He Enigmatic Mr. Kite: A Supplemental Adventure For 4-5 Pcs of 2Nd-6Th Level

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A supplemental adventure for 4–5 PCs of 2nd–6th level


invites you up into the

clouds for an unforgettable evening

of high-flying frivolity! Marvel

at splendiferous wonders and

delights driven by the elemental

forces of nature harnessed for your

entertainment— the sky’s the limit

with Mr. Kite’s Flying Circus!

WRITING Andrew Engelbrite

COVER ART Renan Moraes
MAPS Dyson Logos
EDITING Mike Myler
LAYOUT Frank Michienzi

Mr. Kite's Flying Circus  |  EN World EN5ider

Mr. Kite (real name Edgar Flaversham) was a bard
and amateur adventurer-for-hire working with a
small team called The High Flyers. Six years ago
they overreached when they attempted taking
what appeared to be an abandoned flying palace of
a cloud giant. Though it had fallen into disrepair it
was still occupied and their battle with the resident
cloud giant left only two survivors of the former
party of five: Edgar and the gnomish artificer Rexi
Zeppel. While this loss meant the end of The High Flight of Fancy
Flyers, the discovery of a rod of elemental dominion This adventure starts when the party first spots Mr.
and several air elementals still bound with primor- Kite’s Flying Circus. GMs can choose to place this
dial collars within the flying palace inspired Edgar encounter anywhere, ideally when the adventurers
to utilize their newly acquired airborne home for are in town or are otherwise not in immediate
new ventures. He rebranded himself as “Mr. Kite” danger and able to partake in some entertainment.
and began acquiring more elementals to serve in
his moneymaking circus, relying on Rexi to manu- A waft of cloud descends from above, twisting and
facture marvelous devices and all-essential collars rushing towards you far too quickly to be natural. As
for their attractions. it approaches, you see faces form and trailing wispy
limbs—air elementals! Just as suddenly the air elemen-
Supplemental Adventure tals slow to a halt as a man in a bright red tailcoat and
This adventure is best played throughout a black top hat steps down from the living clouds, pointing
campaign with the Flight of Fancy encounter acting a silver cane towards you and proudly announcing,
as an early roleplaying experience and festival scene “welcome one and all to Mr. Kite’s Flying Circus! Games!
followed by the unexpected addition of Vworp as Shows! Marvels of modern technology and arcanum
a sidekick and party mascot. The circus can first held weightless above the clouds! Our luxury elemental
appear as early as 2nd level, keeping Vworp with skyward shuttle awaits to take you to unbelievable
the PCs until the Cloudbreak confrontation at 6th wonders for only a mere silver piece!”
level. The Cloudbreak encounter can also be hard-
ened or lightened. Alternatively, these events can Mr. Kite excitedly invites everyone present up
be condensed into a single adventure occurring at into his flying circus for a fee of only a single silver.
6th level. His “luxury elemental shuttle” is composed of 6
collared air elementals working in tandem, which
form a ramp and seating as needed for any passen-
gers that decide to attend the circus.
Open Game Content | The game rule information in this When questioned about his motives Mr. Kite
article is designated Open Game Content. All other material emphatically insists he is a humble entertainer. If
in this article, including maps and illustrations (including pressed regarding the elemental-controlling tech-
illustrations in the public domain), in-character and out-of- nology he employs, he only vaguely extols the
character narrative and descriptive text, character and place progress of “technology and arcanum” but if they
names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,” “EN World,” “EN5ider,” want more details they’ll have to talk to the engi-
EN Publishing product and article titles, and neer Rexi Zeppel (which is also largely true).
EN World and EN Publishing logos, are designated Assuming some or all of the PCs choose to take
Product Identity. Mr. Kite’s offer, they are whisked up into the clouds.

