Art 1 Curriculum

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Art 1 Curriculum: Autumn Jackson

Holistic Values Self-Expression Community Photography Visual Culture

Week 1
Day Date Project/ Short Description of Lesson Segment (Objective) Standard Addressed: Events
Unit Title SCVAS

Mon Intro *Daily Affirmation-will be mentioned but practiced the following class

This is the first class I will have with my new babies. The goal of this
class and for the entire week is to get to know my students and observe
how they operate as individuals and in a group setting.

The worksheet will ask the basic questions such as personal, artistic, and
general schooling questions. The worksheet will also have a fun question
section that will ask them about snacks they like, music, interest, and if
they were an object or a thing what would they be?

After the work sheet is filled out and turned in to my bucket, I will have
us all do a similar buzzfeed to this one
nner-personality) which ask them about their color personality. From
there I would group up similar colors and have them talk to each other
for a moment to get to know everyone in their group.
*I would also take the quiz and put myself in the group that matches
my color(Purple,You are a highly spiritual and introspective person,
never shying away from any opportunity for personal growth and
reflection. Your idealism does not hold you back from reality, but rather
shapes the way you approach and solve problems. You are a calming

Once the groups have settled down I would then introduce myself to the
entire class and go over classroom management, expectations, and rules.

Tue Observation *Daily Affirmation- first thing that we do in the classroom everyday Standard 2: I can use different
materials, techniques, and
Once the students enter and we have successfully practiced our daily processes to make art.
affirmations I would have them choose materials for them to make their
own sketchbooks for the class. The entire class will be centered around VAH2-1.5 Use a variety of art
them making their own sketchbooks following these steps: materials, tools, and equipment in
-picking hard cover (wood, cardboard, hard paper, jeans, etc.) a skillful, safe,
-choosing the type of paper they would like to use for their sketchbook and responsible manner.
(copy paper, water color, mixed media paper, bristol, etc.)
-We would then bind the books together by punching holes in the paper
and binding them to the front and back covers. We will either sew the
books together or they can tie it together with string. I feel comfortable
with allowing for them to choose how they want to bind the books in a
more creative way with my help.
-the last step would be to add a pocket in the front or pack for scrap
papers or other objects they might find interesting.

Wed Observation *Daily Affirmation- first thing that we do in the classroom everyday Standard 2: I can use different
materials, techniques, and
Once the students enter the room and we have done our daily processes to make art.
affirmations, we will select 5 paint chips that are a part of their personal VAH2-1.3 Communicate ideas
life story. I will show the presentation I created of what colors are a part through the effective use of a
of my life story and how they play a role in my life. From there I will variety of materials,
allow for my students to have some time to think about their colors and techniques, and processes in
how it plays a role in their own lives. works of visual art.

I would then have them journal the colors that are associated with them
and how they relate to their lives. From here I will have them take this
quiz:​, and jot down what their
values are.

Once they got their five core values I will have them match them up to
the color they think best represents that color.

Thur Observation *Daily Affirmation Standard 1: I can use the

The bell ringer for the students would be for them to start tracking their elements and principles of
color values that we figured out yesterday in a chart of 15 squares (or art to create artwork.
however they want to display their 15 days/encounters). I will task them
to either finish the boxes by next Monday or within the next 15 days. VAH2-2.1 Recognize, describe,
and analyze the elements and
This will allow for us to create a project based on their boxes and the principles of design and other
time they chose. compositional structures and
strategies used in
Once they are finished with their first box I would introduce to them the the visual arts to communicate
elements and principles of art. The students will add their notes into their
brain-book “journals” and allow for them to practice doing some
versions of the elements.
They will have to show me 2 different variations of the principles and
elements for their departure.

Fri Observation *Daily Affirmation Standard 6: I can identify and

As the students are walking into the classroom I will instruct them to get examine the role of visual arts
out their sketchbooks. On the board there will be several questions that through history and world
ask them about their aesthetic inventory. cultures.
*I will also show my aesthetic inventory that I made prior to the school VAH2-4.4 Demonstrate visual
year. literacy by deconstructing images
in a variety of contexts.
In their sketchbooks they will answer the questions then correlate them
to not only the elements and principles we learned yesterday, but to Standard 2: I can use different
themselves. materials, techniques, and
processes to make art.
They will spend the rest of the class creating a two page spread that VAH2-1.3 Communicate ideas
visually communicates their aesthetic inventory. Then by next Monday through the effective use of a
they will have to write me a brief explanation of what they learned about variety of materials,
themselves and the thing they find important in their lives. techniques, and processes in
works of visual art.

