
 Sometime due to the mistakes of the worker the data is lost.
 The current System Requires a lot of manual work which result in the form of the hiring
extra workers.
 If it gets computerized then the men power can be reduced.
 The chance of data redundancy is very high.

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

 Proposed System:
 The software is for the automation of event management
 The maintain two level of users:
o Administer level
o Client level
 The Software includes
 Maintaining event details
 Providing and maintaining all kind of service for customer(Visitor)
 Billing Generation

 Scope:
 The Scope of the system is defined on the basis of various functionality provided
by the system.
 The scope can be explained as:-
 Build a Web based System.
 This Software can be easily upgraded in the future and also include many more
for existing system.
 It is connected with the internet for easily retrieved data about different type of
user, newly launched users can be easily added into the database.

 Project Modules:

 Administrator Modules
Admin responsible for maintaining the system. Admin give the registration detail and
login the system with id and password. Admin will provided some categories. Admin can
do at categories add and delete. Admin manage order. Admin can see the data and delete
the data.

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

1. Manage Customer:
Admin manage the user means add the users and block the user.
2. Manage Food:
Admin can manage food category to the requirement of user.
3. Manage Decoration:
Admin manage the event decoration in the themes, theme with lighting, roses,
balloons, ribbons, candles, festoon, sound, enter gate decoration.

4. Manage Banquate:
Admin manage the resourts and banquate halls.
5. Manage Entertainment:
Admin manage the entertainment like that DJ, Dance, children entertainment,
various games, comedy, circus etc.
6. Manage Order:
Admin manage the order from the user. Admin take their data information.
7. Manage Feedback:
Admin manage the feedback. Admin see the feedback comments. Admin add or
delete the feedback.
8. Manage Complains:
Admin manage complains for the user. Admin add or delete complains.
9. Report:
Admin manage the order so Admin see the order then user selected option by

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

 User:
1. Registration:
User gives the registration details id and password before log in the system.
2. Login:
User gives the email-id and password.
3. Place order:
User gives the place order for admin by the system.
4. Post Feedback:
User posted feedback to admin.
5. Report:
User gives the order to admin by the order date.
6. Status:
This system is a very useful to some people. It is best system to other system.
7. Contact Us:
User can contact to admin by mail.

Technologies to be used:

 This project is a web-based application to be developed in PHP having MySQL as

 Database Design (MySQL)
 Web Page Design ( Sublime Text 3 & Brackets)
 Coding (Sublime Text 3 & Notepad++)
 Testing (Wamp Server)

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

Main Facility available in this project are:

 User login
 Admin login
 Wedding Event
 User homepage
 View gallery
 Contact us
 About us
 View and Select Banquet
 View and Select Decoration
 View and Select Food

 Front End of System:

 PHP is a power web application development language for making dynamic and
interactive Web pages.

 PHP is the most widely-used and Open-Source programming language.

 PHP is very efficient scripting language to communicate with server and controls
the database operations.

o What is PHP?

 PHP stands for PHP : Hypertext Pre-processor

 PHP is a Server-Side Scripting Language, embedded with HTML code

 PHP supports many database management software. (MySQL, Oracle,

SQL Server, Generic ODBC, Sybase, Postgre SQL, Informatica, DB2,
SAS, IBM etc.)

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

o What is a PHP File?
 PHP files conduct he code that is written in the simple text editors like
notepad and saved with the “.PHP” extension. (e.g. sample.php)
 PHP file code can able to communicate with the server and control the
database operations; it displays the data to the browser screen with the
html formatted coding.
o Why PHP?
 PHP is platform independent; it is able to runs on different platforms.
(Windows, Linus, iOS, UNIX, etc.)
 PHP I compatible with almost all servers used today in the market.
(Apache, IIS, etc.)
 PHP is free to use and download as it is an open-source tool. (download

 Back End of System:

 My SQL
 What is MySQL?
 MySQL is a database server
 MySQL supports standard SQL
 MySQL is free to use and download
 MySQL is ideal for both the small and large applications
 MySQL compiles on a number of platform

 Feature:
 MySQL are very fast and much reliable for any type of application.
 MySQL is very lightweight application.
 MySQL command line tool is very powerful and can be used to run SQL
queries against database.
 MySQL support indexing and binary objects.

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

 It is allow changes to structure of table while server is running.

Chapter – 3

Literature Survey / Analysis of Project

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

3.1Existing System

 The current system is very time consuming.

 Generating bills.
 Recording the information about the customer that register.
 The current system does not provide accurate information. Sometime due to the mistake
of the worker the data is lost.
 The current system requires a lot of manual work Which result in the form of hiring
 The chance of data redundancy is very high.

3.2Need for the New System

 Easy and good interface.