Mr. Kite's Flying Circus  |  EN World EN5ider


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The promised flying circus comes into view almost as The flying circus is comprised of 3 floating islands
soon as you’ve settled into the soft yet cold cloud seats, connected by bridges and mooring lines, and once
your living elemental shuttle making a wide pass around the adventurers arrive at the docks (#1) they have
three islands of earth and stone defying gravity. One free reign. This should be an opportunity for the
bears a mast-like tower draped in massive sails, another PCs to investigate, roleplay, and explore.
houses a building at a giant’s scale, obviously ancient yet
patched and made livable. And on the central island sits #1: Sky Docks
the circus, the bright and colorful tents and great brass Though they’re gussied up with scarlet draperies
clockwork devices seeming gaudy amongst this grand and velvet ropes these docks are essentially just
environment. As the elemental shuttle pulls into aerial simple wooden extensions of the floating island.
docks the ringmaster Mr. Kite takes a bow and welcomes Two shuttles (each made up of 6 cooperating air
you to the entertainments that await. elementals) alternate taking circus patrons to the
ground and back, and the adventurers can use them
to return to the ground whenever they please. The
end of each pier has an archway proudly displaying
the words “Mr. Kite’s Flying Circus”.

Mr. Kite's Flying Circus  |  EN World EN5ider

#2: Pie in the Sky #4: Big Skytop
This area contains several stalls and vendors Several large stands are arranged around a central
selling carnival foods ranging from candy floss staging area where an usher informs passersby
spun by a steam mephit, to fruit pies cooked by a that the big show will be right after sunset, though
fire elemental oven, to real iced creams kept cold anyone is welcome to grab their seats.
by an ice mephit. The half-hearted protests of these Sunset should commence after the adventurers
elementals as they’re essentially used as appliances have experienced the rest of the circus, or when
is mostly drowned out by the sounds of the vendors they’re about ready to leave as the finale of their
and the enticing smells. circus experience.
Any adventurer that indulges in at least 5 silver When darkness falls the big show starts, led
worth of these treats has their mood enhanced, by Mr. Kite himself as ringleader for a full circus
gaining a 1d4 bonus on their next saving throw or performance in the sky. Fire elementals consume
skill check. alchemical ingredients and launch fireworks
into the sky, trapeze artists swing between air
Table: Pie in the Sky Treats elementals high above the crowd, and mephits
Iced Cream with Fresh Fruits 5 sp of every type heckle and swoop about the audi-
ence as clowns running through pratfall routines.
Iced Cream with Dried Fruits 3 sp It is during this very distracting and entertaining
Cloud Candy Floss 2 sp performance that Vworp makes his move and
sneaks into one of the adventurers’ bags. This
Fried Fruit Pie 7 sp
should be largely unnoticeable, but PCs with a
Fried Fruit Pie with Iced Cream 1 gp passive Perception score of 18 or higher see some
thin wafts of steam emanating from the bag the
mephit hides in as they depart the circus.
#3: Marvelous Contraption
Pavilions #5: Rubble Pit
The jovial carnival music that pervades the whole A former cloud giant structure here has been
circus comes from here, produced by a 10 foot reduced to rubble and is now used as an earth
tall pipe organ played tirelessly by a swarm of 8 elemental fighting pit. The elementals duel amongst
steam mephits. A dozen other interesting marvels the rubble to the roaring adoration of the crowd as
powered by elementals line the pavilions for the patrons take bets, only fighting to a knockout or
circus patrons to gawk at, including a water clock pin — and their displeasure in fighting one another
powered by the aggravated sloshing of a water is plainly shown in the rumbling growls they direct
elemental and a “vacuum cleaner” powered by a towards the crowds.
very grumpy dust mephit advertised as the revolu- There is a new fight every hour and the PCs can take
tion that will replace the broom. When the party bets on either “Old Gravelbelt” or “Slateface” of up to
first arrives here, they encounter Mr. Kite berating 5 gold for each fight. Roll a d6 and use the following
one of the steam mephits (Vworp) for being off-beat. table to determine fight outcomes and payouts:
He angrily reprimands Vworp before pointing his
silver cane at him, which seems to set Vworp back
to work at the organ immediately. Mr. Kite then
quickly steps back into his usual demeanor and
apologizes, unwilling to explain further (claiming
that he has to get ready for the big show).

