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By: Kaden Wright 2
Chapter One The Tin Can
Once David, Seen, and Mike got enough fame, they went
home. Mike stared at his “Glen Falls football poster and thought
about what they should do. So he decided to watch T.V. Heroes
II. Just when the movie started, he accidentally changed the
channel. Immediately, Mike saw a replay of the celebration that
New York City had to honor he, Seen, and David.
“That reminds me of something, Said Mike. But I can’t
remember what it was.
up Mikes,” Said Caiden. “WHY DO YOU HAVE TO WAKE ME AT
4:10 EVERY DAY OF SUMMER!!!!!!!!!” Screamed Mike. “Gees are
you blind, there’s a robber in the city, he’s wanted everywhere
in the U.S and in South America,” said Caiden. “All right, but I
have to go to Seen’s house, said Mike. “All right,” said Caiden
grumbly. So Caiden went downstairs and gave himself some
Happy Sats and then went to turn on the T.V. “Wow, thought
Caiden, Mr. Mike has got to stop bossing me around. He turned
on Monday night football, after three hours of football, the
doorbell rang. Ding-Dong, “I got it!” shouted Mike. “No, I got it.”
Caiden shouted back. “No I got it.” Mike shouted back. “O.K
O.K,” Caiden said. Ding-Dong -Ding-Dong -Ding-Dong, went the
doorbell. “Hey Seen, how’s it going. Come in.” “Did you hear
about the robbery? The guy stole all of the high priced
baseballs signed by Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle. And here’s
the worst. His voice was in a whisper. THEY STOLE THE MOST
VALUBLE DIAMOND IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!” Screamed Seen so
suddenly that Mike nearly fainted. “He’s coming for us tonight.”
Said Seen in a whisper. “Then let’s get moving.” Mike said. So
the three got prepared. Mike was in charge of making the plans,
Seen was in charge of making the traps, and Caiden gave ideas
about changes they could make and errors with the traps and
positions things like were the bed was, closet, and other things.
After three hours of careful planning, building, and moving they
finely got in there positions’, they waited in the bathroom for a
half hour so they could wait for Mike and Caiden’s parents to go
to bed. Seen had called to see if he could spend three nights at
Mike’s mansion. Two nights were for fun, and Mike’s parents
said they said they could. David went to bed and woke up at
exactly at 12:00. The robber was there. He went and shot 14
shots out of his dad’s shotgun. The robber was caught by
surprise. Mike tackled him and then signaled to Caiden to
release the bucket of water. He drenched him, then Seen shot
seven shots which was a minor mistake but then the robber got
into Mike’s mansion and stole all their money and valuables.
Seen looked in horror as the robber got into the car and drove
away. But luckily he forgot a rusty, abandon, 1,000,000,000
years old. They didn’t know it at the time but it made the
difference between life and death. The next day at school, Seen,
David, and Mike were disappointed about the robbery. “Are you
kidding me, said Mike. The crook got my parents valuable
coins, they were 40,000,000,000 years old. It’s an old family
tradition.” “Yah said Seen we wish that we could catch him.” All
of a sudden, Mike’s sadness turned in to anger. I am so mad at
that person who stole my things. Then recess ended and they
went inside. Mrs. Gabeson had them do some arithmetic.
“What’s 12x9?” asked Mrs. Gabeson. Dorothy raised her hand.
“96” she answered. Nope, nice try. Then Bobby raised his hand.
He was known for bulling and his low voice. “132” said Bobby,
“too high.” Said Mrs. Gabeson. Then Mike raised his hand. “Yes
Mike” Said Mrs. Gabeson. “108” answered all three boys. “That’s
correct.” Said Mrs. Gabeson. Two hours later, They were
outside. There were about 30 minutes until the bell rang and
they were at their bikes. ”Let’s go said Seen. Maybe we can
make some plans.” “Are you kidding me, said Mike, my parents
will wonder what is going on if I show up 25 minutes before the
bell.” “So what Seen said, We won’t go inside, We’ll just take
some paper and a pencil, then we’ll make our plans. We won’t
go far,” Seen protested. “I guess said Mike. Let’s go.” He said
with a sudden expression change. So the three boys went.
Caiden got a call from Mike’s cell phone. You’re going home
today by yourself, I’ll tell you why later. Bye. Caiden wondered
why he needed to go home by himself. Then the bell rang and
he sighed and walked home.