Week 2
Mon Observation *Daily Affirmation Standard 2: I can use different
When students walk into the room I will have them get their brainbooks materials, techniques, and
out for a quick mini lesson. The focus for the lesson will be determined processes to make art.
where the students fall on the chart listed by Scott McCloud in his book VAH2-1.3 Communicate ideas
Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art (pg 52-53). They will then through the effective use of a
determine a different art style they would like to reach and another one variety of materials,
that could be a potential goal in the future. techniques, and processes in
works of visual art.
This will allow for me to see where my students might draw and be able VAH2-1.4 Apply materials,
to create a criteria that aligns with the work that they produce. It can also techniques, and processes with
allow for me to create goals that align with their skills. skill, confidence, and
sensitivity sufficient to make his
or her intentions observable in the
that he or she creates.

Tue 1 *Daily Affirmation

Once students walk into the room they will look at the presentation that
deals with collage and gather materials they would like to use for the
They will have time to make numerous mini collages that follow the
Matise/ Hollie Chastin examples that I provided

Wed 1 *Daily Affirmation

1st half of class: Once students walk into the classroom I will give them
a quick briefing on what we will be doing for the duration of the class
2nd half:Students will be able to walk around the school and take
pictures of multiple areas and things they find interesting. Once we are
done we would go to the computer lab and I would show them how to
use photoshop with a live demo.

The rest of the time will be used for them to play around in photoshop
editing their photos and getting accustomed to the tool if they have never
used it before.

Thur 1 *Daily Affirmation

Students will wait outside of the classroom in order for us to make our
way back to the computer lab. Once we are in the room we will have a
quick refresher on how to use photoshop then they will be given their

The students will be tasked with creating a collage with at least 4 of the
images they took a picture of yesterday. They can also pull imagery from
the internet in order for them to create their digital collage.

Once they have created at least 2 versions of a digital collage they will
send them to me so that I can print them out for the next part of our

Fri 1 *Daily Affirmation

Students will start the class period off by locating their paper collages
that they made at the start of the week. They will then go into their
sketchbooks and think about how they could possibly combine their
physical collage with their digital collages.
Students will have the option to either document the physical collages
and add them to their digital collages, or have the ability to cut their
digital collages and add them along with the physical collages.

To accommodate both possibilities we will move the class into the

computer lab along with some materials that do not cause a mess in
order for me to watch both groups at once.

Week 3
Mon 2 *Daily Affirmation Standard 6: I can identify and
Once students walk into the room I will have a bell ringer that is examine the role of visual arts
supposed to be done in their sketchbooks. I will ask them to name 10 through history and world
popular culture characters that they can easily recognize along with the cultures.
colors that are associated with the characters they can remember that go VAH2-4.4 Demonstrate visual
along with those characters. literacy by deconstructing images
in a variety of
I will also have them think of symbols or other things in popular culture contexts.
that they can think of. This class period will be a group discussion about
popular culture and why it is important.

Tue 2 *Daily Affirmation

Once the students have walked into the classroom we will shortly revisit
the discussion we had on popular culture the day before. From here we
will get our sketchbooks out and brainstorm self portraits that include
popular culture iconography similar to Kayla Mahaffey.

We will spend the majority of the class mapping out this imagery and
collaborating with each other to see what could work or what would take
away from the pieces.

Students will be tasked with bringing in a self-portrait by the next class


Wed 2 *Daily Affirmation

Once the students walk into the room we will get their sketchbooks out
and their self-portraits that they were supposed to bring to the class. If
they did not, they will have to do it quietly off to the side and print it
out in the class.
I will then teach them how to do the grid method on their images, so
that we could be able to learn how to do self-portraits without the fear
of it not looking like them.
*This will also allow for the students who do at math have a chance to
do a form of art that plays into their strengths.

