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Crystal Ochoa
C/O 11156 Towne Ave
Los Angeles, California [90061]

------------------ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER’S USE ------------------

Written Undertaking/Registered Surety Bond of Financial Responsibility Per R.C.W. 46.29
under Registered mail# RE 123 456 789 US as registered claim number (COMMMENT this is a
reg mail # sent to yourself).
I, Crystal Ochoa, hereinafter “the Undersigned” do hereby promise to pay “pledge”
the public trust, silver coin, and credit as surety as follows:
Whereas: There exists a requirement in the State of Washington pursuant to R.C.W. 46.29, that
drivers of motor vehicles have evidence of financial responsibility and;
Whereas: The Undersigned may operate a private conveyance without registration or a “motor
vehicle”, and or may be subject to Washington Vehicle Codes, and its related provisions, and;
Whereas: The Undersigned has not been able to locate any lawful money of account in
circulation; Gold or Silver coin or bullion in this State, and;
Whereas 18 USC 8 identifies an Obligation of the United States is effectively Federal Reserve
Note, and 31 USC 3124 identifies one cannot pay a “tax” (which includes court costs and fines)
with obligation of the United States.
Whereas: (in summary) Public Policy as established with House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5,
1933 states in part: That (a) Every provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation
which purports to give the obligee a right to require payment in gold or a particular kind of coin
or currency, or in an amount of money of the United States measured thereby, is declared to be
against public policy; and no such provision shall be contained in or made with respect to any
obligation hereafter incurred. Every obligation heretofore or hereafter incurred, whether or not
any such provision is contained therein or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged upon
payment, dollar for dollar in any coin or currency which at the time of payment is legal tender
for public and private debts. Promissory notes are such currency. Any such provisions
contained in any law authorizing obligations to be issued by or under authority of the United
States, is hereby repealed.
Now therefore and in consideration thereof, the Undersigned does hereby promise to pay i.e.
undertakes, “bonds” CRYSTAL OCHOA'S commercial activity for the following amount:
$500 USD in $1 silver coins held on deposit plus Five Million Dollars credit, redeemable via
the trustee of the court, per HJR192. In the event that any person is damaged and can
demonstrate a bona fide claim of injury or loss, the Undersigned shall order the trustee of the
court to discharge all obligations dollar for dollar by and through tender of payment pursuant to
public policy, HR-192.
Dated the _____th day of February 2022

By: ___________________________________
Crystal Ochoa
11156 towne ave
Los Angeles
Tx Republic

State of California )
SS )
County of Los Angeles )

Subscribed and sworn to at _____________________ before me this _______ Day of

_____________________, A.D. 20___.
Notary public (print) ________________________
My Commission Expires: __________
WITNESS my hand and official seal,
Signature of Notary Public
OR private
Witness: By ________________________________ ______________, 2022
Print _____________________________
Witness: By ________________________________ ______________, 2022
Print _____________________________
To be recorded with your local country recorder or other public ways as needed. If they won’t
record, consider a UCC1 then a UCC brought to the county this this BOND attached, making
that claim. If there is a court case open file into that as well.
COMMENT FROM AUTHOR - I have attached a PROVEN self-insurance bond. The reason I
am saying "proven" is that my friend got stopped for expired stickers on some old license plates
and he showed an unfiled, notarized, original of the document. Because it was not filed with the
county clerk, the officer gave him a ticket for "no proof of insurance". So he went to the county
recorder and filed a original copy.
When he went to court and finally sat down with the DA, she asked him if he had proof of
insurance. He then gave her a certified copy of the filed bond. The only thing she asked him was
"where did you get this?" He asked her what she meant, and she just repeated the question. He
knew better than to say "I got it from __________ or off the internet". Then He said "I wrote it
and submitted it to the County Clerk for recording". She asked if he had showed it to the officer
and He said he had but it was not recorded at the time. She said since it was recorded now, it
was sufficient!

More on the Auto Bond

The ‘Auto Bond’, effectively replaces typical ‘car insurance’. State statutes state that one carries
either ‘insurance’ or a ‘Bond’ (aka Certificate of Financial Responsibility – look up that term).
Keep in mind that since the U.S. Bankruptcy, 1) all property was pledged to the state, 2) there is
no lawful constitutional money in circulation to pay for anything, and 3) everything is insured or
bonded ALREADY!