The robber struck again in Fort NWM (National Weapon

Makers) at 7657 at 9:49 P.M. He took their money and weapons
as well as their uniforms. “Wow” said David. He was watching
the news on AMF. The next day, the principal told all the
teachers to turn on their T.V. and there was a video of “the spy”
the nickname for the robber. The video showed him breaking in
to the NWM and stealing revolvers, machine guns, pistols, and
lots of uniforms and millions of dollars. The show lasted about
an hour. Five hours later, the bell rang and they all went to
Seen’s house. They played Madden, “The Man of Football” for
about three hours. David made a game saving field goal and
Mike adjusted his roster getting Calvin Johnson Jr. and many
others. Seen won three super bowls and made the pro bowl.
Then they went to Mike’s new house but looked around the
grounds of Mike’s old house. “Hey look at this” Seen yelled at the
others holding up a rusty, old can. It looks precious to me.” Seen
said. “Nah, it’s just a rusty old can.” Mike said. “I agree with
Mike.” David said. ”You guys can stay here and look around but
I’m going inside.” Seen said. So Seen did but the can was bright
and colorful, then the can spoke. “I have been here for a long
time. I was first made by an ancient human named Hoth Soe.
Hoth was a very powerful Indian. He killed enough sloths for the
tribe. He got lots of feathers. Two years before he died, he made
me, the tin can. He made me out of tusk and metal. Then he died.
The tribe carried me everywhere. I was passed on to the people
related to Hoth Soe. Then in 5,000 B.C. the Potawoes invaded
and took over our land, as we escaped, I was forgotten. Then in
32 B.C, Canada took over the land of the Potawoes. Then in A.D.
700, I started to rust. I refused any of my magic to anyone. I
stayed like that until you found me in 2025. Only a person who
really cared could free me from the prison I kept myself in. I
know will stay with you and your to other friends. “How do you
now?” And how do you talk and now things? Seen asked.
Because, the tin can said, the tribe Hoth Soe belonged in had a
legend called The Tusk, the legend goes like this, The god
Jupiter was having a bad day in the clouds so he sent Pluto
another god to go and find a magical elephant and bring the
tusk. So Pluto went and looked in his kingdom and had many
adventures that are told in other legends but I’ll keep this short.
Pluto jumped over rocks and looked and looked and looked but
had no success. And then he saw the magical elephant, killed it,
and brought the tusk to Jupiter. He ordered his serpents to find
its magical power to make Jupiter be happy. Many people,
including his own tribe, didn’t believe in that legend but Hoth
Soe never didn’t believe in it, so I was magical and helped the
tribe up to the war. I never helped them during the war because
they never believed in me. The only person sense the war who
believed that something was special about me was you. I now
about the robber and will help you and your peers as soon as all
of you believe in my magic. Okay.” The tin can said. “O.K.” said

Seen brought the tin cup into Mike’s new house. “Hey guys, Seen
called, this tin can is magic, it talks. “Yah, right” David mocked.
First believe that he can talk. “We believe you now,” Mike and
David mocked. “Good, now tin can, these are my friend’s, tin
can.” “Hello, the tin can boomed. You will see my magic when it
is time.” Mike and David were so shocked that neither one could
talk or move for about five minutes. “Wow, a tin can that can
talk. “But for now, the tin can said in a spooky voice, keep me
hidden from anyone.” On Monday morning, June 1st was crazy at
First technology elementary. It took Mrs. Gabeson almost a half
hour to get the class on its first assignment. Mrs. Gabeson and
many other teachers tried to get the class to settle down and
stay in for recess but most of the kids stormed out of the school
for recess, Mike, Seen, and David went into the teacher’s lounge
for recess. “Guys, David said in forlorn voice, I’m going to move
to Salt Lake City. “What’s that” Mike and Seen asked together.
It’s a city in Utah.” David answered. “What, Seen screamed
inside his head, O.K, David moves to New York City and then he
moves in a couple of months.” Okay, Seen finally says. The boys
were so sad and confused that everyone, including Seen forgot
the tin cans promise. “You will see my magic when it time.” The
next week, David moved. The last day of School was such a
disaster that the principal had added one week of school for a
punishment. But on the2nd last day of school, it got so bad that
they had to let out school early. “Man, was that awesome, Mike,
school is out early.” Said Holo. “Yah,” Mike said without looking
up. “Hey, Mike, you don’t sound too happy,” said Holo. “My best
friend is going to move awa- bye, Holo,” “hey wait Mike where
are you going. I need to go home right after school.” Mike lied.
When He found Seen and David, they were surprised to see him.
“Mike, why did you come here so quick.” Yah, David repeated, I
thought were going to Seen’s house. There’s no time to explain,
let’s go. When they reached Mike’s old house, they stopped.
Caiden was playing. “Caiden, out” “No he can stay,” said Mike
before Caiden could leave. Caiden, stay here, we are going to see
if we can tell you the secret.” Then Mike, Seen and David went so
Caiden couldn’t hear what they were saying. “Do you think we
should tell him,” whispered David. “No way,” Seen hissed. “But
it’s the only way to catch him.” Mike responded. “Okay, Okay tell
him,” Seen said. “Hey, Caiden, this is top secret so don’t tell
anyone, and when I say anyone, I mean EVERYONE!” said Mike
“Okay, I get it,” Caiden said annoyed. Show him, David. And he
pulled out a rusty, dented ,but still molded in the shape of a can
old can. Mike, this isn’t funny! Caiden roared with anger. “It’s no
joke! Said Mike, I’ll prove it. He motioned with his hand for Seen
to give him the tin can. “Hello, said Mike tapping on the can.
Caiden burst out laughing, “I’ll tell mom that you were talking to
a can.” “Hello,” Mike said a fifth time. Then the can turned half
black, half white. “Hello, who’ve we got here.” “My little brother,
Caiden,” Mike said. “as I was saying, there are two ways to use
this can, the good way and the bad way. The good way is to solve
things you can’t solve for yourself, like a very tough robber,
hard studying math. You name it. And the bad way is using me
for greed, money, anything. I am only going to do what Hoth Soe

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