Work period- basic pencil perspective and proportions

Thur 2 *Daily Affirmation

1st half: Students will walk into the room and take out their sketchbooks.
I will have the different shading technique chart on the board and ask
them to jot it down in their brainbooks.
*They would then be able to practice some forms of shading on a pre
drawn face in order for them to gain confidence in shading their own
portraits in black and white
2nd half: Work period- students will be finishing up their proportions
for the self portrait, and start to shade in their image if they feel
confident in doing so.

Fri 2 *Daily Affirmation

WORK PERIOD: Continue shading in their self portraits and
practicing their characters and logos they want to add into theri image.
Students will have the option of hand drawing the characters and
symbols or having the ability to trace them into the picture.

Week 4
Mon 2 *Daily Affirmation Standard 6: I can identify and
Students will walk into the room and we will do a checkin/ mini critique examine the role of visual arts
on their works through history and world
WORK PERIOD: continue working on the shading. Once finished the VAH2-4.4 Demonstrate visual
students will be able to add in their characters to their imagery and literacy by deconstructing images
decide what materials they wanted to add to their images in a variety of
*Students can use charcoal, oil pastels, chalk, crayon, or colored pencils. contexts.
This will be done to allow for them to enjoy a child-like wonder and add
a juxtaposition between the black and white of their imagery.

Tue 2 *Daily Affirmation

Wed *Daily Affirmation

Thur *Daily Affirmation Standard 4: I can organize

2/3 Students will walk into the room and make final touches to their work work for presentation and
for the first half of the class. They can also break off into small groups documentation to reflect
and see each other to make minor adjustments to their works. specific content, ideas, skills,
and/or media.
For the remainder of the class I will show them how to document their VAH2-3.1 Explore the sources of
work, edit the work, and hang it in a gallery space. the subject matter and the ideas
in a variety of works of visual art.
VAH2-3.2 Analyze and describe
the relationships among subject
symbols, and themes in
communicating intended meaning
in his or her
artworks and the works of others.
VAH2-3.3 Select and effectively
use subject matter, symbols, and
ideas to
communicate meaning through his
or her artworks.

Fri *Daily Affirmation Standard 4: I can organize

3 The students will come into the classroom and briefly discuss the proper work for presentation and
way to document and edit their images. After this discussion we will documentation to reflect
continue to hang their works in a makeshift gallery and critique the work specific content, ideas, skills,
they have submitted. and/or media.
VAH2-3.1 Explore the sources of
the subject matter and the ideas
in a variety of works of visual art.
VAH2-3.2 Analyze and describe
the relationships among subject
symbols, and themes in
communicating intended meaning
in his or her
artworks and the works of others.
VAH2-3.3 Select and effectively
use subject matter, symbols, and
ideas to
communicate meaning through his
or her artworks.

Week 5

Mon 3 *Daily Affirmation Standard 4: I can

The students will come into the classroom and continue the critique we did at the end of the organize
week with a refresher of how to do a critique and the proper etiquette. work for presentation
documentation to reflect
specific content, ideas,
and/or media.
VAH2-3.1 Explore the
sources of the subject
matter and the ideas
in a variety of works of
visual art.
VAH2-3.2 Analyze and
describe the relationships
among subject matter,
symbols, and themes in
communicating intended
meaning in his or her
artworks and the works
of others.
VAH2-3.3 Select and
effectively use subject
matter, symbols, and
ideas to
communicate meaning
through his or her

Tue 4 *Daily Affirmation Standard 7: I can relate

When the students walk into the classroom I will have them take off any jewelry that they might visual
have on. In their sketchbooks they will draw the jewelry that they have on them. If they do not art ideas to arts disciplines,
have any jewelry they can come to my desk and choose some jewelry to sketch for reference. content areas, and careers.
VAH2-6.2 Compare and
The students will decipher the colors that were used to make the jewelry along with the possible contrast concepts, issues, and
metals that were used. They will also see if there are any geometric or organic shapes they can themes in the visual arts
find in the objects. and other subjects in the
school curriculum.
It will take to recreate the jewelry with pipe cleaners, since it is easy to manipulate and curve Standard 3: I can improve
into the right areas. and
complete artistic work using
elements and principles
VAH2-2.3 Evaluate the
effectiveness of artworks by
analyzing the use of the
elements and principles of
design and other
compositional structures and
strategies to communicate

Wed 4 *Daily Affirmation

Once students walk in they will get their sketchbooks back out and look back at the sketches
they made of the jewelry they have. They will also look at the pope cleaners they created the
day before and use those as a way to create a clay structure that is a larger scale of their jewelry.