 The Organization need the new system as it is less time consuming than the current
 It is user friendly system.
 We provide complete menu of service from venue booking, unique decoration, wedding
entertainment, etc.
 People see can module in this system.
 The new system is required to provide accurate information.
 Proposed system will save and register user’s data.
 This system gives facility to Google map.

3.3 process Model

 There are various software development approaches defined and designed which are
used/employed during development process of software, these approaches are also
referred as "Software Development Process Models".

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

 A software process model is an abstract representation of a process. It presents a

description of a process from some particular perspective as:
1. Specification.
2. Design
3. Validation
4. Evolution
 Among the various types of software process model, we prefer “ITERATIVE
WATERFALL MODEL” for this Project.

o Why Iterative Waterfall Model Only?

 In the “Iterative Waterfall” approach, the whole process of software
development is divided into separate process phases.
1. Requirement Specification
2. Software Design
3. Implementation
4. Testing
5. Maintenance
 All these phases are cascaded to each other so that second phase is started
as and when defined set of goals are achieved for first phase and it is
signed off.
 In the iterative model at each iteration, design modification can be made
and new functionality can be added.

 Different Phases of the Iterative Waterfall Model

 Requirement Analysis:

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

Establishes the components for building the system, including the hardware
requirements, software tools, and other necessary components. It includes Feasibility Study,
System Requirement etc.

 Design:

It includes design of project like E-R Diagram, Data Flow Diagram, and Use Case
Diagram etc.

 Implementation:

It includes the overall coding of project.

 Testing:

Determines whether the software meets the specified requirements and finds any
errors present in the system workflow.

 Maintenance:

Addresses problems and enhancement requests after the software rele

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Online Event Management System

Figure: Iterative Waterfall Model

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

Chapter – 4

Hardware and Software Requirement

4.1 Hardware Requirement

 Server Side Requirements:

o Processor: Dual-Core or Higher Version (for better performance)
o RAM: 2 GB or Higher (for better performance)
o Storage Space: 4 GB (higher storage space can be required if wants to store
previous data also)
 Client Side Requirements:
o Processor: Pentium or Higher Version
o RAM: 512 MB or Higher (for better performance)
o Disk Space: 50 MB or Higher (for Cache Memory)
o Screen: Minimum Screen Resolution is 800x600

4.2Software Requirement

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

 Server Side Requirements:

o Operating System: Any Windows or Linux based OS
o Database: MySQL
o Web Server Software: Apache Tomcat, IIS, etc.
o Server side scripting tools: PHP

 Client Side Requirements:

o Web Browser: Any HTML5 & JavaScript Supported(Chrome, Mozilla, IE, Safari,

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

Chapter - 5


5.1 Entity Relationship Diagram

 Data models are tools used in analysis to describe the data requirements and assumptions
in the system from a top-down perspective. The ER modelling approach is used to design
information. It focuses on the data items in the system and the relationship between them.
 There are three basic elements in ER models:
o ‘Entitie
o s’ are the ‘things’ about which we seek information.
o ‘Attributes’ are the ‘data’ we collect about the entities.
o Relationships provide the structure needed to draw information from multiple
 Relationships:

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

o A Relationship shows the dependency of each entities. It touches one relationship-

entity and o1ptionally some attribute-entity connectors. It is linked with two
 Connectors:
o A relationship-entity connection is a line that touches exactly one text label
(expressing cardinality). Cardinality is a text string with values chosen from the

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

 Here, in the Entity Relationship Diagram

o Name of the entity is written in the capital letter and attributes of the particular
e0ntity set are listed below the name of the entity.
o Symbols are indicate the Primary Key (PK) and Foreign Key (FK) constraints of
the entity attributes.

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

o In the given ER Diagram there are, 9 Entity sets are placed with its attributes and
relationship constraints with each other entity.

Entity Relationship Diagram using Crow’s Foot Database Notation

5.2 Data Flow Diagram

 Here, given below DFDs are indicate the Data Flow of the various system operations
from the user’s interaction to the proposed system.
 All the possible operations and its data flow is shown in these figures of the below
diagrams. Here DFDs are shown level wise to understand the system’s data flow.
o (I. Context Level, I).

5.2.1 Context Level DFD

Context Level Diagram for the System

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Online Event Management System

5.2.2 Level ‘1’ DFD

Level ‘1’ DFD for the Event management system

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

5.2.3 Level ‘1’ DFD

Level ‘1’ DFD for the Event Management System

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

5.3 Use Case Diagram

 A Use Case Model describes the proposed functionalities of a new system.

 A discrete unit of Interaction between a User and a System. This interaction is a single
unit of meaningful work.
 A Use Case Model in UML is a description of a system’s behaviour as it responds to a
request that originates
 In other words, a use case describes “WHO” can do “WHAT” with the system
 Use Case Diagram is to present a graphical overview of the functionality provided by a
system in terms of goals.