Mr. Kite's Flying Circus  |  EN World EN5ider

Table: Pit Fights trophies are flattering but simple, and are unlikely
d6 Outcome Payout to be worth very much.
An open door guarded by a pair of earth
1 Old Gravelbelt wins by 2 × Bet Payout for bets elementals leads deeper into the structure (#9),
knockout on Old Gravelbelt
and while they carefully stand watch these guards
2 Old Gravelbelt wins 1.5 × Bet Payout for allow patrons to pass through freely.
by pin bets on Old Gravelbelt

3 Stalemate No Payout Table: Game Hall Games

Game Ability Check
4 Mutual Knockout Bet returned as Payout
Earth Elemental Arm Wrestling Strength
5 Slateface wins by pin 1.5 × Bet Payout for
bets on Slateface Whack a Mephit Dexterity
6 Slateface wins by 2 × Bet Payout for bets Fire Elemental Sweatbox Constitution
knockout on Slateface
Guess the Elemental’s Age Intelligence

3-Card Mephit Monty Wisdom

#6: Bridges
Wooden bridges link the three floating islands. The Scare the Magmin Charisma
bridge railings are decorative but high and sturdy,
and each bridge has an air elemental patrolling
just below it following instructions to catch any #9: Rexi’s Workshop
person foolish enough to fall off. Rexi Zeppel works here half as an exhibit herself,
patrons allowed to freely enter to gawk at her inven-
#7: Free Flying tions and tinkering in progress. When the party
This island houses the mast and sails that propel arrives she is industriously building a new primordial
the islands forward, but when stopped it also collar soon to be fitted onto a fire elemental currently
houses a thrill ride of sorts. The 4 air elementals trapped within a large bronze boiler. Rexi talks
that normally push the sails are instead enlisted freely with the adventurers, happily spouting jargon
to pick up willing circus patrons to be literally about the future of technology and magic and her
flown around the islands. The experience costs 2 place in the pages of history. She gets doubtful when
gold and any adventurer who bravely pays to fly the PCs mention the ethical issues of enslaving the
is exhilarated, becoming immune to the frightened elementals, but concludes that it’s merely “the price of
condition until they finish their next long rest. progress”. A successful DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check
reveals that this issue has been nagging at her, and
#8: Game Hall she’s having trouble with the moral ramifications.
Formerly the foyer of a cloud giant’s home, the Another door at the back of the workshop remains
main section of this ancient structure has been closed and leads into a small (and divided) bedroom
converted into a gaming hall. There are 6 games, for Mr. Kite and Rexi. The door is unlocked but the
each requiring a successful DC 18 ability check to adventurers are instructed it is off limits. There is
win (see Table: Game Hall games). nothing of interest inside but Rexi kicks the party
Playing any of these games costs 1 silver and out of her workshop if they snoop into her bedroom.
winning a game earns a trophy in the adventurer’s
likeness sculpted on the spot by magma mephits
out of slag using their Heat Metal ability. The