Thur 4 *Daily Affirmation

CLAY WORK DAY: Students will continue to work on their clay jewelry sculptures

Fri 4 *Daily Affirmation


Week 6
Mon 4 *Daily Affirmation

Students will work on their clay jewelry projects, collages, and any other work that has been
issued since the beginning of the first week.

Tue 5 *Daily Affirmation Standard 6: I can identify

Field trip/ walk around the campus or the community examine the role of visual
*Students will bring their sketchbooks and phones to walk around the community and take arts
pictures/ quick sketches of different murals they find in the community. through history and world
*This can also be done with any graffiti they might find in the area or stickers that “disrupt” the cultures.
area VAH2-4.2 Identify specific
artworks as belonging to a
They will dump all of their photos into a google drive folder particular culture or
historical period and explain
the characteristics that led
him or her to make that
VAH2-4.3 Describe and
discuss the function and
meaning of specific artworks
from various world cultures
and historical periods.
VAH2-4.4 Demonstrate
visual literacy by
deconstructing images in a
variety of
VAH2-4.5 Apply a
knowledge of art history,
various cultures, and
in the creation of original
works of visual art

Wed 4 CLAY WORK DAY: This will be the final work day the students will have to sculpt their Standard 7: I can relate
works. This project will be looked at again a couple of weeks from now so that the ceramics visual
can be fired and glazed. art ideas to arts disciplines,
content areas, and careers.
VAH2-6.2 Compare and
contrast concepts, issues, and
themes in the visual arts
and other subjects in the
school curriculum.
Standard 3: I can improve
complete artistic work using
elements and principles
VAH2-2.3 Evaluate the
effectiveness of artworks by
analyzing the use of the
elements and principles of
design and other
compositional structures and
strategies to communicate

Thur 5 *Daily Affirmation Standard 6: I can identify

Students will walk into the classroom and pull up their imagery from the google drive folder. I examine the role of visual
will then pull up my presentation on murals in the contemporary art world and explain what our arts
next project will be. through history and world
Students will then have 15 minutes to think of a rough idea on what they want to do for the
project. As a group we will go through as many peoples ideas for the rest of the class and give Standard 7: I can relate
them feedback. visual
art ideas to arts disciplines,
content areas, and careers.
VAH2-6.3 Identify specific
visual arts careers and
describe the knowledge and
skills that one needs for
these careers.

Fri 5 *Daily Affirmation

Once students walk into the room we will get back into our large circle and go through the rest
of the students who were not able to present due to a lack of time.

From here the students will start to map out their plan on a large piece of white poster board
that I give them. They will make it similar to a vision board and add color swatches and fabric
to the board so that they are able to see what they think will work with their visions.

The boards will be posted on the walls of the room so that other students can see what their
classmates are working on and maybe use some of their ideas to their advantage.

Week 7
Mon *Daily Affirmation Standard 6: I can identify
5 and
Once students walk into the classroom we will begin the unit that was introduced at the end of examine the role of visual
last week. We will revisit the prompt as a refresher to allow for the students to get their minds
on the project again. arts
through history and world
Students will then get randomly paired together by me and have to collaborate to create a mural cultures.
together that combines their two designs into one design.
Standard 7: I can relate
They will take the remainder of the time to plan out how they want to combine their works
together and create a new vision board for their designs. visual
*Students will move their vision boards close to their partners then add the new version art ideas to arts disciplines,
underneath the original two content areas, and careers.
VAH2-6.3 Identify specific
visual arts careers and
describe the knowledge and
skills that one needs for
these careers.

Tue *Daily Affirmation

Once the students are settled in the classroom the partners will have to present their new mural to
the class and get feedback from me and the other students. Once everyone has presented they
will sketch mockups of their final projects and show them to me one at a time.

