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ste r

M Com b os

can be more than the

sum of its parts. By using

these monster combos the

baddies can smash adventurers

in new, exciting, and deadly

ways! Each new action and trait

is available to certain creature

types in conjunction with other

creature types. Get ready for

ogres throwing ballistic goblins,

kobold meat shields for dragons, and WRITING Andrew Engelbrite

COVER ART Rachel Maduro
the real one-two punch of monsters EDITING Mike Myler
LAYOUT Frank Michienzi
engaged in jolly cooperation.

Monster Combos  |  EN World EN5ider

Drider Web (CR +2) • The elemental fusion has the highest AC, ability scores,
For driders cooperating with giant spiders, spiders, and movement speeds from among those of the
swarms of insects (spiders), or phase spiders. component elementals.
Some driders find they have more kinship with • The elemental fusion has a number of hit points
their arachnid half than their dark elven kin, often equal to the current remaining hit points of both
weaving unnatural iridescent webs that draw in the component elementals.
and embolden eight-legged allies. • The elemental fusion has all vulnerabilities,
Drider Webbing. With 10 minutes of uninterrupted work resistances, and immunities of both component
the drider can create an area of drider webbing (as the elementals.
web spell). Drider webbing is immune to fire damage, • The elemental fusion has all the abilities and actions
and while within its area, the drider and all friendly of both of the component elementals.
spiders, giant spiders, swarms of insects (spiders), • The elemental fusion is Huge-sized.
and phase spiders gain the Pack Tactics trait. Drider • Whenever the elemental fusion makes a multiattack
webbing created in this way retains its magical prop- of one of the component elementals, it may make an
erties for 24 hours or until the drider uses this trait additional attack chosen from the attacks of the other
again, after which it harmlessly dissolves away. component elemental. If the component elementals
were of the same type, it instead makes all attacks
Elemental Fusion (CR +3) with a +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
For air elementals, earth elementals, fire elementals, Elemental fusion creatures created in this way are
or water elementals cooperating with one another. treated as new creatures, and are therefore not subject
Sometimes for self preservation or often at the to any spells or effects cast on their component elemen-
prodding of their summoners, prime elementals tals, or any limitations or allegiances stipulated by the
have the power to fuse into a being composed of spells that summoned them.
multiple elements or an empowered form of the
same element. False Regalia (CR +1)
Elemental Fusion. Two adjacent air, earth, fire, or For rugs of smothering cooperating with shield
water elementals can use an action to combine into a guardians.
new elemental fusion creature that is placed as close Both rugs of smothering and shield guard-
to their previous positions as possible. Elementals ians are often used to guard items and places of
that fuse in this way are permanently destroyed. The importance — and clever magical craftsmen have
resulting elemental fusion creature has the following invented ways to combine them.
characteristics: False Regalia. While the rug of smothering remains
motionless and touching a friendly shield guardian,
it magically adjusts to the appearance of the shield
guardian and is indistinguishable from normal pennants,
capes, or other regalia decorating the shield guardian.
Open Game Content | The game rule information in this The rug of smothering can remain disguised in this way
article is designated Open Game Content. All other material even if the shield guardian moves and remains attached
in this article, including maps and illustrations (including and disguised until it chooses to move itself.
illustrations in the public domain), in-character and out-of-
character narrative and descriptive text, character and place
names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,” “EN World,” “EN5ider,”
EN Publishing product and article titles, and
EN World and EN Publishing logos, are designated
Product Identity.

Monster Combos  |  EN World EN5ider

Feast on Fiendish Minion (CR +1) Living Shelter (CR +1)
For fiends of CR 5 or higher cooperating with cult For awakened trees cooperating with apes.
fanatics, imps, quasits, or dretches. Living Shelter. Ape troops living in particularly magical
Fiends tend to think of their minions as dispos- jungles sometimes find that their home and food source
able and are rarely above betraying and feasting has developed a mind of its own, which only means that
upon their own to survive. the troop’s territory is now mobile and able to defend
Feast on Fiendish Minion. The fiend can use a bonus them back. Up to 8 friendly apes can hide within the
action to grab an adjacent friendly target (a cult fanatic, awakened tree’s branches and move along with the
imp, quasit, or dretch) which must make a DC 18 tree as it moves, and while sheltered in this way they
Dexterity saving throw or immediately die. The fiend gain the benefits of half cover from ranged attacks.
then consumes the target and regains 21 (6d4+6) hit
points. Other friendly cult fanatics, imps, quasits, and Lob Goblin (CR +1)
dretch that see the target consumed must make a DC For ogres cooperating with goblins.
18 Wisdom saving throw, becoming frightened of the The ogre scoops up an adjacent willing goblin
fiend for the next minute on a failure. and lobs them at the enemy as living ammunition.
Lob Goblin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 30/120
Fey Flash (CR +1) ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 +4) bludgeoning damage. The
For will-o’-wisps cooperating with hags (any variety). thrown goblin takes 6 (1d8+2) bludgeoning damage,
Hags often have a symbiotic relationship with even if the attack misses. If the goblin survives the
will-o’-wisps and their fey magic allows the lumi- attack it falls prone in an unoccupied space of its
nescent undead to channel bursts of magic. choice adjacent to the target.
Fey Flash. While the will-o’-wisp is within 60 feet of a
friendly hag, it can use an action to emit a burst of fey
magic in a 10-foot radius around itself. Each creature in
the area must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw,
taking 14 (3d8) radiant damage on a failure, or half as
much on a successful one. In addition, creatures who
fail this saving throw have disadvantage on any saving
throws caused by effects from a fey until the beginning
of the will-o’-wisp’s next turn.

