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This competency assessment assesses the following Outcome(s):

CM220M3-1: Conduct research to support assertions made in academic and professional


Assessment objective: An Annotated Bibliography allows you to organize your research on a

topic and evaluate whether the sources you have found will be useful. For this Competency

Assessment, you will create an Annotated Bibliography that reviews four sources related to an

argument for change in your community or workplace. One of the sources in the Annotated

Bibliography should address an opposing viewpoint or misconception related to your topic.

It is recommended that you use the thesis statement you created for the second course assessment

for CM220, but you may create a new thesis statement if you prefer. Be sure to include the thesis

statement that will be supported by your research.

Each annotation will be cited with a complete APA reference page citation for the source and a

paragraph about each source that includes a summary of the source’s main idea, an evaluation of

its credibility, and a discussion about the source’s usefulness to your argument.

Directly below the APA reference for each source, provide an annotation paragraph that includes

the following:

 A one-two sentence summary of the source (no direct quotes from the source) and a

parenthetical citation after the summary, e.g., (Smith, 2014)

 Explanation of how the source meets credibility standards, including the author’s credentials

and the verifiability of the source’s information; this should include where you found the source

(Library, Google search engine, government website, etc.). Use the criteria covered in Evaluating

Sources to guide your evaluation.

 Discussion about how you will use the source to support your argument for community change

(this would include whether it poses a challenge to your argument that you will need to address).

In this section, paraphrase a key point from the source that supports or challenges your thesis and

include an in-text citation.

o At least one source should address an opposing viewpoint or misconception about your selected


o One source should contain a visual component, such as a graph or video.

Using Research to Support Academic and Professional Assertions

Persuasive Thesis Statement

Organisations must alter their organisational culture to adapt to the ever-changing

external legal environment and company income fluctuations, and a more diverse workforce. A

lack of stress management or conflict management, team member attitudes, and a lack of

learning opportunities are all reasons why most organisations struggle to handle change.

While implementing change can be challenging for any business, a few strategies can

help make it a success (Castrillon, 2020). Using the Google search engine, I was able to find the

source, which is credible because the author's qualifications are listed and because the source's

content can be evaluated because I found it using Google. In this section, you will find all of the

previous year's content, as well as information and references. It is an objective article that offers

material that has been validated through research, and that is unbiased. The source, which will be

discussed in the context of change management practices, will support my case for workplace

transformation. According to Castrillon (2020), it is vital to adjust one's behaviour to effectively

manage stress while avoiding negative feelings or opinions about change (escape coping and

active coping).

Workplace developments (such as more women and immigrants in the workforce) are viewed

positively by workers in the United States, but they are sometimes viewed negatively (Graf,

2018). Using the Google search engine, I was able to find the source, which is credible because

the author's qualifications are listed and because the source's content can be evaluated because I

found it using Google. Graphs and charts accompany the text in this article, which was initially

published around three years ago. It is an objective article that offers material that has been

validated through research, and that is unbiased. In order to refute the widespread misconception

about change, I will use the following source to support my case for organisational

transformation. Outsourcing, a surge in foreign employees, and automation are all cited by Graf

(2018) as contributing to problems for American workers.

Negotiation is anchored in the Behavioral Theory of Labor Negotiations. It is used to form

workplace teams, manage conflict, improve corporate governance, and deal with environmental

problems at both the internal and external levels (Kochan & Lipsky, 2019). I obtained the source

through the Purdue Global Library, which fulfils credibility standards in that both the author's

credentials and the verifiability of the source's content are indicated. I also found the source

through the Purdue Global Library, which meets credibility standards. Approximately two years

ago, the information was published, and facts were revealed. It is an objective eBook that

contains information that has been verified via study and is entirely unbiased. In support of my

argument for workplace change, I will refer to the source, which will range from addressing the

practice of negotiation to bringing about resistance in the behaviour of employees. According to

Kochan and Lipsky (2019), a broad spectrum of internal and external organisational changes are
currently handled through negotiation between stakeholders to create positive and successful

change in the business.

To successfully execute change in the workplace, it is necessary to deal with pressure on

employees' perceptions and ensure organisational learning from the top to the bottom of the

company (Schultz et al., 2019). In addition, all of the author's credentials are listed. The

verifiability of the source's content may be evaluated because I obtained the seed from Purdue

Global Library. The head fulfils credibility standards. Approximately two years ago, the

information was published, and facts were revealed. It is an objective journal article containing

information verified through study and is entirely unbiased. When it comes to engaging middle

management, individual participation, and continual learning, I will draw on this source to

support my argument for workplace change. Schultz and colleagues (2019) discovered that the

'people' factor is critical to building resilience and self-efficacy in the face of change.

Technology is the driving force behind the transformation of organizational culture. In another

way, technology encourages an organization's culture to adapt to change (DeLoatch, 2018).

Because the author's qualifications are indicated, the source passes credibility standards. The

verifiability of the source's content may be evaluated because I discovered the source through the

Google search engine. The information was released approximately three years ago, and the facts

are supplied together with references to support them. It is an objective article that contains

information that has been verified through study and is unbiased. However, the source does not

support my case for workplace change because it considers technology change the primary cause

of a cultural shift in a company, which is not supported by my research. According to DeLoatch

(2018), cultural change can be painful for an organization, but technology change is required to

help the business transcend the pain of cultural change.

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