The debtor-slave on the plantation goes to a state licensed insurance company to ‘get’ car
insurance, enters into agreement with insurance company (co-business partner with the state).
Then you so-call pay with check, credit card or cash, which is reduced to or is ‘federal reserve
notes’. Federal Reserve Notes, as stated by the Federal Reserve Bank states;
“In the United States neither paper currency nor deposits have value as commodities.
Intrinsically, a dollar bill is just a piece of paper, deposits merely book entries…” – Modern
Money Mechanics – Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago – page 3 – Revised 6-1992; and B.), and
as stated by the IRS; Federal Reserve Notes are valueless. (See IRS Codes Section 1.1001-1
(4657) C.C.H.)
So what did the debtor-slave tender for the insurance? Valueless pieces of paper, or a piece
Of paper, a check, that is merely a bookkeeping entry somewhere that may result in more
valueless paper to be tendered and/or certainly more bookkeeping entries sent somewhere. But
what the debtor-slave tendered, he most likely ‘labored’ for and yet he received nothing of equal
valuable consideration (sweat labor for valueless pieces of paper). But in this insurance
transaction, the State stays in control of all parties.
And for the debtor-slave on the plantation, no insurance means at the traffic stop, a citation…
commercial punishment which means more revenue for the state!
As for the Secured Party Creditor, having laid the foundation of the knowledge and of the money
issue, being the ‘Private Banker’, either by previous agreement with the state, or otherwise can
provide his own ‘Bond’ as evidence of “ Financial Responsibility “. The Bond is an insurance
policy, acting as ‘in the event of’ (an accident) “I promise to pay…” But Federal Reserve Notes
are valueless ‘promises to pay’, so when are you going to pay and in what?
The Bond says “…Every obligation, heretofore or hereafter incurred, whether or not any such
provision is contained therein or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged upon payment,
dollar for dollar, in any coin or currency which at the time of payment is legal tender for public
and private debts. Any such provisions contained in any law(s) authorizing obligations to be
issued by or under authority of the United States, is hereby repealed.”
The Bond is ‘Evidence of Financial Responsibility’. Certainly the Secured Party Creditor will
know how to handle such situations and will know how to ‘discharge’ any liability there from via
acceptance for value.
Also note; at the traffic stop, the police officer does not have a ‘License’ to practice law and
therefore cannot make a legal determination as to the validity of the Bond. The Bond is to be
recorded into the Public making it recognizable in any administrative tribunal/court. The Auto
Bond is good for any conveyance you are traveling in and must be carried in each conveyance
(color copy thereof!) and expires upon your death.
The Auto Bond is signed and notarized, and then recorded. Recording info is included in the
event your local Recorder’s Office refuses to record your Bond.
The value on the Bond is $500 in silver coins you hold on to as a deposit/consideration, PLUS at
least $5,000,000,00 (Five Million in credit) (the whole system is only credit). One way to create
a record for the bond is to file a UCC1 via registered mail claiming the silver and Credit as the
collateral for the “AUTO BOND’; the Registered mail number is The BOND NUMBER and it’s
important to remember it. Then the Secured Party Creditor needs to gather his original “UCC
Financing Statement” that they recorded with the Secretary of State, and file a property claim in
the county on a UCC3 reflecting the Auto Bond Information and the REGISTERED MAIL
Number in the Collateral section.
UCC-1 Autobond Sample Collateral Text: Now therefore and in consideration thereof, the Undersigned does
hereby promise to pay i.e. undertakes, “bonds” CRYSTAL OCHOA'S commercial activity for the following
amount: $500 USD in $1 silver coins held on deposit plus Five Million Dollars credit, redeemable via the trustee
of the court, per HJR192.
The automobile make, VIN number, and Registered mail number are all items listed on the
UCC-1 Auto Bond recorded with the Secretary of State. And The UCC-3 claiming the bond is
more likely to be recorded into the county with the UCC-1 Auto bond attached. We break down
how to file UCC-1's and UCC-3's in our Estate Planning Courses on
One who is not SPC, would not have such numbers and would not have increased their
knowledge, standing and capacity to handle a situation involving the bond, if any, and would
have to handle it as best they can.
ADDITIONAL INFO: But due to the U.S. Bankruptcy, did ‘they’ not remove all valuable
substance from backing our Nations money? Yes! All gold and silver were removed from
backing the money. Leaving as the Fed Bank said, valueless pieces of paper and per the ‘Coinage
Act of 1965’, signed by President Johnson (just days after the assignation of President John F.
Kennedy) removed and deleted what the definition was of what constituted a ‘dollar’!
Since a dollar cannot be defined, one cannot tender a ‘dollar’. One can make a promise to ‘pay’
(tender) a dollar, but a real dollar is not what is tendered in what you are thinking that you are
paying over in any transaction. Note; if you paid in ‘real lawful constitutional money of
exchange’ one would acquire the ‘Droit-Droit’, the double right, being both the property and the
title! So-called payment made with valueless ‘Monopoly Money’ (Federal Reserve Notes), one
only acquires on ‘Droit’, the ‘use’ of the property, but does not acquire the title!
TITLE; The means whereby the owner… hath just possession of his property. #3. Title to
personal property may accrue in three different ways; by original acquisition; by transfer by act
of the parties. #5. The lawful coin of the United States will pass the property along with the
possession. Bouvier’s Dictionary of Law (1868). Question, was not the lawful coin in 1868 gold?
When one exchanged ‘substance for substance’ both parties acquired both possession (title) and
the property itself, no matter what it was. But not today, as you only acquired ‘use’ of the ‘auto’
as long as you pay the ‘use’ tax (registration, license plate and of course the commercial driver
license… and insurance!)
Keep in mind the old commercial Maxim in Law which states:

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