Lion’s Eye Pride (CR +1)

For lamias cooperating with lions.
Lions are naturally receptive to the instruction
and magic of lamias so many of them will keep
a pride as pets, guards, and conduits for their
Lion’s Eye Pride. Whenever the lamia casts a spell with
a range of self, it may choose up to 3 lions within 100
feet as additional targets for that spell. Whenever the
lamia casts a spell with a range other than self, it can
deliver the spell from a lion within 100 feet as if the lion
cast the spell. In addition, while a friendly lion is within
100 feet of the lamia it may communicate with the
lion telepathically.

Monster Combos  |  EN World EN5ider

Marker Spines (CR +2) Pack Howl (CR +1)
For manticores cooperating with giants (any variety). For werewolves cooperating with dire wolves,
Giant tribes sometimes forcibly conscript manti- wolves, or winter wolves.
core packs as aerial support and spotters for major The werewolf howls, invigorating the rest of the
conflicts, bundling smoking herbs onto their pack and directing them towards the chosen prey.
natural tail spines to mark the target for the tribe’s Pack Howl. The werewolf uses an action to howl at its
many boulders. pack. Any dire wolves, wolves, or winter wolves within
Marker Spines. Creatures hit by the manticore’s Tail 60 feet gain 5 (1d8) temporary hit points and the were-
Spine attack trail smoke until the spine is removed or wolf chooses a creature within 60 feet. Dire wolves,
doused. While a creature is trailing smoke in this way, wolves, and winter wolves gain a +2 bonus to attack
giants have advantage on ranged attacks targeting it. and damage rolls made against the chosen creature
Creatures can use an action to douse a smoking tail until the beginning of the werewolf’s next turn.
spine with at least 1 gallon of water or similar liquids.
Creatures can also use a bonus action to forcibly
remove a smoking tail spine, taking 7 (2d6) piercing
damage pulling it out. A smoking spine can be more
delicately removed by using an action to make a DC
15 Wisdom (Medicine) check, removing it harmlessly
on a success, or doing so and dealing 3 (1d6) piercing
damage on a failure.

Mark of the Rat King (CR +2)

An action for wererats cooperating with rats, giant
rats, or swarms of rats.
Mark of the Rat King (Rat or Hybrid Form Only). The
wererat uses an action to screech, choosing a target it
can see within 90 feet and mystically marking it as the
quarry of all rodent kind. The target remains marked in
this way for 1 minute, or until the wererat dies or uses
an action to mark another target. Whenever a rat, giant
rat, or swarm of rats makes an attack against a target
marked in this way, the attack deals an additional 3
(1d6) damage.
Protect the Divine Dragon (CR +1)
For kobolds cooperating with a dragon (any variety).
Many a kobold has sacrificed their life to save a
great scaly one.
Protect the Divine Dragon. When a dragon in a space
adjacent to the kobold is targeted by an attack, the
kobold can use its reaction to attempt to shield the
dragon. The triggering attack is made with disadvan-
tage. If this attack still hits then the attack proceeds
as normal. If the triggering attack misses, it instead
hits the kobold and the kobold is treated as if it were
the target of the triggering attack.

Three Puzzles of the Feywild  |  EN World EN5ider

Shrieking Song (CR +1) Terrifying Laughter (CR +1)
For harpies cooperating with ravens, swarms of For gnolls cooperating with hyenas.
ravens, vultures, or giant vultures. Gnolls often hunt with trained or even feral
Harpies often allow carrion birds to live among hyenas, and a hungry gnoll’s snarls and yips can
their nests and pick at castaway bones as the right turn the “laughter” of the pack into something out
song can turn a loose squawking mob into a coor- of a nightmare.
dinated and deadly flock. Terrifying Laughter. The gnoll can use a bonus action to
Shrieking Song. The harpy can use a bonus action to yip at a creature it can see within 60 feet, forcing it to
sing a magical melody. Every raven, swarm of ravens, make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw with a –1 penalty
vulture, or giant vulture within 300 feet of the harpy for each gnoll and hyena within 10 feet of it. On a failed
that can hear the song becomes charmed by the harpy. save, the creature is frightened of gnolls and hyenas
Until the song ends, the charmed creatures obey the e
until the end of the gnoll’s next turn.
harpy’s orders to the best of their ability. The harpy
must take a bonus action on subsequent turns to
continue singing and it can stop singing at any time.
The song ends if the harpy is incapacitated. In addition,
creatures charmed by the harpy gain a +2 bonus to AC,
attack rolls, and damage rolls.

Spectral Haunt (CR +2)

For ghosts cooperating with specters.
Ghosts empowered by the blind necrotic rage of
enough specters can become mad blights upon the
land and any who dare enter their haunt.
Spectral Haunt. As a ritual that takes 24 hours, the ghost
and at least 3 specters can haunt an area no bigger than
a 150-foot cube. While the ghost and at least 3 specters
are within the haunted area, the ghost gains innate
spellcasting. The ghost uses Charisma as its spellcasting
ability (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks) and
it can innately cast the following spells requiring no
material components:
At will: chill touch, mage hand
2/day each: darkness, enthrall, ray of sickness
1/day each: bestow curse, blight, phantasmal killer
In addition, the soul of any humanoid creature that
dies within the haunted area immediately rises as a
specter. The area remains haunted until the ghost that
first haunted it is destroyed or it completes a ritual to
haunt a new area.

Monster Combos  |  EN World EN5ider

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