MEMORANDUM: To Address Questions About Linux Migration From Faster Computing LLC

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CMIT 391 6984


MEMORANDUM: To address questions about Linux migration from Faster Computing LLC.

Linux2Go greatly values your feedback regarding our proposal and would like to address your
questions and concerns. We strive to be as upfront and honest about our solutions as possible and take
great pride knowing that our customers are satisfied with our services from start to finish. Below are
answers to your management’s questions and concerns.

1. How will security be implemented in the Linux systems – both workstations and servers?

 Firstly, the use of strong passwords will be implemented across all accounts on both
workstations and servers. Requiring minimum lengths of at least 10 characters and the
inclusion of special characters, upper/lower case letters, and numbers.

 We will work with Faster Computing management to determine the timeframe, but
password expirations will also be configured.

 SSH (secure shell: a network protocol that gives users a secure way to access a system
over an unsecured network) and Multi-Factor Authentication will also be implemented
as a further step to confirm a user or administrators’ identity.

2. End users have expressed some concern about completing their day-to-day tasks on Linux.
How would activities such as web browsing work? How would they work with their previous
Microsoft Office files?

 We strongly recommend that users use the GNOME GUI while using Fedora. Mozilla
Firefox is installed as part of Fedora and is the default internet browser when using
GNOME. If a user prefers Google Chrome, they can install it using GNOME by clicking
the Software tool, searching for Chromium Web Browser, and clicking the Install button.

 Fedora has several open-source Office-like alternatives available, OpenOffice is one of

them and can be installed via the Software tool. Fortunately for your users, Faster
Computing has already migrated to Office 365, which is accessible via the internet
browsers already installed on Fedora.
CMIT 391 6984

3. The current Windows administrators are unsure about administering Linux systems. How are
common tasks, such as process monitoring and management, handled in Linux? How does
logging work? Do we have event logs like we do in Windows?

 Fedora has a system monitor tool that allows you to view and manage processes from
the GUI. Simply select Applications > System Tools > System Monitor, from the
Activities menu to access it.

 The GNOME GUI in Fedora has an application named GNOME Logs; however, it is not
installed by default and will need to be installed via the Software tool (same process as
installing Google Chrome, listed in question 2).

4. Some folks in IT raised questions about the Linux flavor that was recommended. They would
like to see comparisons between your recommendation and a couple of other popular
options. What makes your recommendation the best option?

 Although Fedora is currently the 4th most used flavor of Linux and Ubuntu is number 1,
there are some key differences between the two. Ubuntu is designed primarily to be
used on personal computers whereas Fedora is designed to be used personally and
distributed withing enterprises.

 Fedora is also fantastic for developers and administrators to work with RedHat systems.
Additionally, Fedora nearly free in all forms and is heavily focused on open-source
software, so it is ideal from a cost standpoint.

5. How does software installation work on Linux? Can we use existing Windows software?

 Using the GNOME GUI, you can use the Software tool to install applications on Fedora.
Additionally, there are other repositories that can be loaded with additional applications
that are not included as the base version of Fedora.

 Yes, you can still use existing Windows software. Office 365 is entirely accessible via the
internet browsers. For other applications that only run on Windows, you can install a
version of Wine, such as Lutris or Play On Linux. These tools allow you run programs as
if they were running on a version of Windows.

6. How can Linux work together with the systems that will continue to run Windows? How will
we share files between the different system types?

 The best and most reliable file sharing option is to use the Samba file sharing protocol.
All newer versions of Windows have Samba installed, with the same being said for
versions of Linux.
CMIT 391 6984


I sincerely hope that these answers are sufficient to address your concerns. At Linux2Go, we
aim to make the transition as easy and transparent as possible. Our success is your success. For any
further questions please feel free to contact our support team and we will respond as soon as possible.

Customer Relations Director


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