Students will be given full bed sheets for their projects and have the ability to start laying down
their rough sketches. They can either project their images on to the bedsheet, grid, or free hand
the sheets

Wed 5 *Daily Affirmation

MURAL WORK DAY: Students will be able to use a variety of materials to create their
*spray paint, Oil, water color, gauche, ink, acrylic paint, colored pencil, marker, fabric, etc.

Thur 5 *Daily Affirmation


Fri 5 *Daily Affirmation


Week 8
Mon 5 *Daily Affirmation

Tue 5 *Daily Affirmation


Wed 4 *Daily Affirmation Standard 7: I can relate

Students will walk into the room and locate their clay jewelry that we made during week 4. The visual
student will take a couple of minutes to think about colors they want to use for glaze on the art ideas to arts disciplines,
pieces. content areas, and careers.
VAH2-6.2 Compare and
They will have to choose from a color scheme that I put on the board in order to decorate their contrast concepts, issues, and
ceramics. themes in the visual arts
Once done painting I will throw them in the kennel to be fired once the glaze is dry and other subjects in the
school curriculum.
Standard 3: I can improve
complete artistic work using
elements and principles
VAH2-2.3 Evaluate the
effectiveness of artworks by
analyzing the use of the
elements and principles of
design and other
compositional structures and
strategies to communicate

Thur Break *Daily Affirmation Standard 2: I can use

Students will come into the room and have the chance to practice drawing three versions of different
themselves based off of the triangle chart that I showed them at the beginning of the year. materials, techniques, and
* Scott McCloud processes to make art.
VAH2-1.3 Communicate
ideas through the effective
use of a variety of materials,
techniques, and processes in
works of visual art.
VAH2-1.4 Apply materials,
techniques, and processes
with skill, confidence, and
sensitivity sufficient to make
his or her intentions
observable in the artwork
that he or she creates.

Fri Break *Daily Affirmation

Students will walk into the room and get their Scott McCloud images out from yesterday. We
will add more details to them or if the students have completed them to their liking they will be
tasked with trying to do it again in a different media for half of the time it took them yesterday.

Week 9
Mon 6 *Daily Affirmation Standard 6: I can identify
Once the students walk into the room they will have to get their sketchbooks out and take notes and
on the powerpoint I have on the board about Loïs Mailou Jones. examine the role of visual
In their brain books they will pick out the colors that are seen in her work along with trying to through history and world
pinpoint what section of the chart she might appear to draw in. Cultures.
Students will practice drawing in her artstyle for the remainder of class while listening to videos VAH2-4.3 Describe and
about her. discuss the function and
meaning of specific artworks
from various world cultures
and historical periods.
VAH2-4.4 Demonstrate
visual literacy by
deconstructing images in a
variety of

Standard 5: I can interpret

and evaluate the meaning of
an artwork.
VAH2-5.1 Analyze the
intention of the artist in a
specific artwork
and justify his or her

Tue 6 *Daily Affirmation

Once students walk into the classroom they will get their brainbooks back out. They will then
choose their favorite design from the class period before and make it more modern or suit their
own personal aesthetics.

From here they will be given a piece of scrap paper to practice their sketch on for the final
*Roughly 15-20 minutes

From here students will be able to pick up their own bristol board or whatever material I have
available and gesso the surface.

Wed 6 *Daily Affirmation

As soon as students walk into the class we will get started with our project for the week
*Wild card supply project:Chalk, oil pastel, charcoal, crayon, paint, yarn, etc.

Thur 6 *Daily Affirmation


Fri 6 *Daily Affirmation


Week 10
Mon 6 *Daily Affirmation
Once the students start to slowly finish their works from the previous week they will be able to
start to hang them on the wall in order for our critique that will either be at the end of the class
depending on how much time we have or the beginning of the next class period.