 Elements of Use Case Diagram

Actor: Used torepresent the User that will interact with

the system.

Use Case: Used for represent Process.

Relationship: Represented by Lines.

System: Represented Whole System itself.

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Online Event Management System

Use Case Diagram for Admin

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Online Event Management System

Use Case Diagram for User

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Online Event Management System

Use Case Diagram for User and Admin

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

Data Dictionary

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

Table: Admin

Primary Key: id

Table Details:

Field Name Data Type Constraints Allow Null

Id Int(12) PK,AI No
Password Int(20) No

2 . User
Table: User

Primary Key: id

Table Details: Stores the Registration / login details of people.

Fieldname Data Type Constraints Allow Null

Id Int(10) AI,PK No
Fname Varchar(15) No
Lname Varchar(15) No
Contact_num Bigint(20) No
Gender Varchar(10) No
Dob Date No
Add Varchar(300) No
Pin Ing(10) No
Stated Varchar(16) No
Cityid Varchar(15) No
Email Varchar(40) No
Password Varchar(40) No
Cdate Date No
usertype Int(5) No

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

3. Cities
Table: Cities

Primary Key: id

Table Details: Stores the city details.

Field Name Data Type Constraints Allow Null

Id Int(12) PK,AI No
Name Varchar(12) No
Stateid Int(20) No

4. States
Table: States

Primary Key: id

Table Details: Stores the state details

Field Name Data Type Constraints Allow Null

Id Int(12) PK,AI No
Name Varchar(12) No

5. Inquiry

Primary Key: id

Table Details:Stores the Inquiry of user

Field Name Data Type Constraints Allow Null

Id Int(20) PK,AI No
Name Varchar(30) No
Phoneno bigInt(20) No
Description Varchar(100) No
Email Varchar(30) No
Cityid Int(10) No
Stated Int(5) No

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

6. Complain
Table: Complain

Primary Key: id

Table Details:Stores the complains of users

Field Name Data type Constraints Allow Null

Complain Id Int(10) PK,AI No
User id Int(11) No
Description Varchar(500) No
Title Varchar(30) No
Subject varchar(20)
Cdate datetime

7. Decoration
Table: Decoration

Primary Key: id

Table Details: Stores decoration details

Field Name Data Type Constraints Allow Null

Id Int(11) PK,AI No
Description Varchar(100) No
Price Int(5) No
Image Varchar(1000) No

8. food_details
Table: food_details

Primary Key: id

Table Details: Stores the food menu

Field Name Data Type Constraints Allow Null

Id Int(10) PK,AI No
cat_name Int(10) No
Name Varchar(40) No
Price Int(10) No
Description Varchar(100) No
image Varchar(1100) No

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

9. Food_category
Table: Food_category

Primary Key:id

Table Details: Stored food category

Field Name Data Type Constraints Allow Null

Id Int(20) PK,AI No
Name Varchar(50) Yes
Food_type Varchar(20) Yes

Table: entertainment

Primary Key:id

Table Details:

Field Name Data Type Constraints Allow Null

Id Int(10) PK,AI No
Name Varchar(20) Yes
Type varchar(20)
price int(5) Yes
Image Varchar(300)

Table: ordermain

Primary Key:id

Table Details:

Field Name Data Type Constraints Allow Null

Id Int(10) PK,AI No
User id int(10) Yes
items Varchar(100) Yes
Totalbill Int(20)
Cdate date

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System
Table: feedback

Primary Key:id

Foreign Key:

Table Details:

Field Name Data Type Constraints Allow Null

Booking_Id Int(5) PK,AI No
User_id int(5) Yes
Description Varchar(800)
Cdate Datetime Yes

Table: banquate

Primary Key: id

Foreign Key:

Table Details: Stores the Result Information

Field Name Data Type Constraints Allow Null

Id Int(10) PK,AI No
Name Int(20) No
contact_person Varchar(40) No
contact_num bigInt(20) No
price_day Int(15) No
Capacity Int(15) No
Email Varchar(40) No
Path varchar(500) No
City id Int(5) No
State id int(5) No

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System
Table: contact

Primary Key:id

Table Details:

Field Name Data Type Constraints Allow Null

Id Int(5) PK No
Name Varchar(20) Yes
Email varchar(20)
description varchar(500) Yes
Cdate Datetime

Table: ordermain

Primary Key:id

Table Details:

Field Name Data Type Constraints Allow Null

G Id Int(10) PK No
G_path varchar(500) Yes

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System



Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

7.1 Home Page:


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Online Event Management System


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Online Event Management System


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Online Event Management System


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Online Event Management System


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Online Event Management System



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Online Event Management System



Process Checkout:

Confirmation Booking:

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

Admin Login:

Admin Modules:

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Online Event Management System



Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

System Testing


Following are testing principals which are used.

