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Courtneii Maxwell

Dr. Sullivan
EDSN 640
September 2021

Module 2 Discussion Board

Based on your readings, answer the following questions:
1. What role does assessment play in the pre-referral, eligibility, and
reevaluation of students suspected of having special needs?
Assessment plays a role in pre-referral, eligibility, and reevaluation of
students suspected of having special needs by determining what the child
is academically, physically, and/or mentally capable of. The role
assessment plays in pre-referral begins with an intervention. It is usually
caught early on, and the goal is to give the student the support that is
necessary for them to thrive academically. The student is screened,
monitored, put through multi-tiered prevention, and then the data is used
by an IEP team to determine the services that the student needs.
According to IDEA (Cohen & Spenciner, 2015 p. 6), students must meet
the eligibility description of one of the categories of disability:
 Autism
 Deaf-blindness
 Deafness
 Developmental delay
 Emotional disturbance
 Hearing impairment
 Intellectual disability
 Multiple disabilities
 Orthopedic impairment
 Other health impairment
 Specific learning disability
 Speech or language impairment
 Traumatic brain injury
 Visual impairment
The reevaluation process is conducted by the IEP. The team reviews already
existing assessment information on students. They review the information
and contact the parents to get insight before determining whether or not
there needs to be further assessment of the student.

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2. How does one take advantage of the formative assessment process in
working with special needs students?
It is important to realize that the formative assessment process has
“powerful potential to increase learning for all students, including
students with disabilities.” (Brookhart & Lazerus, 2017). Using formative
assessments can help students with disabilities reach their full academic
potential. To take advantage of the formative assessment process I would
incorporate Universal Design which can benefit all students.
According to The National Center of Universal Design for Learning (CAST
2012) there are three principles of the universal design for learning (UDL)
(Brookhart & Lazerus, 2017 p. 6.) which are
 Principle I: Provide multiple means of representation (the “what of
 Principle II: Provide multiple means of action and expression (the
“how” of learning)
 Principle III: Provide multiple means of engagement (the “why” of

When pairing universally designed course of action with a well-designed

formative assessment it becomes a harmonious blend. Formative
assessments will be creative correctly from the start so students with and
without disabilities can participate. So, there will be no need to make
accommodations. For teachers to take full advantage of formative
assessment when working with special needs students, they can use
these assessments to check on their academic, cognitive, and behavioral

3. In the case study of Jane and Oscar, what is the difference between
advocating for a special needs student and being insubordinate? What
would you have done if you were Jane?
The difference between advocating for a special needs student and being
insubordinate is being an advocate means you work solely on a family’s
behalf to help them receive special education services. Being insubordinate
means that a teacher has intentionally chosen to ignore a directive given by
administration. Jane advocated for Oscar when she reached out to Claudia,
informing her that a meeting with his parents should be scheduled. Jane also
tried her hardest to get Oscar placed back into her gym class. The

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insubordination began when Jane said, “Well maybe we should change such
stupid rules.” (Difference of Opinion) That was extremely unprofessional and
juvenile under no circumstance should Jane have spoken to her supervisor in
that manner regardless of her emotional frustration. I also think that Jane’s
insubordination rose to new heights when she contacted Oscar’s mother to
attempt to persuade her into dropping one of his other special education
classes if they weren’t necessary. After finding out, that Oscar’s three special
education classes were deemed necessary Jane proceed to tell Oscar’s mom
to request another meeting where she could attend. This was not only an act
of insubordination – it was also sneaky and underhanded.
If I was Jane, I would have tried to have a sit down with Hal and show him
how to make his gym class more accommodating for Oscar. I would try
suggesting ways for him to use a welcoming approach to make Oscar not so
intimidated by him. I would ask Hal if he could visit my classroom so he could
learn some techniques on how to be inclusive with other special needs
students. If Hal was unreceptive to these methods, I would then go to
Claudia to express my concerns. I would explain to her that to assist Oscar’s
transition into the gen ed gym class using methods from my special
education gym class would be helpful. If Claudia was unreceptive, I would go
to the principal in my fight for securing Oscar’s best interest. Lavole (2008)
stated that the “key and indispensable ally” is the principal. Oscar will not
get the effective services that he needs unless I can gain support from the

1. What are some examples of an incorrect way to assess a student with
special needs?
2. What could Jane have done differently regarding advocating for Oscar? Do
you think that Jane had difficulty separating herself as parent and as an

Cohen & Spenciner (2015) - Understanding Assessment
Brookhart & Lazerus (2017) – Formative assessment for students with
Difference of Opinion (Clearing House for Special Ed. Teaching Cases, n.d.)

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Lavoie (2008) - Fighting the good fight: how to advocate for your students
without losing your job.

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