Tue 6/7 *Daily Affirmation Standard 4: I can organize

Students will walk in and have a critique from unit 6 if we were unable to do so the day before. work for presentation and
From here they will be able to document their work and as a group we will go to the computer documentation to reflect
lab and edit our photos. specific content, ideas,
Once we are back in the room I will introduce the new unit to the class which will be them and/or media.
creating their own artist catalog. VAH2-3.1 Explore the
*powerpoint presentation and visual examples sources of the subject matter
and the ideas
in a variety of works of
visual art.
VAH2-3.2 Analyze and
describe the relationships
among subject matter,
symbols, and themes in
communicating intended
meaning in his or her
artworks and the works of
VAH2-3.3 Select and
effectively use subject
matter, symbols, and ideas to
communicate meaning
through his or her artworks.

Wed 7 *Daily Affirmation

Students will be tasked with gathering the works they have created since the first week of class
and documenting their works again now that they have gotten better at documentation and
editing. This project will be for the remainder of the year alongside any other projects we are
working on.

Students will choose the covers of their books or the materials they want to use and take the
time to plan how their book might look.

We will go to the lab today or tomorrow and choose a template to follow off of canva in order
for their pages to have a more professional appeal.

Thur 7 *Daily Affirmation


Fri 7 *Daily Affirmation

BOOK WORK DAY: Progress critique with how things are going, questions, concerns, ect.

Week 11
Mon 8 *Daily Affirmation Standard 6: I can identify
As students are walking into the classroom they will choose a time period from the hat. Once and
everyone is inside I will tell them to get their sketchbooks and devices out and do research study examine the role of visual
on the time period, any popular colors from the time, and the jewelry/ accessories they wore. arts
through history and world
From here I will finally present to the students their relief print assignment that combines repeat cultures.
pattern and chine colle Indicators: VAH2-4.1
Describe ways that the
I will have an example on the board along with one that I am working on alongside the students. subject matter, symbols,
and technologies in various
artworks are related to
history and culture.
VAH2-4.2 Identify specific
artworks as belonging to a
particular culture or
historical period and explain
the characteristics that led
him or her to make that

Tue 8 *Daily Affirmation

DEMO/WORK DAY: showing the proper way to use the tools along with how to sharpen
them. I will also show how to prep the blocks and how to easily transfer an image onto the

Wed 8 *Daily Affirmation

WORKDAY/ DEMO: I will show how to oil the blocks for proofing before moving on to our
final prints and allow for the students to take the remainder of the class to work

Thur 8 *Daily Affirmation


Fri 7/8 *Daily Affirmation Standard 4: I can organize

Students will be tasked to print the repeat pattern on two different types of materials one on 2 documentation to reflect
pieces of paper for my records and thiers, and another one on fabric that will be used in their specific content, ideas,
next project. skills,
and/or media.
VAH2-3.1 Explore the
sources of the subject matter
and the ideas
in a variety of works of
visual art.
VAH2-3.2 Analyze and
describe the relationships
among subject matter,
symbols, and themes in
communicating intended
meaning in his or her
artworks and the works of
VAH2-3.3 Select and
effectively use subject
matter, symbols, and ideas to
communicate meaning
through his or her artworks.

Week 12
Mon 8/9 *Daily Affirmation Standard 6: I can identify
Students will walk into the room and pull their research out from the time period they chose last and
week. From here I will give a presentation on soft sculpture, embroidery, and sewing. examine the role of visual
The students will be tasked with creating a sculpture using the fabric they added their repeat through history and world
pattern on, but also creating a sculpture that is related to the time period that they chose. cultures.
VAH2-4.1 Describe ways
that the subject matter,
symbols, ideas,
and technologies in various
artworks are related to
history and culture.
VAH2-4.2 Identify specific
artworks as belonging to a
particular culture or
historical period and explain
the characteristics that led
him or her to make that
VAH2-4.3 Describe and
discuss the function and
meaning of specific artworks
from various world cultures
and historical periods.
VAH2-4.4 Demonstrate
visual literacy by
deconstructing images in a
variety of
VAH2-4.5 Apply a
knowledge of art history,
various cultures, and
in the creation of original
works of visual art

Tue 8/9 *Daily Affirmation Standard 2: I can use

materials, techniques, and
processes to make art.

