Workflow 2

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1st Rule: Do not think about the goal, think about the next step.
2nd Rule: Do not overthink!
3rd Rule: When you add anything to the track, it does not need to be perfect. The Process
will make it perfect. Trust the process.
4th Rule: Enjoy the process. If you do not enjoy what you have created, go back to the
foundation and find sounds that spark something different in you.

1. Drums, Bass & Chord Progression

1. Add to the Arrangement View Audio Track: 1x Drums Sample (Example: Packs > Core Library > Loops
> Drums )
2. Add a MIDI track and Choose a virtual Bass Instrument
3. Create an empty clip and draw 2 to 3 long notes to the clip. If in doubt which notes to draw go with C, E
and A OR A, C and E. Always nice.
4. Go to MIDI Effects and add an Arpeggiator to the Bass track. Set it appropriately: choose scale, rate,
note distance and the pattern you would like it to go in. There is no wrong or right settings here.
5. Duplicate the Bass track and delete the Arpeggiator. Now change the instrument from bass to keys.
6. Go to MIDI effects and add Chord and Scale Effects.
7. From Scale choose the same scale you added to the Arpeggiator on the bass track.
8. From Chord choose steps. For example 3 and 7 are good start for any chord.
9. Loop all three clips to 3.30 min.

2. The Arrangement
1. Use Locators to create a song structure. If in doubt use this a template: 4x bars intro, 4x bars verse, 4x
bars chorus, 4x bars verse2, 4x bars chorus2, 4x bars c-part, 4x chorus3.
2. Cut out sections of each instrument so the different instruments are coming in and going out in the
different parts of the song. Do not get stuck in this part. When you add more instruments, you can keep
defining the different parts/lengths of the song. Trust the process.
3. Create variations to the bass and keys, by using the “REV” and “INV” functions in the clip editing

3. The The Hooky Bit

1. Duplicate the synth track.
2. Select a section of the chord progression and delete everything else form the track. You can also delete
the Chord effect in this point if you want.
3. Now right click the track and choose “Freeze” and then “Flatten”. Wait until MIDI is converted to audio.
4. Use the clip editing window to edit the clip: make the speed shorter, revert and/or pitch shift it higher
(example +12)
5. Now add audio effects with the hook: example Beat repeat and Auto Pan are great.

This document is written by Liina ‘LNA’ Turtonen, 2020

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