Love From Venus

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Myriam Gillis · 1d ·


"During the Ascension cycle, the human body potentially undergoes the Alchemical Process that
generates “INTERNAL PLASMA Light”. This is what builds the “Lightbody structure” for Higher
Consciousness to dwell within!

Generation of “INTERNAL PLASMA Light” requires an ‘abundance’ of energy. To receive the abundant
energy, you must devote your ‘personal energy’ and direct your ‘Consciousness’, to empowering


If you have studied this Sacred BluePrint Tablet you know what is External & Internal Plasma Light, how
one augments the building of the other and exactly what is transforming within the body.

Now, based upon this know-how, you are at present aggressively “Re-Writing your Consciousness” with
the overwhelming Plasma streaming thru from all sources available cosmically.

Moreover, this External Plasmic Light is 'commanding' the body to pull-in more and more of your Soul into
the body.

(This aspect you shall understand better if you have read and studied “THE AMETHYST TABLET” by
various Ascended Masters and Hierarchy of Light, which explicitly propounds the need of the hour to
transform you bio shell into a “Soul-Personality fully Integrated and Illumined Form”. It explains a
Technology on how to build your "Antahkarana" to God, just as this Light Veda also unveils, thru Lord
Saint Germain, a special Methodology of remotely erasing Karmic Bonds with people forever, and freeing
yourself from Karmic Connection with people.)

Thereby, the EXTERNAL PLASMA Light coming thru can then create deeper recalibrations necessary to
become the aforementioned “Soul-Personality Integrated and Illumined Form” - the LightBody…the new
"Avatar Adam Kadmon Human Form".

Its ok to get overwhelmed by the constant upgrade streaming-in with higher, and even higher than ever
before, New Light Packets of Information from Sirius and the Solar Activity from our graduated Sun along
with the Higher Photon Light projecting thru from the various shifting rungs of the Photon Belt of intense
transmutation. Causing your trajectory to somersault and cartwheel radically and peculate harshly as well.

How does one deal with this? Knowing why it is happening is the biggest battle against confusion. That
by itself equips you to perform accordingly, which is to re-adjust your schedule and linear time table to
enable rest and capacitate meditation and inject prayers and contemplation into your time schedule. Your
body tells you what to do, when, and when not to do anything at all. Your cells talk to you constantly as
much as they hear you non-stop.

If you transform consciously, it will greatly speed up the process of alignment with higher and higher light


to the


of the New Alchemy

"The NEW BODY of the AVATAR Template thus made suitable for higher work is inevitably a sensitive
one, and for that very reason it requires careful treatment if it is to be always at its best. It would wear out
if it were subjected to the innumerable petty frictions of the outer world, and its constant torrent of
unsympathetic vibrations. Therefore, the Great Ones (the New Avatar Race of the I AM Template)
usually live in comparative seclusion, and appear but rarely in that cyclonic chaos which we call daily life.
If They were to bring Their bodies into the whirl of curiosity and vehement emotion which is likely to
surround the Commander-In-Chief of the New I AM Age, when He comes, there can be no doubt that the
life of These bodies would be greatly shortened, and also, because of Their extreme sensitiveness, there
would be much unnecessary suffering!

"DEVOTION MUST BE COMPLETE. There can be no half measures on this Path. Progress on the Path
means sleepless vigilance. You must not only be always ready to serve; you must be ever watching for
opportunities-- nay, making opportunities to be helpful in small things, in order that when the Greater
Work comes, you may not fail to see it!


inspiration to you -- not only as a shield from the fatuous thoughts which float around you but, be a
constant stimulus to Spiritual Activity. The vacuity and pettiness of ordinary life should be impossible for
you, though not beyond our comprehension and compassion. The ineffable bliss of Adeptship is not yet
yours, but remember that you are already one with Those who live that higher life; you are dispensers of
Their sunlight in this lower world, so you, too, at your level, must be the radiant suns of love and joy. The
world may be unappreciative, uncomprehending; but your duty is to shine!

“DO NOT REST ON YOUR OARS. There are still higher peaks to conquer! The need of intellectual
development must not be forgotten; and you must unfold within yourselves sympathy, affection, tolerance.
Each must realize that there are other points of view than his own, and that they may be just as worthy of
attention. All coarseness or roughness of speech, all tendency to argumentativeness, must absolutely
disappear; one who is prone to it should check himself when the impulse towards it arises; he should say
little, and that always with delicacy and courtesy. Never speak without first thinking whether what you are
going to say is both kind and sensible.

He who tries to develop love within himself shall be saved from many mistakes

"LOVE IS THE SUPREME VIRTUE OF ALL, without which all other qualifications water but the sand.
Exquisite delicacy of thought and speech is needed-- the rare aroma of perfect tact which can never jar or

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