Wed 8/9 *Daily Affirmation

Thur 8/9 *Daily Affirmation

Fri 7/8/9 *Daily Affirmation Standard 4: I can organize

work for presentation and
documentation to reflect
specific content, ideas,
Standard 6: I can identify
examine the role of visual
through history and world
Week 13
Mon 9/10 *Daily Affirmation Standard 7: I can relate
Once students walk into the room I will give them a briefing on what they are supposed to be visual
doing for the exhibition. I will split the students into several teams to work on the show. art ideas to arts disciplines,
T1: PR TEAM/ ADVERTISEMENT content areas, and careers.
T2: CURATORS VAH2-6.2 Compare and
T3: SET DESIGN contrast concepts, issues,
T4:SNACKS and themes in the visual arts
T5: DOCUMENTATION and other subjects in the
*Students will then meet with their groups and formulate a plan based off of the criteria I give school curriculum.
them VAH2-6.3 Identify specific
visual arts careers and
Students will be able to walk around the community and talk to the local business about their describe the knowledge and
upcoming art show that they will be curating. The students will be in charge with creating their skills that one needs for
own flyers for the exhibition along with the details and passing them out at the end of the week. these careers.

Tue 9/10 *Daily Affirmation


Wed 10 *Daily Affirmation

Students will have to vote on a layout for the exhibition that they all agree on.
*Will show examples

Thur 10 *Daily Affirmation

Field Trip/ Walk around the community- passing out flyers advertisement

Fri All *Daily Affirmation

Units KETCHUP DAY: Work on any and everything that has been assigned thus far.

Week 14
Mon 11 *Daily Affirmation Standard 4: I can organize
Students will get back into their teams and make any final touches to their proposal for the art work for presentation and
show before I approve. documentation to reflect
specific content, ideas,
They will have to take the entire class period to make a presentation that will allow for me and skills,
the other students to visually see what they are wanting from the show. and/or media.
Tue 11 *Daily Affirmation

Wed 11 *Daily Affirmation


Thur 11 *Daily Affirmation

I will then announce how the layout will look for the show along with some helpful notes on
their presentations.
They students will then break into their teams once more look over the feedback and begin to do
the task they were assigned.

Fri 7/11 *Daily Affirmation Standard 5: I can interpret

Group 2: During the day the students will add any finishing touches to their art exhibition and and evaluate the meaning of
go around documenting the show as a whole. an artwork.
Group 1: Will stay in the room and finish their catalogs to be added to the art show along with VAH2-5.4 Maintain a
their sketchbooks. portfolio of his or her

Week 15
Mon 7/11 *Daily Affirmation Standard 4: I can organize
Group 1: During the day the students will add any finishing touches to their art exhibition and work for presentation and
go around documenting the show as a whole. documentation to reflect
Group 2: Will stay in the room and finish their catalogs to be added to the art show along with specific content, ideas,
their sketchbooks. skills,
and/or media.
Students that have been given permission and have shown a passion for photography will be sources of the subject matter
given the chance to come to open night and take pictures of the show throughout tonight to add and the ideas
to their resume. in a variety of works of
visual art.
VAH2-3.2 Analyze and
describe the relationships
among subject matter,
symbols, and themes in
communicating intended
meaning in his or her
artworks and the works of
VAH2-3.3 Select and
effectively use subject
matter, symbols, and ideas to
communicate meaning
through his or her artworks.

Standard 5: I can interpret

and evaluate the meaning of
an artwork.
VAH2-5.4 Maintain a
portfolio of his or her

Tue 7/12 *Daily Affirmation

Reflection block winding down for the semester. Students will be able to do calming crafts such
as coloring, playing with playdough, or finger painting. This is to allow for the students to have
a break for all of their hard work throughout the semester.
(New group)Students that have been given permission and have shown a passion for
photography will be given the chance to come to open night and take pictures of the show
throughout tonight to add to their resume.

Wed 12 *Daily Affirmation

Reflection block
(New group)Students that have been given permission and have shown a passion for
photography will be given the chance to come to open night and take pictures of the show
throughout tonight to add to their resume.

Thur 12 *Daily Affirmation

In the class award ceremony amongst peers to know who won best in show, peoples, choice,

Fri 12 *Daily Affirmation

Last day of class for the semester. It will be a huge party in the art room to celebrate all that
they have done through this course.
Works will be moved by myself and a small group of students to an off campus art gallery that
was loaned out to us.

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