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Bien D.

Bibas 21 st Century Literature

11-ABM MICROSOFT What I Can Do: Short Paper

Humans Are Like Cashew Nut

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be a cashew nut? Wandering

outside its fruit and can't do anything despite of being hot or cold outside. Reading the

literary piece 'The Legend of the Cashew Nut' gives a realization that the cashew nut

represents us humans and not just a simple legend telling why the cashew nut is

outside of its fruit.

In the literary piece, the cashew nut wants to see the world outside and a good

fairy heard this prayer so she granted it which made the cashew nut happy. While

enjoying what he sees, he then again prayed to be permanently outside. This

characteristic of the cashew nut reflects a human being. When a person get what

he/she wants, he/she become more greedy and ask for more than what is enough.

There are times that us humans are being blinded when we achieve what we desire just

like what happened to the cashew nut. The next thing happened is that while the

cashew nut is enjoying, rain suddenly pours that made the cashew nut wet and shivers

in cold. He called for the fairy’s help. He told the fairy that he wants to return inside. This

scenario is like when us humans do not like the outcome of what we desire for, backing

up is the first thing we will do and not considering what wrong thing we had done .

Continuing with the story, so the fairy did not grant the cashew nut’s wish for she wants

him to learn a lesson. Regrets have filled the cashew nut thinking that if he had been

contented, that will never happen. Just like us humans, there are times that we
appreciate things when it is already gone. We see its value when it is already

unreachable or out of our sight. But at the end, the good thing is that the cashew nut

learned his lessons and upheld the thing he had done. Though we tend to make

mistakes while reaching for our wants and being blinded, just like the cashew nut, we

learned from it and make sure that it will never happen again.

The literary piece chosen does not only tackles about why the cashew nut is

outside its fruit but, it also gives a realization that us humans are like the cashew nut.

Characteristics shown by the cashew nut reflect what some of us humans are. Just like

the cashew nut, we’ve done things that we regret and learned from it at the end.

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