 All tests should be traceable to customer’s requirement.

 Tests should plan long before testing begins.
 Testing should begin in small and progressed towards testing in the large.
 Exhausting testing is not possible.
 To be most effective testing should be conducted by an independent third party.


 The phase of system development life cycle tests system design. Testing of system
decides whether the newly designed system works properly or not. After the development
of documentation manually about the system this checked, and if the system working
property then it will be find out generated errors of problems and to find out its solution.
This process is known as debugging.

 For any software system testing means to check out it’s coding. If we are not getting
proper or required output then we have to debug the system coding. So, the debugging is
also a subpart of the testing selection. It the system runs correctly during testing of our
project we have to face different types of errors. Especially, errors annoyed us but at last
we solved it, successfully. Some of the errors is listed below with their cause and

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

8.2 Testing Objectives:

There are several testing objectives. They are as follows:

 Testing is process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.

 A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as yet undiscovered
 A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error.

Testing principles:

 Following are testing principles, Which are used, o All tests should be traceable to
customer requirement.
 Tests should be planned long before testing begins.
 Testing should beg in small and progress toward testing in the large.
 Exhaustive testing is not possible.
 To be most effective testing should be conducted by an independent third party.


Software testability is simply how easily a computer program can be tested. The checklist that
follows provides a set of characteristics that lead to testable software.

 Operability
 Observables
 Controllability
 Decomposability
 Simplicity
 Stability
 Understandability

Following are the attributes of the good test

 A good test has a high probability of finding an error.

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

 A good test should be “best of breed”.

 A good test is not redundant.
 A good test would be neither too simple nor too complex.

8.3 Model of testing:

There are different models of testing. On the basis of Testing methods there are two
types of testing:
1. Black –box testing.
2. White-box testing.


White-box testing some times called glass box testing, is a test case design
method that users the control structure of the procedural design to drive the test case.
Always we are thinking that there is no necessary to execute or checks the loops
and conditions. And so large number of errors is uncovered.
With using white-box testing methods, we have checked that:
 All independents paths within a function have been executed at least once.
 All logical decisions on their true and false side.
 All loops working correctly at their boundary values and within their specified
In our coding we test that all the loops works truly in each module. The one technique
of white box testing is basis path testing. It contains two parts, one is flow graph notation
and the second is cyclometer complexity. In flow graph notation we are checking logical
control of flow. By using cyclometer complexity we find complexity of our project


Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

Black-box testing focuses on the functional requirement of the software. That is

black-box testing enables the software engineer to drive set of input conditions that will
fully exercise all functional
Requirements for the program. Black-box testing is not an alternative to white-
box testing techniques. Rather, it is a complementary approach that is likely to uncover a
different class of errors than white-box methods.
We use in our coding to find errors in the following categories:
 Incorrect or missing functions
 Interface errors
 Performance errors
 Initialization and termination errors.


In this section we have include various tests performed on our developed Systemand their
results are given below.

TEST CASE 1: sign up registration process

 Description: this test will performed check whether system allow system to dot their
registration or not.
 Test data used: all the velid user information format.
 Actual output: system allow user to do registration.
 Pass/Fail: Pass

TEST CASE 2: log in procces

 Description: this test will performed check whether system allows valid user to login.
 Test data used: valid user id and valid password
 Actual output: system allow user to login.
 Pass/Fail: Pass

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System


Future scope and limitation

Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad
Online Event Management System

9.1 Future scope:-

We think that not a single project is ever considered as complete forever because our mind is
always thinking something new and our necessities also are growing day by day. We always
want something more then what we have. Our application also, if you see at the first
glance than you find it to be complete what we want to make it still mature and fully
automatic. Some of the expansions which we have through of are :

 We want to improve our home page , as it is the main thing which attract all users
 Better E-mail facility for sending result to user
 Providing better feedback form

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Online Event Management System



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Online Event Management System

10.1 Software:-

 WAMP for windows (Testing editor)

 Microsoft office Word & Microsoft Visio (Documentation purpose)
 Chrome and Firefox(Testing purpose)

10.2 Website:-

 chrome platform JavaScript library)

 PHP and MYSQL reference)
 latest HTML5 and CSS recource)

10.3 Reference book:-

 Software-Engineering-Roger-Pressman-7th-edition

 Head First PHP & MYSQL of O’Really Publication

 JavaScript & jQuery the Missing Manual, 2nd Edition by David Sawyer
McFarland of O’Really Publication

 PHP MYSQL javaScript and HTML5 All-in-one for dummies by Steve Suehring
and Janet Valade of John Wilay&sons, Inc. Publications

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