Responsive Design: Practices To Use

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Responsive Design
Practices to use
Em and Rem Units
Em Unit
Rem Unit
Clickable elements
Media Queries
Properties for the childs (flex items)

Practices to use
Set the viewport/scale html tag.

Use fluid widths as oppose to fixed ⇒

containers using max-width instead of width
allows containers to adapt to smaller screen sizes.

Media queries

Rem units over px ⇒keeps sizing intact all over the page because rem unit is a
multiplier of whatever the root html element font size is.

Mobile first method ⇒ design first for mobile and then add media queries for larger

Em and Rem Units

The advantage of using relative units is that the content can enlarge and force other
contents down the page.

Responsive Design 1
EM and REM units are usefull for applying them to font-sizes.

Em Unit
Is a multiplier relative to the font size of its parent container

Rem Unit

Relative to the font size of the root html element. <html> tag default
font-size is 16px

Clickable elements
Every clickable element should have the area of a fingertip and the space between each
other should be of that size too. The icons can be smaller, but we can add padding to
make the final target touch area the size of that 48 device independent pixels.

Responsive Design 2
For elements arranged horizontally, the touch targets should be spaced about 32 dp
both horizontally and vertically (we could add a margin) so the users finger pressing
onto each target will not overlap into another one.

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Media Queries
We can create different .css files for the media queries. Ex: mobile.css.
We can add a media attribute to our link tag so depending on the screen size it's going
to load that .css file.

<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (max-width: 768px)" href="mobile.css">

This is going to load our stylesheet only if the screen is 768 or less
(tablet or less). We always going to want to have this under our
MAIN stylesheet (this way is going to have precedence over the
main .css file).

Smart phones: max 500px.

Tablets: max 768px.

Normal: max 1200px

Widescreen: <1200px.

Landscape (turned device): max-height 500px.

@media only screen ⇒ only screen only applies to screen.
max-width ⇒ (to) everything UNTIL the defined width (included)
min-width ⇒ (from) everything STARTING from the defined width (included)

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max-height ⇒(to) everything UNTIL the defined height (included). Everything we
have for the width stills applies to it.


💡 When not having a defined height, the height of the container will be the
height of the content within it

justify-content ⇒ align along the main axis (horizontal in row, vertical in column).
align-items ⇒ aligns items along the cross axis (vertical in row, horizontal in
column). For this to take effect, set a height to the container. When setting it to
stretch it will stretch the items to be the height (column) or width (row) of the

align-content ⇒align when extra space in the cross axis. For example, when
having multiple rows of elements

flex-wrap ⇒ default is set to no-wrap. If we set it to wrap, the elements will move to
the next row when reducing the size of the screen.

flex-shrink ⇒ if set to 0 makes the items to never change they size when reducing
the screen.

flex-grow ⇒
if set to 1 makes the items grow evenly to take the remaining space
when screen is bigger.

Properties for the childs (flex items)

flex-shrink ⇒ If set to 0 the item will never change its size when reducing the

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flex-grow ⇒ if set to 1 grows to take the remaining space when screen is bigger.
When setting to a >1 value it will grow exponencially (bear in mind that if the flex
container has a width it will take that width into account).

flex-basis ⇒ when growing the element (with flex-grow set to 2 for example), makes
the element to grow exactly the double of the size without caring about the width of
the parent flex container.

flex: grow shrink basis ⇒ shorthand for the three previous properties. Mostly of the
time we'll see flex: 1 (flex-grow: 1).

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