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How to do life outline

I. Intro

a. Why I wrote this

i. Sources used

ii. Touch on time management

b. How it’s written

c. Good luck and enjoy!

II. Purpose

a. Why this is first

b. How to find it

c. Not set in stone

III. Journey

a. Car ride/bike ride analogy

b. Why bike ride is more satisfying

i. Acceptance to change

ii. Adaptable

iii. An internal locus of control with unpredictable, disorderly world

IV. Time

a. Money analogy

b. How to manage and budget

i. Use calendar

ii. Different techniques

iii. Some days are better than others

c. Only so much time, use wisely

V. Systems

a. We are lazy and this is good

b. How to manipulate environment

i. Food example

ii. Enlist friends or parents

iii. Other environment tips

c. Make them EASY and DEFAULT

d. Usually work even when tired

VI. People

a. Influencing people for gain (again, this isn’t bad)

i. Understanding how people think

ii. Subtle psychology

b. Friends

VII. Other tips

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