Mr. Kite's Flying Circus  |  EN World EN5ider

ROD OF ELEMENTAL DOMINION to the adventurers but still wisecracking whenever
Rod, legendary (requires attunement) asked to do something. Mephits are normally evil,
This silver cane is embossed with depictions of the but Vworp’s malevolent tendencies are limited to
first elementals and covered in subtle Primordial childish prank humor and the occasionally swiped
runes. If you are a spellcaster, after attuning to the shiny thing when the party passes market stalls.
rod, while you are holding it you may cast the geas
spell without using a spell slot. Spells cast in this way Cloudbreak
may only target elementals that are wearing a primor- This encounter can take place either as the PCs
dial collar and any effects of geas spells cast this way reach 6th level, or if condensed into a single adven-
immediately end when an elemental’s primordial ture then a few hours after they first find Vworp.
collar is removed. The circus is close by again and the mephit goes
In addition, while holding the rod you have advan- missing for several hours. The adventurers find
tage on saving throws made against spells and effects him surrounded by other steam mephits, two
from elementals, and resistance to all damage dealt air elementals, and a very sheepish Rexi Zeppel.
by elementals. Vworp explains that he went on a solo rescue
mission to save all the other steam mephits that
used to work the pipe organ with him, but he ran
PRIMORDIAL COLLAR into a surprisingly sympathetic Rexi along the way.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Her conscience has won out, and working with the
This brass collar is filled with intricate machinery mephit they’ve removed the collars from more than
that circulates the essences of air, fire, earth, and half of the circus elementals. Now Mr. Kite is out
water. When attached to an elemental, it instantly for blood and has put out a bounty on Vworp and
attunes and cannot be voluntarily removed without Rexi, offering a 2,000 gold reward for their capture.
the help of a non-elemental. While attuned, elemen- The party has a choice: fight Mr. Kite, or turn
tals are charmed by all non-elemental creatures Vworp and Rexi in for the reward.
they encounter, and view non-elementals as friends Adventurers that choose to fight gain help from
or superiors. Rexi (who temporarily enhances up to one item for
each PC, choosing from +1 to spell attacks, +1 AC,
or +1 to attack and damage rolls) and Vworp (who
Stowaway Mephit brings along 7 steam mephit friends as well). The
Vworp is a clever steam mephit that has painstak- 2 air elementals offer to carry the party up to and
ingly learned to speak Common through his years at from the circus if needed, but won’t get close to Mr.
the circus, and when his primordial collar is acciden- Kite as they fear being captured again.
tally damaged he seizes upon a chance to escape. Mr. Kite is waiting for the adventurers in the
The adventurers find Vworp stowed away in their ruins of the big skytop performance area (#4) for
bags after they leave the circus. The mephit begs an overdramatic settling of grudges. The circus was
the party not to send him back, and promises to be almost completely destroyed in the rampage of the
useful to them so long as they keep him away from freed elementals — he has only retained control of
Mr. Kite and those awful collars. the 2 earth elementals (Old Gravelbelt and Slate-
Assuming the PCs allow Vworp to stay, he acts face), a water elemental, and an air elemental.
as an aid and mascot. In combat he uses his Steam Though Mr. Kite does his best to hide behind his
Breath when directed to but otherwise stays out of enslaved minions he ultimately fights to the death,
danger. He’ll also sneak, provide aerial reconnais- or until Vworp and Rexi are surrendered into his
sance, and snarky commentary. Vworp should be custody. When Mr. Kite is killed any remaining
played as a useful but mischievous rascal, indebted elementals stop fighting.

Mr. Kite's Flying Circus  |  EN World EN5ider

Lightened Encounter Resolving the Adventure
For lower-powered adventurers, remove the 2 earth There are numerous ways the adventure can be
elementals from the encounter. resolved depending on who survives the final
Hardened Encounter • If Mr. Kite survives, he returns to business as
For higher-powered adventurers, add an additional usual, though with Rexi in a more subservient
fire elemental to fight alongside Mr. Kite. position than before. Otherwise without him
the circus has officially ended.
MR. KITE • If Rexi Zeppel survives, she either lives on
MEDIUM HUMANOID (HUMAN), CHAOTIC NEUTRAL the run from the vengeance of Mr. Kite, or if
Armor Class 14 (studded leather) he’s dead she takes up residence on the flying
Hit Points 46 (8d8+16) islands again, but shifts her line of research
Speed 30 ft. down a path that doesn’t involve the enslave-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ment of sentient creatures.
11 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) • If Vworp survives, he considers taking wing
Saving Throws Dex +5, Cha +7 with his remaining mephit friends, but ends
Skills Deception +7, Perception +5, Perform +10, up sticking with the adventurers as a sidekick
Persuasion +10, Sleight of Hand +5 (if they’ll have him).
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 The other lingering issue is what to do with
Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Ignan, Terran, the rod of elemental dominion and the dozen
Primordial remaining primordial collars among the remains
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) of the circus. Rexi wants nothing to do with it but
Enforced Inspiration. Mr. Kite can use a bonus action to hopes the party will destroy it. The islands remain
choose another creature within 60 feet that can hear at the whims of the air patterns without air elemen-
him, granting it a d8 enforced inspiration die. Once tals on the sails, but ultimately it’s up to the PCs
within the next 10 minutes, that creature can choose to destroy the rod and primordial collars, use the
to roll the die and add the result to an ability check, fell devices for their own ends, or begin capturing
attack roll, or saving throw it makes. Once rolled the elementals anew. e
enforced inspiration die is lost.
Spellcasting. Mr. Kite is a 7th-level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). He
knows the following bard spells:
Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, minor illusion, vicious
1st level (4 slots): charm person, cure wounds, disguise
self, thunderwave
2nd level (3 slots): enthrall, invisibility, shatter
3rd level (3 slots): fear, hypnotic pattern
4th level (1 slot): greater invisibility
Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) slashing damage.

Mr. Kite's Flying Circus  |  EN World EN5ider

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